A. B. Purani [2]
Amal Kiran [1]
Anie Nunnally [1]
Batti [1]
Champaklal [1]
Georges van Vrekhem [1]
Huta [3]
K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar [4]
Kireet Joshi [6]
Minakshi-Amma [1]
Nirodbaran [1]
Pranab Bhattacharya (Dada) [1]
Prof. Kittu Reddy [3]
Satprem [3]
Shyam Sunder Jhunjhunwala [2]
Sujata Nahar [2]
A stream of Surrender : Minakshi-Amma [1]
Among the Not So Great [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [1]
Down Memory Lane [2]
Early Cultural Writings [3]
Gods and the World [1]
I Remember [1]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Joan of Arc [1]
Letters on Poetry and Art [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On The Mother [2]
On the Way to Supermanhood [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [2]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [2]
The Golden Path [1]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [1]
The Spirit of Auroville [2]
The Story of a Soul [1]
A. B. Purani [2]
Amal Kiran [1]
Anie Nunnally [1]
Batti [1]
Champaklal [1]
Georges van Vrekhem [1]
Huta [3]
K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar [4]
Kireet Joshi [6]
Minakshi-Amma [1]
Nirodbaran [1]
Pranab Bhattacharya (Dada) [1]
Prof. Kittu Reddy [3]
Satprem [3]
Shyam Sunder Jhunjhunwala [2]
Sujata Nahar [2]
A stream of Surrender : Minakshi-Amma [1]
Among the Not So Great [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [1]
Down Memory Lane [2]
Early Cultural Writings [3]
Gods and the World [1]
I Remember [1]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Joan of Arc [1]
Letters on Poetry and Art [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On The Mother [2]
On the Way to Supermanhood [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [2]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [2]
The Golden Path [1]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [1]
The Spirit of Auroville [2]
The Story of a Soul [1]
Aacrity Acrity : brother of Bhishmuc, & king of Saurāshtra; he is described as equal to Parashurāma in military skill & courage.
... country — by grabbing it. SA Tribune has got a list of over 100 armed forces men who allotted to themselves at least 400 or more acres of prime land in Bahawalpur, heart of Punjab, "to defend it from the enemy," at the throw away rate of Rs 380 per acre (US Dollars Six & 50 cents). The list is only of one District. Such lists exist all over Punjab and Sindh where a new breed of landlords has... near enemy border was invoked by these army men to grab the lands. But instead of taking lands close to the border, they took away prime heartland acres, thousands of them, in the name of defending the country. The price they paid was Rs 380 an acre was notional but many of them sold the land making millions. Others have become feudal lords in their own right by employing landless peasant to... human resources of the army to some national use. It would be wise to use them to develop agricultural farms on uncultivated lands. It is possible for our army to develop about 100,000 farms of 12 acres each complete with all amenities, including a small manufactured home. These farms can then be sold to millions of low income families on an installment basis". Our forces are responsible ...
... Kinkaku-ji, the Golden Pavilion, also called Rocuon-ji (Deer Park), was originally built for the shogun Yoshimitsu (1367-95 AD) after his retirement. The garden comprises about 4 1/2 acres, including a pond of 1 3/4 acres, with islands representing the tortoise and crane, symbols of long life. The Pavilion, converted to a Buddhist temple after Yoshimitsu's death, was destroyed by fire in 1950. It was ...
... small plot of 2 acres or so for rice, LF2. 3. A smaller plot where mainly vegetables are grown called Pillaithotam and further away where the river takes an S curve, a plot called Wamba, of nearly 40 acres. Here (Wamba) the soil is sandy — yet some rice, vegetables and casuarina are grown. (Here lived the first of Among The Not So Great — Manibhai the recluse.) The fifth is a 4-5 acre piece across the... a six-acre plot in Rizière and much later a big complex of 5 fields, named collectively “Le Faucheur” on the banks of the river Ariankuppam (South of here in the road to Cuddalore) were bought and he was given their charge. Le Faucheur actually is made up of 5 pieces of land — Main garden with an old type bungalow right on the bank of the river, with extensive grounds (may be 3-4 acres) with ...
