Find in Savitri Poems Flowers
... but what about Sehra? Is she ready to come?" "Oh, I'll write to her that I expect her to come with you," I explained to her that Sehra had her job in Bombay. "Job!" the Mother exclaimed as though she deemed it a small matter. Then she asked me: "How much does she earn?" "A hundred and fifty rupees a month plus the commission she gets on the chocolates she personally sells. Sehra feels we ... reply could have reached her, Sehra wrote to me a letter. At the staircase on the 16th I told the Mother: "Sehra has asked me to put my head on your feet on her behalf. She says that putting her head on your feet used to be the one thing she loved most." The Mother looked very pleased and said "Bon!" ("Good!") I did the head-feet touching and the Mother blessed Sehra through me. On the afternoon... entering the head with its lower curved base. Within the immense skylike egg there were faint far vibrations. The Mother's letter for Sehra did not come that day. But the next evening at the Playground she handed me an open envelope with "Sehra" written on it in pencil. When I went home for dinner I read the letter. It was in reference to the last sentence in Sehra's note in which she ...
... her resting-room and Sehra kneeling at her feet. I hurried to where the parting was taking place. I reached there before Sehra lifted her head for the blessing. Looking at the Mother's serious face I gathered in a flash that she did not really approve of Sehra's precipitate journey. As soon as Sehra raised her head I said: "Mother does not want you to go. Don't go." Sehra was amazed as the Mother... " It would appear that Sehra had not once asked the Mother: she had merely declared her resolve and received permission. When she said she would not leave Pondicherry unless the Mother openly gave her sanction, the Mother relaxed her own expression and showed that she did not like Sehra to leave. The trip was thus cancelled and the Mother explained in effect: "If Sehra on her own initiative took... about a strange phenomenon in the head. Mina had been severely hurt on her head but had become totally unconscious. Now, Sehra began to suffer from a strong headache as though some of the pain, which would have been Mina's if she had been conscious, had got transferred to Sehra and as though Sehra's brain had been acting proxy for her sister's and supplying the Mother with a focus-point for concentrated ...
... Easter Egg", in my book, Our Light and Delight: Recollections of Life with the Mother, a chapter first published in Mother India before Sehra passed away. What primarily stands forth as an act of super-Grace on the Mother's part is the letter she wrote to Sehra after I As there were some temperamental hitches, as well as unfavourable-seeming circumstances, in the way of Sehra's entering the... a day or so later she did write a letter of direct invitation. Unfortunately Sehra received it in surprise and dismay and a surface reaction as if she had been put in a fix and forced to come in spite of her sense of un timeliness. Afterwards there was a deeper understanding of the Mother's unique gesture. Sehra begged the Mother to forgive her, and expressed her willingness to accompany me in... in the near future. On 19 February 1954 we arrived at the Ashram for permanent stay. At the end of a few uncertain months Sehra opened so beautifully to the Mother for good that the extraordinary Page 187 letter seemed justified. And here comes the second of the two things I wish to record. Once the Mother said to me in Sehra's presence; "She knows better than you how to love ...
... partnership with us. A few days after the previous landlord's visit Sehra at the playground put our request to the Mother. Immediately the Mother with a stern face declared: "I have no intention of giving you the upper storey. You have already planned to leave your present flat and go to one you had once occupied." Sehra was absolutely stunned. She could just look her utter astonishment and... directed to the development of his soul and he has not to rest until by an inlook he has found the wrong turn hiding in some obscure recess of his nature. Let me recount a personal experience. Sehra and I, when we first settled here together, had at our disposal a fine spacious flat. The proprietor of a flat which we had occupied on a short visit a year or two earlier came to tell me that those... and come away much disturbed and depressed. When I learned of the confusion I at once wrote a letter to the Mother telling her that what she had told Sehra had been exactly the opposite of the real situation. I expressed my wonder as well as the hurt amazement that she could entertain the idea of our having such a deceitful plan Page 92 in our heads. I related what had transpired ...
