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Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [2]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
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Life of Sri Aurobindo [1]
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Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [1]
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Nagin Bhai Tells Me [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
On The Mother [3]
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Our Many Selves [2]
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Questions and Answers (1955) [1]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [2]
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Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
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Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
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Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [2]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
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Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [2]
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The Life Divine [20]
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The Mother with Letters on the Mother [1]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [1]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [1]
The Renaissance in India [3]
The Secret of the Veda [6]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Supreme [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [18]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [1]
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Towards the Light [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [2]
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188 result/s found for Universal Being

... becoming in Time. These three Purushas are soul-forms of the Spirit by which it identifies its conscious existence with and founds its action upon any of these three planes or principles of its universal being. But man is characteristically a mental being. Moreover, mentality is his highest present status in which he is nearest to his real self, most easily and largely aware of spirit. His way to... this self-conception and world-conception. But the conception is in fact an error. However sharply he individualises himself in mental idea and mental or other action, he is inseparable from the universal being, his body from universal force and matter, his life from the universal life, his mind from universal mind, his soul and spirit from universal soul and spirit. The universal acts on him, invades... separated portion. Universe seems to be always trying to swallow up man, the infinite to resume this finite which stands on its self-defence and even replies by aggression. But in real fact the universal being through this apparent struggle is working out its purpose in man, though the key and truth of the purpose and working is lost to his superficial conscious mind, only held obscurely in an underlying ...


... consciously, deliberately at the transformation and wrest all these things from the hostile influence which now governs them. That's all?... Still... Sweet Mother, what is our universal being? Our universal being?... What it is?... I don't understand your Page 401 question very well. What is it? "For our entire nature and its environment, all our personal and all our universal... moved—a kind of form which is your physical being is moved—by all the common universal forces, vital forces or mental forces, which go through your form and put it in motion. So that is the universal being. And all that you have wrested from this general semi-consciousness, and have crystallised into a more or less independent being, conscious of itself and having its own qualities, all this is ...


... idea and mental or other action, he is inseparable from the universal being, his body from universal force and matter, his life from the universal life, his mind from universal mind, his soul and spirit from universal soul and spirit. 31 Thus each part of the individual being corresponds to a plane of the universal being. Ego and Individuality In our normal consciousness... infinite Space and Time, the individual its concentration within limits of Space and Time." 30 It is the ego that creates a wall and sense of separation between the individual being and the universal being. In the lower nature man is an ego making a clean cut in conception between himself and all other existence; the ego is to him self, but all the rest not-self, external to his being ...


... force of Nature which causes an earthquake or a cyclone—is it a universal force or the force of the being? SRI AUROBINDO: What kind of being? NIRODBARAN: Universal being. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, it may be the action of a universal being or force. We see the force as a movement. NIRODBARAN: Sometimes people on their death-bed shout out at some invisible forces, "Go away! I am not coming with... is manifested through a being is its own force. SRI AUROBINDO: The force that is manifested through the being is the universal force and the being is part of the universal support from the universal being. Both derive their support from the universal or the Supreme. SATYENDRA: We want to know if the attacks of diseases on people are attacks of forces or of beings. SRI AUROBINDO: Forces of ...


... behind our various states. But this consciousness-force must be the consciousness of someone . Who or what is conscious in us? Where is the center, the master? Are we merely the puppets of some universal Being, who is our true center, since all the mental, vital and physical activities Page 77 are in fact universal ones? The truth is twofold, but in no way are we puppets, except when we insist... disappeared! So it can move to the north, to the south, the east, or the west – forward, backward, or anywhere at all. There is no more axis. It is hard for us to imagine what the vision of such a universal being could be. With our mental outlook, we might be tempted to think that total knowledge of the three tenses immediately removes all the unpredictability of existence. But this is applying to the ... tropisms, until its final dispersion in Matter, in which everything becomes fragmented. "In the beginning," says the Veda, "darkness was hidden by darkness, all this was one ocean of inconscience. Universal being was concealed by fragmentation." (X.129.1-5) The devolution is complete; it is the plunge of Light into its own shadow, 314 i.e., Matter. Now we are before two poles. At the top, a supreme ...

... surface mind, which is mostly busy with the sense objects and the reactions produced by their impacts on us, falls into abeyance and our consciousness recedes into the recondite ranges of our or universal being and acts there or is acted upon or comes into contact with the activities of those regions. These covert happenings are recorded or transcribed, in its own diminishing or distorting way, plainly... clue, they reveal their own sense and peculiar system of coherence. Finally, there can come to us the records of happenings seen or — experienced by us on other planes of our own being or of universal being into which we enter: these have sometimes, like the symbolic dreams, a strong bearing on our own inner and outer life or the life of others, reveal elements of our or their mental being and life-being... Words of Long Ago by the Mother, ³ ibid. Page 192 our spiritual progress. It will even enable us to participate in the activities of the remote levels of our own or of the universal being and retain an unclouded memory of them in the waking state, independently of the cerebral transcription. Elimination or conversion of unhelpful and undesirable dreams and a conscious fostering ...


... easy & victorious knowledge & effectiveness upon their environment. But it is only when we stand entirely apart from Nature, yet entirely immanent in her by conscious identification with the universal being, Page 524 power & bliss of God that we become also entirely Ishwara; for then all walls break down, then with the false separation of individual being from God-being breaks down also... that the values put by mind upon outer impacts & its reactions to them are determined not by the impacts themselves but by the general formulations & habitual responses of Mind itself in the universal Being and these fixed & formulated values & reactions can be varied by it, can be suspended, can be entirely reversed, can be infinitely combined at will in the individual vessel called the human being... the mental will. All these powers, however, are powers of the pure or divine mind and can only be consciously exercised in our mortality, so long as they are abnormal to it, if & so far as the universal Being originates & sanctions their use in the individual; they can be possessed as normal faculties only by a humanity which has climbed out of its present struggling entanglement in mortal being & the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... there latent and inherent in the All-Existence. It becomes clear from these considerations that the coexistence of the Infinite and the finite, which is the very nature Page 352 of universal being, is not a juxtaposition or mutual inclusion of two opposites, but as natural and inevitable as the relation of the principle of Light and Fire with the suns. The finite is a frontal aspect and... what the divine Self knowledge and All-knowledge brings out in its manifestation must be a truth of its being and the play of that truth is its Lila. This, then, is the logic of the way of universal being of Brahman and the basic working of the reason, the infinite intelligence of Maya. As with the being of Brahman, so with its consciousness, Maya: it is not bound to a finite restriction of itself... the centre may be different,—not located as in a spatial point in a spatial circle, but a psychological centre related with others through a coexistence of the diversely conscious Many in the universal being. Each being in a world will see the same world, but see it from its own self-being according to its own way of self-nature: for each will manifest its own truth of the Infinite, its own way of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... could not have been, could not remain in existence. If the Divine is at all concerned with the world He has manifested, there is no other Lord than He and from that necessity of His original and universal being there can eventually be no escape or departure. It is on the foundation of this self-evident consequence of our first premiss, without any evasion of its implications, that we have to consider... ego-centric activities bear constant witness. But, in reality, when we come to an integral self-knowledge, we find that we are not limited, for we also are infinite. Our ego is only a face of the universal being and has no separate existence; our apparent separative individuality is only a surface movement and behind it our real individuality stretches out to unity with all things and upward to oneness... excess, a discord resultant in inner or outer injury, born of division between our power of being and the power of being that meets us. Behind in our self and spirit is the All-Delight of the universal being which takes its account of the contact, a delight first in the enduring and then in the conquest of the suffering and finally in its transmutation that shall come hereafter; for pain and suffering ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... to lay hold on knowledge, because it does not possess it, it does not like supermind hold knowledge in itself as its natural prerogative. In other words, in each of these forms of existence the universal being has fixed its action of consciousness in a different principle or, as between man and animal, in the modification of a lower by a higher though still not a highest-grade principle. It is this stride... development, which bring us to the heart of the matter. First, this taking up of the lower parts of life reveals itself as a turning downward of the master eye of the secret evolving spirit or of the universal Being in the individual from the height to which he has reached on all that now lies below him, a gazing down with the double or twin power of the being's consciousness-force,—the power of will, the... gaze downward and around him, when he has reached his higher level, but upward towards what is above him and inward towards what is occult within him. In him not only the downward gaze of the universal Being in the evolution has become conscious, but its conscious upward and inward gaze also develops. The animal lives as if satisfied with what Nature has done for it; if there is any upward gaze of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... vistarasya me . The universe finds itself in me, even as I find myself in the universe, because we are this face and that face of the one eternal Reality, and individual being is as much needed as universal being to work out this manifestation. The individual vision of things is as true as the universal vision, both are ways of the self-seeing of the Eternal. I may now see myself as a creature contained... are included in the web of being, but it is not merely a jutting point or moment of it or a brief tag shot into the tissue. That is what rebirth means in the history of my manifested self and of universal being. The old idea of rebirth errs on the contrary by an excessive individualism. Too self-concentrated, it treated one's rebirth and karma as too much one's own single affair, a sharply separate ...


