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Rajput Rajpoot : Sri Aurobindo: “The struggle between the Church & the monarchical State is one of the most important & vital features of the history of Europe. Had that conflict ended in an opposite result, the whole future of humanity would have been in jeopardy…. Even in India the people which first developed some national self-consciousness not of a predominantly spiritual character, were the Rajputs, especially of Mewār, to whom the Rajah was in every way the head of society & of the nation; & the people which having achieved national self-consciousness came nearest to achieving also organised political unity were the Sikhs for whom Guru Govind Singh deliberately devised a common secular & spiritual centre in the Khālsā, & the Mahrattas who not only established a secular head, representative of the conscious nation, but so secularised themselves that… the whole people indiscriminately, Brahmin & Shudra, became for a time potentially a people of soldiers, politicians & administrators”. [Ideal of Human Unity, s/a CWSA 2:256-59]

63 result/s found for Rajput Rajpoot

... Amitabha! Enter Ruttan and Rajpoots. Page 902 RUTTAN Rajpoots, to save a noble lady captived We march today. No gallant open enemy, But savages who lurk behind the rocks Are our opposers. Sweep them from the hills, Rajpoots, with the mere flashing of your swords And rescue from their villain touch a princess. Exeunt Ichalgurh, Ruttan and Rajpoots. CANACA March, Scythians... Ichalgurh, Ruttan and Rajpoots. OUTSIDE Bappa! Bappa! Ho, Sheva Ekling! An arrow descends and a Rajpoot falls. RUTTAN Still upwards! ICHALGURH Upwards still! Death on the height Sits crowned to meet us; downwards is to dishonour And that's no Rajpoot movement. Brother Ruttan, We're strangled with a noose intangible. O my brave Rajpoots, by my headlong folly Led... you shall have your Rajpootny. I am a soldier, Rajpoot, and know my duty. COOMOOD Is this the Bheel? the rough and uncouth outlaw? He has a princely bearing. This is surely A Rajpoot and of a high-seated blood. BAPPA Which of you's Edur's princess? Let her stand Before me. ISHANY Who art thou that speakst so proudly As if a Rajpoot princess were thy slave, Outlaw? BAPPA ...

... has gone down into the dust. SHIVAJI For the fruit I did not work and by the failure I am not amazed nor discouraged. JAYSINGH Neither did I work for a reward, but to uphold the ideal of the Rajput. Unflinching courage in honourable warfare, chivalry to friend and foe, a noble loyalty to the sovereign of my choice, this seemed to me the true Indian tradition, preferable even to the unity and... with either of us, I saved my honour and assisted your escape. SHIVAJI God extended to me His protection and moved the heart of a woman to give me love and aid. Traditions change. The ideal of the Rajput has its future, but the mould had to be broken in order that what was temporary in it might pass. Loyalty to the sovereign of my choice, that is good; but loyalty to the sovereign of my nation's choice... weakness in resource and numbers by ruse and stratagem, I conquered physical force by keenness of wit and brain-power. The world has accepted ruse in war and politics, and the chivalrous openness of the Rajput is not practiced either by the European or the Asiatic nations. JAYSINGH I hold the dharma as supreme and even the voice of God could not persuade me to abandon it. SHIVAJI I gave up all to ...

... bound sacrifice the Rajputs stood Diminishing each moment. Then a lord High-crested of the Rathore clan stood out From the perplexed assailants, with his sword Beckoning the thousands on against the few. And him the bullets could not touch; he stood Defended for a moment by his lease Not yet exhausted. And a mighty shout Rose from behind, and in a violent flood The Rajputs flung themselves on... parted, till he neared, he slew. Avoiding sword, avoiding lifted arm The blade surprised the Rajput's throat, and down As falls an upright poplar, with his hands Outspread, dying, he clutched Mahratta ground. Loud rose the slogan as he fell. Amazed, The eager hosts of Agra saw reel back The Rajput battle, desperate victory Turned suddenly into entire defeat, Not headlong, but with strong ... rise The dead and wounded heaped. But from the rear The main tremendous onset of the North Came in a dark and undulating surge Regardless of the check,—a mingled mass, Pathan and Mogul and the Rajput clans, All clamorous with the brazen throats of war And spitting smoke and fire. The bullets rang Upon the rocks, but in their place unhurt, Sheltered by tree and rock, the silent grim Defenders ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Khan comes from Rajput stock and the Secretary himself had Brahmin ancestors, and so they can all claim a separate Muslim India. SRI AUROBINDO: If they were Hindus, why do they claim anything separate? PURANI: He also says that the British took India from Muslim hands. So they were the more recent rulers. Somebody from Madras has replied that India was taken from the Sikhs, Rajputs and Mahrattas ...

