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Thule : Greek & Roman name for the most northerly land in the world as they knew then; a land which Pytheas heard of & perhaps reached c.300 BC [s/a Ultima Thule]

34 result/s found for Thule

... was saved by former Thule-Brother Rudolf Hess. “Almost all collaborators of Hitler [in the Munich years] had to do with the Thule Society in one way or another, if they were not members themselves”, asserts Hermann Gilbhard. 234 The list of links between Hitler’s NSDAP and the Thule Society is indeed significant. The DAP was founded by Thule-Brother Harrer and “guest” of Thule Drexler; the swastika... smother the frail plant” – of National Socialism, that is. 232 The former Master of Thule made matters worse by trying to relaunch the Society, perhaps envisioning a place of honour in the Third Reich for himself and his former adherents. “Today is fulfilled what those seven [executed members of Thule] and the Thule as a whole looked forward to … We recognize the greatness and the merit of Adolf Hitler... longed for; we gathered the elements, he led to the goal! … It was to members of Thule that Hitler first came, and Thule members were the first who allied themselves with Hitler.” 233 Another grave mistake by Sebottendorff was that he called on the anti-Semitic ex-Jesuit Bernhard Stempfle to help resuscitate the Thule Society, for Stempfle, one of the readers and correctors of the Mein Kampf manuscript ...


... Adolf Hitlers ‘Mein Kampf’ – Eine kommentierte Auswahl , p. 79. 81 Peter Orzechowski: Schwarze Magie – Braune Macht , p. 34. 82 Joachim Köhler, op. cit., p. 215. 83 Hermann Gilbhard: Die Thule-Gesellschaft , p. 148. 84 Id., p. 149. 85 Ibid. 86 Rudolf von Sebottendorff: Bevor Hitler kam , p. 184. 87 Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf , pp. 186-87. 88 Ralph Manheim’s translation of ... p. 276. 153 George Mosse: The Crisis of German Ideology , p. 297. 154 Ralph Reuth: Hitler, p. 123. 155 George Mosse, op. cit., p. 297. 156 Id., p. 296. 157 Hermann Gilbhard: Die Thule-Gesellschaft , p. 152. 158 Hilde Kammer & Elisabeth Bartsch: Lexikon Nationalsozialismus , p. 168. 159 Louis Snyder: Encyclopedia of the Third Reich , p. 191. 160 John Toland: Adolf Hitler... Brissaud: Hitler et l’Ordre noir, p. 53. 230 Id., p. 167. 231 Hermann Rauschning: Gespräche mit Hitler, p. 212. 232 Id., p. 170. 233 Id., “Widmung”. 234 Hermann Gilbhard: Die Thule-Gesellschaft , p. 170. 235 Rudolf von Sebottendorff, op. cit., p. 130. 236 Hermann Gilbhard, op. cit., , p. 173. 237 Ralph Reuth, op. cit., p. 118. 238 Konrad Heiden, op. cit., p. 356. ...


... in for Dietrich Eckart, a “guest” of Thule who had recently become a member of the DAP and was well known to Captain Mayr. “The speaker was to have been Eckart, but he was ill.” 90 And here we meet again with an old acquaintance, the inventor of the sidereal pendulum, Wilhelm Gutberlet. “Dr. Wilhelm Gutberlet (1870-1933), medical doctor at Munich, member of Thule and eminent astrologer, sat by the side... have lived on as part of the Hitler myth, suggesting that his first contact with the DAP was coincidental. Yet there are sound reasons to see Hitler’s debut in politics in a very different way. The Thule was a secret society and so was, as we just saw, its “workers’ circle” which had become the DAP, contrived by Harrer more as a lodge than as an ordinary political party. A footnote in Ralph Manheim’s... party a few days later. Most of the recently published experts on this period in Hitler’s life agree that he, in his appearance on the political scene, was supported by the Reichswehr and by the Thule Society. “Hitler wanted to conceal”, in his chapter on the German Worker’s Party in Mein Kampf , “that the initiative of his joining the DAP had not been taken by himself”, writes Ralph Reuth. 93 Ian ...


