Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4

Miracles - Their True Significance

MIRACLES are happenings where we see the result only without the process that leads to the result. It is like a mathematical problem where the solution only is given and not the gradual steps leading to the solution. The steps may be shortened or altogether suppressed, in the latter case it looks like a puzzle or a riddle or a paradox. We know of mathematical prodigies, we marvel at the capacity they show in performing formidable calculations for which an ordinary mind would need sheets of paper and considerable amount of time. But the prodigy can do it in the twinkling of an eye. He has a consciousness that can contain the whole process in a simultaneous grasp or speed through it like a lightning flash. Therefore the whole thing has the look of a miracle.

Usually, the name 'miracle' is given to something that seems to us "unnatural", that is to say, something that does not, conform to the laws of nature or what we think to be the laws of nature. A man standing in the air without any support or squatting on the water – feats familiar to the yogis – are termed veritable miracles. The famous rope trick is a legendary miracle. Some of these miracles done by yogis are authentic facts. They apparently seem to violate the prevailing so-called laws of nature, but if we knew the process, the mechanism behind the event because it is not apparent to the external logical mind, if we had a slightly different perception, the whole glamour of a miracle would fall to the ground.

A miracle is nothing but the intervention of a force from another plane of consciousness. It must be recognised at the very outset that the physical plane of existence is not the only reality, there are many other planes superimposed' one upon another, each having its own special consciousness and power, its own laws of being and action. Obviously we all know apart from the material or physical being there is the vital being, the

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life-force and there is the mental being, the mind-force. And there are many other levels like these. A miracle happens, that is to say, a material formation behaves in an abnormal way because a force has come down from the vital region and has influenced or taken control of the material object. So the material object instead of obeying the material law is obliged to obey a vital law which is of a much greater potency. Yogis who do miracles possess this vital power, they have acquired it through a regular discipline and training. Spirit-calling, table-turning, even curing diseases and ailments in a moment and many other activities of the kind are manifestations of very elementary energies of life. From the occult point of view these are very crude and rudimentary examples of what a different kind of force can achieve on a different plane. Even the vital plane possesses deeper and higher energies whose action on the material plane is of deeper and higher category. A deeper or higher vital power can change radically your character and long-standing habits, help to mould them into a different, nobler and more beautiful pattern. The mind too is capable of performing miracles, a strong mental energy can dictate its terms to life and even to the body. Only the miracles here are not of a dazzling kind that astound or confound you. They have a subtler composition, yet they belong to the same category. In the mind itself miracles happen also when a higher light, a superior consciousness – intuition, inspiration, revelation – descends into the normal mental working and creates there a thing that is abnormal in beauty and truth and reality. Thus for example, a matter of fact mind is seen turned into a fine poet or a workaday hand is transmuted into a consummate artist.

A miracle can be said to be doubly a miracle; first of all, because it means an intervention from another plane, a superior level of being, and secondly because the process or the action of the intervention is not deployed or staged out but is occult and telescoped, the result being almost simultaneous with the pressure of the moving force. .

The supreme miracle, the miracle of miracles happens when the Supreme, the Divine Himself descends and enters into this lower formation and gradually lifts it up in an incredibly unforeseen way to its divine image.

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