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Yudhishthira Yudhishthere Yudhisthere Yudhisthir : eldest of the five Pāndavas, also called Dharmarāj as he was conceived by Kūnti because she invoked Lord of Dharma (by the mantra granted her by Mahā-rishi Durvāsā) who is also Yamarāj. At the end of the War, Sri Krishna persuaded the great Bhīṣma to teach Yudhishthīra the art & science of administration.

37 result/s found for Yudhishthira Yudhishthere Yudhisthere Yudhisthir

... spiritual plane. I am not competent to say anything about the teachings of different Philosophies but I shall only quote from Mahabharata the answer of Yudhisthir to Yaksha about— कः पन्था (What path to follow?) Yudhisthir answer, घेदा घिमिन्ना घिमिन्नाः नासौ मुनियस्य मत न भिन्नम् | घर्मस्य तत्चं निहितं गुहाया महाजनः येनगतः स पन्था || (The truth of religion lie hid... Vana-Parua (canto on exile of Parndavas)' of 'Maha-Bharata-c-lverses 310 to 313 mainly 312 wherein Dharmarajya (God of Justice, Keeper of Righteousness and Death) put a number 'o f questions to Yudhisthir to test his knowledge and sense of Justice-this is one of the questions-Ed. Page 86 ...

... were bent on war as the only means of overthrowing the Kuru domination. 14) Krishna's testimony to Yudhisthere's character is here of great importance. अधर्मयुक्त न च कामयेत राज्यं सुराणामपि धर्मराजः । धर्मार्थयुक्तं तु महीपतित्वं ग्रामेऽपि कस्मिंस्चिदयं बुभूषेत् ॥ That Yudhisthere has deserved this character to the letter so far anyone who has followed the story will admit. If he acts... by the Son of Modhou in the interests of the Pandava listened in a body to his high thoughted and fateful speech." सुमहोदयं having mighty consequences. 10) अयं here beside me. See verse 4. Yudhisthere is sitting just by Krishna, separated by him [from] Virata. अक्षवती not given by Apte. 11) तरसा. तरस् expresses any swift, violent & impetuous act; anything that has the momentum of strength ...

... Receiving a Boon from Goddess Savitri, the Birth of a Daughter to him, Named Savitri, and her Sojourn in Different Countries in Search of a Husband. Yudhishthira said: Neither for myself, nor for my brothers, do I grieve, O great Sage; not even for being deprived of the kingdom, as much do I for the daughter of Drupada. The evil-souled... highly virtuous, Page 1 such a one and in such a manner as the daughter of Drupada? Markandeya said: Listen, O King Yudhishthira, the most precious fortune, which the women of noble upbringing desire and cherish, that is what Princess Savitri won for them all. Page 2 Long ago in Madra there reigned... years passed this way, he being given to observances of such rules of penance; at the end of' the eighteen-year period Savitri was much pleased with him. Page 3 Then, O Yudhishthira, rising from the sacrificial flames in her splendid form she appeared in front of the King, exceedingly glad as she was; and she, the giver of the boons, spoke this way the word of benediction to ...

... Duryodhana because the empire of Duryodhana could not be more than the empire of a day while that of Yudhisthere had every possibility of permanence; even Queen Gandhari, Duryodhan's own mother, was able to hit this weak point in her son's ambition. The Rajasuya Sacrifice had also undoubtedly identified Yudhisthere in men's minds with the imperialistic impulse of the times. We are given some important hints... शक्तो नावारयत्कृष्णः संरब्धन्कुरुपान्डवान् ॥ The belief that Krishna's policy & statesmanship was the really effective force behind Yudhisthere's greatness, pervades the epic. But who were these nations that resented so strongly the attempt of Yudhisthere & Krishna to impose an empire on them? It is a significant fact that the Southern and Western peoples went almost solid for Duryodhana in this... to the epic but the great gambling & the mishandling of Draupadie. It cannot, however, have been personal questions alone that affected the choice of the different nations between Duryodhana and Yudhisthere. Personal relations like the matrimonial connections of Dhritarashtra's family with the Sindhus and Gandharas and of the Pandavas with the Matsyas, Panchalas & Yadavas doubtless counted for much ...

