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Wilhelm II, Kaiser : Friedrich Wilhelm Victor Albert (1859-1941), last German emperor & King of Prussia (1888-1918), regarded as prime instigator of World War I.
... Remarks on Public Figures in Europe Kaiser Wilhelm II The Kaiser gave up at the last moment when he could have assumed a dictatorship. Napoleon did the same after Waterloo. In Napoleon's case they say it was the result of his disease, he was no longer quite his old self. The Kaiser was a man without any real strong stuff in him to face adversity. In the... back at Compiègne all the balance of forces had passed to the other side. 26 October 1934 The Kaiser, Hitler and His Lieutenants Hitler and his chief lieutenants Goering and Goebbels are certainly vital beings or possessed by vital beings, so you can't expect common sense from them. The Kaiser, though ill-balanced, was a much more human person; these people are hardly human at all. The nineteenth ...
... journalist, proclaimed Bavaria a Socialist Republic on 7 November. The Wittelsbach king, Ludwig III, abdicated that very day, the first of all eighteen still ruling German princes to do so. (Kaiser Wilhelm II would follow suit on 9 November. It had been one of the peace conditions formulated by the American President Woodrow Wilson that all authoritarian and military structures and institutions in... Germany. But the Allies recovered, partly thanks to the fresh American troops, and from 8 August, Germany’s “black day”, the Hindenburg-Ludendorff duo knew that defeat was inevitable and informed their Kaiser accordingly. All this has a direct impact on our story. The German proletariat, represented by the “German Socialist Party” and the more radical Marxist “German Independent Socialist Party” – which ...
... destinies, was able to order its own life so as to express its self-vision. We must not be misled by appearances into thinking that the strength of Germany was created by Bismarck or directed by the Kaiser Wilhelm II. Rather the appearance of Bismarck was in many respects a misfortune for the growing nation because his rude and powerful hand Page 40 precipitated its subjectivity into form and action ...
... in Bengal - an attempt at the discovery of a nation's or of a sub-nation's soul. Sri Aurobindo rightly points out that it was not her soldiers and empire-builders like Bismark and Moltke and Kaiser Wilhelm II but her thinkers like Kant, Hegel, Fichte and Nietzsche and her great musicians, Beethoven and Wagner, who represented Germany's great subjective force that has ushered in the modem renaissance... "made books" - laboriously made out of other books - but rather "the precious life-blood of a master spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life". 5 Page 471 II The Psychology of Social Development was published in book form in 1949, and was given a new title. The Human Cycle. In the third and final sweep of its tremendous argument. The Life Divine ...
... writers were eunuches or eunuchoid. Peter Stuyvesant lost a leg and buried it in the West Indies, Toulouse-Lautrec had abnormally short legs, and Talleyrand was lame. Goebbels had a clubfoot, and Kaiser Wilhelm a withered arm. Lord Halifax has a withered hand. The closest analogy to Roosevelt in some respects, my friend Jay Alien suggests, is of all people St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the... His confidence was rising; he said he would return to public life as soon as he could throw the crutches away. In the spring of 1923 he took a long cruise in Florida waters on a houseboat, the Weona II; this gave him great encouragement. Page 454 The next winter he took a similar cruise, with Missy LeHand and a group of friends, and he wrote his mother from Miami, "I took the motor boat ...
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