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The Reign of Terror : or “The Terror” denotes the first French Revolution from March or June or September, 1793 to July 1794, when the ruling faction ruthlessly executed persons of both sexes & all ages & conditions they regarded as dangerous. It ended with the fall of Robespierre, who is attributed this definition of Terror: “Terror is only justice: prompt, severe & inflexible; it is then an emanation of virtue; it is less a distinct principle than a natural consequence of the general principle of democracy, applied to the most pressing wants of the country.”
... always an inherently inevitable development of the revolutionary ideal. It started to the surface at first under pressure of external danger in the government of France by the Jacobins during the Reign of Terror; it has been emerging and tending to realise itself under pressure of an inner necessity throughout the later part of the nineteenth century; it has emerged not completely but with a first r ...
... turn to the resurgence of the whole country. What happened in Bengal had its mighty repercussions all over India, notably in Maharashtra, the Punjab, and Madras. Page 165 The reign of terror, inaugurated in Bengal by the Government, and later extended to the three provinces just mentioned, galvanised the whole nation. The spark of an intense, inextinguishable patriotism, flying ...
... let these thinking gentlemen carry their thoughtful intellects a hundred years back. Let them recollect what causes led from the religious madness of St. Bartholomew to the social madness of the Reign of Terror. Let them enumerate if their memory serves them, the salient features and symptoms which the wise man detected many years before the event to be the sure precursors of some terrible catastrophe; ...
... been found in very awkward circumstances; but what then? My anchor holds. Yes, dear brethren in Christ, I dare to believe that my anchor holds." So might Robespierre have justified himself for the Reign of Terror, "It is true, Frenchmen, that I have always condemned capital punishment as itself a crime, yet am judicially massacring my countrymen without pause or pity; but my anchor holds. Yes, citizens ...
... found in very awkward circumstances; but what then? My anchor holds. Yes, dear brethren in Christ, I dare to believe that my anchor holds.' "So might Robespierre have justified himself for the Reign of Terror, 'It is true, Frenchmen, that I have always condemned capital punishment as itself a crime, yet am judicially massacring my countrymen without pause or pity; but my anchor holds. Yes, citizens ...
... an illustration : one who lived during the Revolution would have felt it as the worst time in human history. Five hundred people Page 46 were being guillotined every day in the Reign of Terror. But if one goes a hundred years forward the view changes. The French Revolution is seen as a great historical event that ushered in the age of democracy and equality all over Europe and ...
... liberal nor democratic; but, then, my anchor holds...." So might a clergyman detected in immorality explain himself to his parishioners.... So might Robespierre have justified himself for the Reign of Terror, "It is true, Frenchmen, that I have always condemned capital punishment as itself a crime, yet am judicially massacring my countrymen without pause or pity; but my anchor holds. Yes, citizens ...
... n, the movement itself, is in the hands of only those few men who are absolutely indispensable to form the nerve-centres of the coming State.” 315 The man foresaw all essentials of his future reign of terror, and they were written there for all to read. “Since the first day of our foundation we were resolved to secure the future of the movement by fighting our way forward in a spirit of blessed ...
... development is possible without political power, of their mistake. The Marwaris are already alienated, the whole Jain community seething with an indignation too deep-rooted for words. The Tuticorin reign of terror directed against the one Swadeshi enterprise which can prevent all the rest from being rendered futile by the refusal of British steam services to help the carriage of Swadeshi goods, has begun ...
... such gymnasia. He resigned from the Congress. That advice of Gandhi's, flying in the face of actual happenings as it does, is surprising, if not unbelievable. Muslim goon das had let loose a reign of terror. The 'law- Page 232 abiding' Hindus generally waited for the police to come and rescue them, or simply ran away. These riots were "outbursts of the predatory instincts of the ...
... "There is therefore one solution which solves for the Page 110 foreseeable future Musharraf's problems, and serves US interests. And that is for him to let loose a reign of terror on Pakistan, to establish a true dictatorship". Eerily similar to Gen. Yahya Khan's decision in 1971 to perpetrate genocide, in order to solve his problems. Where Next? It may suit our immediate ...