... in front and behind and from every side, for thou art each and all that is. Infinite in might and immeasurable in strength of action thou pervadest all and art every one." But this supreme universal Being has lived here before him with the human face, in the mortal body, the divine Man, the embodied Godhead, the Avatar, and till now he has not known him. He has seen the humanity only and has treated... which received afterwards Page 392 a more deep, ecstatic and significant extension. And from this second suggestion a third immediately arises. The form of the transcendent and universal Being is to the strength of the liberated spirit a thing mighty, encouraging and fortifying, a source of power, an equalising, sublimating, al- justifying vision; but to the normal man it is overwhelming ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... the idea of the self and, as objective Science sees a universal force of Nature which is the one reality and of which everything is the process, we may come subjectively to the realisation of a universal Being or Existence which fulfils itself in the world and the individual and the group with an impartial regard for all as equal powers of its self-manifestation. This is obviously the self-knowledge... help, participate more and more, as he grows in largeness and power, in the harmonious and natural growth of all the individual selves and all the collective selves of the Page 60 one universal Being. These two, when properly viewed, would not be separate, opposite or really conflicting lines of tendency, but the same impulse of the one common existence, companion movements separating only ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... unconscious inanimate Being. Creation itself is only a manifestation, phenomenon or appearing in form, vayas, vayunam, víti, [of] that which is already existent as consciousness, but latent as form in universal Being. It is srishti, a loosing forth, vachas, vyachas or shasti, an expressing or bringing out, not a creation in the modern sense, not a new manufacture of that which never before had any sort of existence... into the mechanism of its formal energies & the inertia of its substantial forms. Man is the nodus, the agent & instrument of the gods for the full recovery of Consciousness in material Energy, universal being in particular Form. Man, the mental being in Bhu, shares with the Gods the appellation, Nri, the Purusha; he too is a guiding Soul of consciousness & not the mere gana, formal executive energy ...


... Love is the nature of the lover, courage the nature of the warrior; love and courage are impersonal and universal forces or formulations of the cosmic Force, they are the spirit's powers of its universal being and nature. The Person is the Being supporting what is thus impersonal, holding it in himself as his, his nature of self; he is that which is the lover and warrior. What we call the personality... Purusha, the inner conscious Existence self-revealed, and would have no need of a carved expressive mask or persona . This, then, would be the nature of the gnostic Person, an infinite and universal being revealing—or, to our mental ignorance, suggesting—its eternal self through the significant form and expressive power of an individual and temporal self manifestation. But the individual nature ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... play of the divine consciousness and force, the other in the action of the same universal Being through our individual soul-centre or soul-form for the purposes of an individual play of mind, life and body. But the summit of this cosmic realisation by knowledge is always the power to dissolve the personality in universal being, to merge the individual in the cosmic consciousness, to liberate even the soul-form ...


... Moreover some kind Page 288 of admission of an individual soul is a first condition of the truth of rebirth. For there is a plausible theory of existence which admits an All-Soul, a universal being and becoming of which the material world is some sensible result, but does not admit any at all abiding truth of our spiritual individuality. The All-Soul may continually develop, may slowly yet... acquisition, only in appearance, not really independent, ceases with death, except so much of our gain as is chosen to be carried on in the race by some secret will or conscious necessity in the universal being or the persistent becoming. But when we come to our highest spiritual elements, we find that here we do arrive at a very clear and sovereign independence. We can carry on far beyond any det ...


... view of Pauline thought. Teilhard, proceeding from that thought, outdoes it in literal organic implication. He comes as close as a Christian possibly can to the arch-pantheist Spinoza to whom universal being is one with God's own self - divine, as Teilhard suggests, in the same way that Christ's humanity was divine by the Word forming a single entity with it (hypostatic union) and not loosely linking...   The vision behind the main idea is that the world of nature has to be seen in the same way that the world of supernature is seen. Both are grades of a single reality in which Christ is a universal Being intrinsic to their structure, and to speak of his being "physically juxtaposed" instead of being intrinsic to the natural world is to talk nonsense. The meaning emerging for the word "physical" ...

... makes Brahman a contentless void. But if from Reality a real creation has to issue out then, to participate in that creation, there has to be an individual being living by virtue of the universal being which in turn becomes meaningful by virtue of the individual being. “This means that cosmos and individual are manifestations of a transcendent Self who is indivisible being although he seems to... It [each Jivatman] is one, yet different [from other Jivatmans]. The Gita puts it that the Jiva is an amsah sanatanah of the One. It can also be spoken of one among many centres of the Universal Being and Consciousness...  (p.  280) Purusha in Prakriti is the Kshara Purusha—standing back from it is the Akshara Purusha.  The psychic being evolves, so it is not the immutable. The psychic ...


... the successive moulds of religion fail, lose their virtue and are cast away and broken. For Truth is imperative and demands inexorably its satisfaction. And the truth is always this that man is universal being seeking an universal bliss and self-realisation and cannot repose permanently on the wayside, in hedged gardens, or in any imperfect prison whatsoever or bounded resting place. Universal Ananda... remains, therefore, to accept the two factors of the problem in their entirety and work out a solution on the basis of a reconciliation. This is the aim of the Seer. By the enjoyment of the whole of universal being in God, the legitimacy of the secret demand in us is recognised, by the renunciation of the attempt to enjoy through egoistic desire and in physical possession, the stumbling-block in the way of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... Gita's gospel of spiritual liberation and divine works. The Godhead has been revealed in thought to Arjuna; he has been made visible to the mind's search and the heart's seeing as the supreme and universal Being, the supernal and universal Person, the inward-dwelling Master of our existence for whom man's knowledge, will and adoration were seeking through the mists of the Ignorance. There remains only... not baffle the mind; it can open to the idea of the supreme Godhead, to the experience of the immutable Self, to the direct perception of the immanent Divinity, to the contact of the conscient universal Being. One can, once the mind is illumined with the idea, follow readily the way and, with whatever preliminary difficult effort to exceed the normal mental perceptions, come in the end to the self- ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... their subliminal stations, as it were, into the surface awareness - 'souls' which we may regard ultimately as themselves numerically multiple and diversified expressions of an essentially single universal being that is the life of all lives." These philosophical significances inevitably arise from the scientific fact ascertained by us that, if we approach from the side of the physico-chemical rather... consciousness's partaking in a consciousness which is cosmic and by which matter is not experienced as an extraneous foreign substance, it asserts merely the relation between the different grades of universal being. Here we must halt if we are to remain within the biological sphere. A further step in one direction would carry us into psychology and the field of the extra-sensory if not of the mystical ...

... dominating the physical instrument, individual in fact of existence, but impersonal in feeling and recognised by a free cognition as something instrumental to the action of a Transcendent and Universal Being. In the transition towards the Supermind this centralising action tends towards the discovery of a true individual replacing the dead ego, a being who is in his essence one with the supreme... possess self is to be in more or less obscure search of the delight of existence. Chit eternally possesses its self-bliss; and since Chit is the universal conscious-stuff of being, conscious universal being is also in possession of conscious self-bliss, master of the universal delight of existence. The Divine whether it manifests itself in All-Quality or in No-Quality, in Personality or Impersonality ...


... universe are one spirit, one self and one existence. The individual is in nature one expression of the universal Being, in spirit an emanation of the Transcendence. For if he finds his self, he finds too that his own true self is not this natural personality, this created individuality, but is a universal being in its relations with others and with Nature and in its upward term a portion or the living front ...

... Here is neither the sleep of death in which our dissolved elements circulate in Nature's veins, as Thompson thought when con-sidering Shelley's Pantheism, nor a loss of individuality in some universal Being. It is, Noyes explains, "a perfected harmony, embracing, completing every individual note, and making it more, not less, itself". The sounds and odours and beams in the Garden of the Sensitive... to make a world of our own - Coleridge looked upon the experience of external objects as a passive or at least automatic repetition in us of a constant creative act of ordered imagination by a universal Being and he looked upon our imaginative experience as the universal Being's creative faculty actively at work in the individual, co-existent with the individual's conscious will. The two experiences ...


... individual self as a part and parcel of the Universal Being. It also seems that Amal in his eloquent silence is indicating that the journey of life is for the understanding of this transcendental Reality and internalising it as realised experience through one's own inner calling and sadhana.   This notion of oneness of an individual self with the Universal Being is not new. It is a verifiable statement ...


... yet always insufficient to itself, since never has it been known to come into existence or to exist or to culminate in its existence apart from the rest, without their aid and independently of universal being and universal nature. Secondly, there is that which he knows only indirectly by his mind and bodily senses and its effects upon them, yet must strive always to know more and more completely: for... plunge into an individual immergence or absorption in the Indefinable and to lose the universe. Arriving through the universe alone, he can sink his individuality either in the impersonality of universal being or in a dynamic self of universal Conscious-Force; he merges into the universal self or he becomes an impersonal channel of the cosmic Energy. Arriving through the equal integrality of both and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... greater Truth and a greater Nature. The will of the individual, even when completely free, could not act in an isolated independence, because the individual being and nature are included in the universal Being and Nature and dependent on the all-overruling Transcendence. There could indeed be in the ascent a dual line. On one line the being could feel and behave as an independent self-existence uniting... dominating the physical instrument, individual in fact of existence, but impersonal in feeling and recognised by a free cognition as something instrumental to the action of a Transcendent and Universal Being. In the transition towards the supermind this centralising action tends towards the discovery of a true individual replacing the dead ego, a being who is in his essence one with the supreme Self ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... universe are one Spirit, one self and one existence. The individual is in nature one expression of the universal Being, in spirit an emanation of the Transcendence. For if he finds his self, he finds too that his own true self is not this natural personality, this created individuality, but is a universal being in its relations with others and with Nature and in its upward term a portion or the living front ...


... into an intelligence of delight and failure of delight,—all phenomena of the intelligent mind-sense. So too that which is above him and that which is around him and in which he lives,—God, the universal being, the cosmic Forces,—are non-existent and unreal to him until his mind awakes to them and gets, not yet their true truth, but some idea, observation, inference, imagination of things supersensuous... be a centre, but it is a convenience for individual action, not rigid, not constitutive or separative. The very nature of our conscious activities is henceforth universal; one with those of the universal being, it proceeds from universality to a supple and variable individualisation. It has become the awareness of an infinite being who acts always universally though with emphasis on an individual formation ...


