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45 result/s found for South Africa

... and utter self-sacrifice. Mr. Polak has well said that the Indian nation is being built up in South Africa. The phrase is true in this sense that the supreme example of the moral and spiritual strength which must be behind the formation of the new nation, has been shown first not in India but in South Africa. The passive resistance which we had not the courage and unselfishness to carry out in India... mass of the Natal whites are full of race prejudice and their desire is for that impossible dream, a white South Africa. A more effective measure would be the suspension of trade relations by the boycott of Colonial goods and the cessation of the importation of Indian raw materials into South Africa. But that is a step which will never be taken. Even if the Indian Government were willing to use any and... agitation of the question. It will therefore be opportune to consider the practical aspect of the struggle in the Transvaal and the possibility of help from India. There can be no two opinions outside South Africa, and possibly Hare Street, as to the moral aspects of the question; for it must be remembered that the Indians in the Transvaal are not claiming any political rights, but merely treatment as human ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... pattern for India which is not South Africa, and even Gandhi's loyalism is corrected by passive resistance. An abject tone of servility in politics is not "diplomacy" and is not good politics. It does not deceive or disarm the opponent; it does encourage nerveless ness, fear and a cringing cunning in the subject people. What Gandhi has been attempting in South Africa is to secure for Indians the position... whole of this sublime and sacred reputation is a colossal fiction. The ________________ * To the British Empire in South Africa during the Boer War (1899-1902) and the 1906 Zulu rebellion. When Sri Aurobindo wrote this letter, Gandhi was still in South Africa; he returned to India a few months later, in January, 1915. Page 105 hymns are, on the contrary, nothing more ...


... sentiment and the natural inclination of strongly Page 330 marked human groupings to make for themselves an independent life and racial type. The race origin varied, in Australia British, in South Africa predominantly Dutch, in Canada half French, half English; but in all three countries habits of life, political tendencies, a new type of character and temperament and culture, if it can be so called... unification is rashly and unwisely handled; but none of these need be insuperable or even a real stumbling-block. The race difficulty which Page 331 was at one time serious and menacing in South Africa and is not yet eliminated, need not be more formidable than in Canada; for in both countries there is the English element which, whether a majority or minority, can by friendly union or fusion attach... needed is that England should continue to handle the problem with a right instinct and not commit anything like her fatal American blunder or the mistake she committed but fortunately receded from in South Africa. She has to keep it always in mind that her possible destiny is not that of a dominant country compelling all the parts of her dominions to uniformity with her or to perpetual subordination, but ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... of the new idea has been the federation of Australia and the federation of South Africa. The former event is not of such importance to the world as the latter. The referendum in Natal is indeed an event of the first significance, but what it portends is the rise of a new and vigorous nation, perhaps a new empire in South Africa,—certainly not the consolidation of the British Empire. Great organisms like... sword of Japan to say nothing of the subtler, less apparent but more ominous menace of Germany. Canada is kept to England by the contiguity of a powerful, well-organised and expanding foreign State. South Africa on the other hand is occupied by a strong military race with a stubborn love of independence in its very blood. In the last war it has become aware of its supreme military capacity but also of its ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... submarines was the Channel, between France and Great Britain, and this was the stretch of water the Richards had to cross in order to reach Britain and then embark on a voyage all the way around South Africa towards the East, for the Suez Canal was closed. Did Mirra realize on 4 March 1916 that she was taking leave of her house, of Paris and of France for the last time? There is no such indication,... fact he had no gun, and his bravado had put his passengers and his ship in jeopardy. On 6 April the Kamo Maru dropped anchor at Table Bay and the Richards visited Cape Town, the capital of South Africa, from where they sent a postcard to André. More than a month later, on 9 and 10 May, the ship called at Shanghai, where Mirra caught a whiff of China. On 18 May the Kamo Maru docked at Yokohama ...

... military to enter civil aviation and he piloted one of these lines—no, not civil aviation: the war ended, but he continued flying military planes. And then he wanted to make a trip to South Africa: from France to South Africa. Evidently, something must have been upset in his consciousness (I did not know him personally, so I don't know what happened). He started from a certain city in France to go to Madagascar ...


... VIII-207 (The subject is an Indian disciple from South Africa who had been incarcerated for several months in a Syrian prison on the pretext that his money was counterfeit.) ... They don't have any government to protect them. Before India's independence, they had a British passport, and now the government of South Africa doesn't recognize them, the government of India doesn't look ...

