Record of Yoga

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Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo's diary of his yogic practice between 1909 and 1927. This two-volume record of sadhana contains fairly regular entries between 1912 and 1920 and a few entries in 1909, 1911 and 1927. It also contains related materials Sri Aurobindo wrote about his practice of yoga during this period, including descriptions of the seven 'chatusthayas' (groups of four elements), which are the basis of the yoga of the 'Record'.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Record of Yoga Vols. 10,11 1515 pages 2001 Edition

17 - 25 June 1909

17 June 1909

Started (Amavasya Tryasparsha) for Barisal. The Amavasya is Kali's day, so favourable to me. The Tryasparsha is the moment destined for a great advance in my Yoga. The ahankara was finally removed. Only faint remnants of it left. J. entered, but did not make herself manifest till next day.

In train to Khulna. Small Sun in centre of brilliant Swarupa

18 June 1909

On steamer to Barisal.

Tratak of Sun. Blue sukshma image of sun elliptical in shape. Pattern of bloodred curves on yellowish background. Violet sword. Bloodred sword. Voice rises from chitta into brain. Kamananda developed Image 1 by self, also Image 2, also for a moment by mere thought, in head only. The others pervade body, last some seconds. Vaidyuta manava bust seen also Chandra (small) filled with vidyut. Body held & moved, the hold always there, not always noticed. Vidyunmandal. Sparks of lightning (vijas). Background red, bloodred or brownish red. Sun dark with broad golden rim. Golden-red scimitar (sattwa-rajas). Realisation of Vasudeva. Vijas of agni, jala, prithivi outside continually seen. Chaya Purusha, bust. Swarupa in red. U.R. exercise with kamananda. Long rope of prithivi, brilliant & coiling, in clouds of vayu. Brilliant rose. Kali blue black bust crowned with sun = Shakti with awakened buddhi (not ugra, simply outline). Savikalpa, Savichara & Avichara Samadhi, brief but very deep in spite of loud noise at ear. Exposure to sharp cold wind, no feeling of cold; to strong sun, only feeling of pleasant warmth. Mass of thick pale green. Sarup dhyan, antardarshi. Face of Shah Alum. Face of Kumudini. Kamananda from feeling (being startled) slight but pervasive. Basket of grapes on cotton, lid off

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to one side. Swapnavastha (imagination playing in Samadhi as in dream[)]. Glass jug with napkin on top. K. Nil Surya with blue black rays. Namadrishta, 1) Tejonama. 2) bill with rose red letters. 3 ordinary black letter. Writing not coherent or noteworthy—all print. Open doors and wall behind. Kitten at Namasi's. Newspaper, probably weekly B.M. [Bande Mataram] Written account. Handwriting some words & forms deciphered. Piece of needlework. Handwriting, deciphered most, not remembered. Golden background in Samadhi. Talked to UW in Samadhi. To someone else, politics. Pang in foot immediately reproduced in face—proves nervous current. Namadrishti. Typewritten—deciphered—coherent, but not remembered. Tennis-racket, dark and soiled. Given food in Samadhi, ruti & chutney. Face of K. Bh. Dark clouded sky with sun & strong light in clouds. Deep dark thick rose-red. Woods with white low railing outside, wooden. Sampatrai's face in outline. Namasi (pale chayamay) with cup in hand. Long wooden bench. Electric shock moving leg. Sukshma image of network of chair in front of me. Two unknown or unremembered faces.. Rough adhardrishti. Boy wearing a turban stooping over something he stirs with his finger—indistinct. Aswini Dutt down to waist, features obscured. Bowl full of vegetables, moving. Most of motions involuntary at bath. Partial utthapana; raised violently up & floating on surface of water with palms for support. Saw wind very clearly against light clouds under thick dark ones and a pillar of cloudy moisture. One strong current blew very violently from right with whirls, eddies & upward and downward pourings; another very slight seemed to come from left & behind. At this time there was a strong wind and rain threatening.

Afternoon. All liberty of bodily movement being steadily taken away. Second voice in brain. Sri K.'s voice once in heart. "I come to slay." First voice sometimes rises from heart still to take its place in brain. First has personality, second none as yet.

Night. Bhava of Avesh in steamer shaking body; also in Kalimandir and on way to lodging. Swarupa bright star on dark background. Thin Nil triangle with very sharp apex like old Hindu pinnacle, a bright golden line in the middle. River scenes—Thickly

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wooded bank. Bright stream with islands. Padma wide flowing covered with boats. A terraced green bank with steps in middle. Namadrishti of many kinds. Short sentences deciphered & remembered. Felt the Presence in the Kalimandir Image today. J's prophecy about Barisal.

19 June 1909

Feet of a woman, long & slender. Deep green antah. Tank with man on haunches in front of big shrub. UR. in afternoon. Speech from chitta. Voice insisting on images of kama—depicting future action. All relics of fear, disgust, dislike, hesitation rapidly disappearing. Doubt checked, suspension of judgment. Movement of limbs felt always to be alien except in ordinary motions of walking when there is knowledge without upalabdhi.

20 June 1909

Unknown face. Bright yellow outside. Road on bank of stream. Adhar Drishti in trees imperfect but beyond rough stage. The grotesque still predominates. UR. Adhar Drishti much finer on wall.

21 June 1909

Warder Masson in boat with another. Little boy's face with beautiful spiritual expression. Girl's face, eyes winking violently. Adhardrishti on wall (figure good but not in detail). Training of heart in progress, of mind resumed. Part of small steamer. UR at night. B. trained, silent. J begins. Meghagarjan active since Amavasya. Prophecies of future, but with appeal to reason. Suggestions for practical work begin.

22 June 1909

Adhardrishti. (Tank with rocks & trees on one side reflected in water, also clouds. Small lake. Figures less rough but details still unexpressed.[)] Antardrishti of stool with circular patch in middle

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23 June 1909

Kamananda Image 3 Barisal boy—Water in bowl. Kettle boiling against large fire. Very big & brilliant fire in motion.

Touch on body causes more & more ananda.

24 June 1909

Tejorekha of woman's figure n. Girl's arm with bracelet. Speech of J continues consecutively in swapnavastha. Prophecies definite for six months. Prison grating. Crowd with one face close & vivid. Sukshma touches on feet frequent first in swapnavastha, then in jagrad. UR Faces & figures frequent. Bedstead on matted floor. Chairs like those in S [Shampukur] office. Dark, thick cross. Namadrishtis. Luminous space developing with chayas. Chayamay of mountain-peaks. Bow of colour, deep red, blue & an exquisite violet-pink. Tejorekha of bare arm, of leg lifted up Image 4. Face of Upen Sen of Barisal. Figure of boy rushing on another, catching round shoulders & ankles & lifting up in his arms. Food. Figure of boy putting down vegetable with some wooden instrument. A crowd of Indians sitting; face of Sudhir. A crowd, one figure conspicuous with khaki cap—Indian sannyasi with strong face in geruya. Another crowd, my own face, Aswini Babu's. Mah[o]medan boy pulling a Hindu back; then they stand released. European with a face like Roubey's. UR. en [evening] Heavy sleep full of dreams. Tratak of Sun. After first gaze saw in chittakash most exquisite deep green colour, sun with zigzag of this colour coming out of it. Tratak for minute. Sun sometimes pale yellow, sometimes bluish green. A commotion & waves of some subtle substances in it, coming out of it & whirling round it, apparently—prana. Closed eyes in chitta. Yellowish green with roundish patch of blue in it. Gazing into physical sky large patch of deep yellow floated before the eyes.

At night; woman in coloured dress; colours very vivid.

25 June 1909

Night. Strong utthapana, esp of lower limbs and upper part of trunk. Ny Some prananyasas & tratak on floating colours. Rapid visualisations. 1) Ramchandra in Yogic asan. 2) Two English girls in bright red over tea table, one stooping as if busy with something.

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3) Aluminium glass lying on its side. 4. Undetermined scene dashed with green colour, a figure stooping down to ground. 5 A copper bowl with brown & yellow substance half-filling it. 6) A brown brightly polished teapot, two white cups and other tea things. 7) A glass of water which I was in the act of drinking. 8) Water being poured from a brass drinking glass into a small earthen handi almost full of water. 9) Figures of small girls & others. 10) Usha dark & young-looking, a piece of toast in left hand. Others not so vivid, but rapid in succession. Suggestion that these are sukshma images of realities.

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