... this book. Rudolf Hess tried out practically all occult fads. His Master at the Thule Society was the occultist and renowned astrologist Rudolf von Sebottendorff. The Thule Society itself was a chapter of the Germanenorden, of which many members and one of the founders, Philipp Stauff, were spiritists. The Thule Society was, moreover, a secret organization, founded officially to study and spread ...


... those-who-knew what it was about”. 58 The lineage of the Thule Society leaves not a shadow of doubt: Fritsch’s Reichshammerbund had created a secret twin-organization, the Germanenorden, of which the Munich chapter of the Bavarian province was named “Thule Society”. In Bavaria the Germanenorden and the Thule Society were one and the same. “Thule”, mentioned by some ancient historians, was a legendary... and its culture, and of the Catholic Church. “Thule is not the past: Thule is the eternal German soul”, proclaimed a prospectus of Diederich’s collection. 65 “In the Thule Society it was like in a dovecote”, reminisces Sebottendorff, “there was in Munich no association representing some national interest or other which did not find shelter in Thule.” 66 As Munich, with its beer halls and its beer... inauguration Sebottendorff revealed the new name of the Munich chapter of the order: Thule-Gesellschaft , Thule Society. From then onwards the secret Germanenorden would act in the open under this assumed name. “Since the ritual Germanenorden activities were supplemented by overt right-wing meetings the term Thule Society was adopted as a cover-name for the order to spare it the unwelcome attentions ...


... that Ludendorff soon had discovered the DAP, the political circle founded by the Thule Society. The DAP will not have been very hard to find, for Ludendorff met with other nationalist stalwarts, including General von Möhl, “every Wednesday in the smaller conference room of the Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten”, the seat of the Thule Society. The high point of Thule’s activity was those critical months of 1918-19... Bavarian capital. Under the direction of Rudolf von Sebottendorff it not only founded two Free Corps, the Kampfbund Thule and the Bund Oberland , it also kept up a continuous contact with the government in exile. The organizations of the ruling Left were run so amateurishly that the Thule could penetrate them at will, putting on red armbands and falsifying identification papers. Unfortunately, Thule’s... Sebottendorff, Nauhaus was fascinated by the mystical ideologies of ancient theocracies and secret cults.” 1005 Bronder characterizes the Thule as a secret loge with, as its esoteric core, “a magic circle in which secret sciences were practised”. What the public knew as the Thule Society was only its “exoteric circle”. 1006 There can be no doubt about the role of Dietrich Eckart as Hitler’s “fatherly friend” ...


... Rosenberg became “Eckart’s right hand”, assisting him with the writing and editing of In Plain German. Another of their common interests was occultism, and Eckart introduced the German Balt to the Thule Society in the spring of 1919. A few weeks later he introduced him also to Adolf Hitler, who was becoming a daily visitor at Eckart’s house. Rosenberg’s relation with Hitler was, at that time, “very... transferred in toto the German Socialist Party (DSP), of which he was the chairman, to the NSDAP. The reader may remember that the DSP was one of the two political parties which had been floated by the Thule Society to attract the working class to the nationalist cause, the other and considerably more successful being the DAP. From then onwards Streicher, sporting a whip just like his Führer, had been a ...


... Otto: Before the Deluge – A Portrait of Berlin in the 1920s Gargand, Pierre Barret and Jean-Noël: Si je t’oublie Jérusalem Gellately, Robert: Backing Hitler Gilbhard, Hermann: Die Thule-Gesellschaft – Vom okkulten Mummenschanz zum Hakenkreuz Giordano, Ralph: When Hitler den Krieg gewonnen hätte Glover, Jonathan: Humanity – A Moral History of the Twentieth Century Godwyn... Michael: Hitlers Gott – Vorsehungsglaube und Sendungsbewusstsein des deutschen Diktators Rohrmoser, Günter: Deutschlands Tragödie – Der geistige Weg in den Nationalsozialismus Rose, Detlev: Die Thule-Gesellschaft – Legende, Mythos, Wirklichkeit Rosenbaum, Ron: Explaining Hitler – The Search for the Origins of His Evil Rosendorfer, Herbert: Deutsche Geschichte – Ein Versuch Ryback, ...


