Find in Savitri Poems Flowers
... Yoga - I Chapter I The System of the Chakras The Functions of the Chakras or Centres The centres or Chakras are seven in number— (1) The thousand-petalled lotus on the top of the head. (2) In the middle of the forehead—the Ajna Chakra—(will, vision, dynamic thought). (3) Throat centre—externalising mind. (4) Heart-lotus—emotional centre. The... being; the throat centre— viśuddha —governs the expressive and externalising mind; the centre between the eyebrows— ājñācakra —governs the dynamic mind, will, vision, mental formation; the thousand-petalled lotus— sahasradala —above commands the higher thinking mind, houses the still higher illumined mind and at its highest opens to the intuition through which or else by an overflooding directness the... ten petals, violet; (4) the heart centre, twelve petals, golden pink; (5) the throat centre, sixteen petals, grey; (6) the forehead centre between the eyebrows, two petals, white; (7) the thousand-petalled lotus above the head, blue with gold light around. The functions are, according to our Yoga,—(1) commanding the physical consciousness and the subconscient; (2) commanding the small vital movements ...
... centre figured by the Yogic symbol of the thousand-petalled lotus, sahasradala, and it is at its Page 1 top and summit that there is the direct communication with the supramental levels.¹ Compare this statement with the various references made nearly twenty years later to the Chakra concerned: (1) "...the thousand-petalled lotus - sahasradala - above commands the higher... directness the overmind can have with the rest communication or an immediate contact."² (2) "...the thousand-petalled lotus above the head...commanding the higher thinking mind and the illumined mind and opening upwards to the intuition and overmind."³ (3) "...the thousand-petalled lotus...where are centralised the thinking mind and higher intelligence communicating with the greater mind... Perhaps it will be argued:" In the Arya-days the overhead planes below the intuition must have fallen outside the Supermind; for, what is said in the old definition - namely, that the thousand-petalled lotus has the Supramental directly communicating with it 'at its top and summit' - is paralleled by what the first of the new definitions says - namely, that the Sahasradala 'at the highest opens ...
... coiled up, well, quite naturally when you concentrate and try to awaken it, you see a serpent which is coiled, because you think about it like that. If you are told about a thousand-petalled lotus, you see a thousand-petalled lotus. But it is a mental superimposition upon the fact of the experience itself. But the feeling of something that's innumerable, that's one and innumerable at the same time, and... that if they had had the experience they should have known or felt a certain thing, and as this was not in the books, they could not answer. Sweet Mother, what is the significance of the thousand-petalled lotus? That is how they describe it. It is because there's a centre there, very, very complicated. I think it means the countless powers of thought, it is the multiplicity of knowledge in all ...
... "² * * * The Centres or Chakras are Seven in numbers : __________________ ¹ On Yoga II, Tome One, P. 336 ² Ibid, P. 372 Page 157 1. The thousand-petalled lotus on the top of the head. 2. In the middle of the forehead, the Agna Chakra—; ( will, vision, dynamic thought. ) 3. Throat-Centre-externalising mind. 4. Heart-lotus-emotional... the throat centre, Vishuddha, governs the expressive and externalising mind; the centre between the eye-brows, Agnachakra, governs the dynamic mind, will, vision, mental formation; the thousand-petalled lotus, Sahasradala, above commands the higher thinking mind, houses the still higher illumined mind and at the highest opens to the intuitive through which or else by an over- flooding directness... petals, violet; (iv) the heart centre, twelve petals,, golden pink; (v) the throat centre, sixteen petals, grey; (vi) the forehead centre between the eye-brows, two petals, white; (vii) the thousand-petalled lotus above- the head, blue with gold light around. ' -The functions are, according to our yoga, (1) Commanding physical consciousness and the subconscient, ( 2 ) commanding the small vital ...
