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Vasu : eight godheads named thus in Vishnu Purana: Āpah (water), Dhrūva (pole-star), Sōma (moon), Dhava or Dharā (earth), Anīla (wind), Anala (fire), Pratyūṣa (dawn), & Prabhāsa (light); named differently in other scriptures. (See Bhīṣma)

50 result/s found for Vasu

... mortal favoured by them moves forward unstumbling & unoverthrown, acch´a gacchati astrita, Page 76 —towards or to what? Ratnam vasu visvam tokam uta tmaná. This is his goal; but we have seen too that the goal is the ritam. Therefore the expressions ratnam vasu, visvam tokam tmaná must describe either the nature of the ritam or the results of successful reaching & habitation in the ritam. Toka... eshám    Nayanti duritá tirah. Sugah panthá anrikshara, Ádityása ritam yate    Nátrávakhádo asti vah. Yam yajnam nayathá nara, Áditya´ rijuná pathá    Pra vah sa dhítaye nashat. Sa ratnam martyo vasu, visvam tokam uta tmaná    Acchá gacchati astritah. I translate, “He whom Varuna, Mitra & Aryaman guard, they who see with the conscious mind, can that man at all be crushed? The mortal whom... children of the soul. This is undoubtedly the sense here. There are two results of life in the ritam, in the vijnana, in the principle of divine consciousness & its basis of divine truth; first ratnam vasu, a state of being the nature of which is delight, for vijnana or ritam is the basis of divine ananda; secondly, visvam tokam uta tmaná,—this state of Ananda is not the actionless Brahmananda of the ...


... movement of Swar, svarvatīr apaḥ , the movement or streamings of the Truth, ṛtasya preṣā, ṛtasya dhārāḥ ; the opposition to the wealth-acquisition is their refusal of the abundant substance of Swar, vasu, dhana, vāja, hiraṇya , that great wealth which is found in the sun and in the waters, apsu sūrye mahad dhanam . Still since the whole struggle is between the Light and Page 224 the Darkness... utter subjection the Dasa. He comes driving this enjoyment of the Pani, robbing him of it, and he apportions entirely to the giver for his enjoyment the wealth rich in hero-powers (lit. in men, sūnaraṁ vasu, vīra and nṛ being often used synonymously); that man who makes wroth the strength of Indra is held back manifoldly in a difficult journeying, ( durge 1 cana dhriyate ā puru ). When Maghavan has ...


... Swar, svarvatīr apah, the movement or streaming of the Truth, rtasya preṣā, rtasya dhārāh; the opposition to the wealth-acquisition is their refusal of the abundant substance of Swar, vasu, dhana, vāja, hiranya, that great wealth which is found in the sun and in the waters, apsu surye mahad dhanam (VIII.68.9). Still since the whole struggle is between the Light and the Darkness, the... subjection the Dāsa. He comes driving this enjoyment of the Pani, robbing him of it, and he apportions entirely to the giver for his enjoyment the wealth rich in hero-powers (lit. in men, sūnaram vasu, vīrāh and nr being often used synonymously).... A little further on Sri Aurobindo adds: "And the last Rik [9] of the Sukta speaks of the Aryan (god or man) arriving at the highest knowledge-vision ...


... their columns in 3 sets of facing pages. We start with p. 77 and go up col. 1 from Sahadeva to Brihadratha who has the caption MAGADHA above him. From him we pass to col. 2 which carries his father Vasu Chaidya of the CHEDI line. We continue there up to Sudhanvan under the caption PAURA-VAS, the traditional "Lunar Line". He is one of the 3 sons of Kuru whose name occurs in col. 6 of p. 76. From here... 52. Satyahita 75. Richeyu 53. Pushpavant 76. Raudrāsva 54. Rishabha 77. Aharhyāti 55. Kuśāgra 78. Samyāti 56. Bnhad-ratha 79. Bahugava 57. Vasu Chaidya 80. Sudhanvan-Dhundu 58. Krta 81. Abhayada 59. Chyavana 82. Manasyu 60. Suhotra 83.Pravīra 61. Sudhanvan 84. Prachinvant 62. Kuru ...