... morning, conveying his idea of serving Mother's Auroville by freeing the Auroville residents from the food problem. The letter breathed the enthusiasm of this great worker of Mother's. About 135 acres of barren land belonged to Auroville in the village of Puchipalayam near Vanur. Dyuman had the talent of making farms out of barren land and this site he took over for the purpose. It was named Annapoorna... give up the Beauty Land work near Cuddalore for reasons beyond his control. After this Dyuman concentrated on the Gloria Farms. Then, in 1987, he took up the work of agriculture in Orissa on 130 acres of land at Matrugram. One day I felt like offering ten thousand rupees to Dyumanbhai for his work and took the amount to him from Sri Aurobindo Memorial Fund Society. Dyuman was very happy to get it ...
... attached. Our whole family lived together in one place at that time. Our houses were on mountainous ground, about 3000 ft. above sea level. Three miles away, on a lower level, were thousands of acres of sugar-cane plantations. My father and my four brothers owned sugar mills. From my parents' house at night I could see the faraway lights of the mills—I had the impression of a vast dark sea with ...
... talk about revolution, Barin formed his own revolutionary group in mid 1907,establishing his headquarters and training centre at Maniktola. The property, owned by the Ghose brothers, was a secluded two-acre piece of land overgrown with vegetation. Here at "the Garden", as it was called, Barin began systematic instruction of the young men he had recruited; there were almost twenty of them, most in their ...
... fields around the temple and the thick forests surrounding Irumbai village, which are today non-existent. The temple was renovated under the Cholas and the Pandyas, whose kings donated hundreds of acres of land to the temple, and it had at one point perhaps as many as seven outer walls. A large statue of the god Ganesh, once part of the temple, now stands in the village itself. Today, the temple ...
... Government of Tamilnadu, I went to Madras later to see the Chief Minister Karunanidhi with our request. He had already visited Auroville earlier and readily agreed to give an ad hoc exemption for 500 acres to start with. He dictated the order on the spot. When the Society- Auroville trouble started, Counouma took active part in it. He obtained a certificate from Nolini about himself to the effect ...
... them to start the Maniktola garden where the inmates were to live as in an ashram. The Maniktola garden was a family property of the Page 434 Ghoses. A plot of about two and a half acres comprised a three-roomed single-storey building with a veranda, a good number of trees, a pond, and a tank with well-laid steps. There Upen Banerji taught the Gita to the young recruits, or 'pestilential ...
... by individual treaties, and varied widely, with some states having significant autonomy, some being subject to significant control in internal affairs, and some being in effect the owners of a few acres of land with little autonomy. During the twentieth century, the British made several attempts to integrate the princely states more closely with British India, creating the Chamber ...
... hauled over thorny bushes and rough ground, my feet got terribly scratched and, oh, how they hurt! The men stopped only when we got to the mango grove, beyond the compound, which was fifteen to twenty acres. They were panting. The fat gentleman was waiting there with a palanquin of eight bearers." Thus Dr. Krishna Dhan Ghose got his son kidnapped. A new life began for Barin. He came to know a ...
... themselves. This is a most serious question and one which demands all our attention. In the first place this deterioration of the soil is a very real danger. Do you know that the average product per acre has in some parts of the country diminished by 50 per cent. since the middle of the seventeenth century, when the Ain-i-Akbari was compiled? Is it any wonder that the peasant grows poorer, or that... the magnitude of which will be best remembered when it is understood that the embankments measure over 30,000 miles with 300,000 separate masonry works, and that these tanks irrigate over 34 lakhs of acres, an area almost equal to that irrigated by the entire system of the major and minor works of the Madras Presidency. These works were getting out of repair in the troublous times of the eighteenth century... their characteristic administrative energy, not only put them in order but in many cases improved and enlarged them. They have brought, or kept under irrigation, an area of little less than 20,000,000 acres at the cost of forty-two crores of rupees; and the work has been done with so much judgment and success that the works yield a profit of nearly 7 per cent. and the produce raised equals 98 per cent ...
