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Retaliation : unfinished poem by Goldsmith – humorous critical epitaphs on David Garrick, Reynolds, Burke, & other friends responding to their epitaphs on him.

35 result/s found for Retaliation

...      touch .. shrub, bush (छित्र, क्षुद्रः) .. combat, war (lit. rush, shock cf छुद्रं) .. air, wind (cf the next, lit. rushing) .. active, zealous, swift छुबुकं      Ved. chin छुद्रं      retaliation, counteraction .. ray of light (lit. segment) छो      to cut, sunder .. mow, reap छोटिका      snapping thumb & forefinger together. छोटिन्      fisherman (one who snaps up fishes) छोलंगः... move off, go; throw, eject; quick or decisive motion or contact or sound. छुप्      to touch छुपः      touch; active, swift .. air, wind .. combat, war (originally charge or shock) छुद्रं      retaliation, counteraction छोटिका      snapping of thumb & forefinger. छुच्छुन्दरः      muskrat छृद्      to play (dart about) .. vomit, eject. Page 657 छर्द्      to vomit, with its derivatives ...


... the villages and delay action till the looting and outrage have been accomplished; to look on inactive in the face of a surging Mahomedan tumult and be on the alert when there is a rumour of Hindu retaliation;—all this is not incompetence, but connivance. We could have understood it, if the authorities had been equally supine and helpless in dealing with Hindus as with Mahomedans, but this is not the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Committee is a romantic delusion. The facts are entirely inconsistent with it. What we see is that, where there is sporadic repression of a severe kind on the part of the authorities, there is sporadic retaliation on the part of a few youthful conspirators, perfectly random in its aim and objective. The Nasik murder is an act of terrorist reprisal for the dangerously severe sentence passed on the revolutionary ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... first leave the darkness before hoping to realize genuine harmony? It is thus not through non-violence that we shall resolve the problem of our innate violence. For non-violence is a form of retaliation, a more subtle form of violence: it attempts to obtain through moral force what is generally achieved by the exertion of physical force. It covers the adversary with contempt by showing him that ...


... Jews. There is no doubt that Hitler did not have to push much to make a National Socialist kick a Jew, and harassing those “other” people was a lot of fun for a member of the Hitler Youth, as retaliation was out of the question. National Socialism wanted to discard the Jews from German society. Hitler wanted to eradicate them physically, sooner or later, from the body of humanity. Did a National ...


... cannot be ruled out." Anyway, respect for the principle of sovereignty depends on circumstances. No doubt, the principle cannot be lightly set at nought. But if one has refrained for a long time from retaliation because incontrovertible evidence of guilt was lacking and if at last such evidence comes to hand, there is no reason why punitive Page 377 military measures within defined limits ...


... contrast between the two kinds of soil, utilised & unutilised. The premature attempts at conquest began with aggressions on the nearest barbarian villages & the raid seen was the first effective retaliation carried out in the absence of the fighting men of the colony, so that on the side of the attacked only women, children & peaceful unarmed men are seen fleeing to a habitual & secret place of refuge ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... animals are better than human beings—but if people here also do the same, they would be playing in the hands of the forces that make people do evil and would only strengthen the hold of these forces. Retaliation like this is no remedy. (B.) People there feel frustrated, they see no remedy, do not know which way to go, whom to look up to. They are going the wrong way, following the wrong lead. Isn't the ...


... of it, the suggestions it gives and so on. It comes with such power that I am compelled to see it—I see. So there is only ONE solution (so far): the absolute stillness of the supreme Force—but no retaliation, simply like this ( inflexible, still gesture ). Then, after a time, it exhausts itself and falls away. But one must hold out, and few people are able to hold out—it's hard. It's hard—it's nasty ...


... to be more successful. PURANI: Champaklal was showing different poses of standing. The British have started arresting the Japanese. SRI AUROBINDO (laughing): Yes, and they say it is not retaliation. Extraordinary coincidences, I suppose. PURANI: Yes, many such coincidences are possible in this world. SATYENDRA: This is better than wordy warfare. PURANI: The Bengal Government is taking ...


