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Aniruddha : son of Pradyumna & grandson of Sri Krishna; his marriage to Usha, the daughter of the Asura king Bāṇāsura the most formidable enemy of his family, brought about the Asura’s death. “Symbolically, Aniruddha is the fourth Power of the Chaturvyuha, with desire as His manifestation, & bodily enjoyment & worldly reason as His attributes; He reigns in the Kaliyuga & as a Śūdra. His characteristic is perfection in works; & His Shakti is Mahāsaraswati.” [SABCL Vol. 3:452-53; s/a Yuga(s)]

24 result/s found for Aniruddha

... Pradyumna, Aniruddha. Srikrishna contains all the others and puts them out from His being. He is Ishwara, Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu. Lordship is His manifestation, Might and Wisdom are His gunas. Balarama is the second Power. Force is His manifestation; strength and wrath are His attributes. Pradyumna is the third Power. Love is His manifestation; sweetness and delight are His attributes. Aniruddha is the... Pradyumna is the Vaishya. He is for dana, prema, karuna. He gives Himself to men and buys their love in exchange. He is the universal philanthropist. He is the sweet and throbbing heart in things. Aniruddha is the Sudra. He is the kamin, the bhogin, the scientist, the Page 532 user of material means, the democrat, the leveller. The Satya is full of Srikrishna; it is the golden Age... i Raja is the incarnation of the Treta; it is full of great wars and mighty sacrifices. The Dwapara is full of Pradyumna; He prepares in the Dwapara the love which supports men through the Kali. Aniruddha, the Sudra, reigns in the Kali; He breaks the ancient moulds, He shatters to pieces the achar; He questions everything, destroys everything, levels everything, rebuilds everything. He is a Sudra and ...


... Narayanadarshana. The Ishwara is now manifest in the Vani & as the master of all the thought & action; the dasyam is becoming entirely complete & personal. As yet it is the Balarama-Aniruddha Bhava with Aniruddha prominent. Rupa revived, but not in full force. Kamananda in spite of adverse circumstances. Gandha frequent & varied. 18 May 1915 Krishnadarshana seems to be invincibly... completion of the satyam in the vijnana. There is also an incipient movement of more complete ritam. The bhava in the Ishwara is entirely confirmed; it is now being perfected in the Balaram-Aniruddha type, preparatory to the Sri Krishna-Rudra (the Asura). The habit of relapse in the Krishnadarshana is being attacked. Kamananda these two days has been constant with intermittences, but ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... strongly anandamaya, first of the vijnanamaya ananda, then of the others, reappears full of the Vishnu or Pradyumna personality, taking into it Rudra (Balarama), Page 72 Shiva (Mahavira) and Aniruddha (Kama). The definite personality of the Master in his personal relations to this Yoga and the Jiva in the Yoga has to develop out of the laya; for Vishnu is the Ishwara who incarnates. The present... material of which it is formed; these waves mix with the clear form and blur it by excess of material in the attempt to reinforce its distinctness. Perfect satisfaction has now been given to the Aniruddha element in the Jiva, so far as the Yoga is concerned, by the revelation of the scientific means & steady progress used in the siddhi, but the Balarama element awaits satisfaction. The Mahavira element... been satisfied by the floods of knowledge that are being poured down, but the Pradyumna element awaits satisfaction. In the Adeshasiddhi there has as yet been no perfect satisfaction even to the Aniruddha element. Lipi (on Sultan's back, chitra formed by the hairs). Satisfaction to Brihaspati, not yet to the other deities. Satisfaction to Bala (due). N.B. Bala is the Titanic force from the Mahat which ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... exclusion of the remnants of false tapas in the lipsa and the full replacement of the Aniruddha bhava by the Balaram-Aniruddha in the Master of the Yoga. Kamananda now possesses the whole day in the subdued form with the intense rising out of it; it is discontinued at night. 12 February 1913 The Balaram-Aniruddha Bhava suffused with Pradyumna and based on concealed Maheshwara now governs the Yoga; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... the dynamic truth consciousness, creating and leading the cosmic evolution. The Four Aspects of Ishwara, forming the male or purusa line, are the great names: Mahavira, Balarama, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. And the corresponding four aspects of Ishwari form the other great quaternary: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. They embody the four major attributes of the Divine in his relation... Page 207 Other gods of the same category are Bhaga and Soma. The Balarama or Mahakali aspect is manifested in Aryaman: Rudra being another form of the same. And Mahasaraswati (or Aniruddha) must have given birth to and inspired the Ribhus, who are artisans of divinity. The Puranic trinity – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva – with lndra as the fourth member forms a parallel system embodying ...