... the second highest service awards of PVSM and AVSM. After retirement in 1976, I had to stay in Pondicherry for a couple of years before moving to Auroville where I had set up a farm on thirty-five acres of barren Auroville land. There a well was bored and a house was built. In addition to the farm, I quite spontaneously became involved in the problems Auroville was facing. These problems called for ...
... officers were given land in newly created "defence housing societies" at throwaway prices, and profited enormously by reselling it on the open market. Similarly, a large portion of the 2.5 million acres of land that was surrendered by the feudal lords through the Land Reforms of 1959 was given to military and civil officials. Retired military officers were given plum jobs in public and private sector ...
... would not give the kingship to you. King Priam Page 53 Has sons of his own, and his mind is sound, not silly! Or have the Trojans laid out an estate for you Greater than any other, acres of orchard And plowland for you to enjoy if you should happen To kill me, that is. Not easy, I think, you'll find That assignment. For surely I now recall a day Some time ago when ...
... himself. On receiving a "Yes," I exclaimed: "Then there is hope for me!" I believe the drift of that affirmative answer was: "If the central part of one wanted the transformation, the Supermind directly acring would nullify the resistance and the denial by the peripheral parts. Otherwise these are able to have their say in whatever degree despite the central one's opposite pull," Even short of the Supermind ...
... want you to do it. 20 He had received the establishment license from the Government of India on 24 November 1956 and within six months, with the cooperation of the cane-growers, he brought 6,500 acres under cultivation. The construction of the factory was taken up in November 1959. The Mother christened the factory "The Sacrur Sugar Factory", deriving the name Sacrur from the Tamil word for sugar ...
... activity of this vital plane, existence seems quite purposeless, full of opposites and driven by necessity. It appears only as "A futile and recurring sum of souls" and still life goes on not because Acre is no aim but because "There quivers still within her breast and ours A glory that was once and is no more". This dream of perfection is not something alien to the spirit of Life because ...
... in the west, completed the evil their predecessors had begun. Hear the legend of Purush, the son of Prithivi, and his journey to the land of Beulah, the land of blooming gardens and yellow-vested acres and wavering tree-tops, and two roads lead to it. One road is very simple, very brief, very direct, and this leads over the smiling summit of a double-headed peak, but the other through the gaping abysses... by the unaccustomed brilliance, believed that the light was darkness, through which if he had persévered, he had arrived in brief space among the blooming gardens and the wavering tree-tops and the acres in their glorious golden garb and all the imperishable beauty of Beulah. And the other branch Page 42 he thought the avenue of the sunlight, because the glimmer was feeble enough to be visible... fill his hunger, and sweet cool grass where he may solace Page 43 his weariness, and so pursue his journey by the nearest way to the wavering tree-tops, and the blooming gardens and the acres in their yellow gaberdines for which his soul has long panted. This is the legend of Purush, the son of Prithivi and his journey to the land of Beulah. Wilson —That is a fine apologue, ...
... what has happened—and the problem underlying it. How to solve the problem completely I shall yet have to see. It can only come by experiment and observation— ambulando . Across triumphant acres of the night Slow-swung pinions of the unborn dream To the hidden daybreak pursue primeval flight. Page 485 Chartless unfrontiered aeons of the dark, On their lonely silence breaks... that words can only suggest these deeper things though they can suggest them with a certain force—even a creative force—but there must be the receptivity in the reader also. Your phrases "triumphant acres of the night" etc. have a considerable power in them; all the lines indeed are such that the significance could hardly be better conveyed, but still the full significance (the suggestion not merely ...
