Work - an offering

  Integral Yoga

Skilful hands,

precise care,

a sustained


and one compels

Matter to obey

the Spirit.

The Mother

Material Things


In the most physical things you have to fix a programme in order to deal with them, otherwise all becomes a sea of confusion and haphazard. Fixed rules have also to be made for the management of material things so long as people are not sufficiently developed to deal with them in the right way without rules.

Sri Aurobindo


Wanton waste, careless spoiling of physical things in an incredibly short time, loose disorder, misuse of service and materials due either to vital grasping or to tamasic inertia are baneful to prosperity and tend to drive away or discourage the Wealth-Power. These things have long been rampant in the society and, if that continues, an increase in our means might well mean a proportionate increase in the wastage and dis- order and neutralise the material advantage. This must be remedied if there is to be any sound progress.

Sri Aurobindo

Not to be despised

Material things are not to be despised - without them there can be no manifestation in the material world.

Sri Aurobindo

consciousness in physical things

There is a consciousness in each physical thing with

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which one can communicate. Everything has an individuality of a certain kind, houses, cars, furniture etc. The ancient peoples knew that and so they saw a spirit or "genius" in every physical thing.

Sri Aurobindo

Learn to be careful

It is very true that physical things have a consciousness within them which feels and responds to care and is sensitive to careless touch and rough handling. To know or feel that and learn to be careful of them is a great progress of consciousness.

Sri Aurobindo

Misuse of physical things

The rough handling and careless breaking or waste and misuse of physical things is a denial of the yogic consciousness and a great hindrance to the bringing down of the Divine Truth to the material plane.

Sri Aurobindo

The best possible use

Many a time I say, "No, use what you have. Try to make the best possible use of it. Don't throw away things uselessly, don't ask uselessly. Try to do with what you have, putting into it all the care, all the order, all the necessary method, and avoiding confusion."

The Mother

Making Matter obey the Spirit

Skilful hands, precise care, a sustained attention and one compels Matter to obey the Spirit.

The Mother

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