... Divine. Arjuna fulfils, as very few can so completely, the fundamental conditions—the sine qua non A certain modern critic, however, demurs. He asks why Arjuna was chosen in preference to Yudhishthira and doubts the wisdom and justice of the choice (made by Sri Krishna or the author of the Gita). Is not the eldest of the Pandavas also the best? He possesses in every way a superior adhara. He... contrary, he may have what one calls serious defects, but even that would not matter if he possessed the one thing needful, the unescapable urge of the soul, the undying fire in the secret heart. Yudhishthira may have attained a high status of sattwic principles of conduct, modes of living—and taken refuge in the Lord alone, made the Lord's will the sole and sufficient law of life. Even though to... turn of his soul and nature points to the straightness and simplicity and candidness that were there and it was this that helped to call in the Divine and the Divine choice to fall upon him. Yudhishthira may have been and is great —greater perhaps than Arjuna—in many ways. But the Divine is no respecter of greatness: he looks only for the little thing no larger than the thumb secreted within the ...

... Three-Night Vow of Savitri and, with the Permission of the Parents-in-Law, her Going to the Forest along with her Husband. Markandeya said: O Yudhishthira, with the rolling of several lunar" days as the time was passing, the fated hour when Satyavan was to die, was also approaching soon. Savitri was counting down the day with each lost... Markandeya said: Saying so, the great-minded Dyumatsena retired and Savitri, standing erect on a fixed spot, appeared to be as though she was a straight wooden post. O Yudhishthira, 'Tomorrow the husband is to die' it was with this thought, and filled with an intense grief, Savitri remained standing even as the last night of the vow was about to be over. Next day,... repeated their words of benediction. Knowing that particular time and that moment as foretold by Narad to be arriving, the Princess was filled with great grief in the thought. O Yudhishthira, finding thus the Princess seated, Page 32 lonely and quiet, the father-in-law and the mother-in-law spoke with loving tenderness to her. ...

... demonstration of the significance of life. From the story of Nala and Damayanti, it is said in the Mahabharata, Yudhishthira, like all men plunged in a great crisis, can draw benefit. Why the Story was told "Never was there a more miserable man than me", kept repeating Yudhishthira. He was a king, and he had lost his kingdom. He was the elder and the wisest brother; he was regarded as Dharmaraja... fortune again," promised the Rishi to Yudhishthira after telling the story. "Considering that men's gains are always unstable, one should not be perturbed by success or failure." "The apprehension you have that you will be again invited by an expert in the game to play dice, that fear I will destroy." The lesson will not be lost on Yudhishthira: he will express his desire to learn... will gamble again anyway, this is certain. Page 14 Even after all that has happened, you will not be able to refuse the game!" taunted Bhima. It hurt so much! Sorrow and shame seared Yudhishthira's heart and dried his mouth. At night, unable to find rest, he kept tossing on his bed of torture and bitterly lamented over his misery. "No, indeed, never was there a more unfortunate man than me ...

... Markandeya said: O Yudhishthira, then lighting in the open a bright fire, all those twice-born and holy sat around, with King Dyumatsena, the Lord of the Earth. Shaibya, and Satyavan and Savitri who were standing farther at one end, also took their seats when directed to do so by everybody, now griefless. O Yudhishthira, all those Dwellers of the Wood, sitting... Markandeya said: At about the same time the mighty King Dyumatsena got back the sight, clear and pellucid, with which he began seeing everything very well. But, O Yudhishthira, greatly perturbed as he was, for his son, he along with his wife Shaibya went to the several hermitages enquiring about him. That night they, husband and wife, went to the several ashramas ...

... contrary, he may have what one calls serious defects, but even that would not matter if he possessed the one thing needful, the unescapable urge of the soul, the undying fire in the secret heart. Yudhishthira may have attained a high status of sattvic nature; but the highest spiritual status, the Gita says, lies beyond the three Gunas. He is the fittest person for this spiritual life who has abandoned... turn of his soul and nature points to the straightness and simplicity and candidness that were there and it was this that helped to call in the Divine and the Divine choice to fall upon him. Yudhishthira may have been and is great-greater perhaps than Arjuna-in many ways. But the Divine is no respecter of greatness: he looks only for the little thing no larger than the thumb secreted within the ...

... violence, when man's voluntary effort fails. India possesses a resounding roll of great Page 92 names who endeavoured to give her this solid political and economic unity; Bharata, Yudhishthira, Asoka, Chandra­gupta, Akbar, Shivaji have all contributed to the evergrowing unification of Indian polity. But still what they realised was not a stable and permanent thing, it was yet fluent and ...