... in Bengal, a disciple of the famous Yogi Bejoy Goswami, but he did not bring these things into his politics. [At this time there was at Bombay a secret society headed by a Rajput prince of Udaipur.] This Rajput leader was not a prince, that is to say a Ruling Chief but a noble of the Udaipur State with the title of Thakur. The Thakur was not a member of the council in Bombay; he stood above ...

... in the battle of Swaraj. We must not forget that she also has great traditions of old, traditions of learning, traditions of religion, traditions of courage and heroism. Gujerat was once part of the Rajput Page 797 circle and her princes fought on equal terms with Mahmud of Ghazni. Her people form valuable and indispensable material for the building of the Indian nation. The savoir-faire... ability and political instinct of her Brahmins, the thrift and industry of her merchants, the robust vigour and common sense of her Patidars, the physique and soldierly qualities of her Kathis and Rajputs, the strong raw human material of her northern and southern hills, are so many elements of strength which Nationalism must seize and weld into a great national force. Even if Sir Pherozshah Mehta ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Appendix I List of the members of the Task-Force List of the members of the Task-Force (1) Professor Kireet Joshi: Chairman (2) Professor J.S. Rajput (3) Professor M. Mukhopadhyay (4) Professor Prernaben Mohite (5) Dr. Amarjit Singh (6) Shri Sanjay Nandan (7) Dr. M.P. Chhaya (8) Shri Dina Nath ...

... these regiments," Sri Aurobindo stated explicitly. Sister Nivedita also had links with Rajput Thakurs. "She went about among the Thakurs of Rajputana trying to preach to them revolution," said Sri Aurobindo with a chuckle. "At that time everybody wanted some kind of revolution. I myself met several Rajput Thakurs who, unsuspected by the Government, had revolutionary ideas and tendencies. One Thakur... "who introduced me through someone else 1 to the Secret Society," disclosed Sri Aurobindo, "where I came into contact with Tilak and others.... I and some others joined [the Society] along with some Rajput Thakurs." Thus Sri Aurobindo took the oath of the Society and was introduced to the Council in Bombay. Later he became the president of this Bombay Council. The oath-giver placed in the hands ...

... On the Bengali and the Mahratta The relation of the Bengalis to other races of India Bengali & Mahratta creation & concentration traditions. weight of intellectual basis. Rajput. Islam. Bihar. resulting unerringness of tendency as illustrated by vernacular literature, preparatory light for religious & social reconstruction. tendency towards science & industry—failure in education ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... and greatness. And especially it is apparent now that there was a persistent tradition, a fundamental spirit and turn of the aesthetic sense native to the mind of India which links even the latest Rajput art to the earliest surviving work still preserved at its highest summit of achievement in the rock-cut retreats of Ajanta. The materials of the art of painting are unfortunately more perishable... recently discovered and of another kind outside India and in the Himalayan countries carry it forward at the other end as late as the twelfth century and help us to link it on to the later schools of Rajput painting. The history of the self-expression of the Indian mind in painting covers a period of as much as two millenniums of more or less intense artistic creation and stands on a par in this respect... representation of a Persian embassy or the landing of Vijaya in Ceylon. And we may fairly assume that all along Indian painting both Buddhist and Hindu covered much the same kind of ground as the later Rajput work in a more ample fashion and with a more antique greatness of spirit and was in its ensemble an interpretation of the whole religion, culture and life of the Indian people. The one important and ...

