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Solomon : (c.972-c.932BC), son of David, he was the greatest king of Israel.
... intersecting triangles with a square in the middle, the symbol of Sri Aurobindo minus the wavy wateriness and the lotus! The hexagram-design is surmounted by the inscription: "Sceau de Solomon” ("Seal of Solomon"). What is a still greater surprise is that the same square-enclosing hexagram appears on the cover of the periodical Le Revue Cosmique started by the Mother's Egyptian teacher... Our Light and Delight 8 "The Seal of Solomon", Tagore's Visit to the Ashram, Soup-Distribution, "Prosperity" Meetings, Yogic Fulfilment In the preceding chapter I announced that I would write what I had gathered, from the Mother herself and from some disciples who had been close to her, about Paul Richard's... or three hours each time. The tale is current in the Ashram that the Mother had asked Richard to find out from some Yogi in India the meaning of the symbol which goes by the designation "Seal of Solomon", popularly called also "Star of David". Sometimes it is taken to be a pentagram such as the Middle Ages of Europe employed in magical practices and such as is supposed in India to cure the sco ...
... horses, mules and many other riches. King Solomon built a splendid temple in honour of the God of his fathers and his nation. But before the temple was built, while the timber for it was still growing in the form of cedar-trees on the mountains, Solomon had a dream in which his God appeared to him and said: "Ask of me what you wish me to give you." Solomon answered: "My father David was a just... tree bears only fruit. It is like the man who speaks not but acts." The demon laughed at these wise words. But before long his boasting tongue was silent for ever. You have heard of great Solomon who was the King of Israel many years ago. There are many stories in the Bible and in other books which tell of his glory and his majesty. I shall tell you one story about him. He was very rich... that none shall surpass you in understanding; and long life and riches will be yours also." You will notice the modest words spoken by the king, "I am but a little child." Do we think less of Solomon because he spoke humbly of himself? On the contrary, it is a real joy to see greatness that is modest. I shall tell you three stories about the modesty of the Prophet Mohammed. It is said ...
... not truth. Page 214 A Muslim writer, Abu Abbas, tells us of the glory of King Solomon, who reigned in Jerusalem, the holy city of the Hebrews. In his throne room there were six hundred seats, half of which were occupied by sages, the other half by Jinns or genies who assisted Solomon by their magic power. Throughout the sittings of the Council, a multitude of great birds would... would arise, lifting up the whole palace and instantaneously transporting it a month's journey away. In this way, the king was at hand to govern the distant lands that belonged to him. Besides, Solomon made the most marvellous throne one could ever dream of. And this throne was designed in such a way that no one would dare to utter an untruth in the presence of the king. It was made of ivory, ...
... indicates a continuation of a system prevalent in the time of this Pharaoh's predecessor Ramses II. To fix upon the date of the Exodus, Sethna takes his clue from the Bible's computing of Solomon starting to build the Jerusalem Temple in the fourth year of his reign, which came 480 years after the Jews had left Egypt. Starting with an authentic date - that of the Battle of Qarkar on the Orontes... In order to make Hatshepsut contemporary with Moses, Sethna has to demolish a powerful challenge: Immanuel Velikovsky's revised chronology identifying Hatshepsut with the Queen of Sheba who visited Solomon in the latter half of the 10th century B.C. 2 Sethna is able to show that: (i) Velikovsky's interpretation of the Papyrus Ipuwer and the Ermitage Papyrus is biased; (ii) there is little... Chronology Tenable? , A Scrutiny of Four Fundamental Themes, Waterford, U.S.A.: The Integral Life Foundation, 2002. Page 188 (vii) the Egyptian king Shishak who looted Jerusalem after Solomon cannot be identified with Hat-shepsut's successor Thutmose III, as Velikovsky strives to by tinkering with the evidence. Sethna proposes that the Queen of Sheba is the Queen of Ophir (the ...
... alive! p. 23) [^101]: There is some evidence that Sri Aurobindo was, besides Leonardo da Vinci, also Pericles, Caesar Augustus and Louis XIV. He may have been King Solomon, for, after all, the basic form of his symbol is that of Solomon. A disciple of whom some incarnations are common knowledge was Nolini Kanta Gupta, a great yogi. He himself has said that he was Yuyutsu in the war on which the M ...
