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The Reformation : the religious revolution that took place in the Western Christian Church in the 16th century. Its greatest leaders were Martin Luther & John Calvin. Having far-reaching political, economic, & social effects, the Reformation became the basis of Protestantism, one of the three major branches of Christianity.
... history) that were the Renaissance and the Reformation. Everything the decrepit Catholic Church represented was put into question. But the tenets and the dogmas of the Catholic Church were so ingrained in the Western psyche that even today they keep cropping up in the thinking of writers who deem themselves positivists, materialists, reductionists, atheists. The Reformation was the direct offspring of the... more and more felt as restrictions by sensitive and intelligent people, and a need for individualisation began to be felt. This need formed the basis of the Renaissance and its direct offspring, the Reformation. “The individualistic age of Europe was in its beginning a revolt of reason, in its culmination a triumphal progress of physical Science. Such an evolution was historically inevitable. The dawn ...
... declare ourselves [i.e. the Nazis] the only true Christians”, wrote Joseph Goebbels in his diary. 498 Nobody was more convinced that the Reformation had remained unfinished than Arthur Dinter, founder in 1927 of a “Fighting League for the Completion of the Reformation”. One looks in vain for his name in the Enzyklopädie des Nationalsozialismus (1997) although Dinter played a significant role in... Meister Eckhart means more for the Protestants in the future development of a German religion than Luther”, wrote Diederichs. “Despite the past four hundred years everything is still to be done: the Reformation is still in its beginning.” 496 No doubt, around the year 1900 there was a sincere aspiration and an opportunity to start an authentic spiritual movement in Germany. Unfortunately, here too ...
... 10. The Jewish Question Hitler and his God Luther, the anti-Semite Then came the Reformation with the towering personality of Martin Luther, who threw his long shadow ahead in German history. In a previous chapter we have seen him as the precursor of nationalism; here now we will have a look at his influence on the sentiment which is inseparable from ... nationalism, namely racism, in this case mainly manifesting as anti-Semitism. “It is true that, right at the beginning, the Jews welcomed the Reformation, because it divided their enemies”, writes Paul Johnson. “It is true also that Luther, in particular, turned to the Jews for support of his new construing of the Bible and his rejection of papal claims. In his 1523 pamphlet, On the Fact that Christ ...
... Hindus, but it is idle to Page 668 say that the difficulty is insuperable. If the spirit of nationalism conquered the much fiercer intolerance of the religious struggles in Europe after the reformation, it is not irrational to hope as much for India in the twentieth century. We have not seen in Mr. N. N. Ghose's polemics a single argument or favourable instance for his pretentious theory of the ...
... of the State and the Church to uphold the single authority of the temporal head or combine the spiritual and temporal headship in one authority as was done in Japan and China and in England of the Reformation. Even in India the people which first developed some national self-consciousness not of a predominantly spiritual character were the Rajputs, especially of Mewar, to whom the Raja was in every ...
... towards the Divine. The Western recoil from religion, that minimising of its claim and insistence by which Europe progressed from the mediaeval religious attitude through the Renascence and the Reformation to the modern rationalistic attitude, that making of the ordinary earthly life our one preoccupation, that labour Page 179 to fulfil ourselves by the law of the lower members, divorced ...
... landmarks, the evolution and end of Athenian democracy, the transition from the Roman republic to the empire, the emergence of feudal Europe out of the ruins of Rome, the Christianisation of Europe, the Reformation and Renascence together preparing a new society, the French Revolution, the present rapid movement towards a socialistic State and the replacing of competition by organised cooperation. Because ...
... 645 Himmler’s organization of his “Black Order” is often said to have been inspired by the Order of the Templars or of the Jesuits, who, after all, were the Catholic Church’s warriors to fight the Reformation. And Hitler himself confided to Rauschning: “I shall tell you a secret: I am founding an order.” The top elite schools of “his” youth were the three Ordensburgen at Krössinsee, Sonthofen and ...
... The painting, now in the National Library in Paris, was by François Clouet, a typical French Renaissance painter closely related to the humanistic circles. Those were the troubled times of the Reformation, when Catholics and Protestants, the people of the New Faith, were fighting each other mercilessly throughout western Europe, and when the front lines of this war of religion ran through families ...
