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Zarathustra : (c.628-c.551 BC), Persian religious teacher & reformer; he received a vision from Ahura Mazda, the Wise Lord, who appointed him to preach the Truth.
... in our own day by A. V. Williams Jackson who dates Zarathustra to c. 660-583 B.C. So Buddha, for Albērūnī, must antedate the 7th century B.C. and, if by the time of Zarathustra, Buddhism had spread from India to "Khurāsān, Persis, Irāk, Mosul, the country up to the frontier of Syria", there must have been a sufficient period between Zarathustra and Buddha to accommodate so much missionary activity... status of the speaker, would independently invent. Nobody has Suggested that if Darius had not set up his inscriptions Nietzsche could never have entitled his masterpiece Also Sprach Zarathustra (Thus Spake Zarathustra) or far earlier the Buddhist anthology's name ltivutaka (Thus Spake the Buddha) would never have seen the light of day. Indigenous origin can be thought of, too, for the Aśokan... era, are not allowed to have any weight. Perhaps the most famous case of multiple resemblance is from Persian history. The sacred book of the Parsis, the Avesta, tells us that the prophet Zarathustra preached his religion of Ahura Mazda at the court of Vistaspa. In Persia the name of Zarathus-tra's God outside the Avesta is found for the first time beyond controversy in the inscriptions of Darius ...
... are in separate sentences or clauses.) Thus it is quite clear that ahura- mazdā- was not a proper name of God for Zarathustra. At least one or perhaps both of these words was used as an epithet by him. Ahura- meant "lord" and mazdā- seems to have meant "wise". Thus Zarathustra could refer to God as the Lord, the Wise One, the Wise Lord, or the Lord (Who is) Wise. The name ahura- mazdā- developed... neighbours and came to occupy whatever territories have a geographical validity in the list of the Videvdat (Vendīdād) 1.5-80. They constituted the most ancient Iran we know of - the Iran in which Zarathustra flourished. I write of 'a section' because the Avesta which is the scripture 164.Norman, op. cit., p. 97 165. Cf. Parpola's note 204 on p. 220 about s>h: "This change took place in... and before and after stops." 166.Norman, op. cit., p. 94. Page 270 of Zarathustrianism has two parts. The Older Avesta is that of the Gāthās, the direct compositions of Zarathustra. Owing to the extreme affinity of their language with the Sanskrit of the Rigveda, their period must be more or less the same as the Indian scripture's. They are very short in comparison to the Rigveda ...
... been called “Nietzsche’s monkey”.) As the pathfinder of a new way Nietzsche thought of himself as an incarnation of the god Dionysus come to fight the shadow left by the dead Christian God, and as Zarathustra come to bring the new “evangel” of the superman. As Nietzsche saw it, the mind was part of a whole consisting of the life-forces, bundled in a “will to power”. In this he made the disastrous mistake... time of the dizzying turn the world was taking into – maybe – a very different and better future. “The superman is the future of the world” stated Nietzsche. “I teach you the superman”, said his Zarathustra. “Man is something that should be overcome … Man is a rope fastened between animal and superman – a rope over an abyss … This is the great noontide: when man stands at the middle of his course between... anti-nihilist; this victor over God and nothingness: he must come one day. ” 695 What kind of being would Nietzsche’s superman be? Stern has composed an outline of his character from Also sprach Zarathustra : “The superman is open towards the world and its vicissitudes; trusts in others and in chance; in him the cardinal vices of lust, greed for power and egoism are transformed into positive values; ...
... accompanying it with slides is rather original. Your audience must have greatly appreciated it. I look forward to seeing the script of your next lecture - the one on the life of Zarathustra. By the way, mention of Zarathustra sets me asking what the expert Mary Boyce thinks is the true significance of the name. The one connected with Old Camels is the present favourite with scholars, but the one bringing ...
... all Western scholarship - may be taken to provide supporting clues. Beliefs like Herzfeld's arise from those references where the name Airiyānam vaējo occurs with a determinative clause. Thus Zarathustra is said to have worshipped "in the Airi- 7. Ibid., pp . 28-9. 8. Ibid., p. 121. Page 82 yānam vaējo of the good (river) Daitya" (Yashts 5.104; 9.25; 17.45) and his... direction of the sun" (Vidēvdāt 2.10, 14, 18). Here, as the Parsi scholar Hormazdyer K. Mirza suggests, there seems to be a reference to a migration of the Irānian people southwards to the region where Zarathustra and Vishtaspa worshipped. 9 An earlier more northward homeland seems to be hinted at. Tilak too has a similar understanding of the Avesta on the basis of the assertion (Vidēvdāt 2) that in Airiyānam ...
... 280, 469, 471 Nāyanikaā, 583, 584 Nearchus, 526 Nepal, 213 Newell, 236 nichā, nichaih, 266 nicham, niche, 265, 266 Nichya, 261 Nietzsche: Also Sprach Zarathustra, 385 Nighantu, 310 Nigrantha, Nigranthas, 241, 242 Nilson, H. H., 91, 127, 170, 204 Nippur tablets, 389 Nirukya, 130, 257, 310 Nisadha, kings of, 141 Nusa, Nusos... 224,225,464 Yueh-chi (Kushānas), 367,439. 447,458,459 Yuga-Purāna, 336,337,342 yuggs, 258 Yuvan,257 Zakir, 333,349 Zāmotika, 468 Zarathustra, 281,282,366, 367 Zarathustrian culture and society, 247 Zarathustrian pantheon, 333 Zeus, 81,146 Zimmer,H.,309 Page 643 ...
... toiling across the sea in small boats, cherishing God the Fire. And this beloved glory had come through long ages of sandalwood-sustained force from the great golden presence kindled by the prophet Zarathustra (Zoroaster to the Greeks) in remote antiquity. The self-same Fire that was set burning thousands of years ago has burned without a moment's cessation right up to this day, thanks on the one side ...
... in India cherishing God the Fire. And this beloved glory had come through long ages of sandalwood-sustained force from the great golden presence kindled by the Page 238 prophet Zarathustra (Zoroaster to the Greeks) in remote antiquity. The self-same Fire that was set burning thousands of years ago has burned without cessation right up to this day, thanks on the one side to the zeal ...
... Bad Spirit, is set over against Spentamanyu, the Good Spirit, but it seems as if Ahura Mazda, the Avestan for Ormuzd, who is separately mentioned in the earliest scripture, the Gathas or Songs of Zarathustra, is also shown in them to be identical with Spentamanyu. But, of course, the exhortation is always to accept one single deity, Ahura Mazda; in that sense we have a monotheism like the original Judaic ...
... also Pit Grave culture), 247 Yamuna, 163, 283, 290, 354, 356, 357, 358 YarimTepe, 311, 312 Yaska, 193-4, 283, 288 Yaz complex, 228 Yenisei, 323 Zarathustra, 270, 271, 402 Zarathustrianism/Zoroastrianism, 210, 271 Zeuner, Frederick, 249 Zimmer, 344 Page 434 ...
... founded by Dayananda. The West coast, lapped by the Arabian Sea, is the home of the Parsees. Hounded out by the Muslim conquerors from their age-old homeland in Persia, these followers of Zarathustra had taken refuge on the hospitable shores of India. It was in the middle of the seventh century that they first landed in Diu, an islet in Gujarat, where its king, Jayadeva, made them feel at home ...
... radish,” 1 which is quite true, but ... There was always a certain something in his words, an indefinable little vibration with an ... uncertain tint to it. Something strangely reminiscent of Zarathustra, yet so full of genuine flashes— but somewhat tinted. Nothing is more misleading or captivating than that tint, nothing more dangerous than a truth ensnared. Once a truth is captured, it is already ...
... ignorance. In the mind of his century and the previous one, the belief in God’s existence had faded from self-evident to a rationally accepted opinion, then to doubt, and finally to denial. Nietzsche’s Zarathustra will proclaim the death of the Christian God. As the historian A.N. Wilson writes, God had disappeared like, in Alice in Wonderland, the smile of the Cheshire Cat. Darwin’s Conversion ...
... even falsified) writings into propaganda material for the Herrenvolk, the master race. ‘Two books belonged to the standard equipment of the German soldier in the first World War: Also Sprach Zarathustra and the Gospel of St John. It is difficult to say which of both authors thereby was most misused.’ (Bernal Maguus) Sri Aurobindo writes in The Human Cycle : ‘Nietzsche’s idea that to develop ...
... Xanthos of Lydia, 93 Yajurveda, 13, 14 Yakshus, 127 Yavyāvatī, 126, 128, 129 Yasdata, 32 Yima (= Jamshed), 83 Zarathustra, Zarathustrian, 2, 81, 93 Zeuner, Frederick, 58, 69, 71, 72, 74, 76, 77 Zend, 33 Zeus Ombrios , 86 "Zhob cult", 59 Zhob valley, 59 Zimmer, 126 Page ...
... are scholars like Jackson, Hertel and Herzfeld able to bypass the undeniable archaicness of the language of the Avestan Gāthās as compared to the language of the Achaemenid inscriptions and put Zarathustra in early Achaemenid times (6th century B.C.) instead of four hundred years earlier, as most scholars do, or a few thousand years before, as do some others? Again, how, among the Indo-European languages ...
... "a hypothesis pure and simple and nothing more". Evidently, the linguistic argument a la Ghosh has no weight with certain scholars we have already listed: on the one hand, those who place Zarathustra, author of the Gāthās, in early Achaemenid times, the sixth century B.C. and, on the other, the majority of Parsi savants who choose 2500 B.C. at the earliest and especially some among them who ...
... action of the Grace of the Mother that alone can effect a transformation of the Vibhuti [ p. 35 ]. I would like to know the difference. Take for example, Christ, Chaitanya, Ramakrishna, Confucius, Zarathustra, Buddha, Shankara, Mohammed, Alexander, Napoleon—among these well-known figures which are Vibhutis of the Mother and which are Vibhutis of the Ishwara? And what about the Mother's action in Avataras ...
... action of the Grace of the Mother that alone can effect a transformation of the Vibhuti [p. 16]. I would like to know the difference. Take for example Christ, Chaitanya, Ramakrishna, Confucius, Zarathustra, Buddha, Shankara, Mohammed, Alexander, Napoleon—among these well-known figures, which are Vibhutis of the Mother and which are Vibhutis of the Ishwara? And what about the Mother's action in Avatars ...
... and indeed Page 55 the range of spiritual vision and experience it sets before us cannot be matched by anything in any other sacred book. (Here I hold no brief for the Gathas of Zarathustra, though I was born a Parsi.) The Krishna who emerges from whatever myth and legend have grown around his historicity is a uniquely many-sided and magnificently soul-satisfying figure at once ideal ...
... whose heart-beats spelled out the scripture of the ever-progressive Divine in the human and, charged with becoming its mouthpiece, had no real need to con The Origin of Species or Thus Spake Zarathustra. 1 who have lived in close warm contact with an actual Superwoman like the heroine of Savitri and with a living and breathing Superman such as Savitri envisions as the fulfilment of ...
... 15 religion", and indeed the range of spiritual vision and experience it sets before us cannot be matched by anything in any other scripture. (Here I hold no brief for the Gathas of Zarathustra, though I was born a Parsi.) The Krishna who emerges from whatever myth and legend have grown around his historicity is a uniquely many-sided and magnificently soul-satisfying figure at once ideal ...
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