... one's" misery. Two hours later I noticed a dried-up wizened look on Miel's face. Sehra was perturbed. I gave the cat some drips of Coramine. It crawled under my bed and after half an hour died. The Mother confirmed the next day that she had severed the connecting "cord" between the subtle body and the gross. Sehra was very cut up by the loss of Miel. The Mother, however, soothed her with the... and its condition seemed to go from bad to worse, Sehra informed the Mother. The Mother went into a short meditation and then said: "I don't feel it can recover." Soon after, Épave sank into a coma. Our sadhak-friend Barin Ganguli, a great lover of animals and an expert veterinary doctor, tried his best to bring it round but to no avail. Sehra watched over the inert body all through the night... desire I had allowed in myself a little earlier.) Another cat, which was connected with me and had the Mother's darshan in its last hours, was the tom Miel. It was a very handsome animal. Sehra and I were indeed proud that it stayed with us, but it was never quite domesticated. It had sometimes a savage manner, as if it did not quite like our possession of it. In its sixth month, it caught ...
... my arrival in Pondicherry in 1954 for permanent residence. Sehra and I were staying downstairs and Mina in a room upstairs. One night a brick-piece came crashing against Mina's door. The next day a similar object struck against a door on our ground floor. Stray pieces kept coming for a few more days. On the fourth day while Sehra was working in our garden in the early morning, a number... later asserted that she had not heard Sehra go to the bathroom any time after 10.30 or so. Again, our bathroom door creaks very loudly whenever opened or closed and is likely to wake up anyone who is not too heavy a sleeper. It is quite certain from my own evidence as well as from that of others that the terrible hurt was received during a nightmare. Sehra asked Lakshmi to apply lightly a... of devotion when he had made an offering of his money of the Ashram. Apropos of occult forces and entities, I may set on record two extraordinary phenomena. To one of them not only I but Sehra, her sister Mina and a Goan servant-girl of ours can testify. I say "extraordinary", not "unprecedented". In fact, it was paralleled by a series of happenings to which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother ...
... anything. Usually I don't interfere with happenings in Nature. Sehra: But, Mother, aren't you and the Supreme the same? Mother: Yes, and when I go into a trance I see everything. Even in the present case I must have seen everything, but when I come back into the outer consciousness I sometimes forget and there is a blank. Sehra: You mean you want to forget and so you don't remember. Mother:... threatens to happen, we'll see about it and prevent that also. 23February 1962 Mother: Why were you so late? You are always in time here. Sehra: I was cooking for my guests. Mother: Have you come straight from your cooking? Sehra: Yes. Mother: Oh, that's why I have such a delicious smell. You must have prepared something very nice. It is so nice that I would like... 1962 Mother: You must have been in Egypt once, an Egyptian lady. Sehra: Mother, why do you say this? Mother: Because I saw, just now, behind your shoulders, an Egyptian god with a head-gear on which there was an eagle. You were as if standing held and protected by him. Sehra: You are protecting me now. So it must be you at that time also. Mother: ...
... Immediately Sehra touched those feet and exclaimed: "Oh the Mother is here!" Soon afterwards, she lay down in bed and went to sleep. When she woke up, she was completely cured. The Mother confirmed later that Sehra had not indulged her imagination. The Mother's feet had been really there — rather something of her that took the form of her feet in order to become perceptible to Sehra. I have... REPORT BY AMAL KIRAN It was in 1963. Sehra was ill. I informed the Mother. Having acted as usual with her spiritual force she expected a result. But somehow the attack of asthma continued. Then a strange incident took place. I wrote to the Mother about it. On the night of January 13, racked by a terrible asthmatic spasm, Sehra was sitting on her bed with her legs hanging to the... disciple she gave it as an example of what could happen by way of an automatic response on her part and introduced it with the words: "Quelqu'un qui m'aime vraiment, c'est Sehra, la femme d'Amal..." ("Someone who loves me truly, it is Sehra, the wife of Amal...") Page 200 ...
