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Vidarbha : kingdom in Mahārāshṭra later renamed Berar.
... the kingdom of Vidarbha. The news of Damayanti's second Swayarnvara has just reached Ayodhya, where Nala lives under the name of Vahuka and serves the king Rituparna as a charioteer. Now when the Raja Rituparna heard Sudeva's words, quoth he to Vahuka Full pleasantly: "Much mind I have to go Where Damayanti holds Swayarnvara, If to Vidarbha, in a single day... thy skill; and by thy skill I look To reach Vidarbha, 0 thou steed tamer! Thou art my trust; make thou not hindrance now Yet would I suffer, too, what thou dost ask, If thou couldst surely reach Vidarbha's gate Before yon sun hath sunk." Nala replied: "When I have counted those vibhitak boughs, Vidarbha I will reach; now keep thy word." Ill pleased... elate: And proudly rode the Raja toward the walls Page 90 Of high Vidarbha. Thus did journey down Exultant Nala, free of trouble now, Quit of the evil spell, but bearing still His form misshapen, and the shrunken limb. At sunset in Vidarbha (O great King!) The watchers on the walls proclaimed, "There comes The Raja Rituparna!" Bhima ...
... Indumatī swayamvara (the marriage ceremony of the princess Indumatī where she was supposed to select her husband) in the sixth canto, where we find Indumatī, the most beautiful daughter of the King of Vidarbha, making her choice of Aja as the lord of her love and life amidst the most eligible suitors. Aja was so handsome and attractive that in the lofty hall, where Indumatī was to make her choice, other... who had yielded to Rati's prayers." (VI.2) The poet's description of Aja at the swayamvara: Page 58 By a well-arranged stairway he mounted to the dais that the King of Vidarbha assigned to him, as ascends a lion's cub over rocky ledges to gain a mighty mountain-summit. Then as he sat down on a jewelled throne spread with rich-hued tapestry, he very much resembled Kārttikeya... enemies, he also drew the attention of his newly wed bride, Indumati, to his own valour with avid interest in the following words: Page 60 Look, Vaidarbhi (0 daughter of the king of Vidarbha), — I give you leave — look at these our foes; even infant hands may seize their weapons, it is with such feats of war that they seek to win thee from my hands! - Canto VII. 67 ...
... stands face to face on my path. I shall go to him fearlessly: 'Sir, thou art the chief of the beasts and the master of this forest. 'Know me to be Damayanti, the daughter of the king of Vidarbha, the wife of the king of Nishadha, the subduer of his foes. 'I am alone in this jungle searching for my husband, miserable, sorrow stricken, o Lord of the beasts, if thou hast seen Nala... those who escaped abused Damayanti as an evil spirit and the cause of their ill fortune. The queen fearing for her life left them and fled into the forest. Page 50 The princess of Vidarbha felt very sad and reflected, "What crime have I committed, that in this desolate forest I came across a group of people as large as the sea and they were killed by a herd of elephants? All this has... Sudeva arrived in the city of the Chedi king and recognized Damayanti by the tiny mole between her eyebrows. A little later, Damayanti escorted by a strong band of horsemen returned with Sudeva to Vidarbha. Let us now go back to the story as told by Sister Nivedita: ... Once more Damayanti was dwelling — but now with her children by her side — in her father's house. For Bhima had sent out ...
... was a well-known critic on poetry, music/ etc., and a close friend of Dilip's. 111. Bhababhuti was a Sanskrit poet who lived in the seventh century C.E. He was born in Padmapura in the state of Vidarbha, but spent most of his life in the palace of Yashodharma, king of Kanauj. His important works are the three dramas: Malatimadhava, MahavTracarita and Uttararamacarita. He was a great devotee of Shiva ...
... including its river, Kshipra. Yet Kalidasa's works show such a wealth of knowledge about the fauna and flora of different regions that many parts of India, including Bihar, Varanasi, Bengal, Kashmir and Vidarbha have laid claim to the honour of being the birth-place of the poet. For instance an author could remark that Kalidasa, being able to describe a flower of saffron, must have lived in Kashmir. Others ...
... management of horses. Thus in beauty, in character, in fortune, and in power, there was scarcely in the whole world another king like Nala. If there were one, it could only be Bhima, King of the Vidarbhas, a sovereign of heroic nature and great courage, deeply loved by all his subjects. Now Bhima had three sons and one daughter, the Princess Damayanti. And the fame of Damayand, for her mingling of... stroking the wings of the swan, Nala heard his words, and saying, "Ah, then do thou indeed even so!" opened his hands, and let him go free. Then the swans flew up and away to the city of the Vidarbhas, and alighted in the palace gardens before Damayanti and her maidens. And all the beautiful girls scattered immediately, to run after the fleeing birds, trying each to catch one. ' But that after... day of Damayanti's Swayamvara. And even amongst the gods did the news go forth, and Indra, and Agni, and Varuna, and Yama himself, the King of Death, set out from high heaven for the city of the Vidarbhas, each eager to win the hand of the Princess. But as the proud gods went, they overtook a mortal wending his way on foot, and his beauty and greatness, of mind as well as body, were such that ...
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