... was a member of the Thule Kampfbund. The Thule Society was less ambitious at the cradle of its second offspring, the “German Workers’ Party”, German initials DAP , founded on 5 January 1919. The president of the DAP, Karl Harrer, a member of Thule, conceived his party more like a lodge, a secret völkisch club where members of the working class would be introduced to the Thule ideals. Thus the DAP... 3. Mentor Hitler and his God Thule Reaches Out Bismarck had not been able to suppress the social-democratic upsurge, feared and hated by the reactionaries. In 1912 the Socialists obtained 110 seats in parliament, more than any other party. In 1914, carried on the wave of general euphoria with which the war was greeted, the social-democrats temporarily... the 1918 revolution, which made Germany from a monarchy into a republic, the country was fissured into two hostile blocks and “the menace of civil war hung like a black cloud over Germany”. 78 The Thule Society, “probably the most powerful secret organization in Germany”, 79 had become aware of the potentially catastrophic gap between Right and Left, and decided to do something about it by trying to ...


... failure of some of his plays does not seem a sufficient explanation. Contact with circles like the Thule Society may have been a more adequate reason. Eckart is mentioned as a “guest” of Thule in Before Hitler Came , and many of the new features of Eckart’s thought fit closely with those of the Thule as presented by Sebottendorff in the same book. That both men knew each other is confirmed by Sebo... with the DAP.) It is difficult to say who determined the political course of the Thule Society – probably to a great extent Sebottendorff himself. Yet it is striking that the goals of the Society intimately agreed with those of an independent personality like Eckart. The exchange of opinions between the dominating Thule members must have been frequent and intense. Eckart also vividly felt the need to... and the hand”. The association never took off. Still Eckart tried to make himself useful by participating in the Thule resistance against the communist Republic of Councils. The result was that the Reds caught him, and that his name could very well have been on the list of the executed Thule members, had he not managed to talk himself out of a risky and totally unnecessary situation. It was around ...


... by fellow officers of his regiment to the Thule Society, and became an active member “of the inner circle”. He also fought in Thule’s free corps, the Kampfbund Thule, during the Red revolution in Bavaria. Hesemann writes that Hess was “a close confidant of Rudolf von Sebottendorff”; this may explain why Hess, as the Führer’s Deputy, helped his former Thule Master when he got in hot water with the... the Nazi authorities by publishing Before Hitler Came and trying to revive the Thule Society in 1933. In April 1919 Hess, earning a living in the textile import, was personally introduced to Karl Haushofer (1869-1946), the former commander of his regiment. Out of interest for Haushofer’s “geopolitics”, which the former major-general was teaching at Munich University, Hess soon became his student... had been close to the Pan-Germans from his boyhood. He had, however, a handicap: his wife was the daughter of a rich Jewish businessman. It is therefore doubtful that he ever was a member of the Thule Society, for the Germanenorden demanded a signed declaration from its members that not a drop of Jewish blood ran in their veins. Haushofer also kept his distance from Hitler, even after Hess had discovered ...


... to explain the Jewish problem to another army propagandist. There something must have happened that led to the introduction of the Austrian corporal to the small and secret political offshoot of the Thule organization, the DAP, and to the astonishing fact that Hitler entered politics fully prepared to use the irrelevant political circle as the springboard for a mass movement based on a revolutionary... Munich but also in Berlin and elsewhere. He was, moreover, a vocal anti-Semite, familiar with the literature on this subject and contributing to it in his turn. And he was closely related with the Thule Society, which meant with the powerful Germanenorden and the Pan-Germans. We now know the atmosphere in which these secret organizations functioned and played a determining role in opposition to ...