... our love and a response in kind; as we delight in Him and seek Him, so it believes that He too delights in us and seeks us. Nor can this demand be condemned as irrational, for if the supreme and universal Being did not take any delight in us, it is not easy to see how we could have come into being or could remain in being, and if He does not at all draw us towards him,—a divine seeking of us,—there would... being we approach that Truth, it comes down to us to meet our emotions and lift them towards it; through it our emotional being is united with him. Secondly, this supreme Being is also the universal Being and our relations with the universe are all means by which we are prepared for entering into relation with him. All the emotions with which we confront the action of the universal existence upon ...


... merely whatever our own personality is or creates; that is only the truth of our becoming, one point or line of emphasis in a movement of widest volume. Beyond our personality there is, first, a universal being as well as a universal becoming of which ours is a little movement; and beyond that too there is the eternal Being out of which all becoming derives and to which it owes its potentialities, elements... existence. All this manifold universe comes into birth and is constantly maintained by God's giving of himself and his powers and the lavish outflow of his self and spirit into all these existences; universal being, says the Veda, is the sacrifice of the Purusha. All the action of the perfected soul will be even such a constant divine giving of itself and its powers, an outflowing of the knowledge, light ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... us, whose heads and eyes and faces are those innumerable visages which we see wherever we turn, whose ear is everywhere listening to the silence of eternity and the music of the worlds, is the universal Being in whose embrace we live. All relations of Soul and Nature are circumstances in the eternity of Brahman; sense and quality, their reflectors and constituents, are this supreme Soul's... the seeing of that in us which is eternal and immortal. As we perceive more and more this equal spirit in all things, we pass into that equality of the spirit; as we dwell more and more in this universal being, we become ourselves universal beings; as we grow more and more aware of this eternal, we put on our own eternity and are for ever. We identify ourselves with the eternity of the self and no longer ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... to do it, and then one can do it. Page 259 You see, he says: the universe is the evolutionary fulfilment of the truth of the universal Being. The deploying of the universe is the progressive, evolutionary fulfilment of the truth of the universal Being, but for this truth to be fulfilled it must necessarily contain a plan, that is, it must know what it wants to do and must have the will ...


... lead to Thee (4-10) 4. Persons who have developed the highest spiritual insight worship Thee directly (without the help of any substitute or symbol) through intuition, as the one Lord and Universal Being. Other devotees who require the use of symbols, worship Thee as dwelling in the body, or as dwelling in Nature, or as dwelling in the Devas. 5. Persons devoted to the ritualistic type of Karma... attain to spiritual Page 144 perfection, by meditating on Thee as the manifold form of the four Vyuhas (Vāsudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Anirud-dha), and as Mahānārāyana, the one Universal Being. 8. O Lord! Owing to the prevalence of different spiritual traditions based on the teachings of a variety of teachers, there are still others who, following the cult of Saivism, worship Thee as ...


... earth: the body of the awakened consciousness was the terrestrial globe moving harmoniously in ethereal space. And the consciousness knew that its global body was thus moving in the arms of the universal Being, and it gave itself, it abandoned itself to It in an ecstasy of peaceful bliss. Then it felt that its body was absorbed in the body of the universe and one with it: the consciousness became the... filled, and fused with, the earth, and was orbiting in ethereal space. Second, her consciousness knew that, already united with the great globe itself, she was now rocked in the arms of the universal Being "in an ecstasy of peaceful bliss", Third, in a further leap of expansion and fusion, she now felt herself to be one with the universe itself: "the consciousness became the consciousness of the ...


... that, as, on the one hand, the evolution of the psychic being is not the result of a mechanical interaction of karmic forces, so, on the other, it is not an isolated phenomenon unrelated to the universal being and its evolution. The evolutionary development has "a universal as well as an individual aspect: the Universal develops the grades of its being and the ordered variation of the universality of... developing by this mutual interaction. The Karma of an individual is not altogether his own exclusive concern, of which he alone reaps the harvest of corn or thorns; it is also the concern of the universal Being who, using the individual as one of His myriad channels of self-expression, exercises a presiding and directing control over his evolution. If the philosophy of Karma and rebirth is to be properly ...

... world and therefore utterly pitiless. She called the Yatudhani in her to her aid and summoned up the Rakshasi. The Yatudhani is the delight of destruction, the fury of slaughter, Rudra in the Universal Being, Rudra, the bhuta, the criminal, the lord of the animal in man, the lord of the demoniac, Pashupati, Pramathanatha. The Rakshasi is the unbridled, licentious self-assertion of the ego which insists ...


... the thing willed and executed by Nature, who is power of the Spirit, according to a fixed law of its self-governed workings. But since this Eternal and Infinite, our greater Self, is also the universal being, man in the universe is inseparably one with all the rest of existence, not a soul working out its isolated spiritual destiny and nature while all other beings are nothing but his environment and ...


... elements. But the soul itself persists and after an interval resumes in a new body formed from those elements its round of births in the cycle, just as after the interval of pause and cessation the universal Being resumes his endless round of the cyclic aeons. This immortality in the rounds of Time is common to all embodied spirits. To be immortal in the deeper sense is something different from this survival ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... possible. Themselves too, their soul, mind, life and physical mould he will see only as a result of the power, will and force of this one Self and Spirit. All will be to him a becoming of this one universal Being. Their consciousness he will see to be derived entirely from its consciousness, their power and will to be drawn from and dependent on its power and will, their partial phenomenon of nature to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... spiritual experience; they synthetise because they arise globally from certain truths of spiritual consciousness. When we attempt to put ourselves into conscious relations with whatever supreme or universal Being there exists concealed or manifest in the world, we arrive at a very various experience and one or other variant term of this experience is turned by different intellectual conceptions into their ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... the lokasaṅgraha , impersonally, for the keeping and leading of the peoples on the path to the divine goal, is a rule which rises necessarily from the oneness of the soul with the Divine, the universal Being, since that is the whole sense and drift of the universal action. Nor does it conflict with our oneness with all beings, even those who present themselves here as opponents and enemies. For the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... For in bhakti there is always the element, the foundation even of personality, since its motive-power is the love and adoration of the individual soul, the Jiva, turned towards the supreme and universal Being. But from the standpoint of the Gita, where the aim is not inaction and immergence in the eternal Impersonal, but a union with the Purushottama through the integrality of our being, this objection ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... colourable "imitation" of life and Nature—and in ordinary hands too often end there—to get at an interpretation that really changes it into the image of something not outward in our own being or in universal being which was the real thing seen. And to that in looking at the work we have to get back through colour and line and disposition or whatever else may be part of the external means, to their mental ...


... different from that of another? It is one, yet different. The Gita puts it that the Jiva is an अंशः सनातनः [ aṁśaḥ sanātanaḥ ] of the One. It can also be spoken of as one among many centres of the Universal Being and Consciousness. If different, is it a qualitative or a quantitative difference? Essentially one Jiva has the same nature as all—but in manifestation each puts forth its own line of Swabhava ...


... intellectual, I implore Thee for more true light, true purity, sincerity and love, and all this for all, for the multitude constituting what I call my being, and for the multitude constituting the universal being; I implore Thee, though I know that it is perfectly useless to implore Thee, for we alone, in our ignorance and ill-will, can stand in the way of Thy glorious and total manifestation, but something ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Prayers and Meditations

... earth: the body of the awakened consciousness was the terrestrial globe moving harmoniously in ethereal space. And the consciousness knew that its global body was thus moving in the arms of the universal Being, and it gave itself, it abandoned itself to It in an ecstasy of peaceful bliss. Then it felt that its body was absorbed in the body of the universe and one with it; the consciousness became the ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Prayers and Meditations

... universal life calls to us, is one of the most amazing of God's mysteries. It is only equalled by the infinite blindness with which we cast a shadow of our ego over the whole world and call that the universal being. These two darknesses are the very essence and potency of Maya. Until, tired of the ignorance and stupidity of the ego, we lay ourselves at the feet of the Lord and ask Him to become the ...


... and hope of the future, but will present it more seeingly as the life of the vast self and spirit within the race and the veiled divinity in the individual, as an act of the power and delight of universal being, in the greatness of an eternal manifestation, in the presence and intimacy of Nature, in harmony with the beauty and wonder of the realms that stretch out beyond earth and its life, in the march ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... Mother's consciousness and force, by giving him experiences which make him ready for the major experiences of Yoga, by stimulating the growth of his psychic being, by opening him to the Mother as the Universal Being, etc. etc. Naturally it acts differently in different persons. Allow the Divine Force to Act It is quite true that, left to yourself, you can do nothing; that is why you have to be in contact ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... skeleton to the embryo could the great truth be established that in matter also the great Vedantic formula holds good —of a world formed by development of many forms from one seed in the will of the Universal Being, ya ekaṁ bījaṁ bahudhā vidadhāti ,—so also in language if the origin & unity of human speech can be found & established, if it can be shown that its development was governed by fixed laws ...


... been discovered by modern research. Such a theory is, obviously, difficult to establish. The Rig Veda itself, indeed, asserts 4 that the gods are only different names and expressions of one universal Being who in His own reality transcends the universe; but from the language of the hymns we are compelled to perceive in the gods not only different names, but also different forms, powers and personalities ...


... sense in protecting with wealth, although increasing with wealth is possible. 12) विश्वहा Sy सर्वेष्वहःसु । But elsewhere he takes it differently. परीणसा Sy महता । Us increase into universal being by an all-encompassing felicity, us by all manner of expandings. (13) For us open up like an archer the pens of the brilliant herds, O Indra, with ever new expandings. ऊति. This is decisive ...


... Matter is the lowest rung of the ladder and the soul that has descended into Matter tends by its secret nature & inevitable self-impulsion to reemerge out of form towards the freedom of pure universal being. These are the two movements that govern world-existence, adhogati, the descent towards matter or mere form and urdhwagati, the ascent towards Spirit and God. Man is a mental being, manu or ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... Mother's consciousness and force, by giving him experiences which make him ready for the major experiences of Yoga, by stimulating the growth of his psychic being, by opening him to the Mother as the Universal Being, etc. etc. Naturally it acts differently in different persons. 7 May 1937 ...

... will to an impermanent existence and the will to Nirvana, between a will to cosmic existence and the will to an absolute spiritual being. Nor do they demand this choice of the Absolute or of the universal Being or Power, who indeed cares nothing for their claim and goes on very tranquilly and securely with his mighty eternal action, but they ask it of the individual, of the soul of man halting perplexed ...


... of things from separate centres of consciousness is meant to be the basic experience of existence here. The movement of Mind the dividing principle makes the knower regard the forms of his own universal being as other than he, but it has also a movement of union which heals this phenomenal division. In divine Mind the two actions are simultaneous and prevent the division from being real. In ignorant ...


... fruitful in man. × The action of the sacrifice consists in the formation or "extension" of the universal being, sarvatāti , and of the divine being, devatāti . × Of the Son, the godhead created within the ...


... shall suffer no hurt nor diminution. The happy state of the soul that he gives removes from it all sin and evil and makes today and makes tomorrow for the building up of the whole godhead in our universal being. Since Surya is the lord of the Knowledge, Pushan also is especially the knower and thinker and guardian of the shining thoughts of the seer—the keeper of the herds delighting in the thought ...


... be able to enter into relation with It or Him and be able to remain in whatever contact or communion is possible, get into some kind of tune with the master Beings of the universe or with the universal Being and its universal will or a supreme Being and His supreme will, follow the law It gives him and the assigned or revealed aim of his life and conduct, raise himself towards the highest height that ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... interrogate the universal workings of Nature herself, recognising in her no merely specious and illusive activity of a distorting Maya, but the cosmic energy and working of God Himself in His universal being formulating and inspired by a vast, an infinite and yet a minutely selective Wisdom, prajñā prasṛtā purāṇī of the Upanishad, Wisdom that went forth from the Eternal since the beginning. For the ...


... Energy so that it is felt acting through the mind and life and body and the sense of individual action ceases. But more usually there are results of less amplitude; there is a direct awareness of universal being and nature, there is a greater openness of the mind to the cosmic Mind and its energies, to the cosmic Life and its energies, to Page 561 cosmic Matter and its energies. A certain sense ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... feeling and opening to them, a direct action on them and even a widening of itself beyond the limits of the personal mind, the personal life, the body, so that it feels itself more and more a universal being no longer limited by the existing walls of our too narrow mental, vital, physical existence. This widening can extend itself to a complete entry into the consciousness of cosmic Mind, into unity ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... spiritual existence, for that was always universal and one with the Transcendence; but there is a transformation which replaces the separative ego by the Purusha, a conscious face and figure of the universal being and a self and power of the transcendent Divine in cosmic Nature. In the same movement, by the very awakening into the spirit, there is a dissolution of the cosmic ignorance; for we have the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... night. That One lived without breath by his self-law, there was nothing else nor aught beyond it. In the beginning Darkness was hidden by darkness, all this was an ocean of inconscience. When universal being was concealed by fragmentation, then by the greatness of its energy That One was born. That moved at first as desire within, which was the primal seed of mind. The seers of Truth discovered the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... itself as the Knower, Witness or Purusha. We have seen that from this apprehending consciousness arises the movement of Mind, the movement by which the individual knower regards a form of his own universal being as if other than he; but in the divine Mind there is immediately or rather simultaneously another movement or reverse side of the same movement, an act of union in being which heals this phenomenal ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... indispensable if we aspire to replace our present confused and Page 699 ignorant action by the self-possessed and luminous works of a free spirit governing its nature and in tune with universal being. A divine action or even a perfect human action is impossible if we have not equality of spirit and an equality in the motive-forces of our nature. The Divine is equal to all, an impartial sustainer ...


... quietude of separate being may take the place of the kinetic egoism, which is also not the true liberation. The ego sense must be replaced by a oneness with the transcendental Divine and with universal being. This necessity arises from the fact that the buddhi is only a pratiṣṭhā or chief support of the ego-sense in its manifold play, ahaṅkāra ; but in its source it is a degradation or deformation ...


... us as well as the powers that favour and assist, in all energies and forces and happenings, and if besides we can feel that all is undivided from our self, all the world one with us within our universal being, then this attitude becomes much easier to the heart and mind. But even before we can attain or are firmly seated in that universal vision, we have by all the means in our power to insist on this ...


... experience a transfigured, glorified, infinitely blissful action of the sense, a direct feeling out inward, around, everywhere of the self to embrace and touch and be sensible of all that is in its universal being,—we can become aware in a most moving and delightful way of the Infinite and of all that is in it, cognizant, by intimate contact of our being with all being, of whatever is in the universe. ...


... spiritual experience; they synthetise because they arise globally from certain truths of spiritual consciousness. When we attempt to put ourselves into conscious relations with whatever supreme or universal Being there exists concealed or manifest in the world, we arrive at a very various experience and one or other variant term of this experience is turned by different intellectual conceptions into their ...

... Circa 1911 Essays Divine and Human Man The Shastras use the same word for man and the one divine and universal Being—Purusha—as if to lay stress upon the oneness of humanity with God. Nara and Narayana are the eternal couple, who, though they are two, are one, eternally different, eternally the same. Narayana, say the scholiasts, is he who dwells ...


... which do not condition Him but exist in Him and can at any time be changed or abolished, and in Time, Space & Causality He attaches Himself to many namarupas which are merely existences in His universal being. They are real in manifestation, unreal outside manifestation. Page 6 ...


... iousness it is ideally comprehensive of cosmic things or, if we must speak in terms of space, commensurate with the universe. The supramental being with one action of his Idea-self can regard universal being as his object of will and knowledge. That attitude is the seed of mind. It can regard it as contained in itself and itself contained in it, and in that way know and govern it. But it can too, like ...


... consciousness of the phenomenal appearance or appearances of the cosmos or world around us to a consciousness of its truth and reality. We become aware of the world as a manifestation of or in universal being who is the true truth of all that we see, hear, experience. We become aware of a cosmic Consciousness which is the secret of the cosmic Energy, a cosmic Self or Spirit, the cosmic Divine, the universal ...


... that the WHOLE may follow its road—it's very, very interesting. That way, you can gauge precisely how much is left of the old habit of personal reaction, especially in the emotive part of the universal being: it's the emotive part that still remains the most personal, even more so than the purely physical, material part. As soon as the emotive part comes into play, it "personalizes," because it ENJOYS ...


... belonging to mental beings like the human long before he became materially incarnated on Earth. The Mother formulates it as follows: ‘Man does not belong to the Earth only: man is essentially a universal being, but he has a special manifestation on Earth.’ 20 In Sri Aurobindo’s words: ‘[Man] expresses, under the conditions of the terrestrial world he inhabits, the mental power of the universal existence ...


... outward mind and senses and by interpreting the contacts with the world. By yoga there can open in him a consciousness which becomes one with that of the world; he becomes directly aware of a universal being, universal states, universal force and forces; universal mind, life, matter and lives in conscious relations with these things. He is then said to have the cosmic consciousness. Sri Aurobindo ...

... possibly cope with; we are provided with warnings and premonitions and indications of the future and with "records of happenings seen or experienced by us on other planes of our own being or of universal being into which we enter." 2 Our sleep-existence , if we are conscious in it, renders us another valuable service in the exploration of our subconscient nature that contains much that is ...

... Earth: the body of the awakened consciousness was the terrestrial globe moving harmoniously in ethereal space. And the consciousness knew that its global body was thus moving in the arms of the universal Being, and it gave itself, it abandoned itself to It in an ecstasy of peaceful bliss. Then it felt that its body was absorbed in the body of the universe and one with it; the consciousness became the ...

... × Mother added: "This precise detail is not superfluous; I said 'on earth' meaning that man does not belong merely to earth: in essence man is a universal being, but he has a special manifestation on earth." ...


... "This he does as a cosmic worker labouring upon the rebellious human material... But it is in proportion as we learn to subjugate the ego and compel it to bow down in every act to the universal Being and to serve consciously in its least movements the supreme Will, that Agni himself takes form in us. The Divine Will becomes present and conscient in a human mind and enlightens it with the divine ...


... sense of a separate individuality, is only a shadow of the true individuality which is characterised by a sense of oneness with the all. As Sri Aurobindo states: "Our ego is only a face of the universal being and has no separate existence; our apparent separative individuality is only a surface movement and behind it our real individuality stretches out to unity with all things.. . ," 22 The model ...

... actions to the egoistic life, cannot yet or as yet will not make the divine surrender. But it is in proportion as we learn to subjugate the ego and compel it to bow down in every act to the universal Being and to serve consciously in its least movement the supreme Will, that Agni himself takes form in us. The Divine Will becomes present and conscient in a human mind and enlightens it with the ...


... Force of cosmic nature following her fixed modes, is in him and in all things and creatures the one and only worker. The Synthesis of Yoga, p. 203 Our ego is only a face of the universal being and has no separate existence; our apparent separative individuality is only a surface movement and behind it our real individuality stretches out to unity with all things and upward to oneness ...


