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Saracen : name or Arabs & Moslems of the Syro-Arabian deserts in the time of the Crusades. Also in Europe’s Middle Ages for Muslim enemies of Christianity.
... Verse Collected Poems A Ballad of Doom Late 1920s or early 1930s There was an awful awful man Who all things knew and none And never met a Saracen And always drank a bun. He said he was a bullywag And that he did it for fun. I don't know what a bullywag is And I don't think he was one. Of nonsense and Omniscience He spoke as one who knew ...
... IVth Lateran Council in 1215. “In the countries where the Christians are not distinguishable from the Jews and the Saracens by their dress, relations have taken place between Christians and Jewish or Saracen women, or vice versa. In order that such enormities may no longer be excused as having been committed by mistake, it is decided that from now onwards the Jews of both genders will distinguish themselves ...
... discovered that Christ was a Tamil belonging to Madras and he found all the equivalent Tamil names for Christ, Mary and eyen the streets, PURANI: Here also this man says that Araba equals Arava, Saracen equals Surasen and Ansari equals Anusari. (Laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: That was the fashion at one time. It was Colonel Todd, I think, who said that Krishna was Hercules who is also called Heracles ...
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