... the god of the mantra, the use of the mantra for effectuation of the external object or the activity desired. (13) The tantra is composed of neshtra, savanam, potra & hotra, the intensifying of the vasu or material (internal or Page 35 external) so as to prepare it for activity, the production of it in a of it to the god or for action. (14) The Veda proper is karmakanda, not jnanakanda; ...


... indeed अननं verbal noun of अन्      अनो not      in all its senses      अन्य another अनस् 1. birth 2. living being 3. parent अनुः 1. a man 2. a proper name अनल 1. soul 2. the supreme spirit 3. a Vasu अनिल Vishnu (cf Isha Up. अनिलममृतं divine Life) आनूकं in abundance (Vedic) (2) with idea of substance, mass or extension अन्नं food or matter .. rice, corn .. earth .. (water) अनस् rice, boiled ...


... below as well as from above: it is above the lower triplicity of "prithivi" (earth), "antariksha" (vital mid-world) and "dyau" (mind-heaven) but below the higher triplicity, "tridhatu", constituted by "vasu" (substance), "urj" (abounding force of being) and "priyam" or "mayas" (delight or love), the Rigvedic equivalents of the Vedantic "sat-chit-ananda" (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss) and the Puranic ...


... that is exactly what we find on studying the full text which Shrava 5 provides of the verse at the end of Bhattotpala's commentary on the Brihatjātaka: "Chaitramāsasya pan-chamyām sitāyām guruvāsare, vasu-ashta-ashtamite Śaka krteyam vivrtirmayā." Thiruvenkatacharya 6 conveys the same information when on the basis of several editions he tells us of Bhattotpala stating that his commentary was written ...


... movement of Swar, svarvatīr apah, the movement or streamings of the Truth, rtasya preṣā, rtasya dhārāh; the opposition to the wealth-acquisition is their refusal of the abundant substance of Swar, vasu, dhana, vāja, hiranya, that great wealth which is found in the sun and in the waters, apsu surye mahad dhanam (VIII.68.9). Still since the whole struggle is between the Light and the Darkness, the ...


... eleven gates (the human body); when it takes up its abode in it, he grieves not but when he is set free from it that is his deliverance. The Purusha is a Swan whose dwelling is in the purity, he is the Vasu (indestructible Page 36 substance to be found in the inter-regions), and he is the Sacrificer at the altar of the sacrifice, which is the upward journey, and is also the Guest in the vessel ...

... swar, which links the lower triple world of Matter, Life and Mind with the highest triple world, the world of delight or sweetness, madhu, of conscious force, urj, and self-existent substance ( vasu ). 38 The Vedic discovery is thus the discovery of the lower triple world, the highest triple world and of the intermediate linking world of swar , The Angirasa rishis have been described in the Veda ...

... They are adored and worshipped as such so that they may enter into the worshipper and transmute him into something of His image. The Gods bring riches to man. But these riches are they themselves. Vasu is the richness, of their substance, Ratna is the wealth of their delight. Agni is the energy of consciousness, Varuna is the vast-ness of consciousness, Mitra is the harmony. Ila is the ...

... They are adored and worshipped as such so that they may enter into the worshipper and transmute him into something of His image. The Gods bring riches to man. But these riches are they themselves. Vasu is the richness of their substance, Ratna is the wealth of their delight. Agni is the energy of consciousness, Varuna is the vastness of consciousness, Mitra is the harmony. Ila is the revelation ...

... highest seat of Vishnu." The " highest seat of Vishnu " is a Vedic phrase.³ So also, Of the Katha is the same as Rig-veda IV.40.5. "Lo, the Swan whose dwelling is in the purity. He is Vasu in the inner regions, the Sacrificer at the altar, the Guest in the vessel of the drinking: he is in man, in the great Ones, and his home is in the Law ( of the Truth), his dwelling is in the firmament: ...

... within us. All the five worlds he upholds. 4 The tridhātu , the triple principle or triple material of existence, is the Sachchidananda of the Vedanta; in the ordinary language of the Veda it is vasu , substance, ūrj , abounding force of our being, priyam or mayas , delight and love in the very essence of our existence. Of these three things all that exists is constituted and we attain to their ...


... thing thou seekest. हंसः शुचिषद् वसुरन्तरिक्षसद्धोता वेदिषदतिथिर्दुरोणसत् । नृषद्वरसदृतसद् वयोमसदब्जा गोजा ऋतजा अद्रिजा ऋतं बृहत् ॥२॥ 2) Lo, the Swan whose dwelling is in the purity, He is the Vasu in the interregions, the Sacrificer at the altar, the Guest in the vessel of the drinking; He is in man and in the Great Ones and His home is in the Law and His dwelling is in the firmament; He is all ...


... both from below and from above: it is above the lower triplicity of Prithivi (earth), antariksha (vital plane) and dyau (mind-level) as well as below the higher triplicity (tridhatu) constituted by Vasu (substance), urj (abounding force of being) and priyam or mayas (delight or love), the Rigvedic equivalent of the Vedantic Sachchidananda and the Puranic satya-tapas-jana . As for vijnana ...


... gasp, pant — Vd) अनः      breath. Bri. U. अननं प्राण, उदान etc. अनक      mean, base. अनलिः      Name of a tree. बकवृक्ष अनल      fire .. wind .. bile ..n of several plants      fifth Vasu .. N of Vasudeva—soul.. Vishnu..Supreme spirit अना      Vedic —thus, hereby, indeed अनस्      cart .. आनस      boiled food.. rice .. kitchen      birth      living being ..      parent आनस ...


... 137 उशिक् पावको वसुर्मानुषेषु वरेण्यो होताधायि विक्षु । दमूना गृहपतिर्दम आँ अग्निर्भुवद् रयिपती रयीणाम् ॥४॥ 4) A desirable priest was set in the peoples, a desiring god, a purifying Vasu in men, a dweller in the home, a master of the house in the mansion; the Flame becomes a lord of many treasures. तं त्वा वयं पतिमग्ने रयीणां प्र शंसामो मतिभिर्गोतमासः । आशुं न वाजंभरं मर्जयन्तः ...


... 582 Vasatis, 162 Vāsishthīputra Chatarapana Sātakarni, 585 Vāsishthīputra Pulumāvi, 471, 584, 585 Vāsishthīputra Sātakarni, 585 Vāsishthīputra ŚivaŚri Sātakarni, 472 Vasu Chaidya, 69 Vasubandhu, 405-06, 407 Vāsudeva (see also Krishria), 95, 242, 396 'Vāsudevaka', 395 Vatsagulma, 489 Vātsyāyana: KāmaSūtra, 566-72 Vāyu Purāna, 7, 10 ...


... the blue bird and the green and the scarlet-eyed." Aren't Blake's "minute particulars" here with a vengeance? The same multiple message about the "incarnational" divinity is to be found in the Gita: "Vasu-deva is all." And both in the Upanishad and in the Gita this divinity is to be realised not merely as an impersonal grandeur: he is also to be discovered as the One Person who is the truth of all p ...

... in it, he grieves not, but when he is set free from it, that is his deliverance. This is That thou seekest. Page 61 2. "Lo, the Swan whose dwelling is in the purity, He is the Vasu in the inierregions, the Sacrificer at the altar, the Guest in the vessel of the drinking: He is in man and in the Great Ones and His home is in the law, and His dwelling is in the firmament: He is ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Nachiketas

... Divinities like Brahmā and Rudra; and by the nine Brāhmana sages (Marīci, Atri, Angiras, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Bhrigu, Va-sishtha and Daksha); and by great Bhāgavatottamas like Prah-lada, Nārada, Vasu and others. 55. He was being adored by deities like Śrī , Pusti, Saraswatī, Sānti, Kīrti, Tusti, Bhu, Ūrjā, and by His Mayāśakti consisting of Vidyā and Avidya that cause liberation and bondage. 56-57 ...


... ============= हंसः शुचिषद् वसुरन्तरिक्षसद्धोता वेदिषदतिथिर्दुरोणसत् । नृषद्वरसदृतसद् वयोमसदब्जा गोजा ऋतजा अद्रिजा ऋतं बृहत् Lo, the Swan whose dwelling is in the purity, He is the Vasu in the inter-regions, the Sacrificer at the altar, the Guest in the vessel of the drinking: He is in man and in the Great Ones and His home is in the law, and His dwelling is in the firmament: He is ...


... the experience of Self was like? Was it by any chance like the one you speak of in your Uttarpara Speech — the Vasudeva experience? Page 91 Sri Aurobindo: Great jumble-Mumble! What has Vasu-deva to do with it? 8 2.NB: As poetry also has come, I wouldn't like to give it up either. But how to harmonise? Sri Aurobindo: No need to harmonise by any set arrangement — only keep up ...

