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Saurin : Saurin Bose, Mrinālini’s cousin, came to Pondicherry in September 1911 & was given charge of the Arya Office & the “Aryan Stores” opened in the Pondicherry bazaar in 1916. He returned for good to Bengal in 1919 .

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... things ? Also tell me if my impression as to Saurin is correct that he is about to repent if not already repenting. He has suffered anyhow. I have not myself read Amiel. I knew of him only from things written about him. He appears to have been a man with some insight into spiritual life and a settled aspiration towards it. As for Saurin he has written expressing repentance and the... be arranged and the furniture got from Madame [Olive]. Page 194 October 22,1936 "There is no love lost between me and the Mother,” said Saurin to me. Well, you know Mother was not at all willing to have Saurin back here and would have sent him away—only very reluctantly gave him a chance. But she did not believe in his entire sincerity—in fact she saw in him something... would be better to wait than to sell for so little. I know nothing of Saurin's coming back, except for Esha's writing in her letter to Jyoti that she will send [something ?] she has to send with Saurin. He has not written for permission, nor has he received any. He wrote that his sadhana is going on very well there, so I don't know why he wants to come. When he writes for permission, the answer ...

... they would react if I put the force in a different way." Being scientific in his methods, he studied the laws that govern a force, under what conditions would it work and give tangible results. Saurin, Mrinalini Devi's cousin, shared a room with Moni in Sundar Chetty's house. Once he suffered from acute diarrhoea. Sri Aurobindo used both his mind and heart into his will for its 'lessening.' On 9... tea drinking. The narrator told me that Sri Aurobindo would be plunged in his work. His eyes would fall on the timepiece on his worktable. The hands would point to a particular time, and hey presto, Saurin would come exactly at the time shown with a steaming cup of tea! Years later this is how Sri Aurobindo himself related it. "I was in the past a great tea addict; I could not do any work without... 'Flores.' These could be bought readymade from the market and he could smoke when he felt like it. But tea? Someone had to Page 295 make the steaming cup. Normally it fell to the lot of Saurin to make tea. But when he was sick? Well, then it had to be Moni! But Moni was fond of his afternoon nap. So Sri Aurobindo had to apply his will. On 10 th February 1911 he willed for Moni to wake ...

... telepathies in the evening 1) Bh. [Bharati] will not come, combated by a weaker telepathic suggestion of coming. Bh did not come, as he does daily 2) At 9.18 (by watch) strong suggestion that S [Saurin] would come immediately, combated by suggestion of mind trying to fix 9.30. Assurance that it was before 9.30 and indeed immediate. Mind compromised saying "Now probably, but at least before 9.30"... objects of sense. Growth of Krishna Kali bhava in the Brahma darshana 2 March 1916 In the evening telepathic trikaldrishti that N [Nolini] will come soon after 8.30, M [Moni] soon after 9.0, S [Saurin] soon after 9.30. N came at 8.35, M at 9.8, S at 9.35. The approximate time after was also correct. Page 913 3 March 1916 The telepathic trikaldrishti has now an element of certainty... old way, by unillumined suggestion to the intellect. Eg re the bath; fixed as after 11.30. Times fixed 11.35, 11.30 for unknown stages, 11.38 for being called to bathe: then 11.30 was fixed for S [Saurin] getting up from under the tap, 11.35 for M's [Moni's] finishing the actual bathing. 11.38 & 11.30 came out exactly to the second, but there was some doubt about 11.35 as the exact time was not noticed ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... smaller house and belonged to one Sunder Chetty. Just before he changed residence, late in September, Saurin Bose (Mrinalini's cousin) came over from Calcutta to join Sri Aurobindo and in November Nolini Kanta Gupta arrived. There were now four young men around Sri Aurobindo: Bijoy, Suresh, Saurin and Nolini. The accommodation was barely sufficient for the five persons and from now on commenced a period... the new residence and in February 1914 Suresh, Saurin and Nolini left for Bengal on a visit, leaving Bijoy in charge of the household. However, by September they were back in Pondicherry. On August 4 war had broken out in Europe. In this grave situation the Government of India assumed special powers to deal with political dissidents and Nolini and Saurin were likely to be arrested if they stayed on in ...


... surplus besides! In the early months of the Arya's existence, Mirra Richard was the chief executive, though the office was in Sri Aurobindo's house in Rue Francois Martin, with Saurin in charge. Later, Saurin also ran the "Aryan Stores", with financial help and advice from Mirra. Aside from the Arya venture, she brought together a few young men (including those living with Sri Aurobindo) and... a large window which, being left open, was "filled with that greenish sky of India, a fit background indeed for a Master, a Guru of his dimension". Four young men - probably Bejoy, Moni, Nolini and Saurin - "stood near one corner of the table: they were tall, stout, immobile, with eyes fixed on the Master's face, much like four marble statues". At one stage she wished they would leave the room so that... of her first stay in Pondicherry - 29 March 1914 to 22 February 1915 - was thus a time of great new beginnings, and of new ties that were destined to endure. Some of the young men, Nolini, Moni and Saurin, paid a visit to Bengal early in 1914, but on the war breaking out, they returned to Pondicherry in September. When Bejoy too wished to pay a brief visit to Bengal, he was arrested at the border near ...

