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Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [2]
Essays Divine and Human [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Gods and the World [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [8]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [2]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [1]
Isha Upanishad [2]
Kena and Other Upanishads [2]
Landmarks of Hinduism [6]
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Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nachiketas [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
Parables from the Upanishads [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [2]
Record of Yoga [6]
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Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [3]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [3]
Taittiriya Upanishad [2]
Talks on Poetry [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Birth of Savitr [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [2]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [9]
The Secret of the Veda [33]
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The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [1]
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English [130]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [2]
Essays Divine and Human [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Gods and the World [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [8]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [2]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [1]
Isha Upanishad [2]
Kena and Other Upanishads [2]
Landmarks of Hinduism [6]
Letters on Yoga - I [1]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nachiketas [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
Parables from the Upanishads [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [2]
Record of Yoga [6]
Savitri [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [3]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [2]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [3]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [3]
Taittiriya Upanishad [2]
Talks on Poetry [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Birth of Savitr [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [2]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [9]
The Secret of the Veda [33]
The Veda and Human Destiny [1]
The Veda and Indian Culture [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [10]

Swar Swaraloka svah Svar Swah : the luminous world of the Divine Mind, the special realm of Indra; the world of Light; the third (from below) of the seven worlds of the Puranas, & one of the three vyāhṛtis of the Vedas (see Bhūr).

130 result/s found for Swar Swaraloka svah Svar Swah

... themselves freely. So in VI.47.8, we have "Thou in thy knowledge leadest us on to the wide world, even Swar, the Light which is freedom from fear, with happy being," svar jyotir abhayaṁ svasti . In III.2.7, Agni Vaishwanara is described as filling the earth and heaven and the vast Swar, ā rodasī apṛṇad ā svar mahat ; and so also Vasishtha says in his hymn to Vishnu, VII.99, "Thou didst support firmly, O... together. This birth is his birth in conjunction with the Dawn, his birth out of the Night. It is by the sacrifice that this birth takes place,— indraḥ suyajña uṣasaḥ svar janat (II.21.4), "Indra sacrificing well brought to birth the Dawns and Swar"; it is by human aid that it is done,— asmākebhir nṛbhiḥ sūryaṁ sanat , by our "men" he wins the sun (I.100.6); and in many hymns it is described as the result... arkaiḥ ) Swar was found, entirely visible, when they (the Angirases) made to shine the great light out of the night, he (Indra) made the darknesses ill-assured (i.e. loosened their firm hold) so that men might have vision." In the first passage we see that Swar and Surya are different from each other and that Swar is not merely another name for Surya; but at the same time the finding of Swar and the ...

... the World Agastya, Darasuram temple, photo Olivier Barot The Colloquy of Indra and Agastya Rig Veda LI 70 na nunamasti no svah kastadveda yadadbhutam, anyasya cittamabhi samcarenyamutadhitam vi nasyati. 1. Indra 1. It is not now, nor is It tomorrow; who knoweth that which is Supreme and Wonderful? It... soul in its egoistic eagerness and the universal Powers which seek to fulfil the divine purpose of the Cosmos. The seer Agastya, at such a moment, confronts in his inner experience Indra, Lord of Swar, the realm of pure intelligence, through which the ascending soul passes into the divine Truth. Indra speaks first of that unknowable Source of things towards which Agastya is too impatiently striving ...

... fitness for the Yoga." Again, according to Sri Aurobindo, SWAR, the solar world beyond heaven and earth, is the world of the divine Truth and Bliss; "the fourth world, the supramental," 1 after mind, life and body. 1. The quotations in this chapter are from Sri Aurobindo's The Secret of the Veda. Page 44 Swar is the world of Yama, the guardian of the law of the Truth,... Mother's Chronicles - Book Four 6 The Veda OM BHŪR BHUVAH SWAH TAT SAVITUR VARENYAM BHARGO DEVASYA DHĪMAHI DHIYO YO NAH PRACHODAYĀT Thus runs the Gayatri mantra, 1 the chosen formula of the ancient Vedic search. It is addressed to Surya, the Sun, "as a God of revelatory knowledge by whose action we... interpretations. And the veil is elaborately woven by the Vedic mystics but vanishes like a dissolving mist before our eyes if we choose not to be blind. Page 46 The goal of the Rishis is Swar, the solar world of the divine Truth and Bliss. The Truth is spoken of in the Veda as a path leading to felicity, leading to immortality. The Rishis yearn to emerge from untruth to Truth, from darkness ...

... udvayam tamasaspari svah pashyanta uttaram devam devatra suryamaganma jyotiruttamam This is the mantra: we went beyond darkness and saw the intermediate Light which is swah, but then we did not stop there; we went further; we went to the Gods; we went to Surya, Suryam, we went to the Supreme Light, jyotiruttamam, (it is a jyoti which is uttamam. Supreme). Swah is an intermediate Light... story, you still have to rise higher. And higher than Indra is swah: this is a very special word in the Veda. It is present in the Gayatri mantra. Om bhur bhuvah swah tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah prachodayat Page 66 Swah is constantly used in the Vedic lore. This swah is a light which has condensed itself by constant rising of... Amritam. This was the great achievement of the Vedic Rishis. The soul which is tied into hundred nets — the swan which wants to fly, which cannot fly and has to battle — goes beyond Indra into swah, and goes beyond swah to Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman and Bhaga, enters into Surya. And then comes soma. The highest is soma, the great delight. When that delight can be held in the body, that is Immortality. This was ...

... satyadharma , which is a condition of immortality, and therefore himself the guardian of immortality. His world is Swar, the world of immortality, amṛte loke akṣite , where, as we are told in IX.113, is the indestructible Light, where Swar is established, yatra jyotir ajasraṁ, yasmin loke svar hitam . The hymn X.14 is indeed not a hymn of Death so much as a hymn of Life and Immortality. Yama and the ancient... three verses summarise the great achievement. "Severing the hill of heaven by the words he found them, yea, the radiant ones of the arriving Dawn went abroad; he uncovered those that were in the pen, Swar rose up; a god opened the human doors. The Sun attained widely to strength and glory; the Mother of the Cows (the Dawn), knowing, came from the wideness; the rivers became rushing floods, floods that... Cows and the Sun. We know already what they mean. The hill of our already formed triple existence which rises into heaven at its summit is rent asunder by Indra and the hidden illuminations go abroad; Swar, the higher heaven of the superconscient, is manifested by the upward streaming of the brilliant herds. The sun of Truth diffuses all the strength and glory of its light, the inner Dawn comes from the ...

... the fifth Mandala (V.80.1) which describes Usha dyutad-yāmānaṁ bṛhatīm ṛtena ṛtāvarīṁ svar āvahantīm , "of a luminous movement, vast with the Truth, supreme in (or possessed of) the Truth, bringing with her Swar". We have the idea of the Vast, the idea of the Truth, the idea of the solar light of the world of Swar; and certainly all these notions are thus intimately and insistently associated with no ...

... light of the divine Sun,— tat savitur vareṇyaṁ bhargo devasya . 4 The lower mental existence is transformed into an image and reflection of the higher Divine. Aporṇuvantas tama ā parīvṛtaṁ, svar ṇa śukraṁ tanvanta ā rajaḥ . This verse closes the general description of the perfect and final movement of the Ashwins. In the third the Rishi Vamadeva turns to his own ascension, his own offering of... and run and race about over the whole field of our being to extend and build up the lower consciousness into the shining image of the world of free and luminous Mind. Ākenipāso ahabhir davidhvataḥ, svar ṇa śukraṁ tanvanta ā rajaḥ . The formula used is repeated without variation from the second Rik; but here it is the flames of the Will full of the fourfold satisfaction that do the work. There the free... is a chant of the delight of being. The great Light of lights, the Sun of Truth, the illumination of the Truth-consciousness is rising up out of the movement of life to create the illumined Mind, Swar, which completes the evolution of the lower triple world. Eṣa sya bhānur udiyarti . By this rising of the Sun in man, the full movement of the Ashwins becomes possible; for by the Truth comes the realised ...

