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Rosicrucian : member of a brotherhood possessing esoteric wisdom. Rosicrucianism combines elements of occultism with a variety of religious beliefs & practices.
... very strange, he has a strong, powerful face, but a nasty mouth ( blade-like gesture ), tight-lipped, pinched. And recently I saw two photos of the heads of the Rosicrucian movement in Holland (or Belgium, I forget), the Rosicrucian movement in Europe—exactly the same nasty, hard, inexorable mouth. Odd. Right in the beginning, you told me the same thing about the Pope. Yes, he has the same ...
... these matters with Glauer. At Bursa he made the acquaintance of the Termudi family … Old Termudi had retired from business to devote himself to a study of the Cabbala and collecting alchemical and Rosicrucian texts … The Termudis were Freemasons … Glauer was initiated into the lodge by old Termudi and subsequently inherited his occult library. In one of these books Glauer discovered a note from Hussein ...
... what it is not; they have failed to understand that error and the sources of error must be weeded out before the good corn of truth can grow. They have fallen into the snare of Gnostic jargon and Rosicrucian mummery and have been busy with a nebulous chase after Mahatmas, White Lodges and Lords of the Flame when they should have been experimenting earnestly and patiently, testing their results severely ...
... Unfortunately, as always happens to a great effort in unfit hands, it stumbled at the outset & went into strange bypaths. It fell into the mediaeval snare of Gnostic mysticism, Masonic secrecy & Rosicrucian jargon. The little science it attempted has been rightly stigmatised as pseudo-science. A vain attempt to thrust in modern physical science into the explanation of psychical movements,—to explain ...
... Nivedita spoke of the Theosophists as "woolly-headed people." SATYENDRA: The Rosicrucians too believe in the reality of mystic experiences. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, Arjava (John Chadwick) belonged to one of their groups at Cambridge, and this created a lot of difficulty for him at the beginning of his sadhana here. The Rosicrucians posit two principles in man—good and evil personas. The evil person has to ...
... whom Sri Aurobindo named Arjava. He was a philosopher of mathematics from Cambridge University, where he had been ‘a distinguished Don as well as a Fellow of Trinity College.’ He had discovered Rosicrucianism and, through Krishnaprem, also Sri Aurobindo, in whom he had found his guru and ‘to whom he clung one-pointedly till his death.’ (Dilip K. Roy) Arjava suffered from a complex of illnesses which ...
... saints, and many were cruelly executed as heretics. Therefore all “God within” movements had to go underground, as one finds in the fascinating history of Gnosticism, spiritual alchemy, Hermetism, Rosicrucianism, and Western spiritual occultism in general. In the beginning of the first chapter we have already learned that evolution is inherent in the texts of the ancient Seers, because it is how things ...
... with authors like Éliphas Lévi and Papus who are still being reprinted; there was an expansion of the masonic movement, which is a form of structured and hierarchized occultism; a spreading of Rosicrucianism, closely related to freemasonry; and the foundation of the rapidly proliferating theosophical movement in 1875 – not to mention alchemy, mesmerism (i.e. hypnotism), the illuminati, and dark satanic ...
... Japanese painting, very influential on post-Impressionist art, were all expressions of the same phenomenon. In fact, occultism in all its aspects – hermetism, alchemy, astrology, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism – has always been a strong undercurrent in European culture. Even in the century of the Enlightenment, the acme of rationalism in its most strident and critical form, ‘persons without number were ...
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