... ); it is often spoken Page 60 of as He ( sah) that is one with Aditi, the Divine Mother; it is identified with the Immortality, the supreme triple Principle, the vast Existence ( vasu ) , Energy of Consciousness ( urja ), and Bliss ( Madhu). That Reality is unmoving; it is the oneness of the gods that manifest from that Reality. It is said: "The Unmoving is born as the Vast in ...

... Matter, which is, in one sense, of the nature of particle and, in another sense, of the nature of wave, even so, the Reality which was described by the Vedic seers was at once of the nature of essence (vasu) and energy or power (ūrja). 3 Vedic seers also discovered that energy moves forward from the essence or remains contained in essence in accordance with the Will that is inherent in essence ...


... clause. But the fifty-second hymn is still more significant and suggestive. The first Rik runs, "O Sons of the infinite Mother ( ādityāso ), may we become infinite beings ( aditayaḥ syāma ), may the Vasus protect in the godhead and the mortality ( devatrā martyatrā ); possessing may we possess you, O Mitra and Varuna, becoming may we become you, O Heaven and Earth," sanema mitrāvaruṇā sananto, bhavema... is a growing into the godhead, into the infinite being ( aditayaḥ syāma ), said in this hymn (verse 2) to come by the growth of the peace and bliss through the action in us of Mitra, Varuna and the Vasus who protect us in the godhead and the mortality. In these two hymns the Angiras Rishis generally are mentioned; but in others we have positive references to the human Fathers who first discovered... which lead to the infinite wideness of the divine existence. "Before me the paths of the journeyings of the gods have become visible, journeyings that violate not, whose movement was formed by the Vasus. The eye of Dawn has come into being in front and she has come towards us (arriving) over our houses." The house in the Veda is the constant image for the bodies that are dwelling-places of the soul ...

... 190 Taraka, 281   UPANISHADS, THE 18, 50, 52, 76, 152, 190, 256, 287   VAITARANI, 103 Varuna, 132, 138-40, 144­ Vashishtha, 56 Vasus, the, 144 Vedas, the, 149, 190,272, 276 –Rigveda, 1O3n, 105, 129, 132, 139, 141, 143-6, 152 –Samaveda, 152 –Tajurveda, 152 Venus, 297 Vidyapati ...

... ready; let them kindle utterly Agni in front;—there is the awakening to immortality; let us two extend thy sacrifice.” Agastya yields & consents: “Thou art the master, O lord of substance among the Vasus, thou utterly disposest, O lord of love among theMitras. Indra, do thou hold talk with the Maruts, taste in the truth the offerings.” It seems to me that the sense of this little hymn, so beautiful ...

... वसून् रुद्राँ आदित्याँ इह हुवे ॥५॥ 5) Dadhikravan I call here, and the Fire, and the divine dawn, Brihaspati and the god Savitri, the two riders of the horse, and Mitra and Varuna and Bhaga, the Vasus, the Rudras, the Adityas. SUKTA 21 इमं नो यज्ञममृतेषु धेहीमा हव्या जातवेदो जुषस्व । स्तोकानामग्ने मेदसो घृतस्य होतः प्राशान प्रथमो निषद्य ॥१॥ 1) Found this our sacrifice in the immortals, ...

... and Aditi and the Marut host we call to increase us. O bountiful Vasus, carry us beyond out of all the evil like a chariot out of a difficult place. (2) O sons of the infinite Mother, come to us for an universality of creation. Gods, be makers of our bliss in our battle-breakings through the ranks of the Coverers. O bountiful Vasus, carry us beyond out of all the evil like a chariot out of a difficult... twain; of them the gods are the sons. O bountiful Vasus, carry us beyond out of all evil like a chariot out of a difficult place. (4) I make richer here with my plenty the master of plenty who gives his self-expression to man. Our desire goes to Pushan the Increaser with his happinesses in whom the heroes have their dwelling place. O bountiful Vasus, carry us beyond out of all the evil like Page... the evil like a chariot from a difficult place. (6) Kutsa the seer pent in the well called for increase to Indra the Vitra-killer, he has cried to the Lord of the Lady of Puissance. O ye bountiful Vasus, carry us beyond out of all the evil like a chariot out of a difficult place. (7) May the goddess Infinite with the gods protect and the god who saves deliver us nor be careless of us in our need ...