... June 30, 1967 ( About an Indian disciple from South Africa who is in jail since some months in Syria under the pretext that his banknotes were counterfeit. ) ...They have no government to protect them. Before India's independence they had a British passport, but now the government of South Africa doesn't recognize them, the government of India doesn't look after them, ...


... illustration of the wisdom of that heart I shall pick out a passage which occurs apropos Olive Schreiner: "Olive Schreiner disliked my account of her book. She said it reminded her of a man in South Africa with a horse for sale, who, after admitting a long list of appalling defects in the animal, wound up by declaring emphatically, 'But, it's a damned fine horse!'... It seems to me that a critic who ...


... (This system caused their Cricket, Rugby, etc. teams to be kept out of international matches. They had/have good teams.) And now comes along Louis Allan with wife Olga and sons John and Robert from South Africa! Louis and family were not black, not white. We heard it said they were of a mixed lineage. They were may be a shade lighter than we (normal) Indians (I realise I could be questioned on this ...


... Barclays Bank. I had received £100 from my father in Miwani (Kenya) to start with. I had to do everything by myself regarding my stay and study. Thus gradually I gained confidence. Sudha Gokal from South Africa met me in the plane. We became very good friends. Both of us joined the Denson Secretarial College. Each and every moment I felt the Mother's Grace guiding and protecting me. My letters were ...


... 24th July 1959 my College closed for two months. During that time I was planning to join several classes of my choice. Sudha was already off on a continental tour with her people, who came from South Africa. One Saturday morning I asked Ramesh Panikar—an engineering student whom Sudha and I met at East Africa House—to join me to see the Tate Gallery, which had been opened in 1897. It is a branch ...


... the fashion nowadays, or doing anything which even in appearance strengthens the disposition towards an abject & unmanly tone in politics. Gandhi's loyalism is not a pattern for India which is not South Africa, & even Gandhi's loyalism is corrected by passive resistance. An abject tone of servility in politics is not "diplomacy" & is not good politics. It does not deceive or disarm the opponent; it does ...


... he related in his letter to Sri Aurobindo (part of which is reproduced above Sri Aurobindo's reply of 7 January 1934), he had been anxious to meet Sri Aurobindo since he returned to India from South Africa in 1915. In order to arrange a meeting, he wrote to Govindbhai Patel, a disciple of Sri Aurobindo's who previously had been connected with Gandhi's movement. (There is some evidence that Govindbhai ...


... without, of course, being convinced of his position. It is a kind of violence on them. But as soon as they found the situation normal they reverted to their old ideas. The same thing happened in South Africa. He got some concessions there by passive resistance and when he came back to India it became worse than before. September 12, 1923 The Mahomedan or Islamic culture hardly gave anything ...


... Otherwise they don't act. SRI AUROBINDO: If they want to act, they can do so provided they have the right man. For instance after the Boer War, Sir Campbell Bannerman gave self-government to South Africa. Self-government has also been granted to Iraq and to Egypt. In Egypt they have kept control of the Suez only. That is the advantage of England over Germany, that you can deal with England, while ...


... contains some 13 thousand million cells! As regards the brain size, the range in the cranial capacity of chimpanzees and gorillas is about 325 to 650 cubic centimeters, of the man-apes of South Africa 450 to 650, of Java Man 750 to 900, of Peking Man 900 to 1200, but of Homo sapiens from 1200 to 1550 ! And as a by-product of this phenomenon, of all creatures man has the greatest possibility ...

... to the youth of modern India the lessons of man-making education so as to cast them in the image of heroic builders of new India and new world. Mahatma Gandhi conceived, even when he was in South Africa, a scheme of ashram education and developed it further in India at Sabarmati Ashram and at Wardha into what came to be called "Nai Talim" that would reflect the ancient spirit of blending head, ...


... much." We had no clue about what he'd meant. Four or five of us were there; we looked at Him, a little puzzled. "Oh, you don't know the story?" He asked. Then He told us. During the Boer War in South Africa (where Mahatma Gandhi was at that time), the Boers were on one side and the British on the other. Two Boers were escaping on horseback after some fighting. One of them was short and stumpy. They ...


... the feeling that something was going to happen to him; an accident perhaps, and it was all finished with him. He had come out of the war but was still in the army. He wanted to make a flight to South Africa, from France right up to the south of Africa. He started from France and made for Madagascar, so far as I remember, and then wanted to fly back to Page 323 France. Now, my brother ...

... feeling that something was going to happen to him; an accident perhaps, and it was all finished with him. He had come out of the war but was still in the army. He wanted to make a flight to South Africa, from France right up to the south of Africa. He started from France and made for Madagascar, so far as I remember, and then wanted to fly back to France. Now, my brother was at that time the ...

