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Vanara : the second type from below of the ten forms of consciousness in the evolutionary scale. The Vānara is not the animal Ape, but man with the Ape nature. In this stage the mind of man is centred in the Prāṇa.

7 result/s found for Vanara

... this Kalpa the types, dashagu, are the ten forms of consciousness, called the Pashu, Vanara, Pishacha, Pramatha, Rakshasa, Asura, Deva, Sadhyadeva, Siddhadeva and the Satyadeva. The last three are known by other names which need not be written at present. The Pashu is mind concentrated entirely on the annam, the Vanara mind concentrated on the Prana, the Pishacha mind concentrated on the senses & the... remembered that there are fourteen Manus and ten gavas of the Dashagava. How are these divided among the Manus? In this Kalpa or rather Pratikalpa the type Pashu is the Vanara, but as in all Nature's movements, even in manifesting the Vanara, the others first make their appearance rapidly before the type "arrives"; those most germane to the matter are the lion, tiger, elephant, dog, wolf, cat, bull & cow... appear? Prajapati manifests as Vishnu Upendra incarnate in the animal or Pashu in whom the four Manus have already manifested themselves, and the first human creature who appears is, in this Kalpa, the Vanara, not the animal Ape, but man with the Ape nature. His satya yuga is the first Paradise, for man Page 1324 begins with the Satya Yuga, begins with a perfected type, not a rudimentary type ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... and public order, — to establish this in a world still occupied by anarchic forces, the Animal mind and the powers of the vital Ego making its own satisfaction the rule of life, in other words, the Vanara and the Rakshasa. This is the meaning of Rama and his life-work and it is according as he fulfilled it or not that he must be judged as Avatar or no Avatar. It was not his business to play the comedy ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... he cannot arrive in his waking state, but only in the deep trance of Sushupta Samadhi, concentration of consciousness in a state of illuminated Sleep.He began his task as the supreme animal, Pashu, Vanara, Nrisingha, developing all these potentialities purely in the annamaya kosha Page 518 or physical sheath of his being in Annam & Prana; he went on as the mixed animal, first the Pishacha ...


... the only son of Sir Surendranath Banerjee, the great nationalist leader. They mostly lived in Barrackpur, near Kolkata. 39. Vibhutis: incarnations of a particular power of a deity. 40. Vanara: monkey. Raksasa: hostile being of the middle vital plane; a being of vital hunger; the violent kinetic Ego; the fierce giant Powers of darkness; the Veilers in Night. 41. Ksatriya: ruler ...

... domestic and public order, to establish this in a world still occupied by anarchic forces, the Animal Mind and the powers of the vital Ego making its own satisfaction the rule of life, in other words, the Vanara and the Rakshasa. This is the meaning of Rama and his life-work and it is according as he fulfilled it or not that he must be judged as Avatar or no Avatar. It was not his business to play the comedy ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... a difficult feat, unheard of as having been accomplished by former kings and even by gods and demons.(14) Besides, Rāvana, difficult to be vanquished, was killed along with his army and mounts. The Vanara and the Rksa alongwith the Rāksasas were brought under control. (15) Having killed Rāvana in battle and fetched Sri Sītā, Śrī Rāma (a scion of Raghu) took her into his house again, renouncing anger ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... their power, and falsehood and hypocrisy lose their occupation. At the behest of Ravana the Rakshasa Lord of Falsehood, a thousand phantom Ramas and Lakshmanas appear on the battlefield to confuse the Vanara hosts led by Hanuman, but the real Rama's mighty arrow attacks the phantoms and dissolves them into air. Even so, says the Mother, "Every straight word from a sincere man is like an arrow that can ...