... surprised, and looked with mingled shame and pity at the fellow. He got up and with a dazed expression walked hurriedly away and disappeared. In contrast to this occurrence I came to know from my wife Sehra that she had done Pranam sixteen Page 111 times, bowing at the Mother's feet first and then touching the head to the sides of her seat and so on, but the Mother had kept smiling and... standing, in a long robe, as I have often seen her in the years immediately following 1954. When I approached her she smiled a little and gave me a bunch of flowers for myself and another bunch for Sehra. One flower was prominent in each bunch. It was positioned like a leader of the three or four others. The Mother, pointing to it, said, "Seventy times"—and, pointing to the rest, she added, "Forty times... would not respond to any antibiotic treatment. So all treatment was stopped and one had just to wait. Much anxiety was caused all around. The third day at home was the worst. I sent a telegram to Sehra to carry the news to the Mother's room. On the fourth day there was a little improvement on the whole but the infection persisted. The monster within the stomach refused to budge. My resistance appeared ...
... The Rainbow THE MOTHER'S WORK IN A DREADFUL PLACE AN EXPERIENCE OF SEHRA PRESENTED BY AMAL KIRAN Perhaps the most frightening peep into the unknown which Sehra ever had was recounted by her to the Mother in a letter dated 11 March 1957: "Before going to bed I asked myself why my prayer for quick... will recover. There is something written by Sri Aurobindo on the subject. I shall tell Nolini to show it to you." What exactly Nolini showed Sehra — or whether he could find anything quite to the point — is not within recollection. But I do remember Sehra and me thinking: "How little we realise what a stupendous labour of love the Mother has undertaken for us all." Page 195 ... this darkness and from these people. The corpses don't allow her to save them. They on the contrary throw on her their evil desires and feelings. So your prayer cannot be answered quickly.'" When Sehra met the Mother the next day, she told her how utterly sick she was feeling. (She actually took over a fortnight to recover.) The Mother said: "You have seen correctly. I am now working in the subconscient ...
... her. My letters are one long spiritual autobiography. And what is a spiritual autobiography from here except a various presentation of Mother-moodedness? What shall I say to your question about Sehra and me and the psychic being? Both of us live, each in an individual way, in something of its glow at least frequently if not all the time. But that is different from the outburst of the psychic. That... this little wide-verandaed flat which seems poised in Sri Aurobindo's vast peace and caressed by the Mother's million winds of love. My work goes on with a sweet efficient rhythm, and the presence of Sehra is no bar at all but a natural portion of God's magnificent day and mysterious night. She is as much a child of the Mother as I am and, although there are several differences in our temperaments, they ...
... SEHRA — LAST VIEW (25.4.1980) by Ravindra Khanna I entered the room a little trepidant — expecting to see a face with all the mental agonies and physical afflictions engraved on it. But a most marvellous sight met my gaze. Such beauty of a blissful calm enveloped it that its ripples could be felt all over the room. She was no longer the Sehra I had been seeing ...
... common ways of behaviour; it is the ghoulish cave where our nightmares take shape; it is the whispering, impelling inspiration of the pervert, the brute, the torturer and the sadistic killer. In 1957 Sehra, a Parsi sadhika and wife of K.D. Sethna, had written a letter to the Mother describing a horrendous vision of hers. ‘I saw people there with human forms, but they were not human beings. They were very... the corpses were also enjoying what was happening to them. They were not really dead but only looked so: they were alive.’ Then a Voice told her: ‘This is where the Mother’s work is going on.’ When Sehra met her the next day, the Mother said to her: ‘You have seen correctly. I am now working in the subconscious. It is a very terrible region and even worse than what you have described.’ 35 Around ...