... so that it is felt acting through the mind and life and body and the sense of individual action ceases. But more usually there are results of less amplitude; there is a direct awareness of universal being and nature, there is a greater openness of the mind to the cosmic Mind and its energies, to the cosmic Life and its energies, to cosmic Matter and its energies. A certain sense of unity of the ...


... outward mind and senses and by interpreting their contacts with the world. By yoga there can open in him a consciousness which becomes one with that of the world; he becomes directly aware of a universal Being, universal states, universal Force and Power, universal Mind, Life, Matter and lives in conscious relations with these things. He is then said to have cosmic consciousness. Letters on Yoga ...


... Moreover, in Sri Aurobindo's synthesis of yoga, the spirit in man is regarded not as solely an individual being Page 82 travelling to a transcendent unity with the Divine, but a universal being capable of oneness with the divine in all souls and in his all-nature with all the practical consequences. Sri Aurobindo acknowledges that there are a thousand ways of approaching and realizing ...


... although briefly, certain facts in regard to the varieties of yogic experience. Let us first of all, admit that when we attempt to put ourselves into conscious relations with whatever supreme or universal Being there exists concealed or manifest in the world, we arrive at a very various experience and one or other variant term of this experience is turned by different intellectual conceptions into their ...

... towards the yoga of self-perfection. In Sri Aurobindo's synthesis of yoga, the spirit in man is regarded not solely as an individual being traveling to a transcendent unity and the divine but universal being capable of oneness with the divine in all souls and in all-Nature with all its practical consequences. As Sri Aurobindo points out: "The human soul's individual liberation and enjoyment ...

... on Yoga, p. 1488) 'Dream happenings' are of a different nature altogether. These dreams are records of actual happenings seen or experienced by us on other planes of our own being or of universal being into which Page 321 we enter during our body's sleep. "These have sometimes...a strong bearing on our own inner and outer life or the life of others, reveal elements of our ...

... and opening to them, a direct action on them and even a widening of itself beyond the limits of the personal mind, the personal life, the body, so that it feels itself more and more a universal being no longer limited by the existing walls of our too narrow mental, vital, physical existence. This widening can extend itself to a complete entry into the consciousness of cosmic Mind, into unity ...

... the All-Being.... Desire is the result of incompleteness, of insufficiency, of something that is not possessed or enjoyed and which the being seeks for possession or enjoyment. A supreme and universal Being can have the delight of its all-existence, but to that delight desire must be foreign, — it can only 1 2 The Life Divine, p. 960. (Italics ours) 3 Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo ...

... Mother's Consciousness and Force, by giving him experiences which make him ready for the major experiences of Yoga, by stimulating the growth of his psychic being, by opening him to the Mother as the universal Being etc. etc. Naturally it acts differently in different persons. Page 268 ...

... attend Ton arret dans me grandiose prosternation .. 1 This is the second status of the Mother's being, the first is the personal and individual, the second is this collective and universal being. But she is not merely the universe, she is the Mother of the universe. Hers is not merely earth's prayer, but the prayer of the Mother of the earth. It is not merely the prayer of the universe ...

... vision and revelation, of the Truth and the Vast. The middle knot shuts out the world around and abroad and limits the being to the ego, prevents the individual person from communicating with the Universal Being and Consciousness. It is the well-known knot of the heart— h ṛ dayagranthi— -the crux and kernel of the egoistic consciousness. It centres the whole being on itself, limits it to itself, does ...

... THE Divine is All-Light, All-Bliss, All- Power-in himself, in his essence and true being, always and for ever. But, somewhere, in a part of universal being the Divine chose to forget the Divine, a veil was allowed to interpose in front of the All-Light, the All-Bliss, the All-Power: A mixture became possible, the dualities were ...


... The Birth of Maya THE Divine is All-Light, All-Bliss, All-Power - in himself, in his essence and true being, always and for ever. But, somewhere, in a part of universal being the Divine chose to forget the Divine, a veil was allowed to interpose in front of the All-Light, the All-Bliss, the All-Power: A mixture became possible, the dualities were born. Ignorance ...

... from the mind images the distance infinitely more infinite of the mind from Charity (Divine Grace, Faith)."² "The heart has its reasons which Reason knows not... I say, the heart loves the universal being naturally, and itself also naturally, according to whichsoever it gives itself. And it hardens itself against the one or the other according to its choice. You have rejected one and preserved the ...

... the mere self. It is difficult as yet to characterise definitely what that thing is. It is the awakening of the self to something which is beyond itself-it is the cosmic self, the oversoul, the universal being; it is God, it is Turiya, it is satchid-ananda — in so many ways the thing has been sought to be envisaged and expressed. The consciousness of that level has also a great variety ...

... vision and revelation, of the Truth and the Vast. The middle knot shuts out the world around and abroad and limits the being to the ego, prevents the individual person from communicating with the Universal Being and Consciousness. It is the well known knot of the heart – hrdayagranthi – the crux and kernel of the egoistic consciousness. It centres the whole being on itself, limits it to itself, does ...

... he saw these diverse experiences in their symphonic unity, and when he formulated his philosophy in the Arya 21 he presented the universe as "the evolutionary fulfilment of the truth of the universal Being". 22 On 3 February, the Mother herself had a rare dream-experience between 2 and 3 in the afternoon, comparable to her dream of the hotel on 2 July 1957 or her dialogue with Nature on 8 ...


... self to his true being or his spirit./Aswapathy gets this realization of the spirit, leading to a widening of his true being, equating him with the cosmos, with the universal consciousness, the universal being. Marching through all the planes which have their counterpart in his nature, he is then led to a divine consciousness where he is able to take the whole of human aspiration and put it before the ...


... unmoving peace and passivity of the aksara. The knowledge of the aksara is called vidyā (sā vidyā yayā tadaksaramadhigamyate ), and the knowledge of the ksara purusa or the phenomenal universal being is called avidyā; but the integral knowledge of the Paramātman comprehends both vidyā and avidyā and yet transcends them, as the Upanishad rightly holds. The integral knowledge is ...

... identified with the earth consciousness: The entire consciousness immersed in divine contemplation.... And the consciousness knew that its global body was thus moving in the arms of the universal Being, and it gave itself, it abandoned itself to It in an ecstasy of peaceful bliss. Then it felt that its body was absorbed in the body of the universe and one with it; the consciousness became the ...

... the instrument of which I have need.' And is not this the last renunciation, to renounce identification with Thee ..." How rapid her experiences were! On 17 May Mirra wrote: "O Thou, Universal Being, Supreme Unity in perceptible form, by an irresistible aspiration I nestled in Thy heart, then I was Thy heart itself, and I knew then that Thy heart—is no other than the Child that plays and creates ...

... existence we do perceive certain universal states & certain still more fundamental realisations which transcend all phenomena & all oppositions & antinomies. We perceive, for example, a state of Universal Being, the Sad Atman of the Upanishads, the goal of the Adwaitins; we perceive a state of Universal Non-Being, the Asad Atman of the Upanishads, Sunyam, the goal of the Madhyamika Buddhists. Then we ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... the soul's vision of that which manifests itself in life. The outward aspect is that of world-existence and human existence proceeding by struggle and slaughter; the inward aspect is that of the universal Being fulfilling himself in a vast creation and a vast destruction. Life a battle and a field of death, this is Kurukshetra; God the Terrible, this is the vision that Arjuna sees on that field of massacre ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... action to the Seer can even in our outward consciousness be motived & in the secret consciousness of God always is motived by the divine & universal Force & Bliss at free play in the divine & universal Being. The world is to the Mayavadin a freak of knowledge, an error on the surface of Self, a misconception of mind about Brahman; the world to the Seer is a running symbol of God and a means for His ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... action, sarvarambhah; it insists, above all & to the end, on the supreme renunciation of the ego-sense, the ahankara, as the one all-satisfying and divine sacrifice demanded by the ego-transcendent Universal Being from the ego-besieged and ego-ridden human soul. We must, in this consummation, fall perfectly passive in mind, life & body & allow the Divine Power to use them from above, as a man uses a machine ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... power of the life in the body,—Yogas which could be practised in separation or with some kind of synthesis. But all these ways of self-exceeding led to a highest self-becoming. To become one with universal being and all existences, one with the self and spirit, united with God completed the human evolution, built the final step of man's self-culture. Page 230 ...


... beings which seek to recover unity by possessing, dissolving and devouring each other. In this creation the real Sachchidananda has to emerge. Man, the individual, has to become and to live as a universal being; his limited mental consciousness has to widen to the superconscient unity in which each embraces all; his narrow heart has to learn the infinite embrace and replace its lusts and discords by universal ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... been preached repeatedly but it has never brought about the hoped-for results. As long as no attempt is made towards an inner wideness and tranquillity which would lead us to an already existent Universal Being, Page 79 the single infinite Self in all — as long as no turn is there towards the deep hidden "psyche" in us to whom God the beatific Super-Person is ever real as its Lord and ...


... communion is possible, get into   2. Social and Political Thought , SABCL, Vol. 15, p. 120. Page 379 some kind of tune with the master Beings of the universe or with the universal Being and its universal will or a supreme Being and His supreme will, follow the law It gives him and the assigned or revealed aim of his life and conduct, raise himself towards the highest height that ...


... Mother's Consciousness and Force, by giving him experiences which make him ready for the major experiences of Yoga, by stimulating the growth of his psychic being, by opening him to the Mother as the universal Being, etc., etc. Naturally it acts differently in different persons. (Nagin Doshi, Guidance from Sri Aurobindo, Vol. III, pp. 266-68.) Page 82 Books by R. Y. Deshpandey ...


... clue, they reveal their own sense and peculiar system of coherence. Finally, there can come to us the records of happenings seen or experienced by us on other planes of our own being or of universal being into which we enter: these have sometimes, like the symbolic dreams, a strong bearing on our own inner and outer life or the life of others, reveal elements of our or their mental being and ...


... essential requisite for the supramental realisation. The following quotations will speak more eloquently than any comment can do. “Mankind upon earth is one foremost self-expression of the universal Being in His cosmic self-unfolding; he expresses, under the conditions of the terrestrial world he inhabits, the mental power of the universal existence. All mankind is one in its nature, physical, vital ...

... and baked in the fierceness of his lustres …” Arjuna, the protagonist in the world-battle at that time in human history, receives the full initiation. “This is the figure of the supreme and universal Being,” writes Sri Aurobindo, “the Ancient of Days who is for ever, sanatanam purusham puranam , this is he who for ever creates … he who keeps the world always in existence, for he is the guardian ...

... us, his heads and eyes and faces are those innumerable visages which we see wherever we turn, his ear is everywhere, he immeasurably fills and surrounds all this world with himself, he is the universal Being in whose embrace we live.... He is indivisible and the One, but seems to divide himself in forms and creatures and appears as all the separate existences.... He is the light of all lights and luminous ...

... congenial to the poet, is intensity of vision, intensity of word and intensity of rhythm, caught from an inner intuitive consciousness. This consciousness is in touch with a one-yet-manifold universal being as well as with a higher realm of reality whose creative Delight and Truth-Consciousness have manifested all the worlds as its progressive self-expression. On the one side poetry may be called ...


... nothing to desire; desire is the result of incompleteness, of insufficiency, of something that is not possessed or enjoyed and which the being seeks for possession or enjoyment. A supreme and universal Being can have the delight of its all-existence, but to that delight desire must be foreign,—it can only be the appanage of the incomplete evolutionary ego which is a product of the cosmic action. Moreover ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... seem at first to see is individual replacing individual without any continuity, the form dissolving, the false or transient individuality dissolving with it, while the universal Energy or some universal Being alone remains for ever; that might very well be the whole principle of cosmic manifestation. But if the individual is a persistent reality, an eternal portion or power of the Eternal, if his growth ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... departure into a supracosmic transcendence, but there is in the spiritual truth of the Divine Existence no compelling reason why we should not participate in this large possession and bliss of His universal being which is the fulfilment of our individuality. But we see farther that it is not solely and ultimately the cosmic being into which our individual being enters but something in which both are ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... increasing vision and idea of the Self, this is man's source and law of progress and the secret of his impulse towards perfection. Mankind upon earth is one foremost self-expression of the universal Being in His cosmic self-unfolding; he expresses, under the conditions of the terrestrial world he inhabits, the mental power of the universal existence. All mankind is one in its nature, physical, vital ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... the clue, they reveal their own sense and peculiar system of coherence. Finally, there can come to us the records of happenings seen or experienced by us on other planes of our own being or of universal being into which we enter: these have sometimes, like the symbolic dreams, a strong bearing on our own inner and outer life or the life of others, reveal elements of our or their mental being and life-being ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... and forces: but in fact they also are powers of the one impersonal Person (Purusha), God, Self and Spirit. My individuality is his and is no longer a thing incompatible with or separated from universal being; it is itself universalised, a knower of the universal Ananda and one with and a lover of all that it knows, acts on and enjoys. For to the equal knowledge of the universe and equal will of acceptance ...


... but we add another stress which brings in a completer significance. We regard the spirit in man not as solely an individual being travelling to a transcendent unity with the Divine, but as a universal being capable of oneness with the Divine in all souls and all Nature and we give this extended view its entire practical consequence. The human soul's individual liberation and enjoyment of union with ...


... every limiting appearance, he will not have the sorrow of his imperfection. Nor will the seeking of the Divine through life and the meeting of him in all the activities of his being and of the universal being be absent from the scope of his worship. All Nature and all life will be to him at once a revelation and a fine trysting-place. Intellectual and aesthetic and dynamic activities, science and philosophy ...


... of the forms resulting from it. So it builds a wall of separation which shuts out the consciousness in each form from awareness of its own total self, of other embodied consciousnesses and of universal being. It is here that we must look for the secret of the apparent ignorance of the embodied mental being as well as of the great apparent inconscience of physical Nature. We have to ask ourselves what ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... Consciousness Truth was born and the Law of Truth; from that the Night, from the Night the flowing ocean of being. Rig Veda. (X. 190. 1.) Since Brahman is in the essentiality of its universal being a unity and a multiplicity aware of each other and in each other and since in its reality it is something beyond the One and the Many, containing both, aware of both, Ignorance can only come about ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... power, the essence of conscious-existence, the essence of delight, but receives instead a crowd of contradictory touches and impressions. If he could find that essence, he would find also the one universal being, power, conscious existence and delight even in this throng of touches and impressions; the contradictions of what seems would be reconciled in the unity and harmony of the Truth that reaches out ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... attraction to sin. It is to be rid of "I-ness" and "my-ness" so as to live in the one Self and act in the one Self; to reject the egoism of refusing to work through the individual centre of the universal Being as well as the egoism of serving the individual mind and life and body to the exclusion of others. To live in the Self is not to dwell for oneself alone in the Infinite immersed and oblivious of ...


... to possess self is to be in more or less obscure search of the delight of existence. Chit eternally possesses its self-bliss; and since Chit is the universal conscious-stuff of being, conscious universal being is also in possession of conscious self-bliss, master of the universal delight of existence. The Divine whether it manifests itself in All-Quality or in No-Quality, in Personality or Impersonality ...


... its movements arises and to which each progresses, the force of effectuation which each carries with it and the delight of being for which and from which each is born, and it relates all to the universal being, consciousness, force and delight of Sachchidananda. Thus it harmonises for us all the oppositions, divisions, contrarieties of existence and shows us in them the One and the Infinite. Uplifted ...


... origin, अ to be, in the widest sense of the idea, being primal, all pervading, vague and indefinable. Hence it is applicable to any of the three great deities who occupy & represent infinite & universal being, Vishnu, Shiva or Brahma; by a natural figure emphatic of the sense of व्याप्ति it became applicable to Vaiswanara or Virat Purusha. By transference to the idea of pervasive life & movement to ...


... expression of thought in mind, and brahman , expression of the heart or the soul,—for this seems to have been the earlier sense of the word brahman , 7 afterwards applied to the Supreme Soul or universal Being. The process of formation of the mantra is described in the second verse along with the conditions of its effectivity. Agastya presents the stoma , hymn at once of affirmation and of submission ...


... our actions to the egoistic life, cannot yet or as yet will not make the divine surrender. But it is in proportion as we learn to subjugate the ego and compel it to bow down in every act to the universal Being and to serve consciously in its least movements the supreme Will, that Agni himself takes form in us. The Divine Will becomes present and conscient in a human mind and enlightens it with the divine ...


... pṛthupājaso ye . Divine Dawn comes thus to the soul with the light of her knowledge, prajñāna , confronting all the worlds as field of that knowledge,—all provinces, that is to say, of our universal being,—mind, vitality, physical consciousness. She stands uplifted over them on our heights above mind, in the highest heaven, as the perception of Immortality or of the Immortal, amṛtasya ketuḥ , revealing ...


... play or a drama, takes the rasa or taste of the whole thing by the intellect, the sense and the aesthetic faculties. All things, all events are the manifestation of certain gunas or qualities in universal Being; God is Ananta guna, Infinite Qualities. The rose is a manifestation of form, colour, odour & other less obvious qualities, each stamped with a particular form of the rasa, divine Delight. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... realised in Brahman. The running of the Others in the course of Nature is only a working out (Prakriti), by Causality, in Time and Space, of something that Brahman already possesses. Even in Its universal being Brahman exceeds the Movement. Exceeding Time, It contains in Itself past, present and future simultaneously and has not to run to the end of conceivable Time. Exceeding Space, It contains all ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... of the human Page 161 into the divine consciousness, and in its intensest culmination is a losing of the separate self in that. The soul merges its individuality in an infinite and universal being or loses it in the heights of a transcendent being; it becomes one with the Self, the Brahman, the Divine or, as it is sometimes more absolutely put, becomes the one Self, the Brahman, the Divine ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... atheistic, does in fact involve more or less explicitly and completely such an attitude. It admits and it believes: admits the discords of the world, believes in some highest principle of God, universal Being or Nature which shall enable us to transcend, overcome or harmonise these discords, perhaps even to do all three at once, to harmonise by overcoming and transcending. Then, as to human life ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... sarva-dharmān parityajya . An unfallen abiding in the transcendent Spirit, paraṁ dhāma , will be the foundation and the assurance of this spiritual state. An intimate understanding oneness with universal being and all creatures, released from the evil and suffering of the separative mind but wisely regardful of true distinctions, will be the conditioning power. A constant delight, oneness and harmony ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... But how is this to be done? It can be done first by a right spirit in our will of works. The seeker has to regard all his action as a sacrifice to the Lord of works who is the eternal and universal Being and his own highest Self and the Self of all others and the supreme all-inhabiting, all-containing, all-governing Page 457 Godhead in the universe. The whole action of Nature is such ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... who thou art who wast from the beginning, for I know not the will of thy workings." This last cry of Arjuna indicates the double intention in the vision. This is the figure of the supreme and universal Being, the Ancient of Days who is for ever, sanātanaṁ puruṣaṁ purāṇam , this is he who for ever creates, for Brahma the Creator is one of the Godheads seen in his body, he who keeps the world always ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... inconscience of physical Nature, the beautiful and terrible, kindly and cruel conscious but amoral Life Force that is the first thing we see before us, are not the whole self-expression of the universal Being here and therefore not the whole of Nature. Man comes into it to express and realise a higher law of Nature and therefore a higher system of the lines of Karma. The mental energy divides itself ...


