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Usha : (1) in the Veda, the daughter of Heaven & sister of the Ādityas; the divine Dawn, the bringer of illumination; also called Ahānā & Dyōtanā (see Dawn). (2) Daughter of Bāṇāsura. She fell in love with Aniruddha whom she saw in a dream. Her companion, Chitralekha, by her magic power, brought Aniruddha to Usha, & the two lived together secretly. Bāṇāsura, hearing of Aniruddha’s presence in the palace, took him prisoner. Krishna, Pradyumna, & Balarāma, overpowered Bāṇāsura & brought Aniruddha, with his wife Usha, back to Dwārkā (q.v.).
... seats of the Mother. Usha as the mother of the cows can only be a form or power of this supreme Light, of this supreme Consciousness, of Aditi. And in fact, we do find her so described in I.113.19, mātā devānām aditer anīkam , "Mother of the gods, form (or, power) of Aditi". But the illumining dawn of the higher or undivided Consciousness is always the dawn of the Truth; if Usha is that illumining... The Secret of the Veda Chapter XIII Dawn and the Truth Usha is described repeatedly as the Mother of the Cows. If then the cow is a Vedic symbol for the physical light or for spiritual illumination the phrase must either bear this sense that she is the mother or source of the physical rays of the daylight or else that she creates the radiances of the... dawn, then we are bound to find her advent frequently associated in the verses of the Rig Veda with the idea of the Truth, the Ritam. And such association we do repeatedly find. For, first of all, Usha is described as "following effectively the path of the Truth", ṛtasya panthām anveti sādhu . Here neither the ritualistic nor the naturalistic sense suggested for ṛtam can at Page 131 ...
... Seoul in 1986, she won four gold medals. But then there was to be a slide in her fortunes, and an injury-stricken Usha suffered a first-round defeat at the 1988 Olympic Games. Surrounded by criticism, it seemed that Usha would give up athletics once and for all. But, a born fighter, Usha was to prove her critics wrong as she made yet another remarkable comeback at the 1989 Asian Track and Field ... overall medal tally. In 1990, in Beijing, Pillavalakanki Thekaparambil Usha ran her last race on a cool autumn evening at the Asian Games. Sixteen years after the little girl realized she could outrun just anybody her age. Her final event, the women's 400-metre relay, gave Usha her third silver medal of the games. Usha did more for Indian athletics than several generations of runners. And she... Human Body Running I — P. T. Usha D awn on a quiet beach in Kerala. The first light shows a narrow sandy path running through swaying palms. A lithe runner in a grey tracksuit comes into view, loping effortlessly ahead of a short rotund man who struggles to keep up. P.T. Usha and O.M. Nambiar make an odd twosome: one five foot seven inches of lean ...
... the recovery of the lost Sun. Usha, the Dawn, was disconsolate. Where were her children, the cows, the shining herds of the Sun? And where was the Sun himself? When she went to take the cattle out to pasture, there was no trace of any of them. The steeds were gone too! Usha, the daughter of Heaven, the Mother of radiance, heaven-gold her hue, the sweet-spoken Usha, is beloved of all. The whole clan... elder sister, she is "a darkness carrying morning in its breast." The gods follow their guide. Agni at the forefront, close to the guide, "Agni leading, Indra following, the other gods succeeding." Usha would not be left behind, she is with her brothers, her vision of all-round seeing restored by now. The Angirasa Rishis, led by their eldest Brihaspati, are very much the companions-in-arms of the gods... their full battle-cry. Brihaspati, the Master of the Creative Word, the chief of the Angirasas, "with his cry broke the hills," the stronghold of the Panis, the stealers, who had hidden the cows of Usha in the dark cavern-pens. The Panis who make the knot of the crookedness. Who have not the will to works, spoilers of speech —"Thou hast crushed with thy stroke the mouth less Dividers who mar our s ...
... Earth's child sees the gay dawn approaching, and most welcome is her approach. It is the Goddess Usha who symbolises Page 62 the Superconscient. Man naturally wants to cast away the badges of temporal limitation that he has been wearing till now, and gather the life eternal that Usha symbolises. She comes bringing with her the "God-touch" that promises Fulfilment and interprets:... significant myth Telling of a greatness of spiritual dawns... 9 Goddess Usha has come; the seed in the black earth has become the beautiful rose; a sweet odour pervades the earth; early birds are chirping; the far east is presently glowing russet-hued; the wind is fresh and free. Thus the coming of Usha is very auspicious for the mortal who aspires for immortality. But all... depressed and rendered hopeless by the gaping mass of inconscient matter that is symbolised through Night, or he is astonished and left helpless by the dazzle of the Superconscient symbolised by the Goddess Usha. Is there no way for the ordinary mortal to cut through the coils of uncivilised demoniac dominations imposed by formless matter and embrace the Life Divine of civilised angelic Brahma-Knowledge? There ...
... various mantras) or variously knowing (many ways of increasing us) come quickly; like the sun, wearing a form well-connected with golden rays and extended, well seen by the brightness of the sun (may Usha protect our former call). Page 389 (2) Like a wife for increase of our former offering Dawn&Night be manifoldly manifested; Dawn, wearing Being sewn together like garments, seeing perfectly... masterful over the waters; O Indra & Parvata, do ye become keen in us, and may all the gods in us attain their supreme substance. [10] [RV I.223.1] Hymns of Kakshivan Dairghatamasa Hymn to Usha. I. 123. पृथू रथो दक्षिणाया अयोजि, आ एन देवासो अमृतासो अस्थुः । कृष्णादुदस्थादर्या विहायाः, चिकित्सन्ती मानुषाय क्षयाय ।।१।। Sayana प्रवृद्धायाः स्वव्यापारकुशलाया उषोदेवताया विस्तीर्णो... पूजनीय विविधगमनयुक्ता महती वा मनुष्याणां निवासायान्धकारनिवारणरूपां चिकित्सां कुर्वती (तमो निवारयन्ती) निकृष्टवर्णान्नैशात्तमसः सकाशादुत्थिताभूत् । दक्षिणायाः दक्षिणा in this verse may be an epithet of Usha, the Dawn. There is also a goddess Dakshina in the Veda, who is a female energy depending on the god Daksha. Daksha being the god who conducts the faculty of discriminative judgment, Dakshina is the ...