... In the meantime, the Moghul emperor in Delhi had shrunk to a mere shadow of his former self; soon he was to become a pensioner of the Company and its virtual prisoner. Moreover, by 1818 the proud Rajputs, driven by petty jealousies, had become feudatories of the Company. All that now remained was the conquest of Sind and the Punjab. The former fell in the aftermath of the disastrous Anglo-Afghan war... themselves with the British against other Indian rulers, than allied together to fight the common enemy. The Nawab of Oudh entered into a subordinate alliance with the British against the Marathas. The Rajput rulers wanted protection against the Marathas. Raghoba sold himself to the British to fight the Peshwa in Poona. The Nizam's forces marched against those of the British in the fight against Tipu. ...

... became Islamic. Under Akbar, the whole of Kashmir came under the sway of the Moguls and during the reign of Aurangzeb, the Rajput Raja of Kishtwar was converted along with his subjects. Even today, it is possible to find aristocrats or Rajas who are descendants of Mohammedanised Rajputs. Political Factors As a result of these invasions and conquests, not only the whole of north ...

... Ananda Coomaraswamy, the famous art historian, Rajput painting in general is the painting of Rajputana and part of Central India and Pahari, that is, the regions of the Punjab Himalayas and Garhwal, including the Kangra valley. Since Dr Coomaraswamy's work, much research has gone into identifying the diverse styles grouped under the general name of Rajput painting. Page 79 Here is how... known series of paintings closely follows the Naishadhacharita text: this is a series of 48 drawings, 29 of which are in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and form part of the great collection of Rajput pictures gathered by Dr. Ananda Coomaraswamy. A second series based upon the same text has surfaced later and is presently in the Jammu Museum. Page 78 b) The Coomaraswamy... Bharata, who says that the actions of the gods spring from the natural disposition of the mind, while those of men depend upon the conscious working of the will." ______ *For Coomaraswamy, Rajput paintings (which he divided into two broad groups, the work produced in Rajasthan — Rajasthani, and the other pro duced in the Himalayan hill states — Pahari) was a separate development from the ...

... institution for national and revolutionary propaganda, but this finally came to nothing. Later on there was a revolutionary spirit in Maharashtra and a secret society was started in Western India with a Rajput noble as the head and this had a Council of Five in Bombay with several prominent Mahratta politicians as its members. This society was contacted and joined by Sri Aurobindo somewhere in 1902-3, sometime ...

... grown your brother; the strong Tyrolese Hold out their hands to you across the grave. From Rouen's burning pile one watches; brave Hofer from sad Verona; in eastern skies Mewar's unconquerable Rajpoots rise. They too preferred strong liberty and rude To a splendid ignominy of servitude. For liberty they gave to alien hands Their faery city and their fertile lands, Themselves to death, their ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... anything in Indian art. SRI AUROBINDO: She is a modernist. But Raymond is a fine artist. He has something more than modem. PURANI: Yes, he appreciates Indian art. But both of them like Moghul and Rajput art. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, because it has become established. They go by the authorities. PURANI: Raymond gave up painting for architecture. SATYENDRA: He has so many plans of the buildings ...

... to a few of their Tirthankars. Notable is a 2500-year-old image of Adinath, the first Jain Tirthankar. Then there is the legendary agni Rund (fire hole). It is from the Fire there that four great Rajput clans —known as the agni kulas — rose. Our family tradition has it that we, the Nahars, are descended from Parmar, the first to emerge from the flames. Ajmer was the next halt, from where Bharatidi... which many call the Venice of the East. Then to the pink city of Jaipur. Through her travels and meetings with all types of people Bharatidi came to know the history and the lore of the valorous Rajputs. Then on to Delhi and its sights. TajMahal beckoned; Page 29 in Agra she spent the last day of 1908, and saw the child 1909 enter the arena of the world. After Agra she ...

... is in the hands of the nobles. His position is that of first among equals, not that of an absolute prince or supreme ruler. We find this conception of kingship continued till the present day in the Rajput States; at Udaipur, for instance, no alienation of land can take place without the signature of all the nobles; although the Maharaja is the head of the State, the sacred descendant of the Sun, his ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... fall below them in genius, yet left behind a great mass of this kind of poetry always beautiful in form and often deep and moving in substance. Another type is created in the perfect lyrics of the Rajput queen Mirabai, in which the images of the Krishna symbol are more directly turned into a song of the love and pursuit of the divine Lover by the soul of the singer. In the Bengal poetry the expression ...

