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Ananta : Śeṣa Nāga, the Great Snake with a thousand hoods on which the earth stands; the Energy of the Infinite in Space-Time. Traditionally, Lord Vishnu is envisioned as reclining on the coils of Ananta, accompanied by his consort Devi Lakshmi, as he “dreams the universe into reality”.

52 result/s found for Ananta

... of these & other defects and the development & harmonious unification of its various aspects, Saguna & Nirguna, Purusha-Prakriti, Ishwara-Shakti, Prajna-Hiranya-Virat, Sarva with Ananta, Sarva-Ananta with Jnana, Sarva-Ananta-Jnana with Ananda etc. The unification seems now to be approaching completion. The interpretation of the lipi is also now acquiring a firmer sureness and quickness & with this... end is the Rakshasa, whose typeis that of हर्ष not आनन्द . It is the दृप्त बालाकि species, long necked = eager, purified in body, mahat in the prana element, therefore with a mind that listens in the ananta dasha dishah for the sruti from the vijnana. The other that is coming is Anandamaya, born of the full enjoyment of the Prakriti, ie the Devasura. Balaka also means in the sortilege the young unfulfilled... the words are the exact words needed "All" "mere" "representatives" "agents" "Standard["]. It is so, that all things in the world are now to be regarded in relation to the standard Being, the Sarva Ananta Jnana Ananda Krishna. Note that before taking the second sortilege, the book was pointed out & the indication given that the second sortilege would supply something still needed. All this shows an ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... temporary fact, though still a fact, of our partial being on the surface of our active consciousness. We find within an infinite being with the potentiality of all qualities, of infinite quality, ananta-guṇa , which can be combined in any number of possible ways, and each combination is a revelation of our being. For all this personality is the self-manifestation of a Person, that is to say of a being... of the Divine in his universality. There too we meet him in various forms of divine personality; in formulations of quality which variously express him to us in his nature; in infinite quality, the Ananta-guna; in the divine Person who expresses himself through infinite quality; in absolute impersonality, an absolute existence or an absolute non-existence, which is yet all the time the unexpressed Absolute... or the Buddha personality. When we look beyond our first exclusively concentrated vision, we see behind Vishnu all the personality of Shiva and behind Shiva all the personality of Vishnu. He is the Ananta-guna, infinite quality and the infinite divine Personality which manifests itself through it. Again he seems to withdraw into a pure spiritual impersonality or beyond all idea even of impersonal Self ...


... qualities and on a certain plane of being rests free from them. The Nirguna or Unqualitied is not incapable of qualities, rather it is this very Nirguna or No-Quality who manifests Himself as Saguna, as Ananta-guna, infinite quality, since He contains all in His absolute capacity of boundlessly varied self-revelation. He is free from them in the sense of exceeding them; and indeed if He were not free from... s of the infinite and omnipresent Creator and Ruler of the universe. Nor does Indian religious thought affirm them as adequate descriptions. The Personal God is not limited by His qualities, He is Ananta-guna, capable of infinite qualities and beyond them and lord of them to use them as He will, and He manifests Himself in various names and forms of His infinite godhead to satisfy the desire and need... with a particular form or particular qualities as the name and form of the Godhead which our nature and personality prefers; 5 a second in which He is the one real Person, the All-Personality, the Ananta-guna; a third in which we get back to the ultimate source of all idea and fact of personality in that which the Upanishad indicates by the single word He without fixing any attributes. It is there ...