... where some embroidered materials she had wanted were on sale. Its contrast with the Mother's presence and with the Ashram's atmosphere was tremendous. Once and for all the vacillation vanished. Like Sehra, like me, she went through the new-birth that creates Page 102 the disciple of Sri Aurobindo: she became the Mother's child for good. My own connection with Christianity... inner surety because one feels that, however slow the movement, there will be no turning back. In the wake of what happened on February 12 of 1953 there was the exodus to the Ashram with Sehra (and my dog Bingo) for final irrevocable settlement a year later, followed by a surprising little statement by the Mother when I Page 105 harked back to a feature of 1929. Among ...
... happened after the man had had darshan of Sri Aurobindo. An incident which taught me never to make snap judgements as well as focused a facet of the Mother's incalculableness took place after Sehra had prepared for her a lovely set of curtains and chair-covers. The Mother admired them and had them put to use in her bathroom. A little later several holes were found in many of them as if somebody... to sweep and clean the bathroom noticed them too and felt rather distressed. There was only one other person who had access to the bathroom in the natural course of the day's work. It struck both Sehra and me as Page 24 obvious that out of some freak of jealously this person had done the disfigurement. I mentioned our condemnatory conclusion to Champaklal. He did not seem convinced ...
... Bombay, Sehra, who had loved him years before and had never married. When he returned to Bombay on a visit they were reunited and married. He told her he would give her ten years of married life and then he would return to Pondicherry. Mother India was launched in 1949 and he continued to edit the magazine from Bombay. He and Sehra eventually returned to the Ashram on February 12, 1954 and Sehra passed ...
... physical loss her own unfailing graciousness did the utmost possible with her personal presence throughout the years from 1954 when I came back to the Ashram with my life's companion Sehra. I may mention, in passing, that Sehra fitted very well into the new life and the Mother has been recorded as counting her to be one who loved her truly. Those years, ending with the near-close of 1973 when the Mother ...
... approach him to guide me in this project? Has he got time for it?" But nothing is impossible if the "God-touch is there". One evening I sat near the Samadhi. At that time he had come with his wife Sehra and sat outside Dyuman-bhai's room, facing the Samadhi. Without hesitation I went to him and made an appeal in the following words: "Would you give some time to become the editor of my projected... a fortnightly and the date planned to publish it was 21 February 1949, the Mother's seventy-first birthday. The title of the journal was appropriately given by the wife of the editor, Sehra. Sethna says; "What she brought up answered at once to the truth behind the publication-date by harmonising with (1) the fact that the base of operations, besides being the motherland of Sri Aurobindo ...
... Our Light and Delight 4 The Mother and My Last Darshan of Sri Aurobindo I had come from Bombay with my wife Sehra and some friends on a visit for the Darshan of November 24 in 1950. Sri Aurobindo was reported to have been unwell. But he gave a long Darshan, with a short break after some hours. He kept himself in a tolerable condition... truth-impulsion. Always at the right moment the right thing for Page 40 the soul is done. On the present occasion, as never before, Sri Aurobindo smiled at me and, as I was told by Sehra afterwards, he kept smiling in my direction even when I had turned to go away. Later the Mother also referred to Sri Aurobindo's smiling at me all the time I was there. I am convinced that, through ...
... long time. She was very pleased and, smiling sweetly, kept it with her. Later, when Sehra (Amal's wife) came to meet her, Mother showed her that picture and praised it a lot; then she said, “A photograph can be taken from this picture. It will look as if I am in the Himalayas—as if I have manifested there.” Sehra got two copies made here by our Ashram photographer; Chiman.. But since the result was ...
... The Secret Splendour Sehra 1 Freedom—24.4.1980 With the Far-away's call Quickening your heart-beat You freed yourself from all Earth's bitter-sweet. Terrible at times the means By which the soul Drops out of mortal space To its inmost goal. A moment your whole life hung 'Twixt heaven ...
