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Sati : a form of Ᾱdya Shakti was born as the youngest of the three daughters of Prajāpati Daksha; the other two were Danu & Diti. She was led to invoke & marry Lord Shiva by the Rishis against Daksha’s wishes. She came to Daksha’s Mahā-yajña though he had not invited Shiva to it. After an altercation with him, she jumped into the fire of Yajñakund. Infuriated, Shiva destroyed Daksha’s yajña & beheaded him. Carrying her body broke out in a terrible Tāndava which threatened to destroy all creation. Vishnu’s Sudarshana Chakra cut through her body breaking it up in many parts. Wherever a part fell to the earth became an occult centre combining her Power with that of Kāla Bhairava (Shiva’s Occult aspect), called thereafter a Shakti Peetha. Though over 52 to 108 sites claim to a Shaktipeetha, generally only four or eight (depending on the tradition) are considered paramount. Later Shiva resuscitated Daksha who thereafter became one of his staunchest devotees. The Ādya Shakti then manifested on earth as Pārvati.
... of Shiva and Sati. Sati is dead, the bereaved Shiva goes about in anguish with the dead body of Sati flung upon his shoulder. Shiva is to be relieved of this burden, otherwise the creation will go to rack and ruin. The prayer went to Vishnu and Vishnu hurled his discus that cut to pieces the corpse of Sati-the pieces were fifty-two in number and each spot where a piece, a limb of Sati, fell became ...
... That no such successful obstruction is interposed as to retard the siddhi to the last days of this life or beyond. The two questions, therefore, that still subsist are those of safety & rapidity—sati & taras. (साति..तरस्). Ananda. There is again a successful obstruction of the Kama Ananda since yesterday afternoon, though it is in the nature of an artificial difficulty, rather than a natural... will be a new movement of the siddhi from today aiming Page 742 at the preparation of perfection in Vijnana and Sharira. Vijnana Swapna-samadhi Various indications of the sati —but isolated. 1) Sweet tea drunk with aswada 2) Tivra in samadhi. 3) Conversation, brief but coherent. 4) Three or four lines of lipi coherently read 5) Admirably vivid phrase lipi—... taste survived into jagrat with a physical effect on the palate and was frequently repeated & varied. In the rasa sparsha predominates. Sharira attacked, ananda in its continuity, utthapana in sati, Arogya in its shakti & details. 18 December 1914 Taste is emerging into frequency, but is still ordinarily obscure and ill-formed in jagrat. Sravana showed a slight sign of recovery. Sparsha ...
... implications - reminds me of the differing views I have come across on the subject of sati - wife burnt along with her dead husband. The immediate link is the rumour the Greek historians of Alexander's invasion of north-west India has left to us. There are two items. One is about the reported origin of the Sati-institution. Here the origin is traced to men trying to protect themselves. Poisoning of... through the complex of rebirths may have been at the back of the sati-phenomenon. The widow would long to go with her deceased mate in order to carry on her devoted duty. Here the question would arise with us: what about the husband's attachment to his wife in the light of the sacred? There was no call on him to commit the male equivalent of sati for the sake of the relationship. I believe the inequality... with the departed husband and be saved from the ignominy of a widowed existence, as well as winning posthumous fame for courageous self-sacrifice. This view makes sati a consummation devoutly wished for by the woman: in other words, sati was a wife-prompted institution. In any case, the institution has a side of horror along with Page 249 that of glamour and glory. The latter ...
... Meanwhile, Mahadeva the Mighty wandered over the world carrying the dead body of Sati on his head, dancing a wild dance of ruin which shook the world to its foundations. For Sati had left her old body and men said she was dead. But she was not dead, only withdrawn from the eyes of men, and the Gods clove the body of Sati into pieces so that it was scattered all over India. Which thing is also a parable;... Sri Aurobindo with Speeches Delivered during the Same Period 6.Feb-3.May.1908 Bande Mataram By the Way - The Parable of Sati 29-April-1908 Daksha, the great Prajapati, had a daughter, named Sati, whom he loved beyond all his children, and the Rishis wedded her to Page 1073 Mahadeva, the great lord of the Universe. The choice of the Rishis... Boycott, National Education, as the sacred formula of union. The marriage did not please Daksha, but the Rishis were importunate and Sati firm, so he was compelled to give way. He cursed the Rishis freely. "What manner of husband is this they have given to my Sati? A homeless beggar, wild and half crazy with the bhang he has drunk, wandering on the hills in Page 1074 company with the wild ...
