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Sada : Wodiyār, a Tamil Christian supervisor of the jail at Pondicherry around 1914. Sri Aurobindo attended his marriage & accepted his daughter Bālā as Ashramite.

16 result/s found for Sada

... What did the Mother do to satisfy my curiosity? She called Lakshmibai and asked her to read out the Punjabi song. Lakshmibai read out the song: Sada na bageen bulbul boley Sada na baag baharaan. Sada na raaz khushi dey hondey Sada na majlis yaaraan. (Forever the bulbul sings not in the garden. Forever Spring blooms not midst flowers. Forever gladness stirs not in the kingdom ...


... Ananda always exists that I seek their base of permanence. August 1934 I had forgotten one thing about the Fenêtres 37 room. When Sada went there, we made it a rule that there should not be too much "receiving" of friends, etc. (Sada has an array 01 them); but I think this will not incommode Nishikanta, as he is of the quiet type, I understand, and will besides be seein9 much of his ...

... hidebound in our glorious "science". No time for showing the glorious Science its errors. Too busy trying to get the supramental Light down to waste time on that. Afterwards, sir, afterwards. Sada & Co. refuse the vaccination point blank! Till now none has succeeded in doing them, they say! Well? Nothing to be said, unless you tell them to go and be d—d in their own way! After reading... Beast of Burden? Who? I? or you? Swore a little first, then went into the cancel. Had intended to come back and swear more, but cancelled the farther intention of swear. What is it, Sir, Sada & Co. to be dead? dead ! No, sir, not dead, but damned! damned! damned! Very glad to hear, Sir, that you are "too busy". Only we have been hearing that so often and so long since, that by now ...

... there had been a search in the Rue St. Louis house. Sri Aurobindo also refers in it to the escape of Mayuresan to Cuddalore. On 15 August Sri Aurobindo's birthday was celebrated. Some local people – Sada, Pitrus, David and four others – besides the members of the household, took part in the celebration. Sri Aurobindo sat in a chair in the outer verandah of the new house and all those who had come passed... house of Joseph David (afterwards Mayor of Pondicherry) on the occasion of his marriage (1914 ?); (2) to David's place on the occasion of his daughter's baptism; (3) on the occasion of the marriage of Sada Oudiyar, a Tamil Christian, who was a supervisor of the jail; (4) to meet one Mr. Shastri, a man of letters, two or three times; (5) to attend the opening ceremony of the "Aryan Stores", 1916; (6) to ...


... excellent football. In this way they befriended some of the youngsters from town. As Nolini writes in his Reminiscences: ‘Among our first acquaintances in Pondicherry were some of the young men here … Sada, Benjamin, Jules Rassendren, David … Gradually they formed a group of Sri Aurobindo’s devotees. The strange thing about it was that they were all Christians. We did not have much of a response from ...

... , a petition and protest: "Where exactly do we stand here in the matter of rights?" Among our first acquaintances in Pondicherry were some of the young men here. The very first among them was Sada—you have known him, for he kept up with us till the end. Next came Benjamin, Rassendren and a few others. Rassendren joined us again at the end of his career; in his early days he had been our playmate ...


... life-force belong to the vital being. The fundamental working of the vital being is that it takes the form of Desire – the desire for objects, for possession, lust, ambition and, generally speaking, all sada ripus – "the six inimical tendencies"  – belong to the vital plane. This wrong form of the vital movement has a Truth behind it which assumes this wrong form because of ignorance.  The vital being ...

... It was probably one hour before sunset. This I surmised by the dimness of the light inside the house." Among the invitees were the local friends of the boys from Cercle Sportif, like Joseph David, Sada (we shall meet him later), and others. Amrita takes up from here. "In the hall of the front Page 359 portion of the house some twenty or twenty-five banana leaves were laid out on ...

... village where there is no single Bluysen te, there were only 13 'votes' for Lemaire and all the rest for Bluysen. The same result in Madanapalli which is strong for Pierre, except in one college where Sada (President of the Cercle Sportif) Page 415 interpreter and did not allow any humbug; knowing whom they had to deal with, they did not dare to falsify the results. There Bluysen ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 24 January 1932 Mother, Sada informs me just at this moment that the old tenant is reoccupying the house next to the V.G.H. on Monday next. He has no intention of giving up the house at all. I see only one way out of the difficulty. It is to buy the house. The lady can be told ...

... village where there is no single Bluysenite, there were only 13 "votes" for Lemaire and all the rest for Bluysen. The same result in Mudrapalli which is strong for Pierre, except in one college where Sada (President of the Cercle Sportif) was interpreter & did not allow any humbug; knowing whom they had to deal with, they did not dare to falsify the results. There Bluysen got only 33 votes against 200 ...


... authorities, a petition and protest: "Where exactly do we stand here in the matter of rights?" Among our first acquaintances in Pondicherry were some of the young men here. The very first among them was Sada – you have known him, for he kept up with us till the end. Next came Benjamin, Rassendren and a few others. Rassendren has joined us again at the end of his career; in his early days he had been our ...

... symbolic ; there the relation between Agni, Rivers and Waters is stated indicating the symbolic nature of the god Agni as well as that of the Rivers and the Waters. In 1.26.2 Agni is said to be Sada Yavishtha manma- bhih7 " Eternally, the most youthful by thought-forces ". In 1.73.2 Fire is said to be Satya manma " One with truthful thoughts ". In IV. 39. 1-6 Dadhikravan has only spiritual ...

... and precise information, they would just fabricate the news." 18 In the Raghavan house in St. Louis Street, Sri Aurobindo's birthday was celebrated on the 15th August. "Some local people, Sada, Pitrus, David and four others, besides the members of the house, took part in the celebration. Sri Aurobindo sat in a chair in the outer verandah of the new 18. Published in Mother India ...

... Page 399 × Called in the Veda variously seats, houses, placings or statuses, footings, earths, dwelling-places, sadas, gṛha or kṣaya, dhāma, padam, bhūmi, kṣiti . ...

... silver, and the sky one of gold.... The gods said: 'The Asuras have made these worlds as forts, let us make counter-forts in opposition to these worlds.' - 'Be it so', (they replied). They made the sadas-shed as a counter-fort to this (earth), the firekindler priest's shed (as a counter-fort) to the air, and the havirdhāna-shed (as a counter-fort) to the sky.... The gods said: 'Let us have recourse ...