... Hitler. ‘Until his death [in 1923] Dietrich Eckart will be the great mentor of Adolf Hitler. The future Fiihrer of the Third Reich will owe him much, to begin with his “initiation” in the legend of Thule and the development of his mediumistic faculties. Eckart will contribute considerably to the development in Hitler of an unshakable self-confidence, founded on the certitude of being in possession of... composed the tune. We have given him the means to communicate with Them … Do not mourn for me: I will have influenced history more than any other German.’ 13 André Brissaud writes about the secret Thule society: ‘It will be the life-source of National Socialism which was, we repeat, not only a movement aiming at success, supremacy and the exertion of political power, but also, and mainly, an instrument ...


... Defiance League of the German Race), the Verband Altreichsflagge (Flag of the Old Reich Association), the Bayreuth, Würzburg and Wolf Free Corps, and a variety of other organizations” – including the Thule Society and the (NS)DAP. The ranks of the rightists in Bavaria were swelled by the defeated participants in the Kapp Putsch (March 1920) who had to flee Berlin, among them the figurehead of the putsch... presume that Mayr introduced Hitler to Eckart in June or at the latest in July, and that both agreed that this Austrian Corporal with the Iron Cross and the gift of the gab might be an asset for the Thule Society’s floundering DAP. Hitler was not an anti-Semite (at least not outspoken) in May, under the Republic of Councils, when he wore the red armband; the course he attended at Munich University ...


... restrain shall be rent; she shall rise out of sessions unsettled. Oceans shall be her walls at the end and the desert her limit; Indus shall send to her envoys; her eyes shall look northward from Thule. She shall enring all the coasts with her strength like the kingly Poseidon, She shall o'ervault all the lands with her rule like the limitless azure."     Ceasing from speech Laocoon, girt with ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... involved and for which he was possibly responsible. It can hardly have been a coincidence that the Austrian corporal without a future contacted the German Workers’ Party, founded as an initiative of the Thule Society, in the days his military superior asked him respectfully to write a letter on the Jewish problem for the enlightenment of a fellow army propagandist. The line of Hitler’s anti-Semitic d ...


... these elements in Hitler’s thought structures is the surest indication that they were formed in Munich, directly by Eckart through his writings and his frequent contacts with Hitler, indirectly by the Thule Society and its related circles animated by Sebottendorff. What remains to be explained is the power which “the man from nowhere” commanded to pull off the impossible, and which made that “there was ...


... Russians, who first drew his attention towards the wide-open Russian spaces available for the taker, and who systematically equated Bolshevism with Judaism. It was also Rosenberg, a member of the Thule Society, who acted as the most anti-Semitic promoter of The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, as well in his contributions to the Völkische Beobachter , the Nazi newspaper of which he succeeded ...


... to visit England and the U.S.A. and once Israel. But I never accepted any of them. Now, of course, my deteriorated legs make even trips to nearby places almost impossible. The Samadhi is the Ultima Thule at present. Recently, connected with the physical strain of plodding from the Ashram gate to my place opposite the Samadhi, my heart started missing beats at very close intervals. Dr. Raichura, who ...


... this mighty realisation of the still, self-luminous & inactive Brahman. In those preBuddhistic ascetics, naked of the world and utterly calm, whom the unresting Macedonian found in the Asiatic ultima Thule of his insatiable march, in the all-conquering soul of Buddha, in the victorious intellect of Shankara, in the aspiration and self-fulfilment of a million saints and hermits before and afterwards our ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... Savitri' s prelude illustrates a mighty mutation into it from the second: The abysm of the unbodied Infinite. Of course this indefinable super-inevitable style is poetically the ultima thule, just as the Mantra is spiritually so. But in an epic of great length it cannot be present everywhere "neat"; nor can the Mantra. And the very plan of Savitri, comprising as it does the entire ...

... and Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels in the first chapters of our story. We recall that these Austrian mythic visionaries were widely read and exerted a direct influence on the Germanenorden, of which the Thule Society was a chapter. Both saw the Germanic race as a people of god-men who temporarily had forgotten their divine origin, but who would, in the near future, regain their status of world-dominators ...