... firm and strong places by their words, yea, the Angirases broke open the hill by their cry; they made in us the path to the great heaven; they found the Day and Swar and vision and the luminous Cows," cakrur divo bṛhato gātum asme, ahaḥ svar vividuḥ ketum usrāḥ , (I.71.2). This path, he tells us, is the path which leads to immortality; "they who entered into all things that bear right fruit formed a... achievement of the truth and immortality by men, ṛtaṁ sapanto amṛtam evaiḥ . It is now perfectly clear that the achievement of the Angirases is the conquest of the Truth and the Immortality, that Swar called also the great heaven, bṛhat dyauḥ , is the plane of the Truth above the ordinary heaven and earth which can be no other than the ordinary mental and physical being; that the path of the great... on to tell us of the birth of this great, first or supreme force, Agni, in the Truth, in its waters, in its original home. "He was born, the first, in the waters, in the foundation of the vast world (Swar), in its womb, (i.e. its seat and birthplace, its original home); without head and feet, concealing his two extremities, setting himself to his work in the lair of the Bull." The Bull is the Deva or ...

... master-clue to the general character of these Dasyus the Rik V.14.4. 'Agni born shone out slaying the Dasyus, the darkness by the Light: he found the Cows, the Waters, Swar', agnir jāto arocata, ghnan dasyün jyotiṣā tamah avindad gaapah svah. There are two great divisions of the Dasyus, the Panis who intercept both the cows and the waters but are especially associated with the refusal of the cows, the... exception stand in the way of the ascent to Swar, and oppose the acquisition of the wealth by the Aryan seers. The refusal of the light is their opposition to the vision of Swar, svardṛś, and the vision of the sun, to the supreme vision of knowledge, upamā ketuh (V. 34.9); the refusal of the waters is their opposition to the abundant movement of Swar, svarvatīr apah, the movement or streamings... streamings of the Truth, rtasya preṣā, rtasya dhārāh; the opposition to the wealth-acquisition is their refusal of the abundant substance of Swar, vasu, dhana, vāja, hiranya, that great wealth which is found in the sun and in the waters, apsu surye mahad dhanam (VIII.68.9). Still since the whole struggle is between the Light and the Darkness, the Truth and the Falsehood, the divine Maya and the undivine ...

... the Truth working on the physical aspect of the universe. The word dhl, 'rtam, satyam, brhat are among the important words for Vedic interpretation. Trim rocana when applied to svar refers to the three divisions of the svar. When it refers to three heavens, it means the heavens of the mental, vital and physical fulfilment. When each of these is fulfilled it is called " heaven" and Page 134 ...

... firm and strong places by their words, yea, the Angirasas broke open the hill by their cry; they made for us the path to the great heaven; they found the Way and Swar and vision and the luminous Cows," cakrur divo brhato gātum asme ahah, svar, vividuh, ketum usrah 46 This great path is, according to Parashara, the path which leads to immortality. In 1.72.9, he gives the brief formula describing the... symbol, the Maruts take our animal consciousness consisting of the impulses of the nervous mentality and drives them up with their illuminations so as to arrive at the world of swar and the truths of Indra, who is the lord of Swar. It is then that the seeker becomes illumined and it is at that stage that the thoughts and the mind are yoked to Surya-Savitri. The ordinary human mind is besieged by the wild... knowledge, rtam, satyam and brhat, the trinity of the truth, the right and the vast. The rays of this light descend into the human mentality and form at its summit the world of luminous intelligence, swar. Attainment of Surya-Savitri: Culmination of the Vedic Yoga Attainment of Surya-Savitri, creator and increaser is the culminating point of the yoga of the Veda. Apart from many other ...

... of Dasyus in general: agnir jāto arochate, ghnan dasyün jyotiṣā tamah, avindad ga apah svah - "Agni born shone out slaying the Dasyus, the darkness by the 24. Op. cit., I, p. 347. 25. Op. cit., pp. 220-21. 26. Ibid., p. 218. Page 114 Light, he found the Cows, the Waters, Swar." 27 All Dasyus are here identified with the darkness, and Agni the god of fire brings about... .the firm places were cast down, the fortified places were made weak; up Brihas-pati drove the cows, by the hymn (Brāhmaṇā) he broke Vala, he concealed the darkness, he made Swar visible." 43 Here a spiritual Light (Swar, which stands for a luminous 38. Op. cit., 135. 39. Op. cit., p.222. 40. Ibid. 41. Ibid., p.306. 42. Op. cit., p.219. 43. The Secret of the Veda... a struggle between the Truth and the Falsehood, the Divine Power and the superhuman forces of Evil, resulting in the former's victory and the revelation of spiritual abundances and a heavenly world (Swar); or else a poetic rendering of the supplantation of night by sunrise, with the herds and rain-rivers and sky disclosed, all through the kindling of the physical sacrificial fire. The second alternative ...

... there a deeper, a spiritual meaning? Is the winning of Swar simply the recovery of the sun from its shadowing by the storm-cloud or its seizure by eclipse or its concealment by the darkness of Night? For here at least there can be no withholding of the sun from the Aryans by human "black-skinned" and "noseless" enemies. Or does the conquest of Swar mean simply the winning of heaven by sacrifice? And in... But the Veda cannot be interpreted by separate passages or hymns. If it is to have any coherent or consistent meaning, we must interpret it as a whole. We may escape our difficulties by assigning to svar or gāḥ entirely different senses in different passages—just as Sayana sometimes finds in gāḥ the sense of cows, sometimes rays and sometimes, with an admirable light-heartedness, compels it to... herds, indicated by the word gāḥ . in the sense both of cows and rays of light, are the illuminations from the higher consciousness which have their origin in the Sun of Light, the Sun of Truth? Is not Swar itself the world or plane of immortality governed by that Light or Truth of the all-illumining Sun called in Veda the vast Truth, ṛtaṁ bṛhat , and the true Light? and are not the divine waters, āpo ...

... without exception stand in the way of the ascent to Swar and oppose the acquisition of the wealth by the Aryan seers. The refusal of the light is their opposition to the vision of Swar, svardṛś , and the vision of the sun, to the supreme vision of knowledge, upamā ketuḥ ; the refusal of the waters is their opposition to the abundant movement of Swar, svarvatīr apaḥ , the movement or streamings of the... and the three luminous worlds of Swar; for the attainment of the supreme knowledge-vision, upamā ketuḥ , is the final result of their action and this supreme knowledge is that which has the vision of Swar and stands in its three luminous worlds, rocanāni , as we find in III.2.14, svaṛdṛśaṁ ketuṁ divo rocanasthām uṣarbudham , "the knowledge-vision that sees Swar, that stands in the shining worlds... Panis, frequently so designed in other hymns) makest thyself bright in thy own home (Swar), by the thoughts of the Truth in thy home, saṁ mātṛbhiḥ marjayasi sva ā dame ṛtasya dhītibhir dame . As if the Sama (equal fulfilment, samāne ūrve , in the level wideness) of the higher world ( parāvataḥ ), is that (Swar) where the thoughts (of the Truth) take their delight. By those shining ones of the triple ...

... say the seven forms of divine consciousness are to be held in the seven forms or movements of divine being; dhiyaṁ vo apsu dadhiṣe svarṣām , I hold the Swar-conquering thought in the waters. That the making visible of Swar to the eyes of the Swar seers, svardṛśaḥ , their drinking of the honeyed well and their outpouring of the divine waters amounts to the revelation to man of new worlds or new states... it is indicated that it is only by the confirming of the thought which conquers Swar, the solar world, that the Rishis are able to get through the ten months, but this thought once found they become assured of the protection of the gods and pass beyond the assault of the evil, the harms of the Panis and Vritras. This Swar-conquering thought is certainly the same as that seven-headed thought which was... killing Vritra. This fourth world must be therefore Swar. The seven-headed thought of Ayasya enables him to become viśvajanya , which means probably that he occupies or possesses all the worlds or births of the soul or else that he becomes universal, identifying himself with all beings born,—and to manifest or give being to a certain fourth world (Swar), turīyaṁ svij janayad viśvajanyaḥ (X.67.1); and ...