... said to be (X.78) as it were "Angirases with their Sama hymns, they who take all forms," viśvarūpā aṅgiraso na sāmabhiḥ . All this action and movement are made possible by the coming of Usha, the Dawn. Usha also is described as aṅgirastamā and in addition as indratamā . The power of Agni, the Angiras power, manifests itself also in the lightning of Indra and in the rays of the Dawn. Two passages... sun were extending its two arms. Usha has become (or, come into being) most full of Indra power ( indratamā ), opulent in riches and has given birth to the inspirations of knowledge for our happy going (or for good and bliss), the goddess, daughter of Heaven, most full of Angirashood ( aṅgirastamā ), orders her riches for the doer of good works." The riches in which Usha is opulent cannot be anything... stress on their significance, especially the names of gods, sages and kings. The word Indra is generally used as a name, yet we have such significant glimpses of the Vedic method as the description of Usha indratamā aṅgirastamā , "most-Indra", "most-Angiras", and of the Panis as anindrāḥ , "not-Indra", expressions which evidently are meant to convey the possession or absence of the qualities, powers ...
... coming of day as a matter of course, to our Vedic ancestors the Dawn was "the first Page 358 miracle and the greatest revelation the world has ever seen". 20S Usha in the Veda is also Ahana; Usha had her affiliations with the Greek Eos, and Ahana with Athene and Daphne; and these bright goddesses were the harbingers of light, life, beauty, joy. 206 Throughout... condition of the Vedic realisation." 207 Usha is thus at once the physical dawn, mental awakening, and divine illumination. On the other hand, Darkness could mean both inconscience and ignorance; and even when the darkness seems most oppressive, "even in the night of earth-consciousness, the force of Agni blazes again and again and with the glow of Usha radiates the light." 208 Night has her... everlasting Zero. The 'divine Event', which is the manifestation of the Divine Consciousness on the earth, is retarded by the reign of zero-night, but this reign will see the beginning of its end when Usha arrives and awakens "the activity and growth of the other gods". Again and again the issue is joined between Night and Day, and the most oppressive hour is also that which precedes the coming of Dawn ...
... discovered by Sarama, forerunner of Indra, who is a solar or dawn goddess and seems to symbolise the intuitive power of the Truth. Usha, the Dawn, Page 243 is at once herself a worker in the great victory and in her full advent its luminous result. Usha is the divine Dawn, for the Sun that arises by her coming is the Sun of the superconscient Truth; the day he brings is the day of the... the true life in the true knowledge, the night he dispels is the night of the ignorance which yet conceals the dawn in its bosom. Usha herself is the Truth, sūnṛtā , and the mother of Truths. These truths of the divine Dawn are called her cows, her shining herds; while the forces of the Truth that accompany them and occupy the Life are called her horses. Around this symbol of the cows and horses much... ic theory of Vedic worship; they are undoubtedly storm-gods and no other of the greater Vedic deities, Agni or the Ashwins or Varuna and Mitra or Twashtri and the goddesses or even Surya the Sun or Usha the Dawn have such a pronounced physical character. If then these storm-gods can be shown to have a psychological character and symbolism, then there can be no farther doubt about the profounder sense ...
... to the Playground and described to everybody what had happened, then very seriously Usha and I started taking Group A classes. After a week Pranab Da came back and sat on the parapet near the gate to see how we were faring. He reported to the Mother about the activities in his absence and also informed Her that Usha and I were taking the Group very efficiently. Mother then asked him to make us permanent... HOW I BECAME A CAPTAIN Sometime in 1947, Pranab Da did not come on time at 4:30 p.m. to take the Group A sports classes. My friend from the boarding house, Usha and I were a bit bewildered because punctuality for all activities in the Ashram was a very important part of our lives. So when Pranab Da did not turn up on time, we ran to Pranab Da’s house to find... permanent captains and train us accordingly. I was barely ten and a half then, and Usha was two years older than me. Tara leading the Green Group march past ...
... result, Usha and I were completely on our own, teaching children who were often barely one or two years younger than us. Soon after this, the Tennis Courts were ready and Mother started going to the Tennis Ground for playing Tennis. Pranab Da was always Mother’s partner during the Mother’s game of Tennis. Since She played from 4:30 p.m. which was also the physical education time of Group A, Usha and... Learning with the Mother INTRODUCTION TO DISCIPLINE Thereafter, Pranab Da would write out the lessons in a notebook everyday and Usha and I would teach the Group. He would stand near by to watch and correct us when necessary. Around 1947, when we were all pursuing physical education activities very enthusiastically, Pranab Da wanted us to learn to march... the French colony. Consequently, She started taking the lessons that Pranab Da wrote for us and translated them into French in our notebooks. My notebook was taken up by Her on 27th August 1948. Usha and I, both being captains of Group A, our notebooks would go to her alternately every week, and we would receive our lessons in French in Her own handwriting. We would learn these by heart and then ...
... Light and as doing what Sri Aurobindo's Ambassadress does - the Rigveda whose imagery so often gleams out in Savitri. Usha is described in I. 113.19, mātā devānām adder anīkam, "Mother of the gods, form (or power) of Aditi." A Rik (80.1) of the fifth Mandala presents Usha as "a form from far beatitudes" coming near: it describes her as dytad-yāmānam brhatīm rtena rtāvarim svar āvahamtīm, "of... reason, be debarred from being the Goddess of eternal Light? The function of the Spiritual Dawn, like the operation of the physical dawn, is to come as a herald and then disappear. But merely because Usha - to use the Rigvedic name and figure - appears for a short duration to do her work, is she herself a short-lived entity? She is surely an emanation or manifestation of eternal Light. Eternal Light... in the second place that, although in the poem it happens in the dawn, it can happen also in other phases of our twenty-four-hour cycle. So, as far as the poem is concerned, there is no going beyond Usha to some "Deity" coming after her. At a later place in the same letter we get one more indication of what I have been trying to demonstrate. Sri Aurobindo 3 writes in reply to a certain aspect of the ...
... and as doing what Sri Aurobindo's Ambassadress does—the Rigveda whose imagery so often gleams out in Savitri. Usha is described in I, 113.19, m ā t ā dev ā n ā m aditer an ī kam, "Mother of the gods, form (or power) of Aditi." A Rik (80.1) of the fifth Mandala presents Usha as "a form from far beatitudes" coming near: it describes her as dytad-y ā m ā nam brihatim ritena rit ā verim svar... reason, be debarred from being the Goddess of eternal Light? The function of the Spiritual Dawn, like the operation of the physical dawn, is to come as a herald and then disappear. But merely because Usha—to use the Rigvedic name and figure—appears for a short duration to do her work, is she herself a short-lived entity? She is surely an emanation or manifestation of eternal Light. Eternal Light briefly... in the second place that, although in the poem it happens in the dawn, it can happen also in other phases of our twenty-four-hour cycle. So, as far as the poem is concerned, there is no going beyond Usha to some "Deity" coming after her. At a later place in the same letter we get one more indication of what I have been trying to demonstrate. Sri Aurobindo 4 writes in reply to a certain aspect of the ...