... Joseph Goebbels, the Catholic who projected his apocalyptic expectations on Hitler and his Third Reich. There was a pronounced tendency towards occultism in Rudolf von Sebottendorff, Master of the Thule Society, and Eckart and Rudolf Hess, both members of this Society; in Otto Rahn, the SS-man with a mission to find the Holy Grail; and in Heinrich Himmler and his Ahnenerbe (ancestral heritage), who ...


... Party, the word meant to Hitler something quite different from its ordinary significance; it was included into the Party name mainly to attract the workers, as had been the initial purpose of the Thule Society when it set Anton Drexler and Karl Harrer on their way. A juggler with words and concepts, Hitler’s idea of “true democracy”, which he also called “German democracy”, was a hierarchical society ...


... Hitler went through an occult schooling that is not difficult to trace. It is well-known that he was profoundly influenced by the likes of Dietrich Eckart, who initiated him in the legend of Thule and developed his mediumistic faculties, and Karl Haushofer, responsible for most of Hitler’s geopolitical views including the need of Lebensraum for the German people. The ‘palace’ mentioned by the ...

... prelude illustrates a mighty mutation into it from the second: The abysm of the unbodied Infinite. [p. 1] Of course this indefinable super-inevitable style is poetically the ultima thule, just as the Mantra is spiritually so. But in an Page 17 epic of great length it cannot be present everywhere "neat"; nor can the Mantra. And the very plan of Savitri, comprising ...


... sepulchre — in spite of my having indulged the itch for poetic composition for a length of years — without the liberating touch of Sri Aurobindo. Ever since boyhood the pen has been to me the ultima Thule of all pleasure and the poetic output of my early teens was prolific but blissfully innocent of the true poetic glow, except perhaps in a chance phrase here and there, and my first notion about metre ...


... the dates is telling. Mayr’s respectful request to his corporal was written on 10 September; Hitler’s answer was sent to Gemlich on 17 September; Hitler’s first contact with the DAP, founded by the Thule Society, took place on 12 September. Clearly Hitler had covered a considerable stretch on the road of his ambitions since 6 June, the day Captain Mayr had reacted so casually: “Oh, that’s Hitler from ...


... another element in the Hitler-Hess connection which Hanfstängl did not perceive because there were no receptors for it in his awareness: the occult dimension. Hess was, after all, not only a Brother of Thule, he was also intensely interested in all kinds of occult phenomena, and so was Hitler. Toland describes how the Hitler court at Landsberg was distinctly divided into two levels corresponding to two ...


... such it was, as “the man who one day will set Germany free”, that Eckart introduced his protégé to the higher strata of Munich society. Some of its well-heeled members were Brothers and Sisters of the Thule Society; others were prominent and moneyed nationalists and Pan-Germans, like the publisher Julius Lehmann; still others belonged to the wealthy circles to which Eckart had access in his personal name ...


... degraded by mixing its pure blood with the putrid blood of degenerated races. This was one of the fundamental ideas of the völkisch movement, propagated in the literature of the Germanenorden and the Thule Society. “Keep your blood pure!” was one of their slogans, and Arthur Dinter’s novel The Sin against the Blood was a best-seller in Germany during the inter-war period. As sexual contact was the only ...


... be capable thanks to their exceptional qualities.” 494 A key-figure in this movement towards a genuine spirituality was Eugen Diederichs (1867-1930), the publisher, we remember, of the Sammlung Thule , the series of translations of old Nordic sagas and legends. Not only did Diederichs provide the völkisch movement with translations of the original texts, he was a real power centre for the spreading ...


... bring the whole world under their power, Fritsch founded the equally secret Germanenorden as a sister organization of the Reichshammerbund – and the Germanenorden became the parent organization of the Thule Society, which introduced us in our early chapters to the lively but murky political world of post-war Munich. Treitschke and Fritsch were not the only racists of their time, by far. The response ...


... ted realisation of both inner and outer truth is revived is a progressive force. But it should keep clear of sticking to past achievements and declaring Page 99 that the ultima thule has been reached. New discoveries of the Supreme Spirit's hidden powers are always possible - or at least novel developments of known powers in order to carry further the transformative urge in man ...