... taken its place in the Devi Bhava. The Kali Bhava has toned down its force in order to assimilate Mahaluxmi. Page 760 The Ishwara in the system is still preparing his bhava. Balarama-Aniruddha manifested; but Rudra-Vishnu is not yet entirely harmonised. Vani, long silent, is now again active. Lipi 1) Responsibility to be banished. 2) The brotherhood of the Ishwara... in eventuality with its action of tendency and its process of time. Once this is done it will be perfect in mental condition & tapasic potentiality. Ishwarabhava The type of Balarama-Aniruddha in the combination Rudra-Vishnu is now perfect in form, but not in force & contents. The great question now is the validation of the 9ṭḥ affirmation, the mastery of Time & process in Time. The ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Rāma the leader of the Raghus, who destroyed Rāvana and his followers! 21. Salutations to Thee manifested for the protection of the devotees as the four Vyūhas — Vāsudeva, Sahkarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha! 22. Salutation to Thee as the Buddha, the pure one, who would bring confusion among the Daityas and Dānavas! Salutations to Thee as Kalki who would bring the destruction of kings and other ruling... factors of Time, Karma and Nature that determine the destiny of Jīvas! 30. Salutations to Thee Vāsudeva, the soul of all souls; to Thee Sankārsana, the support of Aharikara; to Thee Pradyumna and Aniruddha, the controllers of the mind and the senses! Protect me who am fallen at Thy feet, O Lord! Page 147 Entry into the city of Mathura Śrī Krsna's Query about the Vision (1-5) ...


... consciousness, creating and leading the cosmic evolution. The Four Page 74 Aspects of Ishwara, forming the male or purusha line, are the great names: Mahavira, Balarama, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. And the corresponding four aspects of Ishwari form the other great quaternary: Maheshwari Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. They embody the four major attributes of the Divine in his relation... Pradyumna (or Mahalakshmi). Other gods of the same category are Bhaga and Soma. The Balarama or Mahakali aspect is manifested in Aryaman: Rudra being another form of the same. And Mahasaraswati (or Aniruddha) must have given birth to and inspired the Ribhus, who are artisans of divinity. The Puranic trinity —Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva—with Indra as the fourth member forms a parallel system embodying a similar ...

... normal bhava being the contained and dominated Mahakali. This again is due to the gulf that still remains between the Purusha & the Shakti. The Purusha is the dominant Krishna, bala, Balarama-Aniruddha; but the Prakriti does not always feel the fullness of the tertiary dasya & the actual presence of the bhava of madhura-dasya. Hence the Ishwara is recognised, but the Devi is not yet Ishwari by ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... 20 May 1918 20 April 1918 A manifest change has been the accomplishment of the Chandi personality in the Devibhava of the Prakriti. This bhava is in its nature Mahasaraswati, the Aniruddha-shakti. It has for its base Maheshwari; it is strongly coloured with Mahaluxmi. This combination was finally expressed in a strong and long-permanent personality, perfect in equality, intense in bliss ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... scholar, wit, conversationalist, sadhak - all in one! The vast ocean that is Amal Kiran - who knows how many more gems of purest ray serene are not hidden in his unfathomed depths ? ANIRUDDHA SIRCAR Page 126 AMAL KIRAN is nothing if not versatile. Poet, scholar, literary critic, historian with expert knowledge of its twin discipline archeology ...


... Balarama, embodying the Kshatriya quality of Force and intense dynamism, (iii) Pradyumna, embodying the quality of love and beauty – the Vaishya virtue of mutuality and harmony and solidarity, and (iv) Aniruddha, embodying the Sudra quality of competent service, of organisation and execution in detail. Coriesponding with these Four there are the other Four Powers and Personalities of the Divine Mother – ...

... Pranab Bhattacharya Jayantilal Parekh Mrinal Das Gupta Bishwanath Roy Manik Mitra Dr. Srinivas Iyengar Pulak Banerjee Abani Sinha Hriday Narayan Mrityunjoy Mukherjee Samar Sen Aniruddha Sarkar Cristof Pitoёff Nishit Roy Amalesh Bhattacharya Simanta Narayan Chattopadhya Kanupriya Chatterjee Ajay Virmani Sushil Deora Sudhir Dewan Dr. Mitra Nirmalya Roy Vishwajit ...