... subjects are listed here: birth and life of Buddha and spreading of Buddhism, life of Christ and the spreading of Christianity (martyrs, conquest of Europe, Crusades, religious wars, the Papacy and the Reformation), life of Mohammed and the expansion of Islam, the Mauryan period, the Gupta period, Charlemagne and his empire, the Renaissance in Europe, the great geographical discoveries, the French Revolution ...
... free constitutional and democratic system of government and the entire removal of foreign control in order to make way for perfect national liberty. The redress of particular grievances and the reformation of particular objectionable features in a system of government are sufficient objects for organized resistance only when the Government is indigenous and all classes have a recognised place in ...
... German princes control ecclesiastical matters and throw off the subversive influence of Rome. He would often be cited later by German philosophers, politicians and theologians who interpreted the Reformation as the first great expression of the Germanic soul, rejecting Catholic Christianity as Latin, un-German and cosmopolitan, a threat to the Teutonic people second only to international Jewry.” 527 ...
... Socialism emerged. In National Socialism there was a Christian current represented by figures like Dietrich Eckart, an admirer of the mystic Johannes Tauler, Arthur Dinter, who wanted to bring the Reformation to a successful end, and Joseph Goebbels, the Catholic who projected his apocalyptic expectations on Hitler and his Third Reich. There was a pronounced tendency towards occultism in Rudolf von ...
... up during the Middle Ages, are still standing in the Western world. Darwinism was one of the phenomena of scientific rationalism trying to de-construct that bulwark – after the Renaissance, the Reformation, the scientific revolution in the seventeenth century, the Enlightenment, the Great Wars, the globalization, and the present confusion, presumably the end of the long process and a transition into ...
... 25 What is this talk of depression and weeping? Let me tell you a small true story. You must have heard of Martin Luther, the German priest who initiated the Reformation and started Protestantism as opposed to the Roman Catholic Church. Once he got into a mood of great depression. For days he would not smile and would hardly talk. One day his wife, fed up with ...
... although human in appearance (such as the Jews). The German stage was set for Martin Luther (1483-1546). “It fell to Luther to amplify considerably the rise of a nationalism which fused with the Reformation and gave to Lutheranism its specifically German hue.” 382 Luther had travelled to Rome and seen there with his own eyes the abominations around the Chair of the “Antichrist”. He had also felt deeply ...
... Scripture itself and then all supernaturalism, religious belief or suprarational truth no less than outward creed and institute. For, eventually, the evolution of Europe was determined less by the Reformation than by the Renascence; it flowered by the vigorous return of the ancient Graeco-Roman mentality of the one rather than by the Hebraic and religio-ethical temperament of the other. The Renascence ...
... achievements of the reason, although it helped to make free the way for philosophy and science. It so corrupted religion as to provoke in the ethically minded Teutonic nations the violent revolt of the Reformation, which, though it vindicated the freedom of the religious mind, was an insurgence not so much of the reason,—that was left to Science,—but of the moral instinct and its ethical need. The subsequent ...
... consciousness and power finds its wave-crests in certain exceptional individuals, Page 168 vibhūtis , whose action leading the general action is sufficient for the change intended. The Reformation in Europe and the French Revolution were crises of this character; they were not great spiritual events, but intellectual and practical changes, one in religious, the other in social and political ...
... iconoclasts who were not very much favoured by the people. In Europe, it was perhaps with Luther that started a larger movement for the establishment and maintenance of the individual's right. The Reformation characteristically sought to make room for individual judgement and free choice in a field where authority -the collective authority of the Church -was all in all and the individual was almost ...
... West. 88 The example and influence of Sri Ramakrishna acted as a potent regenerative and formative force in the Renaissance of India, and set ablaze the awakening spirit of nationalism. Like the Reformation, following on the heels of the Renaissance, in Europe, all these religious and reformist movements in India stimulated the spirit of nationalism and 88. Swami Vivekananda's phenomenal success ...
... Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 The Basis of Social Reconstruction ANY real reconstruction of society, any permanent reformation of the world presupposes a real reconstruction, a permanent reformation of human nature. Otherwise any amount of casting and recasting the mere machineries would not bring about any appreciable result, but leave the thing as it is... yet human life and society do not seem to be any the more worthy for it. Are we then to say that human nature is irrevocably vitiated by an original sin and that all our efforts at reformation and regeneration are, as the Indian saying goes, like trying to straighten out the crooked tail of a dog? It is this persuasion which, has led many spiritual souls, siddhas, to declare ...