... imaginative but unreal (that is how many would take it perhaps) but facts and realities of the self, actual and concrete, or else there must be a conspiracy between the solar plexus and the thousand-petalled lotus which makes one feel, if not know, the suggestion of these things through the words and rhythm 1 1 The "solar plexus" as a psychology al centre for contact with... much less and something quite different to the inner experience, though to the mind it would have been only the same thing expressed in a different image—not so to the solar plexus and the thousand-petalled lotus. In this technique it must be the right word and no other, in the right place and in no other, the right sounds and no others, in a design of sound that cannot be changed even a little. You... least all or a fall." ________________ instinctive-emotive way rather than intellectually is AE. Housman's terminology in his lecture. The Name and Nature of Poetry. The "thousand-petalled lotus" is Sri Aurobindo's addition denoting, in terms of the traditional Raja-Yogit psychology, the centre of consciousness just above the brain-mind, now a supra-intellectual source of contact by ...
... Power Wearing the mighty Mother's form and face. 57 Thus we are introduced to an important image of Tantra where the Divine Mother as Kameshwari joins Kameshwara Shiva in the thousand-petalled lotus flowing with nectar. The rays of the Divine Mother's feet direct the nectar downwards as a flood (sudhāsāra), 56 Ibid., p. 527. 57 Savitri, p. 528. Page 210... destroys evil forces like Shumbha, Nishumbha, Raktabija and Mahishasura. And yet the battle is brought to us in the diction of Tantra. The uprising energy, the Power of Kundalini reaching the thousand-petalled lotus in the crown and encircling the Purusha (Shiva) there and holding its hood above him as an umbrella, is recorded exactly as it is in Aurobindonian style to delineate the cosmic image of ...
... for the most part closed or asleep — to open them and make them awake and active is one aim of yoga." — Sri Aurobindo "The centres or Chakras are seven in number: — 1. The thousand-petalled lotus on the top of the head. 2. In the middle of the forehead — the Ajna Chakra — (will, vision, dynamic thought). 3. Throat centre — externalising mind. 4. Heart-lotus — emotional... throat centre — viśuddha — governs the expressive and externalising mind; the centre between the eyebrows — ājñācakra — governs the dynamic mind, will, vision, mental formation; the thousand-petalled lotus — sahasradala — above commands the higher thinking mind, houses the still higher illumined mind and at the highest opens to the intuition through which or else by an overflooding directness ...
... gradually open as one progresses spiritually. The lotus of knowledge is the thousand-petalled lotus. ( To Nolini ) Is that it?... Yes, so it's the one in the head; it's the last in order, before those which are beyond the human body. ... of perfection? It is the lotus of knowledge, the thousand-petalled lotus which blooms; as it is the highest... perfection... it depends on what perfection ...
... imaginative but unreal (that is how many would take it perhaps) but facts and realities of the self, actual and concrete, or else there must be a conspiracy between the solar plexus and the thousand-petalled lotus which makes one feel, if not know, the suggestion of these things through the words and rhythm. "As for technique, there is a technique of this higher poetry but it Page... much less and something quite different to the inner experience, though to the mind it would have been only the same thing expressed in a different image—not so to the solar plexus and the thousand-petalled lotus. In this technique it must be the right word and no other, in the right place and in no other, the right sounds and no others, in a design of sound that cannot be changed even a little. ...
... imaginative but unreal (that is how many would take it perhaps) but facts and realities of the self, actual and concrete, or else there must be a conspiracy between the "solar plexus" and the thousand-petalled lotus which makes one feel, if not know, the suggestion of these things through the words and rhythm. As for technique, there is a technique of this higher poetry but it is not analysable and teachable... much less and something quite different to the inner experience, though to the mind it would have been only the same thing expressed in a different image—not so to the solar plexus and the thousand-petalled lotus. In this technique it must be the right word and no other, in the right place, and in no other, the right sounds and no others, in a design of sound that cannot be changed even a little. You ...
... line as: A cry to clasp in all the one God-hush. The quality and movement here emanate from the broad clear daylight of the Spirit prevailing in the Sahasrara Chakra, "the thousand petalled lotus" of consciousness immediately above the head. But we at once leap through two still higher stages and reach the threshold of the amplest intensity by merely shifting a pair of words from the... and the ne plus ultra of Nirvana! Surely, even though some of the poetic triumphs issue from there, the poets do not dwell in their kingdom. Nor can anyone claim to have jumped from the thousand-petalled lotus to the ineffable flower wherein the ultimate deity stands — by just transferring a pair of words to the end of a line from its middle! The jump is an act of art, not of life. No doubt ...
