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Villa : Francisco (‘Poncho’) (1878-1923), guerrilla leader of Mexico. In 1909 he joined Francisco Madero’s uprising against dictator Porfirio Diaz. In 1913, he joined Venustiano Carranza (q.v.)’s successful revolt against Dictator Huerta; but rivalry between them led to his escape from Mexico & assassination.

29 result/s found for Villa

... strength. 4) We have heard that there are several alternatives for your lodging: an empty family house in front of the house where your family lives, or a villa out of town, or another two storied house. Because of its situation, the villa seems the best, provided arrangements can be made for your material needs. If not Page 307 possible, you might live in the empty family house and... now and what you will have to do hereafter before you can return to Pondicherry. If you cannot stay in your family house, which would be the most convenient, you can stay in your father-in-law's villa—or the empty family house. But then it will be much better if you allow somebody to stay with you who will look after your needs and [ incomplete ] [5] 4-3-26 Dear Tirupati, We have received ...


... of getting there vegetarian food "which is sure to suit me better than preserved meat which is the main ingredient in the hotels of this country." Her description of Adyar is quite entertaining. The villa she occupied reminded her of Paris' "Trianons with its Louis XVI colonnades. Inside too it is Versailles: white rooms, in rotunda, white paneling, doors fitted with small squares of glass." She was... And, of course, an observant eye. An eye moreover which never missed an incongruity, such as the ascetic's cot "like a jewel among the commonplace of English furniture." It was from her cosy villa at Adyar that Alexandra was writing to Philippe, describing her adventures. "Adventures ... I promised you adventures and I have a lot to tell you." Which brings us back to the subject close to ...

... had nothing but the highest praise: ‘She had unheard of faculties, that woman, unheard of!’ Max and Alma stayed in France for a year and a half, and then moved on to Algeria, where they built a villa on the outskirts of Tlemcen, a town at the foot of the Atlas mountains. There they spent a decade developing their teachings. In comparison with the lives of other prominent occultists of the time,... the 166 kilometers of the last stage of the journey. But all had gone well, and Max Théon was waiting for her at the station to take her in a car to Zarif, the suburb about a kilometer away where his villa was built into the side of a hill. ‘Tlemcen! It’s the sound of a gong vibrating over the mountains. It’s a smile at the edge of the desert,’ 21 wrote a lyrical Claire Thémanlys after her visit... body into trance, exteriorize herself from it – and so on, twelve times successively, to the extreme limit of the world of forms.’ 24 Soon Mirra too would learn and master this with ease. The villa of the Théons, built more or less in the style of an Arab manor, was a house of wonders; there the atmosphere, impregnated with their occult powers, seemed to belong to another universe in which the ...

... Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) 12 AN OLD CORRESPONDENCE ON SRI AUROBINDO BETWEEN K.M. MUNSHI AND K.D. SETHNA       Hamilton Villa, Nepean Sea Road, Bombay 7 - 9-51   Dear Mr. Munshi,   Thanks for sending me your speech on Sri Aurobindo. It is a good tribute, with genuine feeling and admiration behind it, and has some memorable... him and I am not gifted with the higher faith of a devotee which you possess, perhaps we are destined not to agree. With kind regards,   Yours sincerely, K.M. Munshi   Hamilton Villa, Nepean Sea Road, Bombay 19.9.51   My dear Munshi,   It was a pleasure to get your letter. Two or three points mentioned by you call for a short comment. I hope you'll forgive a little... subdued, are bound to be left. There never was any Avatar in the past completely supramentalised or even envisaging the supramentalisation of every nature-part. Page 137 Hamilton Villa, Nepean Sea Road, Bombay 3.10.51   My dear Munshi,   You must have received my letter of 19.9.51 replying to yours of 16.9.51. In it I touched upon a few points which stood out in ...


... 13. Medium Hitler and his God On the Mountain The place of preference where Hitler went to receive his inspirations was his villa on a mountain in the Bavarian Alps, the Obersalzberg, just above Berchtesgaden and very near to Salzburg. 1 Hitler had discovered Berchtesgaden in 1922 through – whom else? – Dietrich Eckart, who went there in hiding when... referred to in Hitler’s entourage, that he received the French ambassador on his last visit. Yet the meeting did not take place at the Berghof but at the Kehlsteinhaus, within walking distance of the villa. The Kehlsteinhaus was built for Hitler on the initiative and under the supervision of Martin Bormann, and the construction cost the life of many slave labourers. For the structure was built on top ...