... 3/4.10.1939 Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems: Light ============= Sankaracharya Hill Sankaracharya Hill — also called by Muslims Takht-i-Suleman, meaning the seat of Solomon. On top of the Hill there is a temple built some hundreds of years ago by Adi Shankaracharya. This can be viewed from any part of Shrinagar (Kashmir). There is a huge Shivalingam in the centre of... first two, but of a capital importance from a certain standpoint. He says about it: "There was a realisation of the vacant Infinite 1 while walking on the ridge of the Takht-i-Suleman (Seat of Solomon) in Kashmir." In 1939 he wrote this Sonnet (Adwaita) on this experience. × Vivekananda describes the beginning ...
... Aurobindo was on a tour of Kashmir and he visited the hill of Shankaracharya (also known as the Takhti-Suleman-Seat of Solomon), and experienced the vacant Infinite in a very tangible way. He has described this experience in his poem, 'Adwaita'.³ 'I walked on the high-wayed Seat of Solomon Where Shankaracharya's tiny temple stands Facing Infinity from Time's edge, alone On the bare ridge ...
... you by being anxious can add one cubit to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, 0 men... what is now known as Palestine, which they conquered from the Cannanites. The twelve tribes were then united in one kingdom with its capital at Jerusalem. After the first three kings (Saul, David, Solomon), there was secession and two kingdoms were created (Israel and Judah). After 750 BC, the kingdom of Israel disappeared forever, with the establishment of the Assyrian Empire. The smaller kingdom of ...
... Aurobindo was on a tour of Kashmir and visited the hill of Shankaracharya (also known as the Takht-i-Suleman—Seat of Solomon), and experienced the vacant Infinite in a very tangible way. He has described this experience in his poem, 'Adwaita':¹ I walked on the high-wayed Seat of Solomon Where Shankaracharya's tiny temple stands Facing Infinity from Time's edge, alone On the bare ridge ...
... spirit. The other line of mysticism is common enough, viz., to express the spirit in terms and rhythms of the flesh. Tagore did that liberally, the Vaishnava poets did nothing but that, the Song of Solomon is an exquisite example of that procedure. There is here, however, a difference in degrees which is an interesting feature worth noting. Thus in Tagore the reference to the spirit is evident, that... they all give a very beautiful, a very poignant experience of . love, but one does not know if it is love human or divine, if it is soul's love or mere bodily love. The famous Song of Solomon too is not on a different footing, when the poet cries: Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse; thou hast ravished my heart with one of thine eyes, with one chain ...
... spirit. The other line of mysticism is common enough, viz., to express the spirit in terms and rhythms of the flesh. Tagore did that liberally, the Vaishnava poets did nothing but that, the Song of Solomon is an exquisite example of that procedure. There is here, however, a difference in degrees which is an interesting feature worth noting. Thus in Tagore the reference to the spirit is evident, that... they all give a very beautiful, a very poignant experience of love, but one does not know if it is love human or divine, if it is soul's love or mere bodily love. The famous Song of Solomon too is not on a different footing, when the poet cries: Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse; thou hast ravished my heart with one of thine eyes, with one chain of ...
... compelled the Twelve Tribes —ruled so far by 'judges' —to set up monarchy (around 1025 B.C.). The first chosen king, Saul, was followed by David and his son, Solomon. It was David who conquered Jerusalem and made it the national capital. And it was Solomon who built the first Temple there during his forty years' reign (971-931 B.C.). That glorious period was short-lived. For upon Solomon's death ten tribes ...
... that the very thing which was leading me to despair — the meaningless absurdity of life — is the only incontestable knowledge accessible to man." To prove this point, Tolstoy quotes the Buddha, Solomon, and Schopenhauer. And he finds only four ways in which men of his own class and society are accustomed to meet the situation. Either mere animal blindness, sucking the honey without seeing the dragon... ____ ¹ (Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems, vol. 5, Centenary edition, Pondicherry, 1972, p. 133 Page 165 Appendix XII Adwaita¹ I walked on the high-wayed Seat of Solomon Where Shankaracharya's tiny temple stands Facing Infinity from Time's edge, alone On the bare ridge ending earth's vain romance. Around me was a formless solitude: All had become ...
