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Amitabha Buddha : the Buddha of Infinite Light, as he has vowed not to cross over into the Nothingness of Nirvana until a single creature is bound in sorrow & ignorance. He is especially worshipped by Japanese Mahayana Buddhists.
... which also belongs to the higher turn of our nature and which indicates the essential character of the action the liberated soul must pursue. It is that which is implied in the great legend of the Amitabha Buddha who turned away when his spirit was on the threshold of Nirvana and took the vow never to cross it while a single being remained in the sorrow Page 269 and the Ignorance. It is that... them an attachment to their customary works laid down for them by the social law. If so, it would be a poor and petty rule and every noble heart would reject it to follow rather the divine vow of Amitabha Buddha, the sublime prayer of the Bhagavata, the passionate aspiration of Vivekananda. But if we accept rather the view that the world is a divinely guided movement of Nature emerging in man towards God ...
... Buddhism and any strictures I may have passed were in view of these interpretations and that onesided stress. I am aware of course of the opposite tendencies in theMahayana and the Japanese cult of Amitabha Buddha which is a cult of bhakti. It is now being said even of Shankara that there was another side of his doctrine—but his followers have made him stand solely for the Great Illusion, the inferiority ...
... shining shield of overmind, hiraṇmaya pātra, into what is above it, would be the final end of the soul escaping from this Page 224 meaningless universe; unless indeed like the Amitabha Buddha one were held by compassion or else the Divine Will within to continue helping and sharing the upward struggle towards the Light of those here still in the darkness of the Ignorance. If, on ...
... has saved himself, is it not his duty—the logical outcome and implication of his personal freedom—that he should seek to help others in their salvation? Such was in fact the attitude of the Amitabha Buddha. A house is on fire. It has a tarred roof. One can easily understand the fury of the fire. Some inmates Page 78 who were trapped have managed to come out in time, although ...
... Higher Force; it is not inertia. (After a pause Sri Aurobindo turned to the doctor Disciple) : Do you know of a Japanese healer, Dr. Kobayeshi, a famous surgeon, who is a Yogi following the Amitabha Buddha school of Sadhana? During his medical practice he found that the method he was following was not correct. So he followed an inner process. He makes the patients sit in meditation with him and asks ...
... life's ladder, 562; different Yogas & a synthetic Yoga, 552, 562; Hatha, Raja, 553ff; Kundalini Sakti, 554; samadhi, 554; Karma Yoga, 554; Jnana Yoga, 554.55; drawbacks of older Yogas, 555-56; Amitabha Buddha, 556; interdependence of Yogas, 557; Yoga of transformation, 557; Ramakrishna's Yogic versatility, 557-58; key to all Yogas, Bhakti Yoga, 555, 558; Vedanta & Tantra, 558; mukti and bhukti, ...
... Okhata's death in 1921and Kobayashi's in 1926 the leadership of the movement fell to the charge of Madame Kobayashi. Dr. Kobayashi was a surgeon by profession, and a Yogi as well following the Amitabha Buddha School of Sadhana. He found from experience that an inner process facilitated the cure of his patients. In one of Sri Aurobindo's evening talks (of 19 September 1926), he referred to Dr. K ...
... fortressed keeping And set her in my crest at Ichalgurh For gods to gaze at. Canaca leaps down into the road brandishing a sword, followed by Hooshka and his Scythians. CANACA Ho Amitabha! Buddha for Cashmere! ICHALGURH The Scythians on us! Swords! CANACA Put up your skewers! Quiver not, ye wretches; steady, steady your quaking kneecaps. Though I have cause for anger, yet ...
... Buddhism and any strictures I may have passed were in view of these; interpretations and that one-sided stress. I am aware of (course of opposite tendencies in the Mahayana and the Japanese cult of Amitabha Buddha which is a cult of bhakti. It is now being said even of Shankara that there was another side of his doctrine—but his followers have made him stand solely for the Great Illusion, the inferiority ...
... , perhaps by breaking the shining lid of Overmind, hiraṇmaya pātra , into what is above it, would be the final end of the soul escaping from this meaningless universe; unless indeed like the Amitabha Buddha one were held by compassion or else the Divine Will within to continue helping and sharing the upward struggle towards the Light of those here still in the darkness of the Ignorance. If on the ...
... himself couldn't have said it, for he said that one to do everything by one's own effort. SATYENDRA: It is said that Buddha turned back from the gate Nirvana. SRI AUROBINDO: I thought it was Amitabha Buddha who refused to enter Nirvana. He is venerated very deeply in Japan. Modern European scholars are now trying to prove that Budddha's life-story was a later invention. PURANI: The Tibetan Lamas ...
... kept himself apart from politics. PURANI: Another trouble with Gandhi is that he says that no man can be perfect unless the society around him is perfect. SRI AUROBINDO: In that case, like Amitabha Buddha refusing to go to Nirvana till all have attained it, he will have to wait till eternity for perfection! (Laughter) SATYENDRA: He thinks his life is bound up with the national life, so he can't ...
... On the next one, the Collected Works of Shakespeare and Shelley and books presented by writers such as Radhakrishnan, James Cousins, etc. There were two paintings, one Chinese and the other of Amitabha Buddha with the lotus in his hand; a few wood carvings; a couch for the Mother opposite Sri Aurobindo's bed. The only furniture of luxury was a long cane chair in the adjacent room, in which he could ...
... has saved himself, is it not his duty – the logical outcome and implication of his personal freedom – that he should seek to help others in their salvation? Such was in fact the attitude of the Amitabha Buddha. A house is on fire. It has a tarred roof. One can easily understand the fury of the fire. Some inmates who were trapped have managed to come out in time, although some-what bruised and scalded ...
... obviate a possible misunderstanding, I must make it clear at the very outset that this Grace or beneficence is not the act of a transcendent divine being stretching out its hands, like the Amitabha Buddha, across the ocean of life, to those afflicted souls who pant and thirst for the Beyond. It is the Grace that has assumed a human form, come down to our shores, the shores of Time, from its ...
... Often we see this desire of personal salvation overcome by another attraction which also belongs to the higher turn of our nature.... It is that which is implied in the great legend of the Amitabha Buddha who turned away when his spirit was on the threshold of Nirvana and took the vow never to cross it while a single being remained in the sorrow and the Ignorance. It is that which underlies the ...
... these regular occasions of benediction and grace: To each the Master gave a penetrating and gracious look and then blessed him .... In those days the Master's Grace would rain over us like Amitabha Buddha's. As through glass windows the things in a room are visible, so the Master's yogic eye would penetrate our being and read our possibilities. Newcomers would return with a new energy to fight the ...
... time to himself when he could touch Sri Aurobindo's feet and offer pranam, and he would then place the palm of his hand on the disciple's head and "the Master's grace would rain over as like the Amitabha Buddha's". The people who had darśan were comparatively fewer, and the darśan went on from morning till past noon. But after 1938, the number of visitors wishing to have darśan increased greatly... the pupils who have come to him for instruction. The tradition of retirement from the world for study and meditation in an Page 579 Ashram was already ancient at the time of Gautama Buddha, and Ashrams still exist in large numbers in India; "all depends on the Teacher and ends with his lifetime, unless there is another Teacher who can take his place". 17 The part played by the Guru ...
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