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28 result/s found for Roger Anger

... understood from Vikas's letter that Roger Anger and Shyamsunder approved of the resolution that all the statements by the Mother about Matrimandir should be released. This was not true, because my file consisting of the Mother's letters to me and her talks regarding the Matrimandir and Auroville, approved and blessed by the Mother was totally rejected by Roger Anger with the remark: Past, old and... according to your directions. At a general meeting of all Matrimandir workers some months ago it was generally agreed that all statements by the Mother about the Matrimandir should be released. Roger Anger and Shyamsunder both approved of this resolution. This possibly explains the discourtesy. Anyhow, please accept our apology. Looking to the future, could you kindly give me an appointment to ...


... casually or for some work. One of our first contacts took place when the Comite Administratif d' Auroville was formed. The main enthusiasts behind this Administrative Committee of Auroville were Roger Anger and Navajata. I was inducted as a member in it and in this capacity I did attend its meetings, but I was not feeling happy. The meetings were held every week on the first floor of the Auroville office... feeling of relief. Once I was asked by Navajata to draft a resolution for the operation of the Bank accounts of Auroville by four persons Page 22 jointly viz Andre, Navajata, Roger Anger and Prem Malik. Till then Mother was the sole signatory in the Bank accounts and the volume of the Bank transactions was on the increase. There was rationality in the decision but Mother was not ...

... started mobilising the necessary support. On 19 June 1967, the foundation-stone of the advanced Guest House, Promesse, was laid on the edge of the proposed site of Auroville. The French architect, Roger Anger, soon transformed the abandoned toll-collectors' barracks into comfortable flats. He was also entrusted by the Mother with the responsibility for the lay-out of Auroville and the architecture of... wrapped in the future. But the divine seed was at last cast on Auroville's sacred soil when at the chosen spot the foundation stone of Matrimandir was laid on 21 February 1971. As visualised by Roger Anger, the Matrimandir will appear as an unsupported golden globe suspended in space, light filtering from top to bottom, an architectural lyric, a materialised meditation, a brazier of Aspiration from ...

... see that one is so, having passed beyond the stage where one wants to be so. VI The Auroville project that was initiated by the Mother in 1965 took certain decisive steps during 1966. Roger Anger, the principal architect, arrived on 7 March with plans and photographs, and started working with his team of associates, duly taking note of the Mother's vision, the proposed terrain, and the local... and governed only by the inner Law Divine. An advance colony called "Promesse" was established in mid-1967 on the outskirts of Auroville. Promesse was really the old Customs House now remodeled by Roger Anger, and had individual apartments to house the architects, a post office, and a maternity home where the first Aurovilians were to be born. It was decided that the formal inauguration or dedication-ceremony ...


... Down Memory Lane Auroville Architect — Roger Anger I heard of Roger Anger the day Mother spoke to Navajata about him in connection with Auroville. That was when the Auroville idea was just getting known. An offer was received from him in his firm's name for the architectural services to be rendered by him to Auroville. "I am giving you a costly architect ...

... The Spirit of Auroville After all Roger Anger did not resign! I wrote him the following letter on 1.10.74: Dear Roger, From many people I have heard of your displeasure regarding my booklet "Matrimandir—The Mother's Truth and Love". I have kept quiet so far over the various unfriendly remarks made about me. Now I feel that I must clear certain ...


... the Aurovilians, would impose radical changes in orientation on this system which has, in my view, already too much impaired the image of Auroville and seriously threatened its development. Roger Anger ...


... infinite: the Universe and human stupidity. And I am not sure about the former. Sri Aurobindo's words are true: An idiot hour destroys what centuries made . There was a total objection from Roger Anger to modify the present Urn. The Mother's "Dream" would remain unfulfilled. I felt within me that there was no point in arguing any further. I wrote to Nolini-da about the money given to Shyamsunder ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Seyril wrote to me from the Matrimandir Workers' Camp: My dear Huta, The copy of your letter to Roger Anger has been received and is now being circulated among the Aurovilians in the Matrimandir area. We are always grateful to learn whatever we can about the Matrimandir. It is very good to know that the Mother's vision ...


... The Spirit of Auroville I sent to Piero a copy of my letter to Roger Anger He wrote to me on 12.6.87: Dear Huta, Your letter to Roger shows that at last one person cares for Truth! It is important. Eventually Roger should spare Mother and Sri Aurobindo the load and falsehood of these ambitious useless costly decorations, that Mother did not want ...


... She replied: You can be sure that the Matrimandir will be done according to the Divine’s inspiration. With love and blessings . By this time the Mother had already instructed Roger Anger to make twelve gardens in the central part of Auroville. But.... ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Things happened quite contrary to the Mother's message! I wrote to Roger Anger on 16.2.73: Dear Roger, It is very nice of you to have asked Alain and Ruud to come to me yesterday evening to discuss my house near the Matrimandir. I have explained to them all that the Mother wished and decided. Moreover, everything is stated ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Later, Roger Anger sent me a copy of his following note through Shyamsunder. March 26, 1973 Further to the letter of Huta and the different questions asked by a few Aurovilians concerning the Matrimandir, particularly on the subject of the secret chambers, the Mother has said that these were envisaged at one time but are not ...