... pervading them in consciousness by a sort of identification with their truth. Usha is to occupy the revealing thought and word of the Rishi as a power of Knowledge conscient of the truth of all that is placed by them before the mind for expression in man. The affirmation, it is suggested, will be full and ample; for Usha is vājena vājini, maghoni ; rich is the store of her substance; she has all the... progress of the Dawn. In another hymn the movements of the mind have been described as growing conscient and brilliant by the bright Page 294 power of the continuous Dawns. Throughout the Veda Usha, daughter of Heaven, has always the same function. She is the medium of the awakening, the activity and the growth of the other gods; she is the first condition of the Vedic realisation. By her increasing... done, the sacrifice offered and its desirable fruits gathered by humanity. Many are the hymns, indeed, in which rich and beautiful figures of the earthly dawn veil this inner truth of the goddess Usha, but in this hymn of the great Rishi Vishwamitra the psychological symbolism of the Vedic Dawn is apparent from beginning to end by open expressions and on the surface of the thought. "O Dawn rich of ...
... foundation. (2) First before all the universe Dawn awoke conquering substance, vast, safely-preserving; high she shone abroad in her youth reborn; Usha came first in the earliest calling. (3) Because today thou dividest their share to the Strong Ones,Usha goddess beautiful shining upon the world of mortals, therefore here the god Savitri wide-governing utters us free from sin for the kingdom of the... immortal that is equally yoked, moveth over the sea, O ye Aswins. (19) Ye have driven, labouring, a wheel of your car over the head of the intangible, the other goeth through the heavens. (20) O Usha, beloved of [ ] who is the mortal that has enjoyed thee, O deathless one? to whom journeyest thou, O wide-shining Dawn? (21) For we have filled ourselves with the thought of thee from our last... and sky establishing in their place the names of things; bent on enjoyment ever shining she comes and enjoys always the first fruit of every possession. (5) The sister of Bhaga, the twin of Varuna, Usha, goddess of Truth, thou first of the gods cleave to us; afterwards is he to be crushed who is the establisher of sin; him may we conquer by Reason with the speed of her chariot. (6) May the true ...
... * Dada was told that Usha had lung-cancer. He observed 'Usha has always led a very pure, sattwic, ashram life. She would never eat anything from outside. She has led a very orderly, clean life. There was no irregularity anywhere. When I started the physical culture activities after forming the Page 49 groups, Usha was one of the girls of the first batch... batch. She then became a captain. Among the many women-captains, Usha was one of them. This is a deadly disease. It is difficult to predict when or where it will strike. And it has become very widespread now. Then Dada remained silent for some time as if in deep thought before remarking: 'In fact the real root of this disease is man's psychological pressure, stress, tension, anxiety ...
... (a) For Vrishabha, The Bull, roaring aloud: * * * USHA IN THE RIG VEDA (b) This is the awakening of the Light of consciousness from the mass of darkness of the Night of the Inconscient. In Man's life Usha is his awakening to the need of spiritual life from his state of normal human Ignorance. "Usha is the divine illumination. The result of the birth of divine vision... immortal Light Ablaze upon creation's quivering edge, Dawn built her aura of magnificent hues And buried the seed of grandeur in the hours." Sāvitrī, Book I, Canto I. ( 1) Usha widens bringing out that which lives, awakening someone who was dead.... (a) projecting forward her illumination, she enters into communion with rest that are to come. Rig Veda, I. 113, 8, ...
... always the dawn of the Truth. Usha, the Goddess of the dawn, is that illumined dawn. Sun follows the path of Usha, sun follows the path of the dawn. Night in the Veda is a symbol of our obscure consciousness, full of ignorance and of stumbling in our will and in our acts. Light is the coming of the illumined higher consciousness which leads to Truth and to Light. Usha is a power of Aditi. Aditi... Gods, according to the Veda. In a more general aspect, she is the source of all cosmic forms of consciousness. The dawn is the source of all the cosmic forms of consciousness from the physical upwards. Usha is the Mother of the Cows and she can only be a power of the supreme light, the light of the Supreme Consciousness, Aditi. Non-existence of the truth of things is the first aspect of things that emerges ...
... fifth Mandala and a few other Hymns also appeared in translation, with an explanatory Introduction on 'The Doctrine of the Mystics' and several important notes on the 'Guardians of the Light': Surya, Usha the Dawn, Pushan, Savitri, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman and Bhaga. Long after the Arya had ceased publication, Sri Aurobindo published in 1946 Hymns to the Mystic Fire, a new or revised translation of... with such a considerable undertaking". 22 Although many of the hymns are addressed to gods other than Agni - that is to say, Indra, Surya, Mitra, Varuna, Savitri, Soma, Brihaspati, the Ribhus, Usha, the Aswins, the Maruts, the Vishvedevas, Ila, Saraswati, Mahi, and so on - yet Agni is somehow the dominant deity in the Rig Veda. In the various Mandalas, the Suktas addressed to him are placed first... rivers" mentioned in Vishvamitra's Hymn to Agni (III.i) are not physical rivers but "the seven strands of all being, the seven streams or currents or forms of movement of the one conscious existence". 34 Usha the Dawn too is much more than the physical dawn, as in III.61.5: Meet ye the Dawn as she shines wide towards you and with surrender bring forward your complete energy. Exalted in heaven is ...
... of many enjoyments. The herds which Usha gives are therefore the shining troops of the Light recovered by the gods and the Angirasa Rishis from the strong places of Vala and the Panis and the wealth of cows (and horses) for which the Rishis constantly pray can be no other than a wealth of this same Light; for it is impossible to suppose that the cows which Usha is said to give in the seventh verse... which must mean, obviously, luminous or radiant; for it would be nonsense to use "cowful" in a literal sense as the fixed epithet of the Dawn. But the image of the cows is there in the epithet; for Usha is not only gomatī , she is gomatī aśvāvatī ; she has always with her her cows and her horses. She creates light for all the world and opens out the darkness as the pen of the Cow, where we have without ...
... Basumati, mentions that at one time Usha, a cousin of theirs (daughter of Sukumari, Rajnarain's third daughter) was ill with fever for a prolonged period. When Sri Aurobindo went to Deoghar he heard that many medical men had treated her but to no avail. One of the doctors, however, had suggested a change of air. That had not been done and Usha continued to ail. Hearing all this "Aurobindo... with great remorse and self-contempt. No more of it. I give up this sin for good. "To offer money to God means spending it for sacred causes. I have no regrets giving monetary help to Sarojini or Usha, because helping others is Dharma, to protect those who depend on you is a great Dharma, but the account is not settled if one gives only to one's brothers and sisters. In its present plight, the whole ...
... had been born as Sri Krishna's grandson Aniruddha and Mrinalini as his wife Usha (the daughter of a Titan king). One can't vouch for the truth of the story since it involves a chronological anomaly, but it is not impossible according to occult science. Sri Aurobindo's composition of a long poem in Bengali, "The Abduction of Usha", lends some credence to the account. If true it suggests that Mrinalini's... came to serve. The very fact that she became Sri Aurobindo's spouse goes in support of that conjecture, even if we may not be disposed to accept Mrinalini's assertion that she was said to have been Usha in one of her previous lives. In India, a woman's life is held to be not of bhoga, but of self-giving, renunciation, tyaga as typified in the lives of Sita and other women of holy birth. My contention ...
... forerunner of the light of the Sun, and my father had taught me in my early years how to welcome and pray to Usha, the Goddess of the Dawn, so that she may deliver unto us a new departure from the past and bestow on us the gifts of the coming day. I knew by heart a number of the Vedic hymns addressed to Usha, but they did not come readily to me at that moment. Or they did, for it was perhaps by their aid that... speak. I said, "My father is a great Vedic scholar, and I have been fortunate to study a few hymns from him since my boyhood. I know a number of hymns addressed to Agni; I know a few hymns addressed to Usha; and a few Page 240 hymns addressed to Varuna, Mitra, Savitri and Ashwins." "That is quite a lot," said Naveen Chandra, "and if you make a deeper study, you will find that the Veda is ...
... Dawn— Usha. Some acquaintance with the Vedic Dawn might help the reader to form a correct conception of the Symbol-Dawn of Sāvitrī. The passage quoted here is the translation by Sri Aurobindo of a Vedic hymn. "She follows to the goal of those that are passing on beyond, she is the first in the eternal succession of the dawns that are coming,— Usha widens... effort and the pang"—of the movement of evolution from inconscient to consciousness,—from Matter to Spirit. Page 135 In this great stir there was an aspiration for the Light, and Usha, the Dawn, comes in response to this aspiration. This aspiration was not merely an ignorant wish, or running after a phantom. 7. "And a blank prescience yearned towards distant change", ...
... runnest. Thou shalt be forced, O Ahana, to bear enjoyment and knowing Termlessly. Come, O come from thy whiteness and distance, thou glowing, Mighty and hundred-ecstasied Woman! Daughter of Heaven, Usha, descend to thy pastimes below and thy haunts that are given. She-wolf avid of cruelty, lioness eager for battle, Tigress that prowlst in the night and leapest out dire on the cattle, Sarama, dog... tender! Thou art the perfect peopling of Space, O Ahana; thou only Fillest Time with thy forms. Leave then thy eternity lonely, Come! from thy summits descending arrive to us, Daughter of Heaven, Usha, Dawn of the world, for our ways to thy footsteps are given. Strength thou hast built for the floor of the world and delight for its rafter. Calm are thy depths, O Ahana; above is thy hundred-mouthed ...
... & veiled by its shape, as a man's soul is veiled by his mind & body which are themselves shapes of his soul. In the words abodhi, vayám, nákam, in the relation of Agni to Usha and the emphasis on the illuminative character of Usha as the Sun Cow, this aspect of illumination & manifestation is stressed & enlarged. In the second verse the native aspect of the divine Force as a mighty power of action, ...
... other shore of this darkness," cries the Rishi, "Dawn is breaking forth and she creates and forms the births of knowledge." Constantly the idea of the Truth is associated with this luminous goddess Usha. She awakens full of the Truth by the illuminations of heaven; she comes uttering words of truth; her dawns are luminous in their entering in because they are true as being born from the Truth; it is... knowledge, forcefully teaching us, saying "thus it is and thus" so that we learn from him of the homes to which we travel; it is as the seer that he is the impeller of the horses of our chariots. Like Usha he makes for us happy paths of an easy going,—for he finds for us the will and strength,—and by his traversing of them rids us of evil. The wheel of his chariot comes not to harm, nor is there any trouble ...
... articulate, there was a tread. Now, with the arrival of the light, the dawn, there is a tread that vibrates. After the phenomenon of dawn, the Face of a Deity appears. She is the mother of light, Usha as she is called in the Veda. When her eyelids open, they open the heavens; her face is the centre of Infinity. Infinity has no circumference, no form, but it has a centre. It is a Face of rapturous... coming; then appears this Face of rapturous calm, Infinity's centre, that parts the lids that open the heavens to sight. This is the Form that has come to earth from far beatitudes. Omniscient Goddess, Usha, the Dawn leans across the breadths of the skies and sees that the spaces below are ready for her footsteps. -7- We came to the point where the Divine Dawn looks down and sees that ...
... faculty that separates and discriminates light from the darkness. In some passages, the goddess Dakshina seems to be a form or epithet of goddess Usha (dawn); in some other passages, she is the one who distributes the offerings in the sacrifice. Usha is the divine illumination and Dakshina is the discerning knowledge that comes with the dawn; that discerning knowledge enables Indra, the illumined ...
... 61.Goel, D.P. St. Margaret Sr. Sec. School D-Block, Parshant Vihar Rohini, Delhi 62.Goel, Veena Darbari Lai DAV Model School Shalimar Bagh, Delhi 63.Goela, Usha 151 DDA SFS, Hauz Khas New Delhi -110016 64.Goswami, Indu 67 Vaishali Pitampura, Delhi -110034 65.Goswami, S.C. 67 Vaishalai Pitampura Delhi-110034 ... New Delhi-110030 Page 736 117.Luther, M.M. 27, Silver Oaks Apartments DLF Qutab Enclave, Phase -I Gurgaon - 122002 , Haryana 118.Luther, Usha 27, Silver Oaks Apartments DLF Qutab Enclave, Phase -I Gurgaon - 122002 (Haryana) 119.Madan,V.D. N-23D, Saket New Delhi 110024 120.Mahajan, Baldev D-72 ...
... must be conscious of what one wants to do. Every evening you must aspire to become a good boy. Every morning when you wake up, again you must think of it. Usha: I like your class. Mother: Do you understand what I say? Usha: Sometimes I can’t. Mother: You must concentrate well then you will understand. Bhai: I like playing Cricket. Ranganath: I like Science. Mother: ...
... moulds. The gods Agni, Indra, Vayu are, since yesterday, manifesting constantly sometimes in their divine & sometimes in their manasic parts. Occasionally two or three of them form one deity. Surya, Usha, the four and Brihaspati seem about to manifest. All the rest are behind Trikaldrishti of reference & pure trikaldrishti are active, but the latter is not luminous. Tapas usually acts to some... The third intensity is now manifesting more frequently, but with a power of impersonality & formlessness which makes the man appear as a mask of God. The other gods—up to the present Surya, Varuna, Usha, Bhaga, Aryaman, Mitra, Aranyani are manifest in their forms & activities. They have now been followed rapidly by the others; Prithivi revealing herself as Aditi, Rudra manifest in the chanda form of ...
... servitor consecrated to Thee in absolute love. May Thy Truth, Love and Ananda reign in all hearts! *** In August 1967, Usha had bought three sarees used by the Mother for Kusumben, Jayshree and myself. The Mother had instructed her to let me choose first. So, Usha asked me to select one. I sent it to the Mother with this letter: "Mother Divine: pranams. Is this the saree that You want me to ...
... filled me with great remorse and self-contempt. No more of it. I give up this sin for good and all. To offer money to God is to spend it in sacred causes. I don't regret having helped Sarojini and Usha with money - to help others is a virtue; to protect those who have taken refuge with you is a great virtue, indeed. But all is not done by giving only to our brothers and sisters. The whole country... fulfilment will come during my life time, but come it will. Well, what, then, will be your decision in this matter? The wife is the Shakti (power) of the husband. Are you going to be a disciple of Usha and practise the cult of worship of the Europeans? Will you lessen the power of your husband, or double it by your sympathy and encouragement? You may say: "What can an ordinary girl like me do in ...
... action; divine and pre-existent in themselves, they are human in their working upon the mortal plane when they grow in man to the great ascension. This has been strikingly expressed in the allocution to Usha, the Dawn, "goddess human in mortals", devi marteṣu mānuṣi . But in the imagery of the Angiras Rishis this double character is farther complicated by the tradition which makes them the human fathers ...
... the stone was set in motion whereby the Navagwas chanted the hymn for the ten months, Sarama going to the Truth found the cows, the Angiras made all things true. When in the dawning of this vast One (Usha representing the infinite Aditi, mātā devānām aditer anīkam ) all the Angirases came together with the cows (or rather, perhaps by the illuminations represented in the symbol of the cows or Rays); ...
... the evil." We have here a clue to the sense of this goddess Dakshina who seems in some passages to be a form or epithet of the Dawn and in others that which distributes the offerings in the sacrifice. Usha is the divine illumination and Dakshina is the discerning knowledge that comes with the dawn and enables the Power in the mind, Indra, to know aright and separate the light from the darkness, the truth ...
... In each of these Mandalas the Suktas addressed to Agni are first collected together and followed by those of which Indra is the deity; the invocations of other gods, Brihaspati, Surya, the Ribhus, Usha etc. close the Mandala. A whole book, the ninth, is given to a single god, Soma. The first, eighth and tenth Mandalas are collections of Suktas by various Rishis, but the hymns of each seer are ordinarily ...
... Daksha, himself a god and afterwards in the Purana one of the Prajapatis, the original progenitors,—we have Dakshina associated with the manifestation of knowledge and sometimes almost identified with Usha, the divine Dawn, who is the bringer of illumination. I shall suggest that Dakshina like the more famous Ila, Saraswati and Sarama, is one of four goddesses representing the four faculties of the Ritam ...
... richness, from चि meaning to divide & to Page 592 accumulate. It is the Greek ποɩχίλος. प्रकेतः. केतः is perception, प्रकेतः perception going forward to the object that presents itself. In Usha, the Dawn of Knowledge, Being or Joy objects of experience present themselves and Agni as Force that is Awareness dwells on all of them & knows them minutely & perfectly. He is not only Force of Action ...
... third hymn, in which the result of the sacrifice is defined, Vayu is alone invoked, but even so his companionship with Indra is clearly indicated. He is to come in a chariot of happy brightness, like Usha in another hymn, to drink of the immortalising wine. 1 The chariot symbolises movement of energy and it is a glad movement of already illuminated vital energies that is invoked in the form of Vayu ...
... eighty-seven hymns composed by Rishis of the Atri clan. Sri Aurobindo translated forty-three of these: all twenty-eight hymns to Agni (V.1 - 28), all eleven hymns to Mitra-Varuna (V.62 - 72), both hymns to Usha (V.79, 80), the hymn to Surya Savitri (V.81) already translated and commented upon in Selected Hymns , and a hymn to Varuna (V.85), rendered in two versions to show its "exoteric" as well as its ...
... Chapter I The Human Aspiration She follows to the goal of those that are passing on beyond, she is the first in the eternal succession of the dawns that are coming,―Usha widens bringing out that which lives, awakening someone who was dead.... What is her scope when she harmonises with the dawns that shone out before and those that now must shine? She desires the ancient ...
... Arya begins with one or two Riks from the Rig Veda. Hear: “She follows to the goal of those that are passing on beyond, she is the first in the eternal succession of the dawns that are coming, — Usha widens bringing out that which lives, awakening someone who was dead.... What is her scope when she harmonises with the dawns that shone out before and those that now must shine? She desires the ancient ...
... love and blessings * June 18, 1940 Yes, you can come this afternoon on the staircase at 5.45 for pranam and to sign the cheque. I shall give you then some flowers for Hashi and Usha. I have felt all this time your loyalty and faithfulness and have deeply appreciated your feelings and your attitude. Our love and blessings are always with you. * ...
... other day. The inner being is evidently awake. With our love and blessings * April 8, 1941 Certainly you can come tonight after meditation. I am sending a flower for Usha with the enclosed written blessings. As for the dream she must not rely upon that, as it is likely to be a mental formation. My force and help are with her but these wordings cannot be from ...
... The Spirit of Auroville On 8.8.2000 I went to the Matrimandir with my younger sister, Usha, her grandson Joy and my friends. I did not go up to the Inner Chamber with them. Barbara Lohman a secretary of the Matrimandir was kind enough to take me round to show me the rose gardens near the Matrimandir. She pointed out the place where her husband Ruud Lohman ...
... Well, eyes, lips and nose are not correct. Do you mind if I alter the drawing? I replied: Not at all, Mother. Then she opened a painted glass-box sent to the Mother by my younger sister, Usha from East Africa. She took out her hand-mirror and gazed at her reflection in it. It was a thrilling sight to watch the Mother do her own portrait with so much concentration and serenity. Time and again ...
... worries about my welfare, which she should not do, because I am happy here and very much contented. The Mother takes great care of me. I won't leave her. My place is here. Please bring our sisters. Usha wrote to me. I have already sent her the Mother's blessing packet. Kindly ask everyone not to worry. The Mother will do the needful. I have given your messages to Dyuman and Shivabhai Amin. ...
... Francis 20,22,27,108 transformation power of true 273 translation 210 true soul 28,160 Truth-Consciousness 51 Turiya 99 U Upanishads 3,37,61,141,200,207 Usha 88 V Vaishnavism 273 vāji 302 Valery 62 Valmiki 60,182,205,213 Vaughan 232 Veda 3,61 Vedantic influence in poetry 197 Vidya 302 Vijnana 247 ...
... there the concealed illuminations; Dakshina, whose function is to discern rightly, dispose the action and the offering and distribute in the sacrifice to each godhead its portion." 8 Then there is Usha, the Dawn-Goddess who has hymn after hymn addressed to her - she is called "daughter of heaven" and "queen of plenty" (V. 792, 6), she is the luminous precursor who makes possible the advent of Sūrya ...
... begins with one or two Riks from the Rig Veda. Hear: "She follows to the goal of those that are passing on beyond, she is the first in the eternal succession of the dawns that are coming,—Usha widens bringing out that which lives, awakening someone who was dead.... What is her scope when she harmonises with the dawns that shone out before and those that now must shine? She desires the ancient ...
... dictionary, but in Bengali ushasa is used since Tagore's famous Urvasi—swarger udayachale murtimati tumi hey ushasi ["O Urvasi! You are the dawn incarnate on the eastern horizon of heaven"] as meaning Usha, dawn. I feel that current usage and not Page 92 dictionary obsolete acceptation of terms is preferable particularly for beginners. One who has already achieved a poetic eminence ...
... uttaram, devam devatrā sūryamaganma jyotir uttamam. (Rig Veda, 1.50.10; see also Chhandogyopanishad, III 17.6,7) Connected with the process of the attainment of Knowledge is the Vedic concept of Usha, which is the Divine Page 19 Dawn. Her coming signals the rising of the Sun, which is the symbol in the Veda of the Supreme Knowledge. The Sun brings the day, the day of the true life in ...
... possession and act and movement and functioning. Surya is also Savitri, the creator or manifester of all things, and illuminations we seek are the herds of this Sun, who come to us in the track of Usha, who symbolises the divine dawn. These illuminations lead us up to the highest beatitude, which is symbolised by Soma. But if the truth of Surya is to be established firmly in our mortal ...
... Nachiketas Usha, the Dawn the luminous Emergence that the Aryan forefathers worshipped Page 12 Introduction to the Katha Upanishad The Katha Upanishad contains secret knowledge of the soul and the self, which has been described in terms that evoke a sense of authenticity and assured experience. The Upanishad contains two cycles ...
... who in ether upholds the stars and finds a pathway for the sun, is in the soul the master of majesty, self control, law and calm and by these functions maintains the order of the Universe. The same Usha who dawns rosily on the verge of the material heaven, is the goddess of the soul's expansion and presides over the evolution of what we shall be out of what we are.” As for the Greek gods and goddesses ...
... supramental age in human history, Savitri has its affiliations with the epics and epic narratives of other times and of our own time. Thus we may start with the Veda, follow the symbolism of Ahana, Usha, Savitri, Aswin, the lost herds and their ultimate recovery, linger on the Mahabharata story of Savitri and Satyavan, linger too near the field of battle where Krishna and Arjuna enact the dialectic ...
... 1940-contd Talks with Sri Aurobindo 26 DECEMBER 1940 We heard from Usha that Sachin's daughter had improved after receiving the Mother's flower. She has been brought to Calcutta. SRI AUROBINDO: Have the doctors diagnosed her condition? I haven't heard anything. DR. MANILAL: Regarding diagnosis the doctors are at sea— SRI AUROBINDO: They generally ...
... is Ashtaroth, she is Aphrodite. What need for her, then, to return to the earth? What attractions there, what compensations? In answer, the Voices raises a compulsive chorus, greeting her as Diana, Usha, Delight, Latona, Yakshini, Gandharvi, Durga, hundred-ecstasied Woman, Daughter of Heaven, and her descent is peremptorily invoked: Come from thy summits, Ahana, come! Our desire unrelenting ...
... translations from Veda, 455; Hymns to Agni, 455-57; language of the Veda, 456; who is Agni, 456; a god elect, eclectic, unique, 457; 'Apri' hymns, 457; Varuna, Mitra, Indra, Vayu, 457; Usha, Aswins, 458; Savitri, Ribhus, Vishnu, Soma, 458; Veda Unveiled, 459,473,490 Seetaraman, M. V, 672 Sen, Indra, 760 Sen, Keshub Chunder, 16, 185 Sen, Kshitish Chandra ...
... works with women. In a second the Mother broke the age-old shackles that had bound women so inextricably. Sahana-di, Amiyadi, Aruna-di (Sahana-di’s elder sisters), Rani-di, Swarna-di (Minu’s mother), Usha-di (Tejen-da’s wife), Mota Kakima (Pranab’s aunt), Prafullamayi-di (Pranab’s mother), Vimla-di, Abha-di and many other elderly women took to shorts quite easily and joined the marching. In the general ...
... only that sacrifice was symbolic but that the universe itself is symbolised as the Horse-Sacrifice, Ashwamedha. This is the Ashwamedha in which Samudra is spoken as related to the Ashwa and to Usha, the goddess Dawn, who is the head of the sacrificial horse Thus the symbolism of the Veda is woven in these ancient Upanishads. Long ago I collected a list of Vedic words used ...
... things. Unfortunately he has directed (or rather misdirected) all his energies to writing Bengali poetry. He is at present engaged on an epic (inspired I believe by Michael Madhusudan) on the subject of Usha and Aniruddha." This legend is found in the Mahabharata. Pictures rose in D. K. Roy's mind. "He wrote his poems first on the Gray-Granite writing pad; seldom did he cross out anything he had written ...
... group that they should pray for rain. She gave them a short prayer to learn and also sketched a symbol for rain. This symbol was drawn on the ground. The children then marched around the symbol with Usha in the lead twelve times, repeating the prayer: The Rain prayer written by the Mother Rain, Rain, Rain, we want the Rain Rain, Rain, Rain, we ask for Rain Rain, Rain, Rain, we ...
