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15 result/s found for Unification of being

... adventure will be there, will be for that only and not for the reign of any individual or collective ego. Love will be for him the contact, meeting, union of self with self, of spirit with spirit, a unification of being, a power and joy and intimacy and closeness of soul to soul, of the One to the One, a joy of identity and the consequences of a diverse identity. It is this joy of an intimate self-revealing ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... progresses, the other hastens to demolish it. The unification of your being is imposing itself in an urgent way, and for this the luminous part has to dominate the obscure one and educate it, instead of letting it do whatever it wants — in other words, letting it spoil your life and make you miserable. You must regard this part of your being not as yourself but as a hostile formation that you ...

... which, by the way, is the problem of the life of all human beings, specially when they have reached a certain degree of inner development but are not yet on the summit of spiritual freedom through the unification of their being around their conscious soul. For it is the lack of unification which is the cause of all problems. One part of the being pulls one way, another pulls the other way, sometimes one... soul remains very closely linked with my being, as the contact with the supramental consciousness grows more and more total and constant, it acts very strongly on your soul like an almost irresistible attraction. This is what happened in 58.. To conclude, "an easy and pleasant life" can only satisfy the outer being; but what answers in the physical being to the soul's influence need; for its flowering ...

... one's being constituting our different selves must result in self-control and self-mastery if the mental understanding is to become true self-knowledge. But true self-mastery can come about only when the different parts of the being—which are normally divided and conflicted—are unified around the inmost centre of our being, the soul or psychic being. As the Mother remarks, "This unification is ind... of earthly life, yoga implies not only union of the individual soul with the Divine but also the union of the outer being with the soul and the unification of one's being around the soul, for, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, it is only through such a unification of one's being that the Divine can be made to manifest and transform the earthly life. ... example of confusion caused by the inability to distinguish between different parts of the being pertains to the distinction between the psychic being or soul and parts of the being (mental and emotional) which are merely under the influence of the psychic being but are often mistaken to be the psychic being itself (pp. 91-93). Regarding the importance of such a discrimination, Sri Aurobindo writes: ...


... Mother More Answers from the Mother: 23 December 1936 The centre of the human being is the psychic which is the dwelling-place of the immanent Divine. Unification means organisation and harmonisation of all the parts of the being (mental, vital and physical) around this centre, so that all the activities of the being may be the correct expression of the will of the Divine Presence. The Mother... parts which have to be unified around the psychic being, if we are conscious of it or at least around the central aspiration. If this unification is not done, we carry this division within us. To do this, each thought, each feeling, each sensation, each impulse, each reaction, as it manifests, must be presented in the consciousness to the central being or its aspiration. What is in accord is accepted;... but in outer fact it is often one or other of the part beings in him that rules, and this representative of the soul, this deputy self he can mistake for the inmost soul principle. Sri Aurobindo The Life Divine - II: The Triple Transformation This unification is indispensable if one wants to be the master of one’s being and of all its actions. It is a long and meticulous work that requires ...


... and your transformed being will then be able to receive and manifest the Divine Love. 25 September 1934 The centre of the human being is the psychic which is the dwelling-place of the immanent Divine. Unification means organisation and harmonisation of all the parts of the being (mental, vital and physical) around this centre, so that all the activities of the being may be the correct expression... which, by the way, is the problem of the life of all human beings, especially when they have reached a certain degree of inner development but are not yet on the summit of spiritual freedom through the unification of their being around their conscious soul. For it is the lack of unification which is the cause of all problems. One part of the being pulls one way, another pulls the other way, sometimes one... soul remains very closely linked with my being, as the contact with the supramental consciousness grows more and more total and constant, it acts very strongly on your soul like an almost irresistible attraction. This is what happened in 1958. To conclude, "an easy and pleasant life" can only satisfy the outer being; but what answers in the physical being to the soul's influence needs for its flowering ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... That too depends on the degree of development, the conditions of death―and above all on the unification of the being and its attitude at the time of leaving the body. The question here was about fully developed beings, that is, fully developed psychic beings—and I don't know if it means a psychic being which has profited by its presence in a physical body to do yoga, for then the conditions are quite... envelope of the being, everything depends on its attitude at the moment of death, and that attitude necessarily depends on its inner development and its unification. If we take the best instance, of someone who has unified his being completely around the divine Presence within him, who is now only one will, one consciousness, this person will have grouped around his central psychic being a fully developed... evolved souls in beings either preparing to be born or already born. As I said, the cases are quite different; it depends more on psychological conditions than on material ones, but it also depends on material conditions. It depends on the state of development of the soul which wants to reincarnate―we take the word "soul" here in the sense of the psychic being, what we call the psychic being―it depends on ...


