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Turner, : Joseph Mallord William (1775-1851), English landscapist, who left over 19,000 water colours, drawings, & oils to posterity.
... diurnal course, With rocks, and stones, and trees. 2. Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis of Yoga, vol. 20, Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library, pp. 292-93. Page 220 Painting by Turner Fair seed-time had my soul, and I grew up Fostered alike by beauty and by fear: Much favoured in my birthplace, and no less In that beloved Vale to which erelong We... behind that craggy steep till then The horizon's bound, a huge peak, black and huge, As if with voluntary power instinct Page 223 Norham Castle, Sunrise, Painting by Turner, Tate Gallery, London Upreared its head. I struck and struck again, And growing still in stature the grim shape Towered up between me and the stars, and still, For so it seemed ...
... very enthusiastic over Turner's poetry. In his adventure through modern poetry he has made a discovery, Yeats says. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, in rhymed verse Turner writes very well at times. But his prose-poetry comes to nothing. NIRODBARAN: Turner seems to be a worshipper of "silence". SRI AUROBINDO: Not quite, because he is a music critic! ...
... and limited if it covered merely national movements, social revolutions, patriotic struggles, economic perplexities, mass-travails. The works of art mentioned by the challenger— the landscapes of Turner, Rembrandt's portraits Page 52 and the Japanese sea-scapes—are indeed quite innocent of such problems and realities. Their bearing on the issue at stake cannot be confused... cut off from life and earth. Nobody in his senses denies they have some connection with life and earth: the Japanese sea-scapes have surely something to do with the expanses of water around Japan, Turner is closely related to English sky-effects and Venetian lights, while Rembrandt is "realistically" linked with many aged and poor Netherlanders. Yet the problems and realities presented are of non-social ...
... auspicious? The last lines but feebly echo the first; as in Thompson's The Hound of Heaven, here too the chase of discovery is over; the wheel has come full circle; the revelation is complete. Turner and Blake both write about the Tiger; but one is the creation of the vital or mental aesthesis, the other is a torrent of suggestion or an onrush of power from a higher plane. Another... cited the passage as an example of the 'Grand Style' in Shakespeare; but its essential character is better suggested when we see it as an expression of the overhead aesthesis. To return to W. J. Turner again, when he writes— But the misery of the unsatisfied heart, The misery of the living life Whose flame is ever-renewed suffering— 54 we see in ...
... , p. xviii. 922 Ron Rosenbaum, op. cit., pp. xiv, xxxvi. 923 Walter Langer, op. cit., pp. 159, 33. 924 Ian Kershaw, op. cit., p. 103. 925 Ron Rosenbaum, op. cit., p. 92. 926 Stephen Turner (ed.): The Cambridge Companion to Weber, p. 94. 927 Nirodbaran: Talks with Sri Aurobindo, p. 84. 928 Sri Aurobindo: The Life Divine, pp. 707-08. 929 Id., p. 33. 930 Id., pp. 42, 185 ...
... Die SS Toland, John: Adolf Hitler (1977 ed.) Toye, Hugh: The Springing Tiger Subhash Chandra Bose Trevor-Roper, H.R.: The Last Days of Hitler Tuchman, Barbara: The Proud Tower Turner, Stephen (ed.): The Cambridge Companion to Weber Ulbricht, Justus: Die Rückkehr der Mystiker im Verlagsprogramm von E. Diederichs, in Mystique, mysticisme, etc. Voltaire: Philosophical ...
... in carved and painted wood, the Angel of the Annunciation and quite a number of other paintings by the Great Masters and their students. Raphael's cartoons were engaging. The oil painting of J.M.W. Turner depicting Venice was very attractive. My memory winged back to my trip to Venice in 1952. A gondola glided down the Grand Canal, a broad ribbon of silver before me, mirroring the blue sky. Night with ...
... and Japanese painters are not the same as those of European artists; but who can ignore the beauty and the wonder of their work? I dare say Mr. Archer would set Page 296 a Constable or a Turner above the whole mass of Far Eastern work, as I myself, if I had to make a choice, would take a Chinese or Japanese landscape or other magic transmutation of Nature in preference to all others; but ...
... rds in order to give examples of paintings of great artists. Here is one of them: 16.12.56 Bonjour To My dear little child , To my sweet Huta This is again a painting from Turner showing the interior of a room. It is again a good example of how things must be simplified in a picture. I am sending you back also your book for you to write down all what I told you yesterday ...
... at £75,000, to the nation, but also contributed £80,000 towards the cost of the building. We were delighted to see masterpieces—especially the paintings of Joshua Reynolds, William Blake, William Turner, Auguste Renoir, Constable, Wilson, Sargent and Sickert. I was impressed by the painting Heads of Angels by Reynolds. As a matter of fact, he had painted his daughter in different poses. I told Ramesh ...
... and satin gowns. My eyes could not escape the enchanting pictures by Rembrandt, Carlo Crivelli, Paul Cezanne, William Hogarth, Titian, Correggio, Anthony Van Dyck, Edouard Manet, Raphael, Watteau, Turner, Reynolds, Auguste Renoir and so forth. I was totally enthralled by the grandeur of the Great Masters; I ran out of all adjectives and accurate exclamations of praise and surprise. Michelangelo's ...
... only the surface of the vital, the life-spirit which after all has its rights in poetry, and does not get through into the soul. That at least is the final impression it leaves on me. 1933 W. J. Turner The Word made Flesh? How often does a man need to see a woman? Once! Once is enough, but a second time will confirm if it be she, Page 437 She who will be a fountain of everlasting ...
... Harin has from the very beginning always been original. There are several reasons why he is not appreciated in England. Firstly, he is an Indian. If he published anonymously, say, under the name "John Turner", he would have a better chance. Even so, he got high appreciation from critics like Binyon. Secondly, his poetry can be appreciated by those who have not lost the thread of English poetry since ...
... 344, 345, 396, Thompson, Francis 270,311 Thought the Paraclete 42, 321 Tilak, Bal Gangadhar 10,19, 25 Tillyard, E.M.W. 337,379,395, 445 456 Tod, James 51 Turner, W.J. 310-312 Underhill, Evelyn 339, 348 Urban, Wilbur Marshall 274, 449 Urvasie 40, 52,201,318,340,342,363,386, 421-423, 458 Valmiki 243 ...
... कुदः, कुंदं a jasmine scent or colour कुदः lotus .. कुदिनी a multitude of lotuses scent or colour a fragrant oleander scent Vishnu कुंदरः Play? a turner’s lathe curve. one of Kubera’s treasures. Light (brightness) कुंदमः cat. motion कुंदुः rat, mouse motion. The Labial Group. कुप् कुप् IV ...
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