... Out of the widening glory move a face Of dawn, a body fresh from mystery, Enveloped with a prophecy of light More rich than perfect splendours. It was she, Page 67 The golden virgin, Usha, mother of life, Yet virgin. In a silence sweet she came, Unveiled, soft-smiling, like a bride, rose-cheeked, Her bosom full of flowers, the morning wind Stirring her hair and all about her gold ...
... review Arya under the title Hymns of the Atris . The hymns chosen for publication in this series were all twenty-eight hymns to Agni, V.1 – 28; all eleven to Mitra-Varuna, V.62 – 72; both hymns to Usha, V.79 – 80; one to (Surya) Savitri, V.81 ; and one to Varuna, V.85.In Selected Hymns , another series in the Arya , he had published a different translation of V.81 and a translation of ...
... उष् in अनूषत I take to have the same sense as in the word उषः; वरा, the bride, refers often to उषः or to the sisters उषासः or to the rays of light themselves otherwise imaged as the cows of Usha. यशः means literally arrival, attaining, winning, so success, victory, glory, splendour or the results of winning, things won, wealth, etc. I take it here to mean by a sort of double association the ...
... Ashram for the remaining fifty-seven years of his life. Many of his letters to the Mother during this period deal with his work as editor of the monthly journal Mother India . ) Amal, I find Usha a very good and receptive girl and do not approve at all of her going or rather of taking her away against her own will; as for her mother I do not want her here, it would be useless. My blessings ...
... Kiran) Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother 20 December 1954 Mother, Dahyalal asks me to give him the original of your letter to me about Usha. Do you think it will serve better the cause of truth if he has this with him? Or would you prefer that only a copy should go? If you have not shown the original, you can show it, but it is better ...
... Unman-manda, 88 Upanishads, i, 107, 108 Upper Euphrates, 2, 67, 88 Ur-heimat (Cradle-land) , 16 Ur, Standard of, 73 Royal tombs of, 54 Uruwana, 31,89 Usha 16,39,134 Vāhana, 42 vājayanta, 86 Vala, 109, 120, 121, 131, 133 Valahan ("Vala-slayer")* 133 Vailasthāna, Vailasthānaka. 131, 133 ...
... with "the hymn of illumination", the Mantra which is the Word of spiritual knowledge. Sri Aurobindo has pointed out several passages where the cow-symbolism is undeniable. Quoting from a hymn to Usha, the Dawn-Goddess, he writes: "She creates light for all the world and opens out the darkness as the pen of the Cow, where we have without any possibility of mistake the cow as the symbol of light (I ...
... first chapter of his magnum opus, The Life Divine: She follows to the goal of those that are passing on beyond, she is the first in the eternal succession of me dawns that are coming, - Usha widens bringing out that which lives, awakening someone who was dead....What is her scope when she harmonises with the dawns that shone out before and those that now must shine? She desires the ...
... between the two authorities. More important is the element of naturalistic interpretation. Not only are there the obvious or the traditional identifications, Indra, the Maruts, the triple Agni, Surya, Usha, but we find that Mitra was identified with the Day, Varuna with the Night, Aryaman and Bhaga with the Sun, the Ribhus with its rays. We have here the seeds of that naturalistic theory of the Veda to ...
... passages in which the word occurred and always I saw that it resulted in the best sense and the greatest possible coherency in the context. The cow and horse, go and aśva , are constantly associated. Usha, the Dawn, is described as gomatī aśvavatī ; Dawn gives to the sacrificer horses and cows. As applied to the physical dawn gomatī means accompanied by or bringing the rays of light and is an image ...
... action. Indra is not, then, the only god who can break up the tenebrous cave and restore the lost radiances. There are other deities to whom various hymns make the attribution of this great victory. Usha is one of them, the divine Dawn, mother of these herds. "True with the gods who are true, great with the gods who are great, sacrificial godhead with the gods sacrificial, she breaks open the strong ...
... —a worship of outward Nature-Powers invested with the consciousness and the personality that he finds in his own being. Agni in the Veda is avowedly Fire; Surya is the Sun, Parjanya the Raincloud, Usha the Dawn; and if the material origin or function of some other Gods is less trenchantly clear, it is easy to render the obscure precise by philological inferences or ingenious speculation. But when ...
... takes गोपाः plural in agreement with जंतवः = जाता रश्मयः —and the rest separately supplying अक्तं = आश्लिष्टं with द्विपत् etc. प्रकेतः. S. प्रदर्शयिता of everything hidden by Night, greater than Usha because all night, she only in the last part. अक्तुभिः—drivings, impellings of the herdsmen गोपा. S. अंजकै रश्मिभिः!! चित्रः S. विचित्रदीप्तियुक्त (6) अध्वर्युः Sayana takes each word in ...
... III. 39. 1 स्तोमतष्टा. S. स्तोमकारिभिः कृता—rather active? or “formed by the hymn of affirmation”. Object of Mantra. 2 दिवश्चित् The interaction of the higher thought & the lower. 3 यमा. S. Usha mother of the Aswins. Perhaps Yama & Yami. तपुष्= Tapas. S. day. एता. P.P. आ +इता S. एतावागतौ. Perhaps P.P. wrong & एता = एतौ. 4 निंदिता—blame or limit, obstruct. दृंहिता = दृंहितानि ...
... × Usraḥ . In the feminine the word is used as a synonym for the Vedic go , meaning at once Cow and ray of light. Usha, the Dawn, also, is gomatī , girt with rays or accompanied by the herds of the Sun. There is in the text a significant assonance, usrā vy-uṣṭiṣu , one of the common devices used by the Vedic Rishis ...
... allows the forms of the divine Powers to outline themselves in our waking consciousness. Then may those other mighty Ones who bring with them the plenitudes of the higher life, Indra and the Ashwins, Usha and Surya, Varuna and Mitra and Aryaman, assume with that formative extension of themselves in the human being their most Page 283 brilliant energies. Let them create their plenty in us ...
... were no longer nervous & bizarre as on the 11th, but mental & due to abrupt transition & wrong combination of separate strains of experience or vision. 13 October 1914 अर्चिषा सुजाते अश्र्वसूनृते—Usha. The mind & nervous impulses to be clear, well-formed & true, by the illumination— Kamananda maintains against obstruction its persistent & often continuous recurrence—Tivrananda is slowly ...
... things. 7) A glass of water which I was in the act of drinking. 8) Water being poured from a brass drinking glass into a small earthen handi almost full of water. 9) Figures of small girls & others. 10) Usha dark & young-looking, a piece of toast in left hand. Others not so vivid, but rapid in succession. Suggestion that these are sukshma images of realities. Page 37 ...
