Record of Yoga

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Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo's diary of his yogic practice between 1909 and 1927. This two-volume record of sadhana contains fairly regular entries between 1912 and 1920 and a few entries in 1909, 1911 and 1927. It also contains related materials Sri Aurobindo wrote about his practice of yoga during this period, including descriptions of the seven 'chatusthayas' (groups of four elements), which are the basis of the yoga of the 'Record'.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Record of Yoga Vols. 10,11 1515 pages 2001 Edition

1 and 12 April, 19 and 21 May 1913

1 and 12 April, 19 and 21 May 1913

There has been a gap of nearly two months in the record due to an attack of pronounced asiddhi, which lasted from the middle of February till late in March and seemed to reverse much that had already been accomplished and recorded. The asiddhi was mostly physical in its nature, but [accompanied]1 also with entire interruption and partial reversal in some of the other siddhis, a general tamasic prostration and ill-health. The one positive result has been to confirm the removal of rajasic tejas in all but a feeble shadow of its old material tendencies.

1 April 1913

The first chatusthaya is now beyond the danger of successful attack except in the positive samata; a few touches of asamata & ashanti come occasionally, but soon die away. The second chatusthaya is feeble and ill-organised owing to the trivial nature of the siddhi and the failure of everything which would strikingly prove the Adesha. There is a general action of the vijnana, but it is not yet extricated from falsehood and uncertainty, so that all that can be done is to watch results & see whether the perception is a truth or a misapplication. Rupadrishti is of the feeblest & samadhi fails to advance. Physical siddhi is only fragmentary & its progress successfully resisted. The sixth chatusthaya is present, but only when the attention is attracted to the Brahman. The fifth

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chatusthaya is also fragmentary and mingled with ill-success.

There has been a great activity of the poetical power which has acquired rapidity accompanied with forceful & effective inspiration, but not always with inevitable & illuminating inspiration. The attempt is now to maintain the invariability of the illuminated & inspired inevitability without diminishing the rapidity. This is in epic poetry. The foundations of a rapid & sure inevitability are being laid in other literary powers. Equipment (bare) for three months has been effected.

The two great disappointments of the aishwarya have been the fall of Janina & Adrianople & the outrages in Bengal; the aishwarya has failed to avoid these disasters. In Albania the line of the Aishwarya has been followed, but not in every respect, eg Djakov[ic]a seems to be lost to Albania. The continued frequency of great calamities confirms the trikaldrishti. In small matters trikaldrishti is now very usually correct, but limited in its range. Time, place & order of circumstance, oftener right than before have still the anrita tendency very pronounced. All the parts of knowledge in the third chatusthaya are in action, but they are neither perfect, vigorous, fruitful nor organised.

Power now acts frequently, but is much resisted. Effectiveness in religious & moral influence is frequent & steady, but imperfect. So political siddhi, but more in the world at large than in India.

12 April 1913

After the note on the 1ˢᵗ the diary was discontinued owing to the uncertainties in which the siddhi was still enveloped. All that has happened in the last few days confirms the view then taken; the stage is one of partial and combated efficiency. Yet there are proofs of advance. Eg On the 8ᵗʰ night a swelling on the ankle & foot began, in the morning the whole of the left foot was attacked & it did not seem as if a speedy cure were possible. It was, however, indicated in the thought that it was merely an effect of impure rasa and not the disease common in these parts,2 would show no

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improvement during the day, would begin to go on the morrow and practically be got rid of the day after, but the remnants would be left. This prediction was fulfilled to the letter. Moreover, the swelling healed exactly as the will was applied, the part most insisted on improving first, the others more slowly.

The great difficulty is the resistance in the physical akasha, first to the effective activity and, secondly, to the unmixed activity of the vijnana. If the mixture of the old intellectual activity can be got rid of, the effective vijnanamaya activity can be assured more rapidly. It is towards this end that the Power is now working. The immediate ends proposed are Brahman, Ananda external and internal, Arogya, effective Image in waking state & sleep and effective Trikaldrishti. The whole activity of the Yoga is being reconstituted. The rupas of all kinds appear though fitfully & with insufficient stability & frequency, in the waking state, & insufficient stability & continuity in sleep. The Brahmadrishti is now complete & less frequently forgotten & never lost. Kamananda, which had almost faded out, is reviving. The resistance in all directions still continues.

[Here all but two lines of a page left blank.]

19 May 1913

The stable progress of the siddhi has been now established against the backward and downward tendencies; effects long produced fragmentarily and [in]securely are now firm and inalterable. Rapidity supervenes on the stability, but freedom from attack, superiority to resistance has yet to be effected.

The third or vijnana-chatusthaya has now been well planted in the soil of the lower kingdoms of the being. Their contradictions have still to be excluded, their defects corrected, their force strengthened and their range extended. The fourth or physical siddhi, long the subject of serious doubt, is now commenced in all its parts and in some of them appears to be firmly rooted. The third can now be left to develop; the fourth and fifth alone still present serious difficulties, admit of prolonged & sometimes effective resistance and demand some struggle.

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Today is the last day of the negative movements; from tomorrow pure progress commences. That change has to be prepared & completed this afternoon and evening.

[Here a quarter of a page left blank.]

21 May 1913

As is not unusual when a suggestion of strong and swift progress is made, the fulfilment, at first apparently complete, is interrupted by as powerful an opposite movement of non-fulfilment as the state of the siddhi will permit. The principle of pure progress is the perception of the end which all apparently adverse circumstances are intended to serve and the immediate conversion of the negative into a positive movement. Successfully established till 3 pm yesterday, it was then suddenly reversed and a negative movement induced of an obstinacy and completeness such as has been absent from the siddhi since last March.. The object of the reverse was to get rid of the remnants of tejasic suggestion (asha, desire, over-stress, effort,) which still persist in the mental environment.

All the vijnana siddhis are now permanently active and effective, but with defects and limitations & subject to the continued mental activity of mixed truth & falsehood which is still successfully maintained in the mental environment by the opposing tendencies of Prakriti and successfully thrust upon the mind in the form of suggestions. The rupa & samadhi formerly deficient have now a petty but sufficient regular fertility, which can be rapidly enlarged & eventually perfected. They still lack some of their old felicities, but when these return, they will no longer be fitful, uncertainly held & willed as formerly, but natural, spontaneous and a permanent possession. The rupas are principally embarrassed by the persistence of a few dominant images which shut out the others or replace them when they attempt to manifest. Another difficulty is the resistance obstinately offered to the emergence from the prana akasha of the perfect, as distinguished from the representative images.

In the physical siddhi, Ananda is the most advanced. The vishayanandas of the senses are all perfected in type, seldom

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contradicted, but as yet insufficient in intensity, except in the taste, where even it is uneven. The higher mental anandas are all present (prema, chidghana, shuddha), but as yet imperfectly active. Ahaituka ananda is constant in shanti, but not yet in active santosha. The sahaituka sharira anandas are established and growing; the ahaituka manifest but infrequent. Ahaituka kamananda is alone well-established, and awakes whenever recalled, but is still too much a matter of the will and not a self-acting dharma of the body. It can manifest now in any state, jagrat or samadhistha. Thirst has almost disappeared, though it made an appearance for two or three days, mostly in a suppressed form; but does not now occur even in the unusual heat of this summer. Hunger makes its appearance fitfully and is never intense & seldom prolonged; it is being rapidly replaced by hungerless bhojanananda. Heat & cold are still slightly effective on the body. Pain has turned into some form of ananda except in extreme touches, eg burning by fire, blows touching the bone, etc; but here it is only the immediate contact that is painful, the after effect is always anandamaya; in some touches, eg mosquito bite the habit of discomfort still continues, but is now occasional and not a dharma of the body. Pain of events is the one asamata of mind still persisting & then only as asamata of failure; this too is occasional, largely artificial and no longer a dharma of the mind.

Arogya is troubled now only by the vicissitudes of the visrishtivisarjana which have much diminished and by the inefficiency of vajra. The solid visrishti takes place now irregularly after five days or three or more than five; it was preceded & is still accompanied or followed usually by some action of excessive tejas in the jala bhuta; but this is rapidly diminishing. Occasional trouble of vayavya or taijasa jala has been frequent, but seems now to be moving towards elimination. Jalavisrishti showed recently a tendency towards rapid diminution & even disappearance; at present it is again restored, but has no longer its former force and abundance. Touches of eruption and fragments of phlegmatism (sneezing etc) still subsist, but are effete and cannot materialise into roga.

Utthapana increases rapidly in force during this month. The arms can maintain themselves now for two hours & more without

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strain or reaction in the vertical position supine; for two hours & more with some but not an effective strain in the vertical position, sitting; only the horizontal position is yet unconquered. In the rest of the body the Shakti now aims at eliminating strain without excessive tapasya.

Saundarya has definitely begun, but the Will Power cannot alter the lines of the body except by a slow & tedious process & the bone still resists alteration of status; still the figure has definitely changed, & in the colour, hair, feet, etc there are slight but effective alterations. Some of the signs of old age, eg grey hairs, although no longer visibly increasing, still resist ejection.

The other chatusthayas have all been commenced, but the fifth is as yet active only in slow movements and petty degrees.

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