... which in 1940 Hitler intended to speak to the world from Buckingham Palace and on which India will become independent in 1947. In his high villa on the fatal hill Alone he listens to that sovereign Voice, Dictator of his action’s sudden choice. (Collected Poems , p. 111) John Toland too calls the Berghof ‘Hitler’s place of inspiration’... was known in Austria as a cradle of mediums. × The Mother no doubt means the Berghof , Hitler’s villa in Obersalzberg. In his polemic poem about Hitler, The Dwarf Napoleon, Sri Aurobindo writes: × A ...


... for the trouble you took in replying to my previous letter with such an elaborate dissertation. With cordial greetings Sincerely yours, Dr. I. OLSVANGER Page 85 Hamilton Villa, Nepean Sea Road, Bombay, 16-5-52 Dear Dr. Olsvanger, I am glad you liked my article — but I am deeply disappointed with the reason for which you liked it. I don't at all mind your writing ...


... Aurobindo's reply is reproduced here as originally dictated to Nirodbaran and not in its final farm as included in the Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library Edition of Savitri.) Hamilton Villa, Nepean Sea Road , Bombay. 1.5.1946 Sri Aurobindo, Your patience with me is admirable and admirable too is the dear controlled force with which you express your ...


... Order.   Sri Aurobindo's samadhi is even farther away, in Pondicherry, in South India. You can reach it from Madras by taking a bus or a taxi. Inside a fairly unostentatious French-style villa, you come across a raised platform which houses his remains. This is always covered in flowers and beautifully decorated. Above it, there is a white canopy to keep off the bird droppings. The courtyard ...


... l and several high-ranking generals, were hanged with piano strings instead of ropes, thus being slowly strangled, and that the proceedings were filmed so that he could watch and enjoy them at his villa on the Obersalzberg. The killing of other conspirators, accomplices, suspected accomplices and relatives continued until the very moment of the Armistice; the reprisals took more than 5000 lives. ...


... Something equally romantic has not been seen since the Maid of Orléans …” 905 This polemic outburst was not solely the fruit of Mann’s imagination, for even in those days Hitler’s sudden withdrawals to his villa “Berghof” on the Obersalzberg and his reliance on his intuition and inner inspirations were known to many. There is no doubt that Hitler’s decisions, at least at the most important moments, were ...


... Aurobindo knew how the possession had come about and where Hitler’s “inspirations” came to him: It is the shadow of the Titan’s robe That looms across the panic stricken globe. In his high villa on the fatal hill Alone he listens to that sovereign Voice, Dictator of his action’s sudden choice, The tiger leap of a demonic skill. However, those who feel inflated or aggrandized by ...


... puts it: A movement of enormous depth and scope He seized and gave cohesion to its hope. Far other was Hitler, yet "a mighty Force" had taken hold of him: In his high villa on the fatal hill Alone he listens to that sovereign Voice, Dictator of his action's sudden choice, Page 168 The tiger leap of a demoniac skill. And Sri ...


... in book form, Twain came forward and dedicated the book to his beloved wife, Olivia. The book, which is divided into three sections, took two years to write. Twain started it while living in a villa in Florence, Italy, but when serious financial difficulties intervened, he had to put aside his pet project for a time. He picked up his pen again in France, and wrote the concluding section. "I have ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Joan of Arc

... Sharing like all her forms that went before The doom of the mammoth and the dinosaur. It is the shadow of the Titan's robe Page 640 That looms across the panic-stricken globe. In his high villa on the fatal hill Alone he listens to that sovereign Voice, Dictator of his action's sudden choice, The tiger leap of a demoniac skill. An energy his body cannot invest,— Too small and human for ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... to this sense, especially the Tamil for eye விழி and the root விள் with its numerous derivatives; a number of words meaning open, public, sale, auction, publication etc; Latin vile, common, cheap; villa, open place, country place, county seat; vendo, I sell; venalis, to be sold; but especially video, I see. In Sanscrit we have विद् to know; विज् to separate, discriminate; विच् in the same sense; वि ...


... encompassing experience according to which the complexity of Hitler’s personality would be explainable? “Hitler is a sort of a mystic. He says he is guided by an inner voice. He goes into silence in his villa and waits for the voice. Whatever the voice says he will carry out. He is possessed by some supernormal Power and it is from this Power that the voice, as he calls it, comes. Have you noticed how people ...