... could well enact such a law and assure its execution, but must then be, although imposing on us good and evil and their results, itself beyond good and evil. And what is this but to say that the universal Being escapes from our ethical limitations and is a supramoral, appearing to us here in physical Nature as an infra-moral, Infinite? Now, that a conscious Infinite is there in physicalNature, we are ...


... favourable or necessary conditions for the manifestation of life in body,—such conditions there must be in the nature of things,—but not that life is not another new and higher power of the force of universal being. The connection of Page 282 life responses with physical conditions and stimuli proves very clearly that life and matter are connected and that, as indeed they must do to coexist, the ...


... universal life calls to us, is one of the most amazing of God's mysteries. It is only equalled by the infinite blindness with which we cast a shadow of our ego over the whole world & call that the universal being. These two darknesses are the very essence & potency of Maya. 538) Atheism is the shadow or dark side of the highest perception of God. Every formula we frame about God, though always true as ...


... Materialistic science had the courage to look at this universal truth with level eyes, to accept it calmly as a starting-point and to inquire whether it was not after all the whole formula of universal being. Physical science must necessarily to its own first view be materialistic, because so long as it deals with the Page 191 physical, it has for its own truth's sake to be physical both ...


... them, O Indra, thy voices laugh up to thee, seeking unfulfilled satisfaction to their lover and lord. (5) Excite entirely,O Indra, that manifold highest ecstasy below,—that Is of thee which is universal being and supreme. (6) Us too in that, O Indra, wholly excite to bliss; make us full of strong ecstasy and victorious strength, O thou brilliant in steadfast force. (7) So do thou dispose to us ...


... outward mind and senses and by interpreting their contacts with the world. By Yoga there can open in him a consciousness which becomes one with that of the world; he becomes directly aware of a universal Being, universal states, universal Force and Power, universal mind, life, matter and lives in conscious relations with these things. He is then said to have the cosmic consciousness. Men are usually ...


... Meditations May 17, 1914 O Lord, deliver me from the mental influences which weigh upon me, so that, completely free, I may soar towards Thee. O Thou, Universal Being, Supreme Unity in perceptible form, through an irresistible aspiration I nestled within Thy heart, then I was Thy heart itself, and I knew then that Thy heart is no other than the Child who plays ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Prayers and Meditations

... Many Selves Two Systems in the Organisation of the Being From the viewpoint of Sri Aurobindo's thought, the human being is inseparably one with the universal being. There are, he says, "two systems simultaneously active in the organisation of the being and its parts" 19 —a concentric system and a vertical system. The concentric system is like a series ...


... × Mother added: "This precise detail is not superfluous; I said 'on earth' meaning that man does not belong merely to earth: in essence man is a universal being, but he has a special manifestation on earth." ...


... be able to enter into relation with It or Him and be able to remain in whatever contact or communion is possible, get into some kind of tune with the master Beings of the universe or with the universal Being and its universal will or a supreme Being and His supreme will, follow the law It gives him and the assigned or revealed aim of his life and conduct, raise himself towards the highest height that ...


... asked if this 'on earth' wasn't superfluous and Mother replied: 'This precision is not superfluous; I said "on earth" meaning that man does not belong only to the earth: in his essence, man is a universal being, but he has a special manifestation on earth.' × Here, Mother had a passage deleted. ...


... in some degree or other, sensing a Cosmic Revelation in various forms, more distinct in some aspects of Nature than in others as the seer of the Lake District knew when he spoke of the secret universal Being Whose dwelling is the light of setting suns. Do you know that Tennyson regarded this line as the grandest in English poetry? He may well be nearly right, for to my mind both the art and ...

... dominating the physical instrument, individual in fact of existence, but impersonal in feeling and recognised by a free cognition as something instrumental to the action of a Transcendent and Universal Being. In the transition towards the Supermind this centralising action tends towards the discovery of a true individual replacing the dead ego, a being who is in his essence one with the supreme Self ...

... the situation is not so simple and linear in nature. The affair is multidimensional and very much complex in character. And the reason is that no man is entirely separate and isolated. He has a universal being as well as an individual being. As a result everyone is indissolubly linked to every other person. Page 120 And the inevitable consequence of this inner solidarity is that the ...

... thou art who wast from the beginning, for I know not the will of thy workings." This last cry of Arjuna indicates the double intention in the vision. This is the figure of the supreme and universal Being, the Ancient of Days who is for ever, sanātanaṁ puruṣaṁ purāṇam, this is he who for ever creates, for Brahma the Creator is one of the Godheads seen in his body, he who keeps the world always ...

... the clue they reveal their own sense and peculiar system of coherence. Finally, there can come to us the records of happenings seen or experienced by us on other planes of our own being or of universal being into which we enter: these have sometimes, like the symbolic dreams, a strong bearing on our own inner and outer life or the life of others, reveal elements of our or their mental being and life ...

... considered to be purpose of all yogas. In Sri Aurobindo's yoga, the spirit in man is looked upon not merely as an individual being travelling to a transcendent unity with the Divine, but as a universal being capable of oneness with the Divine in all souls and all nature with all its practical consequences. As Sri Aurobindo explains: "The human soul's individual liberation and enjoyment of union ...


... beings which seek to recover unity by possessing, dissolving and devouring each other. In this creation the real Sachchidananda has to emerge. Man, the individual, has to become and to live as a universal being; his limited mental consciousness has to widen to the superconscient unity in which each embraces all; his narrow heart has to learn the infinite embrace and replace its lusts and discords by universal ...

... mutual understanding, without an intermediary; the work of putting the peace, the light or the love is accomplished in an instant. You understand, you are all tied to my consciousness, in my universal being, in my original Form which is more true and real, united by a spiritual interdependence where all the barriers crumble. I envelop you like this ( gesture ), in a big… or rather in an enormous sphere ...

Mona Sarkar   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Supreme

... attend Ton arrêt dans une prosternation grandiose..." (7-11-1915) This is the second status of the Mother's being, the first is the personal and individual, the second is this collective and universal being. But she is not merely the universe, she is the Mother of the universe. Hers is not merely earth's prayer, but the prayer of the Mother of the earth. It is not merely the prayer of the universe ...

... attend Ton arrêt dans une grandiose prosternation. . ¹ This is the second status of the Mother's being, the first is the personal and individual, the second is this collective and universal being. But she is not merely the universe, she is the Mother of the universe. Hers is not merely earth's prayer, but the prayer of the Mother of the earth. It is not merely the prayer of the universe ...

... hour. Indeed, however great an individual, his greatness is in reality the greatness of the world-spirit in him, and also contrariwise the smallness of an earthly being is the smallness of the universal being at a point, under a particular condition. In other words, the individual represents the weakest or the strongest link as the case may be, in the one single chain constituting the whole human race ...

... whole range of human living. In Sri Aurobindo's synthesis of yoga, the spirit in man is regarded not as solely an individual being traveling to a transcendent unity with the Divine, but a universal being capable of oneness with the divine in all souls and all-Nature with all its practical consequences. Page 6 As Sri Aurobindo points out: "The human soul's individual liberation ...

... seeker from the egoistic state of consciousness absorbed in the outer appearance and attraction of things to a higher state in which the Supreme Divine Being, — the Transcendental and Universal Page 79 Being, —can pour itself into the individual mould and transform it. This implies the intensity of the turning and personal effort of the seeker, and this intensity can be measured by the ...

... from the universal consciousness which surrounds him. Far from being one with universal, he is not conscious of his identity with his own fellows and feels them as separate. If he lived in the universal being he would be able to feel at least his identity with his fellow beings which now he does not. Therefore, he feels that all that has manifested on the plane of mind is also separated and isolated ...


... "The Spirit's conscious representative". "Comrade of the universe, the Transcendent's ray", It was the deepest truth of the individual, one with the universal Being and a projection of the Transcendent. Earth's bliss and grief this Being her soul—welcomed with a smile. This Being, "knows the toil of mind and life". It is this soul that "puts forth a small ...

... earth: the body of the awakened consciousness was the terrestrial globe moving harmoniously in etheral space. And the consciousness knew that its global body was thus moving in the arms of the universal Being, and it gave itself, it abandoned itself to It in an ecstasy of peaceful bliss. Then it felt that its body was absorbed in the body of the universe and one with it; the consciousness became the ...


... be sought for in a feat of Tapas that "builds a wall of separation which shuts out the consciousness in each form from awareness of its own total self, of other embodied consciousnesses and of universal being". 43 In the act of congealment, water freezes, the free flow ceases, and masses of ice seem to assert their separativity - yet they are the same substance, they Could be warmed up, they could ...

... night. That One lived without breath by his self-law, there was nothing else nor aught beyond it. In the beginning Darkness was hidden by darkness, all this was an ocean of inconscience. When universal being was concealed by fragmentation, than by the greatness of its energy That One was born. That moved at first as desire within, which was the primal seed of mind. The seers of Truth discovered the ...

... inmost psychic into the front and by the power of the psychic to purify and change the being, so that, it may become ready for transformation and in union with Divine Knowledge, Will and Love. Secondly, to develop the Yogic consciousness, e.g., to universalize the being in all the planes, become aware of the cosmic being and cosmic forces and be in union with the Divine in all the planes up to the overmind ...