... crosses through the intermediate centers up to the highest point or the topmost level of the brain and opens up the brain centre, which is called the centre of thousand-petalled lotus, sahasrāra. When the shakti opens up the thousand-petalled lotus, she attains her union with the Supreme Lord. In this process, Tantra utilizes the system of the operations of the subtle body and subtle elements of con ...
... imaginative but unreal (that is how many would take it perhaps) but facts and realities of the self, actual and concrete, or else there must be a conspiracy between the "solar plexus" and the thousand-petalled lotus which makes one feel if not know the suggestion of these things through the words and rhythm. As for technique, there is a technique of this higher poetry but it is not analysable and teachable... much less and something quite different to the inner experience, though to the mind it would have been only the same thing expressed in a different image—not so to the solar plexus and the thousand-petalled lotus. In this technique it must be the right word and no other, in the right place, and in no other, the right sounds and no others, in a design of sound that cannot be changed even a little. You ...
... swirl about driven by his fanning ears. Gods and angels and seraphs sing to Him. He is Shiva's son, Shiva who bears the Goddess Ganges on his head. In Him I take refuge. He dwells in the thousand-petalled lotus, luminous cool like the full orb of the moon, his lotus-hands carry grace and protection. He wears a robe of pure sweet-scented flowers, ever-smiling and gracious-looking. He embodies all the... uttering the sacred words that mean "I adore the Sri Mahapaduka in the eight-petalled white lotus that looks upward, that has twelve extremities and that is established within the womb of the thousand-petalled lotus, spread out like an umbrella and facing downward. The great Holy Feet is possessed of all sciences, embodies the Powers of all deities. It represents the three strides of the holy preceptor ...
... huge sleep the ever-dancing hum Of knowledge so that like a strange abyss Of waveless water I may brood intent The ineffable Truth—then suddenly find room For Thy thousand-petalled lotus-break of Bliss! Gold core: packed poise of the infinite Permanent— Silver leaves: world on world in magic bloom— Light's lone rapt self, Light's all-enkindling kiss! ...
... had written the original poem. He grew master — at all moments and not solely in the trance-state — of the plane the traditional Yogas posit above the mind-centre in the brain, the famous "thousand-petalled lotus" of spiritual light. A recast was made in the terms of this poise of consciousness. Another became necessary when he rose to an illumination yet more profound — and whenever definitely higher ...
... up there are the three mental chakras: mental expression and communication in the throat, mental concentration and formation between and slightly above the eyes (the “third eye”), and “the thousand-petalled lotus” of the higher mental levels just above the head and touching its crown. Humanity being what it is at present, the centre above the head does duty for all that is as yet supramental. If ...
... serpents in the caduceus 92 through the chakras or energy centres of the body and awakens them. (This happens in the subtle, vital body.) When fully unfolded, the kundalini touches the ‘thousand petalled lotus’ on top of the head, with the effect of a sudden resplendent sun. This extremely important step in Mirra’s yoga is mentioned by her only once, and that in passing, but it was luckily recorded ...
... going or externalising mind), one between the eyes or rather in the middle of the forehead (the centre of vision and will) and one above, communicating with the brain, which is called the thousand-petalled lotus, and where are centralised the thinking mind and higher intelligence communicating with the greater mind planes (illumined mind, intuition, overmind) above. The second new significant feature ...
... had written the original poem. He grew master - at all moments and not solely in the trance-state - of the plane the traditional Yogas posit above the mind-centre in the brain, the famous "thousand-petalled lotus" of spiritual light. A recast was made in the terms of this poise of consciousness. Page 2 Another became necessary when he rose to an illumination yet more profound - and ...
... range of more-than-mental powers, which he names "Supermind". This range he terms "overhead" - that is, beyond the level at which the Yogas of liberation ended: the sahasrara chakra, "the thousand-petalled lotus", on the top of the head. In Sri Aurobindo's Yoga, after reaching this level, one has to go further and get the light, consciousness, force and bliss of the highest "overhead" level ...