... only, in old times they had grandeur, as you come nearer o our times you find they do finer and more delicate work. For example, late Rajput painting; the fundamental spirit is the same in it. Formerly it was thought that there was a gulf between Ajanta and the Rajput School of painting, but the Nepalese, the Tibetan and Central Asian finds of painting prove the continuity of Indian art. Almost in... h's paintings are from the vital world. I would like to see some of his earlier works. My idea is that in Abanindra's case the inspiration from Ajanta is not so strong as that of the Moghul and Rajput schools. Disciple : Of late he has been leaning more towards the Moghul school. Besides, he has been changing his tech­nique so often that it is very difficult to say which style has really ...

... there for several centuries, but the south long preserved its freedom as it had of old against the earlier indigenous empires. The Rajputs too maintained their independence until the time of Akbar and his successors and it was in the end, partly with the aid of the Rajput princes acting as their generals and ministers that the Moguls completed their sway over the east and the south. And this was again... able to rule it entirely. The next 400 years from 1328 up to 1720 were marked by a valiant and ceaseless struggle for independence by the Hindus to deliver India from Muslim rule. It was the Rajputs who first led this struggle in North India followed by the Jats, Marathas and Sikhs. In the South, this struggle was embodied in the Vijayanagar Empire. This struggle for independence came to its peak ...

... intellectual loftiness, insight and profundity, the poetry of Suradasa & Tulsi; its people are still the most sincerely orthodox and the most attached to the old type of thought & character, while the Rajputs, who are only a Central Nation which has drifted westward, preserved longest the heroic & chivalrous tradition of the Bharatas. The Dravidians of the South, though they no longer show that magnificent ...

... In mortal forms, and held the lower slope. Never has the inmost essence of the Rajput spirit on the battle-field been so monumentally described in a few phrases. "Playmate of death" is absolutely unexcelled, and approached only by the fine alliteration which follows it in the next line... But even the Rajputs could not reach the higher incline; for, like "the rapid breath of Agra's hot simoon"... batde so Before him parted, till he neared, he slew. Avoiding sword, avoiding lifted arm The blade surprised the Rajput's throat, and down As falls an upright poplar, with his hands Outspread, dying, he clutched Mahratta ground. The Rajput batde reeled back, and in their place the Pathan infantry advanced, trying to exhaust the mountaineers; and though even they could... rides off, leaving the slender band of heroes in the gorge. The Moguls immediately begin their assault and, though often hurled back, thrust on, a mingled mass, Pathan and Mogul and the Rajput clans, All clamorous with the brazen throats of war And spitting smoke and fire. The bullets rang Upon the rocks, but in their place unhurt, Sheltered by tree and rock, the silent ...

... and there was not so long a distance of time between the extinction of the kingdom of Vijayanagara and the rise of the Mahrattas. The Rajputs maintained their independence until the time of Akbar and his successors and it was in the end partly with the aid of Rajput princes acting as their generals and ministers that the Moguls completed their sway over the east and the south. And this was again possible... decline she was still able to survive by the same force, abated but not slayable, retreating and maintaining for a time her ancient political system in the south, throwing up under the pressure of Islam Rajput and Sikh and Mahratta to defend her ancient self and its idea, persisting passively where she could not resist actively, condemning to decay each empire that could not answer her riddle or make terms... towards the south. To what degree the racial character of these parts was affected, is far from certain. Oriental scholars and ethnologists have imagined that the Punjab was Scythianised, that the Rajputs are of the same stock and that even farther south the race was changed by the intrusion. These speculations are founded upon scanty or no evidence and are contradicted by other theories, and it is ...

... PURANI: Yes, but they are more individual than general. The writer speaks there of the return of the House of Delhi. SRI AUROBINDO: The House of Delhi? Mogul? That is finished. PURANI: He means Rajput. As regards historical events, the Bhavishya Purana deals with them up to the advent and establishment of British rule in India. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. I remember how during the Swadeshi movement the ...