... Shiva and Sati. Sati is dead, the bereaved Shiva goes about in anguish with the dead body of Sati flung upon his shoulder. Shiva is to be relieved of this burden, otherwise the creation will go to rack and ruin. The prayer went to Vishnu and Vishnu hurled his discus that cut to pieces the corpse of Sati—the pieces were fifty-two in number and each spot where a piece, a limb of Sati, fell became ...
... for the Bande Mataram, 'The Parable of Sati', Sri Aurobindo reinterpreted the story of Daksha-Sati-Shiva in terms of the contemporaneous political struggle in India. The Congress was Daksha, at Surat he came to grief (as Daksha did during the great Sacrifice), and when he revived it was with a goat's head (the Convention) turned backwards to the past. Sati was the pure-souled Indian Nation, and... and Shiva or Mahadeva was India's Destiny. For the time, of course, their union had been frustrated: But not for ever. For Sati will be born again, on the high mountains of mighty endeavour, colossal aspiration, unparalleled self-sacrifice she will be born again, in a better and more beautiful self-sacrifice she will be born again, in a better and more beautiful body, and by terrible tapasyā... meet Mahadeva once more and be wedded to him in nobler fashion, with kinder auguries, for a happier and greater future. For this thing is written in the book of God and nothing can prevent it, that Sati shall wed Mahadeva, that the national life of India shall meet and possess its divine and mighty destiny. 22 The parallelism here (like the other one, referred to in Chapter 10, comparing the ...
... chatusthayas seem to be indicated. The struggle is now in Sharira and Karma. Ananda is assured, but its organisation has to be completed by continuity. Arogya has to conquer the obstacles to perfect sati & victorious fulfilment. Utthapana has to conquer defect of anima. Saundarya has to break Page 781 down the wall of physical inadaptability. It is not clear how much of this can be done... when there is concentration in the jagrat or without concentration in the swapnasamadhi. The Kriti is not yet favourable in exterior results & circumstances, only a difficult defence of the Sati. Each part of the Kriti has its own difficulties and when these are brought forward & seem to be accumulated in an unsurmountable obstruction, the faith falters or is eclipsed. Samata ...
... recounts his union with Mena, "that mind-born child of the world-fathers" and the birth of their daughter, Parvati. We are told that Shiva has renounced marriage after the death of his first wife, Sati, but that Sati has been reborn as Parvati, to whom sciences and wisdoms came back "out of the former life, like swans that haste in autumn to a sacred river's shores". She grows up and Kalidasa describes the ...
... his raised foot. This holy place has an atmosphere. But the whole of Kashmir is supposed to be holy. According to legend the land of Kashmir was originally a lake called Satisaras, the lake of Sati, consort of Shiva. Later a demon made the lake his residence and killed Nagas (serpents) and men living around it. King Nila of the Nagas invoked Vishnu, who counselled him to drain the water from the... the lake. To Ananta Naga was assigned the task of piercing the hills round about. When the water of Satisaras flowed away and the lake became dry, the demon was exposed and finally killed. Sati flew out as the main body of water: our Jhelum river —Vitasta of the Vedas. The legend goes on to say that it was here in Kashmir that Vishnu assumed the form of the Fish, his first Avatar. The boat — nau — ...
... that filth? The seeker can eventually realise God in the criminal who is to be hanged no less than in the executioner who hangs him & the saint who has pity for both, in the harlot no less than the Sati, in all of the filth no less than in the glorious star that shines in Heaven & the petals of the rose or jasmine that intoxicates our soul with its fragrance, but the crime of the criminal, the sin ...
... No doubt she attends the day's household activities with care, as would a goddess with the worldly tenderness; yet deep in her self she remains sad. She is for a moment even thinking of going as sati with her dead husband. The year is fast coming to a close and she lives resigned to her inescapable fate. Her daily tears only become an offering to the unsatisfied god. Yet, gathered within, Savitri ...
... Sātakarni 1, 473, 571-2, 583, 584 Sātakarni II, 584 Sātakarni, Gautamīputra, see Gautamīputra Sātakarni S ātavāhana, etymology of, 279 Sātavāhana-kula. 479 Sātavāhanas, see Āndhras sati, 237 'Satrap' (see also Kshatrapa/Mahākshatrapa) 21, 221.56, 457ff, 463, 475, 481. 482-4, 502 Sattagydia.463 Sātvatas. 95. 397 Satiyaputra. 279 Saurāshtra, 209, 267 Sauviras ...