... eg, the four closing verses of the Isha Upanishad. Hermes, Athena represent in classical mythology psychical functions, but were originally Nature gods, Athena probably a dawn goddess. I contend that Usha in the Veda shows us this transmutation in its commencement. Dionysus the wine-god was intimately connected with the Mysteries; I assign a similar role to Soma, the wine-god of the Vedas. But the ...
... permanent by the creation, birth, growth (तातिः, वीतिः, अवः) of the divinities in the human being, each conducting his own proper activity first मनुष्वत् in the human type, then in the human divine, as Usha is described डेवि मानुषि, O divine and human. In all these stages it is Will-with-Knowledge that leads. That summons and brings, in a way carries the gods in their descent, supports them in their workings ...
... mentality, customs, traditions & symbolisms of primitive races. The theory of Vedic Nature-worship is better founded than these astronomical fancies. Agni is plainly the God of Fire, Surya of the Sun, Usha of the Dawn, Vayu of the Wind; Indra for Sayana is obviously the god of rain; Varuna seems to be the sky, the Greek Ouranos,—et cetera. But when we have accepted these identities, the question of Vedic ...
... he wrote it from some experience. He has a tendency to be decorative, and the danger of decorativeness is that the main thing gets suppressed by it. Take, as an opposite example, that line about Usha, the Mystic Dawn, from the Rig Veda, which I have quoted in The Future Poetry: Vyucchanti jivam udirayanti usa mritam kancana bodhayanti. Raising high the living, awakening someone dead. When ...
... be cultivated by reading accounts of individuals who have made great efforts in their lives. Keeping this in view, we have presented three stories in the field of running and sprinting, those of P.T. Usha, Emil Zatopek and Jesse Owens. In the field of body-building, we have selected a text from Arnold: The Education of a Body-Builder, where the famous' body-builder, Arnold Schwarzenneger tells his ...
... and clarity of the mind, ghrita, throughout our intellectual and psychical being, medha, dhi, smriti; (iv) In the coming of the supramental Light, rita chit, by the arrival of the Dawn, Usha, and by the rising of the Sun, Savitri, and by the help of the shining Mother of the herds, go, dhenu, aditi, to transform all our existence. For so comes to us the possession of the Truth, satya ...
... of the Veda is an elaborate methodised effort in which various human powers can be intertwined, purified and developed, and they are symbolised under specific and discernible symbols of Agni, Indra, Usha, Pushan, Surya, Savitri, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman, Bhaga, Soma, Brihaspati, and many others in a systematic manner. And in the hymns relating to the Rihbus, we have a summary of the entire process ...
... of the Veda is an elaborate methodised effort in which various human powers can be intertwined, purified and developed, and they are symbolised under specific and discernible symbols of Agni, Indra, Usha, Pushan, Surya, Savitri, Varuna, Mxtra, Aryaman, Bhaga, Soma, Brihaspati, and many others in a systematic manner. And in the hymns relating to the Rihbus, we have a summary of the entire process ...
... begins with one or two Riks from the Rig Veda. Hear: "She follows to the goal of those that are passing on beyond, she is the first in the eternal succession of the dawns that are coming,—Usha widens bringing out that which lives, awakening someone who was dead.... What is her scope when she harmonises with the dawns that shone out before and those that now must shine? She desires the ...
... is so openly symbolic as to leave no •doubt in the minds even of the most reluctant. Saraswati, either the river or goddess, or both, is Sadhayanti Dhiyam nah " perfects our intelligence "; Usha the goddess Dawn is Yuvati pnrani the " semipiternal young beauty ", and Agni, the god of Fire, representing the Divine Will, is " the Divine guest in the mortals. " In III. 32. 12 Vishwamitra ...
... and am filled with remorse and disgusted with myself. No more of all this. I renounce this sin once and for all. What does giving to God mean? It means to spend on good works. The money I gave to Usha or to Sarojini causes me no regret. To help others is a sacred duty; to give protection to those who seek refuge is a yet greater sacred duty. But the account is not settled by giving only to one's ...
... awakening of consciousness", 44 with any number of gradations. For example, the ancient Hindus imagined that each phase of sunrise was presided over by an appropriate deity: the Aswins first, then Usha (or Dawn) in her three forms, the grey, the bright, and the resplendent, and finally, the Sun with his five phases. 45 In the Vedic system of linked equivalences, the Sun is sometimes ...
... shaken! What was the matter? Why did She thump Chitra’s back so hard? In that single thump Chitra’s hiccups stopped! And we all burst out laughing. * Once during this toffee distribution Arunkant (Usha and Urmila’s brother) who was just four or five fell asleep. His body was covered with boils. And there was a poultice on each boil. In fact, we used to call him “Poultice Babaji”. He was a roly-poly ...
... “You don’t know German. Then you should get down to learning it as fast as you can. If you have decided to work in our army then it is absolutely imperative for you to learn our language.” Tara, Usha, Nirata, Sumedha and some other captains resolved to speak in French with the little ones. The Mother also decided to take regular classes for the little ones. On 19th November 1950 the Mother brought ...
... Out of the widening glory move a face Of dawn, a body fresh from mystery, Enveloped with a prophecy of light More rich than perfect splendours. It was she, The golden virgin, Usha.. . 2 Sri Aurobindo is endlessly fascinated by the magic phenomenon of Dawn - both his later poems, Ilion and Savitri, beginning with elaborate marvellously wrought evocations of this m ...
... to yearn, to desire to enter upon possession of a world which looks so bright because of the brightness of the gaze that is turned upon it. The word Ushas means etymologically coming into manifested being; and it could mean also desire or yearning. Ushas or Dawn to the early thinkers was the impulse towards manifest existence, no longer a vague movement in the depths of the Unmanifest, but already emerging ...
... the Outside World before Asoka", The Cultural Heritage of India (The Ramakrishna Mission, Calcutta, 1958), I, p. 144. 26.Op. dr., I, pp. 182-3. Page 15 Rigveda, the hymns to Ushas, recalls the splendours of dawn in the Punjāb, but a larger part refers to the strife of the elements, thunder and lightning, rain bursting from the clouds and mountains, which are not seen in the ...
... and als< knows the Sarayu, the river of Oudh. 27 In justification of the last statement, which echoes tht view of Keith, Mookerji elsewhere explains: "A part of the Rigveda, the hymns to Ushas, recalls the splendours of dawn in the Punjab, but a larger part refers to the strife of the elements, thunder and lightning, rain bursting from the clouds and mountains, which are not seen in the Punjab ...
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