... Paratpara Purusha ( puruṣo vareṇya ādityavarṇas tamasaḥ parastāt ). It is he who has made this world out of his Page 76 being and is immanent in and sustains it as the infinite-finite Ishwara, ananta and sānta , Shiva and Narayana, Sri Krishna the Lilamaya who draws all of us to him by his love, compels all of us by his masteries and plays his eternal play of joy and strength and beauty in the... itself is only a combination of the guṇas, saṁhati and dhṛti , cohesion and permanence, a state of conscious being, nothing else. Matter, life, mind and what is beyond mind, it is all Sri Krishna the Ananta-guna Brahman playing in the world as the Sachchidananda. When we have this realisation, when we dwell in it securely and permanently, all possibilities of grief and sin, fear, delusion, internal strife... books consistently teach; he is ekamevādvitīyam , One and there is no other, but also and consequently he is "this man, yonder woman, that blue-winged bird, this scarlet-eyed." He is sānta , he is ananta ; the Jiva is he. "I am the aśvattha tree," says Sri Krishna in the Gita, "I am death, I am Agni Vaishwanara, I am the heat that digests food, I am Vyasa, I am Vasudeva, I am Arjuna." All that is ...


... is its means of entry. Page 516 Jnanam Brahma is now adding itself to Sarva & Ananta as a constant manifestation in the consciousness. Ananda is behind. Sat Brahman is always the base, but Ananta manifests normally in the Sat, Jnana now manifests less actively, but still normally in the Ananta. The Asat Brahma is behind & varies between Anandamay Asat in its purity, which is always anandamay... state of passive recipiency is an unillumined or obscurely illumined ritam. The Brahmadarshana varies between the Krishna & Narayan Bhava & the impersonal Brahman in which Sarva predominates & Ananta & Jnana are insufficient. It is only the Krishnadarshan that brings the Ananda. The obscuration being effected, the full ananda of the senses is also affected with jugupsa. Script. These ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Ananda Darshana now tends to be the infinite shuddha Ananda taking up all the rest, but still on the vijnana level. The old mental shuddha ananta Ananda recurs in the first movement as a coating to the vijnana Ananda, but changes easily to the vijnana shuddha Ananta. The possibilities are now entirely normalised in the interpretative trikaldrishti, the authentic decisive is beginning to disengage itself... the morning is every day greater and tends to conquer the oblivion; even when writing the body retains except in great absorption of the thought-mind the physical Ananda. Page 1233 The ananta Ananda of the darshana has now definitely entered and for the present fixed itself in the vijnana form corresponding to that attained in the rest of the chaitanya. 17 June 1920 The T² for a ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... very superstitious poets have put them there plainly on the very surface of the fable for everybody to see who does not choose to be blind. For they have given a name to Vishnu's snake, the name Ananta, and Ananta means the Infinite; therefore they have told us plainly enough that the image is an allegory and that Vishnu, the all-pervading Deity, sleeps in the periods of non-creation on the coils of the... lower ocean. This Vedic imagery throws a clear light on the similar symbolic images of the Puranas, especially on the famous symbol of Vishnu sleeping after the pralaya on the folds of the snake Ananta upon the ocean of sweet milk. It may perhaps be objected that the Puranas were written by superstitious Hindu priests or poets who believed that eclipses were caused by a dragon eating the sun and ...


... reception & action according to a concealed vijnana behind. The attempt is to make it mechanically right in all its movements. Sharira makes no sensible advance. Ananda Brahman containing Ananta-Jnana = Suddha Ananda containing Chidghana seems to be fixed, but it is still capable of following to the greatest point of depression consistent with non-evanescence. Page 893 In pain... now to be done is to exhaust the force of the habit of relapse which allows the opposition to affect the consciousness attained & throw it back to the simple Brahmadarshan or even the mere Sarvam & Ananta or Jnana or else to the inferior stages of the Krishnadarshana. This reversion seems now to be merely mechanical & to happen only because it has happened in the past and can still be forced on the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Parvati-Shankara It is probably the realm of the dynamic creative Spirit on the highest mental plane which you saw as the world of ParvatiShankara. Narayana, Vishnu, Brahma, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Ananta Narayana is usually taken as a name of Vishnu—to the Vaishnavas he is the Supreme as Shiva is to the Shaivas. Both are Page 155 cosmic Personalities of the Divine and both like Brahma... navel is the central seat of the Vital, the Life-Principle) Brahma the Creator arises in the Lotus (cosmic consciousness) which grows from it when Vishnu awakens from the inter-cyclic sleep. The Snake Ananta is the Energy of the cosmic manifestation of the Infinite in Space-Time. Krishna This is the Krishna of the Gita 1 (the boy Krishna is the Krishna of Brindavan),—Krishna bringing the spiritual ...


