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13 result/s found for Supramental Shakti

... be done; our surrender must be to the Divine Being through the Divine Mother: for it is towards or into the supreme Nature that our ascension has to take place and it can only be done by the supramental Shakti taking up our mentality and transforming it into her supramentality. Thus we see that there is no contradiction or incompatibility between these three aspects of Existence, or between them in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... level and works in the lesser substance of mentality, though in its own manner and body of power and light, and it persists even in the action of the supramental reason. It is only the higher supramental Shakti Page 888 acting on its own ranges whose will and knowledge work always in a boundless light or with a free capacity of illimitable extension of knowledge subject only to such limitations ...


... itself as an ordering divine will and wisdom, a light and power in the being which shapes all the thought, will, feeling, action and replaces the corresponding individual movements. This supramental Shakti may form itself as a spiritualised intuitive light and power in the mind itself, and that is a great but still a mentally limited spiritual action. Or it may transform altogether the mind and ...


... to face with the Master of all existence and his activities are merged in the action of a supreme Energy which is pure, true, perfect and blissful for ever. Thus can he utterly renounce to the supramental Shakti his works as well as the fruits of his works a; id act only as the conscious instrument of the eternal Worker. No longer giving the sanction, he will rather receive in his instruments and follow ...

... the case of L, an outsider, who was trying to remain in the Universal consciousness with the vital being full of all kinds of impurities. That is not perfection. When the Divine Power – the Supramental Shakti – works She establishes harmony between the various instruments of nature and also harmony in the whole of our life. R and people like him feel that such a harmonisation of the being is a limitation ...

... labour, take always the step that is decreed and shape in the midst of imperfection the perfection that is to come. But only when the supermind has descended in you can she deal directly as the supramental Shakti with supramental natures. If you follow your mind, it will not recognise the Mother even when she is manifest before you. Follow your soul and not your mind, your soul that answers to the Truth ...

... to face with the Master of all existence and his activities are merged in the action of a supreme Energy which is pure, true, perfect and blissful for ever. Thus can he utterly renounce to the supramental Shakti his works as well as the fruits of his works and act only as the conscious instrument of the eternal Worker. No longer giving the sanction, he will rather receive in his instruments and follow ...


... perfection of the śraddhā will also be the opportunity and perfect foundation of a divine strength: it will base, when complete, the development and manifestation and the works of the luminous supramental Shakti. Page 782 × saṅkalpa, vyavasāya. ...


... pointed out, during the last few years of her physical existence upon earth, "the Mother was pre-occupied with the organisation of the New Consciousness-Force, the Dynamis of Knowledge-Will, the Supramental Shakti that has been brought down on earth by the concentrated Tapasya of Herself and Sri Aurobindo. She was ceaselessly engaged in extending its roots, furthering its blossoming in 1 Sri ...

... response bom of a separate individual formation in personality or instrumentality has given place to an absolute stillness and immobility and therefore absolute readiness and passivity for the Supramental Shakti and the Divine's hour of manifestation. This integral readiness to embody and manifest is the whole and the only question now. And the readiness is all. There was no motion in this inner ...

... stone—depending on the level we have crossed, we speak of mental force, vital or atomic force; and it does take on a mental, vital or atomic vibration, but it is always one and the same Force, the Supramental Shakti, at work clearing various levels of herself. The pure Shakti of the beginning is at the end. A still heart, a clear mind and untroubled nerves are the very first necessity for the perfection ...

... assurance. The practical upshot for us of such a view was the necessity of giving ourselves entirely to the guidance of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. As the twofold incarnation of the Supramental Ishwara-Shakti, they could carry us most swiftly forward. On so complex a path as the Integral Yoga we could hardly have advanced without their light and love. And, suiting the path's complexity, they... I have been happy to help, now and then, his bright deliveries, and many have been the golden moments when we have tossed to and fro some problem of scansion and, discussing the lines of the Supramental Avatar's compositions, gone most enjoyably against Alexander Pope's advice: Know then thyself, presume not God to scan: The proper study of mankind is man. I have been in ...


... the supramental Divine. In this Yoga, therefore, there can be no place for vital relations or interchanges with others; any such relation or interchange immediately ties down the soul to the lower consciousness and its lower nature, prevents the true and full union with the Divine and hampers both the ascent to the supramental Truth consciousness and the descent of the supramental Ishwari Shakti. Still... stage, it is indifferent to touch or not to touch. What it will be in the supramental culmination, let the supramental decide. Touch may be neutral or it may imply interchange of forces. When the interchange is that of spiritual or spiritualised forces, then it has its meaning and it is that that will justify it in the supramental realisation. But till then, it is better to be circumspect. Page 541... It has to be changed into a mass and a movement of intimate Light, creative Power, pure Divine Ananda. It is only the bringing down of the supramental Light, Power and Bliss into the centre that can so change it. As to the working afterwards, it is the supramental Truth and the creative vision and will of the Divine Mother that will determine it. But it will be a working of the conscious Truth, not of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV