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A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
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A Vision of United India [6]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Bande Mataram [1]
Beyond Man [1]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [1]
Blake's Tyger [1]
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By The Way - Part III [1]
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Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [1]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [2]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Education and the Aim of human life [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [3]
In the Mother's Light [2]
India's Rebirth [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
On The Mother [1]
Our Many Selves [1]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [3]
Philosophy of Supermind and Contemporary Crisis [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
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Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [1]
Record of Yoga [1]
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Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [3]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [1]
The Destiny of the Body [3]
The Human Cycle [3]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [3]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [3]
The Life Divine [7]
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The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
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The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
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Words of the Mother - II [1]
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A Centenary Tribute [1]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
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A Philosophy of the Role of the Contemporary Teacher [1]
A Vision of United India [6]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Bande Mataram [1]
Beyond Man [1]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [1]
Blake's Tyger [1]
By The Way - Part II [1]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [1]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [2]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Education and the Aim of human life [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [3]
In the Mother's Light [2]
India's Rebirth [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
On The Mother [1]
Our Many Selves [1]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [3]
Philosophy of Supermind and Contemporary Crisis [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Problems of Early Christianity [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [1]
Record of Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [3]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [3]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [1]
The Destiny of the Body [3]
The Human Cycle [3]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [3]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [3]
The Life Divine [7]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [2]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [4]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [2]
Words of the Mother - II [1]
Words of the Mother - III [1]
99 result/s found for Unity and diversity

... of handling unity and diversity. So in life consciousness has a correspondence to force. Man's feeling that he is weak and incapable is not the final condition because the consciousness will have a corresponding force, and if you depend upon the consciousness which is infinite, you will get an infinite force to support you. And when consciousness is one that can be in unity and diversity at the same... which is that of divided consciousness, and he is able to see the problem. It is only when he rises to the plane of coexistent unity and diversity that his problem of life can be solved. When from the divided consciousness he rises to a consciousness in which unity and diversity coexist then the problem of life, that is, the problem of division, struggle and opposition, and aspect of duality will be radically... same time, you will have power that deals with unity and diversity at the same time. When you surrender to a Higher Consciousness, to an Omnipotent, Omniscient Force or Reality, then the force of that consciousness will work in you. You are an individual with a divided consciousness. In a divided consciousness it is egoistic force, and you have to aspire from there. If you appeal to the Divine consciousness ...


... substitute the spirit of rivalry and competition by the goodwill of collaboration and mutual understanding. liberty and order fraternity and independence equality and hierarchy unity and diversity abundance and scarcity effort and repose power and compassion discernment and benevolence generosity and economy wastage and avarice Obey your soul, it alone has the right ...

... 5.Sri Aurobindo, The Ideal of Human Unity (1950 ed.), p. 14. Page 203 But somehow or other we have to find a perfect reconciliation between freedom and harmony, unity and diversity, growth of the individual and the development of the social being. For both the individual and the collectivity are fundamental truths of existence. And to curb the freedom of the individual ...

... sympathy, Page 132 compassion, spiritual love and harmony; secondly, of concentration and contemplation of internal communion with the subjective and the objective forces of unity and diversity, and thirdly, of internal union with the highest possible source or sources of love, joy and beauty. Sainthood consists of effortless inspiration to be engaged in works of friendliness, charity ...

... (d) India and the ideal of human unity Part III An in-depth study of the one of the following themes: (a) Tolerance and synthesis in Indian culture (b) Unity and diversity of India (c) Remedy of India's social evils (d) Synthesis of democracy and socialism in the Indian context (e) The contemporary Indian youth: His aspirations ...

... and living organism. A system had to be found that would maintain peace and oneness among its members, secure safety against external attack and totalise the free play and evolution, in its unity and diversity, in the uncoerced and active life of all its constituent communal and regional units, of the soul and body of Indian civilization and culture, the functioning on a grand and total scale of the ...

... Satchidananda is indivisible unity and mind is essential mutiplicity. It is in the Supermind that the link between the Eternal Satchidananda and the Triple world of mind, life and body exists, that unity and diversity co-exist without division—they both stand and act on the basis of the Infinite Brahman. Mind is only a preparatory term—not an instrument of essential knowledge. Mind is analytical, it ...


... self-becoming. It is perceived in the subject, and not outside it; and this perception is not only of the invariable essence of the object, but also of the truth of its varying appearances. Unity and diversity do not stand out as contraries in that all-comprehensive knowledge of the higher Nature, they represent and reveal an indivisible existence at once one and multiply self-reproducing. Nothing ...

... and living organism. A system had to be found that would maintain peace and oneness among its members, secure safety against external attack and totalise the free play and evolution, in its unity and diversity, in the uncoerced and active life of all its constituent communal and regional units, of the soul and body of Indian civilisation and culture, the functioning on a grand and total scale of the ...


... p. 144. 3 The Life Divine, p. 192. 4 Sri Aurobindo, The Ideal of Human Unity, p. 296. Page 254 is to arrive at a supremely harmonious equation of Unity and Diversity, Freedom and Order, individual Growth and collective Cohesion. Thus, unity being the very basis of existence, "the oneness that is secretly at the foundation of all things, the evolving ...

... Doubt into faith 11) Confusion into order 12) Defeat into victory 9 October 1951 Page 223 Liberty and order Fraternity and independence Equality and hierarchy Unity and diversity Abundance and scarcity Effort and repose Power and compassion Discernment and benevolence Generosity and economy Wastage and avarice Conversion: the starting-point of ...


... and I may be seen as standing together and when you by way of praise compare my writings to Plato's you really mean the writings of Plato as the door through which Socrates in all his inspired unity and diversity walks out into our midst as he did into the market-place of Athens in the 5th century B.C.   Of course, the Socrates of my "Platonic" writings is Sri Aurobindo. It is he who moves in and ...


... ... substitute the spirit of rivalry and competition by the goodwill of collaboration and mutual understanding. liberty and order fraternity and independence equality and hierarchy unity and diversity abundance and scarcity effort and repose power and compassion discernment and benevolence generosity and economy wastage and avarice Obey your soul, it alone has the right to govern ...


... to arrive at universal solidarity, which yet retains the individuality Page 487 of the constituent groups, nations and individuals. And this is governed by a law of simultaneous unity and diversity, — diversity manifesting unity and unity manifesting diversity. There is, however, a limiting factor — the factor of the operation of ignorance, which creates the law of conflict and the ...

... that is capable of intense sympathy, compassion, spiritual love and harmony, secondly, of concentration and contemplation of internal communion with the subjective and the objective forces of unity and diversity, and thirdly, of internal union with the highest possible source or sources of love, joy and beauty. Sainthood consists of effortless inspiration to be engaged in works of friendliness, charity ...

... inescapably the same destiny.... We are at the turning-point in the spiritual history of man.... Because Aurobindo is in this world, the world is becoming able to express progressively Unity and Diversity instead of Division. Love instead of Hatred, Truth-Consciousness instead of Falsehood, Freedom instead of Tyranny, Immortality instead of Death. And writing in 1950 in the Modern Churchman ...

... the Soul Page 43 was attracted by Nature. The question arises why did the Absolute abandon its status and create this imperfect world ? The difficulty is to explain the basic unity and diversity with the existence of a condition contrary to it; for, to the mind, to understand something preexistent to it is hard. Mind is a creation of the fall, of the duality, created by separation ...


... of Life 266 The End of the Curve of Reason 276 The Advent and Progress of the Spiritual Age 292 A Vision of Spiritual Society 301 Part V The Turn Towards Unity 310 Unity in Diversity, Law and Liberty 317 The Peril of the World-State 325 The Conditions of a Free World-Union 334 Spiritual Religion of Humanity 344 A Postscript Chapter 347 Part ...

... of place to make a study of their working. For indeed, they represent a fine example of unity in diversity, secularism and patriotism. Not only have they a magnificent record of bravery, valour and selfless service but also and, far more important, they have been one of the chief instruments in keeping the unity and integrity of the country intact. What are the factors that have made such a record possible... drilled into the minds of all members of the Army, the highest form of comradeship, the esprit de corps both in peace and battle play a key role in the functioning of the Armed Forces. This sense of unity, while respecting the traditions of Indian culture should be the motto of every Indian citizen. Page 183 • The Indian Armed Force is truly Indian in its deepest sense. The soldiers... soldiers and officers of the Indian Armed Forces are first and foremost Indians. Their love of India transcends all regions, castes and religions. They are thus psychologically upholding the unity of the country. All Indians must emulate this. They must be first and foremost Indians. • The Indian Armed Force is secular in the best sense of the term. Whatever the religion of the soldier and ...


... again arrives. The Congress, therefore, provides the point of unity which prevents the diversity of our political activities from dissolving our political life into so many disconnected units. Unity, as we have said, is a means and not an end. To agree is easy if we are willing to sacrifice our principles, but such agreement is not unity; it is sacrificing the soul of the nation so that an artificial... parties Page 1052 themselves. The only thing we have to see to is that this diversity is not allowed to break up the nation into warring factions, and we are therefore anxious to save, if possible, the Congress from extinction, because the Congress at present is the only ground of unity in diversity, the only field where all can meet to diverge and again meet without loss of principle or... to bow to the will of the majority in all matters which do not break the mould of Nationalism to serve the interests of a moment. Unity is at present a means and not an end in itself. As we have often pointed out, unanimity is not unity but merely an affectation of unity. There is an idea in many minds that our salvation lies in the removal of all differences, religious, social and political, but we ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Library). The longest after this—321 words—comes on p. 624 of The Life Divine by Sri Aurobindo (American Edition, 1949). This sentence is the second in the paragraph which starts speaking of "a unity behind diversity and discord" as "the secret of the variety of human religions and philosophies". It runs: "Whether they see dimly the material world as the body of the Divine, or life as a great pulsation... only a fixed number of them are relevant, exhausting the real possibilities of the variety into which human religions and philosophies can meaningfully proliferate in relation to the secret divine unity. Page 394 ...


... discovered and is fully at work. It is true that the ancient diversities of the country carried in them great advantages as well as drawbacks. By these Page 172 differences the country was made the home of many living and pulsating centres of life, art, culture, a richly and brilliantly coloured diversity in unity; all was not drawn up into a few provincial capitals or an imperial... nation lived with a full life in its many parts and this increased enormously the creative energy of the whole. There is no possibility any longer that this diversity will endanger or diminish the unity of India. Above all, the spirit of patriotic unity has been too firmly established in the people to be too easily effaced or diminished, and it would be more endangered by refusing to allow the natural play... play of life of the sub-nations than by satisfying their legitimate aspirations... India's national life will then be founded on her natural strengths and the principle of unity in diversity which has always been normal to her and its fulfilment the fundamental course of her being and its very nature, the Many in the One, would place her on the sure foundation of her Swabhava and Swadharma. ...


... where everything in life will be true, good and beautiful and by realisation of the oneness of the Spirit, we shall realise the essential unity, peace and harmony of a life full of knowledge, power, love and bliss. The age-long preaching of the sages of unity in diversity of the Many in One and of the One in Many, will no longer remain a theory or speculation but will be actually realised in human life ...

... under its own integrating power. Super-consciousness refers to the realm of the transcendental Spirit which, in its universal aspect, provides an entry into cosmic consciousness and increasing unity of diversity which culminates in what is called in Yoga, supramental consciousness or consciousness of vijnānamaya. Again, it is true, as William James points out, mystical states are transient. But ...

... same time, it has an unparalleled cultural diversity. A successful resolution of the Indian problem will make it easier for world unity to take shape. This can only be done by making spirituality the basis of unity; in other words, by going beyond the religious approach into the spiritual approach. The spiritual framework assures unity on the basis of diversity. We divide this part of... have to go beyond religion to spirituality. It is only in the spiritual approach that there can exist a harmony - a harmony that will be based on unity in diversity. 4. In the last part, we shall suggest some practical lines along which this unity can be established and cemented. On the political and economic fronts, it will be necessary to move towards the creation of a confederation in the... Indian political unity may be brought about. It has to be clearly understood that when we speak of the political unity of India, we mean the unity of the whole subcontinent and not just the unity of India and Pakistan. The question whether the unity will take the form of a federation or a confederation depends on circumstances and is not of paramount importance. But the creation of this unity is of great ...


... Truth―that is how they deny the total Truth. The truth is neither in separation nor in uniformity. The truth is in unity manifesting through diversity. Page 198 Intellectually, the Truth is the point where all the opposites meet and join to make a unity. Practically, the Truth is the surrender of the ego, to make possible the birth and manifestation of the Divine. Doubt ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... triumph, the emergence of the global sense hi man that is to bind humanity as a single indissoluble indivisible unity in actual life. The aggregates are meant to express, apart from the growing unity, a diversity of achievements in the collective consciousness marking and enriching that unity. The highest, the largest aggregate attained at the present moment is as I have said, that of the nation,... This is, however, a static unity and harmony, a harmony that is in the being, in essence. For in the outward working there is always a play of discord – quarrels and rivalries, competition and conflict, struggle and Page 232 battle. Indeed this seems to be the rule, the other seems more an ideal than a fact. The unity that is found actually is rather the unity of a locked fight. Within... this play of discord there is an inherent and overruling unity and harmony which creates the personality or individuality of the human person. The characteristic of the human person is his forward-looking gaze-he has a purpose in life. This is exactly the dynamic element, the something more that is needed for the fulfilment of the organic unity. This element is what we know as the principle of progress ...

... impracticable, and it is doubtful if it is for India truly desirable. The ancient diversities of the country carried in them great advantages as well as drawbacks. By these differences the country was made the home of many living and pulsating centres of life, art, culture, a richly and brilliantly coloured diversity in unity; all was not drawn up into a few provincial capitals or an imperial metropolis... inadequately, — the demand for the reconstruction of the artificial British-made Presidencies and Provinces into natural divisions forming a new system, new and yet founded on the principle of diversity in unity attempted by ancient India. India, shut into a separate existence by the Himalayas and the ocean, has always been the home of a peculiar people with characteristics of its own recognisably distinct... culturally asleep; the whole nation lived with a full life in its many parts and this increased enormously the creative energy of the whole. There is no possibility any longer that this diversity will endanger or diminish the unity of India. Those vast spaces which kept her people from closeness and a full interplay have been abolished in their separating effect by the march of Science and the swiftness of ...


... measured by the richness of the diversities which it creates. At the same time, while diversity is essential for power and fruitfulness of life, unity is necessary for its order, arrangement and stability. Unity we must create, but not necessarily uniformity. If man could realise a perfect spiritual unity, no sort of uniformity would be necessary; for the utmost play of diversity would be securely possible... The Ideal of Human Unity The Ideal of Human Unity The Ideal of Human Unity - II The Human Cycle Chapter XVII Nature's Law in Our Progress - Unity in Diversity, Law and Liberty For man alone of terrestrial creatures to live rightly involves the necessity of knowing rightly, whether, as rationalism pretends, by the sole or dominant instrumentation of his... mutual assimilation would be out of the question. Therefore we see that in this harmony between our unity and our diversity lies the secret of life; Nature insists equally in all her works upon unity and upon variation. We shall find that a real spiritual and psychological unity can allow a free diversity and dispense with all but the minimum of uniformity which is sufficient to embody the community of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... impracticable, and it is doubtful if it is for India truly desirable. The ancient diversities of the country carried in them great advantages as well as drawbacks. By these differences the country was made the home of many living and pulsating centres of life, art, culture, a richly and brilliantly coloured diversity in unity; all was not drawn up into a few provincial capitals or an imperial metropolis... inadequately,—the demand for the reconstruction of the artificial British-made Presidencies and Provinces into natural divisions forming a new system, new and yet founded on the principle of diversity in unity attempted by ancient India. India, shut into a separate existence by the Himalayas and the ocean, has always been the home of a peculiar people with characteristics of its own recognisably distinct... culturally asleep; the whole nation lived with a full life in its many parts and this increased enormously the creative energy of the whole. There is no possibility any longer that this diversity will endanger or diminish the unity of India. Those vast spaces which kept her people from closeness and a full interplay have been abolished in their separating effect by the march of Science and the swiftness of ...


... that Unity behind which is expressing itself through them and in which their discords must cease. But where the Consciousness is in possession of both the diversity and the unity and the latter contains and governs the former, where it is aware at once of the Law, Truth and Right of the All and the Law, Truth and Right of the individual and the two become consciously harmonised in a mutual unity, where... infinitum , but not arriving at any principle of unity. And in the mind again the conscious-power that should harmonise and unite is not only limited in its knowledge and in its will, but the knowledge and the will are disparate and often at discord. The principle of unity is above in the supermind: for there alone is the conscious unity of all diversities; there alone will and knowledge are equal and... One knowing itself as the Many and the Many knowing themselves as the One, there the Force also will be of the same nature: it will be a Life that consciously obeys the law of Unity and yet fulfils each thing in the diversity according to its proper rule and function; it will be a life in which all the individuals live at once in themselves and in each other as one conscious Being in many souls, one ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... but reveals too its infinite diversity; it works for diversity in oneness and for perfection in that diversity." Questions and Answers 1929 ( 4 August ) This is the very motive of the creation of the universe, that is to say, all are one, all is one in its origin, but each thing, each element, each being has as its mission the revealing of one part of this unity to itself, and it is this p... particularity which must be developed in everyone, while awakening at the same time the sense of the original unity. This is "to work for unity in diversity". And the perfection in that diversity lies in everyone's being perfectly what he ought to be. You have said: "Men have the impression that their desires are born within; they feel as if they come out of themselves or arise in themselves; but... creation, as far as the terrestrial individuality goes, is that we may achieve this union, this complete identification with the Supreme, the One, and at the same time keep the consciousness of our diversity, of the particular law we have to express. It is more difficult but infinitely more complete, and it is the very truth of this universe. The universe has not been made for anything else but that, ...


... Foreword to philosophy Unity in Diversity — from Kapila down to Carnap, that is the most comprehensive concept possible to man when he turns a searching eye upon the gigantic enigma presented by the cosmos in which he plays so striking a part. There have been uncompromising monists of stark, immutable, homogeneous Being who have looked upon all diversity as an inscrutable phantasmagoria... various series of formulations on earth for the gradual revelation of their own shades of divine diversity at play in the divine unity. This, again, means that each soul-truth gathers and assimilates through these formulations or rebirths a certain growing experience which helps it to express its diversity on evolutionary lines, and which it holds together in an evolving intermediate psychological form... images on earth of their own ideality. In that case, Nature is at bottom a supreme Spirit conceptively self-extended as the basis and substance of all cosmic existence, a Spirit of which the implicit diversity is necessarily of living soul-truths enjoying a play of divine consciousness, force and bliss, and which guides overtly or covertly a phenomenal mould of itself which starts with a complete involution ...


... dwells in the diversity and is its prisoner: it deals Page 483 with things separately and treats each as a separate existence, as it deals with sections of Time and divisions of Space; it sees unity only in a sum or by elimination of diversity or as a general conception and a vacant figure. But the gnosis dwells in the unity and knows by it all the nature of the diversities; it starts from... from the unity and sees diversities only of a unity, not diversities constituting the one, but a unity constituting its own multitudes. The gnostic knowledge, the gnostic sense does not recognise any real division; it does not treat things separately as if they were independent of their true and original oneness. The reason deals with the finite and is helpless before the infinite: it can conceive of... the effective ideation, vision, authentic identities of the divine knowledge, movement of the divine will-force, vibration of the divine delight intensities into a universal harmony, an illimitable diversity, a manifold rhythm of their powers, forms and interplay of living consequences. The mental Purusha rising into the vijñānamaya must ascend into these three powers. It must turn by conversion of ...


... liberated soul. He was also a Yogi in a new sense by virtue of wide-awake possession of what is called the Supermind. The Supermind is the creative Truth-Consciousness, the divine harmony of unity in diversity in which the perfect truth of all manifestation resides, both singly and innumerably, as Lord of the universe as well as the universe's m-dwelling Godhead. By the Supermind's integral realisation... universe it has its reality in the Transcendence whose complementary manifested formulations are the universe and the individual. In a general sense we may say that the original Consciousness is a unity-in-multiplicity and that for the purposes of the world-play the same Consciousness is divided into an infinite number of focal points. There is nothing impossible here: in fact it is the only possibility ...

... Divine, the Infinite, the Eternal. She has sought for and found the Supreme which is unity in diversity and which maintains its identity in the midst of multitudinous variables. The dynamic West has understood well, too well, the restless movements of life, its conflicts, its hustle-bustle, its hurly-burly, its diversity and it always runs after something new, ever new. The East wants the Truth beyond... of the earth. We know European music takes pride in harmony, while Indian music is noted for its Page 256 melody. In other words, Occidental music expresses the multitudinous diversity of Nature, while Oriental music represents the oneness of the truth beyond Nature. Further, let us turn to the spiritual practices of the East and the West and their effects on life. What is the... emotional creation, but in the image of the Buddha the percepts of a suprasensual consciousness have been heaped up. The East wants to discover the true nature, the truth of things present in the ultimate unity, the Infinite. The West dwells in the finite, the diverse, the duality. Beethoven characteristically represents the West in music. The soul of the West is reflected in the symphonies of Beethoven ...

... knowledge proper to the subliminal being is not complete. According to Sri Aurobindo, knowledge, in order to be true and complete must be a knowledge by identity and must arrive at oneness and unity in diversity. Therefore, a deeper and higher consciousness is needed to cure the deficiencies and mixtures of ignorance and knowledge that we obtain at the level of subliminal consciousness. Page 40... ess or corporeal consciousness and to the physical body. The thinking Mind is concerned with ideas and knowledge in their own right. It reasons and perceives with ideas of infinity, eternity, unity, identity and self-contradiction. It considers and finds out the value of things. The dynamic Mind is concerned with the putting out of mental forces for realization of the idea. The externalizing Mind... knowledge and actions, much surer and much more intimate than our external physical, vital and mental consciousness, still the subliminal consciousness is centered on multiplicity and divisions and not on unity, which is the characteristic of what can spiritually be called true Knowledge. As in our external consciousness, so also in subliminal consciousness, knowledge is a mixture of knowledge and ignorance ...

... be here a better and more illuminated exegete than Otto and Perrin.   An eminent student of Comparative Religion, R.C. Zaeh-ner, has some pertinent things to say in the fourth part, "Unity in Diversity - Vedantin and Christian", of his most recent book. 5 He starts with the Chhandogya Upanishad's two terms ksetrajna and a-ksetrajfia, "knower of the field" and "non-knower of the field" ...


... and harmony on earth. Other modes and means of promoting equality and peace are mere patching-up devices, temporary and restricted expedients or at best half-way houses to the basic spiritual unity-in-diversity. If we have any ideal before us of human perfection, individual and collective, the large and liberal and all-permeating Hinduism of which we have spoken is the world's prime necessity. Not for... and impart to the contemporary universe the typically Hindu light and colour which are of the deep divine Self of selves. Amplitude, multiplicity, variety to the utmost on a basis of absolute unity - penetration of the entire world and absorption too of the world in its entirety - these are Hinduism's natural modes of being. And if these modes are not to be vitiated it is necessary to consider... it is spoken by the south and the north, the west and the east of our sub-continent in a unifying nation-conscious manner as no Indian language is spoken. It is the language by which the political unity of our country has been historically formed, it is the language in which our whole battle for freedom has been fought, it is the language with which we have put India on the map of the world, it is ...

... only as an ideal of intellectual development but also as a cherished ideal of Indian culture. Along with the basic idea of synthesis, there is also the accompanying idea of unity, mutuality and oneness in diversity. That in spite of there being varying centrifugal forces, there are also supervening, powerful and harmonising centripetal forces operating in the Indian life and that the Indian... in comprehensive affirmation (or in denial of all denials) need a special emphasis. And our education should be so reoriented as to give a pre-eminent place to the pursuit of the culture of unity in diversity. Similarly, what is meant by secularism in the Indian context is uniquely Indian. According to the Western idea, secularism means a tendency or a system of beliefs which rejects all forms... left free to pursue or not to pursue and that it should have no place in our educational system. And, we may note that pursuit of peace implies the pursuit of a number of interrelated values such as unity, harmony, mutuality, friendship, faithfulness and sincerity. As a matter of fact, there is in the realm of values an intimate interrelatedness, and once we admit any given value, we are perforce ...

... millions of unlike objects." 21 A diversity of isolated facts showing no essential unity fails to satisfy a mathematician. His whole attempt is never to get lost in appearances but rather to penetrate deeper and deeper into the mystery of things until he gets at their inmost heart which is Unity. He always seeks for hidden connexions and an underlying unity in all things. "If it were possible to... leave it to our readers to offer an adequate explanation of this striking fact and pass on to the consideration of an ideal which is almost the life-breath of all mathematical research. Unity in Diversity "What we see everywhere is an infinitely variable fundamental 18.Nicolas Bourbaki, L' Architecture des Math é matiques. 19.Andre Weil, L'Avenir des Math é matiques... the MacLaurin Trisectrix and a folium of Descartes (orthogonal projection); the conchoid of Cappa and a Maschéroni curve; etc. In conclusion, let us add that this incessant search for unity in diversity should normally create in a student of mathematics a great reverence for the path of Yoga which declares: "All contraries are aspects of God's face. The Many are the innumerable One ...

... we must arrive before we can enter into the gnosis,—for in that all exists and from that all originates on the gnostic plane,—is, first of all, a truth of unity, of oneness, but of unity originating diversity, unity in multiplicity and still unity Page 489 always, an indefeasible oneness. State of gnosis, the condition of vijñānamaya being, is impossible without an ample and close sel... there they become unified and the Divine is no longer veiled in Maya. All is his action. The Jiva no longer says "I think, I act, I desire, I feel"; he does not even say like the sadhaka striving after unity but before he has reached it, "As appointed by Thee seated in my heart, I act." For the heart, the centre of the mental consciousness is no longer the centre of origination but only a blissful channel ...


... extreme, would impose not only the rule of one language, but also the overpowering dominion of one aspect of culture. Unity, on the other hand, would permit differences and differentiations which would pose difficulties of separativeness and psychological tensions. Yet, unity in diversity is preferable to uniformity; for while the problems arising out of uniformity seem to demand an unacceptable solution... the freedom of the human spirit, the problems arising out of the drive towards unity seem capable of a solution, which requires difficult but attainable cultivation of the deeper and higher faculties of personality. The task before us is, therefore, to prepare men and women in such a way that the preferred ideal of unity can be realized without the avoidable pains of conflicts and tensions. Education... multiply human beings of this kind is evidently one of the most important objectives that the contemporary teacher is called upon to promote. We may even go farther. Today the ideal of human unity is more or less vaguely making its way to the front of our consciousness, and the increasing advocacy of the world peace is preparing a firm foundation for the realization of this ideal. The intellectual ...

... and Tagore, Sri Krishna and Sri 'Aurobindo. Page 88 Further, the mango is fraught with the flavour and bouquet of the typical Indian genius. This genius combines in its unity a large diversity of elements so that India is a sort of microcosm of all humanity's numerous cultural and racial types: this fruit, as a recent writer on its many merits pointed out, holds in Its own unique ...


... their natural instrument of expression. A common language makes for unity and therefore it might be said that the unity of the human race demands unity of language; the advantages of diversity must be foregone for this greater good, however serious the temporary sacrifice. But it makes for a real, fruitful, living unity, only when it is the natural expression of the race or has been made natural... The Ideal of Human Unity The Ideal of Human Unity The Ideal of Human Unity - II The Human Cycle Chapter XXVIII Diversity in Oneness It is essential to keep constantly in view the fundamental powers and realities of life if we are not to be betrayed by the arbitrary rule of the logical reason and its attachment to the rigorous and limiting idea into ... of life and the living needs of the race. Unity is an idea which is not at all arbitrary or unreal; for unity is the very basis of existence. The oneness that is secretly at the foundation of all things, the evolving spirit in Nature is moved to realise consciously at the top; the evolution moves through diversity from a simple to a complex oneness. Unity the race moves towards and must one day realise ...

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... centre of each being the sense of perfect unity, and the diversity would—perhaps—never have been expressed. Through the loss of the memory of this unity began the possibility of becoming conscious of differences; and when one goes into the inconscient, at the other end, one falls back into a sort of unity that’s unconscious of itself, in which the diversity is as unexpressed as it is in the origin... origin. At both ends there is the same absence of diversity. In one case it is through a supreme consciousness of unity, in the other through a perfect unconsciousness of unity. The fixity of form is the means by which individuality can be formed. The Mother Questions and Answers (1957 - 1958): 20 February 1957 ...


... each being the sense of perfect unity, and the diversity would—perhaps—never have been expressed. Page 48 Through the loss of the memory of this unity began the possibility of becoming conscious of differences; and when one goes into the inconscient, at the other end, one falls back into a sort of unity that's unconscious of itself, in which the diversity is as unexpressed as it is in the... the origin. At both ends there is the same absence of diversity. In one case it is through a supreme consciousness of unity, in the other through a perfect unconsciousness of unity. The fixity of form is the means by which individuality can be formed. That's all, then. Page 49 × Saint-Exupéry, Terre ...


... there enters a duality with its inner conflict. For individual freedom is the second note of Pasternak's life-principle. No doubt, the whole creation is indivisible, yet it is a close-knit unity in manifold diversity. Seeing in this light, when we focus our attention on the individuality of man we come face to face with quite a different picture. Individuality means not only struggle but a veil of darkness... as revealed to him. The raison d'être of his book is the significance of life and its course as discovered by him. The first principle, the guiding motto of Pasternak's vision of life is the unity of all life on earth. The march of life has been one and indivisible in all climes and times. The same vibration of life, the same rhythmic movement is at play in the universe. Man, animal and plant... Life becomes a chalice of poison. The individual is condemned to dash himself in vain against the collective solidarity of which he is a part. And thereupon we begin to perceive that the peace, the unity, the supreme identity Pasternak has realised do not belong to the land of the mortals. Even if there is anything in his realisation that belongs to this earth, then it must have penetrated it, passed ...

... featureless and colourless unity: it is a one-in -many, a unity-in-diversity, and we should err as much by stressing the single and the uniform as by concentrating exclusively on the multi fold and the various . Life is not necessarily divided and broken up by being myriad-aspected; it is made richer, more capable of self-expression, more free and fiery, provided the inner unity is not forgotten or erased... nationhood when we have applied them to an aggregate of individuals we shall be committing a folly to which the modern mind is excessively prone – the folly of regarding the diversity of existence as real and concrete and the underlying unity as merely conceptual and abstract. But a nation can never be an aggregate of individuals any more than a country is just a large piece of land. When we speak of India... Nationalism has no meaning without this particularity. We may argue against the power of Nationalism, we may say that modern progressive thought minimises Nationalism in the hope of achieving a world-unity. But the very fact that we are talking of a national anthem implies the importance of the national Being. And the implication is perfectly justified. In point of fact, Page 18 this ...

... - preferably along the northern perimeter, as defined earlier'. As far as possible, this unity has to be brought about by peaceful methods; but the use of force cannot be ruled out; it does not go against the core values of Indian culture." "The basis of this oneness is 'Unity in Diversity'." The Muslim attitude When analysing the attitude of the Muslims, we must remember... of the view that Hindu-Muslim unity which could not be achieved during the last thousand years will not materialise during the ensuing thousand years. If we are to drive away the English people depending upon this elusive capital of Hindu-Muslim unity, I would rather advise its postponement." And finally, Sri Aurobindo too remarked in 1923: "Hindu-Muslim unity should not mean the subjection... peacefully with a religion whose principle is 'I will not tolerate you.' How are you going to have unity with these people? Certainly Hindu-Muslim unity cannot be arrived on the basis that the Muslims will go on converting Hindus while the Hindus shall not convert any Mohammedan. ... You can't build unity on such a basis. Perhaps, the only way of making the Mohammedans harmless is to make them lose their ...


... in the world and to take interest in what is happening around Page 327 one. Indeed Tagore's own institution building is based on his recognition of this principle of unity in diversity. And it is a lesson the modern Indian intellectual ought not to forget easily. Tagore's provenance owes not a little to the Vaisnavism practised in Bengal from Chaitanya's times. Bhakti of the... sense of human unity is a necessary part of a profound conservatism.   (e) Society is the secular or temporal manifestation of God's purpose. It is organised subtly and everyone has a place and a purpose in God's plan. The conservative imagination is teleological in character.   (f) Society has an organic unity and it should be the purpose of man to discover that unity.   (g) ... lesson we have learnt about ourselves - that we are the proud inheritors of a catholic view of life where narrow religious and domestic walls will not negate our multiple identities, our pluralism and diversity. If I choose to speak of a Hindu theistic identity it is because I know that best. I certainly do not claim an exclusive status for it but would assert its centrality to nationalist consciousness ...


... a single of those diversities. He referred to France where three different languages are spoken; he pointed that in America, the candidates for White House addressed the nation in fourteen languages; he referred to Austria, a congeries of races and languages, and he referred to acute divisions in Russia. Page 73 Sri Aurobindo maintained that the contention that unity in race, religion... examination. He acknowledged that such elements of unity are very helpful to the growth of nationality, but they are not essential and will not even of themselves assure its growth. Referring to the example of the Roman Empire, he pointed out that even though it created a common language, a common religion and life, and did its best to crush out racial diversities under the heavy weight of its uniform system... make up the nation. He further pointed out that the nation is veritably a soul, which is immortal and even when geographically fragmented or divided, it has the power to reunite itself as one unity in diversity. Page 86 Indian nationalism has been a source of a great recovery and reassertion of those qualities of Dharma which have been the force of upliftment of millions of peoples of this ...

... irreconcilable faiths and here too there were mutual influences. The ancient diversities of the country carried in them great advantages as well as drawbacks. By these differences the country was made the home of many living and pulsating centres of life, art, culture, a richly and brilliantly coloured diversity in unity; all was not drawn up into a few provincial capitals or an imperial metropolis... culturally asleep; the whole nation lived with a full life in its many parts and this increased enormously the creative energy of the whole. There is no possibility any longer that this diversity will endanger or diminish the unity of India. Those vast spaces which kept her people from closeness and a full interplay have been abolished in their separating effect by the Page 248 march of Science... if not immediately, yet as early as may conveniently be, might well be considered the wisest course.* India's national life will then be founded on her natural strengths and the principle of unity in diversity which has always been normal to her and its fulfilment the fundamental course of her being and its very nature, the Many in the One, would place her on the sure foundation of her Swabhava and ...


... with you. In our Ashram collective life there is no true unity. For a long time I have been feeling it. Once I told the Mother that our ideal was unity in diversity. There was plenty of diversity in the Ashram. But the Mother had not yet succeeded in bringing unity in it. She remained silent and said nothing. I understand that unity can come in two ways. One, the ordinary way, when co... are running the organisation had the true realisation, they could surely lead us to a better understanding, and as a result there would be better unity in our collective life. All the qualities you mention in your speech which favour better unity, such as love, understanding, fellow-feeling, comradeship, compassion, tolerance, patience, etc., are psychic qualities, and how can they come from... interest. The other way is, when men transcend themselves, have at least the psychic realisation and their consciousness is tuned with a Higher Truth, they rise above ego and desire, and true unity in collectivity takes place. Once the Mother told me that if She were to pick from the Ashram population those who come only for the Truth, She would get only a handful of them. Most of the ...

... also the self of all, this diversity will never clash with the inherent unity of the movement. In the words of Sri Aurobindo: "A supramental or gnostic race of beings would not be a race made according to a single type, moulded in a single fixed pattern; for the law of the supermind is unity fulfilled in diversity, and therefore there would be an infinite diversity in the manifestation of... at each step and find the dynamic right expression of that relation." 1 Unity, mutuality and harmony will thus be the law of a common collective life. But for that it need not be feared that the group life will be just a white monotone excluding from itself all the manifold richness of a polychrome diversity. Indeed, there will be infinite variation in the manifestation of the individuals... ess, bases itself intrinsically and always on the standpoint of essential and inalienable oneness and regards everything, even the most diverse and apparently the most glaring multiplicity and diversity in the light of this oneness. Its will, ideas, feelings, sense are all made of the stuff of oneness and its dynamic action invariably proceeds upon that secure basis. Supermind being a unitarian ...

... and that culminate in its ultimate dissolution, lies in this divine principle, Supermind, "of which Immortality is the law" 1 and about which one can say: "there alone is the conscious unity of all diversities, there alone will and knowledge are equal and in perfect harmony, there alone Consciousness and Force arrive at their divine equation." 2 It is through the supramental transformation ...

... “even see the step ahead.” 26 The characteristics of the radical events ahead, however, should be identifiable as the conditions necessary for the appearance of the supramental being: world-unity in diversity; supercession of the ego in individuals, communities, religions, peoples and nations; fulfilment of the highest capabilities of the human being leading towards the realisation of his most sublime ...


... personality of the Supreme Being, the Purusha of the Upanishads, the Purushottama of the Gita. Page 35 envisagings of the various aspects of the One, who is bound neither by His diversity nor by His unity. In the last phase of the cult of love and delight as embodied in Sri Chaitanya, one of the supreme mysteries of the relation. between the Divine and the human soul was seized and revealed—the... ¹ The Life Divine by Sri Aurobindo. Page 56 fulfilment of the reasoning mind of man. It is destined to lead mankind to the full realisation and enjoyment of the unity in diversity, which is the secret of creation and the goal of evolution. After the intuitive synthesis of the Upanishads, there was the illumined intellectual ¹ synthesis of the Gitâ, and then, on a slightly... multiplicity, though well within the infinite play of unity. The soul-forms develop an increasing network of relations among themselves as well as with the One, and seem to be tending towards the diversified delight of the One in the Many and of the Many in the One. This poise is "a sort of fundamental blissful dualism in unity—no longer unity qualified by a subordinate dualism—between the individual ...

... entangled discords of this multiplicity of separated, conflicting, intertwining, colliding ideas, forces, tendencies, instincts, impulses, aspects, appearances which we call life, can find the unity of their diversity, the harmony of their divergences, the justification of their claims, the correction of their perversions and aberrations, the solution of their problems and disputes. Knowledge seeks for... its own way: the infrarational gropes for it blindly along the line of its instincts, needs, impulses; the rational lays for it its trap of logic and order, follows out and gathers together its diversities, analyses them in order to synthetise; the suprarational gets behind and above things and into their inmost parts, there to touch and lay hands on the Reality itself in its core and essence and enlighten... appearances,—it is an attempt to grow into the divine nature. Its parts of purity are an aspiration towards the inalienable purity of God's being; its parts of truth and right are a seeking after conscious unity with the law of the divine knowledge and will; its parts of sympathy and charity are a movement towards the infinity and universality of the divine love; its parts of strength and manhood are an edification ...

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... own delight and being. Mind is the action of the same powers, but limited and only very indirectly and partially illumined. Supermind lives in unity though it plays with diversity; mind lives in a separative action of diversity, though it may open to unity. Mind is not only capable of ignorance, but, because it acts always partially and by limitation, it works characteristically as a power of ignorance:... consciousness of unity dominates; the soul lives in its awareness of eternity, universality, unity, and whatever diversity there is, is not separative, but only a multitudinous aspect of oneness. It may dwell too in the principle of supermind, in a luminous self-determining knowledge, will and action which develops some coordination of perfect delight of conscious being. In the higher gnosis unity is the basis... basis, but it takes its joy in diversity; in lower fact of supermind diversity is the basis, but it refers back always to a conscious unity and it takes joy in unity. These ranges of consciousness are beyond our present level; they are superconscious to our normal mentality. That belongs to a lower hemisphere of being. This lower being begins where a veil falls between soul and nature, between spirit ...


... this Nous: it is the consciousness of which the Neo-Platonic Nous is a weak, vague and diffuse description. All the planes above the mind are spiritual ones and are the play of a luminous unity in a diversity of delight: there is natural to them what I have called in a poem of mine "the shining smile of the one Self everywhere", they form a pattern and harmony whose wavering reflex and echo ...

... it and began circling around the globe. As if floating on water. Gradually they began circling one by one like in a geometric Page 17 design. I felt as if I was witnessing the unity in diversity of the entire world. The very next instant I saw before me a huge sand dune, a vast expanse of sand, somewhere by the sea, it seemed. At a distance, there was a single-storied house with ...

... Absolute, but is a spontaneous play of His Consciousness-Force (cit-tapas). Its Purpose in our evolutionary world is a progressive self-manifestation of the Divine in terms of unity in diversity. But in the material formula diversity or division seems to be its primary Page 225 objective. It creates a myriad centres of the one indivisible Consciousness; a myriad units of the one, unitary... perfection. And, besides, it is fired with a synthetic idealism, a supreme gift of the Time-Spirit, which insists on the discovery and realisation of unity and harmony in life and is loth to reject it out of hand as an ever-circling futility. A victorious unity of Spirit and Matter, Life and Light, Silence and Movement, One and Many, seems to be its master passion, which it cannot forswear simply because... stress shifts on to unity. The full- fledged ego in man, smarting under the slavery of desires, yearns to transcend itself and attain to freedom and mastery. This new yearning does not originate in the ego, though the ego seems to be its immediate medium of expression, but in the soul—it heralds the replacement of the desire-soul by the delight-soul in man. An increasing unity, harmony, order, loving ...


... this immense evolutionary movement. It is not possible for him to envisage being at first in the completeness of its unity: it presents itself to him through diversity, and his search for knowledge is preoccupied with three principal categories which sum up for him all its diversity; him self,—man or individual soul,—God, and Nature. The first is that of which alone he is directly aware in his normal... and disposition of result, but absolutely in God, because the one Absolute, the one Self, the one Spirit is ever the Self of all and the origin, possessor and enjoyer of their multitudinous diversities. The unity of God and Nature cannot fail to manifest itself to him: for he finds in the end that it is the Absolute who is all these relativities; he sees that it is the Spirit of whom every other principle... are one, that this is a partial reflection of That, and that to find his greater Self everywhere is to find God and to come near to the Reality in things, the Reality of all existence. A unity behind diversity and discord is the secret of the variety of human religions and philosophies; for they all get at some image or some side clue, touch some portion of the one Truth or envisage some one of its ...

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... the diffusion and apparent disintegration of all that was concentrated in its unity which is the Mind's conception of the universe; and thirdly, its firm self-extension in the Truth-consciousness which contains and upholds the diffusion and prevents it from being a real disintegration, maintains unity in utmost diversity and stability in utmost mutability, insists on harmony in the appearance of an... not say that its very existence points back to Something beyond our supreme perception of the ineffable Unity,—Something ineffable and mentally inconceivable not because of its unity and indivisibility, but because of its freedom from even these formulations of our mind,—Something beyond both unity and multiplicity? That would be the utter Absolute and Real which yet justifies to us both our knowledge... but the ultimate unity and absolute infinity are to its conscience of things abstract notions and unseizable quantities, not something that is real to its grasp, much less something that is alone real. Here is therefore the very opposite term to the unitarian consciousness; we have, confronting the essential and indivisible unity, an essential multiplicity which cannot arrive at unity without abolishing ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... problems with CBSE etc.) 6.3The universities and apex educational organizations may set up departments for Comparative Education in Religions. 6.4Instead of emphasizing 'unity in diversity', we may accept 'diversity in unity'. 6.5Some political decisions/initiatives of some state governments (e.g. supply of good quality liquor for poor people at low/subsidised price) may not be in consonance... Indian culture as the most desirable goal—and that too repeatedly and with very special insistence. d.Along with the basic idea of synthesis, there is also the accompanying idea of unity, mutuality and oneness in diversity. e.Similarly, what is meant by secularism in the Indian context is uniquely Indian. According to the Western idea, secularism means a tendency or a system of beliefs, which rejects... sight of. The values in the context of such clientele may inter alia include (i) getting them literate and (ii) developing in them the skills for survival. The globalization is inter alia damaging 'diversity'. The folklores, stories, etc., available in tribal cultures need to be preserved and used in the programmes meant for Education in Human Values. Page 637 IV.Implementation of the ...

... evolution which we observe and of which Page 17 we are the terrestrial summit may be considered, in a sense, as an inverse manifestation, by which these supreme Powers in their unity and their diversity use, develop and perfect the imperfect substance and activities of Matter, of Life and of Mind so that they, the inferior modes, may express in mutable relativity an increasing harmony of ...


... inconscience and a proper equation established between the life-energy playing in an individual formation and the surges of the embracing All-Force. For in the Supermind "alone is the conscious unity of all diversities; there alone will and knowledge are equal and in perfect harmony; there alone Consciousness and Force arrive at their divine equation." 3 It is through the supramental transformation ...