... expressed in the Puranic image of Vishnu, the eternal Purusha, asleep on the waveless causal ocean with the endless coils of the snake Ananta, the Infinite, for his couch. The sea of causal matter is then motionless and it is only when Vishnu awakes, the snake Ananta stirs and the first ever widening ripples are created on the surface of the waters that the actual evolution of matter has begun. The ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... representative in cosmic being and mind, action and life. The Godhead, the spirit manifested in Nature appears in a sea of infinite quality, Ananta-guna. But the executive or mechanical Prakriti is of the threefold guna, sattwa, rajas, tamas, and the Ananta-guna, the spiritual play of infinite quality, modifies itself in this mechanical nature into the type of these three gunas. And in the soul-force ...


... and treats them as wholes and makes unreal distinctions. They speak of Nirguna as the fundamental (experience) and Saguna as derivative or secondary. But what does the Upanishad mean by "Ananta Nirguna" and "Ananta Saguna"? They can't be thought of as different. When you think of Impersonality as the fundamental Truth and Personality as something imposed upon it and therefore secondary, you cut across ...

... presents itself to us as the ideal nature of the Godhead, a nature of absolute knowledge, absolute power and will, absolute love and delight. And all the infinite variations of its quality and energy, ananta-guṇa, agaṇana-śakti , are there wonderfully various, admirably and spontaneously harmonised free self-formulations of this absolute wisdom and will and power and delight and love. All is there a many-sided ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... Shuddha Bhoga, divine enjoyment. Shanti is the negative Ananda and those have it who rest in the Nirguna Brahman. Shuddha Bhoga is the positive Ananda and those have it who rest in the Trigunatita Ananta Brahman. You can have both and it is best to have both. God enjoys the world with Shuddha Bhoga based on the perfect Shanti. Most people cannot imagine Bhoga without Kama, enjoyment without desire ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Shakespeare sought it more successfully by universalising the rarest individual details of character. That which Nature uses for concealing from us the Infinite, Shakespeare used for revealing the Ananta-guna in man to the eye of humanity. Page 440 148) Shakespeare, who invented the figure of holding up the mirror to Nature, was the one poet who never condescended to a copy, a photograph ...


... Shakespeare sought it more successfully by universalising the rarest individual details of character. That which Nature uses for concealing from us the Infinite, Shakespeare used for revealing the Ananta-guna in man to the eye of humanity. 148—Shakespeare, who invented the figure of holding up the mirror to Nature, was the one poet who never condescended to a copy, a photograph or a shadow. The ...


... a museum is too intellectual—a city of religions. We would have to re-create the atmosphere and have a temple, churches, a cathedral, a totem pole ... ( laughing ) We'd entrust the Greek temple to Ananta! 2 That would be really unique on earth. But you know, there are still so many fanatics—more than we think. You would think all that has disappeared with modern development—not at all. The ...


... aspects. At times these aspects are described as Gunas. The Highest Reality has been conceived both as Absolute, or qualityless( nirguna), and as qualified ( gunas). To its later form is attributed ananta vibhuti, infinite powers. It is pertinent to remember here that according to some philosophers of the absolutist persuasion the ultimate reality itself is not value and that it is the root or ...

... the teachers who will study this monograph will find valuable help from its study and will tell the children the story contained in it. Page 11 Vishnu and Lakshmi on Ananta (Kangra, Karan Singh Collection, early 19 th century) Page 12y ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... the Supermind. There are other still higher principles beyond and they too presumably await manifestation and embodiment on earth. Creation has no beginning in time (an ā di) nor has it an end ( ananta). It is an eternal process of the unravelling of the mysteries of the Infinite. Only, it may be said that with the Supermind the creation here enters into a different order of existence. Before it ...