... ns through the symbols of earthly experiences? "A bundle of myrrh is my well-beloved unto me; he shall lie all night betwixt my breasts." – Solomon The Christians do not hesitate in the least to give some abstract meaning to those words of Solomon. What mystery of Transubstantiation do they now ascribe to the ceremony of the Eucharist! Then why should ritual expressions in the Veda be looked ...
... Sonnets from Manuscripts (Circa 1934-1947) Collected Poems Adwaita Know more > I walked on the high-wayed Seat of Solomon Where Shankaracharya's tiny temple stands Facing Infinity from Time's edge, alone On the bare ridge ending earth's vain romance. Around me was a formless solitude: All had become one strange Unnameable ...
... Bible will give us the best and most concentrated examples of this rhythm in prose. Our first quotation, from the New Testament, can indeed be arranged, omitting the superfluous word "even" before "Solomon", as a very perfect and harmonious stanza of free quantitative verse. Or again, let us take the opening verses of the Sermon on the Mount, Page 342 Or from St. Paul,— ...
... still not clear to me. The efforts of James Charlesworth (Catholic Biblical Quarterly 31 [1969], 357-69; Semitics I [1970], 12-26; Revue Biblique 77 [1970], 522-49) to establish for the Odes of Solomon, a Jewish-Christian work, a first-century date against the common ascription of the Page 46 second century are perhaps the most helpful. Ode 19:6-9 associates Mary's virginity with ...
... always be an artificial hot-house product; when it blossoms directly from an imaginative thrill, there is a sovereign excess about it which carries a high artistic potency of suggestion. The Song of Solomon is exotic in its poignant richness of word and vision; the Book of Job is exotic in the figurative revel of its grandiose closing argument; Spenser and Keats are exotic when they diffuse their hea ...
... on the Apollo Bunder in Bombay (this calm surrounded him and remained for long months afterwards); the realisation of the vacant Infinite while walking on the ridge of the Takhti-Suleman [Seat of Solomon] in Kashmir; the living presence of Kali in a shrine on the banks of the Narmada; the vision of the Godhead surging up from Page 371 within when in danger of a carriage accident in ...
... Buddhist art was created by men on whom the spiritual light had laid its hand, even if it had not in all instances gripped them wholly. The colorful enthusiasm and beautiful optimism which Gladstone Solomon saw in the Ajanta frescoes and considered the ne plus ultra of art-expression are not, as a psychoanalyst might explain, long-repressed life-instincts exploding into artistic ecstasy by a kind ...
... sweetest way? The Biblical term brings even more than the warmth of love: it brings inevitably the glow of wisdom. For the Song of Songs is attributed to that legendary fountain of sagacity: Solomon. The poet whose mysterious stirring you feel within you is your "psychic being", the soul to whom Sri Aurobindo attributes an intrinsic "sweetness and light". Light here stands for an outbreak of God's ...
... one cubit** to his span of life? 28 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; 29 yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe ...
... our human failings in order to present graphically to us the inexpressible intensities or extensions of the high experiences Page 178 above. The Vaishnava lyrics or the songs of Solomon become to us high spiritual documents. Man started his life on earth as an animal and is still continuing to be so in a large measure: his mental equipment also was almost wholly conditioned ...
... shores. Swept from all altars, swallowed in a path of power by the wrath that wrecks the pirates in the Narrow Seas,.. . . multiple without dimension, indivisible without uniformity, the ship of Solomon (blessed be he) drove on.¹ Well, it is sheer incantation. It is word-weaving, rhythm plaiting, thought-wringing in order to pass beyond these frail materials, to get into contact with, to ...
... had an experience about which he spoke often. It was the experience of the Infinite. Atop the nearly 300-metre high Shankaracharya Hill — also called by Muslims Takht-i-Suleiman, meaning the seat of Solomon —there is a temple. The temple can be seen from any part of Srinagar. And from the temple one gets a scenic view of the valley: the Dal Lake to the north-west and the Jhelum on the other side, both ...
... with India by sea from their ports on the Persian Gulf and continued to receive gold, spices and fragrant woods from India." Remember the Queen of Sheba? She had already brought such gifts to King Solomon at Jerusalem in the ninth century BC. At any rate, what comes out clearly from all this is a picture of a prosperous society that laid stress on duties and obligations rather than rights and demands ...