... Harappāns", in The Sunday Standard (Madras) (August 25, 1974). Chandra, Moti, in The Illustrated Weekly of India (Bombay) (February 16, 1964). Chatterji, S.K., "The Basic Unity underlying the Diversity of Culture", in Interrelations of Culture (UNESCO, Paris, 1951). Chattopadhyaya, DebipRasād, Harappān Religion and the Aryan Question (Prakashana, Bangalore, 1987). Ch... in Indus Page 438 Civilisation: new perspectives, ed. A.H. Dani (Islamabad, 1981). Law, B.C., "North India in the Sixth Century B.C.", in The Age of Imperial Unity, ed. R.C. Majumdar and A.D. Pusalker (Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1954). Leemans, W.F., Foreign Trade in the Old Babylonian Period (E.J. Brill, Leiden, 1960). Macdonell... Period", in An Advanced History of India, ed. R.C. Majumdar, H.C. Raychaudhuri and Kalikinkar Datta (Macmillan, London, 1953). Majumdar, R.C. and Pusalker, A.D. eds., The Age of Imperial Unity (Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1954). The Vedic Age (Allen & Unwin, London, 1952). Majumdar, R.C, Raychaudhuri, H.C. and Datta, Kalikinkar eds., An Advanced History of India (Macmillan ...


... and was granted an interview. Sri Aurobindo also sent a Message for the occasion in the course of which he expressed the view that India's national life should be founded on the principle of 'unity in diversity' which conforms to her swabhava and swadharma. Sri Aurobindo also said '... by following certain tempting directions she [India] may conceivably become a nation like many others evolving... and united India. Sri Aurobindo tells us that today 'India is free but she has not achieved unity' and avers that unity must and will be achieved. He hopes that it will come about 'naturally, by an increasing recognition not only of peace and concord but of common action', adds that the exact form of unity 'may have a pragmatic but not a fundamental importance', and asserts that, the division must... express my appreciation of all you have done to bring about this offer. I welcome it as an opportunity given to India to determine for herself, and organise in all liberty of choice, her freedom and unity, and take an effective place among the world's free nations. I hope that it will be accepted, and right use made of it, putting aside all discords and divisions. I hope too that friendly relations between ...


... impracticable and it is doubtful if it is for India truly desirable. The ancient diversities of the country carried in them great advantages as well as drawbacks. By these differences the country was made the home of many living and pulsating centres of life, art, culture, a richly and brilliantly coloured diversity in unity; all was not drawn up into a few provincial capitals or an imperial metropolis... inadequately,-the demand for the reconstruction of the artificial British-made Presidencies and Provinces into natural divisions forming a new system, new and yet founded on the principle of diversity in unity attempted by ancient India. India, shut into a separate existence by the Himalayas and the ocean, has always been the home of a peculiar people with characteristics of its own recognisably distinct... culturally asleep; the whole nation lived with a full life in its many parts and this increased enormously the creative energy of the whole. There is no possibility any longer that this diversity will endanger or diminish the unity of India. Those vast spaces which kept her people from closeness and a full interplay have been abolished in their separating effect by the march of Science and the swiftness of ...

... supercomputer. The main quality of the supramental being is its consciousness, its divine consciousness, its Unity-Consciousness. ‘Supramental nature sees everything from the standpoint of oneness,’ 17 wrote Sri Aurobindo, and: ‘The law of the Supermind is unity fulfilled in diversity.’ 18 ‘Therefore all is in each and each is in all and all is in God and God in all.’ 19 The brain is the... biology has found out; but representing a specific aspect of the universe, the cells enable the building of a body with specific parts and functions. This is an illustration of ‘unity in diversity,’ the basic principle of the Unity-Consciousness. Another application of this principle: ‘If one sincerely wants to help the others and the world, the best thing one can do is to be oneself what one wants the... Substance — the world of the Unity-Event and Unity-Consciousness — became to the Mother an ever more concrete reality as her cells were more and more supramentalized. We, ordinary humans, see everything as separately existing objects and beings. She, on the other hand, saw everything as states of consciousness which are the expression of the One in its infinite diversity, and as vibrations of the T ...


... though there were no invasion by the Aryans at all to make any difference. And then, looking at the uniform Aryan culture of both 5. Op. cit., p. 378, col. 2. 6.'The Basic Unity underlying the Diversity of Culture", Interrelations of Culture (UNESCO, Paris, 1951), p. 170. 7. Op. cit. p. 72 Page 20 the Punjāb and Saurāshtra today in spite of non-uniform physical... Harappā and Lothal, and bringing in psychological factors alongside physical ones, we may submit that a single multi-charactered race, with an abundant linguistic and cultural diversity based on a flexible yet persistent unity of civilization, seems to have continued from prehistory to our own period. Once more we may note that such was always the opinion of Sri Aurobindo, who saw even a common... units, with the Aryan family. But then we are logically driven towards this conclusion that absence of a common vocabulary for common ideas and objects is not necessarily a proof of diverse origin. Diversity of grammatical forms? But are we certain that the Tamil forms are not equally old Aryan forms, corrupted and preserved by the early deliquescence of the Tamilic dialect? 19. Op. cit., pp. ...


... "I", but the transcendent and universal Page 310 "I" who is without a second. Through such impersonal personalities alone can the Divine affirm His inalienable unity in diversity and yet make each diversity, each finite form a facet and an aspect, a manifesting mould and a mirror of His formless Infinity. To weaken the "I" is to deprive the Divine of the means of His manifestation... Divine, "(1) await from Thee the inspiration and strength needed to set right the error in me and around me,—two things that are one, for I have now a constant and precise perception of the universal unity determining an absolute interdependence of all action.” 4 A comprehensive consciousness embraces all, feels itself in all, grapples with the forces and problems of life, individual and collective... and external actions, such as eating; when you eat you must feel that it is the Divine who is eating through you. When you can thus gather all your movements into the One Life, then you have in you unity instead of division. No longer is one part of your nature given to the Divine, while the rest remains in its ordinary ways, engrossed in ordinary things; your entire life is taken up, an integral ...


... theistic religions-but also of His Will to an eventual perfection in self-manifestation. The psychic is the living and immortal image of the divine individuality, and the means of multiplying diversity in unity. It is the one luminous point in man that proclaims the advent of the Eternal Sun. "The aspiration of the psychic being is for the opening of the whole lower nature, mind, vital, body to... release; while, according to Sri Aurobindo, rebirth is the only means of evolution and liberation, and once they are achieved, it becomes a means of divine self-expression and immortal enjoyment of unity in diversity— sambhūtyāmṛtamaśnute, as the Upanishads say. The liberated soul, the Jivanmukta, does not shrink from assuming any number of births for the fulfilment of the divine Will;—each birth of such... Supreme. A boundless love and devotion for the Divine, a complete self-consecration to His Will, a spontaneous love and sympathy for all beings, a concrete experience of the unity of all existence and a growing poise in that unity, a keen sense of beauty and harmony and a limpid placidity and plasticity Page 194 in the entire nature, are some of the principal elements of the self-expression ...

... our desires but an inner freedom to go beyond all external limitations. This freedom is the real unity behind the diversity of Hinduism and the key to its many sides. Hindu pluralism, therefore, is not the denial of unity but the affirmation of a real unity that transcends all outer differences. True unity is built upon freedom, not conformity, and is a state of the heart or inner consciousness, not... earth. Even before his death, all Arabia had submitted to Mohammed; Arabia, that had never before obeyed one prince, suddenly exhibited a political unity and swore allegiance to the will of an absolute ruler. The great work of unity succeeded and at the time when Mohammed died, there prevailed over the greater part of Arabia, a peace such as the Arab tribes, with their love of plunder and... religion and conversion go hand in hand. Every Islamic State inevitably became a theocracy. As already seen, the tenets of Islam are: the unity of God, the abomination of idolatry, and the duty laid upon man of submission to the will of his Creator. The unity of God was expressed in this phrase: "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah". The abomination of idolatry meant that ...


... under its own integrating power. Superconsciousness refers to the realm of the transcendental Spirits which, in its universal aspects, provides an entry into cosmic consciousness and increasing unity of diversity which culminates in what is called in Yoga, supramental consciousness or consciousness of Vijnānamaya. Again, it is true. as William James points out, mystical states are transient. But in Yoga... in consciousness in the perfect expression of all aspects of works, and in these strivings it realises also the unity of works with the highest knowledge and profoundest love. It is true that religion too is an attempt to include all aspects of works and to arrive at some sort of unity of works with knowledge and love; but once again, its methods are largely mechanical and dogmatic, and it is only... aesthetic, vital, physical; not only this sense and vision of it in its own being but in the nearest flower and simplest man and the immobile rock; and, finally, that he even occasionally attained to that unity, that becoming the object of his dedication, one phase of which is powerfully and profoundly expressed in the poem, "A slumber did my spirit seal” where he described himself as become one in his being ...