... and origin of all this." We have found some positive words indeed— sat-cit- ā nanda; but the other key-word is a negative in structure— am ṛ tam, not death. Immortality means not mortality, and ananta too is a negative expression. We remember the famous lines: "Na tatra s ū rya bh ā ti etc.", it is a supreme revelation, it is supremely evocative but it is built up of negatives. The Vedic rishis ...

... of the Supermind. There are other still higher principles beyond and they too presumably await manifestation and embodiment on earth. Creation has no beginning in time (anadi) nor has it an end (ananta). It is an eternal process of the unravelling of the mysteries of the Infinite. Only, it may be said that with the Supermind the creation here enters into a different order of existence. Before it ...

... you were given? How did your contact with her develop? My grandfather died in 1934. My father and my uncle (Motakaka) wanted some spiritual guidance and were in search of a Guru. The late Ananta Kumar Sarkar, a disciple of Sri Aurobindo, residing in our town, had put them in contact with Sri Aurobindo and his Ashram. My uncle came to the Ashram for the first time in the year 1936. My ...


... of the Supermind. There are other still higher principles beyond and they too presumably await manifestation and embodi­ment on earth. Creation has no beginning in time (anadi) nor has it an end (ananta). It is an eternal process of the unraveling of the mysteries of the Infinite. Only, it may be said that with the Supermind the creation here enters into a different order of existence. Before it ...

... * * * Dawn wishes to live in Aspiration. If she has to go there it can be arranged. Mother replied that she should stay in Pondicherry. * * * Kamoo does not want Ananta to be with her in the clinic. Mother said that as Kamoo does not want her there, she must not be there. She asked me what I could do. Page 159 "She can come to Pondicherry and ...

... * * * Dawn wishes to live in Aspiration. If she has to go there it can be arranged. Mother replied that she should stay in Pondicherry. * * * Kamoo does not want Ananta to be with her in the clinic. Mother said that as Kamoo does not want her there, she must not be there. She asked me what I could do. Page 159 "She can come to Pondicherry and ...

... Shiva. Later a demon made the lake his residence and killed Nagas (serpents) and men living around it. King Nila of the Nagas invoked Vishnu, who counselled him to drain the water from the lake. To Ananta Naga was assigned the task of piercing the hills round about. When the water of Satisaras flowed away and the lake became dry, the demon was exposed and finally killed. Sati flew out as the main body ...

... of the universe, whose sport is ever sung by Siva. O Who is the Crown of Brahma, Whose eyes are like the pet-als of a full blown Lotus, Who resides under the Ocean, Whose feet rest on the head of Ananta, the King of the serpents, Who is full of love, Who is Blissful in the embrace of the loving body of Radha, please manifest Thyself within my sight O the Lord of the universe! Srijagannathastotram ...

... Unable to bring back the Brahmadarshana to the mere Saguna or Sarva Brahma, the Asiddhi now presses on the NaraNarayana as a lower substitute for the Lilamaya Krishna. Meanwhile the perception of the Ananta Brahma is growing in intensity & fullness, but the contents of the Jnana Brahma are somewhat veiled. This defect aids the evolution of the Pranic steeds into luminous herds of enlightened conscious ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... the total motion & final event as one of the forces of variation that modified or advanced the course of their fulfilment. The way is therefore clear for the Page 364 entire perception of Ananta Brahman (guna, constituent forces and determining force or will), for its union in the Sarvam Brahma with the Jnanam Brahma and for its perfection in the sarvam samam anandam Brahma. Vishayananda ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... idealisation. Lipi is rapidly universalising perfection of form and light in the thought-interpretation. The containing Brahmadarshana is preparing to fix itself in the Ananda with the Jnana Ananta as content and Sarva as base. Physical siddhi In the physical siddhi kamananda pervasive and orgiastic is becoming more easy and natural in all positions, but needs and indeed is almost entirely ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... eternal, infinite, universal matter, with the implications Time, Space and Causality involved in its infinity. It is represented mythologically by Vishnu on the causal Ocean sitting on the hood of Ananta, the infinite snake whose endless folds are Time, and are also Space and are also Causality, these three being fundamentally Page 397 one,—a Trinity. In the upper half Parabrahman is still ...


