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A Centenary Tribute [1]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
Ancient India in a New Light [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
By The Way - Part II [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [3]
Down Memory Lane [1]
Early Cultural Writings [2]
Essays Divine and Human [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [3]
From Man Human to Man Divine [4]
Gods and the World [2]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [10]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [2]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [2]
Isha Upanishad [12]
Kena and Other Upanishads [2]
Landmarks of Hinduism [5]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [3]
Light and Laughter [1]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [2]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [2]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nagin Bhai Tells Me [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
Parables from the Upanishads [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [5]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [2]
Record of Yoga [13]
Savitri [4]
Seer Poets [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [1]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
Surya Namaskar [2]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [1]
Taittiriya Upanishad [1]
Talks on Poetry [2]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Birth of Savitr [1]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Renaissance in India [2]
The Secret Splendour [3]
The Secret of the Veda [28]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Thinking Corner [1]
The Veda and Indian Culture [2]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 1 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [20]
Vyasa's Savitri [1]
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English [192]
A Centenary Tribute [1]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
Ancient India in a New Light [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
By The Way - Part II [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [3]
Down Memory Lane [1]
Early Cultural Writings [2]
Essays Divine and Human [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [3]
From Man Human to Man Divine [4]
Gods and the World [2]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [10]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [2]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [2]
Isha Upanishad [12]
Kena and Other Upanishads [2]
Landmarks of Hinduism [5]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [3]
Light and Laughter [1]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [2]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [2]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nagin Bhai Tells Me [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
Parables from the Upanishads [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [5]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [2]
Record of Yoga [13]
Savitri [4]
Seer Poets [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [1]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
Surya Namaskar [2]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [1]
Taittiriya Upanishad [1]
Talks on Poetry [2]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Birth of Savitr [1]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Renaissance in India [2]
The Secret Splendour [3]
The Secret of the Veda [28]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Thinking Corner [1]
The Veda and Indian Culture [2]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 1 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [20]
Vyasa's Savitri [1]

Sūryā surya : in the Vedic Trinity, he governs the Sky, Agni the earth, & Indra the heavens. In later scriptures his chariot is driven by Aruṇ, Dawn; (s/a Savitr)

192 result/s found for Sūryā surya

... Surya Namaskar Introduction Our ancients were wise and intelligent people. In every sphere of human endeavour they had made experiments and discoveries and had left the fruits of their labour for posterity. Surya Namaskar is one of such things in the field of health and physical fitness. The Sun is considered to be the source of life-energy. Our ancients... healthy. Surya Namaskar is a system of exercise for the common man and can be practised by men and women alike. One should start with a number of cycles that one can do comfortably. The number then can be gradually increased until one feels that the body is getting a good workout. The same number can then be continued on a regular daily basis. One will draw great benefit from Surya Namaskar ... to do Surya Namaskar in the open when the weather permits. One can do it also in a well-ventilated room. Try to do the movements as correctly as possible. In the beginning one may find it difficult to stretch the limbs properly. But with regular practice and patience this difficulty will gradually pass away. It is highly imperative that full concentration during the practice of Surya Namaskar ...

... no night, no obscurity. Neither is there, properly speaking, any dominant action of illuminating Surya. For the whole of consciousness there is self-luminous and needs no light other than itself. The distinct existence of Surya is lost in the oneness of the Lord or Purusha; that luminous oneness is Surya's most blessed form of all. THE LOWER CREATION In the lower creation also there are three ... the last delusion that it has to destroy. SURYA AND AGNI On the basis of this conception of the worlds and the relation of these different soul-states to each other the Upanishad proceeds to indicate the two lines of knowledge and action which lead to the supreme vision and the divine felicity. This is done under the form of an invocation to Surya and Agni, the Vedic godheads, representative... ordainer of the right law of action in us, the law of the Truth. For Surya is Yama, the Ordainer or Controller who assures the law, the dharma. Thus we arrive at the fullness of action of the Illuminer in us, accomplish the entirety of the Truth-Consciousness. We are then able to see that all that is contained in the being of Surya, in the Vijnana which builds up the worlds is becoming of existence ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... to unify and fill the immense epic canvas of his great poem.         There is, further, the double conception of the Surya Savitri and the Bhaga Savitri, who are themselves aspects of Surya, the Sun; for the Sun is, not only Truth, but also Light; he is the creator (Surya Savitri), the fosterer or increaser (Pushan), and the enjoyer (Bhaga Savitri). Like reflections of light on a sheet of trembling... the evil dream. 47   Surya Savitri, creator and increaser, and Bhaga Savitri, receiver Page 272 and enjoyer, come into a natural relation or partnership; from the unmanifest come the "seven delights", thanks to Surya Savitri, and Bhaga Savitri prevents their misuse and induces "fruitful felicity", or creative enjoyment:   Surya Savitri, who is Bhaga, stands... are things of the delight, vi ś va v ā m ā ni. 43   Nay more: Savitri the creator, Surya Savitri, is not only Bhaga, but also three other divinities: Varuna, Mitra and Aryaman. Surya and Savitri are themselves a unity in difference, the passive and the active (rather like light and heat); Surya the light of Reality, which is satyam ritam brihat —or the truth, the right and the vast—and ...

... brilliant herds of the Sun, gāvaḥ , rays, the divine cows of the Veda. Such is the psychological sense of the Vedic symbol. Page 286 But who, then, is Surya, the Sun, from whom these rays proceed? He is the Master of Truth, Surya the Illuminator, Savitri the Creator, Pushan the Increaser. His rays in their own nature are supramental activities of revelation, inspiration, in tuition, luminous... Selected Hymns Selected Hymns The Secret of the Veda Chapter V Surya Savitri, Creator and Increaser Rig Veda V.81 युञ्जते मन उत युञ्जते धियो विप्रा विप्रस्य बृहतो विपश्चितः । वि होत्रा दधे वयुनाविदेक इन्मही देवस्य सवितुः परिष्टुतिः ॥१॥ 1) Men illumined yoke their mind and they yoke their thoughts to him who is illumination and largeness and clear... and limitations of the physical consciousness. And it has to lead up progressively to its own true nature, to manifest successive evolutionary stages for our mental development. Therefore the rays of Surya, as they labour to form our mental existence, create three successive worlds of mentality one superimposed on the other,—the sensational, aesthetic and emotional mind, the pure intellect and the divine ...

... अग्निः 45.Savitri 1 सुरत्नः (cf 3. मर्तभोजनं) भूम—Sy. भूतजातं. (महस्?) 2 The two arms of Surya—बाहू cf 4. गभस्ति पनिष्ट Conclusive for sense of “labour” अस्मे this being—S. = Savitri सूरः Gen. or nom.? 3 अमतिम् S. रूपं 4 गभस्तिम वयः VII.61 . Surya—स मन्युं मर्त्येष्वाचिकेत. Surya perceives the mentality in man, ie the Vijnana awakes in the mind of man & moulds it into the forms... मन्मानि ऋचसे नवानि कृतानि ब्रह्म. Here ब्रह्म seems to mean the soul—otherwise it has a special sense different from मन्मानि. ऋचस् Throws light on ऋच्. Not worship, but illumination. VII.62 . Surya made by ऋतु, the Will in action & perfected by the doers. उपममकँ,. Arka, Archis, Rich. Mitra मित्रस्य प्रियतमस्य नृणां । The most loved or the most loving of the Purushas. Aditi different from... मानुषाणाम् समानं न प्रतिनाति धाम— All referring to the Mahas or Vijnana which is the same for all mortals. रेभैरनुमद्यमानः—Proof of रेभ in the sense of joyous or lords of joy. Page 502 Surya is the eye or vision of Mitra & Varuna—see 61.1. Artha —the goal. दूरेअर्थस्तरणिः अयत्रर्थानि कृणवत्रपांसि पाथः the goal. Page 503 ...

... pārthivāni rajāmsi. This transformation is effected by the creative power of Surya-Savitri. Surya-Savitri is the Lord of harmonious organization of all manifestations; our human energies are limited and in conflict with each other. But when these energies are offered in acts of sacrifice to Surya-Savitri, the truths of Surya-Savitri can act upon them, and Savitri creates order and harmony in all the... Attainment of Surya-Savitri: Culmination of the Vedic Yoga Attainment of Surya-Savitri, creator and increaser is the culminating point of the yoga of the Veda. Apart from many other descriptions, in the fifth Mandala of the Rig Veda, in the 81 st Sukta, we have a brief but adequate description of the Page 40 nature, power and attributes of Surya-Savitri as also of the... the nature of the attainment of Surya-Savitri. Surya-Savitri is described as illumination and largeness and one who has clear perception; he not only knows all phenomena; but he alone orders the energies of the sacrifice; Savitri is vastly affirmed in all things and he is the divine creator. Savitri is a seer and he creates all forms for the good of all, those of the two-fold existence and of the four-fold ...

... Surya Namaskar Illustrations and Explanations Inhale: 1, 3, 7, 10 Exhale: 2, 4, 8, 11 Inhale & Exhale: 5, 6, 9, 12 There are two modes of performing Surya Namaskar . In one, there are twelve steps and in the other ten steps. In the ten-step Surya Namaskar , the 5th and 9th steps are omitted. Starting ...

... Veda. Sometimes it is the finding of Surya, sometimes the finding or conquest of Swar, the world of Surya. Sayana, indeed, takes the word Swar as a synonym of Surya; but it is perfectly clear from several passages that Swar is the name of a world or supreme Heaven above the ordinary heaven and earth. Sometimes indeed it is used for the solar light proper both to Surya and to the world which is formed by... darknesses ill-assured (i.e. loosened their firm hold) so that men might have vision." In the first passage we see that Swar and Surya are different from each other and that Swar is not merely another name for Surya; but at the same time the finding of Swar and the finding of Surya are represented as closely connected and indeed one movement and the result is the slaying of all darkness and limitations.... the Angirases, of the Sun that was lying concealed in the darkness. Surya is found by the Angirases through the power of their hymns or true mantras ; Swar also is found and made visible by the hymns of the Angirases, arkaiḥ . It is clear therefore that the substance of Swar is a great light and that that light is the light of Surya the Sun. We might even suppose that Swar is a word for the sun ...

... Immortality; Knowledge is incomplete without action. Chit fulfils itself by Tapas, Consciousness by energy. And as Surya represents the divine Light, so Agni to the ancient Rishis represented divine Force, Power or Will-in-Consciousness. The prayer to Agni completes the prayer to Surya. THE INDIVIDUAL WILL As in knowledge, so in action, unity is the true foundation. The individual, accepting division... the luminous Mind, who is for our life-powers their Rishi or finder of the Truth and Right. Indra slays Vritra, the Coverer, dispels the darkness, causes Surya to rise upon our being and go abroad over its whole field with the rays of the Truth. Surya is the Creator or manifester, Savitri, who manifests in this mortal world the world or state of immortality, dispels the evil dream of egoism, sin and suffering... things that are manifested, lead us by the good path to the felicity; remove from us the devious attraction of sin. To thee completest speech of submission we address. THE SIDE OF ACTION Through Surya then, through the growth of the illumination in the mind which enables it eventually to pass beyond itself, we have the first principle of progress from mortality to immortality. It is by the Sun as ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... Surya the creator and he is Surya the revealing vision, the all-seer. What does he create? First the worlds; for everything is created out of the burning light and truth of the infinite Being, loosed out of the body of Surya who is the light of His infinite self-vision, formed by Agni, the seer-will, the omniscient creative force and flaming omnipotence of that self-vision. Secondly, into the night... darkness we have followed it and reached the highest Light of all, Surya divine in the divine Being." This is the Vedic way of putting the idea which we find more openly expressed in the Upanishads, the fairest form of Surya in which man sees everywhere the one Purusha with the liberated vision "He am I." The higher light of Surya is that by which vision rises on our darkness and moves towards the... the godhead Surya Savitri is invoked as the object of our desire, the deity who shall give his luminous impulsion to all our thoughts. Surya Savitri, the Creator; for the seer and the creator meet again in this apotheosis of the divine vision in man. The victory of that vision, the arising of this Light to "its own home of the truth", the outflooding of this great ocean of vision of Surya which is ...

... clearly and are the same in the cosmos and in man. In this hymn of Shyavashwa to Savitri we see both the functions of Bhaga and his oneness with Surya Savitri; for it is to the creative Lord of Truth that the hymn is addressed, to Surya, but to Surya specifically in his form as Bhaga, as the Lord of Enjoyment. The word bhaga means enjoyment or the enjoyer and that this sense is the one held especially... Not only are the four closely associated among themselves, but they seem to partake of each other's nature and attributes, and all are evidently emanations of Surya Savitri, the divine being in his creative and illuminative solar form. Surya Savitri is the Creator. According to the Truth of things, in the terms of the Ritam, the worlds are brought forth from the divine consciousness, from Aditi, goddess... of the great Producer. What the Rishi seeks is the enjoyment in all created things of the immortal and immortalising Ananda. It is this Ananda which is that enjoyment of the divine Producer, of Surya Savitri, the supreme result of the Truth; for Truth is followed as the path to the divine beatitude. This Ananda is the highest, the best enjoyment. It disposes all aright; for once the Ananda, the ...