... clinging. (4) Dadhikra, first & full of strength & action, appeareth in front of the chariots (the movements of Delight) consciously perceiving, one in knowledge with Surya & the sons of Aditi & the Vasus & the Angiras (with the divine illumination & the gods of the infinite Being & the lords of Substance & the lords of Puissance). अंगिरस् here evidently a class of gods. (5) May Dadhikra in us ...

... chariot fashioned is the धिइति, the thought and the divine power has to take possession of it as the horse that attains to the goal सप्तिर्न रथ्यो अह धीतिमश्याः (1) Mitra, Varuna, Adityas, Rudras, Vasus. (2) Visve Devah. (3) Indra and the Maruts. (4) Twashtri, the “Gna”s, Bhaga, Brihaddiva, Rodasi, Pusha, Purandhi (Suryâ), A¸cwins. (5) Day & Night, Earth & Heaven. (6) Ahir Budhnya, Aja Ekapad ...

... three worlds of beings; others entered around that illumination. Vastly he stood within the worlds, purifying and resplendent he entered into [    ] (15) Mother of the Rudras is she, daughter of the Vasus, sister Page 324 of the Adityas, periphery of the Truth. Now do I speak to that man who hath the perception; hurt not the Light that is without stain of evil, the Infinite who divideth not ...

... acknowledged by the world and let my love be restored to me." (5) Knowing the intention of Śrī Rāma, all the great gods, came for the oath-taking of Sītā. (6) Having Brahma at their head, the Ādityas, Vasus, Rudras, Viśvadevas, the hosts of Maruts, all the Sadhya gods, all great sages, the Nāgas, Suparnas and the Siddhas, all came joyfully. (7-8) Seeing all the gods and sages, who had come for the oath-taking ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... inner core of the pyramid of creation. They form a rising tier and are ruled respectively by the gods— Agni, Indra, Varuna, Soma and Brahma—with their emanations and instrumental personalities—the Vasus, the Rudras, the Adityas, the Maruts and the Sadhyas. We suggest that these refer to the five well-known levels of being, the modes or nodi of consciousness or something very much like them. The Upanishad... Upanishad speaks elswhere of the five sheaths. The six Chakras of Tantric system lie in the same line. The first and the basic mode is the physical and the ascent from the physical: Agni and the Vasus are always intimately connected with the earth and the earth-principles (it can be compared with the Muladhara of the Tantras). Next, second in the line of ascent is the Vital, the centre of power and dynamism ...

... priests of the world, Skanda the war-god, leader of the leaders of battle, Marichi among the Maruts, the lord of wealth among the Yakshas and Rakshasas, the serpent Ananta among the Nagas, Agni among the Vasus, Chitraratha among the Gandharvas, Kandarpa the love-God among the progenitors, Varuna among the peoples of the sea, Aryaman among the Fathers, Narada among the divine sages, Yama lord of the Law among ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... the inner core of the pyramid of creation. They form a rising tier and are ruled respectively by the gods Agni, Indra, Varuna, Soma and Brahma-with their emanations and instrumental personalities-the Vasus, the Rudras, the Adityas, the Maruts and the Sadhyas. We suggest that these refer to the five well-known levels of being, the modes or nodi of consciousness or something very much like them. The Upanishad... Upanishad speaks elswhere of the five sheaths. The six Chakras of Tantric system lie in the same line. The first and the basic mode is the physical and the ascent from the physical: Agni and the Vasus are always intimately connected with the earth and -the earth-principles (it can be compared with the Muladhara of the Tantras). Next, second in the line of ascent is the Vital, the centre of power and ...

... who stands up in the dawn of the illumination to offer to the gods, to each great god his portion, to Indra a pure & deified mentality, to Vayu a pure & divine vital joy & action, to the four great Vasus, Varuna, Mitra, Bhaga & Aryamá the greatnesses, felicities, enjoyments & strengths of perfected being, to the Aswins the youth of the soul & its raptures & swiftnesses, to Daksha & Saraswati, Ila, Sarama ...