... responsibility. For he Considers India as the repository of the spiritual consciousness, the Guardian of Page 73 Truth, as the Veda says, and in the new age of world unification her national being will act as the spearhead breaking into the old-world formations and signalling the shape of things to come. Page 74 ... life possible, not only possible but inevitable to the human being— that is the work for which he laboured. Man's mind and intelligence, his life-energy, his body-form are all taken up, purified of the lower formulation, remoulded into the mode and pattern of the supramental truth-consciousness: he becomes a complete, integral perfect being expressing and embodying in all his limbs and movements the... called Inspiration that rules the poet and the artist disclosing to them a world of beauty and reality that is not available to the normal human consciousness. Again, there is yet another group of human beings at the top of the ladder of evolution —mystics and sages—who see the truth, possess the truth direct through a luminous immediacy of perception, called Revelation. Now, all these functionings of ...

... very perplexed because with all their goodwill they do not get the expected result; that happens because generally they wish to approve of their being instead of transforming it and because moral notions are very bad. In the work of unification of the being, you must needs have imagination enough to be able to put the movements you have, the movements you wish to keep, to put them before what you are... unifying your being? Have you been disturbed, sometimes, to see that now you are one person, at other times another, at one time you want to do one thing, at another time you cannot do it, that you find yourself facing an individuality which you can call yourself and yet at the same time there are many parts of this individuality which escape you? I have not attempted the unification of the different... Questions and Answers (1950-1951) 8 February 1951 "The outer being is like a crust. In ordinary people the crust is so hard and thick that they are not conscious of the Divine within them. If once, even for a moment only, the inner being has said, 'I am here and I am yours', then it is as though a bridge has been built and little by little the crust ...


... These sadhana can be formulated in the words of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as follows. The formulations are quite self-explanatory and need no elucidation. Formula One: "Lack of unification of the being creates difficulties in reception." Formula Two: "It is with the widening of the consciousness that the receptivity increases." Formula Three: "Relax and receive." Formula... life and existence that we normally function with is not our true real being. "The real self is not anywhere on the surface but deep within and far "above." (Sri Aurobindo) It becomes then necessary that the sadhaka of our Path should open himself more and more inward till he establishes a direct contact with his psychic being; he has to, at the same time, open Page 78 himself... preferences and because of that acts as an obstacle to the action of the divine Shakti in its ādhāra; "if it is found that the vital being of the sadhaka is whirling in the vortex of its greeds and desires; "if it is found that the physical being of the sadhaka has mortgaged itself to the inert movements and habits that normally activate it, and because of that is unwilling to admit within ...

... mighty destiny and a heavy responsibility. For he considers India as the repository of the spiritual consciousness, the Guardian of Truth, as the Veda says, and in the new age of world unification her national being will act as the spearhead breaking into the old-world formations and signalling the shape of things to come. II "The poet of patriotism, the prophet of nationalism and the lover... , a transmutation in the higher supramental consciousness. The family instead of being built upon blood-relationship may surely have a different foundation in soul-kinship, in affinity of consciousness, comradeship in life-work. It means a total revolution, a reversal of nature, the roots being above instead of being below, as already referred to. Such far-reaching changes may well be called for... life possible, not only possible but inevitable to the human being-that is the work for which he laboured. Man's mind and intelligence, his life energy, his body-form are all taken up, purified of the lower formulation, remoulded into the mode and pattern of the supramental truth-consciousness: he becomes a complete, integral perfect being expressing and embodying in all his limbs and movements the ...

