The consciousness of the cells is being taught to break free of 'false matter' with resultant effect in every country and continent, and every branch of human knowledge.
A fire spread across the world that year, from Warsaw to Colombia, from Nanterre to Alexandria: "There are long periods when things are being prepared, and a moment comes when something happens; and this something is what will bring about a new development in the world. Like the moments when man appeared on earth; now it is another being." This is the second turning point of Mother's Yoga. She is 90. Auroville has just been founded: "A center for accelerated evolution." Martin Luther King is assassinated, and Robert Kennedy. Russia invades Czechoslovakia - what is going on? "I have the strong impression of an attempt to make us learn something like the secret of the functioning [of man, of the earth]. The method we have learned is constantly shown to be false, it doesn't conform to reality, and there is a will to make us find the true method, but through experience." As if the earth were shut in a bowl, prisoner of a "false matter": "There is a sort of web over the entire earth, and the body is being taught how to get out of it.... Little by little the consciousness of the cells is breaking that hold." And on the other side of the web all of a sudden: "Never in my whole life have I seen or felt anything so beautiful!.... The most marvellous hours ever possible on earth - why do people go looking up above for something which is right here!" The short-lived miracle of 1968 seems to be swallowed up, while the walls of our bowl are slowly but inexorably being shattered in every country, every continent and every branch of human knowledge. "A considerable amount of time would still seem necessary for everything to be ready to change. And yet, there is almost a promise that a sudden change is going to take place." Could it be that, one fine morning, one last pressure of circumstances will throw us headlong into a new consciousness?
Any news from Rome?
Nothing important, but P.L. has sent me Msgr. R.'s photo.
Oh, I'd like to see it.
But I don't think it's a recent photo.
(Mother looks)... He's had to struggle with powerful instincts. Sensuality and...
Very intelligent indeed!
A strange man: he is amoral. That is to say, he may do extreme good or extreme evil just as easily. And a brilliant intelligence indeed. A politician of the first order.... You understand, he is good because that's good policy; but if the policy were to be bad, he would be bad.
I wonder if they have many like that among the cardinals?...
Sensation and thought.
Sentiments: none—what one considers should be, that's all.
Interesting, very interesting.
When will he come?
It's not yet decided. Maybe in August.... But P.L. on the one hand and J. on the other told me he's a man who has a strange power over women.
You know that he has a huge fortune, which was given him for charity, and it was women who gave him that money. And J. told me he has a power of attraction over women which is quite strange. But P.L. told me that he is "constantly ill, constantly getting blows...." He must have some vital opening, a weakness, and he gets blows.
Yes, he is the sort of man who IN THE PAST (now it's no longer like that), who in the past used to disgust me the most. I am not
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surprised.... He has something oily.
But P.L. told me that at the same time, something in him feels he's gone astray and aspires for something else.
Yes, that's above the mind.
It's about the only type of man whom I used to find intolerable.
We'll see.
(Mother goes into a long contemplation)
I've been in close contact with all these people.
And what about you? Are you now all right?
Oh, I had a fever, for two days it was nasty. A big battle.
We'll see later (Mother is clearly not inclined to tell what's going on).
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The Mother
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