... The Ananda disability is being pushed aside by the surya action, the fatigue combated by surya tapas. Samadhi in its lighter forms is acclimatising the blaze of the Surya. In the waking state the highest ideality is still combated by the mind's persistence in the intuitive chandra mould and in the lower forms of the intellectualised surya ideality, but it is making the other movements its own... latter is persisting and taking possession. The Surya blaze has now taken preliminary possession of T³ as well as thought speech and thought perception; only the remnants of the chandra intuivity still resist the assumption. Ananda darshana is also assuming the Surya form and the Surya Ananda. K.A too is now more readily running in the Surya mould; the Chandra intensity is being rapidly extruded... whole disturbance comes from an illegitimate attempt from outside to bring the action of the chandramandala to replace the surya action. The blaze of the surya action is now taking possession, forcing aside the minor soma action. The attack of the asamata falls away from the surya blaze; it subsists only by a reflex of the ineffective chandra action which is easily attackable by the old deficiencies ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... worship or disown that ritual. Surya was to them the god of the Sun; Agni they regarded as the master of fire; but they were not—and this is the important point—simply the god of the sun and simply the master of fire. They were not even merely a Something behind both, unknown & vague, although deep, mighty & subtle; but because of the nature & origin of the sun, Surya was also a god of a higher moral... suddenly, without any consciousness of descent, without any lowering of tone to appeal with passion and power not to some Supernal Power but to Surya, to Agni. Is it to the earthly Fire and the material Sun that the Rishi lifts his mighty song? Does he pray to Surya to give him the warmth of his beams or to drive away night from the sky? Does he entreat Agni to nourish the sacrificial fire or to receive... receive for the gods on his flaming tongues the clarified butter and the Soma-juice? Not even for a moment, not even by allusion; but rather to Surya to remove—from the sight of his mind—the distracting brilliance which veils from mankind the highest truth and form of things, to enable him to realise his perfect identity with God and to Agni to put aside this siege of the devious attractions of ignorance ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... proper activity of Agni & Surya, of manas and chakshu, & to confine the latter to their proper sphere and thus by implication to confine the former also. When we are mortals content with our humanity, then we are confused in our functions; the manas or sense-mind attempts to do the work of Page 707 the mahas or idea-mind, to effect original knowledge, to move in Surya, in the powerful concrete... works in a growing plenty; she upward-straining, he high-uplifted, he feeds on her with his flaming activities. 4) Towards Agni move the minds of the seekers after the Godhead, as their eyes move in Surya; when the two unlike Dawns bring him forth, he is born a white steed of being in the van of the days (or, at the head of our forces). 5) He is born full of delight at the head of the days helpful... plenty and richness of being on which this cosmic Force in us is fed and which minister to its intensity and brightness. It wakes towards the coming dawn of illumination, as to the Sun-cow, the cow of Surya, the illumination of the ideal life & the ideal vision entering the soul that works imprisoned in the darkness of Matter. The flames of the divine activity in us are pointing upwards towards heaven ...

... arrive "with his steeds of the yoking and Indra for charioteer", niyutvān indrasārathiḥ . The steeds of Indra, of Page 311 Vayu, of Surya have each their appropriate name. Indra's horses are hari or babhru , red gold or tawny yellow; Surya's harit , indicating a more deep, full and intense luminousness; Vayu's are niyut , steeds of the yoking, for they represent those dynamic movements... the divine, was their principal concept. Light and Force, Go and Ashwa, the Cow and the Horse, were the object of the sacrifice. Force was the condition, Light the liberating agency; and Indra and Surya were the chief bringers of Light. Moreover the Force required was the divine Will taking possession of all the human energies and revealing itself in them; and of this Will, this force of conscious... Consciousness formulating itself in universal energy, of which the Prana is only a representative in the lower being. Therefore in Vamadeva's hymn, the fifty-eighth of the fourth Mandala, it is Indra and Surya and Agni who effect the great manifestation of the conscious divinity out of the subconscient. Vata or Vayu, Page 309 the nervous activity, is only a first condition of the emergent Mind ...

... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 Hymn to Surya GLOWING like the red passion-flower, born of the Supreme Light, lo, the Mighty Splendour! He dispels darkness, he slays all ills, I bow to the creator of the Day. Page 57 ...

... intuition or gnosis which is the Vedic truth, the self-vision and all-vision of Surya, the Sun, that symbolizes the supramental and integral consciousness. In the Isa Upanishad, we find towards its close a significant description of the Supermind and Supramental Truth-Consciousness as self-vision and all-vision of Surya. It is said that the face of Truth is covered with a brilliant golden lid. It... will into the integral will and knowledge. When the work of Pushan is effected, the vision of Surya, the true supramental and integral knowledge is formed. In this formation, the Upanishad indicates two successive actions. page - 112 First, there is an arrangement or marshalling of the rays of Surya as a result of which separate intuitions are arranged in their true relations to each other.... and individual. It was also a synthesis of seven planes of existence that provided the basis for linking Matter, Prithvi, with the Supreme Existence, Sat. The conquest ofSwar and the arrival at Surya, the abode of comprehensive light, could be regarded as epical victories. Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads It was the Vedic synthesis which provided the foundation for the synthesis ...

... the Sun-god, Surya Savitri. Surya Savitri stands for the highest Knowledge, He is the Supreme Consciousness from which comes the creation of the universe. Yama is the Life-Force, the Ordainer of the worlds with their rhythms of life. He is here in this manifestation of the play of life the representative of Savitri, and Fire is his vehicle, instrument or symbol. Just as Surya is Vivasvan, the... the Supreme Effulgent One, Yama is likewise the Cosmic Being, all cosmic power and universal force are his. Surya is supra-cosmic, belongs to the Beyond. Fire is cosmic, belongs to our worlds. Or, to put it more exactly, Surya is the point of transition from the Beyond to these worlds; Fire is such a point from the worlds to the Beyond. The mystery of the Fire that was revealed to Nachiketas ...

... than cut off. The waters of the first verse are always associated with the cows or rays of light of Surya. The poet therefore passes naturally from the image of the waters to that of Surya himself concealed & brought out for man, like the waters, by Indra. He dug out from the darkness the disc of Surya that moves in the fixed level above of the Mahat or Vijnana and brought it down to the mental plane... there is nothing to prevent us from taking विश्र्वायु= that which is the source of all being here on this earth, for Surya is सविता, the Father & Creator; all things are, says the Vishnu Purana, सर्वाणि विज्ञानविजृंभितानि. महो द्रुहो अपधायि. Sayana says “The wheel was wrested from Surya, the great doer of harm”! प्रभुतस्य द्रोग्धोः. An astonishing interpretation. The great evil-doer, injurer of the... as it were, concealed.” त्वा युजा नि खिदत्सूर्यस्येंद्रश्चक्र सद्य इंदो ष्णुना बृहता वर्तमानं महो द्रुहो अप विश्वायु धायि ।।२।। Page 414 चक्रं. Sayana takes the image to be that of Surya’s wheel, one of two in his chariot, which Indra violently cuts off,—the wheel that moves in the wide air above us & goes everywhere. But there is no allusion to a chariot & चक्रं, the Greek xύxλoς, may ...

... uncertain in quantity (Indram vayam mahadhane indram arbhe havamahe). Irayat is naturally transitive, bears the meaning it has in prerana, prerita, and can have no object but Surya, unless we suppose, which is less natural, that it is Surya who sends Indra to the mountain accompanied by his rays. There is only one other passage we have now left for examination but it is of considerable importance & interest... concealed, satyasyapihitam mukham. “Tat twam Pushan apavrinu”, cries the Vedantic sage, using the same word apavri, but he calls to Surya, not to Indra, because he seeks the possession of the Vedanta, the sight of the rupam kalyanatamam which belongs to those who can meet Surya in his own home. The Vedic seer, at an earlier stage of the struggle, is satisfied with the minor conquests of Indra. He does ... rays. This is so plainly the meaning of the verse that I cannot understand, once it is perceived & understood, how we can accept any other rendering. I have already discussed the relations of Indra, Surya & the Mountain of our graded ascent in being—Sri Ramakrishna’s staircase to the Sad Brahman. The far vision is the unlimited knowledge acquired in Mahas, in the wide supra-rational movement of our ...

... came across these lines in Mother India—Monthly Review of Culture : The most sacred Mantra of the Rigveda (111.62.10), the Gayatri of Rishi Vishvamitra directs us to the Solar Godhead of Truth—Surya-Savitri. ...

... Aphorism - 286, 287, 288 286—Think this when thy members would fain make love with depression and weakness, "I am Bacchus and Ares and Apollo; I am Agni pure and invincible; I am Surya ever burning mightily." 287—Shrink not from the Dionysian cry and rapture within thee, but see that thou be not a straw upon those billows. 288—Thou hast to learn to bear all the gods within thee ...

... The Secret Splendour Surya   At sight of thee upon thy splendid path, Blissful with step of dawn, Or sage at eve, or in thy noonday wrath—   A flame of worship leaps out from my eyes, Immaculate essence drawn To mingle with Thy mystery. God-surmise   Quickens the aspiration of my lust For Thy celestial limbs—  Towards ...

... find you, I am sure of gaining this knowledge; there is none other so wise who can speak about it." The reason is that Yama has been called Vaivasvata, he is born of Vivasvan, the Sun-god, Surya Savitri. Surya Savitri stands for the highest Knowledge, He is the Supreme Consciousness from which comes the creation of the universe. Yama is the Life-Force, the Ordainer of the worlds with their rhythms... symbol. Just as Surra is Vivasvan, the Supreme Effulgent One, Yama is likewise the Cosmic Being, all cosmic power and universal forces are his. Surya is supra-cosmic, belongs to the Beyond. Fire is cosmic, belongs to our worlds. Or, to put it more exactly, Surya is the point of transition from the Beyond to these worlds; Fire is such a point from the worlds to the Beyond. The mystery of the Fire that ...

... The Mother's Gayatri The most sacred Mantra of the Rigveda (III.62.10), the Gayatri of Rishi Vishwamitra, directs us to the Solar Godhead of Truth — Surya-Savitri: Tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah prachodayat Let us meditate on that most excellent light of the divine Savitri that it may impel ...

... "Thus Mahi for Indra full of the rays, overflowing in her abundance, in her nature a happy truth, becomes as if a ripe branch for the giver of the sacrifice." The rays in the Veda are the rays of Surya, the Sun. Are we to suppose that the goddess is a deity of the physical Light or are we to translate go by cow and suppose that Mahi is full of cows for the sacrificer? The psychological character of... sister of the goddess of inspiration, entirely identified with her in the later mythology, is one proof among a hundred others that light in the Veda is a symbol of knowledge, of spiritual illumination. Surya is the Lord of the supreme Sight, the vast Light, bṛhaj jyotiḥ , or, as it is sometimes called, the true Light, ṛtaṁ jyotiḥ . And the connection between the words ṛtam and bṛhat is constant in... truth of knowledge and action, ṛtam . The gods have this consciousness. Agni, for instance, is termed ṛtacit , he who has the Truth-Consciousness. Page 95 Mahi is full of the rays of this Surya; she carries in her this illumination. Moreover she is sūnṛtā , she is the word of a blissful Truth, even as it has been said of Saraswati that she is the impeller of happy truths, codayitrī sūnṛtānām ...

... lightnings, pours down the life-giving heavenly waters, finds in the trace of the hound, Intuition, the lost or hidden illuminations, makes the Sun of Truth mount high in the heaven of our mentality. Surya, the Sun, is the master of that supreme Truth,—truth of being, truth of knowledge, truth of process and act and movement and functioning. He is therefore the creator or rather the manifester of all... all the gods; for in that strength these shall increase and conquer. Each of these primary deities has others associated with him who fulfil functions that arise from his own. For if the truth of Surya is to be established firmly in our mortal nature, there are previous conditions that are indispensable; a vast purity and clear wideness destructive of all sin and crooked falsehood,—and this is Varuna;... and endeavour,—this is Aryaman; a happy spontaneity of the right enjoyment of all things dispelling the evil dream of sin and error and suffering,—this is Bhaga. These four are powers of the Truth of Surya. For the whole bliss of Soma to be established perfectly in our nature a happy and enlightened and unmaimed condition of mind, vitality and body are necessary. This condition is given to us by the ...

... are therefore Nāsatyā , lords of the movement, leaders of the journey or voyage. They help man with the Truth which comes to them especially by association with the Dawn, with Surya, lord of the Truth, and with Surya, his daughter, but they help him more characteristically with the delight of being. They are lords of bliss, śubhaspatī ; their car or movement is loaded with the satisfactions of... their rapid all-pervading movement; their seeking of honey and their joy in the honey, madhu , and the satisfying delights that they carry in their car; and their close association with the Sun, with Surya the daughter of the Sun and with the Dawn. The Ashwins like the other gods descend from the Truth consciousness, the Ritam; they are born or manifested from Heaven, from Dyaus, the pure Mind; their... asridhaḥ , they come to no hurt in their flight; or, the sense may be, they make no false or hurtful movement. And they are golden-winged, hiraṇyaparṇāḥ . Gold is the symbolic colour of the light of Surya. The wings of these energies are the full, satisfied, attaining movement, parṇa , of his luminous knowledge. For these are the birds that awake with the Dawn; these are the winged energies that come ...

... arah. He has the direct vision, the luminous intelligence, the immediate perception. 6 A subtle and profound and penetrating consciousness is his, ninyam, pracetas; his is the eye of the Sun, surya caksuh. 7 He secures an increased being through his effulgent understanding. 8 In the second place, the Poet is not only Seer but Doer; he is knower as well as creator. He has a dynamic knowledge... He has the blazing radiance of the Sun and is supremely potent in his self-luminousness. 11 The Sun is the light and the energy of the Truth. Even like the Sun the Poet gives birth to the Truth, surya satyasava, satyaya satyaprasavaya. But the Poet as Power is not only the revealer or creator, savita, he is also the builder or fashioner, tasta, and he is the organiser, vedhah, of the Truth ...