... Chetty at Rs. 20 a month. Sri Aurobindo with Bejoy and Moni had already spent some six months—'less three and half days' to quote Moni— at Shankar Chetty's house. Then Sri Aurobindo's brother-in-law, Saurin Bose, turned up on 30 th September, the 'last day' (Moni says) at Shankar Chetty's, and passed the night with the two young men. Next day, on the forenoon of 1 st October, the four of them moved... will have mastery." To the right of the gate was the house proper. About ten steps up and you were on a spacious verandah of the raised house. A door to the right opened to a room which Moni and Saurin shared. A similar door to the left led to the dining room. At the deep end of the verandah was yet another door. And this time we are at the threshold of the room where Sri Aurobindo lived all those... and Nolini when he arrived in November. The western door communicated with the kitchen. 1 Moni and Bejoy kept up their job as cooks, just as they had done at Shankar Chetty's. Now Nolini and Saurin joined them. "We did the cooking ourselves," said Nolini, "and each of us developed a specialty. I did the rice, perhaps because that was the easiest. Moni took charge of dal (pulses), and Bejoy ...

... it is full of dangers to the spirit & the body. It is only by a wide Vedantic movement leading later to a greater Tantra that the work of regeneration can be done; & of that movement neither you nor Saurin can be the head. It needs a wider knowledge & a greater spiritual force Page 196 in the Adhara through which it is engineered; it needs, in fact, the greatest which India contains & which... rare occasions when he sends anything. I have no hope, therefore, of any regular help from that quarter. Even in the fact of your being unable to meet him, fate has been against us. On the other hand, Saurin writes that he has been able to "fix" Rs 1000 a year for me in Bengal. Is this merely the refixing of Das' promise or something else. As for fixing anything may be fixed orally or on paper; the difficulty... seclusion. I am also in need of a pair of shoes as Bharati has bagged the pair I had. Then for more important subjects. You write about Biren being here. I do not hold the same opinion about Biren as Saurin etc do, who are inclined towards a very black interpretation of his character & actions. It seems to me that events have corroborated all he said about his relations with certain undesirable persons ...


... to compare with original (the booklet enclosed), page marks given in the margin. Also two and half pages more today. I have done it with a lighter heart now that you have so kindly, etc. Saurin is daily doing the typing in the morning—it is his typing I send. He is doing it all as a work of offering—and I thank the Supramental for it as it has made my work much less heavy in that side so... but as you say, what to do? There is no way in English of putting all that into three or four words, without being abrupt and perhaps enigmatic—at least I found none. May 6, 1935 Saurin has written nothing, at least I have received nothing —so it is no use passing a judgment. Of course the argument that one can claim back one's gifts because one has been unable to give oneself along... will be more quiet and I shall do it. May 7, 1935 We are very glad to hear that you have had a complete reconciliation with Maya. That is as I wanted it and as it should be. As for Saurin, well, he has these things but he has a soul "1 him also and it depends on himself which part prevails over the other. Anyhow I hope that now we shall be able to put these Pleasant things away ...

... Howrah station. The train was already at the platform. All around was the noisy hustle-bustle of the passengers. I found Saurin after much searching. He was waiting for me with a trunk and a small bedding-roll in front of a second-class compartment. After I took them from Saurin he gave me a second-class ticket (the second class, instead of third, being a cover) and a colourful paper-back novel by... paper, with a message in three or four lines of Aurobindo's handwriting. It asked me to go to Pondicherry to arrange a house for him. My friend (who gave me the note) told me further that Sukumar, and Saurin Bose, Sri Aurobindo's wife's cousin, would make all the arrangements for my going to Pondicherry, the former secretly and the latter openly. All I had to do was to go to the Howrah station and get ...


... speciality. I did the rice, perhaps because that was the easiest. Moni took charge of dal (pulses), and Bejoy being the expert had the vegetables and the curry. What fell to the lot of Saurin I do not now remember—Saurin was a brother-in-law of Sri Aurobindo, a cousin of Mrinalini's. Perhaps he was not in our Home Affairs at all; his was the Foreign Ministry, that is, he had to deal with outsiders.... pay his respects. Sri Aurobindo did not refuse, he was given the permission. The gentleman arrived with a huge bouquet by way of a present and had the darśan. The three of us, namely Moni, Saurin and myself, who had returned to Bengal after an interval of four years, had to hasten back here almost immediately owing to the outbreak of War, for there was a chance that old criminals like us ...


... This house belonged to one Sunder Chetty. He remained here until April 1911. In late September, just before the removal, Saurin Bose, a cousin of Mrinalini Devi, came to Pondicherry. In November Nolini Kanta Gupta came. There were now four young men in all: Moni, Bijoy, Saurin and Nolini. On 7 November 1910 Sri Aurobindo wrote to The Hindu , a Madras paper, about his retirement from politics:... taken in custody under the Defence of India Act. He was taken to Calcutta and kept in "A" class confinement till the end of the war. As mentioned previously Moni, Nolini, and Saurin returned in September from Bengal. Saurin was given charge of the Arya office; Moni was managing the house and the kitchen. The Arya office was in the house where the Mother was staying. In the beginning Arya had... his sadhana. His sadhana was not interrupted even when he was writing the Arya ; in fact, the writing was a part of his yoga. Saurin Bose who had gone to Bengal did not return – he as well as Nolini Kanta Gupta got married in 1919. The "Aryan Stores", of which Saurin had been in charge, was sold to Partha Sarathy Chetty. (He wound up the business in 1932.) .  ¹ B. Shiva Rao, "Early Days ...


