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Weber : Albrecht Friedrich (1825-1901) born at Breslau: studied at Bonn & Berlin 1848: member of Berlin Academy of Sciences 1857: edited the White Yajurveda 1849-59 & other Sanskrit works, produced a catalogue of Sanskrit manuscripts at the Royal Library at Berlin 1853-92, wrote essays on all branches of Indian research, wrote the greater part of the Indische Studien (Sanskrit-German Thesaurus) 17 volumes published 1850-58: considered one of the greatest Orientalists of the time, one of the first to promote actively the scientific study of Sanskrit, the first real pioneer of Prakrit: edited religious texts, especially Jainism, lectured on literature & wrote History of Indian Literature 1882. [Buckland]
... apply. The gold-coveting Mauryas had caused images of the gods to be prepared, but the rule applies only in such cases where these provide living for the person who exhibits them to the householders. Weber was of opinion that 'Pānini in referring to images (pratikriti) , that were saleable - that is by their afforded sustenance of life (jivikārthe) - had in his eye such as these that had come down... from the date assigned to Pushyamitra by most modern historians - c. 187-151 B.C. by Mookerji's reckoning 5 or 185-149 B.C. by Puri's 6 . Peterson was for the 4th century A.D. for the grammarian, Weber for 25 A.D., Goldstiicker for 140-120 B.C., Max Miiller for 200 B.C. 7 We are free to relate Patanjali to Pānini by whatever chronology strikes us as appropriate. We shall resolve the problem... Pānini look back in a post-Mauryan age at those notorious images of late Mauryan times, we must forget the modern chronological scheme. In that scheme Patanjali's comment cannot be interpreted à la Weber, for it would plump Pānini straight into the two and a half centuries before Christ - an un-Pāninian context of Bhāgavatism, in which this cult was not budding but in full flower. Patanjali, as we ...
... often and how close he came to failing” (Bullock). The word one encounters time and again when the power emanating from Hitler is discussed, is “charisma”, usually with a reference to Max Weber (1864-1920). Weber defined charisma as “the quality of a personality held to be out of the ordinary (and originally thought to have magical sources, both in the case of prophets and men who are wise in healing... is used, even with reference to this definition, its spirit as formulated by Weber is not. “Charisma”, generally, is no more than a handy label used by academic authors to designate the upper limit of their conception of a person with an emanation of power, an upper limit beyond which they are not willing to go. If for Weber terms like “magical sources”, “supernatural” and “superhuman” had some meaning... meaning, they mean nothing for the present-day users of his charisma concept. Weber had an openness which most established historians do not have today. “Charisma” has to say it all without saying anything. When looking for the roots of Nazism we have come to the conclusion that the Western world view is defective. Its components are the remnants of a fundamentalist Judeo-Christian doctrine, illogically ...
... Indian colonies in the Far-East, but in philosophy the old ideas still reign. "From Thales to Bergson" is their idea of the History of Philosophy. 2 May 1936 Plato Plato says [according to Weber, p. 86]: "The world of sense is the copy of the world of Ideas, and conversely, the world of ideas resembles its image; it forms a hierarchy.... In our visible world there is a gradation of beings.... I find Plotinus very interesting. Yes. Plotinus was not a mere philosopher,—his philosophy was founded on yogic experience and realisation. 11 October 1933 Plotinus says [according to Weber, p. 171]: "Intelligence is the first divine emanation.... Creation is a fall, a progressive degeneration of the divine. In the intelligence, the absolute Page 522 unity of God splits up... mind, I suppose. In these philosophies there is no distinction made between different grades of mind or between intellect and the consciousness beyond the intellectual. Plotinus says [according to Weber, p. 173]: "The intelligence, too, is creative.... Its emanation or radiation is the soul.... The soul is not, like the intellect, endowed with immediate and complete intuition: it is restricted to the ...
... Vyasa himself could remember only 8800 of Page 282 the slokas, Suka an equal amount and Sanjaya perhaps as much, perhaps something less. There is certainly here no assertion such as Prof. Weber would have us find in it that the Mahabharata at any time amounted to no more than 8800 slokas. Even if we assume what the text does not say that Vyasa, Suka & Sanjaya knew the same 8800 slokas, we... uncouth performance. Certain considerations however may lead us to consider our choice less arbitrary than it seems. That the War Purvas contain much of the original epic may be conceded to Professor Weber; the war is the consummation of the story & without a war there could be no Mahabharata. But the war of the Mahabharata was not a petty contest between obscure barons or a brief episode in a much larger ...
... existence. The real crux is why should inadequacy, limit and suffering come across this natural pleasure of life. It does not mean that life is essentially miserable in its very nature. 23 July 1935 Weber writes of Spinoza's conception of God: "God is not the cause of the world in the proper and usual sense of the term, a cause acting from without and creating it once for all, but the permanent substratum... are full of little Gods or strong Daityas...." The Riddle of This World (1973), p. 38. × Alfred Weber, History of Philosophy ( London: Longmans, Green, 1904 ), pp. 328-29. × Sri Aurobindo, Lights ...