... inspiring, but it is revolutionary and not non-violent. She went about among the Thakurs of Rajputana trying to preach them revolution. At that time everybody wanted some sort of revolution. I met several Rajput Thakurs who had revolutionary ideas, unsuspected by the Government. One Thakur Ramsingh was afterwards caught in our movement and put to jail. He suddenly died out of fright. But he was not a man to ...

... goes back to Raigurh to bring reinforcements?, leaving Baji and his fifty men to guard the pass. Presently the enemy is sighted in the distance - ...a mingled mass. Pathan and Mogul and the Rajput clans, All clamorous with the brazen throats of war And spitting smoke and fiire. 38 But the determined group of defensive Marathas hurls back wave upon wave of enemy detachments; and... clamour of the close-locked fight. Sword rang on sword, the slogan shout, the cry Of guns, the hiss of bullets filled the air, And murderous strife heaped up the scanty space, Rajput and strong Mahratta breathing hard In desperate battle. 40 The narrative proceeds through the shocks of the battle, the alternations between horror and heroism, and there is a thrilling... Baji Prabhou has indeed found a minstrel worthy of his imperishable sacrifice; but the poet has carefully refrained from diminishing the stature or the heroism of Baji's antagonists: Pathan, or Rajput, or Mogul, the enemy is brave, even as the defending Maratha is, but Baji out-tops them all and his fifty men feel charged by his own sovereign strength of purpose. Sri Aurobindo seems to say - though ...

... enumerated. Historically, reference in ancient literature also indicates a widespread practice and appreciation of the art of painting by both men and women of the cultural classes. Even the later Rajput work continues the spirit and depth of the interpretation of spirituality, religion, culture and life of the Indian people. The six essential elements described in the Indian shastra of Indian... inspired harmony of conception, method and expression. Even colour is used as a means for spiritual and psychic intention. There is a union of greatness and moving grace and this continues even in the Rajput paintings, although the vividness and suggestiveness of the line are bolder and more decisive. Form in the Indian paintings emerges from the deeper source of the soul and the spirit rather than from ...

... trained foe since Trafalgar? They will be broken to pieces by the science and skill of the Mongolian. And the key of Asia will pass into Mongolian hands and the strength of India, the Sikh and the Rajput and the Mahratta, the force of Mahomedan valour and the rising energy Page 990 of new nations in Bengal and Madras will all be at the service and under the guidance of the Mongolian who ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... progress beyond Sindh for nearly 300 years. In spite of the establishment of the Sultanate at Lahore in 1206, the major part of India remained under Hindu rule throughout the thirteenth century. The Rajputs, the Marathas, the Sikhs 1 and other Hindu kings continued to offer stiff resistance to the "Muslim invaders — the greedy barbarians who were attracted by the proverbial 1. In fact, Sikhism ...

... enumerated. Historically, reference in ancient literature also indicates a widespread practice and appreciation of the art of painting by both men and women of the cultural classes. Even the later Rajput work continues the spirit and depth of the interpretation of spirituality, religion, culture and life of the Indian people. The six essential elements described in the Indian shastra of Indian... conception, method and expression. Even colour is used as a Page 31 means for spiritual and psychic intention. There is a union of greatness and moving grace and this continues even in the Rajput paintings, although the vividness and suggestiveness of the line are bolder and more decisive. Form in the Indian paintings emerges from the deeper source of the soul and the spirit rather than from ...

... revolutionary and not at all non-violent. She went about among the Thakurs of Rajputana trying to preach to them revolution. At that time everybody wanted some kind of revolution. I myself met several Rajput Thakurs who, unsuspected by the Government, had revolutionary ideas and tendencies. One Thakur, Ram Singh, who joined our movement, was afterwards caught and put in jail. He suddenly died there in ...

... training people in our secret society started by Tilak. DR. MANILAL: Servants of India Society? (Laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: No, no, a secret society which I and some others joined along with some Rajput Thakurs. While in Bengal the revolutionary party was started by Okakura and joined by Nandy, Suren Tagore and others. The Swadeshi movement started before the Bengal Partition. I was coming and going ...