... a break & not a final dispersion["] fulfilled. The clouds gathered again in the evening. Page 118 4) Series. a) B. [Bijoy] will come between 7.20 & 7.25.    B. came at 7.23. b) S [Saurin] (?) will come at 7.40 exactly.        N [Nolini] came at 7.40 exactly. S tried to come about that time. c) S (?) will come at 7.55.        R. [Ramaswamy] came at 7.55. d) S will come at 8.5... produced, especially at the beginning, but afterwards the resistance stiffens and is successful. Trikaldristi of exact time recommenced last night. There was the usual error; the return of S. M & N [Saurin, Moni & Nolini] Page 136 was seen to be due after 9.30 (very unusual & even unprecedented for a long time past), later fixed at 9.38, but again unfixed & seen to be due nearer 10. At 9... servant went out at 8.27. As he was going out, the knowledge came that someone was about to enter & would come in as soon as he was gone. R [Ramaswamy] came. Previously, there was vyapti that either S [Saurin] or N [Nolini] was returning. Now the knowledge came (in answer to a doubt whether the vyapti was not merely the vyapti of an intention) that he would come before 8.30. S came at 8.29. Subsequently ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... about poetry somewhat incidentally, I must first explain, briefly, its context. My brother-in-law, Bhavashankar, came to our Ashram with my sister, Maya, my little niece Esha, a grand-uncle, Saurin and a cousin, Sachin. He had a revolver which he deposited on arrival with the Police Commissioner of Pondicherry. On the day before his departure he went with Sachin to claim his revolver. About... appear from what I wrote to Gurudev on 1.9.1931. "O Guru," I wrote, you remember the revolver incident? That was hair-raising enough in all conscience; but what followed was even more sensational! Saurin has written to me a long letter and is convinced that nothing but your Force could have saved them when it was literally a case of touch and go. But I am running ahead of my story. "They got... by my sister he lost his balance and fell plump into the water in midstream. My sister, who is equally unable to swim, cried out: 'O Mother, Mother' and jumped madly into the river. Saurin screamed out: 'O Mother, O Gurudev, Save us!' ... But it was not easy to save two corpulent persons from a river in spate in midstream and it did seem that all was lost, when Bhavashankar's secretary ...


... Draft of Letter to Saurin Bose. June 1914 . Saurin Bose, brother of Sri Aurobindo's wife Mrinalini, was a member of Sri Aurobindo's household in Pondicherry between 1911 and 1919. At the time this letter was written, he was on a visit to Bengal. On 30 May 1914, Sri   Page 579 Aurobindo noted in his diary ( Record of Yoga ) that he had received a letter from Saurin that day. The present... month" was issued in mid June. Note also that the sum of Rs. 400, mentioned in this letter and in letter [14] to Motilal Roy, is also mentioned in the Record of 29 May.) This draft was not sent to Saurin; presumably a fair copy was written and sent in its place. To K. R. Appadurai. 13 April 1916 . Appadurai was the brother-in-law of the poet Subramania Bharati. Bharati was living as a ...


... be left to perfect itself. Sadhan is still needed in the rest of Sharira, but sadhan only of the discerning Will. Lipi By the faith Trikaldrishti Vague intimation that S [Saurin] & others would return about 11.30 pm. They came at 11.22— Page 782 Ananda Shuddha Ananda with Kama & Premananda inherent in it is beginning to dominate Chidghana-Ahaituka. ... slight gain made in Saundarya is now being disputed by the Asiddhi. It is no longer apparent. Swapnasamadhi inactive at night. Dream confused. Exact instance of time trikaldrishti, S [Saurin] waking & rising at 3 pm instead of 4.30 pm. In other instances the time was only rough & approximate & hesitated between different alternatives (eg 8.15 & 8.30). 10 January 1915 प्रप्र पूष् ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... necessary: some individuals had gathered around them, guided by their psychic instinct. The first of these were Sri Aurobindo’s companions, of whom the closest were Nolini Kanta Gupta, Bejoy Nag, Saurin Bose and Suresh Chakravarti. They had been joined by a young Tamil Brahmin from Pondicherry, K. Amrita. ‘With those who accompanied me or joined me in Pondicherry,’ wrote Sri Aurobindo, ‘I had at first... opened at Yanam and Mahé [French territories dependent on the Pondicherry administration].’ 19 To bring in some money Mirra also set up a shop, called ‘ Aryan Stores’ and which was to be run by Saurin – who, unfortunately, was not very business-minded. A humble beginning for sure, but one that demanded a huge amount of energy from Mirra. At first the young men around Sri Aurobindo seem to have ...

... and (5) his aim in all this was to change the world (not merely to win India's independence). During the early years at Pondicherry there was the group of young men - Nolini, Bejoy, Moni, Saurin, Va Ra - living with Sri Aurobindo, and friends like Bharati, Aiyar and Srinivasachari visited him frequently. There were language lessons, there were discussions on poetry and politics, and there... world war Mirra returned to France, Sri Aurobindo wrote on 20 May 1915   Page 573 that the aim of their Yoga should be to make "Heaven and Earth equal and one". In September 1916, Saurin opened the 'Aryan Stores' with capital advanced by the Mother, but the concern had to be sold in 1920 when he went away to Bengal. In the meantime the war continued, and the Arya continued; and when ...