... the thought and without any place in the sequence of the ideas. × In the inner sense of the Veda Surya, the Sun-God, represents the divine Illumination of the Kavi which exceeds mind and forms the pure self-luminous Truth of things. His principal power is self-revelatory knowledge, termed in the Veda... Vast, but become deflected and distorted, broken up and disordered in the reflecting and dividing principle, Mind. They form there the golden lid which covers the face of the Truth. The Seer prays to Surya to cast them into right order and relation and then draw them together into the unity of revealed truth. The result of this inner process is the perception of the oneness of all beings in the divine... Universe. × Vayu, called elsewhere Matarishwan, the Life-Energy in the universe. In the light of Surya he reveals himself as an immortal principle of existence of which birth and death and life in the body are only particular and external processes. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... rebellion and the Chittagong Armoury raid, Dutt came out with the belief that by such uprisings India can get independence. SRI AUROBINDO: How will India do it? NIRODBARAN: D asked Dutt what Surya Sen would have done if the British army had attacked. Dutt replied, "Where is the British army? It is a myth. There is only the Indian army and they won't shoot their own people. If in a few more places ...

... the satkosha, the electrical energy or vaidyutam, and the tejas of agni modified by the nature of Surya and determining all other forms of light. The prakasha and vaidyutam can only become active when they enter into Agni and work under the conditions of his being and Agni himself is the supplier of Surya; he creates jyoti, he creates tejas, he creates, negatively, chhaya. Right or wrong, this is the... knowledge underlying the Veda, the loss of which, aided by the corruption of nirukta, has led to the present confusion and degradation of its meaning. Chandra is the devata of the smriti or prajna; Surya of the satyam; Indra of the understanding and manas; Vayu of the sukshma prana; Mitra, Varuna, Aryama and Bhaga are the four masters of the emotional mind or character; Brihaspati of the sahaituka chit... this world, greater even than Vidyut—although the God of the vaidyuta energy is Vishnu himself who is the Lord of the ananda, the vaidyuto manavah, electrical Man, of the Upanishads. In the vijnana, Surya as well as Vishnu is greater than Agni, but here he and Vishnu both work under the dominant energy of Agni and for the satisfaction of Indra,—Vishnu in the Upanishads being younger than Indra,—Upendra ...

... inhabitants, he is also their Son and ours: for he is the Divine Child born into the Worlds who manifests himself in the growth of the creature. He is Rudra and Vishnu, Prajapati and Hiranyagarbha, Surya, Agni, Indra, Vayu, Soma, Brihaspati,—Varuna and Mitra and Bhaga and Aryaman, all the gods. He is the wise, mighty and liberating Son born from our works and our sacrifice, the Hero in our warfare and... gated house of his being the living image of their deity, grow into divine births, form within himself vast and luminous worlds for his soul to inhabit. By the word of the Truth the all-engendering Surya creates; by that rhythm Brahmanaspati evokes the worlds and Twashtri fashions them; finding the all-puissant Word in his intuitive heart, shaping it in his mind the human thinker, the mortal creature... lightnings, pours down the life-giving heavenly waters, finds in the trace of the hound, Intuition, the lost or hidden illuminations, makes the Sun of Truth mount high in the heaven of our mentality. Surya, the Sun, is the master of that supreme Truth,—truth of being, truth of knowledge, truth of process and act and movement and functioning. He is therefore the creator or rather the manifester of all ...

... proceeds from the state of mortality to the state of Immortality. ( Verses 9-14 ) Page 14 FOURTH MOVEMENT The fourth movement returns to the idea of the worlds and under the figures of Surya and Agni the relations of the Supreme Truth and Immortality ( Verses 15, 16 ), the activities of this life ( Verse 17 ), and the state after death ( Verse 18 ) are symbolically indicated. Page 15 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... ghṛta dependent on the Page 193 three gods Surya, Indra and Soma, and the Soma also is offered in three parts, on the three levels of the hill, triṣu sānuṣu . We may hazard the conjecture, having regard to the nature of the three gods, that Soma releases the divine light from the sense mentality, Indra from the dynamic mentality, Surya from the pure reflective mentality. As for the pasture... evidently the sense that we are to possess and become the infinities or children of Aditi, the godheads, Page 189 aditayaḥ, ādityāso . Mitra and Varuna, we must remember, are powers of Surya Savitri, the Lord of the Light and the Truth. And the third verse runs, "May the Angirases who hasten through to the goal move in their travelling to the bliss of the divine Savitri; and that (bliss)... and this foundation is therefore identical with the supreme plane, the foundation of the Truth, ṛtasya budhnaḥ , and, finally, that they can hardly be wholly unconnected with the twin children of Surya, Yama and Yami,—Yama who in the tenth Mandala is associated with the Angiras Rishis. 3 Having thus described the ancestral thought with its twin Page 192 children, slayers of darkness ...

... śaṅkhacakradharaṁ devaṁ dvibhujaṁ pītavāsasam, om ādityaṁ viṣṇuṁ sūryam brahmāṇaṁ ca bṛhaspatim. Om to the God, having two hands, holding Conch and Discus and wearing a yellow robe. Om to Vishnu, to Surya, to Brahma and to Brihaspati. ( Source unknown ) ॐ स्वस्ति न इन्द्रो वृद्धश्रवाः स्वस्ति नः पूषा विश्ववेदाः। स्वस्ति नस्ताक्ष्यो अरिष्टनेमिः स्वस्ति नो बृहस्पतिर्दधातु ॥६॥ om svasti na ...

... which exceeds it.... Thus by the action of Surya we arrive at that light of the supreme super-conscient in which even the intuitive knowledge of the truth of things based upon the total vision passes into the self-luminous self-vision of the one existent.... This is Surya's godliest form of all.... This is the Lord, the Purusha.. . 42 If Surya is invoked to bring about the necessary inner... Aurobindo's comment is itself a tearing of the veil of the beautiful verse to get at the meaning coiled within: By the revelation of the vision of Surya the true knowledge is formed.... First, there is an arrangement or marshalling of the rays of Surya, that is to say, the truths concealed behind our concepts and percepts are brought out by separate intuitions of the image and the essence of the image... the fifth Mandala and a few other Hymns also appeared in translation, with an explanatory Introduction on 'The Doctrine of the Mystics' and several important notes on the 'Guardians of the Light': Surya, Usha the Dawn, Pushan, Savitri, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman and Bhaga. Long after the Arya had ceased publication, Sri Aurobindo published in 1946 Hymns to the Mystic Fire, a new or revised translation ...

... Truth concealed behind the lower life and its crookednesses; Atharvan forms in their strength the Path and Surya the Lord of Light is then born as the guardian of the divine Law and the Yama-power; Ushanas drives the herded illuminations of our thought up that path of the Truth to the Bliss which Surya possesses; so is born from the law of the Truth the immortality to which the Aryan soul by its sacrifice... Truth), they who had lit the fire, by perfect accomplishment of the work; they gained the whole enjoyment of the Pani, its herds of the cows and the horses. Atharvan first formed the Path, thereafter Surya was born as the protector of the Law and the Blissful One, tataḥ sūryo vratapā vena ājani . Ushanas Kavya drove upward the Cows. With them may we win by the sacrifice the immortality that is born as ...

... to Indra illumined, to the vast a Sama vast, to him who maketh the law, to him who sees, to him who labours. Page 319 (2) Thou masterest with thy being, O Indra; ’tis thou that hast made Surya to shine; thou art universal doer and universal deity; great art thou. (3) Burning bright with thy lustre thou goest to Swar, to the luminous world of Heaven; the gods travail to have thy friendship... desire; in thee the Disposers tend to their becoming. Thy supreme inspirations must be expressed in the Soma-pourings, O Indra who hast delight in the word. (3) They move as if to their home in Surya; all the things of Indra do ye enjoy; by his force we hold in the mind the riches of his substance, as if our portion for enjoyment, in that which is born and that which is becoming. (4) Confirm... Truly art thou the great, O Master of Illumination, truly art thou the great, O Son of Infinity; great art thou in thy being and a greatness is thy labour; verily, art thou the great. (12) Truly, O Surya, art thou vast in inspiration, ever, O god, art thou the great; by the greatness of the gods art thou the Mighty One, for they set thee in front, a pervading and unconquerable Light. (13) Lo, she ...

... of the Atri clan. Sri Aurobindo translated forty-three of these: all twenty-eight hymns to Agni (V.1 - 28), all eleven hymns to Mitra-Varuna (V.62 - 72), both hymns to Usha (V.79, 80), the hymn to Surya Savitri (V.81) already translated and commented upon in Selected Hymns , and a hymn to Varuna (V.85), rendered in two versions to show its "exoteric" as well as its "esoteric" sense. (See also... connection with each other, but illustrate a wide range of approaches to rendering the Veda into English. A Vedic Hymn (Rig Veda VII.60). This translation of a hymn of Vasishtha to Surya and Mitra-Varuna, arranged in three paragraphs, was published in the Arya in August 1915. A Hymn of the Thought-Gods . Published in the Arya in February 1916. This is not a translation ...

... the external and proceeds to the internal,—a worship of outward Nature-Powers invested with the consciousness and the personality that he finds in his own being. Agni in the Veda is avowedly Fire; Surya is the Sun, Parjanya the Raincloud, Usha the Dawn; and if the material origin or function of some other Gods is less trenchantly clear, it is easy to render the obscure precise by philological inferences... Rudra of the Vedas are now the supreme Godhead, members of a divine Triad and expressive separately of conservative and destructive process in the cosmos. In the Isha Upanishad we find an appeal to Surya as a God of revelatory knowledge by whose action we can arrive at the highest truth. This, too, is his function in the sacred Vedic formula of the Gayatri which was for thousands of years repeated by ...

... ten thousands stand together. That is the One: I have seen the Supreme Godhead of the embodied gods." It is clear that this refers to the Vedantic truth. Similarly the Upanishads speak of the Sun, Surya, and Fire, Agni, which are Vedic symbols, and the significance of these expressions in the Upanishads is the same as in the Veda.1 SATYENDRA: The Europeans can't imagine that the Vedic Rishis were... parallel passage: The face of the truth is covered with the brlliant golden lid: O fostering Sun, that uncover for the law of the truth, for sight. O Fosterer, O Sole Rishi, O Controlling Yama, O Surya, O Son of the Father of creatures, marshal and mass the rays: the Lustre that is the most blessed form of all, that I see, He who is this, this Purusha, He am I." ...

... in a way held by the "lower creative power which works through the limited mind and body"; this is 'bondage', and the wages of such bondage is death. But Satyavan is himself espoused by Savitri, Surya Savitri the Creator, and he is ultimately "delivered from this subjection by the force of the divine or illumined Mind", a power that can break the bars of the cage, purify what is impure, raise what ...

... Purusha, is the Lord of the Sun, Sur or Surya. Those who possess the illumination of the vijnána are called, therefore, súrayah, the Illuminati, and the word may be applied to either class of Page 719 Nri (Purushas), the human Purushas who evolve upwards by the Vedic sacrifice or the luminous gods of the vijnána, the solar gods, the host of Surya, súrayo narah, who aid him in his ascent... divine Tapas. Agni, the Divine Being inHis aspect of Force, is masked in our nervous energies as the A´swa, in the mind takes the forms of the mental gods, in the activities of Surya, he is the divine Power expressed in Surya himself and these luminous hosts of the Sungod are his own brilliant liberated energies. Free from the smoke of the lower regions, free from the excitement and distress of his... ascent. It is these Solar Purushas who are the archayo bhrájantah, the bright-burning brilliances of Agni. The divine Tapas entering the vijnána manifests itself in Surya & his hosts, in the powers, faculties & activities of the self-luminous & self-true ideal mind. The Rishi occupies himself with these luminous Powers in his next three verses. "O Agni," cries the Rishi, "increase in us the attainment ...

... एता. P.P. आ +इता S. एतावागतौ. Perhaps P.P. wrong & एता = एतौ. 4 निंदिता—blame or limit, obstruct. दृंहिता = दृंहितानि 5 नवग्वैः .. दशग्वैः. The difference seems to be that the tenth finds Surya. Page 482 अभिज्ञु अभिगतजानुकं. Evidently a double meaning. “In the births”? 6 पदूद् .. शफवद् —footed & hoofed गोधनं. नमे गोः Saya. “he brought the cows”! 7 वृणीत Indra. विजानन्... The usual covert simile of cows & waters. 4 तुजं putting forth force—force? S. शत्रूणां बाधकं अंशं न प्रतिजानते S. धनस्य भागं. It seems rather to mean Light & be connected with अंशु of Soma & Surya. अंकीव अंकुशी यथा. Shake the tree as a man with his hooked stick shakes down a ripe fruit. संपारणं वसु S. सम्यक् पूरकं वसु. But it may mean “substance adequate for the entire passage” 5 स्वयुः ...

... Enjoyment महि प्सरः 2.2 Sweetness स्वादु 1.1 .. अधुक्षत प्रियं मधु 2.3 Soma and Waters अपो वसिष्ट 2.3 अर्षंति महीरापः 2.4 Page 512 अप्सु मामृजे 2.5 अपो विगाहते 3.6 Soma and Surya सं सूर्येण रोचते 2.6 Soma and Mitra मित्रो न दर्शतः 2.6 Cry of Soma 2.6 .. 3.7 .. Soma and गिरः 2.7 Soma and Rain 2.9 Phrases about Soma विष्टंभो धरुणो दिवः 2.5 आत्मा यज्ञस्य पूर्व्यः ...

... × The three worlds of Swar. × Agni, Surya and Soma himself are said to be found in the waters or seven rivers. × Gāḥ , meaning both cows and ...