... Form-Energy empowered to embody the supramental life and stabilise the creation. Descent into the Muladhara. Page 1342 Undated Notes - VII The Seven Centres of the Life 1) The thousand-petalled Lotus—above the head with its base on the brain. Basis or support in Life-Mind for the Supramental; initiative centre of the illumined Mind. 2) The centre between the brows in the middle of the ...
... individual centre. As this develops one becomes aware of the true Self silent and illimitable and the cosmic consciousness. The concentration at the apex above the head is the station in the thousand-petalled lotus. There one becomes aware of states of mind above the ordinary human buddhi , the higher mind, the illumined mind, Page 270 the intuition, the overmind—finally when one has achieved ...
... and physical consciousness in which the spiritual being (the Swan) can manifest with all the consequences of that opening. The lotus must represent owing to its numerous petals the "thousand petalled" lotus above the head which is the seat of the higher consciousness above the thinking intelligence. The vision may mean the opening of the consciousness there and in it the adoration of the Divine ...
... eyes and nose meant that it was working to open the mental centres—especially the two higher centres of thought and will and vision in the inner mental being. These two centres are called the thousand-petalled lotus and the ājñā-cakra between the eyebrows. Thirdly, by this working the inner parts of the being are opened and freed; you are liberated from the limitations of the ordinary personal mind, ...
... the throat centre -vi ś uddha- governs the expressive and externalising mind; the centre between the eye-brows - ājnācakra - governs the dynamic mind, will, vision, mental formation; the thousand-petalled lotus sahasradala - above commands the higher thinking mind, houses the still higher illumined mind and at the highest opens to the intuition through which or else by an over-flooding directness ...
... All of a sudden, I understood that when I said it was there, above the head, it must have seemed absolutely impossible to him! For him, it's the crown of the head 1 (what they call the thousand-petalled lotus), just at the top of the head, whereas in my experience it opens, it rises and you go above, and then you settle there ... For a Page 432 number of years it even changed my [physical] ...
... life-force circulates in the subtle body through a series of channels (nadis gathered up in six centres called lotuses or chakras (circles) which rise in an ascending line to a summit, the "thousand petalled lotus " from where all vital and mental energy flows. This pattern is reproduced in the physical body: these centres are situated along a main channel (the sushumna nadi), in the centre of the ...
... psychic body, — which are gathered up into six or seven centers which are technically called lotuses or circles, chakras, and which rise in an ascending scale to the summit where there is thousand- petalled lotus from which all the mental and vital energy flows. Each of these lotuses is the centre and the storing house of its own particular system of psychological powers, energies and operations, — ...
... psychic body, — which are gathered up into six or seven centres which are technically called lotuses or circles, chakra, and which rise in an ascending scale to the summit where there is thousand- petalled lotus from which all the mental and vital energy flows. Each of these lotuses is the centre and the storing house of its own particular system of psychological powers, energies and operations, — ...
... something just a little above the Brahmic passage of the head. Something of it remains in touch with that passage, which feels it as a thing floating up above it. It may be the thousand-petalled lotus which is the centre of the higher consciousness. It is something new to me when my consciousness feels a depth in the heart and a height on the head simultaneously. ...
... dynamic powers of our being organising their action through the plexuses and arranged in an ascending series from the lowest physical to the highest mind centre and spiritual centre called the thousand-petalled lotus where ascending Nature, the Serpent Power of the Tantrics, meets the Brahman and is liberated into the Divine Being. These centres are closed or half-closed within us and have to be opened ...
... itself from human possibilities 8c searching and the Power emerge out of human weaknesses and limitations. The night of the thirtieth marked by a communication from the sahasradala [the thousand-petalled lotus above the head], of the old type, sruti [hearing], but clear of the old confusions which used to rise around the higher Commands. It was clearly the Purushot tome speaking and the Shakti ...