... one with the "vasts of God". 10 There were visitors in the evening. Bharati, V.V.S. Aiyar, Srinivasachariar; there were readings in the Veda; there were the younger men, Nolini, Bejoy, Moni, Va Ra, Saurin, Amrita, who were in attendance whenever necessary; there were occasional visitors. Paul Richard, Madame Alexandera David-Neel, K.V. Rangaswami Aiyengar, Motilal Roy, Khasirao Jadhav; and there was... barks on the sea needed. They turned their gaze towards the Light, and late or soon they made for Pondicherry. Even before the Arya had begun its career, young men like Nolini, Bejoy Nag, Saurin and Moni were already with Sri Aurobindo. "With those who accompanied me or joined me in Pondicherry," writes Sri Aurobindo, "I had at first the relation of friends and companions rather than of a ...

... be made to order by them, in what minimum amount, within what time etc. and let the Manager know immediately by the British post." In a draft letter to Saurin, perhaps never sent, Sri Aurobindo gave certain other details. "Dear Saurin," he wrote. "We have changed the name of the review from the New Idea to the Arya. We are bringing out a prospectus with specimens of the content which ...

... only new news in Saurin's lot is that he proposes to go for good—his own version is that he is coming back in August as early as possible and is leaving his worldly goods here in the meantime. However Saurin may know his mind better, as they are intimate. About the depressions, the first question is whether they are the temporary depressions which everyone almost has on the way or are they, as you... surely by Mother's smilelessness as Sahana was telling me so yesterday) without my Pooh-poohing such lovely poetry whose gorgeousness and expression is at times simply dazzling to me and others too (Saurin, Nirod, Kanai, Sahana, all are marvelling at his Poetry nowadays—though formerly they didn't—even Moni who never praises anybody sought him out and Page 179 lavished encomiums on his... succeeding. But another spate of reports came and made a new mess. I hope for better things hereafter, but I have to wait for it as I had to wait for the ending of the estrangement between you and Saurin. You may remember that on that matter too I asked you not to send your proposed letter of reconciliation to him and it was only because I wanted things to be ripe on the other side for which I was ...

... face and body persists. A renewed Aishwaryam on the 11ṭḥ produces an immediate effect, the dog doing what it had never done before. Feb 11ᵗʰ 8) Aishwaryam of restored health & strength to S.[Saurin] succeeds, even the time coming correct. 9) Aishwaryam of particular drishti.    Succeeded 10) Aishwaryam of particular forms of siddhi. Partly succeeded. 11) Aishwaryam to stay nausea while... turned out to be Ram Rao Yogi, the detective from Maharashtra side. 11) Trikaldrishti that Sri [Srinivasachari] etc would not come this evening.    Confirmed. 12) Trikaldrishti that tomorrow S. [Saurin] will be restored to health. Already recovering it.    Fully confirmed. 3 13) Sukshma shabda of the dog under the table attended with strong prakamya of its presence and motion there. An image... prana about his brother's death.—confirmed by his statement about dreams & weeping. 15) Cognition by prakamya trikaldrishti of evacuation in the afternoon. Confirmed Feb 13th 16) Vyapti from Saurin of the idea of making the tea. Immediately after I heard him talk of it, & a minute after he came and made it. Feb 14ṭḥ 17) Memory by inspiration. The passages of Kalidasa written out & translated ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... speciality: I did the rice, perhaps because that was the easiest. Moni took charge of dal (pulses), and Bejoy being the expert had the vegetables and the curry. What fell to the lot of Saurin I do not now remember – Saurin was a brother-in-law of Sri Aurobindo, a cousin of Mrinalini's. Perhaps he was not in our Home Affairs at all; his was the Foreign Ministry, that is, he had to deal with outsiders. We... might pay his respects. Sri Aurobindo did not refuse, he was given the permission. The gentleman arrived with a huge bouquet by way of a present and had the darsan. The three of us, namely, Moni, Saurin and myself, who had returned to Bengal after an interval of four years, had to hasten back here almost immediately owing to the outbreak of War, for there was a chance that old 'criminals' like us ...

... proceed to Pondicherry in advance and make some arrangements for his stay - had left Calcutta by train on 28 March. He had disguised himself as an Anglo-Indian, and was seen off by Sukumar Mitra and Saurin Bose (Mrinalini's cousin). He carried with him a letter of introduction to Mandayam Srinivasachariar, a sterling Nationalist, who was bringing out India, Vijaya, Karmayogi and Bala Bharata with... Indeed, it was imperative that he should be seized somehow - anyhow - and brought to British India. In the early weeks, Sri Aurobindo's two constant companions were Moni and Bejoy. In October, Saurin Bose joined them and in November, Nolini. In answer to a letter from Manoranjan Guhathakurta and Shyamsundar Chakravarti from Calcutta seeking guidance in Politics, Sri Aurobindo wrote to them that... Shankar Chettiar's to a small rented house belonging to one Sundar Chetti in Rue Suffren, and remained there for the next six months. The house had a garden, and they had a little more elbow room. Saurin and Nolini now joined Sri Aurobindo, and thus there were four in the house besides him. In their experiment in communal living, the cooking was * In his book in Tamil, Mahakavi Bharatiyar ...