... firm and strong places by their words, yea, the Angirasas broke open the hill by their cry; they made in us the path to the great heaven; they found the Day and Swar and vision and the Luminous Cows", chakrur divo brhato gatum asme, ahah svar vividuh ketum usrah. 4 He declares again, "They who entered into all things that bear right fruit formed a path towards the immortality; earth stood wide for them... godheads in the cosmos. It conceives of a hierarchical order of the worlds, and an ascending stair of planes of being in the universe, bhur, bhuvah, and swar. Truth and Right (satyam and ritam), which have their home in the highest world of swar, sustain , and govern all the levels of Nature. They are one in the essence but they take different forms in different levels of existence. For instance... scope, bliss is their foundation. These three worlds are supported by the vast region of the Truth whence a divine Light radiates out towards our mentality in the three heavenly luminous worlds of swar, the domain of Indra. Below is the triple system in which we live. This triple system consists of three earths, three heavens, dyaus, and the connecting mid-region Page 25 (antariksha) ...

... trailokya are called in Vedic terminology, Bhu, the material world, Bhuvar, the intermediate world and Swar, the pure blissful mental world,—Bhur, Bhuvar, Swar, earth, the lower heavens and paradise, are the three sacred & mighty vyahritis of the Veda, and the great Vedic formula OM Bhur Bhuvah Swah expressive of our manifest existence triply founded in matter, mind-in-sense & vital movement and pure... Obviously not the storm, not the lightning, not any force of material Nature, but a subjective force, and, as one can see at a glance, a force of mind. Now Indra is the king Page 150 of Swar and Swar in the symbolical interpretation of the Vedic terms current in after times is the mental heaven corresponding to the principle of Manas, mind. His name means the Strong. In the Puranas he is that... entirely suits the actual phraseology of the last Rik of the Sukta. We find our clue in the Taittiriya Upanishad. It is said there that there are three recognised vyahritis of the Veda, Bhur, Bhuvar, Swah, but the Rishi Mahachamasya affirmed a fourth. The name of this doubtful fourth vyahriti is Mahas. Now the mystic vyahritis of the Veda are the shabdas or sacred words Page 130 expressing ...

... firm and strong places by their words, yea, the Angirasas broke open the hill by their cry; they made in us the path to the great heaven; they found the Day and Swar and vision and the luminous Cows", chkarur divo brihato gatum asme, ahah svar vividuh ketum usrah. 6 He declares again: "They who enter into all things that bear right fruit formed a path towards the immortality; earth stood wide for them... to the godheads in the cosmos. It conceives of a hierarchical order of worlds, and an ascending stair of planes of being in the universe, bhur, bhuvah, swar. Truth and Right (satyam and ritam), which have their home in the highest world of swar, sustain and govern all the levels of Nature. They are one in essence but they take different forms in different levels of existence. For instance, there... their scope, bliss is their foundation. These three worlds are supported by the vast region of the Truth whence a divine Light radiates out towards our mentality in the three heavenly luminous worlds of Swar, the domain of Indra. Below is the triple system in which we live. This triple system consists of three earths, three heavens, dyaus, and the connecting mid-region (antariksha). In simpler terms ...

... 4, of Agni, "Agni, born, shone out slaying the Dasyus, by the Light the Darkness; he found the cows, the waters and Swar"; VI.60.2, of Indra and Agni, "Ye two warred over the cows, the waters, Swar, the dawns that were ravished; O Indra, O Agni, thou unitest (to us) the regions, Swar, the brilliant dawns, the waters and the cows"; I.32.12, of Indra, "O hero, thou didst conquer the cow, thou didst conquer... prosperity, this fullness of cows, horses, gold, men, chariots, offspring, is not a final end in itself; all Page 138 this is a means towards the opening up of the other worlds, the winning of Swar, the ascent to the solar heavens, the attainment by the path of the Truth to the Light and to the heavenly Bliss where the mortal arrives at Immortality. Such is the undoubted substance of the Veda... herds are the herds of Light and the Light comes by the Dawn and by the Sun of whom Pushan is a form. Finally, Indra is the head of all these gods, lord of the light, king of the luminous heaven called Swar,—he is, we say, the luminous or divine Mind; into him all the gods enter and take part in his unveiling of the hidden light. We see therefore that there is a perfect appropriateness in the attribution ...

... earth which "is illumined by the mental light as well as the truth of the vital world filled with pure enjoy­ment and inspiration are concretely apprehended by the aspirant. Earth, mid-region, sky and svar , that is the body, life, mind and the vast Truth beyond mind become manifest in their divine essence in the human aspirant inhabited by the mental being. Indra is the divine mental being and Indra ...

... heaven, by finding the Day and Swar and vision and the luminous cows. Parashara Shaktya describes the realisation effected by the fathers, Angirasas, in the following verses: "Our fathers broke open the firm and strong places by their words, yea, the Angirasas broke open the hill by their cry; they made in us the path to the great heaven; they found the Day and Swar and vision and the luminous Cows... of ordinary experience, the earth, the mid-world and the heaven, prithwi, antariksha and dyauh, the worlds corresponding to our body, life and mind. This fourth world, the supramental world, the Swar was discovered, according to the Vedic legend, as a consequence of the discovery of the seven-headed thought which was born from the Truth. This discovery was made by Ayasya, the companion of the Navagwas... hill are broken, Panis are defeated and the liberated herds of cows are driven upward. The hidden light is found, the Dawn is brought to birth, the lost sun is recovered, and the luminous world of Swar in which we possess the Truth or the one universal Deva, is disclosed and conquered. 3 According to the Vedic mystics, there is the interior truth here of this world mixed as it is with much ...

... of the rain, the abundance (for vṛṣṭi , rain, has both senses) of heaven, sometimes described as the solar waters, svarvatīr apaḥ , or waters which carry in them the light of the luminous heaven, Svar . But the ocean and the waters in the Veda, as this phrase itself indicates, are the symbol of conscient being in its mass and in its movements. The gods pour the fullness of these waters, especially... can see that it is this attainment of the Truth which is indicated in these three verses. The all-gods increase man, they uphold him in the great work, they bring him the abundance of the waters of Swar, the streams of the Truth, they communicate the unassailably integral and pervading action of the Truth-Consciousness with its wide formations of knowledge, māyāḥ . I have translated the phrase ...

... racing with your trampling steeds, O gods who bring,—to the pilgrim of the Light. 10 Page 528 × Swarnara. Swar is the solar world of the Truth and the herds are the rays of its solar illuminations, therefore it is compared to the pens of these shining Vedic cattle. ... g in men it shall strive to raise them up to its own proper station, the Truth-plane. × The gods. Swar is the "own house" of the Gods. × The divine force of the Truth-conscious being, called in the next ...

... × Heaven and Earth; there are three heavens and three earths and at the summit is the triple luminous world of Heaven called Swar and described lower down as the triple back or threefold level in the Dawn. That is the world of the "vast sun" and is itself described as the Truth, the Right, the Vast. ... with the "cows", that is, the illuminations or yield of Dawn, the shining Cow. × The three worlds of Swar. × Agni, Surya and Soma himself are said to be found in the waters or seven rivers. ...