... third element of error that has to be eliminated. We desire and suffer because we mistake form and name for essential existence; we fix on the perishable parts of things, a rose, a piece of gold, an acre of land, a horse, a picture, fame, lordship, reputation. All this is jagatyám jagat, myself an object in Nature reaching out to objects in Nature. But the principle of form and name in Nature is motion ...
... son and successor of Baha Ullah founder of the Bahai religion. Page 40 Abdul Baha had spent 40 years, from the age of 24 to 64, confined in and around the 'prison city' of Akko (Acre) in palestine. 32 He informed Mirra that when the early followers of the faith were persecuted, they went to their death with intense joy, and a sense of the divine Presence; and in particular ...
... some of the poems of Chadwick of which we give here one as an example: "The silent Deep all strewn with stars Unswayably withholds A moon to reap the star-fraught ears That midnight's acre folds; Through a sickle-blade in the harvest hour Reap all the stars away, And the gleamer maid of dawn shall leave The stark bare field of day. 0 Siva-moon be swift and raze ...
... I made him sit in my office and gave him some milk and biscuits. I took him for a stroll to the seashore and while talking to him I found out that his father was a rich landowner with about 500 acres of land. He had left his father after a quarrel and wanted to stay in the Ashram. Srikanta said: "He could be given some work in the gymnasium." I said: "He is such a small boy, he has ...
... orthopaedics of the New York State Board of Health, and it reported favourably. Thereupon FDR took the decisive step of buying the whole Warm Springs property, hotel, cottages, pools, and all, with 1,200 acres of land, for use as a hydrotherapeutic centre; the institution was incorporated as a non-profit enterprise known as the Georgia Warm Springs Foundation, and it has been functioning ever since. He himself ...
... before the imaginations of all men; a number of nations had risen to the greatest military prestige & political force, the Panchalas under Drupada & his sons, the Bhojas under Bhishmuc & his brother Acrity who is described as equalling Parshurama in military skill & courage, the Chedies under the hero & great captain Shishupala, the Magadhas, built into a strong nation by Brihodruth; even distant Bengal ...
... manifestations including Zoroaster, the Buddha, Jesus Christ and Muhammad. Baha Ullah spent most of his life in prison and was often subjected to torture, first in Persia, afterwards in Baghdad and Acre, where he died in 1892. Abdul Baha (1844-1921), his eldest son, succeeded him. Today, there are about three million Baha’is in the world. The Baha’i religion has once again been severely persecuted ...
... was a piece of family property, the Manicktolla Gardens, in Murari Pukur Bagan in north Calcutta, and Barin decided to move there and start operations. It was a wild place, about two and a half acres in extent, and "anybody could enter the Gardens from anywhere at any time and move about the place, for it was all open compound without any fencing or walls". There were two pools, more weeds and ...
... Inconscience with the power of the Supermind. Necessarily, owing to the resistance of the lower levels of consciousness, particularly of Matter and Subconscience and Inconscience, the process is long, and, Acre are several stages. Higher and higher levels of consciousness _________________________ ¹ Mother's Agenda, Vol. 2, pp. 379-82. Page 83 had to be fixed in Matter. By 1926 ...
... shouting, ‘The next house is Ayya’s. Let no one touch that property!’" In the mid-twenties Appa purchased ‘Palm Grove’ to help a lawyer friend in dire straits. The building was located in a 3-acre estate, on Royapettah High Road, about twenty minutes walking distance from the Kapaaliswarar Temple in Mylapore. (Presently it houses the Kesari High School.) Rama Iyengar notes that Appa used to ...
