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Talwar : Madan Talwār, “Madan’s Sword”; journal named after Madan Lal Dhingrā (q.v.). The first number datelined Berlin, November 29th, 1909, was printed at Rotterdam. It openly advocated the use of physical force to end British rule in India.
... not be employees in the office, but people who have accepted the Auroville way. The Bank says that the ideal is good, but it is not possible to do so at present. The matter had gone to the Chairman, Talwar; he also finds it difficult. It is a Governmental organisation and legal difficulties are there. Mother said, "In Auroville we should not have the old way, otherwise it will always be there... regularly for the community are a burden on Blessings —The Mother * * * Page 231 4.10.72 Mother gave a blessing packet in reply to a problem put by Talwar, Chairman, State Bank of India, about how to approach a certain situation in his official work. "It is sufficient for me," he said. * * * 5.10.72 Aurodairy's construction ...
... only if you do not say a lie and are at the service of Truth . The Mother, Words of the Mother - I: Aims and Principles During this time Auroville Designs got a new contract through Mr. Talwar the then Chairman of the State Bank of India in Bombay. Later I came to know that Auroville Designs took assignments from various places in India specially in Punjab through Mr. Prem Malik. ...
... Special Department received information that Arabinda had decided to proceed to Berlin to throw in his lot with the Indian Revolutionary party there - the party which publishes and sends out the Talwar. He intended to start from Bombay in the Austrian Lloyds steamer leaving on the 1st of April, but finding that he could not catch that steamer, he decided to leave Calcutta for Pondicherry in the ...
... been driven from London only to spring at once into a ubiquitous activity abroad. From Paris Krishnavarma publishes the Indian Sociologist ; from Berlin a new organ, significantly self-styled the Talwar , issues; in Geneva a paper naming itself the Bande Mataram busies itself with decrying the policy of the defunct Bande Mataram and denouncing its originator and former Editor; a paper called the ...
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