... (Shraddha):The ceremony of offering oblation tothe dead. saccidānanda (Sachchidananda): The Supreme Reality as self-existent Being, Consciousness and Bliss. sahasradala: The thousand-petalled lotus, seventh centre at the crown of the head. samarpana (Samarpana): Entire self-giving, surrender, dedication. samskāras (Sanskaras): Fixed mental formations; impressions of past ...
... dynamic powers of our being organising their action through the plexuses and arranged in an ascending series from the lowest physical to the highest mind centre and spiritual centre called the thousand-petalled lotus where ascending Nature, the Serpent Power of the Tantrics, meets the Brahman and is liberated into the Divine Being. These centres are closed or half closed within us and have to be opened ...
... disruption of the states of the Ignorance, but that would be rather a salutary upheaval and helpful to the purpose of Yoga. Kundalini becoming conscious rises up to meet the Brahman in the thousand-petalled lotus. A mere ejection from her uniting with the higher consciousness would hardly lead to a radical change. Of course she need not abandon connection with the physical centre altogether; but she ...
... very nature and law of all its process. The highest organised centre of our embodied being and of its action in the body is the supreme mental centre figured by the yogic symbol of the thousand-petalled lotus, sahasradala , and it is at its top and summit that there is the direct communication with the supramental levels. It is then possible to adopt a different and a more direct method, not to ...
... outward-going or externalising mind), one between the eyes or rather in the middle of the forehead (the centre of vision and will) and one above, communicating with the brain, which is called the thousand-petalled lotus and where are centralised the highest thought and intelligence communicating with the greater mind planes (illumined mind, intuition, overmind) above. The second new significant feature ...
... so? It is the transforming power that is established—the universal Power is always there. 13 August 1933 The Mother has come down to work on the earth, not in another world. The thousand petalled lotus and the plane or world that corresponds to it is only a means of communication between the Page 32 Truth and the earth-existence. But it is true that the consciousness of each has ...
... psychic body,—which are gathered up into six (or really seven) centres called technically lotuses or circles, cakra , and which rise in an ascending scale to the summit where there is the thousand-petalled lotus from which all the mental and vital energy flows. Each of these lotuses is the centre and the storing-house of its own particular system of psychological powers, energies and operations,—each ...
... centres of the Purusha, the inner Soul through which he touches us to our awakening; there is the Purusha in the lotus of the heart which opens upward all our powers and the Purusha in the thousand-petalled lotus whence descend through the thought and will, opening the third eye in us, the lightnings of vision and the fire of the divine energy. The bliss existence may come to us through either one of ...
... out of the kuja flowed out like liquid gold. This seems to be but the precursor of some more and higher experiences that he had — as he himself wrote about them later. He talks of how the “thousand petalled lotus Centre above the head opened due to the Grace of the Divine Mother. So too the Brahma-randram. He experienced being transported to many regions of Golden Light, into the presence of the Supreme ...
... Shall teach thee of my sevenfold grace: Life is a prism of my light And death the shadow of my face. Your whole piece is poetry without a break. Both the solar plexus and the thousand-petalled lotus respond to it. They receive the impact of the secret it vibrantly communicates past the mere mind's logpoeia. No wonder ordinary readers can't understand the lines - they are not meant for ...
... Centres My Pilgrimage to the Spirit March 10, 1932 If by Centres you mean "Chakras" these are seven: 1) The thousand-petalled lotus on the top of the head. 2) In the middle of the forehead—the Ajna-Chakra-(Will, Vision, Dynamic Thought). It is not called the psychic eye. 3) Throat-Centre—Externalizing mind. 4) Heart-lotus—Emotional Centre in ...
... consciousnesses, manifesting Herself as a luminous young child-Bala. I became one with Her in consciousness. My uvula curved upwards' and tasted the oozing Amrita (Nectar) of Grace. The thousand-petalled lotus opened itself. I sensed its subtle 'fragrance full of Grace. The lid of Brahmarandhra (Aperture of Brahman) opened itself. The last vestige of the ego was dissolved. A flood of Light ...
... progress for many years. But nobody could claim to have set eyes on the slowly developing epic. I was extremely eager to catch some scent of this creation which promised to become a veritable "thousand-petalled lotus" at the top of the human poetic endeavour. Once in 1931 and again in the two succeeding years I received in reply to my questions short general answers from the Master about his work on the ...