... Evolution and the Earthly Destiny The Basis of Social Reconstruction ANY real reconstruction of society, any permanent reformation of the world presupposes a real reconstruction, a permanent reformation of human nature. Otherwise any amount of casting and recasting the mere machineries would not bring about any appreciable result, but leave the thing as it is-... temples—and yet human life and society do not seem to be any the more worthy for it. Are we then to say that human nature is irrevocably vitiated by an original sin and that all our efforts at reformation and regeneration are, as the Indian saying goes, like trying to straighten out the crooked tail of a dog ? It is this persuasion which has led many spiritual souls, siddhas, to declare that ...
... tamas, as the Upanishad says, towards disintegration, under the garb of reformation it brings about disruption. So we have to see the type of cells that grow and become Page 265 consciously active in the body politic. It is sattwa - light-that brings in knowledge and harmony. And the movement for reformation and growth among the mass has to be inspired by that quality or mode of ...
... nature. Here it would seem that reason has its legitimate part; here surely it can intervene to enlighten, purify, rationalise the play of the instincts and impulses. It would seem that a religious reformation, a movement to substitute a "pure" and rational religion for one that is largely infrarational and impure, would be a distinct advance in the religious development of humanity. To Page 133 ... to religious forms and symbols, intellectual reason unenlightened by spiritual knowledge tends to deny and, so far as it can, to destroy the truth and the experience which was contained in them. Reformations which give too much to reason and are too negative and protestant, usually create religions which lack in wealth of spirituality and fullness of religious emotion; they are not opulent in their... purified by reason, but rather by being sublimated, by being lifted up into the illuminations of the spirit. The natural line of religious development proceeds always by illumination; and religious reformation acts best when either it re-illuminates rather than destroys old forms or, where destruction is necessary, replaces them by richer and not by poorer forms, and in any case when it purifies by su ...
... Matter is inconscient, therefore it is unconscioas and ignorant. Make it conscious, it will be radiant and full of knowledge. That is the great transformation needed, the only way to true and total reformation. The Divine descends into Matter precisely to work out that transformation. It is a long dredging process, tedious and arduous, requiring the utmost patience and perseverance, even to the... physical consciousness is not sufficiently probed into, purified and reclaimed, then nothing permanent is done, one would build upon sand. All efforts, spiritual or other, at the regeneration and reformation of mankind and a good many individual endeavours too have come to a sorry end, because the foundation was not laid sufficiently deep and secure. One must dig into Matter as far down as possible –... blessed ones, but the normal humanity remains as it is, as it has been, on the whole. The few that pass beyond do not seem to leave any trace here below. There was no regeneration of mankind, no reformation of earthly life. Sri Aurobindo aims at a power of consciousness, a formulation of the divine being that is integral. It takes up the whole man and it embraces all men: it works on a cosmic ...
... something is growing within or behind. Page 353 It is the drive of a living growth in secret that pushes a limb no longer necessary or useful to decay and death. Man too in his work of reformation or regeneration should learn that lesson, whether in respect of his individual or of his 'collective growth and evolution. Discover the truth that is to replace the 'old, live it intensely and wholly ...
... truth.” With the individualistic stage “the Age of Protestantism has begun, the Age of Reason, the Age of Revolt, Progress, Freedom” 967 – the age of possible renewal and rebirth, renaissance and reformation. It is this age of breaking up of the petrified layers of human thought and society which allows humanity to see the world new again and to explore the living reality. It is the passage to “the ...
... instrument of Laud's execution a sword: it was an axe. And, though the executioner's axe was operated with both hands to-gether and though Milton in his pamphlet Of Reformation in England does speak of "the axe of God's reformation", he no-where himself makes it "two-handed" as he makes Michael's sword, and the axe he mentions in his pamphlet has nothing to do with Parliament. Besides, Parliament... was in Milton's mind, it has somehow opened an inner eye in him to a supernatural power of judgment and retribution and overruling government that has a touch of the Omnipotent. The phrase "God's reformation" is a good hint to combine with the phrase about the "two-handed sway" of the sword of Michael, the divine warrior. Something archetypal, as it were, which goes beyond all earthly authority, has ...
... “It is a characteristic feature of all great reforms that in the beginning there is only one single protagonist to come forward on behalf of several millions of people. The final goal of a great reformation has often been the object of profound longing on the part of hundreds of thousands for many centuries before, until finally one of them comes forward as a herald to announce the will of that multitude ...