... concerning the Khilafat question and the Punjab issue. It must be remembered that Gandhiji's experience as a popular leader had not until this time been primarily political. Rather his efforts in South Africa and his early work in India were basically humanitarian. This may account for the rather amazing fact that he did not originally include Swaraj as a reason, let alone the reason, for the initiation ...

... of touching the temple." ' 'Coffree' in Pondicherry was a contemptuous term for 'black-skinned natives.' It is a derivative of Caffrc (or Kaffir), which originally meant Bantu inhabitant of South Africa, and more generally any Black South Page 158 In his private diary, Pillai wrote his private thoughts. "The Governor has dishonoured himself. Firstly, he has listened to his wife's ...

... programme. For a time he thought that the necessary training must first be given through a less advanced Home Rule movement or an agitation of passive resistance of the kind created by Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa. But he saw that the hour of these movements had not come and that he himself was not their destined leader. Moreover, since his twelve months' detention in the Alipur Jail, which had been spent ...


... 237-238(fn) a European, 175 and hunger-strike, 145, 168, 17 1 and Khilafat movement, 173 and Muslim demands, 227 and non-cooperation, 160, 180 and non-violence, 166,168,218,219, 225,226 in South Africa, 105 , 168 and Swaraj , 173 (11) and World War II , 217 , 224, 229 -230 Gangoly, O. C., 115-116 Germans , 239 Germany, 112 in World War II , 213, 23 6, 237(fn) Ghose, Barindra Kumar , 13 ...


... the East. The current started then from distant America but the centre of disturbance was Western and Central Europe. This time there have been three currents,—insurgent nationalism starting from South Africa, Asiatic revival starting from Japan, Eastern democracy starting from Russia; and the centre of disturbance covers a huge zone, all Eastern, Southern and Western Asia, Northern or Asiaticised Africa ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... of the more democratic and humanistic tendencies and institutions of the Southern States. There are indeed apparent types of a freer kind of federation, Switzerland, the United States, Australia, South Africa, but even here the spirit of uniformity really prevails or tends to prevail in spite of variation in detail and the latitude of free legislation in minor Page 439 matters conceded to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... ascertain the causes which have led to this state of things and to suggest what steps should be taken to prevent it. XVII. That this Conference, while sympathising with the Indian residents of South Africa in their struggle for equal rights and privileges with the White population and admiring their firm attitude, places on record its deep sense of indignation at the gross wrongs inflicted on them ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... the legs in walking and moving about generally. I was content to leave this to the sort of adjustment that the body is usually so good at. By a lucky chance, a good friend of ours. Paddy from South Africa, came to stay for a few days. The last time I had seen here, she had had serious arthritis of the right hip,' and had recently had the operation to replace the joint with a steel ball and socket ...

... from the Madras press, Anand Bazaar Patrika from Kolkata (Calcutta) carried reports of his prosecution every day. Funds were raised for his defence not only in India but also by the Indians in South Africa. Here is an extract from an article written in the Bandemataram by Sri Aurobindo on the strike in Tuticorin. For passive resistance to succeed unity, perseverance and thoroughness ...

... battle-ground for the two rival powers; German unification is not yet in sight - after 15 years. Tibet is swallowed by China, India's borders are threatened by China and Pakistan; Portugal and India, South Africa and the free world have very little in harmony. Last but not least, the U. N. O. 's initial policy in Congo has not born fruit. Unity of mankind seems as far away as ever. But on the other ...

... Talk then turned to the world-war and the Congress. Pattabhi was elected President. Patel wanted to settle at Rajkot or go to East Africa. Disciple : I am afraid if Patel goes to East or South Africa the Indians there would be shot. Sri Aurobindo : Instead of Patel going there to Africa it is better that Gandhi should go to Hitler. Hitler will say to Mahatma :  You follow your inner ...

... without, of course, being convinced of his position. It is a kind of violence on them. But as soon as they found the situation normal they reverted to their old ideas. The same thing happened in South Africa. He got some concessions there by passive resistance and when he came back to India it became worse than before. Disciple : He always calls it soul-force. Sri Aurobindo : Really ...

... A Fragment, Advent, Aug. 1973, p. 10 × Gandhi arrived in India in January 1915 from South Africa. It was not before 1920 that he would launch his “non-cooperation" movement. ...