... know what Swaraj is, you never had it." SRI AUROBINDO: They had it during Shivaji's time; at that time they were all united. Among the Sikhs too there was unity, though later on it broke down. The Rajputs, of course, didn't know what unity was. Europe is now inheriting. The ancient peoples also didn't know how to achieve the malady unity. Porus, after being defeated, allied himself with Alexander and ...

... said "will you tell me that you do not believe in race?" "God forbid." "And you agree with me that an Aryan is various from anon-Aryan, and a Teuton from a Celt and a Celt from a Hindu, and a Rajput from a Mahratta, and that this is fine as an idea and sound as a theory and consonant with Nature, which is fond of sphering harmony within harmony?" "Yes, I agree with all that." "And by origin ...

... Principal, CRPF Public School Sector XIV, Rohini Delhi 150.Prasad, Rajendra Opposite Stadium Main Gate Prem Chand Path Rajendra Nagar Patna 800016 151.Rajput, J.S. Director, NCERT Sri Aurobindo Marg New Delhi -110016 152. Rakesh Vraja Academy C/o. 5/3482-A Rehgarpura Karol Bagh New Delhi- 110005 Page... Assembly of the Bahai's of India, New Delhi. Shri Partho, Principal, Blue Mountain School, Ooty. Dr. Prakash Pattanaik, Department of Oriya Language, University of Delhi. Professor J.S. Rajput, Director, NCERT, New Delhi. Shri Stephen Rudolf, Jiva Institute, Faridabad. Professor A.R. Seetharam, Principal, Ramakrishna Institute of Moral and Spiritual Education, Mysore. Dr. Kavita... Commission Page 763 Speakers (15 minutes each) : Mrs. Bela Banerjee, Joint Secretary, Department of Education ProfessorJ.S. Rajput, Director, NCERT Professor A.N. Maheshwari Chairman, NCTE Shri Ashok Ganguly Chairman, CBSE Professor N.K. Ambasht, Chairman ...

... his family's house in Deoghar, Bihar, during a brief respite from his political activities. The plot of The Prince of Edur is based loosely on the life of Bappa Rawal, the eighth-century Rajput hero. The scene, which includes parts of what is now eastern Gujarat, was familiar to Sri Aurobindo, who was posted in the area while serving as a Baroda state officer. The Prince of Mathura ...

... indicated the mission of India with great justness and insight. We need not follow Mrs. Cleather into her dissertation on the Kshatriyas, whom for some mysterious reason she insists on calling the Red Rajputs, but it is true that the first knowledge of Vedantic truth and the Rajayoga was the possession of the Kshatriyas till Janaka, Ajatashatru and others gave it to the Brahmins. But the real issues of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... fall below them in genius, yet left behind a great mass of this kind of poetry always beautiful in form and often deep and moving in substance. Another type is created in the perfect lyrics of the Rajput queen Mirabai, in which the images of the Krishna symbol are more directly turned into a song of the love and pursuit of the divine Lover by the soul of the singer. In the Bengal poetry the expression... half-realistic narrative which develops a poetic picture of the religious mind and life and scenes of contemporary times and has a strong resemblance in its motive to the more outward element in the aim of Rajput painting. The life of Chaitanya written in a simple and naive romance verse, appealing by its directness and sincerity but inadequate in poetic form, is a unique contemporary presentation of the birth ...

... as was done in Japan and China and in England of the Reformation. Even in India the people which first developed some national self-consciousness not of a predominantly spiritual character were the Rajputs, especially of Mewar, to whom the Raja was in every way the head of society and of the nation; and the peoples which having achieved national self-consciousness came nearest to achieving also organised ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... to obtain the Mother's darshan and blessings. The Mother kept open door for the soldiers; they could come and have darshan almost Page 489 at any time. I remember one officer, a Rajput and very fine man; his name was Arjun Singh, I think. About himself and a friend of his, a senior officer, he said they had a particular love and enthusiasm for the practice of yoga in spite of their ...