... when he offered this intoxicating; as Surya his wheel, so Indra whirled (the Vajra); and with the Angirasas broke Vala—or broke Vala because of whom Surya could not keep his wheel going or he whirled the wheel of Surya & with it broke Vala. Increasing with this wine that was pressed out of Trita’s ecstasy thou didst lay low Arbuda; thou didst set rolling as Surya his wheel, thou with the Angirasas... already admitted “shining praises”. Strength can very well be described as shining or bright; the phrase has a clear & strong significance, unlike shining praises. सूर्य. Sayana’s explanation of Surya from सू to send, impel is false etymology & false interpretation. सूर्य = sun, comes from सू = to shine, cf सोम moon. In the Veda it means the Illuminant & Luminous & also in the form सवितृ the manifester ...

... the way of scientism; but there is also the very ancient eastern or the Indian way, the way of the bar-dexter, the right-hand path. Sri Aurobindo often spoke of the sunlit path – the Upanishadic surya yana – or the golden path – hiranmaya vartma. Here the very first thing needed – the first and the must – is Faith; here you start by faith and not doubt, doubt inevitably heads towards perdition ...

... asuraḥ sunīthaḥ, kve idānīṁ sūryaḥ kaściketa katamāṁ dyāṁ raśmirasyā tatana.7 The One Golden-winged opens wide all the regions behind; speeding deep He goes, the Mighty, the Perfect Leader. Where is Surya gone now, who knows it, which of the heavens does its Ray unroll? Rig Veda 1.35.7 Translation by Nolini Kanta Gupta (unpublished) त्वामग्न ऋतायवः समीधिरे प्रत्नं प्रत्नास ऊतये सहस्कृत ...

... impelling of our thoughts by the light of the Divine Sun of Truth, the deity Surya-Savitri. Surely the Vedic revelation is not rejected, its Gods and Goddesses can serve Sri Aurobindo's ends but we are not encouraged to move directly in their great ranges. "We do not belong to the dawns of the past but to the noons of the future." Surya-Savitri as representing the godhead of what Sri Aurobindo has termed Supermind ...

... Page 435 cleaving & clinging. (4) Dadhikra, first & full of strength & action, appeareth in front of the chariots (the movements of Delight) consciously perceiving, one in knowledge with Surya & the sons of Aditi & the Vasus & the Angiras (with the divine illumination & the gods of the infinite Being & the lords of Substance & the lords of Puissance). अंगिरस् here evidently a class of... also give to him according to that labour his own activity (ie the divine Truth manifest in the creative illumined consciousness of man here). पनिष्ट सूरः. Note the difference between Savitri & Surya. (3) Verily may that divine creative Savitri create for us, master Page 436 of substance, his many possessions; when he goeth abroad in a wide energy, then he abounds for us in the enjoyment ...

... etadvijanihi kimetadyaksamiti tatheti. 7. 7. Then they said to Vayu, "O Vayu, this discern, what is this mighty Daemon." He said, "So be it." Page 31 Surya, Khajuraho, photo O. Barot Page 32 tadahhyadravattamabhyavadat kositi vayurva ahamasmityabravinmatarisva va ahamasmiti. 8. 8. He rushed upon That; It said to him, "Who art ...

... existence is therefore imaged from the one point of view in the figure of the Rivers that arise from the ocean, sapta dhenavaḥ , from the other in the figure of the Rays of the all-creating Father, Surya Savitri, sapta gāvaḥ . The image of the Cow is the most important of all the Vedic symbols. For the ritualist the word go means simply a physical cow and nothing else, just as its companion word... Madhuchchhandas hymn to Indra, I.7, "Indra for far vision made the Sun to ascend in heaven: he sped him all over the hill by his rays", vi gobhir adrim airayat . 1 But at the same time, the rays of Surya are the herds of the Sun, the kine Page 124 of Helios slain by the companions of Odysseus in the Odyssey, stolen by Hermes from his brother Apollo in the Homeric hymn to Hermes. They are ...

... them, the mind uses them, but something other than the life-force and the mind enables them to shape and to use their objects and their instruments. What God sets eye and ear to their workings? Not Surya, the God of light, not Ether and his regions; for these are only conditions of vision and hearing. The Gods combine, each bringing his contribution, the operations of the physical world that we observe ...

... upward in its evolutionary course. It is that which lies behind man's ignorance purifying his obscurity leading him to a more and more luminous revelation. In the Vedic image above shines Surya, here below burns Agni. Both are aspects of the same Truth. (3) Emptying and Replenishment The body is composed of cells, living cells. These cells from the standpoint of con ...

... truth itself, the ultimate supramental vision. This is clear from the second half of the verse in which it is said, "One Indra produced, one Surya, one the gods fashioned by natural development out of Vena"; for Indra is the Master of the thought-mind, Surya of the supramental light, Vena is Soma, the master of mental delight of existence, creator of the sense-mind. Page 104 We may observe ...

... being a hardly possible locution without any indication of the wife. पुरंधिः may be of either gender. It means either “many-thoughted”, (Suryâ is the daughter or active female power resultant from Surya, the Lord of the Truth, the Light), or “holder of the house”, या पुरं धारयति सा, (the house is the embodied being of man). 5 The next three verses present more than one difficulty of both sense &... 12 कुमारः. Probably Agni. Page 478 सप्ततिं. Here and in I.11.1. associated with wealth—वाजानां सप्ततिं पतिं 14 परि वृज्याः—cf आवृज् .. परावृज्.. I.33. V. 1. Rudra, Pita marutam, Surya 2 – 5 Rudra. 6. Vrishabha Marutwan. 7 – 11 Rudra 12.Rudra-Kumara. 13 Maruts 14 – 15 Rudra 34. 1 धारावराः not covering with showers, but probably like ऋतावर etc “अर्चिनः” not “wor ...

... creation upward in its evolutionary course. It is that which lies behind man's ignorance purifying his obscurity leading him to a more and more luminous revelation. In the Vedic image above shines Surya, here below burns Agni. Both are aspects of the same Truth. (3) EMPTYING AND REPLENISHMENT The body is composed of cells, living cells. These cells from the standpoint of consciousness are ...

... Venus is Sukra, who occupies the same position to the Titans; Saturn is the malevolent Shani, child of the Sun. Rahou & Ketou are Titans of our mythology. Each of these gods has his own character. Surya the Sun, is strong, splendid, bold, regal, warlike, victorious and energetic; Chandra, the Moon, is inconstant, amorous, charming, imaginative, poetical, artistic; Mangal is a politician, a soldier ...

... "it is That one" that is the source. It is clear that it refers to the Vedantic truth of the One. Similarly, the Upanishads speak of the Vedic symbols. The Ishopanishad speaks of the Vedic gods Sun – Surya and Agni, but you can see that the significance there is symbolic. Veda, Upanishad, Gita all are equally great. Disciple : The Europeans thought that it was not possible to believe that ...

... quite certain, as we shall see, that in the Rig Veda the occurrence or the legend is used as a symbol of the human soul bound by the triple cord of sin and released from it by the divine power of Agni, Surya, Varuna. So also Rishis like Kutsa, Kanwa, Ushanas Kavya have become types and symbols of certain spiritual experiences and victories and placed in that capacity side by side with the gods. It is not... light a figure of the mental and spiritual, of knowledge, of an inner illumination. The Veda speaks expressly of "luminous sages", dyumanto viprāḥ and the word sūri , a seer, is associated with Surya, the sun, by etymology and must originally have meant luminous. In I.31.1 it is said of this god of the Flame, "Thou, O Agni, wast the first Angiras, the seer and auspicious friend, a god, of the gods;... Page 172 × Very possibly the Angiras Rishis are the flame-powers of Agni and the Bhrigus the solar powers of Surya. × For state we have agra , first, top and Greek agan , excessively; for feeling, Greek agapē ...

... te Light which is swah, but then we did not stop there; we went further; we went to the Gods; we went to Surya, Suryam, we went to the Supreme Light, jyotiruttamam, (it is a jyoti which is uttamam. Supreme). Swah is an intermediate Light. The Supreme Light is uttamam, it is Surya, the sun. The sun, Sri Aurobindo says, is the symbol of the Supermind in the Veda. But before you enter into... came samvatsara; samvatsara is an algebraic term for the mystic Fire. Agni was put here. And once Agni was put there, all the Page 64 evolution came out. Then there is a description of Surya, Chandra, the sun, the moon, everything came out. It gives a description of the whole world thereafter. Now, this is the fundamental psychic knowledge, the knowledge of the soul. Again I am doing a... which is tied into hundred nets — the swan which wants to fly, which cannot fly and has to battle — goes beyond Indra into swah, and goes beyond swah to Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman and Bhaga, enters into Surya. And then comes soma. The highest is soma, the great delight. When that delight can be held in the body, that is Immortality. This was the greatest achievement of the Vedic Rishis. Sri Aurobindo has ...

... manifestations in our being take thy session in this house and seat. (2) Even the gods, O Mighty One, O Brihaspati, who are conscious in thought, taste but thy share of the sacrificial enjoyment; as Surya gives being to his bright energies by the wide illumination of Mahas, so art thou the begetter even of all the gods of Soul. (3) Assailing and preventing all plunderers and all darknesses thou ascendest... places, he is the perfectly established, it is he in the battle, even Brahmanaspati; manifested in the vision when by the thought of the mind he bringeth substance to us and possessings, then indeed Surya burneth supremely with his heat and force. (10) Existent widely in all and existent in front of us these are the delightful perfections of knowledge of Brahmanaspati when first he raineth his blessings ...

... the divine plane of the Truth, thus it makes the sacrifice of the path effective; the worlds meet together and drip their riches under the compulsion of the all-creative, all-manifesting Truth of Surya Savitri. Page 556 5) The man then becomes perfect in his sacrifice; the offering is effective, the godheads are completely manifested, the base of sacrifice in the soul includes all the ...

... energy of consciousness, thought, feeling or action is manifested in this world which Yajna has made out of His own being. It is for this reason that he is said to stand before Yajna. He or vidyut or Surya full of him is the blaze of light in which the Yogins see God with the divine vision. He is the instrument of that universal activity in which Yajna at once reveals and conceals His being. Agni is ...

... intuition, the lost or hidden illuminations. He makes that Sun of Truth mount high in the heaven of our mentality. Surya is the sun, the master of the Supreme Truth, truth of being, truth of knowledge, truth of possession and act and movement and functioning. Surya is also Savitri, the creator or manifester of all things, and illuminations we seek are the herds of this Sun, who come to... to us in the track of Usha, who symbolises the divine dawn. These illuminations lead us up to the highest beatitude, which is symbolised by Soma. But if the truth of Surya is to be established firmly in our mortal nature, there are four conditions that are indispensable: First, we have to establish Varuna who symbolises vast purity and clear wideness destructive of all sins and crooked ...

... as we are, Agni, the earthly Godhead is the Deity we adore, he is the Lord of the Home, grhapati. He is the foremost of the gods and he goes in front of us purohita, Agni's flame rises towards Surya, the supreme Light, but first he must prepare the passage, burn down and clear the woodlands and marshes that intervene – the growths and formations in the past of the very substance of the being. ...

... besides God in the universe. Whatever different masks He may wear, from house to house of His habitation, it is always He. The disguises may be utterly concealing. He may manifest as Brahma & Vishnu, Surya & Agni or as the Yaksha & the Pishacha; he may dwell here as the man or dwell here as the animal; he may shine out as the saint or lust in Himself as the criminal; but all these are He. APPENDIX ...

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... possessors & keepers of the ritam jyotih, the true light, and impart it to the man who gives himself to them in the sacrifice. I shall return to this expression, ritam jyotih in connection with the god Surya and his functions; its sense, found in this context, is sufficiently clear for our present purpose. We do not find the word ritam in the hymns that follow and are ascribed to Sunahshepa Ajigarti... importance in connection with Varuna & the Truth. He is hymned by Sunahshepa as the master of wide vision, uruchakshasam, the god of august, boundless & universal knowledge. He has made a wide path for Surya,—the Vedic god of ideal knowledge, as I shall suggest,—to follow in his journeyings; he has made places for him to set his feet in the unfooted vasts of the infinite. He is hymned also as the punisher... panthá sádhuyá, is suga anrikshara; there are no pitfalls or precipices in that road; for it is the road of the Adityas, the children of Light & Infinity, sons of Aditi, the Infinite Nature, brothers of Surya to whom belongs the revealed knowledge & the divine illumination. It is as we shall see in the next line the straight road rijuná pathá. Sugah panthá anrikshara ádityása ritam yate. Nátrávakhádo asti ...

... we are, Agni, the earthly Godhead is the Deity we adore, he is the Lord of the Home, g ṛ hapati. He is the foremost of the gods and he goes in front of us (purohita), Agni's flame rises towards Surya, the supreme Light, but first he must prepare the passage, burn down and clear the woodlands and marshes that intervene — the growths and formations in the past of the very substance of the being. ...

... of the Page 60 Sun-like resplendent Hanuman. The process is simultaneous—light coming and darkness retreating and vanishing. And Dawn heralds the Day, even as Aruna heralds Surya.         This sublime picture of Dawn is verily infused with the symbolism of growth in consciousness: that is, Woman inconscient waking up from her stupor and becoming slowly transformed into ...

... in the foundation of the Dawns, their Lord enters the Vast ness of the firmaments. Vast the wisdom of Varuna, of Mitra, as in a happy brightness, orders multitudinously the Light. Commentary Surya Savitri in his task of illumination follows the progress of the Dawn. In another hymn the movements of the mind have been described as growing conscient and brilliant by the bright Page 294 ...