... is the initiator of the upward effort of the mortal towards Immortality; to this divine consciousness that is one with divine power we arrive as the foundation of immortal existence. Indra, lord of Swar, the luminous intelligence into which we have to convert our obscure material mentality in order to become capable of the divine consciousness, is our chief helper. It is by the aid of Indra and the... effected. The Maruts take our animal consciousness made up of the impulses of the nervous mentality, possess these impulses with their illuminations and drive them up the hill of being towards the world of Swar and the truths of Indra. Our mental evolution begins with these animal troops, these "Pashus"; they become, as we progress in the ascension, the brilliant herds of the Sun, gāvaḥ , rays, the divine... principle which the Vedanta calls Vijnana, the perfect knowledge, the Veda Ritam, the Truth. But these rays descend also into the human mentality and form at its summit the world of luminous intelligence, Swar, of which Indra is the lord. For this Vijnana is a divine and not a human faculty. Man's mind is not constituted of the self-luminous truth, like the divine mind; it is a sense-mentality, Manas, ...

... consider in this connection. According to Sri Aurobindo—and it is the view implicit in the Vedas and the Upanishads—there are seven basic principles sustaining the seven principal worlds: bhuh, bhuvah, swah, mahas, janah, tapas and satya. In the material world, the sat of the satya world has become annam or Matter, cit of the world of tapas has become Life, and mahas has become Mind. Matter ...

... work behind the visible movements we see here and determine all our actions & fortunes. Swar is man’s resting place but not his final or highest habitation which is Vishnu’s highest footing, Vishnoh paramam padam, high in the supreme parardha. (8) The 33 great gods belong to the higher worlds but rest in Swar & work at once in all the strata of consciousness, for the world is always one in its complexity... may help the reader to find his way through the following pages. (1) Vedic religion is based on an elaborate psychology & cosmology of which the keyword is the great Vedic formula OM, Bhur Bhuvah Swah; the three vyahritis and the Pranava. The three Vyahritis are the three lower principles ofMatter, Life & Mind, Annam, Prana & Manas of the Vedanta. OM is Brahman or Sacchidananda of whom these three... law of the stratum which houses them. This means seven sub-strata in each; in the three vyahritis there are therefore thrice seven, trih saptani. (6) Man, although living here in Bhu, belongs to Swar & Bhuvar. He is manu, the Thinker,—the soul in him is the manomayah pranasarira neta of the Upanishad, “the mental captain & guide of life & body”. He has to become vijnanamaya (mahan) and anandamaya ...

...   I   KING JANAKA was a great king and a great sage. He wielded an empire without and equally an empire within: he had realised the Truth, known Brahman. He was svar āt and samr ā t. A friend and intimate of his was Rishi Yajnavalkya, who also was a sage ― in fact, considered to be the greatest sage of the time, a supreme knower of Brahman. Once upon a ...

... light of the supramental truth, swar, is attained. The seven-headed thought is the knowledge of the divine existence with its seven heads or powers, since the divine existence is seven fold. The seven headed thought of Ayasya enables him to become viswajanya, and thus he becomes universal, as a result of which he is able to discover a certain fourth world ( swar — the world other than the worlds... regarded as the vast world of swar, which links the lower triple world of Matter, Life and Mind with the highest triple world, the world of delight or sweetness, madhu, of conscious force, urj, and self-existent substance ( vasu ). 38 The Vedic discovery is thus the discovery of the lower triple world, the highest triple world and of the intermediate linking world of swar , The Angirasa rishis have... and more evidently, and it begins to be experienced by self-conscious processes of yoga as a link between the physical world ( Bhur ) and the intermediate worlds ( Bhuvar ) and the higher worlds ( Swar ) , and it is also found that there is a still higher world ( Turīyam Svid ) ¹² which it manifests itself fully, since it is its original home from which it has descended as an evolutionary force ...

... adrī adhvarasya peśaḥ . The Angirases with the divine Word, the cry of Heaven which is the voice of Swar the luminous heaven and of its lightnings thundering out from the Word, the divine waters or seven rivers that are set free to their flowing by that heavenly lightning of Indra the master of Swar, and with the outflowing of the divine waters the outpressing of the immortalising Soma, these constitute... e.g. I.9.4, giraḥ prati tvām ud ahāsata vṛṣabhaṁ patim . The luminous Mind of Swar is the goal sought by the Vedic thought and the Vedic speech which express the herd of the illuminations pressing upward from the soul, from Page 191 the cave of the subconscient in which they were penned; Indra master of Swar is the Bull, the lord of these herds, gopatiḥ . The Rishi continues to describe... Vishwamitra, III.39; for it carries us right into the heart of our subject. It sets out with a description of the ancestral Thought, pitryā dhīḥ , the Thought of the fathers which can be no other than the Swar-possessing thought hymned by the Atris, the seven-headed thought discovered by Ayasya for the Navagwas; for in this hymn also it is spoken of in connection with the Angirases, the Fathers. "The thought ...

... falsehood which are the results of Ignorance. The entire human life has been regarded in the Veda as a journey from darkness to higher light and still higher to the highest light - ud vayam tamasapari svah paśyanta uttaram, devam devatrā sūryamaganma jyotir uttamam. (Rig Veda, 1.50.10; see also Chhandogyopanishad, III 17.6,7) Connected with the process of the attainment of Knowledge is the Vedic... World of creative delight of existence (Janaloka) 4 Knowledge or Truth - Vijnana World of the Vastness (Maharloka) 5 Mind World of light (Swar) 6 Life (nervous being) World of various becoming (Bhuvar) 7 Matter The material world (Bhur) 6 Indeed, in the Vedic system, cosmic gradations are d... groupings: Page 11 1 The Supreme Sat-Chit-Ananda The Triple divine worlds 2 The Link-World Supermind The Truth, Right, Vast, manifested in Swar, with its three luminous heavens. 3 The triple lower world Pure Mind Heaven (Dyaus, the three heavens) 4 Life-Force The Mid-Region (Antariksha) ...

... are the outpouring of the luminous movement and impulse of the divine or supramental existence. × Swar, the world of divine solar light to which we have to ascend and which is revealed by the release of the luminous herds from the nether cave and the consequent uprising of the divine Sun. ...

... or terms of existence Page 99 are the basis of the sevenfold world of the Puranas (Satyaloka, Tapas, Jana, Mahar, Swar, Bhuvar & Bhur). The lower hemisphere in this arrangement of consciousness consists of the three vyahritis of the Veda, "Bhur, Bhuvah, Swar"; they are states of consciousness in which the principles of the upper world are expressed or try to express themselves under ...

... पत्नी । स्वजंनन्ती सुभगा सुदंसा आन्ताद्दिवः पप्रथ आ पृथिव्याः ॥४॥ Page 293 4) Dawn in her plenitude like one that lets fall from her a sewn robe moves, the bride of the Bliss; creating Swar, perfect in her working, perfect in her enjoying, she widens from the extremity of Heaven over the earth. अच्छा वो देवीमुषसं विभातीं प्र वो भरष्वं नमसा सुवृृक्तिम् । ऊर्ध्व मधुश्रा दिवि पाजो... Lord, svasarasya patnī . Full in her enjoyment of the felicity, full in her effectuation of all activities, subhagā sudaṁsāḥ , she brings into existence in us by her revelations Page 296 Swar, the concealed luminous mind, our highest mental heaven; and thus from the farthest extremities of mental being extends herself over the physical consciousness. As this divine Dawn pours out widely ...

... highest 9 above. Vaikuntha, Goloka, Brahmaloka, Meruloka, Visva-devaloka (Karmadevatas), Ganaloka, Jnanaloka from top to bottom Page 1280 [ . . . ] = Suryaloka. Swar—Chandraloka & Swarga. Jana, Tapah & Satya above Swar—Chandraloka—Pitriloka; Kailas above, between 7 tiers of 14 worlds, according to types—Pashu, Pisacha, Pramatha, Rakshasa, Asura, Deva, Siddha— Swarga—7—Kama, Yuddha, Prema ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... head will certainly fall off." In this manner Ushasti gave the teaching about the Triple Principle, the Trinity represented by Life, Mind and Page 159 Body; Bhuh, Bhuvah, Svar, that is, Earth, Sky and Heaven. He gave an indication of these three levels of manifested being, the triple world of this universe, spoke of the divinity that presides over this Triplicity. First of ...

