Work - an offering

  Integral Yoga

Regard your life

as given you


for the divine work

and to help

in the divine


Sri Aurobindo

The Divine Worker

The liberated man

The liberated man has no personal hopes; he does not seize on things as his personal possessions; he receives what the divine Will brings in, covets nothing, is jealous of none: what comes to him he takes without repulsion and without attachment; what goes from him he allows to depart into the whirl of things without repining or grief or sense of loss.... His action is indeed of purely physical action, sariram kevalam karma; for all else comes from above, is not generated on the human plane, is only a reflection of the will, knowledge, joy of the divine Purushottama.

Sri Aurobindo

Action of the Force

The Force from above is the Force of the Higher Consciousness. That from behind works as a mental, vital or physical force according to need. When the being is open to it and there is a certain passivity to its working, it takes the place of the personal activity and the Person is a witness of its action.

Sri Aurobindo

The divine Will

But why do we do this divine Work? It is to make ourselves...

No, not at all! It is because that's the divine Will. It is not at all for a personal reason, it must not be that. It

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is because it's the divine Will and it's the divine Work.

The Mother

Belonging totally to the Divine

That is why, rather than to serve, it is better to belong totally, absolutely to the Divine.

The Mother

The aim

To exist only for the Divine.

To exist only through the Divine.

To exist only in the service of the Divine.

To exist only... by becoming the Divine.

The Mother


The culmination of Karmayoga is a yet higher and deeper state that may perhaps be called "soulhood"- for the soul is greater than the man; a free soulhood spontaneously welling out in works of a supreme Truth and Love will replace human virtue.

Sri Aurobindo

Your first aim

If you want to be a true doer of divine works, your first aim must be to be totally free from all desire and self-regarding ego. All your life must be an offering and a sacrifice to the Supreme; your only object in action shall be to serve, to receive, to fulfil, to become a manifesting instrument of the Divine Shakti in her works.

Sri Aurobindo

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By the Divine and for the Divine

When I say, "If you are sincere, you are sure of victory", I mean true sincerity: to be constantly the true flame that burns like an offering. That intense joy of existing only by the Divine and for the Divine and feeling that without Him nothing exists, that life has no longer any meaning, nothing has any purpose, nothing has any value, nothing has any interest, unless it is this call, this aspiration, this opening to the supreme Truth, to all that we call the Divine (because you must use some word or other), the only reason for the existence of the universe.

The Mother

Inner growth

The joy of service and the joy of inner growth through works is the sufficient recompense of the selfless worker.

Sri Aurobindo

Only for the divine work

Regard your life as given you only for the divine work and to help in the divine manifestation.

Sri Aurobindo

The heavens within

The heavens beyond are great and wonderful, but greater and more wonderful are the heavens within you. It is these Edens that await the divine worker.

Sri Aurobindo

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To serve

To give oneself, to serve. What is its spontaneous, immediate, inevitable movement? To serve. To serve in a joyous, complete, total self-giving.

The Mother

The Divine Worker

I face earth's happenings with an equal soul;

    In all are heard Thy steps: Thy unseen feet

Tread Destiny's pathways in my front. Life's whole

    Tremendous theorem is Thou complete.

No danger can perturb my spirit's calm:

    My acts are Thine; I do Thy works and pass;

Failure is cradled on Thy deathless arm,

    Victory is Thy passage mirrored in Fortune's glass.

In this rude combat With the fate of man

    Thy smile within my heart makes all my strength;

Thy Force in me labours at its grandiose plan,

    Indifferent to the Time-snake's crawling length.

No power can slay my soul; it lives in Thee.

    Thy presence is my immortality.

Sri Aurobindo

The qualities of the Divine Worker

He, the divine worker, is free from all preference and all attachment; he has broken down the limits of his ego and is now only a perfectly pure and impersonal, instrument of the supramental action upon earth.

The Mother

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