... Babu Surendranath's own paper the Bengalee . A regular " abhishek " ceremony seems to have been performed and the assembled Brahmins paid him regal honours as if he had been the just and truthful Yudhishthira at the Rajasuya sacrifice. If Babu Surendranath wishes to be the king of independent Bengal, he should surely conquer his Page 127 kingdom first and then enjoy it. Even Caesar refused ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... sweet and loving speech, and ever proficient, always remaining calm and tranquil, Page 27 and in their privacy, she saw, waiting upon her husband, that he was happy. O Yudhishthira, thus in that ashram, and engaged in tapasya, this way they lived, and a lot of time went by. But then Savitri, with me in her heart, was languishing ever; on getting up in the morning ...

... earliest students at the Ashram school. After her studies she married and left Pondicherry to join her husband. Indra Sen was the eldest son in a cultured Punjabi family. His original name was Yudhishthira, his remaining four brothers got names of the other four Pandavas—Arjun, Bhima, Nakul and Sahadeo. Nakul became an ICS officer and occupied a high post in the Government of India. The family status ...

... Dvāpara Ages and if, according to Varāhamihira who is expounding Garga, Yudhishthira ruled when the Seven Rishis were in Maghā, then, according to Varāhamihira, Yudhishthira ruled within the same 100 years during which the junction of the Kali and Dvapara Ages occurred. Varāhamihira could never have meant that Yudhishthira ruled 654 years after the Kaliyuga's advent in 3102 B.C. Here is a simple... quite on the cards. It would have to be at the end of 2526 years from the point at which "Yudhishthira's period" can be fixed. Properly to fix it we must bear in mind the fundamental association of Yudhishthira with Maghā. The "period" of the former must necessarily relate to that of the latter. Yudhishthira's coronation in 3138 B.C. after the Bhārata War and his abdication in 3102 B.C. after Krishna's... played by Krsna in the great war that the Pāndavas emerged victorious"; (2) the abdication of the throne of Hastina-pura by Yudhishthira as the result of Krishna's death; (3) the grief-stricken departure of all the Pāndava brothers on a great northward pilgrimage after Yudhishthira's installation of his grand-nephew Parīkshit in his own place - Parīkshit who was born in the year of the Bhārata War. ...

... Vyasa's Savitri Savitri's Firm Decision to Marry Satyavan. Markandeya said: O Yudhishthira, on one particular occasion, afterwards, the King, the ruler of the Madra country, was in the company of Narad; seated in the royal Hall, he was engaged in conversation with him. Then, about the same time Savitri, after visiting ...

... Krishna has given orthodoxy pause, it is finally through his strategems — contrary to the traditional warriors' code — that, according to the Mahabharata, the Pandavas destroyed their enemies and Yudhishthira became Emperor. By insisting on transformation of the physical existence and not merely a purification as a step towards transcendence of earth and life — by bringing the new message of ...

... the jungle till the time when she goes back to her parents' home. The reader will find side by side the original Sanskrit and a translation.::" chap 63 Brihadashva said OKing Yudhishthira! Nala had gone. Refreshed, the slender waisted Damayanti wakened, shuddering at the wood's silence. When she did not see her husband, afraid and anguished she cried aloud and called the King: "Maharaj... asked her, "Who is thy husband, o thou with the fawn's eyes? How earnest thee in this jungle? And how hast thee been reduced to this miserable state, noble lady?" O, king Yudhishthira, [said Brihadashva] then Damayanti asked by him recounted all that had befallen her. Seeing her with half a cloth, of full hips and breasts, her Page 45 whose body was without... to my swayamvara. It is due to their influence that today I am experiencing the pain of separation." Thus the faithful and fair Damayanti poured out her grief. Page 51 O Yudhishthira! [said Brihadashva] Then with certain brahmins saved from the massacre — men who had read the Vedas — she travelled, beautiful and sad like the moon crescent in autumn, and soon one evening she ...

... of the loving venture of Behula. The Nachiketas Upākhyān of the Kathopanishad is also a case in point. (iv) Myths about legendary heroes' avoidance of death : In Indian tradition, Yudhishthira, the eldest among the Pandava princes, is supposed to have ascended to heaven in his material body, and heroes like Vibhishana and Ashwatthama are considered to be immortal, still existing somewhere ...

... and wickedness or between good and evil men or intended to equate the British with the Pandavas, nations with individuals or even individuals with individuals,—shall we say, Stafford Cripps with Yudhisthir, Churchill with Bhima and General Montgomery with Arjuna! After all, were even the Pandavas virtuous without defect, calm and holy and quite unselfish and without passions? There are many incidents ...

... followed by one year of living incognito. It is towards the end of this twelve-year period that Rishi Markandeya visits the Pandavas again and in response to the query of Yudhishthira narrates to him the story of Savitri. Yudhishthira's puzzlement is simple. He knows that noble Draupadi, the common wife of the five Pandavas, is chaste and virtuous, — bom as she was in the purity of the sacrificial... husband's sake and won from Yama, the King-Father Lord himself, noble boons including the exceptional boon of winning back Satyavan's life. Through the Savitri-example which he prefers to give to Yudhishthira, Markandeya is actually holding out a splendid promise for the Pandavas. With this preliminary background begins the remarkable narration. Page 525 But does the story speak of the ...

... Vyasa's Savitri PART II SOME PERSPECTIVES OF THE SAVITRI UPAKHYANA The story of Savitri narrated by Rishi Markandeya to Yudhishthira appears as a minor episode or upakhyana in seven cantos of the Book of the Forest in the Mahabharata (Pativrata Mahatmya, Chapters 293-299, Vana Parva, Gita Press, Gorakhpur). The immediate purpose of the narration seems... eve of a coming Era. In it a new Yuga, a new world-order was ushered in. Rishi Markandeya holds the same promise, perhaps even a more splendid promise, in the Savitri-example he prefers to give to Yudhishthira. The Princess of Madra King Aswapati's daughter, had suffered greatly for her husband's sake and had won noble satisfying boons, including the exceptional boon of Satyavan's life, from Yama the... for Satyavan to live with her and their begetting a rich progeny. Markandeya concludes the narration by saying that in course of time all the boons got fulfilled. In a like manner, he assures Yudhishthira, Draupadi too will carry the Pandavas across the shore. Such in brief is the structural outline of the Savitri-tale given to us by Vyasa, a short composition of three hundred shlokas, mostly ...

... Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 Some Perspectives of the Savitri Upakhyana The story of Savitri narrated by Rishi Markandeya to Yudhishthira appears as a minor episode or upākhyāna in seven cantos of the Book of the Forest in the Mahabharata (Pativrata Mahatmya, Chapters 293-299, Vana Parva, Gita Press, Gorakhpur). The immediate purpose of the narration... Era. In it a new Yuga, a new world-order was ushered in. Rishi Markandeya holds the same promise, perhaps even a more splendid promise, in the Savitri-example he prefers to give to Yudhishthira. The Princess of Madra, King Aswapati's daughter, had suffered greatly for her husband's sake and had won noble satisfying boons, including the exceptional boon of Satyavan's life, from Yama... her and their begetting a rich Page 553 progeny. Markandeya concludes the narration by saying that in course of time all the boons got fulfilled. In a like manner, he assures Yudhishthira, Draupadi too will carry the Pandavas across the shore. Such in brief is the structural outline of the Savitri-tale given to us by Vyasa, a short composition of three hundred shlokas, mostly ...

... was Mary, mother of Christ: nobody else was given this special privilege except Dante. In Indian tradition too there were some fortunate people who could go to Heaven in their physical body – Yudhishthira with his dog (who was not really a dog but Dharma metamorphosed) was one; Narada, Bibhishana, Ashwatthama and Hanuman – these went up only in their subtle physical body, they had to give up the ...

... wheels with the belief that they will get immediate liberation. × According to the Mahabharata , Yudhishthira, the eldest of the four brothers of Arjuna, was the only person to reach Heaven alive in his mortal body. He was accompanied by a dog which he had found on the way. It is said that the gate-keeper... resumed his true form. He was none other then Dharmaraj, Lord of the Law. × The four brothers of Yudhishthira were called the "Pandavas" that is, the sons of Pandu. × Outburst of emotion. ...

... subsequent elaboration has been put in a nutshell in this Book of Beginnings. The background of Savitri is a legend, an ancient story, narrated (in the Mahabharat) by the sage Markandeya to Yudhishthira, when the Pandavas remained in exile in the forest. The story runs thus: In days of yore there was a virtuous king in Madra, named Aswapati; he had no issue to inherit his throne and kingdom ...

... Sarama is not the sister of the Aswins and is not abducted by the Panis and that there is no other resemblance between the Vedic legend & the Greek tradition. So by more recent speculation even Yudhishthira and his brothers and the famous dog of theMahabharat are raised into the skies & vanish in a starry apotheosis,—one knows not well upon what grounds except that sometimes the Dog Star rages in heaven... combinations are merely an ingenious play of fancy & prove absolutely nothing. Hercules may be the Sun but it is not proved. Helen & Paris may be Sarama & one of the Panis, but itis not proved. Yudhishthira & his brothers may be an astronomical myth, but it is not proved. For the rest, the unsubstantiality & rash presumption of the Sun myth theory has not failed to give rise in Europe to a hostile ...

... Calm and intimate company of plants, trees and flowers; 2. A study of the : (a) Stories of Bodhisattva from the jatakas. (b) Parables from the Bible. (c) Questions put to Yudhishthira on the bank of the lake and his answers. (d) Messages received by Prophet Muhammad from the Angel. (e) Account of Rabindranath Tagore's experience of his opening to poetic inspiration ...

... ordinary measures which would here be false because wholly out of place. The complaint of lifelessness and want of personality in the epic characters is equally unfounded: Rama and Sita, Arjuna and Yudhishthira, Bhishma and Duryodhana and Kama are intensely real and human and alive to the Indian mind. Only the main insistence, here as in Indian art, is not on the outward saliences of character, for these... ideal is pictured as so imperative and widely acknowledged that even the turbulent Shishupala is represented as motiving his submission and attendance at the Rajasuya sacrifice on the ground that Yudhishthira was carrying out an action demanded by the Dharma. And in the Ramayana we have an idealised picture of such a Dharmarajya, a settled universal empire. Here too it is not an autocratic despotism ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... version. Likewise forty-one of Vidyapati's songs * In his earlier drafts and publications of the Baroda period, Sri Aurobindo spelt Indian proper names in their Bengali way of pronunciation: Yudhishthere, Arjoon, Cowshalya, Dussaruth, Himaloy, Menoca, etc., but I have usually given the current spelling so as not to cause undue puzzlement to the readers.   Page 72 also came out in ...

... Savitri I The Savitri story is of great antiquity. It was already ancient at the time of the Mahabharata events, for it was one of the stories that Rishi Markandeya narrated to Yudhishthira during the years of his exile to console him and fortify his spirits. Several of Sri Aurobindo's narrative poems or fragments - Love and Death, Vidula, Chitrangada, Uloupy, Nala - were based ...

... esu' 254, 311 Yonas (see also Yavanas), 247, 256-60, 308,357,359, 521,592-4, 597 Page 642 Ysāmotika (Zāmotika), 468 Yudhishthira. 3,46,49, 50,57, 224,225,464 Yueh-chi (Kushānas), 367,439. 447,458,459 Yuga-Purāna, 336,337,342 yuggs, 258 Yuvan,257 Zakir, 333,349 ...

... the Puritan would say) Vali, brother of the ape-king Sugriva, 165 or Sri Krishna's divine character, because he made love (so it appeared outwardly) to Radha and any number of Gopis, and induced Yudhishthira to tell a camouflaged lie. 166 The mind of man should either declare that there is nothing superrational or transcendental in spirituality, which is only a fine working of the reflective and analytic... wife. (Ref. the Ramayana) 166. In order to save the Pandavas from annihilation at the hands of the redoubtable Dronacharya in the battle of Kurukshetra, Sri Krishna persuaded the righteous Yudhishthira, who never spoke a lie, to announce to Dronacharya the news of his son Aswatthama's death and to add in a very low voice, which was tactfully drowned in a sudden blare of trumpets, that it was ...

... of a war between two world-forces in which the side favoured by the Divine triumphed, because its leaders made themselves his instruments". There was no idea that Cripps should be equated with Yudhishthira, Churchill with Bhima, or General Montgomery with Arjuna! On a total view, the Allied was undoubtedly the righteous cause, that was all. As for the Hitler-Duryodhana equation, - "Duryodhana, if ...

... yoga with their families. There are husbands who get angry with their wives because they can't take to Yoga with them. (Laughter) Disciple : They want to go to heaven with their family like Yudhishthira. Sri Aurobindo : Going to heaven with the family may be possible but not into yoga. In the pursuit of a religious life you can have “Budo, Budi” – man and old dame”, as D. L. Rai says ...

... in Bengal at that time. "There are few more interesting passages in the Mahabharata than the conversation of Vidula with her son. It comes into the main poem as an exhortation from Kunti to Yudhisthir to give up the weak spirit of submission, moderation, prudence, and fight like a true warrior and Kshatriya for right and justice and his own. But the poem bears internal evidence of having been ...


... context of the most often quoted sentences in the Brihatsamhitā (XIII, 1-4) which refer to the earlier astronomer Vriddha Garga, the traditional cycle of the Seven Rishis and the "period" of King Yudhishthira. Varāhamihira's Śaka Era proves to be not 78 A.D. but 551 B.C. which is eminently compatible with our 1."Andhau Inscription of Castana, Śaka 11" by Shobhana Gokhale, Journal of Ancient ...