... a mutation. And more than the actual changes effected, the possibilities, the tendencies that have opened out, the lines along which further developments are proceeding do point not merely to a reformation, but a revolution. Does this mean that Science after all is veering to the Idealist position? Because we have modified the meaning and connotation of Matter does it 'follow that we have perforce ...
... of the modern Adwaita philosophy. It would almost seem as if this old Indian movement contains in itself at one & the same time the old philosophic movement of [the Greeks], Luther's Protestant reformation and the glories of modern free thought. 1 These are indeed exhilarating notions and they have been attractively handled—some of them can be read, developed with great lucidity and charm in that... thought anticipated at once Plato & Empedocles, Luther, Erasmus and Melanchthon, Kant, Hegel & Berkeley, Hume, Haeckel & Huxley—that we have at one fell blast Graeco-Roman philosophy, Protestant Reformation & modern rationalistic tendency anticipated by the single movement from Janaka to Buddha. ...
... essence, in its true reality is spiritual energy, is the Spirit itself. That is the great secret Sri Aurobindo has brought to light. The ideals in the past for the reclamation of human nature and reformation of human society were tackled with mental and moral powers which were not adequate to the task. Even when the spiritual power was invoked, it was of the static category which is above, aloof, witness ...
... emphatically that Meister Eckhart means more than Luther for Protestantism in the future development of a German religion.” Diederichs will also write: “In spite of the last 400 years [since Luther’s reformation], everything is still to be done.” 734 This evaluation encompassed more than Protestantism: it expressed the general feeling of bankruptcy of the established religions, and the longing for a new ...
... savage ignorant muddle. For here is an abundance of everything of which he has so long been steadily emptying religion in his own culture, well content to call that emptiness Page 145 reformation, enlightenment and the rational truth of things. He sees a gigantic polytheism, a superabundance of what seems to his intelligence rank superstition, a limitless readiness of belief in things that... insists on "purifying" religion, by the reason and not by the spirit, on "reforming" it, by the reason and not by the spirit. And we have seen what were the results of this kind of purification and reformation in Europe. The infallible outcome of that ignorant doctoring has been first to impoverish and then slowly to kill religion; the patient has fallen a victim to the treatment, while he might well have ...
... accurate—this would mean that the civilisation by which we live is not the result of a recent hotfooted gallop forward from the condition of the Caribbee and Hottentot, but the detritus and uncertain reformation of a great era of knowledge, balance and adjustment which lives for us only in tradition but in a universal tradition, the Golden Age, the Saturnia regna, of the West, our Satyayuga or age of the ...
... represent precisely the inner life. I suppose French is worse stilt: spirituel means in it "mentally sparkling" - even an atheist and materialist and sensualist can be spirituel! The Protestant Reformation had much to do with befogging the English language in regard to the inner life. The Roman Catholics had more or less accurate notions about the difference between ethical goodness and saintly radiancy ...
... much of its idealism from the increasingly cosmopolitan, mundane and secularist thought of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, precipitated in India from the very first an attempt at religious reformation and led actually to the creation of new religions? The instinct of the Indian mind was that, if a reconstruction of ideas and of society was to be attempted, it must start from a spiritual basis ...
... fury! Yes; but exactly how? Oppose silence to noise, calm to agitation, serene joy to hopeless pain; begin with the individual, and the aggregates will look after themselves. And all reformation - the true reformation - must start within, because it is in oneself that there are all the obstacles, all the difficulties, all the darkness and ignorance. But all potentiality too is lodged within! In ...
... represent precisely the inner life. I suppose French is worse still: "spirituel" means in it "mentally sparkling" -even an atheist and materialist and sensualist can be "spirituel"! The Protestant Reformation had much to do with befogging the English language in regard to the inner life. The Roman Catholics had more or less accurate notions about the difference between religio-ethical goodness like our ...
... standards that are particular. At the present moment all societies are in need of reform, the Parsi, Mahomedan and Christian not a whit less than the Hindu which alone seems to feel the need of radical reformation. In the changes of the future the Hindu society must take the lead towards the establishment of a new universal standard. Yet being Hindus we must seek it through that which is particular to ourselves ...