... Vidyabhusana, M. S. C, In Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1906 Vikrama Commemoration Volume (Ujjain, 1948) Watters, T., Hiuen Tsang (London, 1904-05) Weber, A., A History of Indian Literature, 2nd Ed., (London, 1882) Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language, 1955 Page 619 Whithead, R. B., In... Vivasvata, 78,96 Vogel, Dr., 374 Vriddha Garga, 46, 49,464 Walker, B., 588 Wang-Hiuen-T'se, 33,36,37,227, 280,411,413,604 Wasu, 353 Watters,T.,508,509 Weber, A., 344,346,369 Wheeler, Sir Mortimer, iii, 393 Whitehead, R. S., 264 Whitney, 107 Wijesinha,L.C.,34,36 Wikremasinghe, 33,34,35 Wilford, Colonel, 105 Williams ...
... , pp. xiv, xxxvi. 923 Walter Langer, op. cit., pp. 159, 33. 924 Ian Kershaw, op. cit., p. 103. 925 Ron Rosenbaum, op. cit., p. 92. 926 Stephen Turner (ed.): The Cambridge Companion to Weber, p. 94. 927 Nirodbaran: Talks with Sri Aurobindo, p. 84. 928 Sri Aurobindo: The Life Divine, pp. 707-08. 929 Id., p. 33. 930 Id., pp. 42, 185, 612. 931 Sri Aurobindo: On Himself ...
... Toye, Hugh: The Springing Tiger Subhash Chandra Bose Trevor-Roper, H.R.: The Last Days of Hitler Tuchman, Barbara: The Proud Tower Turner, Stephen (ed.): The Cambridge Companion to Weber Ulbricht, Justus: Die Rückkehr der Mystiker im Verlagsprogramm von E. Diederichs, in Mystique, mysticisme, etc. Voltaire: Philosophical Dictionary von Schnurbein, Stefanie (ed.) and Justus ...
... for libel against President Ebert, he withdrew incognito into the mountains above Berchtesgaden. “Eckart’s contact with the NSDAP was not interrupted during the period of his exile. Drexler, Amann, Weber, Esser and Hitler stayed with him as visitors.” 226 Eckart returned to Munich when the warrant was withdrawn and spoke two times at NSDAP meetings. During the November Putsch he met Hitler at the B ...
... According to Lokmanya Tilak, the estimated period would view of Prof. Han, Prof. Ludwig and Prof. Jacobi. Prof. Whitney places this period any time between 15 th and 20 th Century B.C., while Prof. Weber places it any time between 12 th and 15 th Century B.C. Prof. Max Muller believes that the Veda was composed during the 13 th Century B.C. Vide., Sri Aurobindo, The Human Cycle, Vol. 15, ...
... century B.C. This coincides with the view of Professor Haug, Professor Ludwig and Professor Jacobi. Professor Whitney places this period any time between 15th and 20th century B.C., while Professor Weber places it any time between 12th and 15th century B.C. Professor Max Muller believes that the Veda was composed during the 13th century B.C. According to Brihadāranyakopanishad, all the four Vedas ...
... difficult a style that Vyasa himself could remember only 8800 of the slokas, Suka an equal amount and Sanjaya perhaps as much, perhaps something less. There is certainly here no assertion such as Prof. Weber would have us find in it that the Mahabharata at any time amounted to no more than 8800 slokas. Even if we assume what the text does not say that Vyasa, Suka & Sanjaya knew the same 8800 slokas, we ...
... table turning [i.e. spiritism], she confided to me that she would not die a natural death.” 1013 No wonder that Ron Rosenbaum, who also mentions this document, adds that “this remark struck Archivist Weber as very strange”. 1014 The jealous Hitler always had the activities of the girl closely watched and did not allow her to do anything without his knowledge. These words of his, spoken during an unprepared ...
... with Ferdinand Porsche, was to be build was called Wolfsburg, and has retained the name to this day. And so on. It was on Hitler’s birthday, 20 April, in 1922 that one of his bodyguards, Christian Weber, presented an overjoyed Hitler with a German shepherd dog. (Hitler’s best friend during the war had been a small English fox terrier, “Foxl”. “The bastard who has stolen him doesn’t know what he has ...
... freemasonry to which only the most influential and high-ranked personalities had access. The historian Karl Lamprecht, advisor to Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg, was a Pan-German, as were the sociologist Max Weber, still studied to today, Gustav Stresemann, the future foreign minister, Ludwig Schemann, publisher of Chamberlain’s works, and many politicians, industrialists and bankers. Sebottendorff called ...
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