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7 result/s found for Rijuta

... July 1970, the same Rijuta, who acted as a secretary handling the correspondence with the disciples and devotees in America, was again in the Mother’s presence and the cause of a sudden revelation important enough to be quoted in extenso. ‘I had an experience which was for me interesting, because it was for the first time. It was yesterday or the day before, I do not remember. Rijuta was here, there... them has remained the same, absolutely the same. It is even more constant.’ 19 We find a confirmation of this in a conversation of 11 September 1968, when in the presence of an American disciple, Rijuta, whose psychic being seems to have been fully developed, the Mother again observed that her own psychic being had remained very much present. How had she not been practically aware of a fact like... tendencies, all gone. And I understood: “Ah! it is that, it is this psychic being which has to become the supramental being.” ‘But I had never sought to know what its appearance was like. And when I saw Rijuta, I understood. And I see it, I’m seeing it still, I’ve kept the memory. It was as if the hair on the head was red (but it was not like that). And its expression! An expression so fine, and sweetly ...

... Release of Sept Jours en Inde .   January 6, 1981 Last letter of appeal to Rijuta.   January 22, 1981 (Personal letter) ... There were many invisible claws during the "battle of Rijuta," and now everything seems to have subsided: they have swallowed their prey. I wrote a last letter to Rijuta to try and save her (her as a being, independent of the Agenda ), but the ashramite... December 26, 1980 Rijuta wants neither my "fallacious" and "misleading" words in the Agenda , nor "to participate in a conspiracy against the Ashram." May Your Will be done. There is nobody in the Ashram. * My face swollen. No dentist. * (Personal letter) Here is the latest "dose" for the year. They are all relentless. There is nothing to "respond" to Rijuta, she collapses at... without a lawyer (I hope that it will be with a face a little less disfigured). We will go on until the end. But we feel such a pain in our heart. Satprem * (Letter to Rijuta, originally in English) Dear Rijuta, Your letter makes me very sad. These forces would be only too happy to get you out of the Agenda work. They will throw at you all their irrefutable arguments — shall I refute ...

... conscious of the splendor of a Marvel... a Marvel beyond all understanding. And then, there is in the consciousness the very strong feeling—very strong—that the time has come. I said this to Rijuta the other day: there are immense periods during which things are prepared—the past wears out and the future is prepared—and those are immense periods... neutral, drab, during which things keep repeating... when man appeared on earth—now it's something else, another being. In any case, it is certain that we shall see the signs, or rather that we are now seeing the precursory signs.... I said that to Rijuta while announcing to her (she didn't know it) that the U.S. president would go to Moscow to sign a peace treaty with Vietnam. There were three wars, one of which had stopped but wasn't resolved: that ...


... what the Mother observed on 1 July 1970, thanks to the presence of the same woman mentioned earlier, an American disciple called Rijuta. ‘I had an experience which was interesting for me because it was the first time. It was yesterday or the day before, I don’t remember. Rijuta was here, there in front of me, and I saw her psychic being that dominated her by this much [gesture: about 20 centimeters]. It... ennobled, illumined, since Matter and the world of Matter have increasingly to manifest the indwelling Spirit.’ 6 This important passage was now as it were being illustrated by the psychic being of Rijuta. The process, the mechanism of the supramental transformation at once became clear to to the Mother. If one realizes what the psychic being really is, and if one takes into consideration the crescendo... understood: so, this is it, it is the psychic being that must become the supramental being. ‘But I had never taken any time to find out how [the supramental being] would look like. And when I saw Rijuta, I understood. And I see it, I still see it, I have kept the remembrance. It was as if its hair was almost red (but it was not like that). And its expression! An expression that was so refined and ...


... the thousand ties and cares of the outward ignorant existence. I had an experience which I found interesting, because it was the first time. It was yesterday or the day before (I forget), [Rijuta, an American disciple]. was here, just in front of me, kneeling, and I saw her psychic being towering above by this much (gesture about eight inches), taller. It's the first time. Her physical being... incapable of being transformed in the image of the psychic, of being part of the psychic.        That's really interesting. Page 69 When I had that experience of the psychic [with Rijuta], I said to myself, "But where is my psychic?..." It's constantly active, mingled with everything, it's what speaks; when people ask questions, I answer through it.... But I don't have the "sensation" ...

... the map of India and distribute toffees made by Ganpatram-ji to everyone. An American lady named Rijuta would take the toffee from the Mother with her left hand. I found that very improper. How could she take the toffee with her left hand? And so one day I blurted out to the Mother: “Why does Rijuta take the toffee from You with her left hand? It doesn’t look good.” The Mother looked at me greatly ...


... Realisation.) 5th November 1938 Sri Aurobindo [ST] Prapatti (Surrender) K. C. Pati I.5.60 The Mother [ST] Pulakā (Cheerful) Kabi Sicka 13.9.61 The Mother [ST] To Patricia Rijuta (Straightforward) 21.5.60 The Mother [ST] Sahadja (Spontanée) Christiane 26.11.56 The Mother [ST] Sahaya (Helpful) Toshiko 8.1.57 The Mother [ST] Saphala (The successful) ...