... noble virtues which, whatever else failed or perished, had persisted in Indian character for thousands of years, since first the chariots rolled on the hither-side of the Indus. What need for the Rajpoot's courage, the robust manhood, the noble pride of the Kshatriya, when heroic and unselfish England claimed the right of shedding her blood for the safety of the land? What room for the gifts of large ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... industries, the great triumphs of science, scholarship, jurisprudence, logic, metaphysics, the unique social structure? What supported the heroism and self-abandonment of the Kshatriya, the Sikh and the Rajput, the unconquerable national vitality and endurance? What was it that stood behind that civilisation second to none in the massiveness of its outlines or the perfection of its details? Without a great ...

... up the dead—and the living, too—like turkeys. I have floundered about in the virgin forest, sweated with fever and anguish, dug into eagle droppings at the end of a rope in search of the treasure of Rajput princes, and I have performed a few outrageous tricks which do not bear mentioning, but it was still in the unreasonableness of their reason, still the tail of the same monkey! and suddenly, I was ...

... industries, the great triumphs of science, scholarship, jurisprudence, logic, metaphysics, the unique social structure? What supported the heroism and self-abandonment of the Kashattriya, the Sikh and the Rajput, the unconquerable national vitality and endurance? What was it that stood behind that civilisation second to none, Page 681 in the massiveness of its outlines or the perfection of its ...

... rebuff the fighter: Always wage the dharmic fight!' Thus exhorts Mahatma Gandhi. Bharati was confident of the Indians - comprising as they did the freedom-loving Rajputs, Mahrattas, Bengalis, Andhras, Tamils, Kannadigas and the rest - rising successfully to expel the foreigner even at the cost of their lives. In a song which Mr. H. R. Krishnan has described as the ...

... colonisation of Ceylon and the Archipelago, the vivid struggles that attended the rise and decline of the Pathan and Mogul dynasties, the Hindu struggle for survival in the south, the wonderful record of Rajput heroism and the great upheaval of national life in Maharashtra penetrating to the lowest strata of society, the remarkable episode of the Sikh Khalsa. An adequate picture of that outward life still ...

... distinct person intervening in her experiences and speaking to her and inspiring her, also intervening in your action and the experiences of others. Ordinarily I would take it that she is Mirabai, the Rajput queen liberated by a sort of salokya mukti and living with Krishna in Goloka or a divine Brindavan and able to accompany in any manifestation he chose to make of himself through the subtle ...

... Prakritis. Now all these thoughts began to come in, as I said, in my attempt at meditation and the result was - no sleep. Then I said, "O Lord, thou hast helped too 247The famous sixteenth-century Rajput Princess, married to a Rajasthani Prince, was a woman saint who worshipped only Lord Krishna. Her famous, inimitably passionate bhajans (devotional songs) are being sung all over India even today ...

... industries, the great triumphs of science, scholarship, jurisprudence, logic, metaphysics, the unique social structure? What supported the heroism and self-abandonment of the Kshatriya, the Sikh and the Rajput, the unconquerable national vitality and endurance? What was it that stood behind that civilisation second to none, in the massiveness of its outlines or the perfection of its details? Without a... tremendous vogue all over the country. It was thus with personal knowledge as well as with some intuition about the future that Sri Aurobindo wrote the following: Gujarat was once part of the Rajput circle and her princes fought on equal terms with Mahmud of Ghazni. Her people form valuable and indispensable material for the building of the Indian nation. The savoir-faire, the keen-witted... ability and political instinct of her Brahmins, the thrift and industry of her merchants, the robust vigour and common sense of her Patidars, the physique and soldierly qualities of her Kathis and Rajputs, the strong raw human material of her northern and southern hills, are so many elements of strength which Nationalism must seize and weld into a great national force. As future events showed ...

... people! Indian art was not always solely hieratic,—it seemed so only because it is in the temples and cave cathedrals that its greatest work survived; as the old literature testifies, as we see from the Rajput and Mogul paintings, it was devoted as much to the court and the city and to cultural ideas and the life of the people as to the temple and monastery and their motives. Indian education of women as ...