... Russia... 81, 91, 104, 106, 125, 207 Russian Revolution, 101, 207 SANKHYA(S), 139, 222, 315, 327, 349 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 348, 351-2, 375-7 Satan, 267, 280 Sati, 268 Schweitzer, Albert, 359 Sedan, 106 Shakespeare, , 120, 160, 182, 194, 197, 251, 337 -Hamlet, 185, 188n., 386n -King Lear, 185 -Mm;beth, 185 ...
... attended by eminent persons like J. C. Bose, Lord Sinha, etc. but none from Sri Aurobindo's paternal or maternal side. His maternal relations were of Brahmo society. Mrinalini, at 14, was married like Sati to Shiva, but had no idea about it. Her entire married life of 18 years was Page 3 practically passed alone. Her husband was plunged in political work, later in deep meditation on the Supreme ...
... Something of that sort I used to feel; now I don't know what I'll feel like if I see that statue. On both sides of the Buddha, there were other gods and goddesses in prayer and supplication. Indra, Sati, Parvati - all these gods. Before him, on a sort of a wooden bench, candles were kept burning every day, particularly on festival days. On each amavasya and purnima, 80 hundreds of candles would ...
... Hindu women. He found them uneducated and illiterate, deprived of property rights, married before puberty, imprisoned in purdah, and murdered at widowhood by a barbaric custom of immolation known as sati. One has only to read Page 26 Rammohun's works on social reform to realize that most of it deals with one aspect or another of man's inhumanity towards women in Bengal. The ...
... on some ideas of the Unitarian Church and Upanishadic Vedanta. He worked, even at great risk, for the emancipation of Indian womanhood. one of his outstanding achievements being the abolition of the sati. " Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of man " was the inspiring ideal of his life. More than Dayananda and Rammohan Roy, Ramakrishna Paramahansa represents the neo-spirituality of modern India ...
... the blight of the eighteenth century may be said to have been marked by his occurrence in Bengal, his advocacy of English education, his fervent plea for urgent social reform (like the abolition of sati), his founding of the Brahmo Samaj, and his success in starting a dialogue with the British ruling class — a dialogue conducted with authority and responsibility as well as mutual esteem and regard ...
... is never the right thing to do, but its psychic consequences can be mitigated by the spirit in which it is done or if some feeling of sacrifice or self-offering enters into it as in the case of the Sati. It is always possible to help departed souls in their passage if one has the necessary psychic feeling towards them and the psychic force to make it effective. Contact can also be maintained so long ...
... The excrescences were the thousands of idols, pujas, sacrifices – animal sacrifices were still the common practice – ceremonies and pilgrimages. They condemned on humanitarian grounds widow burning ( sati ), prohibition for widows of the right to remarry, child marriages, and of course the omnipresent stratification of the Hindu society in castes. Some great names like Keshub Chander Sen, Debendranath ...
... have the historical (and far from hysterical) self-immolation of the Rajput women by fire to avoid falling Page 297 into the hands of Muslim conquerors. Even a rare genuine case of sati , as in ancient times, has a halo about it, a soul-splendour whose outer aspect has been poetically visioned in those Lines in Butler's Hudibras: Indian widows gone to bed, In flaming ...
... Siculus (XIX.34) reports that in that year the leader of an Indian contingent which had gone to fight under Eumenes in Irān was killed in battle and his two wives competed as to which was to be the sati. 2 Our amazement at Aśoka's inconceivable omissions would cease if we refrained from dating him to the post-Alexandrine age. No query could be raised of any kind, were his rājas five border ...
... illustration of the concise and bare expression that reminds us of Vyasa. Scattered in all his plays and poems we find pithily uttered thoughts, for instance in Kumārasaṃbhava: vikāra-hetau sati vikriyante yeṣāṃ na cetāṃsi ta eva dhirāh 90 They alone are really calm whose minds are not perturbed even when there is cause of perturbation. But more often thoughts are transmuted ...
... story of Paradise Regained is yet more marvellous. When the Divine Mother, Page 267 the creative infinite Consciousness found herself parcelled out and scattered (even like the body of Sati borne about by Shiva, in the well-known Indian legend) and lost in unconsciousness, something shot down from the Highest into the lowest, something in response to an appeal, a cry, as it were, from ...