... priests of the world, Skanda the war-god, leader of the leaders of battle, Marichi among the Maruts, the lord of wealth among the Yakshas and Rakshasas, the serpent Ananta among the Nagas, Agni among the Vasus, Chitraratha among the Gandharvas, Kandarpa the love-God among the progenitors, Varuna among the peoples of the sea, Aryaman among the Fathers, Narada among the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... merit of answering it. The sky has no bounds and unplumbable are the depths of the sea; so are the spiritual philosophy and poetry in this creation of Jnaneshwar, bottomless and without limit, agadha-ananta . In one word: Jnaneshwari is the work of a Yogi-Poet. Page 131 Our approach towards it has therefore to be intuitive-perceptive. In it there may be an aspect of scholarship also, ...


... and happy expression in that law is what has to occur. Each one then becomes real-ideally his amsha , his part, a Vibhuti possessing correspondingly the aspect of him who is of infinite Quality, ananta guni ; one Narayana is then present in every Nara. These divine souls indeed will be the denizens of the divine creation that is to come on the earth. When such is the state, then in it all ...


... terms of exclusion is unwarranted. There is really no inconsistency in what Sri Aurobindo wrote and the actual state of affairs as regards being in and out of the Asliram.   The Mother's wanting Ananta to be here while advising you to work outside is easy to understand. The only chance for him to progress was in the Ashram.   You have mentioned politics. The Mother was against politics as ...


... to its own slanted seizure of the inner light. What I wrote struck a sympathetic chord in your friend's mind. If I had dilated on the six-armed dancing Nataraja or on Vishnu reclining upon the Snake Ananta and watching a blue lotus springing out of his navel, the good Page 24 chap would have goggled. Perhaps you will say that I am so enthusiastic about the Indian spiritual phenomenon ...


... and much obstructed Kama   Embryonic. Brahman.   Founded in all its parts, perfect only in sarvam & part of anantam[,] easily obscured in Ananda, less easily in jnana, inefficient in ananta tapas The record of June 1913 was kept in three separate sets of loose sheets, headed 'Record', 'Script' and 'Record of Details & Guidance'. These are reproduced here in this order. Page ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... slowly move to some kind of final success. Unless this defect is removed the rapidity so often promised cannot come. The Brahmadrishti is now well-regulated, but still depends on smarana, the Sarva, Ananta & Ananda are more prominent than the Jnana Brahman. 26 November 1913 The force of the Aishwarya is now showing itself in a well-established generality of efficacy, but not either of invariable ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... itself. Arrangement means in time, place & circumstance. The vyuha is taking place; the rays do not yet go to their right p[lace]—Faith withstands all the assaults & the knowledge of Brahman Sarva & Ananta is confirming itself, but it must also be Jnana & Ananda. That is why the third must now fulfil itself & then the fourth. All these are only the first obstacles to the final perfection. Self-fulfilment ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... takes the rasa or taste of the whole thing by the intellect, the sense and the aesthetic faculties. All things, all events are the manifestation of certain gunas or qualities in universal Being; God is Ananta guna, Infinite Qualities. The rose is a manifestation of form, colour, odour & other less obvious qualities, each stamped with a particular form of the rasa, divine Delight. Page 29 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Enjoyment. Page 1478 Shanti is the negative Ananda and those have it who rest in the Nirguna Brahman. Shuddha Bhoga is the positive Ananda and those have it who rest in the Trigunatita Ananta Brahman. Enjoy the world with Shuddha Bhoga based on the perfect Shanti. That which you get as the result of satisfied desire is troubled, unsafe, feverish or limited, but Shuddha Bhoga is calm, s ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... harmful ones; but more often it is the other way. On the other hand the peacocks you saw were powers of victory, the victory of the energies of light over the energies of darkness. The serpent Ananta is the infinite energy in infinite Time-Space which supports the universe. It is in answer to your aspiration that the Mahakali force descended—the Serpent is the Energy from above working in ...