... generally first at the winning post, when the bag of dailies from the GPO was emptied on the mats. I was placidly unaware that Hitler had come to dangerous power and that Stalin was unleashing his reign of terror - until on October 12,1936, nine years after my arrival in Pondy, there was put on the Ashram library table a typed copy of a poem by Arjava (originally John Chadwick) entitled "Totalitarian", ...
... extreme party which represented the ideas of the Revolution in their most uncompromising and violent form. The Bolshevik despotism corresponds in this respect to the Jacobin despotism of the French Reign of Terror. The latter lasted long enough to secure its work, which was to effect violently and irrevocably the transition from the post-feudal system of society to the first middle-class basis of democratic... Page 535 slow success as far as the Slavic portions of the Empire were concerned; in Finland, perhaps also in Poland, it would probably have failed much more irretrievably than the long reign of force failed in Ireland, partly because even a Russian or a German autocracy cannot apply perfectly and simply the large, thoroughgoing and utterly brutal and predatory methods of a Cromwell or Elizabeth ...
... found it." A band of monkeys in a banana grove could not have wrought more havoc. No, all that wasn't enough. The Portuguese let loose a reign of terror. Francis Xavier arrived in India in 1542. He was one of the founders of the Jesuit order. And began the terror of Inquisition. Francis Xavier had come with the firm resolve to uproot paganism from the native soil and plant Christianity instead. ...
... violence against the Hindus. For example, in Jamalpur in Bengal, there were terrible riots in 1907 in which the Hindus were butchered and the women threatened. Muslim hooligans had let loose a reign of terror against defenceless Hindus in the countryside of East Bengal. H.W. Nevison who visited India as a representative of The Manchester Guardian, reported: "Priestly Mullahs went through the country... were deserted, the Hindu population took refuge in any pukka houses, women spent nights hidden in tanks, the crime known as 'group-rape' increased and throughout the country districts, there reigned a general terror, which still prevailed at the time of my visit." There were two reactions to these riots. The moderate Congress leaders, having full faith in British justice appealed to the British ...
... same economic foundations of the Hindu period, they aimed at total destruction of the social, cultural and religious structure as it then existed. In the early days of their reign, the Muslim rulers unleashed a reign of terror, the likes of which India had never before experienced in her history. After the conquest of India, one of the very first acts of the Muslim invaders was to... kingdoms of Western Asia. The Afghans were also converted to Islam around the eighth century. Then there appeared on the scene the Mongols and Tartars. There is no event in the history of Islam that for terror and desolation can be compared to the Mongol conquest. The hosts of Chengiz Khan swept like an avalanche over the centres of Muslim culture and civilization, leaving behind them bare deserts and shapeless ...
... disciple had probably referred to the second Round Table Conference, which Gandhi attended in London at the end of 1931 and which ended in failure. The British government in response unleashed a reign of terror, caning and firing on demonstrators, jailing, whipping and torturing tens of thousands. It then promulgated its "Communal Award," which further hardened the division between Hindus and Muslims... November 17, 1938 All this* promises a bad look-out when India gets purna Swaraj. Mahatma Gandhi is having bad qualms about Congress corruption already. What will it be when purna Satyagraha reigns all over India? 121 _______________ * Sri Aurobindo is referring to certain dishonest financial practices. Page 209 ...
... aspect being the fear of losing the people's sympathy for our cause. But there was no other way. Alas, the Swadeshi Movement had made the government terribly agitated and afraid, because of which a reign of terror was unleashed on us. School and college students were often fined, expelled, thrown into prison, punished, even publicly whipped. When such acts reached extreme proportions the revolutionaries... who it was. Some of them he remembers very well. Once it was Bankim who said many fine things about education. Another day it was Danton who announced himself in a terrible voice, 'I am Danton! Terror! Red Terror!' He went on discoursing on the need and utility of all that bloodshed of the French Revolution. Another who came introduced himself thus, 'I am Theramenes.' He gave them a lesson in political... something miraculous happened. I felt a vast silence enveloping the earth and a deep motionless calm descended into me. Behind the hurly-burly of the city and its constantly shifting sea of sound reigned this silence. In fact, it seemed to uphold the noise. I was completely absorbed in this unmoving quiet. I myself was surprised at such an unexpected experience, but there was no room for disbelief ...
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