... Savitri 104 Seascape 610 Seated Above 227 Secret Ether 383 Secrets 717 Seer and Singer 605 Seer-Singer 627 Sehra 1: Freedom—24.4.1980 628 2: Road Down—Road Up 629 3: Voice from Within 630 4: To My Own Heart 631 5: Two Months 632 6: Life and Death ...
... times!" Then I say: "Mother, are you really going to give it to me?" You laugh and reply: "Certainly." Then you separate me from my body and say: "Now you will never feel separate from me." SEHRA Page 190 ...
... BEFORE PASSING IN A QUEUE THROUGH THE MOTHER'S ROOM "Do not look for me only in my room. I have liberated myself from my human body. 1 am now everywhere." SEHRA Page 208 ...
... been afflicted with severe back pain, for he writes: Unfortunately my back has not benefited - and I don't think it will unless I take a three-week's holiday in bed. This I can't do now. When Sehra was there, I could have indulged in the luxury. By now I have come to terms with the back-ache and as I don't do much of peregrination I am not specially bothered. On 30.6.81 Amal sent me the ...
... unknown immensities. I felt cut off from all that had been connected with my ordinary life. The most astonishing result was that, try as I might, I could not visualise in the least the face of my wife Sehra who was in Bombay! After a week or so, the memory came back in a tentative fashion, but I had caught a glimpse of the tremendous life-revolutionising power possessed by the psychic being. ...
... the gross layer. In that world of rarefied physicality - hence the term 'atmosphere' - Sri Aurobindo, as the Mother has told us, has a house. People in the Ashram visit it sometimes in their dreams. Sehra did so on a few occasions and described something of it. Nirod too has been there at least once. So we, if we leave our present corporeal habitation in the near future, will get into contact with ...
... they make contact with us in their form-aspect, though psychically they may be reached by us in the midst of their absorption. In not more than four or five instances, when I have dreamed of my wife Sehra in the last six years, could I feel sure she was concretely with me. What you say about poetry has always been my view. I hold that all poetry is "dramatic" in the sense that the poet does not express ...
... "Nothing has changed. Call for inspiration and help, as you have always done. You will get everything from Sri Aurobindo as before!" Page xxii In 1944 Sethna had got married to Sehra. In February 1953 he made the crucial decision to settle in the Ashram again. He was badly in need of Rs. 500. - "To settle a few matters and pay for a thorough migration with my wife and dog." He managed ...
... Splendour appeared. Especially memorable out of its 750 pages are the surrealist poems published earlier as The Adventure of the Apocalypse and the poems written after the death of his wife, Sehra. One poem, A Prayer for Ignorance, asks that the Lord will "Drown in huge sleep the ever-dancing hum of knowledge". Then might the Light of the ineffable Truth beyond truths "suddenly ...
... a happy compensation for the feverish haste men put now in all they do. Amal gave me all the beautiful books he had written, with his good wishes and affection. His wife Sehra who loved me and treated me like her own daughter was once attacked severely in her sleep by the invisible beings of the vital world. This incident was not a mere dream but a concrete experience ...
... were not in fashion for people who were rather young and perhaps inclined to be romantic, ( laughter ) Even when I returned to Bombay after a six and a half years' stay here and met my future wife Sehra, whom I had known earlier, she was indignant on seeing me bearded, though not long-haired any more. She made a disgusted face and said: "What is this?" Then I very calmly explained to her: "You see ...
... publication planned to coincide with February 21,1949, the Mother's seventy-first birthday. The crucial question of the title was very appropriately settled by a brain-wave of the Editor's wife, Sehra. What she brought up answered at once to the truth behind the publication-date by harmonising with (1) the fact that the base of operations, besides being the motherland of Sri Aurobindo, was the ...