... manuscripts. Adwaita . 19 October 1939. Three handwritten manuscripts. This son-net was written about an experience Sri Aurobindo had while walking on the Takht-i-Sulaiman ("Seat of Solomon"), near Srinagar, Kashmir, in 1903. The Hill-top Temple . 21 October 1939. Three handwritten manu-scripts, the first two entitled "The Temple on the Hill-Top". This sonnet is about ...
... stream on which is run 596 I shall not die 215 Page 745 I walked beside the waters of a world of light 668 I walked on the high-wayed Seat of Solomon 621 If I had wooed thee for thy colour rare 206 If now must pause the bullocks' jingling tune 237 If perfect moments on the peak of things 616 If thou wouldst ...
... normally a poor instrument for expressing anything that goes deeper and further than our physical, vital and mental experiences. The psychic love has to use the metaphor of the human love. "The Song of Solomon" can be taken as an example of psychic poetry which "seems to sing earthly beauty, but intends to suggest another beauty that abolishes the first." 7 The same thing could be said about the Vaishnava ...
... Appendix await your verdict... As for identifying the Queen of Sheba, it is not necessary for my purpose. AH I can whisper in your ear is that Nolini once said that Sri Aurobindo had been Solomon and the Mother the Queen of Sheba. Nolini has also confirmed that the Mother had also been Queen Hatshepsut. So Velikovsky is perfectly right in visioning the two of them - Sheba and Hatshepsut -as ...
... which he translates "and she gave birth to a son, her firstborn", he writes: "Although prototokos, 'firstborn', is sometimes clearly equivalent to monogenes, 'only born' (Psalms of Solomon 13:8; 4 Ezra 6:58), some would take this to mean 'firstborn among many'. And so, since the time of Helvidius (A.D. 380), this verse has played a role in the dispute among Christians as to whether ...
... though not least, 0 great Master, of your namesakes was so brave That we all stood aghast when, after lecturing "each his soul must save". He wooed a Belgian old maid who, though not so wise as Solomon, Was even as rich and "game" when he led her to the altar in Boulogne. I had to be his best man though no bridesmaids were available, But the great philosopher announced: "Without love ...
... Ark was a cabinet that contained the original tablets on which the Torah was inscribed. The tablets have been lost to history. There were two temples in Jewish history. The first was built by King Solomon, but was destroyed by Babylon in 586 BCE. The second Temple, which was that which Jesus knew, was built and finished in the first century BCE. However, The Temple was destroyed permanently in 70 CE ...
... various other backgrounds. The v great Sufi "invisible teacher" Khidr is said to be a Jew. The Moghul Prince Dora Shikoh identified Sufi teachings in the Vedas and Upanishads. Even Pythagoras and Solomon are sometimes referred to as Sufi teachers. Page 154 But what is at the core of Sufism? It can be said that to follow Sufism is to die gradually to oneself and to become one-Self, to ...
... Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems Adwaita Read poem > I walked on the high-wayed Seat of Solomon Where Shankaracharya's tiny temple stands Facing Infinity from Time's edge, alone On the bare ridge ending earth's vain romance 19.10.1939 Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems: Adwaita ============= ...
... least, O Guru, of your namesakes was so brave That we all stood aghast when, after lecturing 'each his soul must save', He wooed a Belgian old Maid who though not so wise as Solomon Was even as rich and "game" when he led her to the altar in Boulogne. I had to be his best man though no bridesmaids were available, But the great philosopher announced: 'Without ...
... 68, 71, 98, 235 Shita1a, 180 Siddhacharyas, 164, 221-2, 225 Siddhas, 221 Siva, 31, 278 Socrates, 12, 58, 73, 98, 239, 281 Soma, 23, 28-9, 44-5, 165, 167, 184 Song if Solomon, 66-7 Sophocles, 73, 86, 187, 189 Spain, 205 Spengler, 297 Spenser, 68 Spinoza, 98 Sri Aurobindo, 49, 52, 54, 55n., 58-62, 64-5n., 67n., 75-6n., 81n., 1O2n., 126, 132, 135, 162n ...
... unseen shores. Swept from all altars, swallowed in a path of power by the wrath that wrecks the pirates in the Narrow Seas,....multiple without dimension, indivisible without uniformity, the ship of Solomon (blessed be he) drove on. 1 Well, it is sheer incantation. It is word-weaving, rhythm-plaiting, thought-wringing in order to pass beyond these frail materials, to get into contact with ...
