Agenda Set of 13 volumes
Mother’s Agenda 1968 Vol. 9 of Agenda 396 pages 1995 Edition   Satprem
English Translation
  Institut de Recherches Évolutives
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The consciousness of the cells is being taught to break free of 'false matter' with resultant effect in every country and continent, and every branch of human knowledge.

Mother’s Agenda 1968

The Mother symbol
The Mother

A fire spread across the world that year, from Warsaw to Colombia, from Nanterre to Alexandria: "There are long periods when things are being prepared, and a moment comes when something happens; and this something is what will bring about a new development in the world. Like the moments when man appeared on earth; now it is another being." This is the second turning point of Mother's Yoga. She is 90. Auroville has just been founded: "A center for accelerated evolution." Martin Luther King is assassinated, and Robert Kennedy. Russia invades Czechoslovakia - what is going on? "I have the strong impression of an attempt to make us learn something like the secret of the functioning [of man, of the earth]. The method we have learned is constantly shown to be false, it doesn't conform to reality, and there is a will to make us find the true method, but through experience." As if the earth were shut in a bowl, prisoner of a "false matter": "There is a sort of web over the entire earth, and the body is being taught how to get out of it.... Little by little the consciousness of the cells is breaking that hold." And on the other side of the web all of a sudden: "Never in my whole life have I seen or felt anything so beautiful!.... The most marvellous hours ever possible on earth - why do people go looking up above for something which is right here!" The short-lived miracle of 1968 seems to be swallowed up, while the walls of our bowl are slowly but inexorably being shattered in every country, every continent and every branch of human knowledge. "A considerable amount of time would still seem necessary for everything to be ready to change. And yet, there is almost a promise that a sudden change is going to take place." Could it be that, one fine morning, one last pressure of circumstances will throw us headlong into a new consciousness?

L’Agenda de Mère L’Agenda de Mère 1968 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 9 1981 Edition
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The Mother symbol
The Mother

A fire spread across the world that year, from Warsaw to Colombia, from Nanterre to Alexandria: "There are long periods when things are being prepared, and a moment comes when something happens; and this something is what will bring about a new development in the world. Like the moments when man appeared on earth; now it is another being." This is the second turning point of Mother's Yoga. She is 90. Auroville has just been founded: "A center for accelerated evolution." Martin Luther King is assassinated, and Robert Kennedy. Russia invades Czechoslovakia - what is going on? "I have the strong impression of an attempt to make us learn something like the secret of the functioning [of man, of the earth]. The method we have learned is constantly shown to be false, it doesn't conform to reality, and there is a will to make us find the true method, but through experience." As if the earth were shut in a bowl, prisoner of a "false matter": "There is a sort of web over the entire earth, and the body is being taught how to get out of it.... Little by little the consciousness of the cells is breaking that hold." And on the other side of the web all of a sudden: "Never in my whole life have I seen or felt anything so beautiful!.... The most marvellous hours ever possible on earth - why do people go looking up above for something which is right here!" The short-lived miracle of 1968 seems to be swallowed up, while the walls of our bowl are slowly but inexorably being shattered in every country, every continent and every branch of human knowledge. "A considerable amount of time would still seem necessary for everything to be ready to change. And yet, there is almost a promise that a sudden change is going to take place." Could it be that, one fine morning, one last pressure of circumstances will throw us headlong into a new consciousness?

Mother’s Agenda (13 volumes) - Satprem Mother’s Agenda 1968 Editor:   Satprem Vol. 9 396 pages 1995 Edition
English Translation
Translator:   Institut de Recherches Évolutives  PDF    EPUB   

Mother's Agenda 1968 Conversations with Satprem

  French|  45 tracks
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October 5, 1968

(Mother is unwell again. Satprem could not see her for a week.)

Everything is in a daze.

I can no longer see, no longer hear, I spend my nights coughing. The doctor can't make any sense of it. Medically, everything is supposed to work very well, then in a few minutes everything gets disorganized.

I see you as if through a thick fog.

All that is inside seems to want to come outside.... I am familiar with this sort of magic.

V. has had another vision. He went to the Vatican.

To the Vatican!... In his sleep?

He wasn't asleep: he could hear the noise of the [Ashram's] generator. It was a vision at 5:30 in the morning. He found himself in an immense hall with red carpets. There were all kinds of people there, each moving about according to his order. Then, in a corner, seated in a big armchair, there was a man wearing a red hat, a sort of miter,1 and in concentration. He was concentrated, and was repeating something with a certain gesture of the hand, as if turning something in a circle. V. instantly knew it was him. A man with intense blue eyes, long eyelashes, not strong physically but with a very powerful appearance, a thin, pointed nose, a sparse beard like that of someone who doesn't shave properly or hasn't shaved for two or three days, about fifty-five years old. A man who gave the impression of a great egoistic ambition, says V. And he was intently watching P.L., particularly your symbol which P.L. wears around his neck. And he was repeating something while turning his wrist.

Oh, that's it! That's why: P.L. went back there, and it's since then that the attacks have come back.

Page 273

Yes, P.L. is the link.

(after a silence)

Yes, they have come back.

At times, in the space of a few seconds it falls on you in such a way as to make you think you're going mad. Last night, it was terrible.

And you, are you better?

Yes, it went away completely, just as suddenly.

When you spoke to me last time, I took the thing... (gesture of pulling out an invisible dark point from Satprem's atmosphere).

I can't speak; as soon as I speak, I start coughing. But if you like, we can remain quiet.


(During the meditation, Mother's attendant silently walks through the room, without making the least noise on the carpet. A few seconds later, Mother stops the meditation:)

Has someone come in the room?

Yes, Vasudha.

(Mother coughs) Impossible to speak.

Oh, the other day, on Durga's day,2 I went over there [to the music room where Mother sees people].... I told you last year that she had come and made her surrender. This time, I went there (it was the first time I'd come out); as soon as I entered the room, I felt there was something, an impending attack. So I sat down, kept very still, and called the Lord as usual so He would fill the room with his light. And it was She who came in a golden light—a glory of adoration and consecration! She stood there (immense gesture). It was magnificent! Magnificent. And the whole morning was very good. Then, in the afternoon, things went wrong again.

Couldn't you strike at these people a little?

Page 274

I can't strike! (Mother opens her arms) I no longer can!

I smile at them.

I tell them, "Come, come, what's the use?"

Durga, too, I have taught her not to strike.

So, till Wednesday. I hope things will be better.

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