... Example 7 : "As for the culinary art, you may be tops there but I can boast of ‘one far fierce hour and sweet’ like the Donkey’s triumph, as Chesterton sees it, when Jesus rode on it into Jerusalem. Once Sehra [my wife] and her sister Mina and our Goan cook were making rice chapattis and they mocked me for my incompetence in common life. Immediately I asked for some flour and, on getting it, started my chapatti ...
... to hold regular classes in English poetic literature at his place for a number of years. He had changed many houses till he came to occupy the present one. And we frequented each house. His wife Sehra used to be there engaged in her "home work" and we in our business. She used to serve breakfast to me when I was alone. Our Studentship Being a medical man I had little ...
... gets invoked quite often in crystalline poems. Some passages from Dante and Prudhomme have also been transcreated. Page 345 Sethna's is a lyric genius. Even the Sehra group is but a bouquet of lyrics. It is surprising that inspite of being an earnest disciple of Sri Aurobindo and having spent long decades in absorbing each line that Sri Aurobindo wrote, Sethna ...
... there is just one petal of "The Divine's Love". You say, "At present take this. It will do. By and by you will find the whole of the flower meaning 'The Divine's Invisible Truth'." SEHRA Page 197 ...
... little more and the new life's doors Shall be carved in silver light Page 202 With its aureate roof and mosaic floors In a great world bare and bright. 27.2.1963 SEHRA The Mother's Reply It is certainly part of His permanent home in the subtle-physical — a part of it only. Once, surely, you will meet Him there. Page 203 ...
... The Sun and The Rainbow DECEMBER 5 TWO STATEMENTS BY SEHRA IN 1956 AND THE MOTHER'S COMMENT First Statement This is my experience during the meditation. I had no sense of body. There was nothing except infinite space. Then I heard a voice which said: "From now on, I will rule the world." ...
... and try to make up for what these people take away. I think my own love not sufficient because these people are too many; and it is necessary to give you all the best from everywhere. SEHRA 22.10.1955 The Mother's Answer We have a poet. It is very nice. I mean, it is true poetry, not false poetry. Page 189 ...
... The Sun and The Rainbow SUPPLEMENT THE MOTHER AND SEHRA ...
... publication planned to coincide with February 21,1949, the Mother's seventy-first birthday. The crucial question of the title was very appropriately settled by a brain-wave of the Editor's wife, Sehra. What she brought up answered at once to the truth behind the publica-tion-date by harmonising with (1) the fact that the base of operations, besides being the motherland of Sri Aurobindo, was the country ...
... interview I laid all my difficulties before the Mother. At that time I was somewhat hard-up and I said: "Mother, I must have Rs. 500 to settle a few matters and pay for a thorough migration with my wife Sehra and our dog Bingo." The Mother replied: "So you must have Rs. 500?" I gave a big serious nod and she smiled. I went back to Bombay and fixed the time of my permanent return a few months ahead. ...
... Is that true? And what about that band of light on the horizon? Is it something meant to be after this life or in this life itself? Please let me know the truth. With love, SEHRA The Mother's Interpretation The eyes closed represent ordinary consciousness which is blind to the truth. When you opened your eyes you saw the light of the truth towards which you ...
... me, and I try to see you but I can't. How can I with my eyes open — unless you do something for me?" She laughed and, tapping my left shoulder, said: "Have some patience." 1974 SEHRA Page 209 ...
... different from the detached condition in which I had undergone the pain about 9 years earlier when I had slipped on the wet courtyard of Dr. Sircar's house and had hurt both my legs so badly that my wife Sehra had thought I would never be able to walk again. On that occasion of getting bedridden for a time I could draw myself inwardly away from my body's lower part, but there was some link subtly left with ...
... day I had a collapse. I managed to creep home. Then I could hardly move: I just dropped into my bed. There was such a sinking feeling in the chest that I thought I was about to die. I told my wife Sehra: "What can be done now? There is nothing to do. The end seems to have come. I shall go as Yogically as I can. Don't be sorry about anything." As you can see, I was too hasty a prophet. I could hold ...