... before leaving for Japan, Mirra had arranged for some funds to be placed at the disposal of Saurin Bose for an 'Aryan Stores' to be started in Pondicherry. Saurin, a cousin of Mrinalini, Sri Aurobindo's wife, was at the time living with him along with Nolini and others. The object of the Aryan Stores was to give Saurin and his friends a taste for honest and efficient business, and also to provide a modest ...


... 'Chief' 1 as some called him, had a pencil in hand and a paper in front of him. Sri Aurobindo was doing automatic 'speech.' It was Bejoy's room. Bejoy was there, as were Nolini, Saurin, Hem Sen, Biren and Moni. 2 Saurin Bose was Mrinalini Devi's cousin; Biren was related to Sri Aurobindo. The day had been quite normal for Sri Aurobindo. After his morning work he had taken as usual his midday... go to Pondicherry to arrange a house for Sri Aurobindo ; attached was an introductory letter to a Revolutionary of Pondicherry. Moni's friend , the bearer of the note, told him that Sukumar and Saurin would make all the necessary arrangements for his travels. Thus Moni left Calcutta on 28 March and reached Pondicherry in the early hours of 31 March. That was also the day when Sri Aurobindo left ...

... was dirty and a paradise for white ants." Mother must have told them about it much later when she was more familiar with them. Besides they were then in Calcutta the three of them, Nolini, Moni and Saurin, and they returned only some five months later. However, it was also at Karikal that Mother had seen people drinking "yellowish mud in which cows had bathed and done all the rest" and the village... rare occasions when he sends anything. I have no hope therefore, of any regular help from that quarter. Even in the fact of your being unable to meet him, fate has been against us. On the other hand, Saurin writes that he has been able to 'fix' Rs. 1000 a year for me in Bengal. Is this merely the refixing of Das' promise or something else ? As for fixing, anything may be fixed orally or on paper, the... to do, is to try to make some real arrangement, not a theoretical arrangement by which the burden of my expenses may be shifted off your shoulders until I am able to make my own provision." To Saurin, Sri Aurobindo wrote a letter in June about money matters. "Sukumar has not yet sent the garden-money but I presume he will do so before long. I have received Rs. 400 of the Rs. 600 due to me from ...

... After returning to Bengal in February 1914, Saurin met Motilal and narrated the incident to him. Full of anxiety Motilal wrote to Sri Aurobindo. It seems that in the meantime Biren had gone back to Sri Aurobindo. A torrent of words poured out from his pen. 'You write about Biren being here, I do not hold the same opinion about Biren, as Saurin etc. do, who are inclined towards a very black... you explore inner worlds. Or ... Now one day before Amrita became familiar with Sri Aurobindo's house at rue Francois Martin, before Mother's arrival at the end of March, before Moni, Nolini, Saurin went away to Bengal in February 1914, something strange happened in that house. You may recall that in July 1913 Nagen Nag, a relative of Bejoy's, had come to stay with Sri Aurobindo to get cured ...

... in the evening of slight feverish heat, but its strength & period is diminishing & it has no after-effect on the body. Veda X. 5 to 15 read. The rest of the work intermitted. Lipi 1) Sn [Saurin] is about to understand. 2) Death of the difficulty in the society (samaja)    —not immediate, but to be prepared. 3) KS.    —fulfilled as usual, but unexpectedly—KS coming after long absence... is still deficient in kriti, samaja & saundarya as lacking entirely or almost entirely any ground in the actuality. In the dharma & sahitya it is increasing, but insufficient. A letter from Sn [Saurin] showing power of Dharma acting at a distance through communicative vyapti. Continuance of the work on the Veda (The Secret of the Veda). In the progress of the internal siddhi a period of slight ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... on the adventurous journey to Pondicherry; Suresh Chakravarty, known as Moni, who had been sent ahead by Sri Aurobindo to prepare for his arrival and housing by the freedom fighters in Pondicherry; Saurin Bose, who had joined the small group in October 1914 and who was a cousin of Sri Aurobindo’s wife Mrinalini; and Nolini Kanta Gupta, who had arrived in November of the same year and who also had been... us developed a specialty,’ narrates Nolini. ‘I did the rice, perhaps because that was the easiest. Moni took charge of dal (pulses), and Bejoy, being the expert, had the vegetables and the curry.’ Saurin looked after the visitors who came from the four corners of India and were mostly unwelcome, so much so that Sri Aurobindo had to have a letter published in a Madras newspaper confirming that he had ...


... Letters on Personal, Practical and Political Matters (1890-1926) Autobiographical Notes Draft of a Letter to Saurin Bose [June 1914] Dear Saurin, I have received your letter and I reply first to the one or two points in it which demand an answer. We have changed the name of the review from the New Idea to the Arya. We are bringing out a prospectus ...