... hemisphere of conscious being in the lower triplicity the evolution here, though remaining the same in its degrees and stages, would be subjected to the law of harmony, the law of unity in diversity and of diversity working out unity: it would be no longer an evolution through strife; it would become a harmonious development from stage to stage, from lesser to greater light, from type to higher type of the... A supramental or gnostic race of beings would not be a race made according to a single type, moulded in a single fixed pattern; for the law of the supermind is unity fulfilled in diversity, and therefore there would be an infinite diversity in the manifestation of the gnostic consciousness although that consciousness would still be one in its basis, in its constitution, in its all-revealing and all-uniting... gnostic individuals, aware of Page 1034 its concordant totality and the meaning and meeting-point of its diversities, must assure a symphonic movement, a movement of unity, harmony, mutuality in the action of the whole. It assures at the same time in the individual a unity and symphonic concord of all the powers and movements of his being. All energies of being seek their self-expression ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... more opaque and smoky-luminous coverture. That action is the absorbed looking downward of Mind on the diversity which is its characteristic movement and away from the supreme unity which that diversity expresses, until it forgets altogether to remember and support itself by the unity. Even then the unity supports it and makes its activities possible, but the absorbed Energy is unaware of its own origin... workings, and the consciousness of unity embraces the consciousness of diversity. It is on the plane of mind that this putting back of the real self-consciousness becomes possible. For mind is that power of the conscious being which differentiates and runs along the lines of differentiation with the sense of diversity prominent and characteristic and the sense of unity behind it only, not characteristic... was born and the Law of Truth; from that the Night, from the Night the flowing ocean of being. Rig Veda. (X. 190. 1.) Since Brahman is in the essentiality of its universal being a unity and a multiplicity aware of each other and in each other and since in its reality it is something beyond the One and the Many, containing both, aware of both, Ignorance can only come about as a subordinate ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... extreme, would impose not only the rule of one language, but also the overpowering dominion of one aspect of culture. Unity, on the other hand, would permit differences and differentiations which would pose difficulties of separativeness and psychological tensions. Yet, unity in diversity is preferable to uniformity; for while the problems arising out of uniformity seem to demand an unacceptable solution... the freedom of the human spirit, the problems arising out of the drive towards unity seem capable of a solution, which requires difficult but attainable cultivation of the deeper and higher faculties of personality. The task before us is, therefore, to prepare men and women in such a way that the preferred ideal of unity can be realized without the avoidable pains of conflicts and tensions. Page... multiply human beings of this kind is evidently one of the most important objectives that the contemporary teacher is called upon to promote. We may even go farther. Today the ideal of human unity is more or less vaguely making its way to the front of our consciousness, and the increasing advocacy of the world peace is preparing a firm foundation for the realization of this ideal. The intellectual ...

... comparatively rare in Indian politics. The first is his entirely representative character as a born leader for the sub-nation to which he belongs. India is a unity full of diversities and its strength as well as its weakness is rooted in those diversities: the vigour of its national life can exist only Page 646 by the vigour of its regional life. Therefore in politics as in everything else a leader ...


... co-operating zest, even as the French bent for a bright ordering of details without diminishing each detail's clear-cut uniqueness can be finely helpful to the balanced splendour of divine unity and divine diversity that, together with the ascent of earth to heaven and the descent of heaven to earth, is the complete aim of the spiritual consciousness. When we go back to the Vedas, the early... is to give a concrete form to Sri Aurobindo's great teaching and in his teaching he reveals that all the nations are essentially one and meant to express the Divine Unity upon earth through an organised and harmonious diversity." From a cultural meeting-place such as Pondicherry can become, a great impetus would be gained by the new India which is arising today, an India true to her own nature ...

... deliver the goods, justifying the ways of earth to heaven. You have sung of a harmonisation of seemingly incompatible elements of life so that human culture may achieve, at long last, its final "unity in diversity". But in this new synthesis, to be achieved by you,' what, exactly, is going to be the contribution of India? I ask this with deep misgivings today as it seems to me that the Indian traditions ...


... is a brake to his ideal of human beings evolved beyond themselves and transformed into supramental ones leading a collective divine life on earth of unity-in-diversity and illumined dynamism. How it could be a brake is not quite clear. Is it because such a life would mark a supreme height of energy-organization and thus flout ... perfect cosmos. In addition it formulates various subsidiary cosmic "planes" and sets going the time-process of our universe. In relation to that process it acts in a diversity of ways the role of God — One who is the Lord and Lover of His creatures or else the World-Mother, no less than the Self of all things, a secret Omnipresence... Aurobindo, the ultimate Reality is an Absolute, an Eternal, that is at once a self-merged freedom beyond conception and a fullness self-manifested in a multiple unity as Sat-Chit-Ananda (Being-Consciousness-Bliss) and Vijnana, a creative Supermind or Gnosis which brings forward the hidden truths of Being-Consciousness-Bliss and organizes ...


... dispersed and loosely combined in the lower evolution.'8 By this integral method is proposed to achieve an integral realisation and perfection; the realisation of not only unity in the Self but also of unity in the infinite diversity of activities, worlds and creatures, the perfect harmony of the results of Knowledge, Love and Works, the perfection of freedom, purity, beatitude, and the perfection of... being of the animal, but each working out its independent existence in a loose relation within the terrestrial formula. The supreme power of the principle of unity taking all diversities into itself and controlling them as parts of the unity, which must be the law of the new evolutionary consciousness, would not as yet be there. Also by this much evolution there could be no security against the downward... here. Sri Aurobindo has written extensively on this subject, but in the following passage from one of his letters, we have some indications of this process: 'The Self governs the diversity of its creation by its unity of all the planes from the Higher Mind upwards on which the realisation of the one is the natural basis of consciousness. But as one goes upward, the view changes, the power of con ...

... oneness and manifoldness of art and the arts - their converging ultimate origins, their career of divergence from their source, the sovereign powers and difficulties of the several art forms, the unity of diversity in the visions of the Infinite in the divers form-determined finite works of art. There are passages of   Page 498 comparative criticism that only a global comprehension and... to see at once the unity of this [Indian] architecture is perfectly natural to a European eye, because unity in the sense demanded by the Western conception, the Greek unity gained by much suppression and a sparing use of detail and circumstance or even the Gothic unity got by casting everything into the mould of a single spiritual aspiration, is not there. And the greater unity that really is there... and suffering but merely a strengthening adhesion to a suzerain power concerned only with establishing the visible unity of the nation and the Dharma". 58 As our nation-builders wisely structured unity on spiritual and cultural foundations - for that alone is the only enduring unity - India has miraculously survived the shocks of the ages, the long centuries of travail; the spark hasn't been extinguished ...

... its infinite diversity; it works for diversity in oneness and for perfection in that diversity. 18 Commenting on this seminal statement, the Mother said in 1951: This is the very motive of the creation of the universe, that is to say, all are one, all is one in its origin, but each thing, each element, each being has as its mission the revealing of one part of this unity to itself, and... no longer be any religions. The whole life will be the expression, the flowering into forms of the divine Unity manifesting in the world. 23 It was hardly surprising that Tolstoy's son, with his stereotyped mind, found it difficult to understand Mirra's vision of "unity in the diversity" in future divinised world. Page 188 ... creation had to be manifold. " 22 But unity, notwithstanding the teeming, tantalising and exasperating surface variety can be attained certainly through a return to the cosmic force, consciousness and will, but more simply, more infallibly, unity can be enacted through love, "for it is indeed love which leads to Unity". But for anything like a lasting unity, unity doubled with sovereign puissance ...


... being of the animal, but each working out its independent existence in a loose relation within the terrestrial formula. The supreme power of the principle of unity taking all diversities into itself and controlling them as parts of the unity, which must be the law of the new evolutionary Page 157 consciousness, would not as yet be there. Also by this much evolution there could be... to possess the true nature of being and experience and are therefore in our mind, life and body subject to ignorance, incapacity and suffering. Non-possession of unity is the root cause; to recover unity is the sovereign means, unity with the universal and with that which the universal is here to express. We have to realise the true self of ourselves and of all; and to realise the true self is... and secondary result of spiritual vision, a comparatively external and superficial regard of the self upon the self, the subject upon itself or something of itself as object: for all there is a diversity and a multiplicity of the self. In mind there is a surface response of perception to the contact of an observed or discovered object, fact or truth and a consequent conceptual formulation of it; ...


... multiplicity, of unity in diversity, of a various manifestation of oneness. In a pure and blank unity there could be indeed no place for harmony, for there is nothing to harmonise; in a complete or a governing diversity there must be either discord or a fitting together of differences, a constructed harmony. But in a gnostic unity in multiplicity the harmony would be there as a spontaneous expression of... spirit, that would exist in a common life of different degrees and stages of the evolving gnostic being. Unity is the basis of the gnostic consciousness, mutuality the natural result of its direct awareness of oneness in diversity, harmony the inevitable power of the working of its force. Unity, mutuality and harmony must therefore be the inescapable law of a common or collective gnostic life. What... would be the same plastic principle; a rigid standardisation, however necessary for the mind's arrangement of things, could not be the law of the spiritual life. A great diversity and liberty of self-expression based on an underlying unity might well become manifest; but everywhere there would be harmony and truth of order. A life of gnostic beings carrying the evolution to a higher supramental status ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... on an awakened sense of unity. children should be made to realize that the unity which aimed at is not uniformity, nor is it achieved by domination and subjection, but it is an all-inclusive order, each individual occupying its true place and playing the role it has play in accordance with its own essential nature, which is a part of the divine Unity. Thus, a rich diversity harmoniously blended and... industrial undertakings attached to it. Fourthly, the Centre of Education is international in practice and not only in name. This is in accordance with Sri Aurobindo's conception that unity manifests in diversity without losing its unifying oneness. The students as well as the teachers are from all parts of India and from man countries abroad, without any distinction of sex, race, creed or caste... high ultimate spiritual aim, - it must be the idea of, the spirit, the soul of humanity advancing through struggle and concert towards oneness, increasing its experience an maintaining a needed diversity through the varied culture and life motives of its many peoples, searching for perfection through the development of the powers of the individual and his progress towards a diviner being and life ...