... the Tibetan chow. An Italian spaniel also came with her to our house. He was a male and his name was Rin. If any of the children annoyed Rita then Rin would get furious. He would angrily bark in retaliation. Rita was like his sister and he was always her elder brother. Finally Rin was sent to one of my uncles where he was quite happy. One day in the morning they discovered Rin lying dead outside ...

... violence grows by what it feeds on, on 3 December 1971 Pakistan's Yahya Khan struck against India too (as his predecessor, Ayub Khan, had done in 1965), this time however provoking swift and massive retaliation. Within a fortnight the war was decisively won by India and Bangla Desh, and albeit bruised and bleeding, Bangla has ended forever her helotage to West Pakistan; and the "two nations" theory that ...

... resistance leaders to meet him. They went. They saw a feeble man lying in his bed. Their soft hearts melted at the sight. It was then very easy for Gandhiji to extract a promise from them to stop retaliation. For, said he, he had resolved to withdraw his 'indefinite' fast only when people, 'Muslims and Hindus,' could move about freely in the streets of Calcutta. Instead of telling everybody "You ...

... or of a typical man of letters during this period. 3) Estimate Goldsmith as a poet. 4) Describe briefly the subject & character of the following poems; the Deserted Village, the Traveller, Retaliation. 5) What rank would you assign to Churchill among English satirists? Give your reasons for your answer. 6) Describe briefly the subject & character of the Rosciad, the Ghost, Gotham, the Times ...


... Rawalpindi. The unprovoked blow given by a Gurkha to Srijut Satis Chandra Chatterji was obviously a prearranged affair, leaving the victim the choice between swallowing the insult and an act of retaliation which might have led to an émeute . Page 463 We think that Srijut Satis Chandra on the whole did well to subordinate his feelings to the good of his country, but the odds were the other ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... country, in the making of its laws. And India impoverished, degraded, demoralized, did not look with love upon the spoiler. Now the Boycott has commenced upon the other side, but it is not an act of retaliation merely; it is much more an unravelling of the English web, a retracing of the steps towards perdition which we were forced or induced to take. Shall we continue our course to perdition, shall we ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... busy fomenting with perfect impunity. There is no other explanation of the facts. The thing has happened and we wish to say at once that nothing in our remarks must be held to mean that we advise retaliation. But incidents like these never happen to a brave, patriotic and self-respecting nation; they happen only to those who cower and fear and, by their character, justify men who think themselves entitled ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... aishwarya..... Resistance is almost invariable, but often it is rapidly overcome Kamananda is once more dominant. Reference— शोधः Purification .. rectification .. acquittal of debts .. retaliation. At night foiled attack on the samananda. Movement towards the intensity of the madhura dasya accompanied with a stronger sense of the Ishwara not as Mechanist, but as Natha & Bhokta ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... on record its deep sense of indignation at the gross wrongs inflicted on them and suggests the adoption of Boycott of Colonial and British goods by other Provinces of India by way of protest and retaliation. XVIII. That having regard to the gradual diminution of commons or pasture land for cattle, this Conference urges the Government and the people specially the land-holding classes to adopt measures ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... my guru and so unless there was a genuine repentance I could not offer my hand of “forgiveness “. I have, personally, never nursed anger against her: it is not with me a question of anger or retaliation. I pray for Maya still that she may repent and turn to you. But I can’t do anything which brings any distance between you and me. It has always been unthinkable for me and today it is impossible ...

... 5. Settling Accounts Hitler and his God Annus terribilis After a series of bad years, 1923 was a terrible year for Germany. In retaliation for unsatisfactory “reparations”, i.e. punitive payments agreed upon in the Treaty of Versailles, three French and Belgian divisions occupied the Ruhr, Germany’s industrial heartland. The German Government responded ...


... the artist nature. The freedom from such a temperament has helped my attempt as a sadhak to move towards an equanimity which would have no personal reaction, no twinge of resentment, no impulse of retaliation, no shadow of frustration. But whatever degree of equanimity I may have caught from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, the person who went out of the Ashram's precincts and lived in Bombay for years was ...


... enclosed note. Blessings ( The “enclosed note”, whose authorship is unknown, reads: ) The report about the attack on the Ashram on the night of the 11th February did not arise from any sense of retaliation or from fear or justification or self-commiseration, neither for favour or offence; it arose from an inner compulsion to give the simple truth. This is its basis. 3 March 1965 ...