... madhumantam ) wave of you may we today enjoy. O Waters, may the son of the waters (Agni), he of the swift rushings, foster that most honeyed wave of you; that wave of yours in which Indra with the Vasus is intoxicated with ecstasy, may we who seek the Godhead taste today. Strained through the hundred purifiers, ecstatic by their self-nature, they are divine and move to the goal of the movement of the ...

... in the hymns. वृता. S, the path between earth and heaven: no doubt, but it is not a physical path, but the path of Truth by which Agni goes, ऋतस्य पंथा, (cf [ ]). वसव्यैः S. says this may mean the Vasus, or "those who are fit to dwell among the Yajamanas"! He takes अनु ग्मन् here, as following after in the sense of being devoted to or serving, संभजंते. But वृता यंतं surely demands the plain natural ...

... Brahmavadins say, The morning offering to the Vasus, the afternoon offering to the Rudras and the evening offering to the Adityas and all the gods,—where then is the world of the Yajamana? (that is to say, what is the spiritual efficacy beyond this material life of the three different sacrifices & why, to what purpose, is the first offered to the Vasus, the second to the Rudras, the third to the Adityas ...

... May we become master of all delights. [10]     HYMN OF THE SUPREME GODDESS   (Rig-Veda – Mandala X, Sukta 125)   I move with the Rudras and the Vasus, with the Adityas, yea, with all the gods. I bear both Mitra and Varuna, both Indra and Agni and the twin Aswins. [1]   I bear the Soma that is to be pressed, I bear the Fashioner and the ...

... praised among yajamanas !! ऋजसानः स्तूयमानः वार्याणि.संभजनीयानि धनानि or वरणीयानि हवींषि. विशेषेण प्रापयति स्वयं or प्राप्नोति. आनुषक्. आनुषक्त यथा. The doer set in front by (or with) Rudras & Vasus, the priest seated within conquering felicity, immortal, the god in human creatures shining (or moving) like a chariot bears abroad (or brings) uninterruptedly desired blessings. (4) अतसेषु. उन् ...

... Indra-Varuṇa, Mitra-Varuṇa), 282, 301, 329, 353, 356, 357-8, 387-8, 395-404, 409, 416, 417, 419 as Asura, 366-73, 381, 386, 390-91 hymns to, in the Rigveda, 398-400 Vasistha, 356, 397 Vasus, 404 Page 433 Vayu, 360, 362 Veda, 165-6, 176, 246, 269, 409, 413 Vedic deities, 210, 412 Vedic geography, 163-4 Vedic ...

... looking on as you are at her falling into the fire (the bearer of sacrificial of ferings)? How do you not recognize yourself to be the Supreme Soul of all gods? (6) You are the very first of all the Vasus (a class of gods) Rtadhama (the seat of Truth). You are the self existent Creator of all the three worlds and the Lord and Master of all the people. (7) You are the eighth Rudra (Mahadeva) of the (eleven) ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... वसुभिः सजोषाः ॥९॥ 9) O Fire, join to us within, to us made masters of the riches a plenitude of the knowledge inspired wide in its store; O universal godhead, do thou in union with the Rudras and the Vasus extend to us a vast peace. 9 Page 310 SUKTA 6 प्र सम्राजो असुरस्य प्रशस्तिं पुंसः कृष्टीनामनुमाद्यस्य । इन्द्रस्येव प्र तवसस्कृतानि वन्दे दारुं वन्दमानो विवक्मि ॥१॥ 1) I adore ...

... Indra (the ruler of gods), Kubera (the bestower of riches), Kāla (the Time spirit), Yama (the god of retribution), Soma (the moon god), Varuna (the ruler of the waters), the Pitrs (manes), the (eight) Vasus, the (twelve) Sadhyas, the (two) Aśwīs (the physicians of gods), the (forty nine) Maruts (wind gods); Manu (a progenitor of the human race), Vāyu (the wind god) and the god of fire. He constitutes (all) ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... superstition and the idea that the modern Indian religions are Vedic in their substance is convicted of egregious error. For the Vedas Sayana gives us are the mythology of the Adityas, Rudras,Maruts, Vasus,—but these gods of the Veda have long ceased to be worshipped,—or they are a collection of ritual & sacrificial hymns, but the ritual is dead & the sacrifices are no longer offered. Are we then to ...