... Paradise the Sun-beholding dominion Khsathra. " The Rishis speak of the ideal end of their spiritual aspiration as the heavenly dominion Swar which lives forever under the light of the supreme Gnosis, Surya, the field or Kshetra of divinity. Of course, Swar in the outward or non-mystical connotation is only the highest part of the physical sky.   (1.10.1977) Page 334 ...

... communication with all the planes of his own and of the cosmic existence. × The state of bliss of which Swar, the supramental plane of existence, is the basis. × The luminous gods in us must keep our consciousness ...

... Mitra of the harmonies the perfect joy of the energies of the Truth, its complete mightiness. × Or Swar of the vision, the world of light where is the full vision of the Truth. × Beyond the darkness and ...

... broke open the firm and strong places by their words, yea, the Angirasas broke open the hill by their cry; they made in us the path to the great heaven; they found the Day and Swar and vision and the luminous Cows. Rig-Veda, 1,71.2 *** They who entered into all things that bear right fruit formed a path towards immortality; earth stood wide for them ...

... open the cities, conquering foes and overpowering unfriends in his battles. Brihaspati conquers for him the treasures, great pens this god wins full of the kine, seeking the conquest of the world of Swar, unassailable; Brihaspati slays the Foe by the hymns of illumination (arkaih)." 27 Side by side with Burrow's "enemies... overpowered and slain", we may note Brihaspati who, "overpowering unfriends"... Index, I, p. 471. 27. Op. cit., p. 139. Page 133 symbolic, as it is difficult to think of them in any other way when they are associated with "the conquest of the world of Swar", which is the Sun-world, and with "the hymn of illumination", the Mantra which is the Word of spiritual knowledge. Sri Aurobindo has pointed out several passages where the cow-symbolism is undeniable ...

... mind when it touches or apprehends it, for it falls inevitably into such a superconscious sleep—then the difference would be cured. The Seven Worlds 1) Bhu—Physical 1 2) Bhuvah—Vital 3) Swar—Mental Page 38 4) Mahat—Vijnana (supramental) 5) Jana—Ananda world—Sachchidananda worlds 6) Tapah—World of Chit-tapas—Sachchidananda worlds 7) Satya—World of Sat—Sachchidananda ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... realms Of Dwita to the realms of Trita. × Swarnara, often spoken of as if it were a country; it is not Swar itself, the utter superconscient plane, but the power of itself which the light of that world forms in the pure mentality. Here its inspirations and illuminations descend and take their place round ...

... your head will certainly fall off." In this manner Ushasti gave the teaching about the Triple Principle, the Trinity represented by Life, Mind and Page 45 Body; Bhūḥ, Bhuvaḥ, Svar, that is, Earth, Sky and Heaven. He gave an indication of these three levels of manifested being, the triple world of this universe, spoke of the divinity that presides over this Triplicity. First ...

... physical existence (prithvi) and three heavens of pure mind (dyau) and the intermediate Mid-region of life-force (antariksha); they discovered, at a still higher level, three luminous heavens of Swar, described variously in terms of the Truth, Right and Vast (satyam, ritam, brihat), and the supreme triple divine worlds. They discovered that the path to immortality is the path of truth and that... explains: "Our fathers broke open the firm and strong places by their words, yea, the Angirasas broke open the hill by their cry; they made in us the path to the great heaven; they found the Day and Swar and vision of the luminous Cows." ________________________________________ ¹ समुद्राद् ऊर्मि: मधुमान् उदारद् उपांशुना सं अमृतत्वं आनद् । घृतस्य नाम गुह्यं यद् अस्ति । जिह्वा देवानां... ; the principle of knowledge or Truth, vijnana, corresponds to the world of vastness (Maharloka); the principle of mind, which was Dyau in the Vedas corresponds to the Puranic world of light (Swar); the principle of life which in the Veda was the Principle of antariksha corresponds to the world of various becoming (Bhuvar); and the principle of matter, prithvi, corresponds to the material ...

... We have to cross beyond all these planes in order to arrive at the higher plane of that superconscient Truth which is the own home of the gods and the foundation of Immortality. This is the world of Swar, to which the Angirases have found the path for their posterity. The Angirases are at once the divine seers who assist in the cosmic and human workings of the gods and their earthly representatives... battle. For the sacrifice is a journey, a progression; the sacrifice itself travels led by Agni up the divine path to the gods and of this journey the ascent of the Angiras fathers to the divine world of Swar is the type. Their journey of the sacrifice is also a battle, for it is opposed by Panis, Vritras and other powers of evil and falsehood, and of this warfare the conflict of Indra and the Angirases ...

... Rig Veda V.28.1-6 Page 42 111 Vanished the darkness, shaken in its foundation; Heaven shone out (rocata dyauh, implying the manifestation of the three luminous worlds of Swar, diyo rocanani); upward rose the light of the divine Dawn; the Sun entered the vast fields (of the Truth) beholding the straight things and the crooked in mortals. Thereafter indeed they awoke and ...

... physical, that her cows or rays of the Dawn and the Sun are the illuminations of the dawning divine consciousness and that therefore the Sun is the Illuminer in the sense of the Lord of Knowledge and that Swar, the solar world beyond heaven and earth, is the world of the divine Truth and Bliss, in a word, that Light in the Veda is the symbol of knowledge, of the illumination of the divine Truth. We now begin... It has to be won possession of like the Sun itself and the gods have to give their aid for that possession ( arkasya sātau ) as well as for the possession of the Sun ( sūryasya sātau ) and of Swar ( svarṣātau ). The Angiras, therefore, is not only an Agni-power, he is also a Brihaspati-power. Brihaspati is called more than once the Angirasa, as in VI.73.1, yo adribhit prathamajā ṛtāvā ... sun, satyaṁ tad ... sūryam ; the waters released from the environing darkness of Vritra are called some times the streams of the Truth, ṛtasya dhārāḥ and sometimes svarvatīr apaḥ , the waters of Swar, the luminous solar world. We see then that the Angiras is in the first place a power of Agni the seer-will; he is the seer who works by the light, by the knowledge; he is a flame of the puissance ...

... of the fifth Mandala presents Usha as "a form from far beatitudes" coming near: it describes her as dytad-yāmānam brhatīm rtena rtāvarim svar āvahamtīm, "of a luminous movement, vast with the Truth, supreme in (or possessed of) the Truth, bringing with her Swar." The same role is played in VII. 81.3: yā vahasipuru sparham na dāsuse mayah, "thou who bearest to the giver the beatitude as a manifold ...

... fifth Mandala presents Usha as "a form from far beatitudes" coming near: it describes her as dytad-y ā m ā nam brihatim ritena rit ā verim svar ā vahant ī m, "of a luminous movement, vast with the Truth, supreme in (or possessed of) the Truth, bringing with her Swar." The same role is played in VII, 81.3: y ā vahasi puru sparham na d ā suse mayah, "thou who bearest to the giver the beatitude as a ...

... seems to bear also the sense of active or moving. × The plane of the superconscient Truth or world of Swar beyond mental Heaven and physical earth in which all is accomplished that here we strive after; it is described as the wide habitation and the wide and fear-free pasture of the shining cows. ...

... soul in its egoistic eagerness and the universal Powers which seek to fulfil the divine purpose of the Cosmos. The seer Agastya at such a moment confronts in his inner experience Indra, Lord of Swar, the realm of pure intelligence, through which the ascending soul passes into the divine Truth. Indra speaks first of that unknowable Source of things towards which Agastya is too impatiently striving ...

... Or, Godhead. × The Triple Bull is Indra, lord of the three luminous realms of Swar, the Divine Mind; Tryaruna Trasadasyu is the half-god, man turned into the Indra type; therefore he is described by all the usual epithets of Indra, "Asura", "Satpati", "Maghavan". The triple dawn is ...