... testimony to his brilliance. In countries like China and Burma (Myanmar), he gave lectures on Indian Art. Among the many books he wrote on art, are: Vedic Painting, South Indian Bronze, Masterpiece of Rajput Paintings, and his research work on music, Ragas and Raginis. 34. viraha: separation, absence of the divine Lover. 35. BrahmSnanda: bliss of absorption into Brahman. 36. sanra ananda: ...

... fire a pistol into his head. The code of military honour demanded such an end and we cannot help admiring it. On a grand scale we have the historical (and far from hysterical) self-immolation of the Rajput women by fire to avoid falling Page 297 into the hands of Muslim conquerors. Even a rare genuine case of sati , as in ancient times, has a halo about it, a soul-splendour whose outer ...

... decline she was still able to survive by the same force, abated but not slayable, retreating and maintaining for a time her ancient political system in the south, throwing up under the pressure of Islam Rajput and Sikh and Mahratta to defend her ancient self and its idea, persisting passively where she could not resist actively, condemning to decay each empire that could not answer her riddle or make terms ...

... revolutionary work in Bengal and to give training in rifle-shooting. Earlier Sri Aurobindo had learnt of a secret revolutionary society in Maharashtra under the leadership of Thakur Ram Singh, a Rajput prince from the State of Udaipur. Sri Aurobindo joined its Bombay branch and took the oath of the party. The Thakur was actively engaged in winning over regiments of the Indian Army to the revolutionary ...

... principles to the past. From 500 A.D. we find a steady decline in the political and mental condition of the country down to the two centuries of darkness from which we emerged into the periods of the Rajputs and the Muslim conquest. Follow the fortunes of India down the next eight centuries and note the steady decline in Hindu power, both political and mental, till we come to the time when Europeans obtained ...

... foreign Asuras, forced the sāttvic men into obscurity and brought about the reign of tamas. At the time of the Muslim advent, the widespread knowledge had already begun to shrink and the Rajputs who were predominantly rajasic occupied   Page 8 the throne of India. Northern India was in the grip of wars and internal quarrels and, owing to the decadence of Buddhism, Bengal was overcome ...

... witnessed a similar splendour of artistic activity. This means a tradition of at least two millenniums, placing Indian painting on a par with Indian architecture and sculpture. Buddhist, Hindu and later Rajput painters - amidst all the changes in style - reveal nevertheless the oneness and continuity of all Indian art and its essential spiritual tradition. Unlike sculpture, which has to wrestle with a more ...

... The Chairman invited the speakers to present their views: HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESENTATIONS Paper VI: Value Education Initiatives of NCERT and its Future Vision Speaker: Professor J.S. Rajput *During last forty years, NCERT and its constituent units have contributed in promoting quality and standard of school education in the country. It has helped in building capacity of state-level ...

... grandfather, had started a society which Tagore had joined when young! But these efforts did not result in any achievement. There was a secret society in Maharashtra presided over by Thakur Ramsingh, the Rajput prince. The Bombay branch was managed by a council of five. Sri Aurobindo was able to contact this body and joined it. This was after he had already started his activity in Bengal. During this ...

... revolutionary and not at all non-violent. "She went about the Thakurs of Rajputana, trying to preach to them revolution. At that time everybody wanted some kind of revolution. I myself met several Rajput Thakurs who, unsuspected by the Government, had revolutionary ideas and tendencies..." Referring to Gandhi's remark that Nivedita was volatile and mercurial and the subsequent violent protest ...

... red trails of Afghanistan and unearthed Greco-Buddhist heads, but there was still no smile on my lips; I climbed the slopes of the Himalayas, dug into eagles' nests in search of the treasure of the Rajput Princes; I smoked opium to the point of drowning, I hammered at all the doors of this body, but the secret was still not there; I plunged into Guyana's rain forest and listened to the shrieks of red ...

... III SELECTED PAPERS/REPORTS PRESENTED AT THE SEMINAR (PART II) VALUE EDUCATION INITIATIVES OF NCERT AND ITS FUTURE VISION J. S. RAJPUT Introduction There has been much to feel elated in the current terms. The knowledge 'explosion' has extended the mental horizons of human beings. Utilisation of skill and knowledge has brought ...