... V.S. Aiyar and Jatindranath Mukherji (Bagha Jatin), of course, ran even greater dangers. When the fight for independence became a mass movement the women could hardly keep (or be kept) out. In South Africa as later in India, Kasturba Gandhi had to bear the cross in her own way as much as the Mahatma. After 1920, it became natural for the sahadharminis of the leaders to take some part in public ...

... Reddy called the modem Heroic Age - in Indian politics. Gandhiji had already tested the instruments of passive resistance and satyāgraha during the struggles against the racist regime in South Africa that would not permit the Indian community of traders and labourers to live in self-respect in their adopted land. After his return to India, he had been slowly but inevitably drawn into the vortex ...

... order to make a continued political action possible, reculer pour mieux sauter, as the national movement seemed otherwise threatened with a complete pause. A Home Rule movement or a movement of the South African type suggested themselves to him and he foresaw that they might be resorted to in the near future; but he decided that such movements were not for him to lead and that he must go on with the movement ...


... indigestible to vertebrates. For example, the clothes-moth can digest hair and wool which are completely resistant to vertebrate digestion. Cellulose can be digested by many invertebrates.... The South African honeyguide, a relative of wood-peckers..., is known to eat pure wax as well as honeycomb. Digestion of wax is almost unique in the animal kingdom." (K. Schmidt-Nielsen, op.cit ., pp. 7, 9) ...

... sometimes had to be preceded by a common struggle for liberty or a union in war against a common enemy; so have grown into one the United States, Italy, Germany, and more peacefully the Australian and South African federations. But in other cases, especially in the earlier national aggregations, the sentiment of unity has grown up largely or entirely as the result of the formal, outward or mechanical union ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... this basic substance of himself. "How well I remember," he says in one place, "the joy and comfort that music used to give me Page 100 when I was ailing in a South African hospital. I was then recovering from the hurts I had received at the hands of some roughs who had been engaged to cripple me - thanks to the success of my 'Passive Resistance Campaign'. At ...


... even of music he brings us face to face with this basic substance of himself. "How well I remember," he says in one place, "the joy and comfort that music used to give me when I was ailing in a South African hospital. I was then recovering from the hurts I had received at the hands of some roughs who had been engaged to cripple me - thanks to the success of my 'Passive Resistance Campaign'. At my request ...

... Britain entered the War, India was inevitably dragged into it too, and Britain wanted India's active cooperation in the war effort. There were many (including Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, with his South African experiences of passive resistance to tyranny) who were for loyalism and unconditional support to Britain, while others thought that Britain's difficulty was India's opportunity to wrest her freedom ...


... a goat-offering of himself to Kali? Is human sacrifice better than animal sacrifice? The argument is: what does the loss of one life matter if by it other lives can be saved? I know the South African saying 'How glorious if the whole world were to destroy itself to save the life of a single mosquito'. I used always to wonder what would become of the poor mosquito if the world were destroyed ...

... rapidly eg the rapid denouement of the Army crisis, the non-resistance of the Unionists in East Fife, the relaxation of the Ulster difficulty, the growth of the idea of Federal Home Rule, the South African solution, events in Bengal, tendencies in Pondicherry etc. Even in physical things the power increases, eg the stoppage of the disordered pipe twice in two minutes after it had been running persistently... being reestablished in the general bhavas, but continually contradicted & opposed in the detail; the nirananda is supported by the Jiva & hence lingers. Morning Lipis. (Mostly Akasha) 22 1) African .. rapidity         (Really, two separate lipis) 2) Jollity—festivity .        (From yesterday, often repeated—unexpectedly fulfilled this evening) 3) Intellectuality .. type of the intell ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... airlines. No, sorry," Mother corrected herself, "he came out of the war and stayed with the air force. Once he wanted to fly Page 42 all the way down to the south of Africa — from France to the south of Africa." Mother added reflectively, "Obviously something in his consciousness must have got dislocated; but as 1 didn't know him personally I can't say what had happened to him. He... Pondicherry in the mid-fifties with her Japanese husband, to see her "great-aunt." In 1919, Matteo was appointed Governor of the Congo in Central Africa. Then, in 1934, he became the Governor of French Equatorial Africa. While the parents were away in Africa the three children lived with their grandmother. Mathilde looked after them well. Even today, Etienne and his sisters have kept a vivid and deep... 'Next time, you will kill her,' he at once resolved never to let it happen again. And it never happened again." Indeed Matteo's strength of character was such that even when he was governor in Africa, for over fourteen years, not once did people see him get angry. It was not for nothing that Matteo was Mathilde's and Barine's son. Matteo was a gentleman, refined and cultured. Not only he did the ...
