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Tribune : English daily founded in 1881 at Lahore. Under the editorship of Nāgendra Nath Gupta (1911) & Kālinath Roy (1917), the paper regained its old importance.
... became known), who saw himself as a tribune like the leaders of the people in ancient Rome had been and consciously behaved like one. But when he began perorating about his higher speculations, beyond the improvement of their daily life, the popular classes abandoned him. Ultimately they revolted against him, at the instigation of the nobles, and killed the tribune, whom Wagner lets die in a vast co... reliable Brigitte Hamann writes: “Hitler found it later of importance to be known as the incarnation of Rienzi.” 913 He was often called “the Tribune”, especially during the Munich period; and the not less reliable Ralph Reuth mentions that he was called “the Tribune” by his co-prisoners at Landsberg “with reference to Wagner’s Rienzi ”. 914 This opera, Wagner’s first, was hardly ever performed; we may... in detail. What renders it especially important is that Kubizek’s narration was afterwards confirmed by Hitler himself. Wagner’s Rienzi is based on the life of Cola di Rienzo (1313-54), the tribune who wanted to restore the glory of a corrupt and decadent Rome at the time that the Popes were residing in Avignon. Born in a humble family, Cola di Rienzo, in 1347, took up the gauntlet with the noble ...
... There are other occasions still when Sri Aurobindo is the tribune of the Indian people, and through him the disarmed and emasculated proletariat speak with awakened knowledge and pride and defiance to the civilised world in the strength of their new-found self-confidence and strength. The Prophet of renascent India, the Tribune of the people, the Generalissimo of the army of nationalists ...
... Rai which the Tribune has chosen this particular moment to deliver. It is a time when all over India men of all shades of opinion, except the worshippers of the bureaucracy, are putting aside their differences with this modest and self-sacrificing patriot in order to express their unanimous fellow-feeling with him in his hour of trial. It is precisely this moment that the Tribune chooses for its... it can only be characterised as the basest cowardice; if by envy, party spirit and secret jubilation at the removal of a powerful Nationalist, it is indecent and unpatriotic. In ordinary times the Tribune was free to criticise and abuse Lajpat Rai and nobody would have cared, but when a man is suffering for his country, no one pretending to be a patriot has a right to vent on him either a private spleen... n, we should consider ourselves eternally disgraced if we remembered Page 407 anything but the one fact that he was suffering for the sake of our common Motherland. The sneers of the Tribune would not in themselves be worth noticing; it is as an example of the utter want of true patriotism that it calls for condemnation. Page 408 ...
... altogether happy is their lot who, like Napoleon or Mazzini, outstay the lease of their appointed greatness. Mirabeau ruled the morning twilight, the sandhya of the new age. Aristocratic tribune of the people, unprincipled champion of principles, lordly democrat,—a man in whom reflection was turbulent, prudence itself bold, unflinching and reckless, the man was the meeting-place of two ages ...
... school from the advocates of Swaraj and passive resistance but he has denounced them as enemies of the country and handed them over to the "stern and relentless repression" of the authorities. The Tribune calls on Bengal to give up the boycott on the ground that it is no longer sanctioned by the "Congress" as it chooses to call a body which even the whole of the Moderate party were unable to join. ...
... another note, stirring apocalyptic associations and awakening a fear of universal conflagration or doom, including each individual’s own.” 890 Hitler saw himself as a tamer and leader of masses, a tribune in the literal sense. He despised but needed the masses, for they embodied his movement. “The mass has a simple thought and experiential scheme”, he said. “What she cannot fit within [this scheme] ...
... strident, expelled by a raw voice with rolling r’s … He shouted, he thundered as if he were addressing a crowd of thousands. It was the orator who had awoken, the great orator in the Latin tradition, the tribune … And suddenly the flow stopped. Hitler became silent; he seemed exhausted; it looked as if he had emptied his batteries; he fell again in a kind of distraction and became inert.” François-Poncet also ...
... Another insinuation is that we form a band of vain, petulant upstarts who delight in wrecking and breaking for its own sake. The Bengalee calls upon the people to repudiate these traitors, and the Tribune of Lahore, the Indu Prakash and Social Reformer of Bombay, the Indian People of Allahabad have by this time swelled that cry. The principle that underlay our attempt to get Lajpat elected to ...
... persecution, as Page 900 if it were the outward ebullitions of sentiment and not the fact of national aspiration which it is sought to repress. Shall we by an imperfect welcome to this great tribune of the people show that these counsels of imprudent prudence have weight with us? Shall we not rather make the occasion one of universal rejoicing all over the country so that all may feel that the ...
... knowledge”. 1018 Given the personality and the interests of both men, it seems obvious that they created an occult atmosphere around them. In every one of his letters Hess will henceforth call Hitler “the Tribune”, which is a reference to Hitler’s Rienzi experience. When Haushofer visited Hess, he necessarily met Hitler also. It has been established that the professor of geopolitics visited Landsberg eight ...
... “came from a [tribal] princely family and was educated at the Emperor’s court in Rome”. He was a typical example of the assimilation of their conquered peoples by the Romans. Arminius even became a tribune of the Roman army, a rank equivalent to lieutenant-general, and fought, like many others, against the people from whom he originated, commanding German auxiliaries. He was therefore awarded, as the ...
... take revenge. These were the inexhaustible themes of Adolf Hitler, who had been as shocked as the rest of the German nation by the November debacle. We find them in all his speeches as a beer hall tribune, and they make up a substantial part of Mein Kampf . But Germany was living a complex lie, which served as the justification for its hurt but not eradicated pride and unabated ambitions, and of ...
... Associations in the Empire were represented by one or more of the gentlemen present, while as regards the Press, the proprietors, editors or delegates of the Mirror, the Hindu, the Indian Spectator, the Tribune and others showed, conclusively, the universality of the feelings which had culminated in the great and memorable gathering. Surely never had so important and comprehensive an assemblage occurred within ...
... BAHAWALPUR, Pakistan: Pakistani Army Generals, including President Pervez Musharraf and his top colleagues, have found an innovative way to defend the land of their country — by grabbing it. SA Tribune has got a list of over 100 armed forces men who allotted to themselves at least 400 or more acres of prime land in Bahawalpur, heart of Punjab, "to defend it from the enemy," at the throw away rate ...
... repression and maddened spurts of terrorism? Or between the cooings of the Moderates and the cater-waulings of the Anglo-Indian press? To function as a fearless nationalist leader and as an upright tribune of the people under those circumstances was as difficult and precarious a task as it would be for the juggler-horseman to keep six balls in the air all at once while riding the storm on a horse that ...
... of his incarceration. A political paralysis seemed to be creeping over the country drying up the blood-streams of national life. What had happened to the promised Dawn? Where were the accredited tribunes of the people? Why were fewer and fewer political meetings held, and why were they attended - not by tens of thousands as before, but only by a few hundred? How had such listlessness and resignation ...
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