Work - an offering

  Integral Yoga

Sri Aurobindo's work

is a unique


The Mother

The Sublime Work


Sri Aurobindo's work is a unique earth-transformation.

The Mother

Successful Future

Do you know what the flower which we have called "Successful Future" signifies when given to you? It signifies the hope - nay, even the promise - that you will participate in the descent of the supramental world. For that descent will be the successful con- summation of our work, a descent of which the full glory has not yet been or else the whole face of life would have been different.

The Mother

Spirit of perfection and order

Mahasaraswati is the Mother's Power of Work and her spirit of perfection and order.

Sri Aurobindo

God's final seal

...the perfecting of the body also should be the last triumph of the Spirit and to make the bodily life also divine must be God's final seal upon His work in the universe.

Sri Aurobindo

Faith in Sri Aurobindo

Live rather in the constant hope and conviction that

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what we are doing will prove a success. In other words, let your imagination be moulded by your faith in Sri Aurobindo; for, is not such faith the very hope and conviction that the will of Sri Aurobindo is bound to be done, that his work of transformation cannot but end in a supreme victory and that what he calls the supramental world will be brought down on earth and realised by us here and now?

The Mother

To change the earthly life

...Savitri answered to the radiant God:

"... the one task for which our lives were born,

To raise the world to God in deathless Light,

To bring God down to the world on earth we came,

To change the earthly life to life divine.

I keep my will to save the world and man;

Even the charm of thy alluring voice,

O blissful Godhead, cannot seize and snare.

I sacrifice not earth to happier worlds.

Because there dwelt the Eternal's vast Idea

And his dynamic will in men and things,

So only could the enormous scene begin.

Whence came this profitless wilderness of stars,

This mighty barren wheeling of the suns?

Who made the soul of futile life in Time,

Planted a purpose and a hope in the heart,

Set Nature to a huge and meaningless task

Or planned her million-aeoned effort's waste?

What force condemned to birth and death and tears

These conscious creatures crawling on the globe?

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If earth can look up to the light of heaven

And hear an answer to her lonely cry,

Not vain their meeting, nor heaven's touch a snare.

If thou and I are true, the world is true;

Although thou hide thyself behind thy works,

To be is not a senseless paradox;

Since God has made earth, earth must make in her God;

What hides within her breast she must reveal.

I claim thee for the world that thou hast made.

If man lives bound by his humanity,

If he is tied for ever to his pain,

Let a greater being then arise from man,

The superhuman with the Eternal mate

And the Immortal shine through earthly forms..."

Sri Aurobindo

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Work alone

is not

the object,-work

is a means

of sadhana.

Sri Aurobindo

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