... more opaque and smoky-luminous coverture. That action is the absorbed looking downward of Mind on the diversity which is its characteristic movement and away from the supreme unity which that diversity expresses, until it forgets altogether to remember and support itself by the unity. Even then the unity supports it and makes its activities possible, but the absorbed Energy is unaware of its own origin... workings, and the consciousness of unity embraces the consciousness of diversity. It is on the plane of mind that this putting back of the real self-consciousness becomes possible. For mind is that power of the conscious being which differentiates and runs along the lines of differentiation with the sense of diversity prominent and characteristic and the sense of unity behind it only, not characteristic... action of the Supermind where the consciousness of diversity is more predominant than the underlying consciousness of unity. That movement is involutionary because it is a movement that falls away from the consciousness of unity on account of the action of Tapas which acts in the operation by its power of exclusive concentration of consciousness on diversity. Again, it is involutionary because this exclusive ...


... Aurobindo. In his Message for the occasion, read out at the Convocation, Sri Aurobindo made a reference to the demand for the formation of "linguistic provinces" and elaborated the theory of unity in diversity as practised in ancient India and as it might still be wisely practised in the altered conditions of our time. Towards the end, he glanced at "the disordered world-situation left by the war... a better and happier life. In this light, I offer public adhesion, in case it can be of any help in your work. India's future - the need for unity of purpose and action - the future of Indo-British relations - the future of global unity - and India's role in a World Union, all are referred to in the Message, and nothing could have been more explicit than the sense of urgency he had imported... revolution which would achieve India's freedom and unity; the resurgence and liberation of Asia; the emergence of 'One World' in the place of the many warring nationalisms; the assumption by India of the spiritual leadership of the human race; and, finally, a revolution in consciousness that would realise in our midst the ideal human society. Missing unity, India had won only "a fissured and broken freedom" ...

... higher ends of our life on the planet. They must first of all work for the fulfillment of the ideal of human unity which respects diversity and freedom of nationalities in which all subjection or forced inequality and subordination of one to another would have disappeared. Secondly, this unity to be real and lasting has to be based on spiritual foundation. Thirdly, therefore, there must be created atmosphere... does not prescribe any rituals or ceremonies; it does not appoint any Priest; it does not erect any Church. It does not limit itself to any particular community; the whole humanity, with all its diversity, with all the freedom of approach is the field of action of the divinity that we find in the Gita. Gita itself prescribes transcendence of what is contained in the book that we call Gita. As Krishna... the battle that is being waged today for the birth of a new world of harmony and unity and fraternity, which is being opposed ferociously by the old world. "Let me now come to the main point of my letter. I feel that the greatest hope for the future can be built only on children and youth. If we really want unity of mankind, and if we want not only ordinary change of human nature, but spiritual ...

... movements dispersed and loosely combined in the lower evolution.¹ By this integral method is proposed an integral realisation and perfection: the realisation of not only unity in the Self but also of unity in the infinite diversity of activities, world and creatures, the perfect harmony of the results of Knowledge, Love and Works, the perfection of freedom, purity, beatitude, and the perfection of the... being of the animal, but each working out its independent existence in a loose relation within the terrestrial formula. The supreme power of the principle of unity taking all diversities into itself and controlling them as parts of the unity, which must be the law of the new evolutionary consciousness, would not as yet be there. Also by this much evolution there could be no security against the downward... here. Sri Aurobindo has written extensively on this subject,¹ but in the following passage from one of his letters, we have some indication of this process: The Self governs the diversity of its creation by its unity on all the planes from the Higher Mind upwards on which the realisation of the One is the natural basis of consciousness. But as one goes upward, the view changes, the power of con ...


... being of the animal, but each working out its independent existence in a loose relation within the terrestrial formula. The supreme power of the principle of unity taking all diversities into itself and controlling them as parts of the unity, which must be the law of the new evolutionary consciousness, would not as yet be there. Also by this much evolution there could be no security against the downward... result of spiritual Page 979 vision, a comparatively external and superficial regard of the self upon the self, the subject upon itself or something of itself as object: for all there is a diversity and multiplicity of the self. In mind there is a surface response of perception to the contact of an observed or discovered object, fact or truth and a consequent conceptual formulation of it; but... 50. 10.) The psychic transformation and the first stages of the spiritual transformation are well within our conception; their perfection would be the perfection, wholeness, consummated unity of a knowledge and experience which is already part of things realised, though only by a small number of human beings. But the supramental change in its process carries us into less explored regions; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... First Book of Urizen (1794), overlapping with The Tyger, we have in explicit terms the story of Blake's Satan and of the Fall in Eternity. The fall began with the disruption of the primeval unity-in-diversity within which the Four Zoas were living. Blackstone 81 explains: "One of the Four living Creatures, the rational principle to which Blake gives the name of Urizen, was not content: he wished... tal Unity of Divine Supernature. He is this Unity in two ways. The first, of course, is when all the Eternals are seen as a single all-comprehending reality. The second is when in each of them this whole is, as it were, reflected, and every individual Eternal stands as a multiplication of the Divine Vision that is Christ: the same Jesus innumerably existing. This second aspect of the Unity, already... 12, 11.59-60). 20. Ibid., p. 663 (ibid., II, 36, 11.25-26). 21. Ibid., p. 319 (Night the Sixth, 11.279-280). Page 144 Four Mighty Ones are in every Man; a Perfect Unity Cannot Exist but from the Universal Brotherhood of Eden, The Universal Man, To Whom be Glory Evermore. Amen. What are the Natures of those Living Creatures the Heav'nly Father ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... we cannot pass into a greater than ourselves and, by that very act, complete ourselves unless the greater and ourselves are essentially one and therefore capable of either an utter fusion or a unity-in-diversity. In both cases, essential oneness has to be posited. And then the two sorts of union which Teilhard lists - that by "dissolution" and that by "differentiation" - wear a look other than the one... vastness to the universe and organically involved in its evolution as the World-Soul by whom and in whom all human entities reach the fulfilment of their personal essence in a supreme unity without losing their diversity. Christ, to the Church, is not "the axis and summit of a universal maturation". 14 Teilhard and the Church thus stand poles apart.   However, he has the phrase we have cited... the Christian explanation of that which is an absolute desideratum to him - namely, the Unity of the world - fails to satisfy his mind. De Lubac 5 refers to Teilhard's essay of 1919, The Universal Element and summarises its conclusion: "There must be a unity of the World: but from where does it get that unity? After setting aside 'the pantheist solution', Teilhard considers as insufficient the e ...


... so close or so dominant as those of Indra, Agni & Vayu. It is the Vedic gods who so manifest. The others were known before. The gods of other systems also reveal themselves in a grand general unity & diversity with the Vedic & Puranic deities. All are manifestations of the one Vishnu who is Krishna & as Krishna, Rudra & Brahmá. Script This is the rapidly proceeding completion of the subjective... the central action which seeks the ritam of things in the Apas. 3) That Will & Knowledge should harmonise & coincide & the disparity between Chit of Knowledge & Chit of Tapas be resolved into a unity. For this purpose two principles have to be observed. 1) The combination always of Will & Knowledge 2) The substitution of self acting for concentrated Tapas. Asiddhi Lipi battle... the mind is to associate always Tapas & Prakasha. Every perception must be envisaged as a force applied in the mind, every force as a perception energised. In this way by rectification in ritam the unity of Chit & Tapas will be reestablished. Brahman The position now is that the fourfold Brahman in the type of Narayana is seen everywhere, but the perception of the Ananda being stronger in the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... intolerance... What we have advertised as Christianity has rarely been more than a caricature - make-believe, which makes fewer and fewer believe. Very few of us feel as a living reality that unity in diversity suffused by love that not only Christianity proclaims but also the Saiva Siddhanta and the Vedanta according to Ramanuja which have grown up independently on Indian soil." Zaehner 14 ... one of us and shared with us a vision of Sri Aurobindo's work in all its integrality, with its background of the world's whole spiritual history, its broad basis of a many-sided Yoga compassing a diversity of inner realisation, its triple movement of psychic, spiritual and supramental transformation, its insistence on the first two as unavoidable preparations for the third. At present it seems he puts... if one aspect of God is not taken in isolation as done by you and if we understand that even in this aspect the inner reality which is Pantheos is not uniformly manifest. Obviously in the wide diversity of form and form, in the marked difference of force and force, there are gradations of disclosure and in some of them Pantheos can appear to be at a vanishing point: the gradations disappear only ...