... startled) slight but pervasive. Basket of grapes on cotton, lid off Page 33 to one side. Swapnavastha (imagination playing in Samadhi as in dream[)]. Glass jug with napkin on top. K. Nil Surya with blue black rays. Namadrishta, 1) Tejonama. 2) bill with rose red letters. 3 ordinary black letter. Writing not coherent or noteworthy—all print. Open doors and wall behind. Kitten at Namasi's. ...

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... Page 282 to the seven layers of our being, sapta-kosa, the seven worlds or the seven oceans; these are the seven tongues of the Fire-God, Agni, the seven horses of the Sun-God, Surya. Any of these planes of consciousness can take charge of the being and its principal knot, the ego, with attendant consequences. A common function of all right consciousness is to drench the being ...

... necessary to be a dweller in the East, to taste and understand the religion of the Dawn. 66 Page 400 It is a wonderfully apt phrase: 'the religion of the Dawn'. The Sun, Surya, Savitri—in his four differentiated forms, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman and Bhaga—is no doubt central to the Vedic religion, but the human approach to them is through the gateway of the Dawn. Kazantzakis ...

... communication with the divine powers that surround him outwardly as well as inwardly. The difference in the language of the Veda and that of the Upanishads is marked: where we have Agni, Indra, Aditi, Surya etc. in the Veda, in the latter we have Jnana, Satya, Brahma, Prakriti, Atma, but still as Sri Aurobindo has pointed out in his foreword to the " Hymns to the Mystic Fire, " there are passages wherein... sacred rhythms from the Immortal - may Indra satisfy me through the intelligence. O God, may I become a vessel of the Immortal. " And a kindred passage may also be cited from the Isha, in which Surya the Sun-God is invoked as the godhead of knowledge whose supreme form of effulgence is the oneness of the Spirit and his rays dispersed here on the mental level are the shining diffusion of the thought... . (Isha 16.) " The face of the Truth is covered with a golden lid: 0 fostering Sun, that uncover for the law of the truth, for Sight. 0 fosterer, O Sole Rishi, O controlling Yama, Surya, O Son of the Father of creatures, marshal and mass thy rays: , the Lustre that is thy most blessed form of all, that I see, He who is this, this Purusha, He am I. " (Isha 16.) The kinship in difference ...

... sweetness, may I hear the much and vast with my ears. For thou art the sheath of Brahman covered over and hidden by the intelligence. And a kindred passage may also be cited from the Isha in which Surya the Sun-God is invoked as the godhead of knowledge whose supreme form of effulgence is the oneness of the Spirit and his rays dispersed here on the mental level are the shining Page 335 ... the spirit and the Eternal: The face of the Truth is covered with a golden lid: O fostering Sun, that uncover for the law of the truth, for sight. O fosterer, O sole Rishi, O controlling Yama, O Surya, O son of the Father of creatures, marshal and mass thy rays: the Lustre that is thy most blessed form of all, that I see, He who is this, this Purusha, He am I. The kinship in difference of these ...

... Paradise the Sun-beholding dominion Khsathra. " The Rishis speak of the ideal end of their spiritual aspiration as the heavenly dominion Swar which lives forever under the light of the supreme Gnosis, Surya, the field or Kshetra of divinity. Of course, Swar in the outward or non-mystical connotation is only the highest part of the physical sky.   (1.10.1977) Page 334 ...

... . Even so we may say that Rishi Dirghatama has summarised his experience, at least the fundamental basic one, and put it into a sulfa. It is the famous rk with which he opens his long hymn to Surya: Lo, this delightful ancient Priest and Summoner; he has a second brother who is the devourer. There is a third brother with a dazzling luminous facet – there I saw the Master of the worlds ...

... mystic burden on her murmuring lips too large for human speech to utter or for the human brain to understand. Such was she then. Yet five rolling centuries had not passed when sleepless all-beholding Surya saw the sons of Mahomet pour like locusts over the green fields of her glory Page 214 and the wrecks of that mighty fabric whirling down the rapids of barbarism into the shores of ...

... should fill in the air through the left nostril (closing the right one); and, keeping it confined according to one's ability, it should be expelled slowly through the surya (right nostril). Then, drawing in the air through the surya (right nostril) slowly, the belly should be filled, and after performing Kumbhaka as before, it should be expelled slowly through the chandra (left nostril). Inhaling ...

... Even so we may say that Rishi Dirghatama has summarised his experience, at least the fundamental basic one, and put it into a sutra. It is the famous ṛk with which he opens his long hymn to Surya: "Lo, this delightful ancient Priest and Summoner; he has a second brother who is the devourer. There is a third brother with a dazzling luminous facet—there I saw the Master ...

... & Nature Part III   The Second Movement—Brahman Self Blissful and All-Blissful Part [IV]   The Third Movement—God in World—Vidya & Avidya Part [V] The Fourth Movement—Surya & Agni Part [VI]   The Divine Life Of these six parts, only "Part II The First Movement" was worked on. The Life Divine [Draft C] . 1914. This draft consists of two chapters, numbered ...

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... Supermind that the world came into being, it is the Supermind alone who will then bring genuine fulfilment to it in joyous glories of the Truth and Light and Force and Awareness. In it is the work of Surya-Savitri. It is that we celebrate in the Savitri-legend given to us as a great gift. But the advent of Savitri is to be preceded by preparing well the needed occult-spiritual support; it should ...

... they undertook and accomplished another synthesis of Yoga that of different disciplines of knowledge, — it retained close connection and knowledge of the Vedic gods and goddesses. Agni, Vayu, Indra, Surya and others were understood by the Upanishads as intimately as did the Vedic Rishis, and although they did not use profusion of symbolism, they did continue the system of symbolism, and today when we ...

... universal and central institution of the prevailing cult. The hymns were written round this institution and were understood by the vulgar as ritual chants in praise of the Nature-gods, Indra, Agni, Surya Savitri, Varuna, Mitra and Bhaga, the Aswins, Ribhus, Page 677 Maruts, Rudra, Vishnu, Saraswati, with the object of provoking by the sacrifice the gifts of the gods,—cows, horses, gold and... These gods are powers outwardly of physical, inwardly of psychical nature. Thus Agni outwardly is the physical principle of fire, but inwardly the god of the psychic godward flame, force, will, Tapas; Surya outwardly the solar light, inwardly the god of the illuminating revelatory knowledge; Soma outwardly the moon and the Soma-wine or nectarous moon plant, inwardly the god of the spiritual ecstasy, Ananda... physical functions; but the latter in some instances gave place to the less external significance. I have given the example of Helios replaced in later times by Apollo. Just so in the Vedic religion Surya undoubtedly becomes a god of inner light, the famous Gayatri verse and its esoteric interpretation are there to prove it as well as the constant appeal of the Upanishads to Vedic riks or Vedic symbols ...

... sky. He is the master of an ethereal wideness, an upper ocean, of the vastness of being, of its purity; in that vastness, it is elsewhere said, he has made paths in the pathless infinite along which Surya, the Sun, the Lord of Truth and the Light can move. Thence he looks down on the mingled truths and falsehoods of the mortal consciousness. And we have further to note that these divine waters are those... the only rational, coherent and sensible explanation of the thought and language of the Vedic sages. For the rest, Vasishtha makes it clear enough to us; for he says that these are the waters which Surya has formed by his rays and which, unlike earthly movements, do not limit or diminish the workings of Indra, the supreme Mind. They are, in other words, the waters of the Vast Truth, ṛtaṁ bṛhat and ...

... Matariswan, all of them soul bodies of Mahavishnu. Agni Twashta having made the Sun out of the Apas or waters of being, Prajapati as Surya Savitri enters into the Sun and takes possession of it. He multiplies himself in the Suris or Solar Gods who are the souls of the flames of Surya, the Purushas of the female solar energies. Then he creates out of this solar body of Vishnu the planets each of which successively ...

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... passages mean the path of the Truth, the psychological significance would still intervene; for the sense would then be that the dawn of illumination follows the path of the True or the Lord of the Truth, Surya Savitri. We have precisely the same idea repeated but with still clearer and fuller psychological indications in I.124.3, ṛtasya panthām anveti sādhu, prajānatīva na diśo mināti : "She moves according ...

... of the naturalistic theory of Vedic worship; they are undoubtedly storm-gods and no other of the greater Vedic deities, Agni or the Ashwins or Varuna and Mitra or Twashtri and the goddesses or even Surya the Sun or Usha the Dawn have such a pronounced physical character. If then these storm-gods can be shown to have a psychological character and symbolism, then there can be no farther doubt about the ...

... Vishnu. 8) कथा शर्धाय मरुतामृताय कथा सूरे बृहते पृच्छ्यमानः । प्रति ब्रवो अदितये तुराय साधा दिवो जातवेदश्चिकित्वान् ॥ How to the strength of the Maruts that is true in its paths, how to Surya vast when he questioned thee? or what didst thou reply to Aditi & Tura? Know & perfect the heavens in us, O world-Knower. 9) ऋतेन ऋतं नियतमीळ आ गोर् आमा सचा मधुमत्पक्वमग्ने । कृष्णा सती रुशता ...

... Theistic because they regard the world also as God, containing Page 416 Himself & dwelling in Himself. They are polytheistic because they acknowledge the existence, power & adorability of Surya-Agni, Indra and a host of other deities; yet not polytheistic, because they regard them as only powers and names & personalities of the one Brahman. Thus it is possible for the Isha Upanishad to open ...

... sat-cit-ananda; but the other key-word is a negative in structure – amrtam, not death. Immortality means not mortality, and ananta too is a negative expression. We remember the famous lines: Na tatra surya bhati etc.,¹ it is a supreme revelation, it is supremely evocative but it is built up of negatives. The Vedic rishis followed a different line, as I said; they did not evade or reject the materials ...

... space, when there existed only One Being, the nameless Being – named Brahman! To us, human beings, it is the Supreme Existence, the Lord, God or whatever one chooses to call him. He is also the Lord Surya, the luminous Truth, the sale Light of Lights. So then it once happened: this luminous Brahman looked at himself and found surprisingly that his luminosity, his brightness was getting dimmed, he was ...

... Spirit and in the world, by God above Nature and by Nature in God. Ishwara, Brahman, the Life-principle Matariswan, the Bright and Pure Stillness, the supreme & absolute Personality, the triple Purusha, Surya, Sachchidananda, Agni,—successively he presents to us in the course of his thought these names, aspects or images of the Eternal, not that we may accept one and exclude others, but for our soul experience... not only the Isha but the Taittiriya & other Upanishads, not to dwell in mind untouched by its laws, which would be a laborious & improbable achievement, but to raise ourselves beyond mind through Surya or pure Idea into Ananda and live centred in that principle. From this superior centre, seated free, imperial, Swarat, Samrat, in the mountain citadel of our existence, we can, remaining in the universe ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... the Rishi said..." from the Brihadaranayaka (II.5.18). A fact even more directly significant is the clear Upanishadic echoes of Rig-vedic religious figures. Thus the Isha has an appeal to Surya, the Sun, as a god of revelatory knowledge by whose action we can arrive at the highest Truth. Sri Aurobindo 10 points out: "This, too, is his function in the sacred Vedic formula of the Gayatri... Rishi Vishwamitra" (III. 62.10) - and in it "the Sun in its highest light... is called upon... to impel our thoughts".¹¹ Actually, as Sri Aurobindo¹² has shown, the very verses of the Isha about Surya are a recasting of an invocation in the Rig-Veda. The Isha (15-16) cries: "The face of the Truth is covered with a golden lid. 6. Ibid. 7. Ibid.. p. 149. 8. Mystic Approach ...

... their secret divine parts. भृगवः. Sy. The Maharshis who preceded us. These are the Ancestors (the Gritsamadas are Bhargavas); as the Angirasas are powers of Agni, so the Bhrigus are powers of Surya. आयोः. Sy. man = yajamana & vikshu = प्रजासु = his offspring = the ritwiks! Obviously विक्षु आयोः = मानुषीषु विक्षु in the next line and means mankind in general, not the Ritwiks. विश्वानि ...

... of their divine inspiration. I shall try to show how mighty are the architectonics of thought in the Isha, how movement leads on to movement, how intimately, for instance, the closing invocations to Surya & Agni are related to the whole thought-structure and how perfectly they develop from what precedes. The importance of the logical relation in the interpretation will be manifest, if I mistake not, ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... as long as works and knowledge are only of the egoistic mental character. Mental knowledge is not true knowledge; true knowledge is that which is based on the true sight, the sight of the Seer, of Surya, of the Kavi. Mental thought is not knowledge, it is a golden lid placed over the face of the Truth, the Sight, the divine Ideation, the Truth-Consciousness. When that is removed, sight replaces mental ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... Overmind? I am not asking for hundreds of lines - even eight will more than do - all pure gold to be treasured for ever. So please... Perhaps it is possible only on Sunday - the day dedicated to golden Surya and rich for you with leisure from correspondence: I can wait answerless for twenty-four hours with a sweet samata. The answer came the very next morning: I have to say Good Heavens again ...