... by Bejoy Nag: the date was 4 April 1910. Thus Bejoy became the second young pilgrim of the Dawn. After a few months in the same year, two other young souls came to live with Sri Aurobindo: they were Saurin Bose in October and Nolini Kanta Gupta in November. The fifth person to join Sri Aurobindo's household was a Tamil youth Va Ra. After a few years, in 1919 to be precise, another local youth, K. Amrita... of 1923; this is reproduced in Champaklalji's book Champaklal's Treasures and is entitled "1923: Inmates" showing the pictures of seventeen people who were staying with Sri Aurobindo at that time. Saurin Bose had already left for Bengal; instead, four new persons figure in the group photo. The list of the inmates of Sri Aurobindo's household as given by this particular photograph is as follows: ...

... matter went no further. However, throughout the war years, the Government of India kept a specially close watch on the swadeshis. You will remember that, shortly after the outbreak of the war, Nolini, Saurin and Suresh had returned to Pondicherry from their visit to Bengal. Bijoy now wished to pay a brief visit also, although Sri Aurobindo warned him of the danger; and it turned out that, immediately he... that although her field of work was India, the centre was not Shantiniketan. Before leaving for Japan, the Mother had sent some funds for the purpose of starting the 'Aryan Stores' to be managed by Saurin. It was expected to provide a modest income for Sri Aurobindo's household. The store was opened in September 1916 and Sri Aurobindo was present at the opening ceremony. However, this business experiment ...


... in that period also there appeared as if in seed-state this particular line of activity. Our Saurin founded the Aryan Stores, the object being to bring in some money: we were very hard up in those days – not that we are particularly affluent now, but still... The Mother kept up a correspondence with Saurin in connection with these business matters even after she left here for Japan. At one stage ...

... d, rough, rude, energetic, the very opposite of the smooth- faced Vaishnava who came. So that was the vision of a man I had never seen but as he was to be in future a prophetic vision." 10 Saurin, Sri Aurobindo's brother-in-law (Mrinalini Devi's cousin) came from Bengal by the end of September and stayed with Sri Aurobindo. In October - probably towards the end - Sri Aurobindo moved from... atmosphere in those days was full of suspicion and also how great was the number of secret agents in Pondicherry. The way in which Biren's confession came out was a miracle." 25 Nolini Kanta, Saurin and Moni went to Bengal in February, 1914, but their sojourn was cut short by the outbreak of the first World War, and they had to return post-haste in September, for fear of being clapped into ...

... close to the Botanical Garden, where a game of football was in progress. Moni, Nolini, Saurin, Bejoy Page 348 Raghavan Chetty House as it was in the 1950s were among the players—quite good, it seems. But that's another story, and we need not go into that now. Anyway when Saurin saw Motilal he drew near him, as though in the movement of the game. Then without uttering ...

... Sortileg.    एकतमस्तु    जरच्छबरस्तस्मात्पुलिन्दवृन्दादनासादितहरिणपिशितः पिशिताशन इव विकृतदर्शनः पिशितार्थी तस्मिन्नेव तरुतले मुहू्र्तमिव व्यलंबत A description of the self-indulgent Asura in S. [Saurin] which is in its nature a jarat shabara & still remains under the tree of the Yoga, pishitarthi, in search of material enjoyments and indulgences. It is his influence & vyapti which prevents the other ...

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... circumstances have begun to appear to counteract them. But refusal, delay & perversion are still common. Those on whom the power is used for progress in Yoga (S. [Srinivasachari] Bh. [Bharati] Sn. [Saurin] Bj. [Bijoy]) give frequent proofs now of success of siddhi & especially of vyapti of the shakti & jnanam in my or of my thoughts, but this siddhi is not yet decisively regularised. Mental bhukti ...

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... previously for Vedic notes and translations. 20 April-20 May 1918. During this period, Sri Aurobindo kept the Record in a new "Aryan Store Exercise-Book". (The manager of the Aryan Store was Saurin Bose, the "S" or "Sn" of the Record.) This was the first notebook to be used exclusively for the Record since June-September 1914. On its cover Sri Aurobindo wrote "Notebook of the Sadhana". This is ...

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... y that the talk must have been mainly about the World War and Abdul Karim sought to know Sri Aurobindo’s views about it. One or two months passed after the outbreak of the World War. Nolini and Saurin who had gone to Bengal came back hurriedly to Pondicherry. Now Bejoykanta also grew impatient to go to Bengal like them for a short visit. He persisted in it. Sri Aurobindo gave no consent to it. ...


... Barin, was no longer there to look after them and direct them. Aurobindo had hardly known any of them before his imprisonment in Alipore Jail. Now Nolini Kanta Gupta, Bejoy Nag, Suresh Chakravarti, Saurin Bose and others sought shelter with him and solace from his presence. Practically all of them had been students before they became activists, and Aurobindo did everything possible to give them some ...

... included Greek and Latin and two or three modern languages, but I do not myself see the necessity of it or the importance. 1933? Yes, you can take the morning tea as you propose with Saurin and the others. You need have no scruples about that. There is no harm in the vital taking part in the joy of the rest of the being; it is the participation of the vital that makes it dynamic ...

... symptom after all." 29 Page 80 2. Once Dilip Kumar wrote to Sri Aurobindo: "Guru, Lady Indignant told me today that she had reported of late to you that she was being forced by me and Saurin to accept our invitation to tea. A word in self-defence. We never suspected that she had disliked our - shall I say - 'chivalry'. In fact when we invited her she complied after a few no's which we ...