... mystery is imbedded within the heart of the third brother, for our rishis saw there the Universal Divine Being and his seven sons. In our familiar language we may say it is the Supreme Being, God himself (Purushottama) and his seven lines of self-manifestation. We have often heard of the seven worlds or levels of being and consciousness, the seven chords of the Divine Music. In more familiar terms we... one; (3) madhyamā , the middle one or the one within and (4) vaikhar ī , the articulate word. In modem language we may say that the first one is the self-vibration of the Supreme Being or Consciousness; the second is the vibration of the higher-mind or the pure intelligence; the third is the vibration of the inner heart; and the fourth the vibration of physical sound, of voice ...


... 1 To know that and possess it, to find and fulfil consciously the universal being's hidden significances is the task given to the human spirit. There are other statements or colourings of the idea of rebirth which admit a more positive sense for existence and nourish a robuster confidence in the power and delight of being which are its secret fountains; but they all stumble in the end over the... is an obscure will to life in Matter, so the cause of continued soul birth is an ignorant desire or will to be in the universal energy of Karma. As the constant wheelings of the universe and the motions of its forces generate individual existences who escape from or end in being by an individual dissolution, so there is this constant wheel of becoming and motion of Karma which forms into individualised... affirmation of a progressive self-finding,—that too would give a noble meaning to our existence; it is a turning away from the demand of the universal Spirit, a refusal of all these cosmic ideas, imaginations, aspirations, action and effectuation. The way to find our being given us is an absolute denial of all our becoming. We rise to self by a liberating negation of ourselves, and in the result the Idea ...


... mystery is imbedded within the heart of the third brother, for our rishis saw there the Universal Divine Being and his seven sons. In our familiar language we may say it is the Supreme Being, God himself (Purushottama) and his seven lines of self-manifestation. We have often heard of the seven worlds or levels of being and consciousness, the seven chords of the Divine Music. In more familiar terms we say... paśyantī, the seeing one; (3) madhyamā, the middle one or the one within and (4) vaikharī, the articulate word. In modern language we may say that the first one is the self-vibration of the Supreme Being or Consciousness; the second is the vibration of the higher-mind or the pure intelligence; the third is the vibration of the inner heart; and the fourth the vibration of physical sound, of voice ...

... creates that impurity of misplacement and that tangled confusion which is the whole evil of our psychological existence. In that confusion one law seems to reign, the law of desire. As the universal Divine Being, all-embracing and all-possessing, acts, moves, enjoys purely for the satisfaction of divine Delight, so the individual life acts, moves, enjoys and suffers predominantly for the satisfaction... integral purification of the being. For all this movement of knowledge which we are describing is a method of purification and liberation whereby entire and final self-knowledge becomes possible, a progressive self-knowledge being itself the instrument of the purification and liberation. The method with the thought-mind will be the same as with all the rest of the being. The Purusha, having used the... what comes to it, which is associated with the all-pervading phenomenon of attraction and repulsion. These three things are everywhere in Nature because Life is everywhere in Nature. But in us mental beings they are all given a mental value according to the mind which perceives and accepts them. They take the form of action, of desire and of liking and disliking, pleasure and pain. The Prana is everywhere ...


... of the ego and its unification with the One Being, universal both in the world and the individual and transcendentally one both in the world and beyond all universe. By this integral realisation and liberation, the perfect harmony of the results of Knowledge, Love and Works. For there is attained the complete release from ego and identification in being with the One in all and beyond all. But since... that which is not-world. And it prepares the integral perfection of our humanity as a type of the Divine in the conditions of the human manifestation, a perfection founded on a certain free universality of being, of love and joy, of play of knowledge and of play of will in power and will in unegoistic action. This integrality also can be attained by the integral Yoga. Perfection includes perfection... that end in the same goal. But if our aim be a transformation of our integral being into the terms of God-existence, it is then that a synthesis becomes necessary. The method we have to pursue, then, is to put our whole conscious being into relation and contact with the Divine and to call Him in to transform our entire being into His. Thus in a sense God Himself, the real Person in us, becomes the sadhaka ...


... unitarian idea and the principle of uniformity enforced for the greatest practical convenience and the result a rationalised mechanism of human life and activities throughout the world with justice, universal well-being, economy of effort and scientific efficiency as its principal objects. Instead of the individual activities of nation-groups each working for itself with the maximum of friction and waste and... abolished. But we cannot argue safely from the present balance of tendencies in the beginning of a great era of transitions. Already there are at work not only ideas but forces, all the more powerful for being forces of the future and not established powers of the present, Page 496 which may succeed in subordinating nationalism to themselves far earlier than we can at present conceive. If the... influence, would be too ready a means to be neglected. Moreover, a World-State would probably no more find it possible to tolerate the continuance of certain nations as capitalist societies, itself being socialistic in major part, than a capitalist—or socialist—Great Britain would tolerate a socialist—or capitalist—Scotland or Wales. On the other hand, if all nations become socialistic in form, it would ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... self-existent. It also describes the different states of being in the individual corresponding to the universal principles of the One Being that is Bliss. The Upanishad defines the Brahman as the Truth, Knowledge, Infinity (satyam, jnanam, anantam), and it defines the result of the knowledge of the Brahman in the secrecy, in the cave of being, in the supreme ether as the enjoyment of all its highest... therefore been regarded as epic-hymns of self-knowledge and world Page 5 knowledge and God-knowledge. The utterances of the Upanishads contain the vision of oneness and self in a universal divine being, and they are couched in expressions that have great revealing power and suggestive thought colour Significance of the Age of the Upanishads It is instructive to observe that... a fresh record of their yoga and stated that the self in us is one with the universal self of all things and that this self is transcendental Brahman. The records of their yoga give us evidence that they had held, felt and lived in the inmost truths of all things in the universe and the inmost truths of man's inner and outer existence by the light of one ^d unified vision. The Upanishads have therefore ...

... integral beatitude prepare the integral perfection of our humanity as a type of the Divine in the conditions of the human manifestation, a perfection founded on a certain free page - 118 universality of being, of love and joy, of play of knowledge and of play of will in power and will in unegoistic action. Fifthly, integral perfection includes perfection of mind and body. In the attainment of... contact of the individual being in all its parts with the Divine, sdyujya mukti, by which it becomes free even in its separation, even in the duality; (ii) sdlokya mukti by which the whole conscious existence dwells in the same status of being as the Divine, in the state of Sachchidananda, and (iii) the acquisition of the divine nature by the transformation of the lower being into the human image of... harmony and integrality of the infinite and the finite, of personality and impersonality, of the akshara and kshara Purusha, the immobile and the mobile Purusha, and of the transcendental, the universal and the individual. The unity page - 113 of three powers of approaching the eternal. Love, Knowledge and Works, arises from the integral nature of the Ultimate Reality. The Tantrik ...

... sought to know, to live in and to be one with it by identity. And through this endeavour they came easily to see that the self in us is one with the universal self of all things and that this self again is the same as God and Brahman, a transcendent Being or Existence, and they beheld, felt, lived in the inmost truth of all things in the universe and the inmost truth of man's inner and outer existence... their substance, structure, phrase, imagery, movement are determined by and stamped with this original character. These supreme and all-embracing truths, these visions of oneness and self and a universal divine being are cast into brief and monumental phrases which bring them at once before the soul's eye and make them real and imperative to its aspiration and experience or are couched in poetic sentences... Godhead, the divine and universal Self and discoveries of his relation with things and creatures in this great cosmic manifestation. Chants of inspired knowledge, they breathe like all hymns a tone of religious aspiration and ecstasy, not of the narrowly intense kind proper to a lesser religious feeling, but raised beyond cult and special forms of devotion to the universal Ananda of the Divine which ...


... glorified. 7 There is now a sense of unutterable relief, a consciousness of His Presence and Protection; Page 79 and Mirra's prayer rises to Him, now as always, invoking universal well-being. What Mirra herself would most like to do is "to have the power to heal life, to relieve suffering, to generate peace and calm confidence, to efface anguish and replace it by the sense of... Peace ... Peace ... Peace ... : the 'flame-Word rune' is repeated like a caress, like an incantation, like a benediction. "Piecemeal peace is poor peace," says the poet Hopkins, and hence only universal everlasting Peace can comprehend and solve the gigantic problem of earth's evil and imperfection Page 80 and pain. Mirra's aspiration and meditation decree by an act of will the Peace... with the Divine is, however, by no means easy, for human actions at present are usually flawed, being infected with disorder and darkness. Mirra knows that "the ideal state is that in which, constantly conscious with Thy Consciousness, one knows at every moment, spontaneously, without any reflection being necessary, exactly what should be done to best express Thy law". 18 Mirra has doubtless sessions ...


... creature, man. Man has to become universal and the mental consciousness has to be transformed by man opening to the Supraconscient in whom unity is the law, and each embraces all. Then the narrowness is lost in the universal love, the vital restricted being returns equal shock to the whole universal contact, and then it becomes capable of universal delight. Even the physical being has to know the One with... Then, instead of receiving the universal contact, one reduces oneself to a small being and reduces the universal to individual contact. The universal contact coming through the individual machinery of the small individual channel, completely changes its character from delight into pleasure, pain, and indifference. Instead of trying to contact, or having a universal reception to contacts of the world... suffering. Do you wish to comment on this ? A : Yes, it is an expression of universal love. The willingness of being consecrated by accepting universal love. How far can the expression of universal love be attained in life ? If you want to see it exemplified, you see it in Christ. You can say, not only universal but Divine Love, for that matter. Q : Do you think that Christianity has ...