... that the Vedic system of education aims at comprehending the entire universe of knowledge. It aims at the knowledge of the physical world (bhur), the vital world (bhuvar), and the mental world (swar). But it does not stop here. It speaks also of a fourth world, mahas, or the supramental. Amongst the contents of knowledge we find also the knowledge of the self, which is considered the c ...

... but in its deeper pursuit of knowledge relating to what the Vedas call Prithvi, the earth, Antariksha, subtle levels of existence between matter and mind, Dyau, the plane of the higher mind, Svah, the world of light, and Surya, the world of everlasting day or of the supramental light, and still beyond, of the transcendental unity and oneness. For Veda is essentially and esoterically ...

... 133 Indra is named both "Vala-slayer" and "Vritra-slayer" 133 Brihaspati also breaks open cities, overpowers foes, wins great pens of cows, seeks conquest of the world of Swar and slays the foe by the hymn of illumination 133 Close resemblance here with Burrow's verse about "enemies overpowered and slain", and the pens of cows conjure up "Mah... shattered around "Vailasthāna" seem to be of the same company as the evil spirits and demons there: both are non-human 133 The cows appear to be symbolic, associated as they are with Swar, the sun-world, and with "the hymn of illumination", the victorious spiritual Word, Mantra 133-134 Sri Aurobindo has pointed out several passages where the cow symbolism is u ...

... Indra the Mayin with the Maruts. 2.3 Indra, the Maruts, Vritra. Breaking head, cleaving Vritra asunder, loosing the waters. Hundred-limbed Vajra समुद्रिया अपः Waters of the Ocean. 4 Winning of Swar by Indra & Maruts for Soma-drinking. 5 Indra Rijishin, Ojaswin, Marutwan. 6 The Ancient Thought 8 हृदा हुयंत उक्थिनः 9 Soma drunk दिविष्टिषु while sharpening the Vajra 11 The Rodasi lighten ...

... other, to renounce earth to gain heaven? Yet beyond the lower triple world, the Rishis had discovered 'a certain fourth,' tourïyam svid ; they found 'the vast dwelling place,' 'the solar world, 'Swar: 'I have arisen from earth to the mid-world [life], I have arisen from the mid-world to heaven [mind], from the level of the firmament of heaven I have gone to the Sun-world, the Light' (Yajur-veda... and without the earth, in ecstasy. And this is what the Rishis would call 'the Great Passage.' Without abandoning the earth they found 'the vast dwelling place,' that 'dwelling place of the gods,' Swar , the original Sun-world that Sri Aurobindo calls the Supramental World : 'Human beings [the Rishis emphasize that they are indeed men] slaying the Coverer have crossed beyond both earth and heaven ...

... Maya, the divine and undivine, the formations of the truth and the formations of the falsehood. × Swar, the divine mind pure to the luminous Truth. × Or, many-necked. ...

... lords of Immortality, even Aryaman and Mitra and Varuna all-pervading." Still, it is in the image of Swar, the world of the divine Page 495 Truth that the goal is concretely figured. "Let us reach" is the aspiration, "the Light that is of Swar, the Light which none can tear asunder." Swar is the great, inviolable birth of Mitra, Varuna, Aryaman which is contained in the luminous heavens... after Indra has made his puissant and luminous appearance. This Truth is the light, the body of Surya. It is described as the True, the Right, the Vast; as the luminous supramental heaven of Swar—"vast Swar, the great Truth"—concealed be yond our heaven and our earth; and as Surya, the Sun, "that Truth" which dwells lost in the darkness, withheld from us in the secret cave of the subconscient. This... light of the world of Swar, the luminous world that Surya Savitri shall create for us. For because she is divine Dawn of the luminous paths, vast with the Truth and bringing to us its bright world, therefore the illumined adore her with their thoughts. Removing, as it were, a woven robe the bride of the Lord of beatitude by her perfect works and her perfect enjoyment creates Swar and spreads wide in ...

... (Tapoloka) 3) Pure Bliss—Ananda World of creative delight of existence (Janaloka) 4) Knowledge or Truth—Vijnana World of the Vastness (Maharloka) 5) Mind World of light (Swar) 6) Life (nervous being) Worlds of various becoming (Bhuvar) 7) Matter The material world (Bhur) Now this system which in the Purana is simple enough, is a good deal... bliss is their foundation. They are supported by the vast regions Page 372 of the Truth whence a divine Light radiates out towards our mentality in the three heavenly luminous worlds of Swar, the domain of Indra. Below is ranked the triple system in which we live. We have the same cosmic gradations as in the Puranas but they are differently grouped,—seven worlds in principle, five in... in practice, three in their general groupings: 1) The Supreme Sat-Chit-Ananda The triple divine worlds 2) The Link-World Supermind   The Truth, Right, Vast, manifested in Swar, with its three luminous heavens 3) The triple lower world Pure Mind Life-force Matter Heaven (Dyaus, the three heavens) The Mid-Region (Antariksha) Earth (the three earths) And as each ...

... from his name. His special realm is Swar, a word which means sun or luminous, being akin to sūra and sūrya , the sun, and is used to indicate the third of the Vedic vyāhṛtis and the third of the Vedic worlds corresponding to the principle of the pure or unobscured Mind. Surya represents the illumination Page 73 of the ṛtam rising upon the mind; Swar is that plane of mental consciousness ...

... hymn throws a flood of light on the persistent tales of the Purana & Itihasa in which Indra appears as the enemy of the Yogin, fearing to be overpassed, seeking to keep him by any means from conquering Swar and becoming too mighty for Indra himself. It is the Powers of mind that seek to preserve their activity in the human being, & do not wish him, stilling these activities, to pass into the silent Brahman ...

... Truth, the Friend of all beings, therefore the Lord of Love. × Indra, Ruler of our being. Master of Swar which is the luminous world of the Divine Mind. × Aryaman, the aspiring power and action of the Truth ...

... Thinker, saptaguh. Is it merely a legend when we are told that one can rise into higher plane of swar and rise also into the highest plane of Truth, symbolised by the Sun? A famous hymn of the Rigveda declares the passage from darkness to the supreme light, when it states: "ud vayam tamasas pan swar pashyanta uttaram; devam devatra suryam aganma jyotir uttamam.” (We, in our ascent, crossed over ...

... Thinker, saptaguh. Is it merely a legend when we are told that one can rise into higher plane of swar and rise also into the highest plane of Truth, symbolised by the Sun? A famous hymn of the Rigveda declares the passage from darkness to the supreme light, when it states: "ud vayam tamasas pari swar pashyanta uttaram; devam devatra suryam aganma jyotir uttamam." (We, in our ascent, crossed over ...

... brilliant energy. It means to shine, to play, (cf दिव् to gamble), to be bright, clear, strong, swift or luminous. The Devas are strictly speaking the sattwic and rajasic powers of the sukshma worlds, Swar and Bhuvar, who govern or assist the operations of intelligence and energy in man; but it came to be applied to all beings of the other worlds without distinction, even to the tamasic forces, beings ...

... the givers of the oblation, dwellers in the heat and light, slayers of the Vritra, conquerors of the foes. Angirasas seek the conquest of the world of swar, — the fourth world of the Vedic knowledge. The thought by which the swar is conquered is the seven-headed thought born form the Truth. It was discovered by Ayasya, the companion of the navagvas. The seven-headed thought of Ayasya... their general groupings: 1. The Supreme Sat-Chit-Ananda The Triple Divine worlds 2. The Link-world Supermind The Truth, Right, Vast, manifested in Swar, with its three luminous heavens 3.The triple lower-world Pure Mind Heaven (Dyaus, the three heavens) Life-force The Mid-Region (Antarisksha) Matter ...