... by prohibiting not only killing but anger as well, not only adultery but also lust); he forbids altogether what the Law allows (no divorce, no oath); and he turns from the Law to its opposite (no retaliation (Deut.l9:21), but rather generosity to offenders; not hating enemies (Deut.7:2) but loving them). In other words, the Jesus of the Sermon speaks with a confidence that implies that he is closer to ...


... of the Iliad. She was eventually restored to Achilles. Cassandra: The most beautiful daughter of Priam and Hecuba, king and queen of Troy. She was loved by Apollo but deceived him. In retaliation the god turned to a curse the gift of prophecy he had bestowed on her, causing her prophecies never to be believed. Centaurs: Fabulous creatures, for the Cassandra, being ...


... justice or to provide protection to the targets or their families. On October 6, Maulana Azam Tariq, a Sunni extremist leader and member of parliament, was murdered in an apparent act of retaliation by unknown assailants. Maulana Azam Tariq had generated animosity because of his reported declaration that Shi'a were non-Muslims and legitimate targets for murder, and his being allowed to contest ...

... quarrel between the two which forms the central unresolved problem in the Iliad. Cassandra: the most beautiful daughter of Priam and Hecuba;She was loved by Apollo, but deceived him. In retaliation he cursed her with the gift of prophecy, with the hitch that her prophecies would never be believed. Cauldron: a large kettle. Centaur: a member of the race, half man and ...


... all high officials, white or otherwise, of the government, be they police officers or governors, become targets for assassination. The political rebels had already begun making bombs, but now, in retaliation to the British repression, Barin decided to kill either the Governor or the Magistrate. A bomb was made for this purpose, and a group of young men prepared to carry out the killing. And it was this ...

... spoke openly in favour of alliance with the British in Calcutta. SRI AUROBINDO: It seems to be a mystery. The Indian Government is refusing telegrams from the French it seems. If so, it may be a retaliation against the French for their action against the British in Syria. Have you read Gandhi's argument in favour of Ahimsa? He says that non-violence has been in progress and that De Gaulle has now ...


... Bazarovs of this world are at bay - and he begins to wonder whether at the very heart of his philosophy and action there isn't a darkness, an inbuilt futility. The way of violence, the technique of retaliation and revenge, they lead but to a cul-de-sac. The violence of desperation may have a logic and grandeur of its own, but in the final analysis it is rather foolish and futile. When Mirra asked ...


... comments. The "New Thought" was summed up, first negatively by Satish Mukherjee: It is not the offspring of a spirit of revenge; it is not the advocating of mere measures of coercion and retaliation; it is not a mere suggestion of despair. Then followed the "Passive Resistance" series, in which Sri Aurobindo discussed its possibilities as an instrument of political action - an instrument ...

... members of a revolutionary group. Page 286 to young, ardent and impetuous minds. In the second place, acts of repression on the part of the Government seemed to cry for immediate retaliation. The revolutionaries knew of course that terrorism wasn't the right way: that path, "as we have seen about Russia... led only to mutual assassinations, murder and revenge. .. in an endless succession ...

... bound up with the life itself and the persistent violation of them, if it does not destroy the oppressed organism, provokes necessarily the bitterest revolt and ends in one of Nature's inexorable retaliations. But in the third order of the natural conditions also British statesmanship in Ireland committed an equally radical mistake in its attempt to get rid by violence of all elements of Irish particularism ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... that no section of the Hindu community would indulge in reprisals for acts of injustice and brutality committed against Hindus in Pakistan is simply to be ignorant of human nature: the way to avoid retaliations is not merely to preach Gandhism to the masses or to punish those who take the law into their own hands but to add to all genuinely preventive or deterrent measures an attempt to stop the occasions ...

... bound up with the life itself and the persistent violation of them, if it does not destroy the oppressed organism, provokes necessarily the bitterest revolt and ends in one of Nature's inexorable retaliations." 1 The rulers were fairly well versed in the law of economics—production, wages, exchange, profit, rent, market, and so on. A set of guidelines existed for planning and budgeting, for the imposition ...