... 279 Poetry, 196n., 207n Pondicherry, 228 Pope, 85 Pound, Ezra, 88 Pravahan, 22 Pythagoras, 30 RAKsHASAS, 159 Rama, 187 Ramayana, the, 235 Ramprasad, 218 Reformation, the, 273 Renaissance, the, 71, 239 Renard, Jean-Claude, 209 -"Et Les lIes Feront Silence", 208-9n Rochefoucau1d, 108 Roerich, Nicholas, 150-3 Romains, Jules, 186 R ...
... philosophy, nor the facile socio-economic nostrums of Communism or Democratic Socialism will have saved mankind from this total destruction. There are some well-meaning thinkers who regard moral reformation or rearmament as the best remedy for the present state of affairs. They seem to be ignorant of the fact that only that morality which is derived from spiritual or religious life has an ennobling ...
... of the State, but within both Church and State themselves the desire for political, economic, religious and intellectual liberty was forming. It found partial realisation in the Renaissance and Reformation; later on it expressed itself in modem philosophy. The history of this new era, the modern, is marked by a further awakening of the reflective spirit, a more insistent criticism and protest ...
... still it is a subtle and pure mentality and makes an easier communication with the supramental centres. .. .This opening up of a higher level and of higher and higher planes of it and the consequent reformation of our whole consciousness and its action into their mould and into the substance of their power and luminous capacity is found in practice to be the greater part of the natural method used by the ...
... origins; but it changed entirely its mental contents and colour and its outward basis. It did not effectuate this change through any protestant revolt or revolution or with any idea of an iconoclastic reformation. A continuous development of its organic life took place, a natural transformation brought out latent motives or else gave to already established motive-ideas a more predominant place or effective ...
... lifetime was a period of great cultural turmoil, marked by such notable events as the introduction of the printing press (1455), the discovery of America (1492) and the beginning of the Protestant Reformation (1517). The Renaissance, which means a "rebirth " of ancient Greek and Roman culture, marked the decline of the Middle Ages and laid the foundations of modern times. This 1. Even though there ...
... accurate, this would mean that the civilisation by which we live is not the result of a recent hotfooted gallop forward from the condition of the Caribbee and Hottentot, but the detritus and uncertain reformation of a great era of knowledge, balance and adjustment which lives for us only in tradition, but in a universal tradition, the Golden Age, the Saturnia regna , of the West, our Satyayuga or age of ...
... global style’.” 8 (Malcolm Bradbury) This might be summarised as follows: the contemporary period in history, provisionally labelled “postmodern”, turns against the “modern” period – Reformation, Enlightenment and 19th century – by which it was engendered, but whose “stultifying legacy” of values proves to be unreliable, misleading and even false; the “certainties” transmitted by the “modern” ...
... clarifications, statements and so-called irrefutable proofs, this assassination remains shrouded in mystery. A year later, Khrushchev was sidelined by the Stalinists. And after the open attitude and the reformations of the ‘transitional pope’ John XXIII, the conservative Roman Curia took hold of the helm of the Catholic Church again. But the Sixties were in full swing. ‘The whole world is being subjected ...
... children, which we thought so trying, becomes a delight; mother and father... grow dearer to each other; the marriage tie is strengthened... Thus the cure of this one evil would work a widespread reformation; nature would regain her rights. When women become good mothers men will become good husbands and fathers. Rousseau divided the educational career of his pupil into three periods: twelve years ...
... during which Mr Jourdain is given the title of "Mamamouchi" by Turkish ambassadors. Europe, As Florence had been the nerve center of the Italian Renaissance and Spain of the Catholic Reformation, so France was the nerve center of late-seventeenth-century politics, diplomacy, and culture. How much of this predominance is to be attributed to the long reign of Louis XIV is one of those ...
... the Divine Mother and his call towards a featureless transcendent Atman-Brahman was deemed a final necessary step from a world which for all its teeming labour seemed to him incapable of lasting reformation. Knowing that in its central drive Buddhism itself in spite of its exaggerations was not alien to the Indian ethos, India has absorbed its twin movements - a grand liberation from phenomenal selfhood ...
... involves conceiving and giving birth (1:31) and cannot sweepingly be disinfected of a soupçon of male personality. Brown is hardly justified in expressing surprise that even the Spanish post-Reformation theologian Cardinal Toletus (1523-96) should interpret the power overshadowing Mary as a euphemism for a quasi-sexual union, a hieros gamos. 93 Nor is he on unequivocal ground in holding that ...
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