... with the Théons led to her taking over the administration of the magazine, and to visits with the couple of occultists in Tlemcen (Algeria) in 1906 and 1907. There the Théons led a withdrawn life in a villa surrounded by a magnificent garden at the foot of the Atlas Mountains. Mirra found her appreciation of Théon’s capacities confirmed, no less than her admiration for those of Madame Théon, for whom she ...


... possession] that he was seized by those fits which were said to be epileptic. They were not epileptic: they were crises of possession … When he wanted to know something from that being, he went to his villa [on the Obersalzberg] to meditate. There he really made an intense appeal to what he called his god, his supreme god, who was the ‘Lord of the Nations’ … Of course [that being] did not appear physically ...


... mediumistic faculties, and Karl Haushofer, responsible for most of Hitler’s geopolitical views including the need of Lebensraum for the German people. The ‘palace’ mentioned by the Mother was Hitler’s villa Berghof on the Obersalzberg at Berchtesgaden, in the Alps, called by his biographer John Toland ‘Hitler’s place of inspiration.’ Hitler was a tool of the ‘Lord of the Nations,’ who, in fact, is ...

... words the infallible voice may be heard of Him “who rules the nations with a rod of iron” – the Lord of the Yoga of the Nations.’ 36 (Once more one is reminded of Adolf Hitler, who withdrew to his villa in Berchtesgaden, in the Alps, to communicate with his ‘God.’) And Richard writes in a foreword, ‘[ To the Nations ] marks a step further in the denunciation of the international anarchy and in the ...

... and he read a terrible threat to earth-life's evolutionary possibilities if the Swastika were to triumph. What is most remarkable about the poem, however, is its ending: In his high villa on the fatal hill Alone he listens to that sovereign Voice, Dictator of his action's sudden choice, The tiger leap of a demoniac skill. Too small and human for that dreadful ...


... tragic that Dietrich Eckart has not lived to see the rise [of the Nazi Party].” 115 He reminisced about his discovery, thanks to Eckart, of the Obersalzberg and the house there that would become his villa k , and how one night he had woken Eckart up unannounced, and how Eckart had opened the door in his night-shirt, showing his hairy legs. “Today, we have all come a step further; therefore we do not ...


... (He survived.) This is one of the many occasions on which Hitler was protected by Destiny, or whatever one cares to call it. He escaped with a dislocated left shoulder to Hanfstängl’s newly built villa in Uffing, in the countryside. There he tried to commit suicide, but was prevented from doing so by Hanfstängl’s wife, the beautiful Helene, who wrestled the pistol from his hand. The day he “fell ...


... clear that it was the famous politician Adolf Hitler who had purchased Haus Wachenfeld , probably with money from the Bechsteins, and who was rebuilding the house into what would become the famous villa Berghof . “Wolf” was also his usual pseudonym in Bayreuth, where to Winifred and Siegfried’s children he was “Uncle Wolf”. Some of his headquarters in the field were called Wolfsschlucht (Wolf’s ...


... Friends, I have been approached by friends from the Ashram and Auroville in regard to the construction of the inner chamber in Matrimandir. May I request the following friends to meet at "Selvam Villa", No. 5 Nehru Street on Friday, 6th May at 9 p.m., to exchange views and help in clearing all doubts which have risen in the minds of many. Guru Prasad To, Huta, K.D. Sethna, Satprem, Udar ...


... always or at once in the individual. Aishwarya — 1) Irish officers joining I.N.V. [Irish National Volunteers] 2) Movement towards the arrangement of funds. 3) Affairs in Mexico. Retreat of Villa & quarrel with Carranza. 4) Progress of events in China—eg subsidence of White Wolf, strength of central government, successful collection of the Provincial revenues. 5) Progress towards peace ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... possible extravagances till the day he would break his neck, which did happen. 6 In almost identical terms, Sri Aurobindo wrote on 16 October 1939 in his poem on Hitler: In his high villa on the fatal hill Alone he listens to that sovereign Voice, Dictator of his action's sudden choice, The tiger leap of a demoniac skill .... Thus driven he must stride on ...


... —to say nothing of the three dogs!—joined them in Oran. After several months' search they finally found a place in the suburbs of Tlemcen. They acquired, in Madame Théon's name, naturally, a large villa on a hillside with extensive grounds. It took them about one year to make the place livable. Thus it was that on May 1, 1889, they came to live in Zarif. It was to become their base. They lived there ...