... is quite magnificent—16 lines in one day, 3⅕ lines an hour about! Remember that Virgil used only to write 9 lines a day. At this rate you will end by being twice as inspired and fluent as Virgil. Saurin has hurt his thumb in the train and it seems to be in a bad condition. Go and see and give the necessary treatment. April 1, 1936 By the way, I hope you didn't intend to make me an April-fool ...

... Jogendra (Sri Aurobindo's uncle), 28, 35, 49 Bose, Khudiram, 305, 306 Bose, Rajnarain, 25-27, 49, 62, 222 Bose, Sailen, 308, 309 Bose, Satyendra, 324ff Bose, Saurin, 375, 377, 380, 405 Bottomley, Gordon, 177 Brahmananda, Swami, 64, 217,387 Brain of India, The, 337, 353 Bermond, Abbe, 634 Bresson Henri Cartier, 732 ...

... first for Chandernagore and from there for Pondicherry, the distance (psychological more than physical) between husband and wife seemed to be greater and more unbridgeable than ever. Her cousin, Saurin Bose, came to Pondicherry soon after Sri Aurobindo's arrival, but saw that things were not as yet propitious for Mrinalini joining her husband. The separation continued through the war years, and ...

... started on the 28th. A letter of introduction addressed to Srinivasachari was given to him. He walked to the Howrah station and took his seat in the second class. He was dressed as an Anglo-Indian. Saurin Bose, Mrinalini Devi's cousin and Sukumar Mitra, Krishna Kumar's son, were on the platform to see him off. They gave him his second class ticket and Rs. 30 in cash. He reached Pondicherry on the 31st ...


... de la Mission Etrangere, or Mission Street; Mata coil Street to the locals. Sri Aurobindo lived in this fourth house for six months, from April to October 1913. With him were Bejoy, Moni, Nolini, Saurin and V. Ramaswami. Two Bengalis, Nagen Nag and Biren Roy, joined them in July 1913. With no improvement in their pecuniary state in sight, Sri Aurobindo wrote to Motilal detailing their plight ...

... detail. N [Nolini] & M [Moni] came at 8.45 2) N will come before 9. Uncertain when he came, either just before 9 or just after; within 9.5 at latest. 3) Someone will come at 9.10. Sn. [Saurin] came at 9.10 4) 9.20 named as time of meal—changed to 9.10 by my watch, which is ten minutes slow. Meal at 9.20 (9.10) or a minute or two earlier—usually at 9.30 or after, rarely so early as ...

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... no time in making the last arrangements for our departure. Before leaving Japan we wish to establish the regular cargo service between Japan and Pondicherry of which you have heard already through Saurin, I suppose. It is this important matter, not yet settled, which prevents us from at once fixing the date of our departure. But we are hurrying as much as we can. We are glad to hear that you are ...

... for application of Page 283 oxygen whatever that might mean. I will pray. But in the meanwhile could you possibly make an excep tion in his case ? I want to send him the Chapter I Saurin typed. It will, I am sure, be just the aliment for his soul and may work a sort of miracle as it did in me (combined with Krishnaprem's letter—what about comments thereon though ? Pardon me for reminding ...

... stomach as well as my pen has done full justice to the event." "Guru," I wrote once, "Lady Indignant told me today that she had reported of late to you that she was being forced by me and Saurin to accept our invitations to tea. A word in self-defence. We never suspected that she had disliked our — shall I say — 'chivalry.' In fact when we invited her she complied after a few no's which we ...


... be always free to go to Sri Aurobindo if at any time my presence is required. As for Maya I have no objection to her staying alone with you. But it is quite impossible to give a room to Saurin in the Ashram. In view of what happened to him last time it should be clear that for himself also it would be most risky and undesirable. Blessings * December 3, 1938 ...

... powerful kriti which is impossible without money. In June therefore a movementforward inthe equipment is due & inevitable. 1) Success of P. [Parthasarathi] in imparting Yoga freely. Success of S [Saurin] in practical Yogic effects. Drawing over of Bh. Page 261 [Bharati] into a more effective surrender. Success with N [Nolini] &R[Ramaswamy]. 2) Movement forward with J. M. Ber & associates ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... contrary to the telegrams, precisely fulfilled (see telegrams of 27ᵗʰ ) Approximate time of return of D [dog] who had escaped, foreseen. (although improbable) Approximate time of N. [Nolini] S. [Saurin] B. [Bijoy] & M's [Moni's] return & the order of their coming, all erroneous, but this confusion had been predicted in the lipi. Pratijna becomes more & more satyapratijna. Page 112 ...

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... of the mosquitoes. For the rest, the primary & secondary utthapanas have to revive simultaneously & the continuity of the kamananda has to be confirmed. This has to be done today. Agesilaus = Sn [Saurin].    Agathon, Alcibiades, Pericles, Brasidas    Agis, Agesilaus, Sophocles, Pharnabazus.    Lysander, Euripides, Pausanias. Two absolutely perfect, the rest mostly defective. That is already done ...