... and makes unreal distinctions. People speak of Nirguna (Qualityless) as fundamental and Saguna (Qualified) as a derivation, a secondary reality. But what did the Upanishad mean by Nirguno Guni and Ananta Saguna? They can't be thought of as different. When you speak of impersonality as the fundamental truth and of personality as something imposed upon it and therefore unreal, you cut across with your ...


... shall move on the earth embodied and fair The living truth of you.¹ _____________ ¹ Ibid., pp. 99-102. Page 238 APPENDIX II Glossary Ananta infinite. Anandam Brahma (realisation of) the Brahman as the self-existent bliss and its universal delight of being; the fourth member of the brahmacatustaya. ...

... parinama or result and this in its turn will produce a new karma or action and in its sequel a new parinama, and the chain continues as an uninterrupted series which has no beginning and no end, "anādi-ananta-karma-paramparā' . The other tenet of Karmavada is that in this world of manifestation every individual is always in action, being impelled by his nature and its desires. And no action will ...

... and origin of all this." We have found some positive words indeed – sat-cit-ananda; but the other key-word is a negative in structure – amrtam, not death. Immortality means not mortality, and ananta too is a negative expression. We remember the famous lines: Na tatra surya bhati etc.,¹ it is a supreme revelation, it is supremely evocative but it is built up of negatives. The Vedic rishis followed ...

... or the Buddha personality. When we look beyond our first exclusively concentrated vision, we see behind Vishnu all the personality of Shiva and behind Shiva all the personality of Vishnu. He is the Ananta-guna, infinite quality and the infinite divine Personality which manifests itself through it. Again he seems to withdraw into a pure spiritual impersonality or beyond all idea even of impersonal Self ...

... without walls. In the same way, walls are what creates death, otherwise it is the same flow of never-ending life. There is a vast gaze — I don’t know how they call it in Sanskrit: Anantaksha? (Ananta = the infinite, Aksha = the gaze). But it is not the pure “infinite” of Brahman (or not only), it is a gaze that is innumerable, in everything. Not only does it embrace everything, but it is exactly ...

... 143, 151, 211-2, 214, 221, 225, 235, 239, 398, 400, 496, 676, 691 Ambu (Ambalal) Patel 496 Amrita (K.A. Iyengar) 85, 91-2,121, 201, 203, 230, 235, 246,263, 296, 326, 328-9, 340/494,691,780 Ananta (Frederick Bushnell) 624 Andre Morisset 28, 477-8, 577, 579, 801, 817, 820, 823, 834 Anilbaran Roy 201, 244fn, 286, 292, 340-1 Arjava (J.A. Chadwick) 255, 259ff, 321 Ashram, Sri Aurobindo ...


... and it evoked wide interest and unstinted appreciation. One of the Mother's rare outings was to the Island* where Frederick Bushnell, an American disciple whom she had given the spiritual name "Ananta", lived and pursued his sadhana. 4 One of the new arrivals in the Ashram during 1956 was young Kireet Joshi. He had paid his first visit in 1952, and since his boyhood he had felt dissatisfied ...


... stream of time when eternity was made out of the moment. Each took the burden of his (or her) own personality, carried his own inner climate of the soul; and the figure of the Purusha lying in the ananta-śayanam posture affected each a little differently perhaps, yet it was also on the whole a cleansing, cathartic and chastening experience for most. One of the inmates, Dara (Aga Syed Ibrahim) ...