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Viking : 9th-11th century Scandinavian warriors or Norsemen (q.v.) on the coasts of Europe & the British Isles gave to that period the name ‘the Viking Age’. In Eastern Europe they were known as Varangirans.

14 result/s found for Viking

... Tart, "States of Consciousness and State-Specific Sciences" in Robert E. Ornstein (Ed.), The Nature of Human Consciousness (New York: The Viking Press, 1973), p. 60. 3. Robert E. Ornstein (Ed.), The Nature of Human Consciousness (New York: The Viking Press, 1973), p. XI. 4. Compare the following: "Psychology is, primarily, the science of consciousness. Its researchers deal with ...


... asking them not to be afraid of the glory of the Lord that shone round them. The angel declared to them 5. The Portable Blake, Selected and Arranged with an Introduction by Alfred Kazin (The Viking Press, New York), 1946, p. 45. 6. Exploring Poetry (The Macmillan Company, New York), 1957, p. 186. 7.II, 8-14. Page 22 "good tidings of great joy" about the birth of Christ ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... perfected one line. One way of looking. It has, perhaps, only the merit of being at the last door and there are no more. I looked at Björn against that breach of light, and he was really handsome, a Viking conqueror who had come back here for I know not what adventure. And I saw myself at his side, smaller, but of another colour it seemed. I was looking at all that, I heard Björn, but I was not really ...

... and Notes by W. H. Gardner (Penguin Books, Harmondsworth), 1953. Page 267 Kazin, Alfred The Portable Blake, Selected and Arranged with an Introduction by Alfred Kazin (The Viking Press, New York), 1946. Kelley, Maurice The Great Argument (Princeton), 1941. Keynes, Geoffrey Blake Studies (London), 1949. The Complete Writings of William Blake, ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... not SA men at all, but members of the Organization Consul, that section of the Ehrhardt group which had been behind the murders of Erzberger and Rathenau … The SA usually marched together with the Viking Bund , who were Ehrhardt’s militarized formations.” 190 “Then there was a slightly mysterious man named Lieutenant Klintzsch”, remembers Hanfstängl, “who was one of the storm trooper leaders and had ...


... evening he died .2 References The Age of Alexander — Nine Greek Lives by Plutarch Translated and annoted by lan Scott-Kilvert Penguin Books Ltd. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England Viking Penguin Inc. 40 West 223rd Street new York, New York 10010, USA Translation and notes copyright lan Scott-Kilvert, 1973 Published in 1973—Reprinted 1977, 79, 80, 82, 83, 85, 86 ...


... Scene I The camp of Humber. Humber, Offa, Norwegians. HUMBER Drinkhael, dragons and stormwinds of the sea! ( drinks ) Spare not to drain this sweetened force of earth, You Vikings! How it bubbles to the lips Vigorous as newspilt blood. Drink deep, and shout "Glory to Thor and Humber!" With the sun Upon the force of Albanact we march. Shout, Norsemen! Let the heavens hear... Humber. HUMBER Drink, Norsemen. Ye shall all be kings. Scotia And Albany and Ireland shall be mine. I'll have as many kingdoms as the year Page 780 Has moons. Do you doubt me, Vikings? Do you mutter? But you shall see my glory. Call Estrild, You thralls of Humber. ALL Glory to great Humber! Humber shall now be Thor. He shall new-make The bones of Heimir in his hands. ...

... Another much sung period was that of the Vikings, who were not Germans but Danes, Norwegians and Swedes. Bands of marauding adventurers in their long boats, they were allotted by their völkisch-minded admirers the role of conquerors and dispensers of culture. It is true that, in spite of themselves, History knew how to use their bold spirit of enterprise. It were Vikings who, having become the French-speaking... [in Nordic mythology “Midgard” is the garden at the centre of the world], Young Germans, Goths, Order of Young Germans, Nordic Tribe, League of Loyalty for an Uplifting Life, Friends of the Light, Vikings, Eagle and Falcon, Storm Bird, etc. 468 All these groups of very dedicated and mostly young people – National Socialism too has been characterized as a youth movement – turned their back on the ...

... That is why no help was given to Finland. SRI AUROBINDO: Norway and Sweden have become pacific. Of course the Norwegians are not said to be particularly good fighters, though once the Norwegian Vikings went even up to Sicily. The Swedes are known to be good fighters, and in the earliest periods they were a great power; they ravaged the whole of Northern Europe. EVENING PURANI: The French Cabinet ...

... administer the affairs of our country. But what greater difference could divide men than that which existed between our bodily frames and moral constitutions? You, the tall, fair, robust descendant of the Vikings; I, dark, spare and short from the Welsh mountains. You, the hard-headed, practical, successful lawyer; I, the dilettante and connoisseur, who knew something about everything except my own affairs ...

... the “authentic” Germanic customs and traditions, so much admired by völkisch nostalgia and rendered visually famous by the costumes of the Wagnerian heroes and heroines, were in fact those of the Vikings, who were Scandinavians? And how to explain that most artefacts of the earliest “Germanic” times, many inscribed with runes, were found in Sweden? Most problematical, however, was the term “Aryans” ...

... Germanic tribes for centuries, so much so that the Drang nach Osten (the impulse to move east) was, except for rare periods of friendly relations, something like a cyclic instinctive urge. Waves of Vikings rowed down the Dnieper from “Gothland”, mainly Sweden, to Kiev and Constantinople; the Teutonic Knights subjugated Prussia and the territories of what is now called Poland, the Balticum and the Ukraine; ...

... haunting me. Have I had the privilege, the grace, to listen to Mother, to know Sri Aurobindo, to touch that Secret of the Vedic rishis, merely to write books about it? If no one had followed the Vikings or Christopher Columbus, America would have never existed. If no one had asphyxiated in a dried-up swamp and “invented” pulmonary breathing earthlings would never have existed. Someone had to follow ...

... Eric's Palace at Yara. Scene I ERIC Eric of Norway, first whom these cold fiords, Deep havens of disunion, from their jagged And fissured crevices at last obey, The monarch of a thousand Vikings! Yes, But how long shall that monarchy endure Which only on the swiftness of a sword Has taken its restless seat? Strength's iron hound Pitilessly bright behind his panting prey Can guard for ...