... not in fashion for people who were rather young and perhaps inclined to be romantic, {laughter) Even when I returned to Bombay after a six and a half years' stay here and met my future wife Sehra, whom I had known earlier, she was indignant on seeing me bearded, though not long-haired any more. She made a disgusted face and said: "What is this?" Then I very calmly explained to her: "You see ...
... great and calm for ever...." This was the first time I realised that when the Mother wants she can put forth the Divine Presence and Power completely into the physical being and manifest it. My wife Sehra has seen light coming out of the Mother's whole body and, as it were, assimilating the physical substance or else getting assimilated into it and making it radiant. I have never witnessed such a phenomenon ...
... her: "Mother, this is the first time I have had a fall in the physical gutter...." She laughed and said: "Well, how are you now?" I replied: "I am much improved, but what do you think? Should I inform Sehra in Bombay about my accident?" She at once said: "Oh no. Why worry the poor girl? Within two days you will be walking normally." I was surprised at the confident prophecy. But actually it did come true ...
... Aurobindo's poem, A God's Labour : A little more and the new life's doors Shall be carved in silver light With its aureate roof and mosaic floors In a great world bare and bright. SEHRA The Mother's Reply It is certainly part of His permanent home in the subtle-physical—a part of it only. Once, surely, you will meet Him there. Page 175 ...
... presence just next to me, and I try to see you but I can't. How can I with my eyes open-unless you do something for me?" She laughed and, tapping my left shoulder, said: "Have some patience." SEHRA ** Mother India , November 21, 1975. Page 184 ...
... November 17, 1974* BEFORE PASSING IN A QUEUE THROUGH THE MOTHER'S ROOM "Do not look for me only in my room. I have liberated myself from my human's body. I am now everywhere." SEHRA * Mother India , February 21, 1975. Page 184 ...
... in a blue dress. I spoke to her about Sehra's mamma who, according to Sehra's letter, was still suffering from non-stop asthma. The Mother gave a packet of blessing-petals for her, and another for Sehra herself. Then I spoke of H.V. She said that the difficulty was to find accommodation for her but that she would try. I left the Mother then, but while about to enter Sri Aurobindo's room I remembered ...
... Past-Present-Future Physical Pain - The Turn of the Consciousness - The Victory of the Divine's Truth* AN INTERVIEW WITH THE MOTHER ON NOVEMBER 25,1962 SEHRA: The doctors say that when Amal's kidney stone will come out, there will be a great deal of pain. THE MOTHER: The doctors always say things like that. You then make a formation of fear and keep ...
... The Sun and The Rainbow Communication with Objects around Us AN EXPERIENCE AND THE MOTHER'S REMARKS Sehra's Letter Dearest Mother, I am very sorry to trouble you but a certain experience needs to be told so that I may have your guidance. It has been going on for several months and now... more conscious, and there is not much difficulty in telling these things, before you retire, to keep quiet during the night in order not to disturb your sleep. With love and blessings. Sehra's Interview: 1.10.1963 As soon as 1 went to Mother, she asked, "Are you still in cantact with them?" "With whom?" I questioned, a little surprised. "With the objects around ...
... anything wrong here. But, reading it, she made an angry face and then asked in a withering tone: "You want a swing for yourself?" I was taken aback. She who had looked to all my comforts and my wife Sehra's was now a Goddess of Terror over so trivial a plea on my part. At once I said: "No, Mother, no. I want nothing. I am sorry." Flaming Mahakali turned into calm Maheshwari and blessed me. Within my heart ...
... verbal formulation: my mind translated the message into the appropriate words according to the drive of the communication. But even a clear-cut formulation in words can come. I remember how after Sehra's death I once appealed to my favourite front-face photo of Sri Aurobindo: "What should I do to get over this sense of a knife turning in my heart in spite of all the peace that is still within me as ...
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