... to each other; one is a strange old construction, wind-swept, directly overlooking the plains, a wonderful view, at the end of all possible paths. Its name is Green Acre , but Sujata called it Land’s End . It is a plot of one acre, surrounded by some eucalyptus trees and one tea plantation. The house is a fairly big thing, with wide windows, looking like the cabin of a ship. There is a lot of... envelope: Mother, smiling. It was the first stamp of the Centenary, on February 25th. Mother ... stamped, but perfectly there, smiling at us. We were dumbfounded. The place is called Green Acre : one “acre” only, bequeathed by an old English lady, who recently died, to her driver. Immediately below the bungalow, in this expanse of light falling away, there is a tea plantation, then this miraculous... February 18, 1978 First Agenda ready to come out. February 20, 1978 Tekkadi, a violent fever, the poison is coming out. We are looking for a place in Kerala. February 25, 1978 Green Acre [our future Land’s End ]. Harwood [the future Happywood ]. First visit to the Blue Mountains. February 27, 1978 (Letter to Sir C.P.N. Singh, originally in English.) Page 346 ...
... have to be reconstituted to adapt themselves to the new surroundings. The death complained of is only a transition. The burial ground of the old Congress is, as the Saxon phrase goes, only God's acre out of which will grow the real, vigorous, popular organisation. 49 After the Pabna session of the Bengal Provincial Conference, held under Rabindranath Tagore's presidentship, there was a gleam ...
... the world, but to lead the whole species to the zero point, to that supreme juncture where there is not a single jungle left to explore, not one sea to plumb, not one Himalaya, when soon not even an acre of ground will be left for our concrete and steel structures, when even the gods have been squeezed dry of all their juices and collect dust on the shelves of our libraries, when life collapses under... archipelago on the foam-flecked waters. And because we had put on these blinders or others to protect ourselves from the formidable magnitude of our lands, erected these dwarf fences to farm our little acre, the little wave of energy trapped in our sails, the little golden (or less golden) fireflies caught in the net of our intelligence, the little note captured from too great a Harmony, we have thought ...
... Joshi) Dear Kireet, I don't know (the letter from Frederick that you have referred to me)... If they said they intended to buy eight acres to grow potatoes, I would understand! because it would be a little creative, or at least nourishing (!). But eight acres to erect buildings for an abstract "Centre," it seems to me ... yes, not very productive. But I am not really supposed to judge these... this circus. But I've come back to find myself faced with 400 pages of proofs of volume XI to see in a few days. So I finish this letter in haste. (...) A suggestion from C.P.N.: four hundred acres of land in U.P. and funds to build a "true Auroville without any shadow." — I did not hit the roof, because I have become wiser, but I answered that "the Shadow" was precisely the thing to be overcome ...
... bellowing of cannon and the banging of bells surpassed by great odds anything that even Orleans had attempted before in the way of noise. When we arrived—well, there is no describing that. Why, those acres of people that we ploughed through shed tears enough to raise the river; there was not a face in the glare of those fires that hadn't tears streaming down it; and if Joan's feet had not been protected ...
... to devote at least a couple of hours to community service. In fact, community service supports Page 457 and sustains all work in the Ashram. Spread out over an area of more than ten acres, the Ashram has gardens, farms, buildings, educational, health and semi-commercial units and all of these are being maintained and run by volunteers from the Ashram. This aspect of community service... HORSECLOTH—Bernier 44.GEORGE WASHINGTON 45.A TALE OF TRUE HEROISM 46.THE MAN WITH AN AXE TO GRIND—from Benjamin Franklin's autobiography 47.SAANTANI, MANGARAAJ'S WIFE—from SIX ACRES & A HALF by Fakir Mohan Senapati 48.ALEXANDER'S COOK 59. HOW MUCH LAND DOES A MAN NEED Page 503 50.BALBAN'S JUSTICE 51.THE MYSTERY OF THE TVVENTYFIVE JEWELS 52 ...
... haven't you noticed? So, for my part, I must make haste to report to him, or he may get it into his head that it's we who have been egging you on to lodge a complaint with the police. I have sown an acre with brinjal seeds and they are coming up a real treat, they are! Well, he might uproot all that during the night, don't you see? They never sleep at night, these grinning goblins, sir! So, hadn't you ...