... plexuses in the physical body. We enter into the latter by going beyond the system of the inner and the outer through a chakra that has no corresponding physical plexus, the traditional "thousand-petalled lotus" above the brain. When first we break loose from both the subtle and the gross we have the experience of an infinite void, a featureless self-liberation without end, a sublime superconscious ...
... from the base-centre, muladhara, and it pervading the entire subtle-physical, sukshma deha . It surges upward and, passing through the centre of subtle vision, ajna chakra , reaches the thousand-petalled lotus above the head. With it you acquire very many sharp and keen exceptional siddhis or powers. You are set on the path of progress. That far a distance where the sight can reach when the ...
... Aurobindo points out that the highest organized centre of our embodied being and of its action in the body is a supreme Page 29 mental centre figured by the yogic symbol of the thousand-petalled lotus, sahasradala, and it is at its top and summit that there is the direct communication with the superior superconscient levels. Here the method is to refer all our thought and action to the ...
... centre? It is the Brahmarandhra through which there is the communication between the higher consciousness and the lower in the body. It is a passage not a centre. The centre is the thousand petalled lotus just above the head, at that part. The station in the heart centre is for the psychic opening. What you are at present doing is the upward opening to the Self and for that the inner ...
... Besides, you may from now onwards, whilst keeping the lower mind still, "look upwards" to centre your consciousness there, gradually. *The centre between the eyebrows. **The thousand-petalled lotus above the top of the head. When I do that, my consciousness oscillates between the top and bottom for it has yet to watch the lower part. Besides, a prolonged sound, for instance ...
... way—unexpectedly, without my seeking anything. 9 Much ink has been spilled about this explosion above in Indian literature; it is the opening of the center above the head, sahasradala, or “thousand-petalled lotus,” the direct communication with the great Shakti's flow and her worlds of light and beauty, which we gropingly attempt to translate through a cranial shell. From then on, young Mirra would ...
... and nose meant that it was working to open the mental centres — especially the two higher centres of thought and will and vision in the inner mental being. These two centres are called the thousand petalled lotus and the ajnachakra between the eyebrows — you can ask Nolini to explain to you about them. Thirdly, by this working inner parts of the being are opened and freed; you are liberated from the ...
... lotus is always turned upwards; it's the aspiration. But here, in him, it is turned downwards, towards the earth." The seventh Chakra is above the head, in the apparent void. It is the thousand-petalled lotus; it is the residence of Bhagavati, the Mother of all the three worlds. 7.SAHASRĀRA1: This full-bloomed lotus is "blue with gold 1 The Serpent Power- says that this lotus ...
... of consciousness are reached (yellow, pink, light blue, etc.). Finally, the brilliant golden light of Divine Truth is seen and one discovers and realises one's self and the Divine Truth (Thousand-petalled lotuses). “A stillness absolute, incommunicable, Meets the sheer self-discovery of the soul...” || 80.1 || Significantly, there are seven persons right on top, the number seven symbolising ...
... large thousand-petalled lotuses, their big leaves, their long stalks. Everything looked so beautiful and magnificent that one cannot imagine it! The place was charged with their sweet fragrances. On the way, in between, I saw a few persons going about here and there, walking upon water as one walks on the ground. But, right at the top, there were only seven persons. They went towards the lotuses, stopped... changed. Here the colour of the water was dark green or dark blue—what the exact colour was I cannot say. But of the same colour there were big lotuses fully bloomed, with their large-sized leaves and high stems—all of the same colour. The place was full of the lotuses fragrance. It made us feel so happy. Again the Digambar made a sign to me to walk on further. Here too, as before, the way showed itself as... colour—the lotuses, their leaves and stalks. Now there was a different type of fragrance. We walked further and saw everything exactly the same but in yellow colour, and the fragrance was different. Likewise I saw the same view again and again but in different colours and fragrances—after yellow, pink, light blue, snow white, silvery—but here there was a very strange thing—sometimes the water, lotuses, leaves ...
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