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... finalities. Its assault is especially directed against the entirety of the principle of affirmation. Karma — 1) Proof of Yogic progress in the brothers H & R. 2) Vyapti effective in Bengal in S. [Saurin] 3) Greco-Turkish peace. Script The seven affirmations have been now well-founded. That they are not always prominently active is immaterial. The foundation once well-made, the rest comes ...

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... swapnasamadhi, swift images only; one combination of rupa & intense sparsha. 1) A young Bengali, known type, saying in Bḷi [Bengali] "Once we get free from Ashanti, what next". Future? 2) Sn [Saurin] at end of a table with papers neatly ordered & placed upon it. An opera or field glass near him, at one side. Present or future? 3) Vividha Vani in jagrat. "Two hours at least", ie before tea is ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... perhaps, nay certainly, our initiation too. Three of us were permanent residents, Bejoy Nag, Suresh Chakravarti and myself. But there turned up practically every day Ramchandra Majumdar, Biren Ghosh and Saurin Bose (a brother-in-law of Sri Aurobindo) who came with us to Pondicherry and stayed here for some years. A frequent visitor was Ganen Maharaj of Ramakrishna Mission who acted as the link with Sister ...

... Aurobindo Ghose. The names of the others present were Birendranath Ghosh, Saurindranath Basu, Bejoykumar Nag, Hem Sen, Nolini-kanta Gupta and Sureshchandra Chakravarti. All of them with the exception of Saurin and Suresh had been among the accused in the Alipore Bomb case of 1908-09. I need not enter here into the details of that case. About the beginning of this century, a few of those who had been dreaming ...


... nay certainly, our initiation too. Three of us were permanent residents, Bejoy Nag, Suresh Chakravarti and myself. But there turned up practically every day Ramchandra Majum-dar, Biren Ghosh and Saurin Bose (a brother-in-law of Sri Aurobindo) who came with us to Pondicherry and stayed here many long years. A frequent visitor was Ganen Tagore of Ramakrishna Mission who acted as the link with Sister ...


... Gupta 12 Sanat Banerji 241 Sanyal, Dr see Prabhat Sanyal Satprem 719, 753, 772-4, 777, 794, 808-9, 816 Satwalekar, Sripad Damodar 683 Satyakama Jabala 730 Satyendra Thakore 276-7, 400, 490 Saurin Bose 153 Schuman, Maurice 571 Seyril Schochen 763 Shakespeare 312, 324 Shankar Chettiar (Chetty) 47, 131 Shanti Doshi 271-3 Shantimayi (Janet McPheeters) 255, 296-7, 321 Shastri, Lal Bahadur ...


... like French. Nolini began straight away with Moliere's L'Avare. Nolini and Moni and Bejoy were the permanent residents. Ganen Maharaj, of Ramakrishna Mission, was a frequent visitor. Biren Ghosh, Saurin Bose and Ramchandra Majumdar turned up almost daily. Amar Chatterji, Hem Sen and several others came once in a while. Almost every evening Sri Aurobindo would do some automatic writing—or, as Nolini ...

... a few more months were needed. Finally it was in October that Sri Aurobindo moved from Matacoil Street to rue Francois Martin in the French part of the town. In February 1914 Moni, Nolini and Saurin left for Bengal. So they were not there to meet the Richards on their arrival at Pondicherry. "The two persons from France have arrived," said V. Ramaswamy Iyengar beckoning Amrita near him as ...

... and eyes and the subtleties of expression is no doubt a charming mathematics, but it soars too much into the region of the infinite, there is no reason why it should work out into any sum of action. Saurin's more concrete and less poetic and philosophic mind seems to have realised this at an early stage and he wrote asking me whether it was worth while to marry with our ideas and aims under present social ...

... expulsion of these remnants, not a concession to their extant force. The karmasiddhi which seemed to have been once more attacked, emerged perfectly victorious in the immediate surroundings.. S's [Saurin's] interview with the Governor showed that the prakamyavyapti & the aishwarya were acting correctly; the news of the troubles of the opposition movement were still more strikingly in accord with the... perfection of detail; but the other siddhis are still busy confirming their hold on the akash. Karmasiddhi has been thoroughly confirmed today in one direction by the retirement of the Pulinda into S's [Saurin's] karmadeha and outer swabhava; the chief obstacle in the house is therefore removed. The action of the tejas in physical pressure as a means of pushing the siddhi is removed, definitely, & everywhere ...

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... that are going on. May 28, 1936 Happily the storm is over—and X says he won't go. But do you think we made matters worse by arguing with him? He seems to have appreciated your and Saurin's kindness,—so that is all right. May 29, 1936 × Absorption in Nature (Prakriti), rather than Brahman. ...

... rather felt & seen. The old time-trikaldrishti, long discontinued, revives with its old imperfections. 1) M's [Moni's] return at about 8.55. 2) N's [Nolini's] return approaching 3) S's [Saurin's] early return and meal at about 9.15 and 9.25 but only the times came right, the two events being wrongly placed, S's return at 9.25, the meal at 9.15 or 9.25. 21 March 1917 Most of the day ...

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... ambition as Bejoy and others did then of course Mother does not wish them to come back (so Page 279 long as that remains) and refuses to allow it. Also if there is treachery, as in Saurin's case—a fact which you yourself asserted and I don't see that it can be denied—unless he atoned or changed, there was no reason why he should return, especially as he said his sadhana was going ...