... mighty destiny and a heavy responsibility. For he considers India as the repository of the spiritual consciousness, the Guardian of Truth, as the Veda says, and in the new age of world unification her national being will act as the spearhead breaking into the old-world formations and signalling the shape of things to come. II "The poet of patriotism, the prophet of nationalism... , a transmutation in the higher supramental consciousness. The family instead of being built upon blood-relationship may surely have a different foundation in soul- kinship, in affinity of consciousness, comradeship in life-work. It means a total revolution, a reversal of nature, the roots being above instead of being below, as already referred to. Such far-reaching changes may well be called... life possible, not only possible but inevitable to the human being—that is the work for which he laboured. Man's mind and intelligence, his life- energy, his body-form are all taken up, purified of the lower formulation, remoulded into the mode and pattern of the supramental truth-consciousness: he becomes a complete, integral perfect being expressing and embodying in all his limbs and movements the ...

... parts which must be unified around the psychic being, if we are conscious of it, or at least around the central aspiration. If this unification is not done we carry this division within us. To do this, each thought, each feeling, each sensation, each impulse, each reaction, as it manifests, must be presented in the consciousness to the central being or its aspiration. What is in accord is accepted... takes me a long time to assimilate even the little I am able to receive. Untroubled, I pray: How can the situation be improved? This difficulty usually comes from a lack of unification of the being. Certain parts are recalcitrant and refuse to Page 7 receive. They have to be educated little by little, just as one educates;educates a child — and little by little too the situation... accepted, what is not in accord is refused, rejected or transformed. It is a long task which may take many years — but once it is done the unification is achieved and the path becomes easy and swift. 10.5.1967 In silence I prayed to You to accept me, me as I am, with all my imperfections. In silence and in Your mercifulness, You gave me Your acceptance. Page 10 This ...


... have to be unified around the psychic being, if we are conscious of it or at least around the central aspiration. If this unification is not done, we carry this division within us. Page 362 To do this, each thought, each feeling, each sensation, each impulse, each reaction, as it manifests, must be presented in the consciousness to the central being or its aspiration. What is in accord is... limited since it takes me a long time to assimilate even the little I am able to receive. Untroubled, I pray: How can the situation be improved? This difficulty usually comes from a lack of unification of the being. Certain parts are recalcitrant and refuse to receive. They have to be educated little by little, just as one educates a child—and little by little too the situation will improve. 7 April... which may take many years—but once it is done, the unification is achieved and the path becomes easy and swift. 10 May 1967 How can I get rid of the habit of feeling that I own the material things that belong to me? If you belong entirely and totally to the Divine, then all that belongs to you, all that forms part of your material being, belongs to the Divine. 16 May 1967 Sometimes ...


... distinction can be made between being and consciousness,—for they are too much one there to be thus differentiated,—but this supreme status of being is also a supreme status of the power of being and therefore of the power of consciousness; for the force of being and the force of its consciousness are one there and cannot be separated: it is this unification of eternal Being with the eternal Consciousness-Force... unreality of all that it has seen and thought and taken as part of itself or its universe. This "all" becomes to it a universal unreality or a many-sided fragmental reality without a principle of unification; as it passes into the negativing purity of an absolute experience, all falls away from it and there remains only a silent and immobile Absolute. But the consciousness might be called to go farther... maintains substance of being in stable form of itself: but this stability is created, and the one permanent and self-existent status is that of the eternal Being whose Energy erected the forms. But we need not therefore conclude that the temporary forms are unreal; for the energy of the being is real and the forms made by it are forms of the being. In any case the status of the being and the eternal dynamis ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine