The Practice of the Integral Yoga 348 pages 2003 Edition


This book for sadhaks or seekers of Integral Yoga is based on the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. It is a practical guide for sadhana of Integral Yoga.


The Practice of the Integral Yoga

  On Yoga

Jugal Kishore Mukherjee
Jugal Kishore Mukherjee

This book for sadhaks or seekers of Integral Yoga is based on the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. It is a practical guide for sadhana of Integral Yoga.

Books by Jugal Kishore Mukherjee - Original Works The Practice of the Integral Yoga 348 pages 2003 Edition
 PDF    LINK  On Yoga

Publishers' Note

This is the latest book coming from the pen of Jugal Kishore Mukherjee who has been residing as an inmate for the last fifty-three years in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry.

SAICE (Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, Pondicherry) has already published the following books in English written by Prof. Mukherjee:

1.The Destiny of the Body (The Vision and Realisation in Sri Aurobindo's Yoga).

2.From Man Human to Man Divine (Sri Aurobindo's Vision of the Evolutionary Destiny of Man).

3.Sri Aurobindo Ashram: Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny.

4.Sri Aurobindo: The Smiling Master (Humour in Sri Aurobindo's Writings).

5.Sri Aurobindo s Poetry and Sanskrit Rhetoric.

As with his other publications this particular book, The Practice of the Integral Yoga, covers a special field of research and is the product of a careful and sustained investigation. The book will, we hope, interest the growing circle of devotees and disciples of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, especially those who want to know the method of actual practice of the Integral Yoga of Self-perfection and Self-transformation.

We are thankful to Dr. A. S. Dalai for contributing a scholarly and perspicacious 'Foreword' to this book.

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