Our Many Selves

  Integral Yoga

The Inner Being (The Subliminal)

Behind the surface or frontal consciousness of the outer being there is an inner or subliminal consciousness upon all the three levels—physical, vital, mental. Thus there is an inner mind, an inner vital and an inner physical. The inner mind is in touch with the universal mind, the inner vital with the universal life-forces, and the inner physical with the universal physical forces around us. Thus whereas the outer being knows things only indirectly from their outer touches as perceived though the senses and the outer mind, the inner being is directly aware of the surrounding universal forces that act through us.

Environmental Consciousness (The Circumconscient)

The inner or subliminal being receives the contacts of the environing world though the environmental consciousness or the circumconscient, a formation of the subliminal consciousness which projects itself beyond the body.

"It is through this [environmental consciousness] that the thoughts, feelings etc. of others pass to enter into one—it is through this also that waves of the universal force—desire, sex, etc. come in and take possession of the mind, vital or body."21

"Each man has his own personal consciousness entrenched in his body and gets into touch with his surroundings only through his body and senses and the mind using the senses.

"Yet all the time the universal forces are pouring into him without his knowing it. He is aware only of thoughts, feelings, etc., that rise to the surface and these he takes for his own. Really they come from outside in mind waves, vital waves, waves of feeling and sensation, etc., which take particular form in him and rise to the surface after they have got inside.

"But they do not get into his body at once. He carries about with him an environmental consciousness (called by the Theosophists the Aura) into which they first enter. If you can become conscious of this environmental self of yours, then you can catch the thought, passion, suggestion or force of illness and prevent it from entering into you."22

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