... Mahâlaksmi and the fourth of Mahâsaraswati. 2 They correspond more or less approximately to the four aspects of Nârâyana as described in the Vaishnava Pancharâtra—Vâsudeva, Shankarshan, Pradyumna and Aniruddha—and can be said to be the primal differentiating terms of the four Varnas or four basic types of human temperament. Brâhmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. It is a harmonious establishment of these ...

... Unfortunately he has directed (or rather misdirected) all his energies to writing Bengali poetry. He is at present engaged on an epic (inspired I believe by Michael Madhusudan) on the subject of Usha and Aniruddha." This legend is found in the Mahabharata. Pictures rose in D. K. Roy's mind. "He wrote his poems first on the Gray-Granite writing pad; seldom did he cross out anything he had written. He would ...

... have been abortive and only moderate demands have been satisfied, the vehement Mahakali use of the aishwarya and ishita have not therefore to be abandoned, but must be insisted on till they succeed. Aniruddha and his Shakti Mahasaraswati have been satisfied; the Yogasiddhi has been justified & the Adeshasiddhi is beginning to be justified by slow, small and steadily progressive processes. This is Aniruddha's ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... field of the vashikarana. The Personality of the Ishwara & His relation with the Jiva are becoming more & more determined and frequent in action. Today there was a descent into the adhar of the Aniruddha-Balarama balakabhava, powerful in temperament & using life & action as a boy's game,—the seat being not as formerly the mind & buddhi, but the intuitional mind and the temperament. Kamananda is ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... and find out what resemblance they bore to the characters of the Mahabharata. One day he was supposed to have said that at the end of the Dwapara Yuga he had been born as Sri Krishna's grandson Aniruddha and Mrinalini as his wife Usha (the daughter of a Titan king). One can't vouch for the truth of the story since it involves a chronological anomaly, but it is not impossible according to occult science ...

Nirodbaran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Mrinalini Devi

... Balarama, embodying the Kshatriya quality of Force and intense dynamism, (w) Pradyumna, embodying the quality of love and beauty—the Vaishya virtue of mutuality and harmony and solidarity, and (iv) Aniruddha, embodying the Sudra quality of competent service, of organisation and execution in detail. Corresponding with these Four there are the other Four Powers and Personalities of the Divine Mother— Iswari: ...

... Balarama, embodying the Kshatriya quality of Force and intense dynamism, (iii) Pradyumna, embodying the quality of love and beauty—the Vaisya virtue of mutuality and harmony and solidarity, and (iv) Aniruddha, Page 41 embodying the Sudra quality of competent service, of organisation and execution in detail. Corresponding with these Four there are the other Four Powers and Personalities ...

... Index Aditi, 46 Africa, 272, 323 Agni,44, 52, 120, 151 Ahriman, 46, 110 Ahura Mazda, 46 Alexander, 56-7 Allies, the, 66 America, 133,214,421 Aniruddha, 44, 207-8 Apollo, 47 Ardhanarishwara, 84 Arjuna,9, 14,76-8,93, 112n., 116, 161 Arnold, Matthew, 92, 119 Aryaman, 208 Asia, 272 Asura, 19,45-6,80,98, 162,208-9,226, 253, 334 ...

... our Bengal, Ballal Sen began his sadhana to try and build society and make it progress. He tried to organise the collectivity and improve it qualitatively. For this he finally took up sadhana with Aniruddha Bhatt, a Shaiva Tantrik guru on the bank of the Ganga living in a hut in a forest. He left his kingdom in the hands of his son Lakshman Sen. If you observe you will see that one after the other ...

... Do you have an instrument? What instruments do you use?     I - I use the organ apart from the sitar, sarod, flute and guitar.     Mother - Who is going to play the flute?     I - Tublu (Aniruddha), Mother.     Mother - And the guitar? Who is playing the guitar?     I - Mother, I am.     Mother - You will play the guitar? Can you play the guitar? I didn't know that!     I - Yes ...


... Page 344 house of a friend of Motilal's; but this house, too, proving unsuitable, he was brought back to Motilal's. "He discoursed... about Vasudeva, Sankarshan, Pradyumna, and Aniruddha, and I listened with rapt attention. On the subject of incarnation, he cited instances of the philosophic and practical types of manifestation, explaining in detail that Vyasa was the philosophic ...