... human measures, to accentuate our human failings in order to present graphically to us the inexpressible intensities or extensions of the high experiences above. The Vaishnava lyrics or the songs of Solomon become to us high spiritual documents. Man started his life on earth as an animal and is still continuing to be so in a large measure: his mental equipment also was almost wholly conditioned by ...
... aware of it, but there is a grace and a charm on the faces of the women of Bengal. Faultless beauty in the formation of the body may be absent there, but it will remind us of the words in The Song of Solomon, “ I am black but comely.” The soft, pliant, graceful and mobile ways of life and character are reflected on the faces of the Bengali women. In the structure of the Bengalis, the statuesqueness of ...
... all-encompassing mysterious Void". Page 32 Suleiman in Kashmir". In 1939, he wrote the following sonnet on this experience: AWAIT I walked on the high-wayed Seat of Solomon Where Shankaracharya's tiny temple stands Facing Infinity from Time's edge, alone On the bare ridge ending earth's vain romance. Around me was a formless solitude: All had ...
... experience of the inner being. Sri aurobindo’s visit to Kashmir seems to have given him the inspiration for the poem which is reproduced here: ADWAITA I walked on the high-wayed Seat of Solomon ¹ Where Shankaracharya's tiny templ e stands Facing Infinity from Time's edge, alone On the bare ridge ending earth's vain romance. Around me was a formless solitude: All had become ...
... Infinite stole upon him unbidden as it were. This was the experience recollected in the tranquillity of later years in the richly evocative sonnet Adwaita: I walked on the high-wayed Seat of Solomon Where Shankaracharya's tiny temple stands Facing infinity from Time's edge, alone On the bare ridge ending earth's vain romance. Around me was a formless solitude: ...
... sophistry, hypocrisy, diplomacy and glittering 'word-fact' traffic with varieties of falsehood or adulteration of truth, and they must all prove self-defeating in the long run. It is said that King Solomon had devisee a throne that was an unfailing lie-detector, instantly exposing the liar. But honesty shouldn't need the sophistications of Solomon's Throne for ensuring the reign of Truth, for it is ...
... was to become their base. They lived there many years with their devoted English secretary, Miss Teresa. "According to a legend, Tlemcen's origin goes back to a remote past. Moses visited it. Solomon stayed in it. Egyptian sorcerers, skilled in witchcraft, made it their chosen town." 1 1. Oran-Tlemcen, Sud-Oranais (1902), by Commandant de Pimodan. Page 56 The greatest ...
... that during his stay there he would meet some realised yogis or saints, he thought of finding out, if possible, the inner significance of the Jewish emblem known as the Star of David or the Seal of Solomon. This was also the mystic symbol of Théon's Cosmic Movement and appeared on the front page of its organ, Revue Cosmique. Théon's symbol was a sort of Yogachakra - a "six-pointed star containing a ...
... triangles meet and form a square. I am keeping this to show Pavitra, because that's what I had first tried to make. But obviously the one we have now is correct. It was Theon who told me it was Solomon's seal. Now then, did you bring your book? (Unenthusiastically.) Yes.... ( Mother starts leafing through the "Axioms" again ) They make all kinds of recommendations here: for instance ...
... other than Sri Aurobindo would be evidenced by a sign: she would be sending him something that he might recognise. That something was Sri Aurobindo's own symbol—in the form of a diagram, known as Solomon's Seal. Needless to add, after this proof of identity, steps were taken to facilitate her coming. Monsieur Paul Richard was at that time much interested in spiritual thought and practice and he could ...
... other than Sri Aurobindo would be evidenced by a sign: she would be sending him something that he might recognise. That something was Sri Aurobindo's own symbol – in the form of a diagram, known as Solomon's Seal. Needless to add, after this proof of identity, steps were taken to facilitate her coming. Monsieur Paul Richard was at that time much interested in spiritual thought and practice and he could ...
... she was looking for was Sri Aurobindo would be proved by an emblem she would send for him to assign its significance. The emblem was Sri Aurobindo's own symbol in the form of a diagram, known as Solomon's Seal. Needless to add, after the proof of identity was received by the Mother, she made preparations for coming here. Monsieur Paul Richard was at that time much interested in spiritual thought and ...
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