... testing of my theory”. The same approach was later taken up, but not completed, in The Secret of the Veda , volume 15 of THE COMPLETE WORKS. [B] The second and longer version of “Chapter I” is entitled “Surya, Sarasvati and Mahi”, but as far as it was completed it does not discuss any of these deities. The Colloquy of Agastya and Indra . Circa 1912. No title in the manuscript. Sri Aurobindo wrote... for Vedic and philological work, whose few dated contents were written in 1913. The writing referred to on page 107, in which Sri Aurobindo mentions having “already discussed the relations of Indra, Surya and the Mountain”, has not been identified. The Gods of the Veda / The Secret of the Veda . Circa 1913. This work is found in the same notebook as the preceding piece, which it immediately follows... Hymns of the Atris . The hymns chosen for publication in this series were all twenty-eight hymns to Agni, V.1 – 28; all eleven to Mitra-Varuna, V.62 – 72; both hymns to Usha, V.79 – 80; one to (Surya) Savitri, V.81 ; and one to Varuna, V.85.In Selected Hymns , another series in the Arya , he had published a different translation of V.81 and a translation of V.82 , to Bhaga Savitri, with ...

... thrills come to you side by side - until you get an ever-wakeful, many-sided keenness which knows at a touch that the Gods are here and this is Indra and that is Agni and the lordliest of them is Surya! As to rhythm-values, I do not know exactly what my correspondent wants me to say. Surely he is able to mark out power from delicacy, the sound that seizes him by its grandeur from that which steals ...

... passage of T³ into T² continues. Strong & intense kamananda recurrent throughout the day. Intensity of tivra and vishaya. Manifestation of the gods as agents of the ideal action, especially Surya in charge of the ideal vangmaya thought (recalling the last 15 August)—less directly Indra behind the perception, Agni behind the will. Mental images of the four Shaktis on the lower & middle planes... reasserts itself swiftly.. The lower nature still resists the new devibhava and attempts to go back to the old sense of limitation and essential incapacity. The devibhava is taking into itself Surya, Soma, Agni, Indra and seeking to unify them. As a result, partly, of the unsuccessful attack sama ananda is greatly strengthened & is increasing rapidly in force. It is finally overcoming the... the T². This it is already beginning to do The alternations between the higher and the lower devibhava continue. The higher has at present too much of the Maheshwara in it, being dominated by Surya. There is an increasing attempt at control of the speech by the ideality. The power of the ideality is definitely emerging out of the state of subjection to the circle of the physical ...

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... was to them more than a figure; for light, in their view, is not merely an apt poetic image of thought, but is actually its physical form. Thus, the herds that are milked are the Herds of the Sun,—Surya, God of the revelatory and intuitive mind, or else of Dawn, the goddess who manifests the solar glory. The Rishi desires from Indra a daily increase of this light of Truth by his fuller activity pouring ...

... tamasaspari jyoti ṣ pa ś yanta uttara ṁ , deva ṁ devatr ā suryam aganma iyotiruttamam 33 ("Beholding a higher Light beyond this darkness, we have followed it and reached the highest Light of all, Surya divine in the divine Being.") 31.Compare: "There is a deeper seeing from within And when we have left these small purlieus of mind, A greater vision meets us on the heights... Spirit's gaze." (Savitri, Book II, Canto V, p. 168.) Also: "Mental knowledge is not true knowledge. True knowledge is that which is based on the true sight, the sight of the Seer, of Surya, of the Kavi. Mental thought is not knowledge, it is a golden lid placed over the face of the Truth, the Sight, the divine Ideation. When that is removed, sight replaces mental thought, the all-embracing ...

... knowledge relating to what the Vedas call Prithvi, the earth, Antariksha, subtle levels of existence between matter and mind, Dyau, the plane of the higher mind, Svah, the world of light, and Surya, the world of everlasting day or of the supramental light, and still beyond, of the transcendental unity and oneness. For Veda is essentially and esoterically a book of know-ledge, the knowledge ...

... mounts still farther to the solar status which is a mass, a sea, an infinity of that light and ecstasy but which can at the same time express and embody itself as the creative Truth-consciousness ( surya savitri). In the Supermind things exist in their perfect spiritual reality; each is consciously the divine reality in its transcendent essence, its cosmic extension, its spiritual individuality; ...

... mounts still farther to the solar status which is a mass, a sea, an infinity of that light and ecstasy but which can at the same time express and embody itself as the creative Truth- consciousness (surya savitri). In the Supermind things exist in their perfect spiritual reality; each is consciously the divine reality in its transcendent essence, its cosmic extension, its spiritual individuality; ...

... mounts still farther to the solar status which is a mass, a sea, an infinity of that light and ecstasy but which can at the same time express and embody itself as the creative Truth-­consciousness (surya savitri). In the Supermind things exist in their perfect spiritual reality; each is consciously the divine reality in its transcendent essence, its cosmic extension, its, spiritual individuality; ...

... TAT SAVITUR VARENYAM BHARGO DEVASYA DHĪMAHI DHIYO YO NAH PRACHODAYĀT Thus runs the Gayatri mantra, 1 the chosen formula of the ancient Vedic search. It is addressed to Surya, the Sun, "as a God of revelatory knowledge by whose action we can arrive at the highest truth." This "sacred Vedic formula, of the Gayatri," observes Sri Aurobindo, "was for thousands of years repeated ...

... forms of the divine Powers to outline themselves in our waking consciousness. Then may those other mighty Ones who bring with them the plenitudes of the higher life, Indra and the Ashwins, Usha and Surya, Varuna and Mitra and Aryaman, assume with that formative extension of themselves in the human being their most Page 283 brilliant energies. Let them create their plenty in us, pouring it ...

... 83, 240 St. Jacques, 107 St. Paul, 9-10, 108 Stalin, 267 Stalinism, 262 Stendha1, 88 Supervielle, Jules, 198 -"Alter Ego", 199-200 -"Lui Seul", 201 -"Saisir", 201 Surya,166 Syria, 284 TAG ORE, RABINDRANATH, 53, 62n., 64, 66, 97-102, 222-3, 226-30, 288 -Balaka, 228 -Gitanjali, 99n -"The Golden Boat", 64n -"Salutation", 266n Tantras, the, ...

... that to come to him naturally. 4 June 1933 In the Sutra bhuvanajñānaṁ sūrye saṁyamāt [Yoga Sutra 3.27], where does the knowledge of the worlds by Samyama come from, and what has Surya to do with it? Surya is the symbol of the Divine Light, the Divine Truth, ultimately of the Supermind. Samyama is a process of pressure on the consciousness by which the secret Truth, the involved intuition ...

... Still Water 621 Storm-Light 161 Strange Enemy 237 Strange Tunes 474 Suns 305 Sun-Spell 48 Super-Scientist 564 Surya 403 Symbol-Mood 43 Symbol-Vision of Full Moon 725   Talisman 141 Taprobane 394 Tears 362 Tennis with the Mother 579 ...

... confess I am rather intrigued about Surya Deva. Inever thought of worshipping him as a Deva. How about it? Does Krishnaprem mean that Surya is a conscient god? Yes, obviously. If it is meant god in the sense that sarvam khalvidam brahma [All this is the Brahman. Chhandogyopanishad, 3.14.1] – the point is lost for why then pick out Surya Deva as a God – the little stream flowing... but I could never take them seriously. There were both. Even now the Sun and Fire [get] reverence, I believe, from the Parsis. The Gayatri, which is a very potent mantra, centres round Surya. * I don’t like to be in “a parlous state” – but que faire? The sun has never inspired me as a Godhead in the way that a Krishna or a Kali has. How ought I to look on the sun anyhow... That is just what Krishnaprem is jocosely damning, your parlous state of ignorance about the occult world and what lies behind things here. If Krishnaprem were asking you to concentrate on Surya instead of Krishna, you could very obviously retort on him with the sloka from the Gita, devandevayajo yanti madbhakta yanti mamapi. [To the gods go the worshippers of the gods, but my devotees ...

... speech of submission we would dispose." It is significant that the closing invocation of Agni in verse eighteenth follows the invocation to surya in verse seventeenth. In the Vedic and the Upanishadic yoga, knowledge of light, which is represented by surya, is logically anterior and supporter of shakti, the power of will for action, which is represented by Agni. In the path of yoga that aims at the... Divine Will and to allow that Will to manifest through the instrumentality of the seeker. Right action results from complete submission of the individual to the Divine Will, which the illumination of Surya reveals in him. Perfection of right action necessitates perfection of the knowledge of the Lord as the One who manifests in and controls multiplicity. When Knowledge is combined with the Divine Will... Mind, And have light which glimmereth higher than the light of the Mind."57 "From out of darkness all around We, gazing on the higher light - Yea, gazing on the higher light - To Surya, god worshiped by the gods, We have attained the highest light! Yea, the highest light!58 We see here the confirmation of the Vedic experience in which one rises from darkness to a light ...

... again the epithet golden is constantly applied to the Sun and gold is in Veda probably the symbol of the substance of the truth, for its substance is the light which is the golden wealth found in Surya and in the waters of Swar, apsu sūrye ,—therefore we have the epithet hiraṇyaṁ jyotiḥ . This golden or shining light is the hue, varṇa , of the truth; it is also the hue of the thoughts full of that ...

... being akin to sūra and sūrya , the sun, and is used to indicate the third of the Vedic vyāhṛtis and the third of the Vedic worlds corresponding to the principle of the pure or unobscured Mind. Surya represents the illumination Page 73 of the ṛtam rising upon the mind; Swar is that plane of mental consciousness which directly receives the illumination. Vayu on the other hand is always ...

... divinised nature and its energies and with the enlightened conscious heart as his chariot ascends into the plenitude of the infinite and Page 359 immortal state. Like a Sun or a fire, as Surya, as Agni, engirt with a thousand blazing energies he conquers the vast regions of the inspired truth, the superconscient knowledge; rājā pavitraratho vājam āruhaḥ, sahasrabhṛṣṭir jayasi śravo bṛhat ...

... milk of paradise. The paradisal milk runs in all of Sri Aurobindo's utterances — they may be said to stream from a Divine Dairy where Vedic cows are luminously fluent under the super-vision of a Surya-Surendra! To return to "lumbago". Well, this morning I knew its meaning not quietly from any dictionary but growled out from my own lower back by my "lions." Yes, I have a touch of this rheumatic ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... their very meaning recall that they are only epithets, significant names, descriptions, not personal appellations. Mitra is the Deva as the Lord of love and harmony, Bhaga as the Lord of enjoyment, Surya as the Lord of illumination, Varuna as the all-pervading Vastness and purity of the Divine supporting and perfecting the world. "The Existent is One," says the Rishi Dirghatamas, "but the sages express ...

... vijnana-buddhi made a preliminary self-arrangement, which has been disturbed this morning & gives glimpses of itself only through clouds. This vijnanabuddhi has now to arrange its movements in the surya jyotis. Kamananda has to recover its recurrent activity. The tapas, active in the lower estate of being in front of a veiled Chit and blind to it or to all but a few illuminations from it mostly ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... an elaborate methodised effort in which various human powers can be intertwined, purified and developed, and they are symbolised under specific and discernible symbols of Agni, Indra, Usha, Pushan, Surya, Savitri, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman, Bhaga, Soma, Brihaspati, and many others in a systematic manner. And in the hymns relating to the Rihbus, we have a summary of the entire process of perfection, ...

... an elaborate methodised effort in which various human powers can be intertwined, purified and developed, and they are symbolised under specific and discernible symbols of Agni, Indra, Usha, Pushan, Surya, Savitri, Varuna, Mxtra, Aryaman, Bhaga, Soma, Brihaspati, and many others in a systematic manner. And in the hymns relating to the Rihbus, we have a summary of the entire process of perfection, ...

... until new British reinforcements came. But they put up a stiff fight until they were overcome by a much larger force. Although they were short of ammunition, they never relented and many were killed. Surya Sen was their leader. The Mother: They look so innocent, but very determined and devoted. This is a thing I cannot understand; foreigners who come to rule a nation, to found an empire — and not ...

... compound a poetical usage आद्युदातं द्वाच् छंदसीति; but this seems to be the rule with compounds of सु वत्सं. S. each her own son. अन्यान्या= परस्परव्यतिहारेण स्वकीयं रसं पाययतः. Agni is the Day’s, Surya the Night’s. अन्यस्यां. Other than his own mother हरिः. S. रसहरणशील आदित्यः!! ददृशे. दृशेश्छंदसि लुङ्लङ्लित इति वर्तमाने लिट् (2) दश. The ten regions from the clouds—or ten fingers from the... also favour, aid, as well as wish, desire. (2) यस्यानाप्तः सूर्यस्येव यामः He whose march none has attained like that of the sun. अनाप्तः S. परैरप्राप्ता गतिः not got by others Indra and Surya’s motion भरेभरे वृत्रहा शुष्मो अस्ति In mellay and mellay (or bringing and bringing) the Vritraslayer is forceful or heroic. शुष्मः S. असुराणां शोषकः शुष् is of the शु root. It means (1) to ...

... physical light, another series of higher and inner light which is a vehicle of the mental, vital and psychic consciousness. Besides these, there is the highest inmost light of spiritual illumination. Surya, the Sun-god, was the lord of the physical Sun, but he is at the same time giver of the rays of Knowledge which illumines the mind. At the same time, he is also the soul of energy and the body of spiritual... the lost sun and herds of light in the caves of darkness, symbolising physical inconscience. It may even be said that the Yoga of the Veda seems to suggest that the discovery of the light in Surya Savitri is followed and completed by the discovery and uncovering of the light in the very depths of darkness of the Inconscient, tamas. Not the rejection of Matter and material life but realisation ...