... daughter said to me the same. Vasudha, the Mother's personal attendant told me several facts about the project of the Matrimandir and Auroville, also about talks which took place between the Mother, Roger Anger and others, for during that period Vasudha was mostly present. Quite a number of other people, including Aurovilians, echoed the same view about the lotus-urn. While there has never been any question ...


... Spirit of Auroville Pournaprema, the Mother's granddaughter, once showed me a big card depicting the Golden Temple in Kyoto, which the Mother gave to Roger Anger on his birthday in 1966. Underneath the card she had inscribed a message in French, as in this transcription from the original: ...


... Reddy, C.R. 462 Richard, Paul 46ff, 78ff, 86, 89-90, 100ff, 107,119,126, 150,153,183, 201ff, 207-8 Rikiu (Zen Master) 194 Rishabhchand 63, 255, 277-8, 498, 691 Robi Gupta 723 Roger Anger 726, 744, 756, 778, 792-3 Romen Palit 268-9, 311, 365, 708 Roy, M.N. 404 Roy, Motilal 49, 89, 100-3, 107, 118, 127, 132-3, 149ff, 203-5, 213, 241, 281 Ruud Lohman 803-4 Sahana ...


... of the name. Sponsored by the Sri Aurobindo Society, unanimously recommended by UNESCO, and directed by a voluntary team of architects and engineers from various countries, under M. Roger Anger of Paris, the town was originally developed for 50,000 inhabitants on a circular or concentric plan, with equal place given to the four fundamental aspects of man's activity: Dwelling (Residential ...

... took Her hand-kerchief in Her palm and closed Her hand] , so small like this . But here, gardens and lake are very close to the Matrimandir. Everything was crowded, congested and suffocating. Roger Anger and his colleagues must have found from their office the copy of the Mother's sketch which she had given to me on 25.6.1965. They have misused it without my knowledge, because I have never given ...


... The Spirit of Auroville In answer to my note regarding the Matrimandir, Roger Anger wrote to me on 10.12.73: Dear friend, Thanks for your note. I was open to the reflections you made and I thank you for having expressed them so spontaneously. In effect, we all have the task of expressing our potentialities in order to build up the future ...


... the gardens at Matrimandir: this is because I refuse to be a party to decisions which are in contradiction with the arrangements made with full sanction of the Mother. Affectionate regards Roger Anger ...


... letter to you, knowing that you will surely understand the value of the Mother's Vision regarding the Matrimandir—where now so many controversies are going on among so many groups. At the moment Roger Anger is here. He has appeared on the scene after ten years or so, and claimed to have sole right on the project and wishes to do things quite contrary to all that the Mother had wished. Piero Cicionesi ...


... The Spirit of Auroville I wrote a letter to Roger Anger on 7.6.1987: Dear Roger, Greetings. We never had a chance to exchange our views regarding the Matrimandir. The last time we met was years ago at my place. I could not express anything very clearly to you, because of my poor French. Since Shyamsunder was with us I was under the impression that ...


... The Spirit of Auroville On 1.6.1989 I came to know that Roger Anger was planning to construct 12 Meditation Rooms around the Matrimandir in the form of petals. Many people including myself never appreciated the idea. There was a great difference of opinion between Roger and Piero regarding the outer structure of Matrimandir and gardens. Piero was not ...


... break upon earth. In point of fact, the supramental Force had come down into him long ago." The meaning of the last statement about Sri Aurobindo is evidently, as she explained to Monsieur Roger Anger one day and later to me on 25 November 1970, that Sri Aurobindo's embodied being had experienced the Supermind's descent but that the Supramental Force had not entered sufficiently and permanently ...


... individual scale and this is what the Mother's statement first cited by Albless implied. From my later essay the statement was pressed into service in a brochure on Auroville which the architect Roger Anger was preparing in 1970. It was then read out to the ¹. Life-Literature-Yoga: Some Letters of Sri Aurobindo (Revised and Enlarged Second Edition, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, ...

... since it had been a haunted place. Needless to say there has been no trouble since then to anyone living there. × Roger Anger, the French architect who was invited by the Mother to draw up the plan of Auroville. ...


... October 1969. She first visited an exhibition at the Auroville office where she was received by Aurovilians of many nationalities, and the whole Auroville project was explained to her in detail by Roger Anger, the chief architect of Auroville. She then visited the Ashram, accompanied by Nandini Satpathy (her Deputy Minister) and the Lt. Governor and Chief Minister of Pondicherry. She spent about twenty ...


... under discussion, the Mother took a piece of paper and in the course of two or three minutes drew a circular design with a small central area. Although a team of international architects headed by Roger H. Anger laboured long over the plans for several months on end, they were ultimately to give up the square pattern on which they had started, and to arrive, unwittingly and ultimately, as if by divine ...
