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Vaidyuta Agni : Agni as Vidyuta (electricity).
... plane where men see the gods according to their own ideas and images of them. As you were concentrating your attention on the electric light, it may have been the god of electricity you saw, Vaidyuta Agni. There is no reason why he should have many faces—the many-headed or many-armed figures belong usually to the vital plane—and it may not have been in his vital form that he was manifesting. As for... that which contains in itself all the colours. The gods in the overmental plane have not many heads and arms—this is a vital symbolism, it is not necessary in other planes. This figure [ of Vaidyuta Agni, mentioned in the preceding letter ] may have belonged to the subtle physical plane. (1) It [ the vision of a flower ] was seen through the physical eyes but by the subtle physical consciousness; ...
... supramental sunlight on the higher part of the mind. The whole mind and being must open to this light and it must descend and fill the whole system. The lightning and the electric currents are the (vaidyuta) Agni force of the supramental sun touching and trying to pour into the body. The other signs are promises of the future psychic and other experiences. But none of these things can establish themselves ...
... arrangement. Commenting on these, Sri Aurobindo said: According to the experience of ancient Yogis... Agni is threefold: 1) ordinary fire , jada agni, 2) electric fire, vaidyuta agni, 3) solar fire, saura agni. Science has only entered upon the first and second of these fires. The fact that the atom is like the solar system could lead it to the knowledge ...
... of ancient Yogis, sensible matter was made out of five elements, Bhutani: Prithivi, Apas, Agni (Tejas), Vayu, Akasha. Agni is threefold: 1) Ordinary fire, Jada Agni, 2) Electric fire, Vaidyuta Agni, 3) Solar fire, Saura Agni. Science has only entered upon the first and the second of these fires. The fact that the atom is like the solar system could Page 66 lead it to the ...
... supramental sunlight on the higher part of the mind. The whole mind and being must open to this light and it must descend and fill the whole system. The lightning and the electric currents are the ( vaidyuta ) Agni force of the supramental sun touching and trying to pour into the body. The other signs are promises of the future psychic and other experiences. But none of these things can establish themselves ...
... l sunlight on the higher part of the mind. The whole mind and being must open to this light and it must descend and fill the whole system. The lightning and the electric currents are the (vaidyuta) Agni force of the supramental sun touching and trying to pour into the body." The Sahasradala is again in the picture and there is no hesitation to consider the overhead light in contact with ...
... year was then 1926. Sri Aurobindo continued: According to the experience of ancient Page 274 Yogis... Agni is threefold: 1) ordinary fire, jada Agni 2) electric fire, vaidyuta Agni 3) solar fire, saura Agni Science has only entered upon the first and second of these fires. The fact that the atom is like the solar system could lead it to the knowledge of the third ...
... key to all Yogas, Bhakti Yoga, 555, 558; Vedanta & Tantra, 558; mukti and bhukti, 559; the nuclear analogy, 558, 559,560-61,566;Yogas as practical psychology, 560; jada, vaidyuta, saura Agni, 560-61; fundamental Agni, 561; sadhaks, sadhana, siddhi, 561; suddhi, siddhi, mukti, bhukti, 561; levels of consciousness, 562; Gita's. Yoga, 562; ideal of Satya Yuga, 563; supramental Yoga, 564; multiform... Humanity, 454; the seven-fold cosmic scheme, 454; the linkworld of satyam-rtam-brhat, 454; microcosm is macrocosm, 454; Sri Aurobindo's translations from Veda, 455; Hymns to Agni, 455-57; language of the Veda, 456; who is Agni, 456; a god elect, eclectic, unique, 457; 'Apri' hymns, 457; Varuna, Mitra, Indra, Vayu, 457; Usha, Aswins, 458; Savitri, Ribhus, Vishnu, Soma, 458; Veda Unveiled ...
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