... marcher always towards the dawn — the pleasure of a drink known as Soma with which the semi-barbarian priests got so intoxicated that they thought they were partners of heaven with Indra and Agni and Surya — the pleasure of all kinds of wealth including a strange kind which was hidden within wonderful oceans and rivers — the pleasure of smiting dusky Dravidians whom they dubbed Dasyus and Dasas ("ene-mies" ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... immortality and of the eternal Truth in its integrality, discoverable on the heights beyond the mind and in the planes described symbolically as those of higher light and highest light, swar and surya respectively. As a Rigvedic rik proclaims: उद्वय॑ तमसस्परि स्वः पश्यन्त उत्तरम् । देव॑ देवत्रा सूर्यमगन्म ज्योतिरुत्तमम् । RV.I. 50.10 We perceived the higher light of Swar beyond ...

... nature-forces but a spiritual cult aiming at the human soul's realisation of the Supreme Being by an inner Yogic process of deepening, widening and heightening theerstate. Like a Sun or a Fire, as Surya, as Agni, engirt with a thousand blazing energies he conquers the vast regions of the inspired truth, the superconscient knowledge; raja pavitraratho vajam aruhah, sahasrabhrstir jayasi sravo brhat ...

... the house of Atri. In each of these Mandalas the Suktas addressed to Agni are first collected together and followed by those of which Indra is the deity; the invocations of other gods, Brihaspati, Surya, the Ribhus, Usha etc. close the Mandala. A whole book, the ninth, is given to a single god, Soma. The first, eighth and tenth Mandalas are collections of Suktas by various Rishis, but the hymns of ...

... deal of interpretation. 6. The sixth lesson reveals the presence of the golden Immortal, who is seated within the cave or inner heart. In a symbolic manner the location of Indra, Agni, Vayu and Surya is indicated. 7. The seventh lesson describes the "Earth, sky, heaven, the quarters and the lesser quartersˮ This is a symbolic description of the macrocosm. This is followed by the statement ...

... world deities with complex functions material, mental and spiritual. The same Agni who burns here in fire, is master of pure force in the mind and of simple active energy in the universe. The same Surya who rides yonder in the skies, is the master of inspired knowledge and the principle of illumination wherever it is found. The same Varuna who in ether upholds the stars and finds a pathway for the ...

... progression was a conquering march and not a flight. Therefore, their idea of the gods was a conception of great divine Beings manifesting or born, as they said, variously in all the kingdoms of being. Surya is manifest as creative solar Light in the material world, he is Savitri, the Father; he is manifest in his own home, the Truth-principle, as the divine Light that illuminates our liberated being. To... In the language of Madhuchchhanda, we may almost affirm, it has usually this latter sense and, even when it means primarily cows, always refers obliquely to rays.We have gobhir in connection with Surya in the seventh sukta, where it can only mean rays and nothing else; we have the combination súnritá gomatì in the eighth where coherence & good sense demand the rendering “true & luminous”; we have... physical cattle, there is usually a play of the mind on the other and figurative sense. These rays which figure so largely in Vedic imagery are not, as I shall show, the rays of the physical sun, but of Surya, the brilliant god of knowledge, master of revelation & ideal perception, the prophetic Apollo. Thus we have such expressions as gavyatá manasá, with a radiating mind. In the present rik the image ...

... of immortality and of the eternal Truth in its integrality, discoverable on the heights beyond the mind and in the planes described symbolically as those of higher light and highest light, swar and surya respectively. As a Rigvedic rik proclaims: उदृयं तमस्णरि स्वः पश्यन्त उतरम् | देवं देवत्रा सूयोमगन्म ज्योतिरतमम् | RV.I.50.10 We perceived the higher light of Swar ...

... Veda the series of the outer physical light, another higher and inner light which is a vehicle of the mental, vital and psychic consciousness, and a highest inmost light of spiritual illumination. Surya, the Sun-god, was the lord of the physical Sun, but he is at the same time the giver of the rays of Knowledge which illumines the mind, and he is also the soul of energy and body of the Page 83... discover the lost sun and herds of light in the caves of darkness, symbolising physical inconscience. It may even be said that the yoga of the Veda seems to suggest that the discovery of the light in Surya Savitri is followed and completed by the discovery and uncovering of the light in the very depths of darkness of the Inconscient, tamas. Not the rejection of Matter and material life but realisation ...

... according to its nature. Because it carries this creative force of the divine Idea, the Sun, the lord and symbol of the gnosis, is described in the Veda as the Light which is the father of all things, Surya Savitri, the Wisdom-Luminous who is the bringer-out into manifest existence. This creation is inspired by the divine delight, the eternal Ananda; it is full of the joy of its own truth and power, it ...

... across the ages; (2) a process of realising our existence on plane after plane beyond the earth, a higher and still higher self of our own in superhuman regions culminating in the world of a supreme "Surya", a divine Sun of Knowledge and Bliss where all things are unified and harmonised.   See what your big and beautiful clock has driven home to my heart and evoked from my mind! It has been a good ...

... births, and form within himself vast and luminous worlds for his soul to inhabit. The secret potency of the Word is realised when we realise that it is by the Word of the Truth that all-engendering Surya Greates; by the rhythm of the Word Brahmanspati evokes the worlds and Twashtri fashions them; finding the all-puissant Word in his intuitive heart, shaping it in his mind the human sinker, the mortal ...

... Orange Kingdom —jyotirmaya lipi—orange is the symbol of psychic knowledge & power The tapatya .. the glory Infinite telepathy Rupa . Symbolic Momentary incomplete tejas-surya followed by krishna-surya. 29 March 1914 Opening Sortilege. (1) a. अनानुदो वृषभो जग्मिराहंव निष्टप्ता शत्रुं पृतनासु सासहिः । असि सत्य ॠणया ब्रह्मणस्पत उग्रस्य चिद् दमिता वीडुहषिंणः अदेवेन मनसा यो रिषण्यति... Rupadrishti— After many years the drishti of wind seen in the Alipore jail & often afterwards was again manifested, in this instance in connection with sukshma rain. Chitra of the brilliant rays of Surya. Indicative of the reemergence of the higher vijnana in a greater brilliance (?) Jonakis, stars and dark living spots very frequent. (N.B the firefly, the star, the wind are given in Swet. Up [S... वृजिना च पशयत्रभि चष्टे सूरो अर्य एवान् ।। ie—When the soul is illumined & knows the three kinds of knowledge of these gods (ie Swar, Bhuvar, Bhur) & their eternal birth from the Divine Parapurusha, Surya of the vijnana, sees in mortals the straight & the crooked and illumines in his fulfilling power of upward movement their goings. This indicates a promise that the action shall before long be illumined ...

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... with much resistance and retardation.    The two first siddhis are well reestablished in Devihasya. 27 August 1919 T² in spite of laxity is proceeding with accuracy of telepathic incidence. The Surya direction of the Ishwara is prominent and moving towards direct logistic control and guidance. A great increase of physical stability in sadhara, niradhara and chitra lipi, but especially in the ...

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... from some depth. And by a coincidence which yet seemed most natural, the voice identified itself as "Aditi"! The grandest conception in the Rigveda - greater than that of Mitra-Varuna or Indra-Agni or Surya-Soma - is the one in which the Rishis bring close to our souls from a rapturous all-ruling remoteness the Mother of the Gods: Aditi, the personification of the Illimitable, the Ultimate. Appropriate ...

... between the two authorities. More important is the element of naturalistic interpretation. Not only are there the obvious or the traditional identifications, Indra, the Maruts, the triple Agni, Surya, Usha, but we find that Mitra was identified with the Day, Varuna with the Night, Aryaman and Bhaga with the Sun, the Ribhus with its rays. We have here the seeds of that naturalistic theory of the ...

... being constructive and synthetic, its defence against other theories must necessarily be left aside until the construction is complete and the synthesis appreciable in its entirety. [B] Chapter I Surya, Sarasvati and Mahi. Who are they, the gods of the Rigveda? Ancient and yet ever youthful powers, full of joy, help and light, shining ones with whose presence the regions of earth and the hearts ...

... Supramental Truth, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have told us; and the sun-ray will be the symbol of the ray of that Truth. In the Vedas the Sun has been called the Lord of Truth, "...the rays of Surya are the herds of the Sun, the kine of Helios slain by the companions of Odysseus in the Odyssey, stolen by Hermes from his brother Apollo in the Homeric hymn to Hermes. They are the cows concealed by ...

... the two first alone will enter naturally into the sense of the verse. Agni is addressed either as the giver of light, ritwij and jatavedas—for physically Agni is the disposer of light only through Surya—or as the giver of delight, because tapas is the basis of all ananda. But this metaphorical sense of "light" is a doubtful use and for other reasons as well, foreign to the etymological considerations ...

... direct vision and occult will and cosmic perception. Its physical seat is somewhere behind and or just beyond the crown of the head: the peak of man's manifest being that received the first touch of Surya Savitri (the supreme Creative Consciousness) to whom it bowed down uttering the invocation mantra of Gayatri. The Ray then entered the head at the crown and illumined it: the force of consciousness ...

... direct vision and occult will and cosmic perception . Its physical seat is somewhere behind and or just beyond the crown of the head: the peak of man's manifest being that received the first touch of Surya Savitri (the supreme Creative Consciousness) to whom it bowed down uttering the invocation mantra of Gayatri. The Ray then entered the head at the crown and illumined it: the force of consciousness ...

... Yajur Veda and a work, as I have shown elsewhere, full of the most lofty & deep Vedantic truth, in which the eternal problems of human existence are briefly proposed and masterfully solved,—we find Surya and Agni prayed to & invoked with as much solemnity & reverence as in the Rigveda and indeed in language borrowed from the Rigveda, not as the material Sun and material Fire, but as the master of divine... flexible study of the mentality, customs, traditions & symbolisms of primitive races. The theory of Vedic Nature-worship is better founded than these astronomical fancies. Agni is plainly the God of Fire, Surya of the Sun, Usha of the Dawn, Vayu of the Wind; Indra for Sayana is obviously the god of rain; Varuna seems to be the sky, the Greek Ouranos,—et cetera. But when we have accepted these identities, the ...

... rejects it quickly. The one thing that still affects the mind is doubt. The faith in the Adesh and in the rapidity of the siddhi is now about to establish itself beyond serious clouding in the light of Surya. It will take a few days to eliminate the causes of doubt, but they will produce no effect when they come. The knowledge is once more satyam brihat with a more untrammelled & well combined brihat ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... supramental consciousness is totally comprehensive. Finally, it is in the supramental light that the Supreme, the Purusha, the One without the second, is beheld. In the inner sense of the Veda, Surya or the Sun represents the supramental illumination which exceeds mind and forms the pure self-luminous Truth of things. The same sense of the Sun is carried also in the Upanishads. As in Veda, so in... distorted, broken up and disordered in the ranges from the overmind to the mind. They form there the golden lid which covers the face of the Truth. The seer, the Rishi, who seeks the supermind prays to Surya to cast them into right order and relation and then draw them together into the unity of revealed truth. The result of this inner process is the perception of the oneness of all beings in the divine ...

... Overmind? I am not asking for hundreds of lines — even eight will more than do — all pure gold to be treasured forever. So please .. . Perhaps it is possible only on Sunday — the day dedicated to golden Surya and rich for you with leisure from correspondence: I can wait answerless for 24 hours with a sweet samatā."         The answer came the very next morning:         "I have to say Good ...

... instance the series of the outer physical light, another higher and inner light which is the vehicle of the mental, vital and psychic consciousness and a highest inmost light of spiritual illumination. Surya, the Sun-God, was the lord of the physical Sun; but he is at the same time to the Vedic seer-poet the giver of the rays of knowledge which illumine the mind and he is too the soul and energy and body ...

... of the highest quality but it is well-conceived and well-written and well-rhythmed. The last verse is the best because at once large in thought and simple and poetically sincere." (1931)   Surya   [On an early version (7.2.31), Sri Aurobindo commented:]   "Your language and rhythm are much more perfect, more full and deep and harmonious than before. There is still wanting ...

... with a sad disaster fraught. Is the youth of noble lustre, gifted in the gifts of art, Blest with wisdom and with prowess, patient in his dauntless heart?" Page 497 "Surya's lustre in him shineth," so the rishi Narad Said, "Brihaspati's wisdom dwelleth in the youthful prince's head, Like Mahendra in his prowess, and in patience like the Earth, Yet O ...

... [घेदभि] 7 श्रुतामघं वृषभं नरयापसं । अस्तारमेषि सूर्य— Script Agni has all the seven rays & in this sense is not deficient, but he is not yet fully displayed. It is necessary that the Vijnana (Surya) should rise on the Mind which is now active & full in inspiration— This is begun today. When completed, the "results" will also be complete. The struggle now proceeding may be thus analysed.... habitual moulds. The gods Agni, Indra, Vayu are, since yesterday, manifesting constantly sometimes in their divine & sometimes in their manasic parts. Occasionally two or three of them form one deity. Surya, Usha, the four and Brihaspati seem about to manifest. All the rest are behind Trikaldrishti of reference & pure trikaldrishti are active, but the latter is not luminous. Tapas usually acts to... Anandamaya. The third intensity is now manifesting more frequently, but with a power of impersonality & formlessness which makes the man appear as a mask of God. The other gods—up to the present Surya, Varuna, Usha, Bhaga, Aryaman, Mitra, Aranyani are manifest in their forms & activities. They have now been followed rapidly by the others; Prithivi revealing herself as Aditi, Rudra manifest in the ...

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... is the door of our escape in Avidya; for it is the kingdom within us of Truth and Illumination, domain, in the Vedic symbol, of the god of the Sun, the prophetic Apollo, the burning and enlightening Surya. Sa no dhiyah prachodayát. The base of our being is in Matter, its knot is in mentality, its escape into divine Bliss. Our aim as human beings must be to rise through the pure Idea into divine bliss ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... mark: the Rishi of each hymn is "the seer and hearer of the Truth". The full Vedic account tells of the revelatory Word arising simultaneously from the heart of the Rishi and from the lofty ether of Surya-Savitri and get-ting shaped like a chariot in the calmly dynamic mind for the gods to ride from their mysterious stations into the world of men. (30.3.80)   In April that year Amal's wife ...