... of the Aryan is a sacrifice which is at once a battle and an ascent and a journey, a battle against the powers of darkness, an ascent to the highest peaks of the mountain beyond earth and heaven into Swar, a journey to the other shore of the rivers and the ocean into the farthest Infinity of things. The Aryan has the will to the work, he is the doer of the work ( kāru, kīri, etc.), the gods who put... the Pani for he is the wolf, that devours" (VI.51.13-14). His rising to the attack must be checked by the gods. "This god (Soma) in his birth with Indra for helper held back by force the Pani" and won Swar and the sun and all the riches, (VI.44.22). The Panis have to be slain or routed so that their riches may be ravished from them and devoted to the higher life. "Thou who didst sever the Pani in his ...

... of fierce intensity and force and strength and swiftness. (11) When the masters of joy have set Indra vibrating in sound 8 for the drinking of the Soma, when they have set in action the Lord of Swar for his increase, then he held firmly the law of his activity by his force, by his increasing manifestations. (12) By vision these illumined powers bend him into a nave (for the action), the words... (2) Thou masterest with thy being, O Indra; ’tis thou that hast made Surya to shine; thou art universal doer and universal deity; great art thou. (3) Burning bright with thy lustre thou goest to Swar, to the luminous world of Heaven; the gods travail to have thy friendship, O Indra. (4) Come to us, O Indra, as one delightful and ever-victorious and not to be obscured and wide-extended on all ...

... beyond the mind and in the planes described symbolically as those of higher light and highest light, swar and surya respectively. As a Rigvedic rik proclaims: उद्वय॑ तमसस्परि स्वः पश्यन्त उत्तरम् । देव॑ देवत्रा सूर्यमगन्म ज्योतिरुत्तमम् । RV.I. 50.10 We perceived the higher light of Swar beyond the darkness, and we arrived at the highest light of the Sun. Page 441 And ...

... siddhis of power are being allowed to manifest through the Bhuvar tapas or the Swar-tapas on the objectivity. Manifesting through the Bhuvar tapas the Will tends to produce powerfully immediate results & more intermittently, often by indirect means & after much tergiversation, final results; manifesting through the Swar tapas it fastens more often on general than on particular effectualities or seizes ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... consciousness manifests its sevenfold nature and its sevenfold regions.We are already aware in our human progress of the three lower levels of consciousness; the vyahritis of the Veda, Bhur, Bhuvar and Swar, planes in which we wander in the shadow of the Ajnanam lighted by a broken sunlight from above, erring under the control of Avidya who separated from her eternal companion and playmate Vidya and at... bodies. First, there is Bhuvar, the Pranamaya world, where Prana is at its height, vitality is stupendous, grief and pain are felt but enjoyed, sensuous enjoyment is perfect and prolonged. Then there is Swar, lower & higher, Swarga and Chandraloka, where Indra and the greater gods reside, manas is at its height, sensation, emotion, aesthetic pleasure and intellectual joy are of a mighty intensity, grief ...

... the mind and in the planes described symbolically as those of higher light and highest light, swar and surya respectively. As a Rigvedic rik proclaims: उदृयं तमस्णरि स्वः पश्यन्त उतरम् | देवं देवत्रा सूयोमगन्म ज्योतिरतमम् | RV.I.50.10 We perceived the higher light of Swar beyond the darkness, and we arrived at the highest light of the Sun. And when the Vedic ...

... Parashara says: 'Our fathers broke open the firm and strong places by their words, yea, the Angirasas broke open the hill by their cry; they made in us the path to the great heaven; they found the Day and Swar and vision and the luminous Cows'(1.71.2). This path, he tells us, is the path which leads to immortality. They who entered into all things that bear right fruit formed a path towards immortality; earth... battle, 'fighters for the cows or rays of light and knowledge' Page 64 (goshu yodhah). They discover the supraphysical power or being, the king of the kingdom of illumined intelligence (Swar), and they seek his help. This being is Indra, who marches with them (saranyubhih), travellers on the path(sakhibhih), comrades, seers and singers of the sacred chant, and fighters in the battle. S... of our oblation. Rig Veda V.28.1-6 III Vanished the darkness, shaken in its foundation; Heaven shone out (rocata dyauh, implying the manifestation of the three luminous worlds of Swar, diyo rocanani); upward rose the light of the divine Dawn; the Sun entered the vast fields (of the Truth) beholding the straight things and the crooked in mortals. Thereafter indeed they awoke and ...

... how, following the clue that he had now discovered he found also the clue to the symbolism of the words in the Vedic conception of the vyāhrtis, the three symbolic words of the mantra, Om bhūr bhuvh svah, and in the connection of the fourth vyāhrti, Mahas with the psychological term ritam . As Sri Aurobindo explains: "The Rishis speak of three cosmic divisions. Earth, the antariksa or middle ...

... aspect of a symbolic myth. Along with it comes the other symbolic legend of the discovery and rescue, from the dark cave in the mountain, of the Sun, the cows or herds of the Sun, or the Sun-world— svar —by the Gods and the Angiras Rishis. The symbol of the Sun is constantly associated with the higher Light and the Truth: it is in the Truth concealed by an inferior Truth that are unyoked the horses... 10 where all is Truth-conscious, ṛtacit . 11 There are many worlds between up to the triple heavens and their lights but this is the world of the highest Light—the world of the Sun of Truth, svar , or the Great Heaven. We have to find the path to this Great Heaven, the path of Truth, ṛtasya panthāḥ , 12 or as it is sometimes called the way of the gods. This is the second mystic doctrine ...

... system of the worlds and the functions of the gods. I found the clue to the symbolism of the worlds in the Vedic conception of the vyāhṛtis , the three symbolic words of the mantra, "OM Bhur Bhuvah Swah", and in the connection of the fourth Vyahriti, Mahas, with the psychological term "Ritam". The Rishis speak Page 44 of three cosmic divisions, Earth, the Antariksha or middle region and ...

... or the other, to renounce the earth for heaven? But beyond the lower triple world, the Rishis discovered "a certain fourth" turiyam svid , they found the "vast dwelling place." the "sun-world," Swar : "I have arisen from earth to the mid-world [life], I have arisen from the mid-worid to heaven [mind], from the level of the firmament of heaven I have gone to the Sun-world, the Light" (Yajur Veda... on high, without their body and without the earth, in ecstasy—and they called it "the Great Passage." Without leaving the earth, they found the "vast dwelling place," which is "the gods' own home," Swar , the primeval sun-world which Sri Aurobindo calls the supramental world : "Human beings [the Rishis stress that they are human] slaying the Coverer have crossed beyond both earth and heaven [matter ...

... us 'someone who was dead' (I.113.8)." 5 We may continue with another relevant passage. Sri Aurobindo writes of "the great work accomplished by the Angirasa Rishis" as being the "conquest of Swar" which is the solar world of truth and immortality. This conquest is "the aim of the sacrifice" which those Rishis carried on as Navagwas and Dashagwas, literally meaning "nine-cowed" and "ten-cowed" ...

... Parashara says: "Our fathers broke open the firm and strong places by their words, yea, the Angirasas broke open the hill by their cry; they made in us the path to the great heaven; they found the Day and Swar and vision and the luminous Cows" (1.71.2). This path, he tells us, is the path which leads to immortality, "They who entered into all things that bear right fruit formed a path towards immortality;... fighters of that battle, "fighters for the cows or rays of light and knowledge" (goshu yodhah). They discover the supraphysical power or being, the king of the kingdom of illumined intelligence (Swar), and they seek his help. This being is Indra, who marches with them (saranyubhih), travellers on the path (skhibhih), comrades, seers and singers of the sacred chant, and fighters in the battle ...

... God sees, that exists; what He sees with order & harmony, becomes a world. There are seven worlds, Satya, of pure being, Tapas, of pure will or force, Jana, of pure delight, Mahas, of pure idea, Swar, of pure mentality, Bhuvah, of pure vitality, Bhuh, of pure matter. The soul in Sat is pure truth of being and perceives itself as one in the world's multiplicity. The soul in Tapas is pure force ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... SRI AUROBINDO: One is the fire in the heart. Another is above, and the two ends of the third are not known but only the middle term. This middle term is the physical, vital and mental—Bhur, Bhuvar and Swar—including the highest mind regions. I wanted to explain other things also but at present the whole matter remains pending. SATYENDRA: Why did you take up the Isha Upanishad? SRI AUROBINDO: Because ...