... Prahlad, 183 Pururavas, 390-1 RADHA, 134-5, 183, 297 Rakshasa, 250 Ramakrishna, 85n, 379 Russia, 196 SAHARA, 141, 313 Sankhya, 182, 186, 279 Sarama, 330 Saraswati, 189 Sati, 184 Satyavan, 242-6 Savitri, 242-6, 252-3, 307 Shakespeare, 228, 386, 391 – Hamlet, 386n – Julius Caesar, 386n – King Lear, 391n Shankara, 104-5, 309, 344 Sindhus, ...
... 292; on 'Back to the Land', 292; on India under foreigner's māyā, 294; on true unity, 294; on Moderates' Convention, 294ff; on the new & the old politics, 297; 'Hymn to Durga', 298; 'The Parable of Sati', 299; on the Tuticorin & Tinnevelly disturbances, 300; on sanatoria dharma, 301, 334-5,345,351,359,389,390; on India, Asia & the world, 302-3; "Public Enemy No. One", 304,366; on Brahmabandhab, 305; ...
... like an eel. He talked of India resurgent, Asia triumphant, and Europe in frantic retreat. He spoke of individual salvation and of national mukti. He invoked Shiva's tandav death-dance so that Sati might achieve resurrection. Was he not the author of that notorious political dynamite, Bhawani Mandir? Did he not cause the split at Surat? And Sri Aurobindo didn't even hesitate to preach insurrection ...
... on the one hand, and their propensity to molestation of women on the other, changed the open and free Indian society to a closed one. Most to suffer were the women: it was polygamy for men, it was sati for women; unimaginable harsh rigours of life were forced upon the Hindu widows; education was denied to women — educated women soon became widows, was the superstition! Luckily for us there were always ...
... turning Barisal into a second Rawalpindi. The unprovoked blow given by a Gurkha to Srijut Satis Chandra Chatterji was obviously a prearranged affair, leaving the victim the choice between swallowing the insult and an act of retaliation which might have led to an émeute . Page 463 We think that Srijut Satis Chandra on the whole did well to subordinate his feelings to the good of his country ...
... spirits who like a reproduction of the life on Earth. Got tired of the same wife and husband. Page 314 Divorce suit in the other world. The husbands might ask if the wives are Satis! Letter from Dilip – with Krishnaprem's. Whether every time a Sadhaka makes personal effort can it be said that it is to satisfy the Ego. Sri Aurobindo : No, it can be to subordinate ...
... good work that you have done last year, and my blessings so that this year be still better. Mother 28 May 1963 Abhay Singh, mon cher enfant, je suis tout à fait satis-faite de ton travail qui est excellent à tous les points de vue, et je n'ai nulle intention d'utiliser l'atelier pour le travail de la défense. De plus tu as tout à fait raison de m'écrire pour ...
... born in the lawyer Manmohan Ghose's house on Theatre Road. (Then Sri Aurobindo began to read and put marks in various places. He stopped at a place.) Have I said anything against immolation of the Satis anywhere? PURANI: Not that I know of. EVENING News came that Belgium had surrendered. It was a surprise to us all. PURANI: King Leopold has not consulted even his commander-in-chief Blanchard ...
... Shib' (the old man Shiva). When Rajnarain was alive, distinguished 1. It is one of the fifty-two sacred places, straddling India and Afghanistan, known as pitha-sthans — where parts of Sati's body are supposed to have fallen . Here it was that the heart of Sad fell . A pond called Harda Kund exists even now. Hārda is derived from hriday, or heart. Page 55 visitors to ...
... It is a picturesque spot with a natural lake where seven peaks see their reflections in its water. Tal means lake in local dialect. The lake itself, according to a legend, was formed when one of Sati's emerald-green eyes fell to the ground while Lord Shiva was carrying her dead body. Knowing Sri Aurobindo's love for long walks I wondered whether our party went afield for treks. Did they go to Bhimtal ...
... forbidden to exist. This Swadesh Bandhab Samiti carried organisation to a perfection which was not realised in other districts because it is not every district which can have an Aswini Kumar Dutta or a Satis Chandra Chatterji. But the same impulse was there, the same tendencies were there. I do not know any single society of the kind in Bengal which has not made some attempt to help the people in times ...
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