... secret being, nihitam guháyám; veiled, but accessible, He awaits our reverential approach and our questioning and, sincerely & constantly questioned, lights the fire of Agni in our hearts and makes Surya to rise upon our darkness. From these considerations there arise two apparently conflicting, but really complementary truths,—first, that in spite of powerful external aids, by the inexorable vi ...

... subtle and opulent conceptual thought. As Sri Aurobindo has pointed out: "Mental knowledge is not true knowledge; true knowledge is that which is based on the true sight, the sight of the Seer, of Surya, of the Kavi. Mental thought is not knowledge, it is a golden lid placed over the face of the Truth, the Sight, the divine Ideation, the Truth Consciousness. When that is removed, sight replaces mental ...

... and laughter have I come to this world But to bear the pain of my knees! * Going through a pile of letters Dada remarked one I've found a new name, Suryendu. The sun (surya) an moon (chand) together. I remember there was a visitor who had come to the Ashram called Chandrabhanu. He asked me to tell something on his behalf to the Mother. In those days I would often ...

... planes of consciousness. It mentions ' Antariksha '—-the intermediate vital plane between Earth and Heaven—the physical and. mental. Veda mentions three shining summits of the Mind " Trini Rochana". Surya, the sun, is the symbol of the Truth-Consciousness of illumination of knowledge. The Vedic seers speak of the ascent of the human soul from plane to plane, from Darkness to Light.6 In IV 2-12 ...

... splendour and glory of the highest reaches of our being. And what about the Sight, the goal of achievement for the Vedic seers? It is, in the esoteric meaning of the Veda, the self-revelatory knowledge of Surya, the Sun-God. "...The Sun-God represents the divine Illumination of the Kavi which exceeds mind and forms the pure self-luminous Truth of things.... His realm is described as the Truth, the Law, the ...

... most celebrated name is that of Varāhamihira. His famous book, Pancha Siddhāntikā speaks of 5 systems of Jyotish: Pitāmaha Siddhānta, Vasishtha Siddhānta, Romaka Siddhānta, Poulisha Siddhānta, and Surya Siddhānta. In due course, Jyotish inspired development of various sciences including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, astronomy and astrology. Bhaskarācharya of 12 century A.D. is regarded as the first ...

... by the will and sometimes, but insecurely seized in the knowledge. Brilliant jyotirmaya action of the vijnana working sometimes upon the stumblings of the intellectual T³. This is the real surya , still hampered by the limited receptivity of the mind, but already presaging in type its opulence of plenary light. Yesterday's lipi was "Today is the last day of the intellectuality in the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... shall torture thee, O God ever-joyous? 285) Think this when thy members would fain make love with depression and weakness, "I am Bacchus and Ares and Apollo; I am Agni pure and invincible; I am Surya ever burning mightily." 286) Shrink not from the Dionysian cry & rapture within thee, but see that thou be not a straw upon those billows. 287) Thou hast to learn to bear all the gods within thee ...

... that I wonder if all is well with you? 1 do hope that neither illness nor any other of life's ills has touched you? It seemed so easy to exchange letters when I was in Delhi - under the rays of Surya - and here in England psychologically as well as physically in another land. 1 wonder if you met Kishori Kaul who was going to be in Auroville, and who painted a beautiful portrait of me? 1 am ...

... emerges from another statement of Sri Aurobindo's in a series that has not received revision. There we obtain a more particular focus on the "veil". In the commentary on the Isha Upanishad's verse on Surya, the Sun of Truth, Sri Aurobindo writes: "The face of this Truth is covered as with a brilliant shield, as with a golden lid; covered, that is to say, from the view of our human consciousness. For... concepts and percepts of the mind, which are indeed a means of knowledge, rays of the Truth, but not in their nature truth of existence, only truth of form.... We can only arrive at the true Truth, if Surya works in us to remove this brilliant formation of concepts and percepts and replaces them by the self-vision and all-vision."² The "veil" between the Lower Hemisphere and the Higher is the mental... of infinite possibilities as at once an obstacle and a passage in our seeking of the spiritual law of our existence, its highest aim, its secret Reality."³ The face of the Isha Upanishad's Surya is now seen as veiled not by our perceptual and conceptual mental consciousness but by the creative superconscient Overmind. The Upper Hemisphere now commences beyond the Overmind plane. That plane ...

... lower instruments. We have, for instance, the remarkable passages in the Isha Upanishad about the sunless worlds, the luminous lid concealing Truth, the marshalling & concentration of the rays of Surya & his godliest form of all, that form which, once seen, leads direct to the supreme realisation of oneness, So'ham asmi. Our intellect sees in these expressions a brilliant poetry, but no determinable ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... (15) To him that gift of these was given and he took joy, the one master of much riches. Indra carried forward on the way the White One giver of the Wine when he strove in rivalry with the Sun, Surya of the team of swift horses. (16) Thus have the Gotamas made for thee, O Indra, a cut clearness, the sacred words that yoke thy bright horses. Place in them then the thought that gives shape to universal... night and our dawnings, full of sweetness the terrestrial kingdom; a sweetness be to us Heaven, our father. Page 229 (8) Full of sweetness to us be the Lord of Pleasure, full of sweetness Surya, the luminous; sweet become to us the herds of his rays. (9) O Mitra, be peace in us, peace Varuna, peace in us Aryaman; peace Indra and Brihaspati, peace Vishnu wide-striding. SUKTA 91 (1) ...

... garments or transfigurations of some truth-principles. One or two instances will serve our purpose. According ¹ Translated by Sri Aurobindo. Page 79 to the Puranas the name of Surya's wife samjña – "con­sciousness". If we accept the Vedic meaning of Surra as the source of truth, then it does not become difficult for us to understand the significance of this word. Again, let us take ...

... of the light which is concealed in them. In other words, Page 14 the light is not only to be discovered and possessed at the supreme height, in Swar and in Surya Savitri. The discovery of the light in Surya Savitri is followed and completed by the discovery and uncovering of the light in the very depths of darkness, of Inconscient, tamas: It seems that the whole legend of the ...

... more and more active, the lower, already discouraged, will become less and less active and finally trouble you no more. Therefore Will first, then by Will, by Shakti, the Jnanam. First Kali, then Surya. I shall explain the various faculties when I have finished with the rest of the system. Page 1382 Yogic Sadhan - V If men were satisfied with indulging in reason, memory and imagination ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Truth), they who had lit the fire, by perfect accomplishment of the work; they gained the whole enjoyment of the Pani, its herds of the cows and the horses. Atharvan first formed the Path, thereafter, Surya was born as the protector of the Law and the Blissful One, tatah sūryo vratapā vena ājani. Ushanas Kavya drove upward the Cows. With them may we win by the sacrifice the immortality that is born ...

... for the purposes of its renewal but not by its own agency. True, Death is known as the son of Vivasvan, the Sun-god, and in him does the Dharma abide and by it does he protect or guard immoertality. "Surya the Lord of Light is bom as the guardian of the divine Law and the Yama-power." 33 This is the positive aspect of Yama in the creation; therefore he is also known as the ordainer of the worlds. On ...

... descent of the Light into the being, but it is different from psychic poetry. Disciple : In Vedic poetry the psychic feeling comes to the front in hymns expressing aspiration for Agni or for Surya. Disciple : Can you give an instance of psychic poetry? Is there a psychic element in Vidyapati? Sri Aurobindo : I think there is some, though it is rare even in Chandidas. As for psychic ...

... with a sad disaster fraught Page 565 Is the youth of noble lustre, gifted in the gifts of art, Blest with wisdom and with prowess, patient in his dauntless heart?" "Surya's lustre in him shineth," so the rishi Narad said, "Brihaspati's wisdom dwelleth in the youthful prince's head. Like Mahendra in his prowess, and in patience like the Earth, Yet O king ...

... my daughter's action with a sad disaster fraught, Is the youth Of noble lustre, gifted in the gifts of art, Blest with wisdom and with prowess, patient in his dauntless heart?" "Surya's lustre in him shineth," so the rishi Narad Said, "Brihaspati's wisdom dwelleth in the youthful prince's head. Like Mahendra in his prowess, and in patience like the Earth, Yet O king ...

... ads give a clear & definite answer to this question.The Page 27 Upanishads everywhere rest their highly spiritual & deeply mystic doctrines on the Veda.We read in the Isha Upanishad of Surya as the Sun God, but it is the Sun of spiritual illumination, of Agni as the Fire, but it is the inner fire that burns up all sin & crookedness. In the Kena Indra, Agni & Vayu seek to know the supreme ...

... jyotis paśyanta uttaram/ 167 devaṃ devatrā sūryam aganma jyotir uttamam// Beholding a higher Light beyond this darkness we have followed it and reached the highest Light of all, Surya divine in the divine Being. The above verse is at once the definition of the seer and an example of the Vedic Mantra. In the vision of the Overmind aesthesis, we have seen, there is the same ...

... It was psychological and was very necessary for the work. I am physically very weak and, in fact, I had a nervous breakdown in the past. The Mother had advised me to get treated by Dr. Surya. My physical would not have been able to bear the impact of the work that was going on at that time. That would have been difficult, risky also perhaps. This, they know it well; they know ...

... one or another of these. I find myself marking with approval passage after passage. I have just accepted for Temenos a short but full and beautifully concise paper from Professor Gokak on the Lord Surya and the six goddesses of poetry. I'm hoping he can provide some photographs of sculpture to accompany it, for if the philosophers and mystics discerned the Gods it was the craftsman who gave them ...

... event. Devabhava manifest as Vishnu with Agni prominent & in Agni Vayu, in Agni-Vayu Aryaman & Bhaga, Indra concealed in Agni Vayu, Mitra & Varuna behind Aryaman-Bhaga. Vishnu & Brihaspati are one. Surya is Vishnu working as Pushan & Yama. Rudra is a bhava of Vishnu. The Maruts are the host of Agni Rudra. Lipi 1) Fierce tapas 2) disability in the telepathy is not of thought, but of the... s is beginning to realise itself. It is indeed realised in the Saguna Brahman, but not in the Ishwara (Lilamaya). The fusion of Indra into the Agni-Vayu-Aryaman (containing already Mitra-Varuna-Surya-Bhaga-Aswins-Brihaspati-Twashtri-Maruts-Ribhus) seems to have been effected. The female energies have already been resumed in the Mahakali bhava. Only shadows now remain of the separate bhavas ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Indian writings subsequent to Vedic times bear out these indications. To the writers of the Brahmanas the sacrificial ritual enshrined an elaborate symbolism. The seers of the Upanishad worshipped Surya & Agni as great spiritual & moral forces and believed the Vedic hymns to be effective only because they contained a deep knowledge & a potent spirituality. They may have been in error—may have been ...

... Spirit's gaze." (Savitri, Book II, Canto V, p. 168.) Also: "Mental knowledge is not true knowledge; true knowledge is that which is based on the true sight, the sight of the Seer, of Surya, of the Kavi. Mental thought is not knowledge, it is a golden 39. Letters on Yoga, p. 176. 40. The Life Divine, p. 67. Page 156 lid placed over the face of the Truth ...

... mind as the centre (samo divo dadrishe rochamâno) & the brihad archis of the vijnana as the source. Page 888 The five purah are being manifested even to the rupadrishti. The vijnana (surya) has yet to ascend into all. The completion of this movement will establish the eighth Affirmation (of the nine, ebhih stomebhih), see May 20. The three Krishna affirmations are almost perfect. The ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... 476, 477, 478 Sung-yun, 506 Sunga, Surigas, vi, 9, 78, 225, 242, 476, 495, 594, 595 Sungabhadra, 363, 365 Surasena, 242 Surasenas, 209 ' Suryadeva', 'Soroadeios', 79 Surya Prajndpati, 107 Susthita-varman, 487 Sutlej (Sutudru, Hesidrus), 155 Sutta-nipdia, 292 Suvarnabhumi, Suvarnagiri, 382, 383 Svāyambhuva, 91 Tadmor/TDMR. 235 ...

... mystic burden on her murmuring lips too large for human speech to utter or for the human brain to understand. Such was she then. Yet five rolling centuries had not passed when sleepless, all-beholding Surya saw the sons of Mahomet pour like locusts over the green fields of her glory and the wrecks of that mighty fabric whirling down the rapids of barbarism into the shores of night. They were barbarous ...

... Supermind that the world came into being, it is Supermind alone who will then bring authentic fulfilment to it in joyous glories of the Truth and Light and Force and Awareness. In it is the work of Surya-Savitri. It is that we celebrate in the Savitri-legend given to us as a great gift. Such is the Savitri Mantra although we call it Gayatri Mantra. There is a certain difference between the two ...

... Pondicherry. He wishes to start his work after doing Pranam to Mother tomorrow. Page 225 He can come tomorrow. One young person is having mental trouble. He is to be shown to Dr. Surya. * * * 24.9.72 One lakh has been received yesterday from Birlas. They had promised it about a year ago. The amount will go for maintenance expenses, food, rent etc. Weekly ...

... Pondicherry. He wishes to start his work after doing Pranam to Mother tomorrow. Page 225 He can come tomorrow. One young person is having mental trouble. He is to be shown to Dr. Surya. * * * 24.9.72 One lakh has been received yesterday from Birlas. They had promised it about a year ago. The amount will go for maintenance expenses, food, rent etc. Weekly ...