... (1) Dadhikra first of you (or for you) I call, the Aswins, Dawn & Agni kindled high & Bhaga for my increase; Indra & Vishnu & Pushan, Brahmanaspati & the sons of Aditi, Earth & Heaven & the waters & Swar. अपः waters or the Antariksha? (2) Let us awaken by adoration Dadhikra & impel him upward; let us approach the sacrifice & seating Ila the goddess on the seat of fullness, let us invoke the Aswins ...

... greater heaven, base of a triple Infinity actually and explicitly mentioned in the Vedic riks, and it meant therefore a state of spiritual and supramental illumination. To get beyond earth and sky to Swar, the Sun-world, seat of this illumination, home of the gods, foundation and seat of the Truth, was the achievement of the early Fathers, pûrve pitarah , and of the seven Angiras Rishis who founded... devouring, burning through his own smoke; and again he is a mental power. Men see him द्यामिव स्तृभिः, heaven and the midworld and earth are his portion. But again he is a god Page 689 of Swar, one of the solar deities; he manifests himself as Surya; he is born in the Truth, a master of Truth, a guardian of Truth and Immortality, a getter and keeper of the shining herds, the eternal Youth... fingers, says the scholiast; yes, but the Veda describes them as the ten thoughts or thought-powers, दश धियः. The seven rivers, the mighty ones of heaven, the waters that have knowledge, the waters of Swar are also his mothers. What is the significance of this symbolism, and can we really interpret it as only and solely a figurative account of natural phenomena, of the physical principle or works of Fire ...

... neither subjective fantasy nor yet mere philosophical thought, but vision and revelation of the actual inner structure of the Cosmos and of the pilgrim of life within its sphere—Bhu, Bhuvar, Swar: the Stairway of the Worlds reveals itself to our gaze—worlds of Light above, worlds of Darkness beneath—and we see also ever-circling life ('kindled in measure and quenched in measure') ...

... The soul is an individual, no doubt, it has even a kind of recognisable form, but nothing of the kind by which matter or a material body is characterised. It is an essential form, form of the form, swar ū pa; it is a basic or typal individuality, the individual seated within the 'individual. The characteristic of material individuality is, as I have said, exclusiveness, where -as the soul individuality ...

... × The worlds in which, respectively, Matter, Life-Energy, Mind, Truth and Beatitude are the essential energies. They are called respectively Bhur, Bhuvar, Swar, Mahas and Jana or Mayas. × Divine Being, Consciousness, Bliss,—Sachchidananda. ...

... Upanishad, so in Sri Aurobindo, the Supermind is a link between the Supreme Sachchidananda and the lower world of Ignorance, the world of Matter, Life and Mind. Supramental world is the world of Vedic swar, the supramental world is a world corresponding to the Upanishadlic vijnana: and one can rise into higher worlds of Ananda, Chit and Sat. But even then, as Sri Aurobindo points out, "the Supramental ...

... be given. Why should the past be the limit of spiritual experience? I can't say whether any of them [ the Vedic Rishis ] attained the supramental plane, but the ascent to it was their object. Swar is evidently the illumined regions of Mind, between the supramental and the human intelligence formed by the rays of the Sun. According to the Upanishads those who ascend into the rays of the Sun return ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... But it is not till Manas gets full play that limitation sets in, but so long as Manas is pure rishimedhá, not separated from Vijnana, [the] movement from [..............................] Therefore in Swar, the world of pure Mind [..............................] the stress is not yet a bondage. There is a limited working of being, knowledge & power, which may ignore for the time being Page 723 ... supra-intellectual revelatory, inspirational, intuitional truth come to man first by rare visitations as the purified mind meditates on the godhead above our mortal minds, above even the pure levels of Swar. These visitations increase in frequency and intensity and leave behind a store of ideal knowledge, of vision & inspiration, & an increasing power of the ideal faculties. By these increasing & repeated ...

... therefore, the pure state of the Universal Existence only, but that Existence in all its parts, the waking world & the dream self and the sleeping, the manifest, half-manifest and hidden, Bhurloka, Bhuvar & Swar,—the right means to win all of them, enjoy all of them, transcend all of them, is the subject of the Chhandogya. OM is the symbol and the thing symbolised. It is the symbol, aksharam, the syllable in ...

... working, order and arrangement. The higher Gods, like those, for example, envisaged in the Veda, may be considered each as an emanation of one or other of these Divine Aspects. They are dwellers of Swar or the Overmind. Varuna seems to be an emanation of Mahavira, a son of Maheshwari: for he is pre-eminently the god of the pure and vast consciousness who releases us from the triple bonds and shows ...

... delight of his mental, emotional, sensational and physical being they rise with him through the purified and blissful heart to the highest level or surface of heaven, that is, to the luminous world of Swar where the mind capable of intuition, inspiration, revelation is bathed in the splendours of the Truth ( ṛtam ), liberated into the infinity of the Vast ( bṛhat ). Divas pṛṣṭham adhi tiṣṭhanti cetasā ...

... working, order and arrangement. The higher Gods, like those, for example, envisaged in the Veda, may be considered each as an emanation of one or other of these Divine Aspects. They are dwellers of Swar or the Overmind. Varuna seems to be an emanation of Mahavira, a son of Maheshwari: for he is Page 75 pre-eminently the god of the pure and vast consciousness who releases us from the ...

... other worlds. In a subsequent chapter, chapter five, we find a further exposition of these three worlds, and here these three worlds Page 84 have been designated as Bhur, Bhuvar, and Swar, which are, respectively, synonyms of prithvi, antarikṣa and dyau, or the physical, the vital, and the mental. In this fifth chapter, the Upanishad speaks of the fourth world, and points out that... The Vedic system of education aims at comprehending the entire universe of knowledge. It aims at the knowledge of the physical world (bhur), the vital world (bhuvar), and the mental world (swar); it also aims at covering the knowledge of the fourth world (mahas). Underlying these four worlds, the Upanishads affirms the knowledge of the Brahman, the Reality, which is at once transcendental ...

... I am discussing. The Gods are said to bring about, by their fostering, the "fearless light", abhayam jyotih , even in this world of fear and danger, bhaya ā cinmayabhu . Again, we hear about Swar, the divine "solar" plane, in arms of the usual cow-bull symbolism: "The wide and fear-free pastures of the shining cows." (12th hymn to Agni, verse 6) Perhaps the compound adjective standing ...

... as a bull. 16 A hymn to Agni (I. 27.1) names one Tryaruna "son of the triple Bull" (trivṛṣṇa) - the triple Bull being, according to Sri Aurobindo, "Indra, lord of the three luminous realms of Swar, the Divine Mind..." 17 Rishi Vamadeva, in the last hymn of the fourth Mandala, not only speaks of the four-horned Bull, the divine Purusha, whose horns may be interpreted as infinite Existence ...

... Surkotada, 9, 36, 49 Sur Jungal, 61 Suriash, 67 Sūrya, 39, 67 Susa, 72, 73 Sushna, 110, 112 Sutkāgen-dor, 105 Suttarna, 32, 33 Suvāstu, 14, 85 Swar, 42, 120, 133 Swardata, 32, 33 Swastika, 49 Swat, 7, 14, 85 Swedish, 92 Syria, 32 Taittirīya Saṁhitā, 44, 116 Tamil, Tamils, 1, 21, 22, 24 ...

... it is One, which is triple, — Sat, Chit, Ananda (existence, consciousness, delight). It is One which has four heads and three feet, it is One that is also septule, Bhur (matter) Bhuvah (life), Swar (mind and light in the mind), Mahas (or vijanana or supermind), Janah (creative bliss), Tapas (concentrated force of action), and Satyam (existent). It is He, the Bull, and it is She as ...